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19954955 No.19954955 [Reply] [Original]

we post based book covers

>> No.19954958

Is this worth reading, or is it just another chud book?

>> No.19954990

It's another child book, but the main thesis, that private, central banking is exploitative, has been echoed by the left since before fascism existed.

If you want a left leaning book that touches on a similar topic read William Haywood's Industrial Socialism.

>> No.19954995

This is what I get for phone posting.

>> No.19954997


I've heard it's good but anons have said it's marred by factual errors. I wonder if combining it with Quigley would at least open up some avenues for further research, whether or not Goodson skews them or lumps too many things together.

>> No.19955005

I find leftists frustratingly evasive about making concrete critiques of international usury. Not even just the obvious problem of their bizarre resistance to noting the overrepresentation of Jewish elites in it, since that goes without saying, but more generally. It's like they ONLY want you to read antiquated leftist texts that are taught at bourgeois managerial thinktanks (universities) for another hundred years. Why not call a spade a spade?

>> No.19955029

Your phone was making you less yikes.

>> No.19955037

>overrepresentation of Jewish elites
What the fucking difference does it makes who is robbing you. Give central banks to the Aryans and they will fuck you in the ass just as well.
Gommies don't criticize central banking because Marx "himself" was shilling it in the Communist Manifesto. As a way of destroying capitalism and introducing gommunism.

>> No.19955096

Why wouldn't it make a difference? Were the Americans in their revolution supposed to rebel against "oppression in general" instead of shooting at the British? You should study the concrete realities of the enemy for tactical reasons even if you think they are symptoms of a more abstract disease. The Chinese starting a new colonial imperialism in Africa is a symptom of the disease of capitalism, but try telling an African to stop noticing that all the people with influence and power in his country are Chinese in 20 years and "focus on exploitation in general."

Some of Marx's most interesting ideas are on the necessity of both the rebellion against exploitation in general taking place in infinite non-general, i.e. particular contexts, and the need for constant tactical engagement and readjustment in order to ally with these and bind them together.

Despite this, Marx's thought has been diluted today into a counter-revolutionary, anti-praxis pablum.

>> No.19955147

It's worth a read, definitely. Very well cited as well.

>> No.19955156

>What the fucking difference does it makes who is robbing you.
Cries out in pain...

>> No.19955175

I have said what needs to be done to stop robbery. Your fixation is making you blind and susceptible. Like a true peasant goy kek.

>> No.19955179

>Like a true peasant goy kek.
I say this as a Jew, please stop "helping." You're making it worse. Thanks.

>> No.19955195

>what needs to be done to stop robbery
No you haven't.

>> No.19955206

Abolish banking monopoly. You may check Rothbard's "The case against the FED" for details of this criminal activity.

>> No.19955216
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Just stop.

>> No.19955220
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>> No.19955228

>Abolish banking monopoly
How do you do this without getting Gaddafi'd?

>> No.19955237

Rofl, you have "exposed" Murray Rothbard - freaking genius.

>> No.19955248

Is it just ranting about
>le joos
or is there more substance?

>> No.19955252
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>> No.19955265

It's a longish story really, you do need some overall understandig of the finacial system to get it. (the reason that they are getting away with this fraud so succesfully is that the matters are really not THAT simple to describe them in a single post).
The book I recommended is really accesible and I think as short as possible to enable a layman to grasp the topic.

>> No.19955267
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>> No.19955293

Haywood isn't taught at universities. He's too "white", and he wrote for the working man.
Yeah probs lmao
>Marx's thought has been diluted today into a counter-revolutionary, anti-praxis pablum
There's a bit of substance, but he mostly cites a lot of fascist thinkers. But at the end of the day it's a product of a fascist echo chamber. Like 60% fascism 30% substance 10% unnecessary (((them))) rhetoric.

>> No.19955312
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>100% substance
You have convinced me to read it

>> No.19955322

>There's a bit of substance, but he mostly cites a lot of fascist thinkers
>Like 60% fascism 30% substance
this poster fancies himself a critical thinker and intelligent

>> No.19955334

I will admit that I quickly posted this without proofreading and meant to say 60% substance, 30% fascism

>> No.19955396

>Like 60% fascism 30% substance 10% unnecessary (((them))) rhetoric
You don’t have to be Fascist to despise those chauvinistic cowards.

>> No.19955400

was the moral of the story "have sex"?

>> No.19955432

pretty much

>> No.19955441

You're being pretty good humored about negative comments ITT, I'm a fascist but I appreciate that, I wish more commies were like you here.

>> No.19955448

Princes of the Yen is another good one that looks at a specific example of CB in Asia but it's not widely published, at least physical print.

>> No.19955484
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He cries out in pain as he strikes.

>What the fucking difference does it makes who is robbing you.
Because it is always the same people, regardless of where you go in the world. Russia, America, UK, France, Germany, Spain. It is always them.

>Give central banks to the Aryans and they will fuck you in the ass just as well.
That appears not to be true, they have repeatedly disconnected usury, debt-bondage, interest and more.

>Gommies don't criticize central banking because Marx "himself" was shilling it in the Communist Manifesto. As a way of destroying capitalism and introducing gommunism.
Because Gommies want control. The Central Baking system allows that.

>> No.19955488

This. My friend is an anarchist and is very j-pilled

>> No.19955494

I never hear you criticising the Swiss and their banking cartel, nazi shit.

>> No.19955512

The Swiss bankers exploit and steal from non-whites around the world, but you probably have nothing against it, hypocrite. In fact, Switzerland is constantly praised by Nazis despite being a nation founded on usury. Destroy the Swiss and you destroy the banks across the world.

>> No.19955526
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They store, hold and wait. They discourage you from placing their money in their vaults by charging negative interest under certain conditions. They maintain discreet rules for their practices and are fighting tooth and nail to remain off the globalized network of banks.

It is (((you))) who damage, exploit and manipulation finances to the detriment of the people. While the Swiss enjoy the safest, happiest and most comfortable living standards in the world.

Why is that? Because (((they))) have minimal authority and influence on their economy and money supply?

>> No.19955529

Now you're speaking anon. Racial war agains the Swiss.

>> No.19955580
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>> No.19955587

>thread about books 90% calling out anglo-american establishment
>occasionally mention jews are weirdly active in it

insofar as someone does a usury, i don't like him.

>> No.19955589
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Or maybe I should say

>> No.19955593

Leftists are retards what else is new

>> No.19955617

A lot of it is about maintenance of a literary tradition that has been actively suppressed by neoliberal (and leftist) academy

>> No.19955660
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>> No.19955770

Cope by nazi shit. All third world countries are exploited by Swiss bankers so the Swiss can live live safely and happily with high living standards.
And of course you go out of your way to justify usury by swiss banking cartel cause you’re a nazi hypocrite, who doesn’t care about usually and exploitation. You just hate Jews for daring to be born as jews.

>> No.19955847


> They store, hold and wait. They discourage you from placing their money in their vaults by charging negative interest under certain conditions. They maintain discreet rules for their practices and are fighting tooth and nail to remain off the globalized network of banks.

lol the extent Nazis will go to in order justify usury, thievery and exploitation so long as it’ not done by Jews or non-whites.

> For more than half a century the Alpine nation of Switzerland has built a reputation as the world´s centre for tax evasion, fraud accounting, money laundering, racketeering, and above all a staunch ally of corrupt third world leaders and a great beneficiary of third world corruption.

The problem is that Jews dare to do to whites what whites do to POC, which is what your main problem with Jews is. What don’t you just admit it?

>> No.19955858

>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

You're being histrionic

>> No.19955867

Yeah neoliberalism is evil

>> No.19955933

>Libertarians write dozens of books about the evils of central banking
>Neo nazis write the exact same thing but muh jews
>Praised as based

>> No.19956096
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>Swiss bankers so the Swiss can live live safely and happily with high living standards.
Who the fuck cares about the Third World?

>You just hate Jews for daring to be born as jews.
For their behavior, if i was thrown out of 109 bars one would reasonably expect that I was the problem. The greatest minds of our time, throughout all nations, history and races are united by their opinions of you. From Wagner to Mohammad, Cicero to Churchill. Why?

>It was this savagery and madness which darkened the understanding of the most prominent representatives of the culture of all nations, such as Cicero, Seneca, Tacitus, Mohamed, Martin Luther, Giordano Bruno, Frederick the Great, Voltaire, Josef II, Napoleon I, Goethe, Herder, Immanuel Kant, Fichte, Schopenhauer, Charles Fournier, Ludwig Feuerbach, Richard Wagner, Bismarck, Rudolf Virchow, Theodor Billroth, Eugen Duhring - and countless others in all fields to come out against the Jews. Savagery and madness, finally, explains the anti-Semitism of the most distinguished representatives of our culture, such as Simion Barnutiu, B. P. Hajdau, Vasile Alecsandri, Vasile Conta, Mihail Eminescu.

-A Famous Romanian Nationalist

>> No.19956113
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>lol the extent Nazis will go to in order justify usury, thievery and exploitation so long as it’ not done by Jews or non-whites.

Homogeneous ethnic nations have far less levels of predatory practices in all aspects of society. This has been the case all over the world, outside of savage and backwards peoples. From Japan, to Finland, Iceland and more. The less (((others))) there are, the safe and more prosperous the society becomes.

>The problem is that Jews

>> No.19956329

All libertarians are liberals talking newspeak

>> No.19956354

>You just hate Jews for daring to be born as jews.
They're trying to genocide my race.

>> No.19956365

Old school paleocon libertarians are alright, if a little naive. They come from a different time when it was still somewhat possible to conceive of stripping back the neoliberal welfare state and letting the states breathe as a true federation again.

But anyone who has read Sam Francis (the entelechy of paleoconservative thought) knows that this kind of nostalgia is naive and now dangerous, because the managerial state is already at war with normal people and one of its chief weapons is to entice people WITH such nostalgia, to think that they can rebel by merely "detaching" from it, as if it isn't a worldwide network (the deep state).

Samuel Francis + Peter Dale Scott + Carroll Quigley = you are already at war, accept this and fight or deny it and die. In war you don't need a peaceful council that takes 30 years to debate a new ideology, you need good generals and good soldiers.

>> No.19956371

Mr. Anon it's time for your medication sir.

>> No.19956374

>Why not call a spade a spade
That's a racist micro aggression so it looks like you lose in my pre-established moral framework that allows me to keep licking Jewish and Jew-loyal boot without addressing your concern.

>> No.19956377
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No one is going to post book covers?

>> No.19956409
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>> No.19956426

The fact that this kind of shallow dismissiveness works elsewhere is why it doesn't work here, and why places where it doesn't work are multiplying, rather than declining.

>> No.19956457

>You just hate Jews for daring to be born as jews.
Why do they not hate Hausa for being born Hausa? Why this one group, huh?

>> No.19956856

>expecting a well-thought out response to schizophrenic rambling
>actually thinking /pol/ ideology isn't universally laughed at outside /pol/ echo chambers
Hating the Jews is just a meme in the original Dawkinsian sense. People started hating Jews because their existence hurt people's pagan and later Christian fee fees and so they created these elaborate fantasies about Jews controlling the world and eventually people forgot the original reason. You haven't stumbled upon any great hidden truths anon. You've been played by the ramblings of people in the 13th century who believed Jesus of Nazareth was inside their wine cups.

>> No.19957247

>chud book
Stick to Marx and YA literature

>> No.19958201

Stick to directionbraining

>> No.19958288

But Nazi banks were charging interest on loans just fine. Way higher than in the other Western countries in fact.

>> No.19958293

I'm right-wing. Doesn't change the fact that the average /pol/nigger is a cultureless seething midwesterner or mutt.

>> No.19958350
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There has not, and never has been, any sufficient counter response to being anti-semetic, despite all the evidence that their presence in your nation correlates directly with exploitation and destruction of your people, nation and culture. All you can do is throw petty insults and ad-hominen.

All through history this has been said, for thousands of years in hundreds of countries. Yet We still much touch the paint to see if it is wet.

>> No.19958366

Whatever you failaboo.
The OP is not about the "Jewish banking" but "central banking".

>> No.19958369

Okay? Doesn't alter my point.

>> No.19958376

I'm anti-semitic, but it is childish to photoshop them. Just let their true faces do the talking.
>inb4 it isn't photoshopped
It is.

>> No.19958377

Judaism is racial supremacy ideology. There can be no peace and no coexistence with racial supremacy ideology.

>> No.19958388
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>> No.19958399

Its like reading the da vinci code.

Its pretty crap, with terriblw writing, simple enough for children and downers. But you can read it at night before bed its short and is more like a book youd take on a flight you can knock over in no time.

Better of reading history of money and banking by Rothbard. But you might as well read this as its so simple, quick and easy. Then you can form your own opinion.

>> No.19958406

Nice dubs, my argument is merely that /pol/niggers are low IQ trash who turn people against redpilled narratives. You can't deny that, any time spent on /pol/ is an utter shitfest.

>> No.19958408

You are obviously retarded but you being outright illiterate is something new.

>> No.19958762

>How do you do this without getting Gaddafi'd?
Kill them all, literally murder every last one of them. Who will hire a hitman to bust a cap in your ass if theyre all dead? Who will forclose on your home if theres no one there to do it?
All it takes is some extreme widespread violence. It doesnt even have to be that bad, just drilled a couple chips of hot lead into each of them and move on.
No one has the heart for that though, no one is willing to go as far as possible to make it happen. No one is willing to throw away everything to take a stab at the system. If everyone one day just got up and mowed down the bastards then we'd be free by sunset that same day.
But no one will do shit, no one ever does shit.

>> No.19958832


Fellow ulillillia enjoyer!

>> No.19958876

>if I say it enough times, that proves I'm right!
Time for your medication, sir.

>> No.19958902

>In fact, Switzerland is constantly praised by Nazis
>Switzerland possesses the most disgusting and miserable people and political system. The Swiss are the mortal enemies of the new Germany
—Adolf Hitler

>> No.19958927
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>> No.19958935

>It declares that out race is a special chosen race of creator of whole universe and all other humans are below us but it's totally not a racial supremacy ideology!
Are you at least an actual yid, or just a goy simp who does it for free?

>> No.19958945

Do you feel stupid babbling about "usury" the whole day only to see that fascist banks were charging more interest than even the most centralized banks in other countries.

>> No.19958952
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>tfw I don't have to read about it because I know intuitively and refuse to elaborate further

>> No.19958957
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Usury and interest are not the same thing.

>> No.19958963

You are not fooling anybody. You shills are trying to ridicule the fraud by connecting its exposers with some deranged (obviously) criminal ideology.
Like Trudeau is calling the protesters "nazis" kek.

>> No.19958967

A key feature of "usury" is that it is exploitative in nature.

>> No.19958970

>don't read that book it's mostly referencing followers of Xism, read my book that is mostly referencing followers of Yism!

>> No.19958973

It has three possible definition, one is idiotic, the other two were satisfied by national-socialist banking.

>> No.19958975
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Did you even read Torah to know what you're talking about brainless goy?

>> No.19958979

And who would Germans be in debt to after borrowing from the Deutschbank? To private persons?

>> No.19958983

Nazis were charging usury.

>> No.19958990
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Yet they provided huge societal benefits for their own people. Some even removed 25% of a loan per child your family had and raised.

Imagine. Instead of actively discouraging families, every aspect of society was built towards building stronger, bigger and more educated native families.

>> No.19958993

How does it change Judaism being racial supremacy ideology? Logically if you support eradication of Nazism, you do not have reason to not support eradication of Judaism on the same grounds.

>> No.19958996

Hans Weber would be in debt to Hermann Schmidt sucking his blood.

>> No.19959004

Make a topic about judaic supremacy.
This is about central banking.

>> No.19959019
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>Go make a thread about french cusine
>This one is about haute and bistro cooking in the 18th and 19 century in Western Europe

>> No.19959049

Nazis were charging usury.
Listen you idiot, the idea of central banking is criminal. You didn't even name a single name. Da Joos is all you can babble. It'd almost like you nazi freaks want to just replace (((them))) in the role of criminal motherfuckers.
Nothing new btw, you are fine with the idea of productive taxpayers' funded "welfare" if only it is directed to your basement "white" dwellers instead of blacks.

>> No.19959055

Debt =/= usury I do not know how many times people in this thread need to tell you this. The medieval Catholic Church allowed debt through organizations like the Templars, and this was not considered usury. Debt in and of itself has never alone been considered usury. The defining feature of usury is its predatory nature. If you think this is idiotic then I don't know what your argument is, it stands against the entire history of the concept.

>> No.19959073

You guys really don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. The definition is that it's "predatory" - really? Is 4% "predatory" already or not?
What can you expect from nazi symphatisers.

>> No.19959097

>Just another chud book

So you admit you're brainwashed and have a certain bias towards politics and don't actually care about truth?

I'm literally a chud but I read Das kapital just to understand the opposition, meanwhile faggots like you avoid chud books because you can't handle differing opinions that fit your worldview. You don't car about society, or government, or people, just ego.

>> No.19959100
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>> No.19959104

I'm pretty anti-tradlarp but you're willfully being obtuse. It has nothing to do with the percentage, it's based on the mechanism. Usury is when you offer a loan to someone, and then they pay you back plus interest. The lender has taken no risk and has no incentive to actually cultivate any sort of economic growth that reflects real world change.

The "muh principled Catholic banking wouldn't it be great if the pope owned your mortgage" idea is just that: a bank enters any venture as a partner and makes its money from that. It's just a credit union at a larger scale.

>wtf that's really simple and easy
Yeah no shit, that's the point. It's taking a system used to support farmers and applying it to the rest of society. The entire point of this is that you can't use it to fund pornography and drugs, only stuff that has actual real impacts in the world.

>> No.19959130

The American economy is inherently predatory just by the nature of how the financial industry interacts with it. I don't know how you could have lived through 2008 and not see this (of course by the way you're talking maybe you weren't even alive yet then). Whether X interest rate is predatory is entirely situational, because it may shock you to hear this, but the world is much more dynamic than can be contained in a few sentences. And frankly trying to split hairs over exactly how many basis points is exploitative is irrelevant and missing the forest for the trees. Keeping rates low doesn't magically eliminate the financial industry's ability to make a fortune betting against the nation. Your speaking of apples in a conversation about oranges.

>> No.19959154

>The lender has taken no risk
Forgive my ignorance, I'm a /pol/ migrant, but there is an inherent risk in giving someone else your money. Obviously, by lending someone your money, unless that someone is a close friend or family member, you expect something in return?

>> No.19959200

>So you admit you're brainwashed and have a certain bias towards politics and don't actually care about truth?
Triggered by a word.

>> No.19959209

>It has nothing to do with the percentage, it's based on the mechanism
Correct. The jews changed the current dictionary definition to be "unreasonably high rates of interest" to cover up the fact that everyone who uses banks, the entire world, is being subjected to usury.
If we consult Sam Johnson's dictionary this is what we find:
>Money paid for the use of money; interest.
>The practice of taking interest. It is commonly used with some reproach.

>> No.19959215

Like he did? Fuck off disingenuous prick

>> No.19959227

But it's not the bank's, it's the money of the people who put their money into the bank. The bank itself takes zero risk as it isn't lending out its own money, it's lending out the money of others. If it makes a bad investment, it declares bankruptcy, the bank is dissolved, and the people running the bank start a new bank. But what about the people whose money the bank lent out? They don't get a dime back. You could argue that ah, yes, that is true, BUT the bankers have ruined their reputations, and will not be able to once again acrue these wealth-streams to take advantage of, but we know that's not the case.

What a bank does is take other people's money, distribute it, and then get a cut for no reason. What the Catholics are arguing here is that this is bad. Rather, what they want is to redefine banking such that a bank is a necessary part of a community (its the nexus which allows people to interface with money) AND a necessary part of economic growth by distributing the money from savers to borrowers AND takes risk in doing so. Because the bank has to become a partner in any given venture (or sell mortgages), it has risk. The risk is that the bank might end up with a plot of land, or a car, or a partnership in a business that is run by an idiot.

The risk is generated by tying the bankers to the wealth-streams. If you want to make money lending, you have to cultivate the community. You can't just cut and run. Literally, you can't, there's no profit in it.

>> No.19959234

Daily reminder to read these

You don't have to become a fascist, but please consider joining the ongoing hyperwar against global finance.

>> No.19959245

>Switzerland is constantly praised by Nazis
Are you retarded?

>> No.19959247

To clarify, the suggestion is basically to make it so that banks can only sell three products:
Which saddles them with a physical profit

>Buy ins
A bank becomes a partner in a business and as such earns the principal and interest back by being given profits from the business venture. Whether it can then sell its share of the business freely or must sell it back to the investors (or perhaps just gives it back to them freely) is up for debate.

>Credit up to a limit
You can only take out credit up to a limit. For businesses and farmers this is some calculated value based on possible earnings and costs, for individuals its a credit match (you give the bank some amount of money as an earnest money deposit and they only offer you credit up to that much or that much plus some percentage; if you fail to pay your bills, they take the earnest money deposit).

While this would be absolutely disastrous to the modern economy, this was developed by people who were of the mind that we should RETVRN TO SERFDOM (except me, I get to keep being an academic, you know G. K. Chesterton once said...).

>> No.19959255

>physical profit
physical good*

>> No.19959257

It's fractional reserve banking. The bank only actually holds a tiny fraction of the money it "lends," based on the premise that people with money in the bank are unlikely to call all their money back from the bank at any given time. So not only is it speculating on other people's money, it's doing it with only a fraction of actual money.


>> No.19959277


>> No.19959287

endless warmongering is great for families!

>> No.19959295

Hungary is now doing this. They give massive tax breaks for having healthy stable families. In one generation that alone will turn them into the kind of society that can go 10:1 in a fight with a degenerate hellhole like the USA, like the Germans were in the World Wars. And that strength itself promotes mutual respect and therefore peace.

Everything is downstream of national health. I'd rather have 50 million people who are capable of maintaining their country's roads and services and perpetuating themselves intergenerationally than 3 billion gibbering 80IQ dysgenics from the third world.

>> No.19959536

It's a book written by a neo-nazi conspiracy theorist, it's just ideological drivel.
/pol/cels like to claim this book is legit because its author was a director at the South Africa's Central Bank even though that position isn't significant and that central bank was a meme.

>> No.19959588
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Would be the dream. Im all for that, money and economic means little to be me, beyond being able to supply my family and community.

>> No.19959684

Long story short the (((banking cartel))) subverts or destroys nation or leader that set up their own stable national currency through state banking and replace it with a debt based interest based private bank that the state proper has little to no control over. It all adds up to some form of usury and a shitty currency system that robs a nation of it's prosperity and causes all sorts of all too convenient crisises. The whole book is numerous historical scenes with lots of crucial details you never hear about or wouldn't even consider unless you knew economics. The guy who wrote it is a former banker from south africa.

And it's not written like a mystery book it's just a straightforward rundown of all the variables obvious and hidden in a given historical scenario and the theme is it always adds up to some form of userers sabotaging things from the shadows, so there isn't a grand plot but rather a recurring theme which anyone can grasp once presented the material.

And this >>19955147

>> No.19959695

libleft coastal elite uni brat reveals his worldview
>Um is that even mainstream and socially recognized
>I'm an avant-garde leftist btw

stay in california, homosexual. do not reply to me about how you live in montana and your dad is a welder you useful idiot apparatchik podcast listener IPA DSA MFA HIV "my gf is poly but im demisexual heteroromantic" keto dip low follower twitter talking to self perpetually intending to read marx faggot

>> No.19959778

I've noticed the same thing and it confuses me too; ask any average self-describe leftist to explain their views on capitalism. Most of them seem to have just absorbed the 19th century view of Marx about factories, industrial barons, landlords, corporations; essentially they're blind to the nuances of the modern-day techno-economic machine. They don't know how to cope with the fact that the modern capitalist system is not built on profits and products, but on injections of cash from central banks, which could be argued is something much worse.

>> No.19959799

And? You can hate the nazis and usary at the same time

>> No.19959802

>useful idiot apparatchik podcast listener
that’s what you sound like anon desu

>> No.19959824

With usura hath no man a house of good stone
each block cut smooth and well fitting
that design might cover their face,
with usura
hath no man a painted paradise on his church wall
harpes et luz
or where virgin receiveth message
and halo projects from incision,
with usura
seeth no man Gonzaga his heirs and his concubines
no picture is made to endure nor to live with
but it is made to sell and sell quickly
with usura, sin against nature,
is thy bread ever more of stale rags
is thy bread dry as paper,
with no mountain wheat, no strong flour
with usura the line grows thick
with usura is no clear demarcation
and no man can find site for his dwelling.
Stonecutter is kept from his tone
weaver is kept from his loom
wool comes not to market
sheep bringeth no gain with usura
Usura is a murrain, usura
blunteth the needle in the maid’s hand
and stoppeth the spinner’s cunning. Pietro Lombardo
came not by usura
Duccio came not by usura
nor Pier della Francesca; Zuan Bellin’ not by usura
nor was ‘La Calunnia’ painted.
Came not by usura Angelico; came not Ambrogio Praedis,
Came no church of cut stone signed: Adamo me fecit.
Not by usura St. Trophime
Not by usura Saint Hilaire,
Usura rusteth the chisel
It rusteth the craft and the craftsman
It gnaweth the thread in the loom
None learneth to weave gold in her pattern;
Azure hath a canker by usura; cramoisi is unbroidered
Emerald findeth no Memling
Usura slayeth the child in the womb
It stayeth the young man’s courting
It hath brought palsey to bed, lyeth
between the young bride and her bridegroom
They have brought whores for Eleusis
Corpses are set to banquet
at behest of usura.

>> No.19960090

NTA, but nothing about that quote even hints at their usury, but their history and heterogeneity.

>> No.19960103

It's rare to find Marxists who actually know how to follow Marx's injunction to keep developing scientific socialism scientifically, empirically, practically and tactically. It's like the Marxist group-mind went into a coma in the 1930s and became incapable of learning or saying anything new. It just keeps reheating the same stale Comintern propaganda and profoundly un-Marxist, 19th century vintage utopian socialism gussied up as Marxism.

Weirdest combination of shit ever, has an absolutely paralytic effect on praxis. It doesn't even have the strength of atavistic Leninism or something, because it's such a mishmash of things, so all the mutually contradictory elements cancel each other out. The ONLY thing modern "Marxism" allows you to do is sit on the internet and read wikipedia articles about different strands of internet Marxism. They should call it Sorting Hat Marxism since they are basically deciding which Harry Potter "house" they fall into, so they can identify as tankiekin on their social media.

Some of the only good Marxists I've seen who go beyond it are James Burnham, Christopher Lasch, and the group around Paul Piccone at Telos. Burnham extended Marx's class analysis to cover the technocratic managerial class, which superseded the late 19th century bourgeoisie (which Sorting Hat Marxists are still fixated on, despite the fact that it has been a museum piece since the interwar period). He later abandoned dogmatically economistic dialectical materialism for elite theory inspired by Pareto and Mosca. His best student in Samuel Francis who now informs the second (i.e. current) wave of paleoconservative thought.

Lasch and the Piccone crowd moved toward a synthesis with paleoconservative classical republicanism, and paleocon classical republicanism + the Schmitt-inspired anti-managerial third positionist metapolitics of the Nouvelle Droite, respectively.

In other words, all honest Marxists tend toward a metapolitical, third positionist synthesis once they abandon their nostalgia for dogmatic 19th century economism and Marx's beautifully self-contained, because autistic, Hegelian idealism (fully excavated, and thus mummified per Hegelism, by Lukacs, Korsch, Gramsci, and Lenin).

The only possible explanation for why so few leftists are honest enough to do this is the same criticism made of leftist intellectuals for over a century: they are comfortable bourgeois and petty bourgeois people who don't actually need or long for a revolution. In fact they systemically long for reaction, to maintain the status quo, more powerfully than any "reactionary" does because at least the reactionary is open about his aims. The university educated "leftist" class of latte-sipping babbies is reactionary by sheer unconscious, comatose inertia.

>> No.19960121

It's a good book. A few flaws. Simple and effective. I made a sloppy audiobook of it a few years ago.

>> No.19960123

>The socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom. They desire the existing state of society, minus its revolutionary and disintegrating elements. They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat. The bourgeoisie naturally conceives the world in which it is supreme to be the best; and bourgeois socialism develops this comfortable conception into various more or less complete systems. In requiring the proletariat to carry out such a system, and thereby to march straightway into the social New Jerusalem, it but requires that the proletariat should remain within the bounds of existing society, and should cast away all its hateful ideas concerning the bourgeoisie.
Karl Marx

The modern "leftist" isn't a leftist, otherwise he would be compelled by force of necessity (a quintessentially Marxist notion) to revise Marxism from within. "Wrong life cannot be lived rightly" (Adorno), but the modern leftist lives well and sleeps well. That should tell you something.

Look for the angry and discontent, the actual producers and drudgers regardless of what form they currently take, and even if the external form of what they believe and think they believe is mixed up or wrong, the content (their anger) will be the truth in potentia. Modern "leftists" exist to smother this latent truth with another two or three centuries of rich kids drinking lattes and arguing about forms. Should I fuse Benjamin with Foucault or try to rehabilitate Marcuse against Habermas' critiques? How about: when the system is encouraging you to do exactly this, or is even indifferent to it, you should be scared.

That's why they want to maintain a pristine intellectual atmosphere of 100+ year old leftist commonplaces and talking points. Economism didn't work, so make sure people are mentally trapped within economism forever. Anything that didn't working, anything that empirically did not conduce to praxis, make sure we have at least three "institutes" devoted to endlessly arguing about it. That's the reactionary function of the modern bourgeois "leftist."

>> No.19960373

we're going full circle with the "liberals rekt" meme and not it's the commies that say it, neck yourself, go on please, post a picture of a chudjack and pat yourself on the back for being clever, I assure you I get infinitely more pussy than you, not that it matters anyways

>> No.19960826
File: 31 KB, 640x415, pol-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nazis were charging usury.
They charged modest rates to companies, the the average family received a modest one time % of the amount borrowed, it was not compounded and applied month after month. Nor was it for profit but to sustain the practice.

>It'd almost like you nazi freaks want to just replace (((them)))
Yes, I would and all the others not born of Europe.

>Nothing new btw, you are fine with the idea of productive taxpayers' funded "welfare" if only it is directed to your basement "white" dwellers instead of blacks.
Yes, I am. Europeans build, make, maintain or did until the society was shattered and by fifth columns that were started, led or co-opted by god's chosen tribe. Europeans were sustainable, can be again and I daresay will be again soon.

>Why not call a spade a spade?
Because then their entire socioeconomic ideology can be unraveled. If you tell them to notice the predatory nature of Jewish people in any subgroup, this can quickly be used against the higher education system, pornography, music, Hollywood, journalism, finance and most important to them, left-wing political theory from the lib-left to auth-left. All dominated by the very same parasites.

>> No.19960845

Stay mad you fucking piece of trash. I'm Far-Right, I just don't fall for low IQ polchud memes.

>> No.19960967
File: 243 KB, 917x948, 84156604_503267323658021_5177238520166612992_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm Far-Right

So you are Far-Right but not an ethno-nationalist or Fascist? If so you're just a typical conservative with boomer level political opinions.

>> No.19961014

I am an ethno-nationalist, where did I say that I wasn't? You're really proving that /pol/niggers are dumb. I was asking if THAT PARTICULAR BOOK IS WORTH THE READ OR IS IT ANOTHER SHILLED /POL/ MEME

>> No.19961028

Im not the guy you were talking to, i was asking. As all manner of people say they are far-right. Yet you can not fit anything larger than a cig paper between them and Shapiro.

>> No.19961040

Sorry for being mean.

>> No.19961044

Not part of this argument, but it is worth a read, unless you've already figured out everything it has to say. I would say it contains key information to understanding the world we live in. It's entry-level, but to anyone who doesn't understand that governments borrowing money from a third party, and essentially becoming debt-enslaved to these third parties (who are largely jewish) is what has happened to most of the world and is the cause of most ills, then it's mind-blowing.

>> No.19961634

Hail victory (and also Lain)

>> No.19962144

Good posts