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19958527 No.19958527 [Reply] [Original]

Any anons read this? What am I in for?

>> No.19958618

Bump. What even is this.

>> No.19958737
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I loved Bhagavad Gita, but the Tibetan Book of the Dead I put on hold after some 100 pages until I can better focus on a book like this. It's heavy, full of chants and hymns and praise to the gods. Full of imagery of the gods and symbols. Quite boring in fact. The book itself is supposed to help you see the signs of death approaching in your life and get ready for the next life in the best possible way to maximize your growth into a better being. We reincarnate, might as well do so in a way that helps us grow in to higher and higher beings. The only thing is there is a lot of symbolism and information that seems difficult to interpret. It definitely feels like the kind of book that would work better with a master in spiritual matters.

I briefly looked at The Egyptian Book of the Dead and it's similar.

>> No.19958739

Gospel of Nicodemus > Egyptian book of the dead > Tibetan botd

>> No.19958803

Basically an instruction manual on what to do after death. Interesting stuff. Ask /x/ for the light trap parallels if you're interested in pure concentrated schizoshit.

>> No.19959189

Tier 0 is Nagarjuna, Heraclitus, and TaoTeChing imo.

>> No.19960124

a bunch of fraudulent teachers and western new age bs. Big zoomer "spiritual but not religious" energy

>> No.19960260

>t. larping """christian"""
your opinion is worth about as much as the turd I shat this morning

>> No.19960290

Why do you assume hes christian? Just because hes pointing out Blavatsky and Serano are new age bullshit for nazis?

>> No.19960330

Shitty projection. I can critique frauds on the basis of their contributions and ideas -- has nothing to do with my own beliefs. Blavatsky is a total fraud, and so is the Oera Linda book. The Kybalion? Written by a marketer, literal grifter, larping as "three initiates" to sell books.

>> No.19960354

Correct. But what should we read instead?

>> No.19960358

Blue cliff record

>> No.19960516
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Start with the jeets before you larp with the lamas

>> No.19960563

The heart sutra made me into a nihilist and I'm not memeing
I can't care about anything if it's all empty. And I don't mean that in a depressing "bohoo nothing matters" way, it's just what it is.

>> No.19960579

Filtered. Read Stcherbatsky if you need sunyata explained in a secondary source

>> No.19960583

Which book

>> No.19960855

The Conception of Buddhist Nirvana

>> No.19960931

I read it a few years ago. I believe I was 19. I'm not sure if there exists something in it to "get", but I sure as hell did not get it then. I remember it as boring and repeating (but what was I expecting?). Although, I think I remember some chapters being slightly more enjoyable