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File: 184 KB, 1280x809, NEET.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19958704 No.19958704[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any books about the NEET life?

>> No.19958713

I’d love to go NEET but how do you guys get pussy? The first thing any girl wants to know is your job. What do you say? Or are y’all 0 pussy mfs? Because that would be pathetic

>> No.19958715

just lie

>> No.19958722

The communist manifesto, Karl Marx
Take a wild guess retard.

>> No.19958725
File: 202 KB, 1202x1856, ezgif-1-5edffb0431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19958891

neet life is boring

>> No.19958895

Just lie retard. Same for everything else. Don't tell anyone you've been chilling at home, make up some shit. Works for everything. Family, pussy, job, socially, whatever the fuck.

>> No.19958912
File: 410 KB, 840x854, 0e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I talk to other people? I have everything I need right here

>> No.19958917


>> No.19959054

I've literally never had a girl on Tinder ask about my job or my height.
America seems like such a bizzare place.

>> No.19959269


>> No.19959270

I'm not sure how anyone can be bored when there's so much to comsoom, learn about, and master.

>> No.19959283

À rebours

>> No.19959543

Find me a neet that does anything but consoom. Show me just one, I'll show you 10 that might not even consoom anymore, just listlessly scroll. Being neet will absolutely kill your drive to do anything for most people. You have to have something forcing you to stick to a achedule at the least. If you're actually capable of that, godspeed to you and your endeavors. It simply will crush most who try. Waging fucking blows dicks too, I'd recommend doing what you like to and trying to get paid for it, if you can.

>> No.19959548

Wagie life is worse.

>> No.19959764

>no mention of welcome to nhk
The absolute state

>> No.19959900

Ive been both and wagie life is infinitely better. Even though I’d be tired and not have much time, I’d always feel more worthwhile than sitting at my parents house. Being a neet is a death sentence for having a social life

>> No.19959905

I will shed no tears for you when you are forced into the pod and eating bugs.

>> No.19959910

If you're a drug dealer on government gibbs, is that considered NEET or are you an entrepeneur?

>> No.19960016

>Expectation: Suttree
>Reality: Harrogate

>> No.19960550

I'm a NEET and I spend my time reading, writing, exercising and learning languages.

>> No.19960566

It really depends on the job. Having a high paying job with flexible schedule is peak comfy. If you don't have a high paying job out of college than you should've applied yourself back in highschool to get into a good college or if you're American you should have been born rich. Tough luck

>> No.19960572

Actual answer in retard frog thread

>> No.19960740
File: 2.72 MB, 498x372, 9F119B07-E415-420C-8B30-F7D8B2420557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would you want to be “N E E T” (not ever even training)? who, or what, do you think that you could protekt like that?

>> No.19960741

Think about the type of creature who would create an image like that and guess you dipshit

>> No.19960750

Hunger by Hamsun

>> No.19960804

thank you for the recommendations

>> No.19960933

1. be attractive
2. don't be unattractive

>> No.19960979
File: 820 KB, 498x776, 1555880882809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Diary Desu
Me. Of course I consoom as well as a break but I've been keeping up with my reading and drawing goals.

>> No.19961057

I can only ever get girls when I'm neetmode and they usually end up being middle or upper class too, I even had a cute millionaire gf as a barely bathed, mentally ill jobless junkie. I think being a wageslave must erode your animal magnetism because I am incapable of getting any girls when I'm well groomed, mentally sound and in a stable job