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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.25 MB, 1461x1801, melville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19960822 No.19960822 [Reply] [Original]

we try to find the ultimate unmogable writer

i'll start--who mogs melville?

hard mode: no greeks

>> No.19960835


>> No.19960843


Blood Meridian > Moby Dick

>> No.19960849

>comedies mogged by Cervantes
>tragedies mogged by Racine
>poetry mogged by Ben Jonson
Try again

>> No.19960856
File: 117 KB, 208x281, Thomas Carlyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carlyle mogs Melville in both looks and prose.

>> No.19960865

>>tragedies mogged by Racine

>> No.19960878

Hahaha you caught me, I have never and will never read Racine. And anyone who doesn’t speak French who says otherwise is lying. Still, in general Milton >>> Shakespeare, and his sonnets are good but not exceptional. Really just at par for his period, which to be fair was very competitive

>> No.19960897

The main value of Shakespeare comes from his drama, through that his poetry shines higher than almost all. It's a mistake to dissect him up and compare every feature individually. After all it was Milton who wrote:

What needs my Shakespeare for his honoured bones,
The labor of an age in pilèd stones,
Or that his hallowed relics should be hid
Under a star-ypointing pyramid?
Dear son of Memory, great heir of fame,
What need’st thou such weak witness of thy name?
Thou in our wonder and astonishment
Hast built thyself a live-long monument.
For whilst to th’ shame of slow-endeavouring art,
Thy easy numbers flow, and that each heart
Hath from the leaves of thy unvalued book
Those Delphic lines with deep impression took,
Then thou, our fancy of itself bereaving,
Dost make us marble with too much conceiving;
And so sepúlchred in such pomp dost lie,
That kings for such a tomb would wish to die.

>> No.19960928
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>> No.19961171

His sonnets filter.

>> No.19961174

His sonnets are gay

>> No.19961191

Knut Hamsun. Too crazy to mog. Goebbels tried to mog him. The entire nation of Norway tried to mog him. Can't be done he's the wildcard he'll do anything fuck a bitch with a hairlip ass dude

>> No.19961260

Hitler mogged him.

>> No.19961690

Milton unironically mogs everyone

>> No.19962418

these niggas get it

>> No.19962928

Funnily enough he would be one of the first to agree that Shakespeare would “mog” him, as you say. This is why I can’t place Toolstoy above Melville because 1. Moby-Dick has a theological, philosophical, and naturalistic depth that Tolstoy can’t begin to match in his naive religious conclusions in Anna Karenina (though granted he did reneg on them later), and even less so in his patently amateur speculations on history in War and Peace and 2. Because Tolstoy could never acknowledge that anyone could be a better writer than him, which is the height of hubris considering he never attempted plays or poetry like Shakespeare but still dismisses him out of hand

>> No.19962939

Any straight white male who didn't write a book about BWC obsession

>> No.19962940

And also every straight white female who wrote a book about BWC obsession

>> No.19963070


>> No.19963196

Ludwig Klages has a good shot.

>> No.19963291
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>> No.19964144

mogged by pynchon

>> No.19964649

If you don't like homosexuality then reading literature if not for you.

>> No.19964919

it was literally the other way around. Hamsun shat on Hitler and made him speak up

>> No.19965032
File: 189 KB, 1367x975, 1631902238669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19965574

how does this text make you feel, Anon?

>> No.19965600

reading without a properly relaxed anus is worse than reading without a bookmark.