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19960592 No.19960592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Discuss antinatalism, philosophical pessimism, and misanthropy and its various forms and moral consequences (Christian antinatalism, Buddhist antinatalism, abortion, ecological misanthropy, Gnosticism, theodicy, etc.)

Pic related is the asymmetry of pleasure and pain.

>> No.19961041

>Wah! Wah! Life is bad and shieet

>> No.19961538

Only jews and shabos goys hate children, only they hate them enough to kill them.
Jews are the ones who have kidnapped and drained the blood from children for as long as time.
Jews are the root of evil, we must pull them out.

>> No.19961680

>must have children to live on forever because they are materialists and will be stuck here forever, so their legacy actually matters since when they are forgotten they will cease to exist entirely
>will live on in eternity with God and will never have to deal with this pozzed realm after I am freed from it

>> No.19961689

Amplification of exterior physical pain as percived in comparison to interior physical numbness for the perception of justive in the execution of the ghost I am huanted by I.e Man

>> No.19961726

>not fighting to the death with all other peoples and building the closest thing there is to a utopia so that you have a good place to come bacl to when you inevitably reincarnate

>> No.19961761

cope fantasy

>> No.19962225
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>hating children so much that you want to subject them to 80 years of pointless suffering instead

>> No.19962231
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>> No.19962255

>Presence of pain (Bad)
According to who?

>> No.19962268

yeah people are lining up to have their faces melted alive by the mexican cartels

>> No.19962278

Sam Harris

>> No.19962375


>> No.19962463
File: 496 KB, 682x403, Screenshot(482).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to back out when they started invoking this "cul-de-sac of torture" existence model. The thought that not only will reproducing harm a sentient being in its lifetime, but that it signs them up for some form of eternal suffering.

That was enough for me. It was fun to think about ending humanity when we all got to fucking die at the end, but now its getting too gnarly.

So I ran. I started thinking about reproducing. Maybe its not as bad as these psychos think. I suspect I'm not alone. Bad after death scenarios are going to spell the end for antinatalism.

Too far, man. You can't take a motherfucker's afterlife like that. I have hope now, which is weird. I would appreciate it if someone passed this along to r/antinatalism.

>> No.19962489

According to me faggot? Since I can only prove I'm alive, no one else's opinion matters.

>> No.19962552

It's not eternal suffering it's pointless material suffering unless you're a materialist, then it's eternal suffering (but they wouldn't see it like that because materialists enjoy it even if on the outside it terrible and reprobatic).
You can't take away someone's afterlife by not reproducing as our consciousness (what makes us us) is just an extension of God, assuming you're not too connected to the material world after you die you will end up returning to him and your true self. If you have children there is a chance that they will just CONSOOOOOOM and indulge until they drop dead and will end up stuck here forever since this is hell, and they'll have to experience hell while they're here even if they're not stuck for eternity.
Having children is one of the penultimate sins anyway, it's literally making someone experience hell for your own gratification and for the satiation of your material urges.
I genuinely have no idea what you're trying to say since it's mostly word salad and I'm just going to assume its a reference to something and I fell for bait.

>> No.19962598

Fuck that, how is the absence of pleasure not bad?

>> No.19962609

>Having children is one of the penultimate sins anyway, it's literally making someone experience hell for your own gratification and for the satiation of your material urges.
Nah man. Knock that silly shit off. People are tolerant of this philosophy for now, but I think the pyres are being built as we speak and I'll be the first to watch these fuckers burn.

We're humans. We reproduce. Stop ignoring your programming or pay the price.

>> No.19962652

Many antinatalists oppose abortion since it's a form of harm. Antinatalism isn't nihilism, it's actually the opposite, you have to have some degree of morality.

>> No.19962738

We're cows In a hyper-realist slaughterhouse. Your children will not live a real life, they're more like to be shipped to live in pods on the moon mines of Elon Musk than seeing a tree. It's over.

>> No.19962784

Go fill your antidepressants, sad girl.
I'll teach my kids to piss on your grave.

>> No.19962824

I quit those brain worms years ago. This is a purely rational conclusion r
that we're creating more meat for the Zogmachine to consume so it can birth the anti-christ.

>> No.19962828
File: 67 KB, 850x400, spengler anti-natalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the crackpots and retarded people the only ones I genuinely hate are anti-natalists. An anti-natalist is broken. An anti-natalist fundamentally misunderstands the world. Not just because of picrel, but because their "misanthropy" and "pessimism" are vain. Optimism is the default state of our nature. Optimism isn't seeing a bright, happy future. Our ancestors didn't care about that faggot shit.

Optimism co-opted by limpwristed liberals and fascists, and deprecated by mud-eyed leftists, to deceitfully abrade social malcontent at injustice is the most destructive thing that has ever happened to our generation, or perhaps even to the species. True optimism in the spirit of the human condition and of the human race in general -- its possibility and potential to better itself -- is the most important feeling we can gift to the youth who will come after us. These kinds of people >>19962225 make this retarded projection to justify being the first generation to give up hope and go to Ligotti-cringe mindsets so they can break the chains of hundreds of generations before them. And they think THEY'RE the enlightened ones. You're all the first to crack under the collective neurosis, that's it. Maybe you had a shitty life, but anti-natalism and pessimism are the worst sins. And I'm not even a theist. We would've died out as a species many, many centuries ago if their beliefs were the status quo.

Thankfully they aren't just yet, but the signs are slowly creeping in and Spengler's turning point is approaching. I hope some anons are going through a misguided phase here and can be saved. I understand you, but you're on a dangerous path. Those who are truly lost are utter filth, more dangerous to society than criminals. Stop dragging others down with you.
t. anti-anti-natalism fag returning from a long 4chan break

>> No.19962854

If no one else's opinion matters why seek validation by trying to convince strangers on 4chan? Seems to me that you don't really believe that and are just trying to score internet tough guy points.

Also a good point

>> No.19962876
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>signs are slowly creeping in and Spengler's turning point is approaching

>> No.19963036

Why does it matter if the species dies out?

>> No.19963083

If it doesn't matter why are you posting here instead of killing yourself?

>> No.19963123

Why should I do that?

>> No.19963252

>We're humans. We reproduce.
>or pay the price.
What fuckin price? Actually living with God for eternity instead of being a little faggot who must BREEEEEEEED who must fulfill his "programming"
Some of us have souls and arent just mindless humans running off biological "programming," genuine NPC tier thinking and you admit it yourself, "programming." Have you never desired to be anything more than what this world tries to dictate you as being? Have you never thought that there is more?
>People are tolerant of this philosophy for now, but I think the pyres are being built as we speak and I'll be the first to watch these fuckers burn.
I'll gladly die a martyr, dying for my beliefs is the most noble death I could ever dream of having; kill me faggot, go ahead, rip my flesh from my bones and render my fat, at the end of the day Ill live on and you will be nothing but the meat you claim I am. Be a puppet to your urges for eternity, the sooner you kill me the sooner I get to go back to God and the sooner you can fester and rot in this world and experience the embrace of nothingness when you die.
Just remember, God never turned his back on you, you turned you back on him with your insecent desires to give into the material world.

>> No.19963363

As is god

>> No.19963404
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>Why should I do that?

incredible. my whole life i wondered what the answer was, and here you were this whole time giving me the solution to all my problems for free.

>> No.19963422
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> These kinds of people >>19962225 make this retarded projection to justify being the first generation to give up hope...And they think THEY'RE the enlightened ones. You're all the first to crack under the collective neurosis, that's it.

You described it pretty well, anon. People are trying to legitimize self-pity as a "real" philosophy simply because they're so stupid they think they're the first ones who have felt this way in all of human history. I think what angers me the most about this masturbatory excuse for a philosophy is the sheer hubris of it.