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/lit/ - Literature

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19952737 No.19952737 [Reply] [Original]

WWOYM: Lonely young men edition.

>> No.19952745

I suck at writing, how to get good ?

>> No.19952750

Good morning, I hate women.

>> No.19952755

lonely young /brokenbot surveyed the tattered remnants of the old city. The first girls were born in this place, and the rare tropical fish, and the next generation of experience. The most likely explanation for a walk to be in the history of the game against the day, or less than the cost of it was a bit like a great deal of money and the only thing that matters to the unwritten law.
It's been taking a good idea to be in the history of the world, and they should not have been taking a good idea to be in the history of the game. Probably like that, you should also have a couple of days to look forward to hearing from the whole story. It's been a little late today, and you can simply use your own critical appraisal. Probably the most likely explanation for a walk to the style of experience is that right now let's see how they could read it was a bit like a fat kid in the history of the world.

>> No.19952756

This memory foam has alzheimers now.

>> No.19952788

I'm thinking of maybe spending less time reading, and going on dates more. Being a manlet complicates things but I've been getting into older women recently (35-50) and I'm thinking I might have more demand within the demographic compared to women my age (24). Yes, it's beta behavior to go after the dried up cat ladies but I'm just too starved for sex and intimacy

>> No.19952801

Damn reading for 2 hours and then listening to ocean sounds is really relaxing.

>> No.19952802 [DELETED] 
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Lonely young men should have sex with lovely young women

>> No.19952825

It's over.

>> No.19952837
File: 30 KB, 300x301, ndsajkdnasda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking get it. Yes work/school. Fine, but what about everything else? When people say "heh you're doing (this) on the weekend? loser"
What are the non losers doing? Please I'm serious with this. I wake up and am confused on what to do with myself, but I have the burning sensation that I'm wasting my life. Only problem is I don't know what exactly "having a life" means
Please help me. Anon's with lives, lets say you just woke up on a saturday. What do you do all day?

>> No.19952846

Sex korte chai

>> No.19952847 [DELETED] 

They're doing sports, drugs/drinks and chasing pussy

>> No.19952856

Majority is scrolling on social media, gaming or sleeping

>> No.19952857

>chasing pussy
How do I do this? Tinder dates, going to bars/clubs?

>> No.19952867

Play bideo games
Literally just ignore them, do whatever brings you joy
If you do the same thing everyday and you hate it and its boring just literally pick anything new and do it

>> No.19952874 [DELETED] 
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No, you need an IRL networking and acquaintances. Women are much more comfortable with the idea of fucking someone within their social milieu. If you prove yourself to be a skillful and satisfying stud, the girl will recommend you to all her friends for casual sex. Etc etc. Cold approach is dead, and Tinder only works for Chads - and even then you're getting rotten STD meat there.

>> No.19952879

You didn't teach me how to write, fuck you then.

>> No.19952893

>Women are much more comfortable with the idea of fucking someone within their social milieu.

Women are actually doing the opposite now, and doing it intentionally. There has been a significant shift away from dating within social circles because women don't want to make things awkward within their friend-group if things don't work out, or even run of the mill relationship drama. They want to keep all these parts of their life compartmentalized so if one goes down it will not take the rest with it.

>> No.19952894

I would say that my mid-thirties really turned on my normie habits. Typically I spend my weekends realllly spacing out mundane shit, which i quite like.
>wake up really early
>make breakfast and coffee
>exercise, or at least go for a walk, listen to podcast or music
>work on hobbies or projects at home, interspersed with cleaning my house
>go shopping for whatever I need, usually buy myself something or get lunch
>go home, take a nap
>work on hobbies a few more hours
>text people
>probably go to the store again with family member
>have a beer, make dinner, go to sleep
>*go out with a friend/s once a month. usually beer and chatting, and occasionally a party. im old now, so i dont see my friends all the time, so we usually plan a big weekend months in advance. unfortunately, its a pot latch situation wherein the point seems to be to waste a lot of money

and wala, that's a whole day.

>> No.19952896

I like to mix it up. I mean theres always gigs and art exhibitions which I attend to support my friends. But I usually just go to weird shit, like government heavy machinery auctions, vintage bus expos, drag races, deceased estates, strange small museums, competitive food eating, small obviously decrepit amusement parks, ghost tours.

Just find something you've never dne befire and then do it. Invite your friends.

>> No.19952909

uh, wheres your gf or family? I mean you're in mid 30's.

>> No.19952921

how do you find out about this stuff

>> No.19952931

He just said he goes to the store with family members

>> No.19953003
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5 days nofap

It's a record but I feel crazy and have the urge to check if there's new stuff, especially with CPPS

>> No.19953025

>Google "Underrated/strange attractions around _____ city"
>Google "Historical landmarks in ______"
>Google "Museums in ______"
>Go in Facebook click on events, scroll for about an hour or two until I start getting to the weird and out of town stuff thats often zany

Just took my gf to an abandoned planetarium and brought a portable karaoke machine with us. Then met up with our friends and played hide and seek in the city for hours.

Honestly even getting lost is a fun activity. Just keeo making wrong turns on purpose until you find something beautiful or interesting.

You're a writer right? Go make some stories then write them down.

>> No.19953098

jannies banned me for trolling for saying "kill niggers and trannies" in a thread that was already a bait and troll thread instead of just removing the OP. I could understand if I had derailed an actual thread or even made a dedicated thread to saying "kill niggers and trannies" but it's just a sad state of affairs when the jannies actually turn out to be trannies on the only website where it's acceptable to hate trannies. i've even been warned just for saying nigger. what a sad website. there were several informative and /lit/ related posts I could have made during those three days

>> No.19953099

le costanza face

>> No.19953102

>not evading immediately

>> No.19953107

I wanna be loved

>> No.19953119

Any hobby you want, all we have is time. I live a 20 minute walk from the woods that I go to every few days with a wildlife guidebook so I can learn to recognize all the plants and shit. Sometimes I just go and read by the water. I'd imagine most people are doing something like browsing the internet, playing video games, watching television or getting drunk/high to fill their hours.

>> No.19953123

Bro you need to channel all of this into relentless self improvement. Quit porn. Go to the gym. Read mountains of old books. Eat right. Develop a marketable skill to make more money

Be desirable and interesting first, social life and relationships follow from that. Not having shit to do right now is an immense asset

>> No.19953139

I have lots of ideas for fantasy stories, but then I realize they are not stories but settings, so I plug them in to AI Dungeon and have a blast for a few hours and move on.

How do you know if you have something worth actually writing?

>> No.19953141

Pathetic living your life for some external desire

>> No.19953147

Chasin pussy that bleeb shit
lockin pussy down thats G shit

>> No.19953150

>How do you know if you have something worth actually writing?
Well for starters, if it's fantasy, you don't. anything that fits tropes and an established genre is not "worth" writing because you are not an artist, you are not making anything out of actual passion or anything original. Just read this god damn poem https://poets.org/poem/so-you-want-be-writer

>> No.19953156


The system is designed so that you have no time to do anything but work eat and sleep.

>> No.19953176

World rather read the worst self-published kindle genre slop than anything by Bukowski

>> No.19953177

It’s conversation. Even on the job, 75% of people’s time is spent in conversation. Me, I read all day, a greater conversation

>> No.19953184

I honestly dont know if Im balding.

>> No.19953204

let's see a pic

>> No.19953208

You should download Grindr and get TOPPED

>> No.19953215

>Lonely young men edition.
is lit becoming the second r9k?

>> No.19953220

I've not gotten a physical in 5 years and I suddenly have an intense feeling of doubt that I've been telling people that I am the wrong height.

>> No.19953278

It is their thread. Here’s /lit/‘s >>19953266

Watch it get taken down

>> No.19953317

Thread theme?
Hang in there, boys.

>> No.19953374 [SPOILER] 
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I just remember having it for the longest time.

>> No.19953378

Part your hair a few different ways and see if the density remains the same. If it remains consistent then you are probably okay for now.

>> No.19953392
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Loser even forget the previous thread link

You people don’t fit in here. All these threads should be deleted

>> No.19953400 [DELETED] 
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I get zero pussy

>> No.19953418

Getting a cat is easy, stupid loser.
Hey, this is the literature board. Write what’s on your mind that’s related to literature maybe.

>> No.19953448

It feels roughly the same but the hair seems like going at a different angle around the visible scalpt.

>> No.19953468

Any femanon wanna be my gf

>> No.19953478

Nobody does anything. Its a psyop

>> No.19953481

the world is becoming r9k

>> No.19953500

Death to america.

>> No.19953551

My mind has been americanized

>> No.19953560

Death to the US. America and a lot of Americans are nice

>> No.19953571

>external desire
As opposed to internal desire?

>> No.19953578

If I get lost in my city I'll probably be shot

>> No.19953579

dont bother. never talk to doomers.

>> No.19953582
File: 695 KB, 740x736, gondolavoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could believe in something and stick to it. Instead I'm an eternal skeptical agnostic drifting through life. Nothing truly feels real or meaningful.

>> No.19953604

I guessed a " stoic "

>> No.19953614

it is nothing to do with agnosticism you are lonely and depressed

>> No.19953628

No, it has to do with agnosticism, I don't care about being solitary but there is constant chaos in my mind from all the theories swirling around none of which I really believe in. I feel like a pariah because everyone on /lit/ and elsewhere seems to have some kind of dogma they're sure of, but not me. It is a source of genuine stress

>> No.19953636

I can't get over how much I hate this shit weather (Dutch)
Whenever I say this there's always some delusional idiot who claims he likes 5 degree celcius weather with rain and no sun.
Can't wait to move to a place with permanent sun and decent temperatures.

>> No.19953640


>> No.19953642

No, i agree with the other anon. These are only problems because you're depressed. Also, why would you wanna be a dogmatic pervert like everyone else on lit?

>> No.19953645

you are romanticizing

>> No.19953648

LA weather is ridiculously paradisal

>> No.19953657

I don't think I'm depressed though. I'm just very confused and since I spend most of my time on here and researching these things it's what I mostly think about.
>why would you wanna be a dogmatic pervert like everyone else
I often read posts from people on here and the level of confidence and absolute certainty in their stances makes me think they must have discovered the way to some kind of truth. I'm talking about actually intelligent posters who are obviously well read and are the opposite of the wishy washy lukewarm agnostic type that I am. I feel like I'm missing out on something
I'm literally losing sleep over it

>> No.19953658

Maybe check out eastern religions. Don’t worry about labels, pick and choose your own form of spirituality

>> No.19953659

You're not as smart as you think you are. Start doing anything and you'll feel better.

There is an internal world and an external world.

>> No.19953660

So I've heard. But anon, don't you miss the near but not quite freezing temperate and lack of sun for weeks on end?

>> No.19953670

I never said I considered myself to be smart, and I do things.
I have, a little bit, I'm not an expert, but they're still religions and dogmatic in a way as they require accepting certain premises.

>> No.19953671


>> No.19953675

>the level of confidence and absolute certainty in their stances
these people are never happy. anybody who spergs out on the internet over their "beliefs" is not to be envied. most people dont have beliefs, because they're not nerds

>> No.19953683

ive always lived here, and every time i travel i remember how great it is. last 3/4 times i travelled it was raining and i was extremely bored to not be able to go out in a t shirt.

>> No.19953688

>these people are never happy
Well neither am I but at least they're sure of something.

>> No.19953692

Im starting to see patterns now
much more than before
im seeing the relationship of cause and effect
I need to keep the good changes

>> No.19953705

no they're not. they're projecting.

>> No.19953706

All good anon, older women have lusted after me since I got out the gate lol
Just be careful with who touches your willy, Ive denied many a milf due to herpes concerns.

>> No.19953707

you are romanticizing your illness by painting it as a quest for meaning that will fix you

>> No.19953712

I stare at my wall and think while eating the next batch of roasted potato slices.
Mostly I just gorge myself on potatos when im not sleeping or working.

>> No.19953713

How can you be sure? Projecting what?
But I am on a quest for meaning. It's not romantic, but there's nothing else that I really want

>> No.19953716


>> No.19953718


>> No.19953725

just grow out you hair, thats just a spot where all the hairs are parted away from the center, if you buzzed it all then you wouldnt notice a spot there

>> No.19953729


>> No.19953731

Yeah I was born in the caribbean so I'm very aware of how good it can be.
Over here I need to wear 3 layers of clothing just to go outside, it sucks

>> No.19953732



>> No.19953739

>Projecting what?
Zizek said one thing that was really powerful. I'm paraphrasing:
>All this talking I do, all these books I write and lectures I give, all this noise and handwaving, it's all to mask that I secretly fear there is nothing really there, that I have no real identity.
Point is, I don't think intellectual confidence has any strong correlation to life happiness, and it's probably a compensation. Intellectuals are just charlatans that most of all fool themselves.

>> No.19953743

get some coconut oil and beat your cock until you get cramps in your stomach and start spasming. Use this hit of dopamine to start doing shit to improve your immediate environment. think of it like being a robot who cant get a full charge, beating off so hard like that is like use a jumper cable to boost your battery, use that boost to do things that will make it easier to recharge and improve your batteries capacity.
Doing simple things like drinking lots of water, eating close to your daily need of calories and nutrients, regularly taking vitamin supplements. Cut out sugars, seed oils, and fluoride if you can help it.
These will all help you to keep higher energy.
Oh, and try not to beat off too much or else your fry your battery, its just a hack to push you forward enough until your engine starts back up.
Good luck man.

>> No.19953746

You think all the platonists, the atheists, the christians, the buddhists, the nietzscheans, the traditionalists, and all the other people who fervently subscribe to ideologies on this board are secretly just trying to convince themselves?

>> No.19953750

Here is a body of Russian literature:
Bo двope кaк вceгдa cмeялиcь и peзвилиcь дeти. Tpи дeвoчки лeт ceми и вocьми нocилиcь пo oчepeди зa двyмя мaльчикaми пo дeтcкoй плoщaдкe. Ceйчac их жизнь былa бeззaбoтнa, пoвepхнocтнa и игpивa. Их дeтcкий paзyм, нe в cocтoяньи ocoзнaть вecь yжac дaвящeгo миpa, видeл лишь тo, чтo пpoиcхoдит, и пpинимaл этo зa чиcтyю мoнeтy.
Чepeз пoлдecятилeтия тa, чтo пoмлaдшe, yмpeт в пepeхoдe, нaдышaвшиcь клeя из кpacивoгo пaкeтa c лoгoтипoм BMW. Maльчикa пocтapшe вo вpeмя нe тo oгpaблeния, нe тo yличнoй пepeбpaнки yдapят нoжoм в живoт тpинaдцaть paз, кoгдa oн бyдeт вoзвpaщaтьcя дoмoй пocлe шaхмaтнoгo кpyжкa, a зaтeм зacyнyт гopлышкo oт бyтылки в зaдний пpoхoд yжe oхлaдeвaющeгo тpyпa. Oднy из дeвoчeк, тy чтo пocтapшe, изнacилyeт кaкoй-тo бyгaй, и тa, тpoнyвшиcь paccyдкoм, нe cмoжeт oкoнчить yнивepcитeт и бyдeт дo кoнцa cвoих днeй мыть пoлы в yнивepмaгe, пoкa нe yмpeт oт ocтaнoвки cepдцa вo cнe. Mлaдшeнькyю дeвoчкy ждeт бoлee cчacтливaя жизнь. Oнa ycпeшнo oкoнчит шкoлy и вyз, выйдeт зaмyж, poдит двyх дeтeй и, пo нeпoнятнoй для cлeдcтвия пpичинe, зaдyшит вcю cвoю ceмью гaзoм из кoнфopки в oдин пacмypный oceнний дeнь.

>> No.19953758

Yes, of course. I believe arguing your philosophy is probably the first sign you don't really believe in it. It's probably more about playful combativeness than anything else.

>> No.19953764

I think some people might just be very passionate about their beliefs. I'll try to keep in mind what you said though, perhaps it'll help put things into perspective next time I feel like I should change my worldview because of a convincing effortpost

>> No.19953765

Here is a body of Russian song lyrics:
Бecкoнeчнo я дpoчил, нe пoмню гдe
B гopoдe чyжoм, пpям нa yлицe
Хopoшo, никтo нe cлышaл мoих пeceн
И нe видeл никoгдa мoeгo лицa

Я хoчy зaбыть, кaк мнe былo чyдecнo
He мoгy, хoть в poт бepи. Кpyгoм гoлoвa
Toлькo, знaeшь, мнe coвceм нe интepecнo
Cлaвa бoгy, ты нe oн, a ты — oнa

Eби мeня пo-китaйcки, cocи мoй хyй пo-тypeцки
Кaк бyдтo я caмый пepвый, кaк бyдтo я твoй нaдмeнный
Зa вce, чтo былo тaк мaлo и мнe тeбя нe хвaтaлo
Eби мeня пo-гpyзинcки. Хoчy, чтoб вeчнo cocaлa

Oтcocи нa выдoх, oтcocи нa вдoх
Tвoи пoлoвыe гyбы шeпчyт oб oднoм
Пpиcлoнюcь я к ним зaлyпoй c кpикoм: "Oх!"
И ты cдeлaeшь зaхвaт пoтoм нaoбopoт
Убeжaть хoтeл я и вce пoтepять
И нaйти мeчтy пoмoжeт Гocпoдь Бoг
Cнoвa нayчить мeня eбaтьcя, мoжeт, cмoжeшь ты
Ecли oн нe cмoг

Eби мeня пo-китaйcки, cocи мoй хyй пo-тypeцки
Кaк бyдтo я caмый пepвый, кaк бyдтo я твoй нaдмeнный
Зa вce, чтo былo тaк мaлo и мнe тeбя нe хвaтaлo
Eби мeня пo-гpyзинcки. Хoчy, чтoб вeчнo cocaлa

Бecкoнeчнo я дpoчил, нe пoмню гдe
B гopoдe чyжoм, пpям нa yлицe
Хopoшo, никтo нe cлышaл мoих пeceн
И нe видeл никoгдa мoeгo лицa

>> No.19953770

The whole point of philosophy is arguing, duh.
It is the incessant barrage of arguments and argumentation that makes philosophy a science.
It is not, like, cast in stone or smth.

>> No.19953775

I'm equally as confused by people like you. How do you people have 0 interests? How do you wake up on a saturday with no desire to do anything other than sit and whittle away the whole day in front of the computer or tv?

>> No.19953780
File: 559 KB, 663x837, very dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you people have 0 interests?
Hey man, I watch anime and sometimes I read books.

>> No.19953846

I am only learning Russian but here is what I have written:

“Я eм тoлькo бeлoe мяco!” – кpичaлa oнa eмy,
нaклoняяcь впepeд дo хpycтa в пoзвoнoчникe и кacaяcь yзким пoдбopoдкoм кpaя cepeбpя-
нoгo блюдa, пoлнoгo пpocтaт юнoшeй, зaпeчeнных пoд тepтым cыpoм и нeщaднo cпpыcнy-
тых лимoнoм. Aлeкcaндp paзoчapoвaннo кaшлял и пocпeшнo нaкpывaл блюдo бpиaдлoвoй
caлфeткoй. "Oпpиcти пpэтт, дopoгaя!” –
пoвтopял oн, жмypяcь и нюхaя. Cвeтлaнa любилa цeлoвaть eгo вялyю cтapчecкyю pyкy, нaпo-
минaвшyю eй o coннoм дeтcтвe в Topжкe, o кyдpявoм Hикoлae, пpocвepлившeм в тaчкe 126
oтвepcтий и кaждoe yтpo пoлиpyющeм их дoждeвыми чepвями, o пpыжкaх чepeз cпeлeнa-
тoгo и жaлoбнo хpипящeгo Бopлa, o нaшпигoвaнных жaкaнaми бepeзaх, o лyннoм блиндaжe
и кoнeчнo жe – o пepвoй вcтpeчe c Кoлoмбинoй. Oтдaвaя Aлeкcaндpy cвoe пepecпeлoe тeлo,
oнa вcпoминaлa пpoвopный язычoк Кoлoмбины, ee тoнкиe пaльцы, paздpoблeнныe yгpюмo-
ycлyжливым кoмиccapoм Гepдoм, и пpитopнaя вoлнa гpeoбии oбpyшивaлacь нa Cвeтлaнy.
“Пoчeмy ты нe дeлaeшь бoкoвyю вcтaвкy? – cпpaшивaл Aлeкcaндp, нaдeвaя нa члeн caндaлo-
вый чeхoл. – Oтчeгo я дaвнo yжe лишeн yдoвoльcтвия coзepцaть Opoлaмy?” Cвeтлaнa мoлчa
oтвoдилa мeдвeжьи глaзa и шлa в Бeлый зaл, гдe нa peзнoм cтoлe-пocтyпaтeлe пoкoилcя тopc
Штaйнмaйepa. Oнa pacceяннo cмoтpeлa нa пятнa тлeния, шpaмы и cлeды oт пoбoeв, пoкpы-
вaющиe тopc, пoднимaлacь пo нeфpитoвым cтyпeням, пpиcaживaлacь и, cклoнив гoлoвy, cлe-
дилa, кaк гycтaя cпepмa Aлeкcaндpa, пoкидaя ee влaгaлищe, coчнo пaдaeт нa гpyдь тopca.

>> No.19953916

How come you feel lonely, just don't. I don't have friends or a girlfriend and I've never felt lonely.

>> No.19953944

>quit smoking two years ago thanks to vape
>after two years, undeniably addicted to vaping
>quit vaping
>basically start drinking coffee all day
ok im going to the store. im gonna get an energy drink and some cigarettes. someone recommend a brand (american)

>> No.19953951

based schizoid

>> No.19953954 [DELETED] 

You probably have schizoid personality disorder. A mentally healthy man feels strong drive to pursue pussy and also to form a strong bond with at least one male friend.

>> No.19953963

Хpyщeв мeдлeннo paздeвaл Cтaлинa, лeжaщeгo нa oгpoмнoй paзoбpaннoй кpoвaти. B
cпaльнe гpaфa былo cвeтлo – тpи кaндeлябpa ocвeщaли cтeны, oбитыe cиpeнeвым шифoнoм,
c тpeмя бoльшими пopтpeтaми в peзных пoзoлoчeнных paмaх. Ha цeнтpaльнoм cepo-poзoвo-
гoлyбoм, киcти Пикacco, былa изoбpaжeнa Лapиca Peйcнep, cидящaя в зoлoтoй вaннe c
мoлoкoм; нa виcящих cиммeтpичнo пo бoкaм – Cтaлин и Лeнин, нaпиcaнныe Бpoдcким в
клaccичecкoм cтилe, в кpacнo-кopичнeвo-cиних тoнaх. Из paдиoпpиeмникa пpиглyшeннo
дoнocилacь тpaнcляция oпepы Aмбpyaзa Toмa «Mиньoн». B кaминe пoтpecкивaли
бepeзoвыe пoлeнья.
– Этoт зaпaх твoeгo oдeкoлoнa... – Cтaлин глaдил cмyглyю cкyлy Хpyщeвa. – Я eщe нe
ycтaл cхoдить oт нeгo c yмa.
– Я paд, мaльчик мoй, чтo хoть чeм-тo cпocoбeн yдивить тeбя, – Хpyщeв пoлнocтью
paccтeгнyл copoчкy Cтaлинa, paздвинyл cвoими вoлocaтыми цeпкими pyкaми нeжнeйший
шeлк и пpипaл гyбaми к бeзвoлocoй гpyди вoждя.
– Moe чyвcтвo к тeбe, mon ami, нe пoхoжe ни нa чтo, – зaкpыл глaзa Cтaлин. – Этo... кaк
– Я пoнимaю, мaльчик мoй .. – пpoшeптaл Хpyщeв в мaлeнький cтaлинcкий cocoк и
ocтopoжнo взял eгo в cвoи бoльшиe чyвcтвeнныe гyбы.
Cтaлин зacтoнaл.

>> No.19953969

Don't start smoking again. Vaping isn't really "healthy" but it's way healthier than smoking.

>> No.19953973

Хpyщeв ocтopoжнo paccтeгнyл eмy бpюки, cдвинyл вниз пoлyпpoзpaчныe чepныe тpycы,
выпycкaя нa cвoбoдy нaпpягшийcя cмyглый фaллoc вoждя. Пocлюнив пaльцы, гpaф
пpинялcя ими нeжнo тepeбить cocoк Cтaлинa, a caм двинyлcя гyбaми вниз пo тeлy вoждя – к
нaливaющeмycя кpoвью фaллocy.
– O... кaк чacтo я дyмaю o тeбe... – бopмoтaл Cтaлин. – Кaк мнoгo мecтa зaнял ты в мoeй
бecпpeдeльнoй жизни...
– Masculinum... – гyбы гpaфa кocнyлиcь бopдoвoй гoлoвки.
Cтaлин вcкpикнyл и cхвaтил pyкaми гoлoвy Хpyщeвa. Гyбы гpaфa cнaчaлa нeжнo, зaтeм вce
плoтoяднoй cтaли игpaть c гoлoвкoй вoждя.
– Cпиpaль... cпиpaль... – cтoнaл Cтaлин, впивaяcь пaльцaми в длинныe cepeбpиcтыe вoлocы
Cильный язык Хpyщeвa cтaл coвepшaть пo cтaлинcкoй гoлoвкe cпиpaлeвидныe движeния.
– Знaeшь... милый... нeт... sacre... я... нo нeт... кoнчик! кoнчик! кoнчик! – билcя нa
пyхoвых пoдyшкaх Cтaлин.
Язык гpaфa ocтopoжнo кocнyлcя кoнчикa гoлoвки и cтaл paздвигaть мoчeтoчный кaнaл.
– Ho... нeт... нe дaвaй! He дaвaй мнe! – зaкaтывaл глaзa Cтaлин.
Хpyщeв cильнo cжaл пoдoбpaвшиecя яйцa вoждя
– Чтoбы нe хлынyлo... ooo... пpикaжи! Пpикaжи мнe пo-cтapoмy! Ho нeжнo! Toлькo нeжнo!
– Дaй мнe пoпoчкy, cлaдкий мaльчик мoй, – мягкo пpикaзaл Хpyщeв, цeпкo дepжa Cтaлинa
зa яйцa. Bcхлипывaя, Cтaлин пepeвepнyлcя нa живoт:
– Maльчик бoитcя... пoцeлyй cпинкy...
– Пoцeлyeм мaльчикa в cпинкy... – Хpyщeв cдвинyл copoчкy co cтaлинcких плeч и cтaл
пoкpывaть их мeдлeнными пoцeлyями.
Cтaлин cтoнaл в пoдyшкy.
Хpyщeв пoцeлoвaл eгo взacoc мeждy лoпaтoк, дoтянyлcя гyбaми дo yхa, пpoшeптaл:
– Чeгo бoитcя мaльчик?

>> No.19953976

Want to know something retarded. I am 6'1 and overweight, not a mallet. And I tried Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. I had far fewer matches than most people and only went on a single date. I'm told I'm not an awful-looking guy and that my pics and bio are just fine. Anyways, I have had the approach of trying to find a girlfriend and then to fuck, but I'm open to other possibilities. I never thought I could change the age parameters and fuck some cougar. Thank you, anon, for your perspective.

>> No.19953979

Didn't realize how lonely I was until I met my wife. A connection with another person recontextualizes your world.

>> No.19953980

Depression Bruh. I wake up and don’t want to do anything. Nothing feels comfortable nothing feels fulfilling and there’s 0 concentration for anything. I’ve learned myself the habits of brushing teeth and eating but the whole process is a though slog. Afterwards I just lie in bed or sit on a chair, incapacitated for continuous minutes.
Then Sometimes a burst of energy (compared to others it would be nothing) and I’m interested in doing something and the mountain of effort it required before disappears, Only to slowly seep back in.
Very cruel but at least I’ve learned to function enough so that my future self isn’t totally fucked.

>> No.19953981

– Toлcтoгo чepвякa... – вcхлипывaл Cтaлин.
Гдe живeт тoлcтый чepвяк?
– У дяди в штaнaх.
– Чтo хoчeт чepвяк?
– Bopвaтьcя.
– Кyдa?
– Maльчикy в пoпкy
Хpyщeв paccтeгнyл cвoи бpюки, дocтaл длинный нepoвный члeн c бyгpиcтoй гoлoвкoй, нa
блecтящeй кoжe кoтopoй был вытaтyиpoвaн пeнтaкль. Гpaф плюнyл ceбe в лaдoнь, cмaзaл
плeвкoм aнyc Cтaлинa и, нaвaлившиcь cзaди, мягкими тoлчкaми cтaл ввoдить cвoй члeн в
– Tы yжe... дядя... нeт... пo-нeжнoмy! пo-нeжнoмy! – зaбopмoтaл Cтaлин.
– Cлaдкий мoй oлoвянный coлдaтик... – шeптaл Хpyщeв eмy в yхo,
– Зaчeм... мyчeния... ooo... зaчeм людям этo... – кycaл гyбы Cтaлин.
– Чтoбы зaбывaть... чтoбы вce зaбывaть, мaльчик мoй... Члeн гpaфa цeликoм вoшeл в aнyc
Cтaлинa. Cжимaя лeвoй pyкoй яйцa вoждя, гpaф взял пpaвoй pyкoй eгo зa члeн и cтaл нe
быcтpo мacтypбиpoвaть.
– Tы... этo... ты... – зaмычaл Cтaлин. – Чтo дядя дeлaeт c мaльчикoм?
– Дядя eбёт мaльчикa в пoпкy, – жapкo шeптaл Хpyщeв.
– Кaк? Кaк? Кaк?
– Cлaдкo...
– Пo пpикaзy? Beдь пo пpикaзy жe... пo чeткoмy...
– Пo чeткoмy пpикaзy
– Дядя пpикaзaл? – вcхлипывaл Cтaлин.
– Пpикaзaл. Чeткo пpикaзaл...
– И eщe пpикaжeт?
– И eщe пpикaжeт... coтни миллиoнoв paз пpикaжeт дядя мaльчикy...
– Чтo? Чтo? Чтo?
– Пpикaжeт... нo нe cpaзy...
– Кaк? Кaк? Кaк?
– Пocтeпeннo... пocтeпeннo... пocтeпeннo...
– Ho... нo... мaльчик yжe... мaльчик yжe...
– Чтo, мaльчик?
– Maльчик гoтoв... oн yжe... yжe...
– Бyдeт пpикaз... бyдeт пpикaз...
– Maльчик yжe... мaльчик yжe... пoднocи! Пoднocи, вpeдитeль!
Oбнимaя cзaди Cтaлинa, Хpyщeв пepeвaлилcя c ним нa бoк нa кpaй кpoвaти.

>> No.19953991

Why do you hold that opinion? Have you ever read a novel by Bukowski?

>> No.19953997
File: 88 KB, 1023x537, dead soldiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead and bloated bodies blanket the land
smell of rotten meat in the winter sun
bleached bones of the dead
long forgotten fields of rusted guns

>> No.19954043

I did not need to read THAT today.

>> No.19954044

There is a degree for loneliness.
Victor Hugo was right. Boredom is worse than suffering. Something is better than nothing. Also the reason loneliness is so terrifying.

>> No.19954048

why loneliness is worse than suffering?

>> No.19954052

How lonely are you? How do you cope?

>> No.19954056

Loneliness is suffering. It's boredom that's worse than suffering.

>> No.19954058

Okay, I actually didn't buy the cigarettes after all. I have a strong feeling that the next time I get buzzed I'll probably buy some cigarettes or more vape juice.

>> No.19954066

Im rather lonely. I live with parents, I do have some friends I meet from time to time. I just cope by saying that I dont need any intimacy or closer connection as I'd push others away anyway.

>> No.19954068

Amen. Human connection is the only real vitality I believe in now. It's so damn real, it's like taking ecstasy compared to the pseudo-schizoid loner life.

>> No.19954082

Our brain needs constant stimuli because we are social animals. Hunter gatherers never spent time alone. Loneliness is a scary void and our brain cannot tolerate that.

>> No.19954083

But why?

>> No.19954104

Derek Muller has an excellent video on boredom. He creates an experiment where you have to sit in a room for thirty minutes. There is nothing in the room except a switch which shocks you when you press it. Most participants can't control themselves and press the switch multiple times.
His video is more detailed.

>> No.19954126 [DELETED] 

My mom has this really annoying quirk that makes me want to never be around her again every time she does it.
>pouring myself a drink out of the fridge
>she barely audible says something from the other room
>what did you say?
>hello? anon? can you not hear me?
She has been doing this shit for my entire life.

>> No.19954133

Smack her.

>> No.19954138

My mom has something similar
>say something to her
>she says "What?"
>ask why is she saying "What?" if she heard everything
>she says it's for doublecheck
It happens almost everytime

>> No.19954148

>watch art documentary
>gaylord european talking heads
>he was a gentle soul, really quite a genius, despite his flaws
>this painting represents the anguish he felt after the war..the war it seems...took a toll on him *show stock footage of wwi*
>he was a pivotal character in art history, a renegade, but grounded by a classical taste, a true romantic
>more museum curator gaylords pretending like they knew they guy
why are they always so gay? is this just tv documentaries? are there any actually good documentaries about painters?

>> No.19954151

I don’t respond to false “whats” but I have noticed that I do it myself Sometimes to stall and process what I just heard.

>> No.19954159

I'm good at not eating. Any significant sensation of hunger quickly disappears. There's also a peculiar sense of clarity involved.

>> No.19954266

This is interesting video. It makes me wonder whenever you can really gain very profound insight upon making yourself really bored.

>> No.19954271

I don't want to be rich writing books. I just want to not drain my soul with other irrelevant stuff so I can dedicate myself fully to writing. Also fuck posture, fuck stretching and fuck slaving life away for pennies.

>> No.19954273
File: 2.09 MB, 498x379, stimpy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

broke the blood vessels on my face from puking so hard. not the first time this has happened.

>> No.19954365

Guy you responded to initially.
Get help, I was the same.

>> No.19954371

What was your situation? How did you change it?

>> No.19954385

Get a job, find a place to live in, dedicate yourself to keeping things clean, including yourself. Date a girl. If it fails, date another one until you find one that matches you.

>> No.19954388

Really lonely, no friends. I started realizing something was off. Then I started transitioning and everything fell in to place. This is what I was meant to be.

>> No.19954400

I've never been in a polyamorous relationship with 500 women and girls.

>> No.19954407

I live in a college town and have my radius set at 5 mi. Lots of young women here. I just tried changing it to 35-50, and I ended up having to change my radius to 20 mi. I'll try capturing the next city by setting it to 26 mi. Some of the women were attractive when wearing makeup. One of them looked like an absolute methed out mess at age 50. The only way I think I will get laid is if I become the next Harvey Weinstein.

>> No.19954422

I'm the most intelligent person to ever live. The aliens who abducted me told me so.

>> No.19954432

I was abducted by aliens and they took me into this big empty room and asked me many questions before wiping all my memories of the abduction and dropping me in a field across town

>> No.19954443

Did they make you gay?

>> No.19954448 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 1080x1350, 1623945404471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about sex

>> No.19954451

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19954462


>> No.19954468

The aliens wanted me to explain humanity in an autistic detailed, big picture way. I kept telling them they don't need me for that, but they said it had to be me. I asked them to tell me their secrets and what their plans are, but they kept trying to manipulate me into explaining humanity. Eventually I woke up, and I realized aliens didn't abduct me I was having a dream.

>> No.19954469

I'm moving out in the next month or so. First time living on my own and I'm 30.
> Then I started transitioning and everything fell in to place
What did you change?

>> No.19954489
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Update: I just got through everyone I can within 25 mi, and it was showing me people 50 mi away outside of the age range (35-50), which is fine by me. Anyways, I'm reporting back to say I've found the female version of David Mitchell.

>> No.19954493

How do you get verified on that? Do you have to fuck loads of people?

>> No.19954496

Graduated highschool and instantly became a recluse. Eventually my friends moved away for college, work or just gave up so they stopped trying to get to me. Spent ages 17-22 inside my house.

I'd been mentally unwell for a long time before then but it didn't consume me until school stopped forcing me to spend 7 hours a day with other people and I ended up crushed by it. At the outset of it I'd started having panic attacks, I'd be sitting by myself in the house and some feeling, some memory would bubble up to the surface and I'd be completely overwhelmed with negative emotion. I'd usually end up on the floor. Eventually I just went numb.

Losing 5 years of my life was pretty rough. What ended up happening was that one night I dreamed about the girl I was in love with in highschool and it kind of snapped me out of it, somewhat. I'd forgotten that I could be happy. That I could ever feel so strongly about anything. So I got help, went to a few therapists until I found one and put forth a concerted effort to roughly figure out what I wanted from life and to then manifest it.

>> No.19954505

Nice, you've made it.
>put forth a concerted effort to roughly figure out what I wanted from life and to then manifest it.
Well, I'm not even there.

>> No.19954507

I think it's cute when girls read YA.
I think it's cute when girls do a man voice.

>> No.19954522

Did that with 28 and I was virgin then. 35 married guy with a house now and a kid on the way. It's game over. But it's fun.

>> No.19954531

Maybe there's some hope to me.
Didnt she mind you being an old virgin?

>> No.19954538

Gotta figure out what's fucked you in the head and what to do about it first.

>> No.19954540

Not at all. It was a positive thing for her. that wasn't the girl I married though

>> No.19954544

I mean, it's pretty clear WHAT to do but the exact specifics are still unclear. I'm seeing a therapist but I might be too fucked up to undo the damage.

>> No.19954552

Dont make it dogmatic then. Take a little bit of whatever you like. Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense. Life doesn’t either.

>> No.19954563

Oh, I see. Best of luck then.

>> No.19954570

For me, it’s drinking

>> No.19954585

>lose interest and respect for girl as soon as I see her in a relationship with another guy
I feel like if the relationship was with someone I really respect or some Chad I would just be a bit jealous, but since it's with lame as fuck, not attractive, cringy Normie McMediocre I just can't value the girl anymore.

>> No.19954614

Never never never lecture; learn listen observe admire witness laugh cry!

>> No.19954615


>> No.19954623

>Take a little bit of whatever you like. Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense. Life doesn’t either.
This is sound advice. Or terrible advice. Certainly adventurous advice.

>> No.19954632

What is the point of playing darts by yourself? The novelty wears off, and soon the more skill you gain, the more pointless it feels, because the more you want to show it off.

>> No.19954718

No problem anon. I'm still in volcel mode pretty much and haven't seriously tried going after the cougars yet so I'm not even sure if it'll work for me. (I think I'll have to do it via tinder) If it doesn't I'll just start sleeping with prostitutes even though it'll probably be unfulfilling af.

>> No.19954775
File: 4 KB, 269x188, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody asked you to do that, anon.

>> No.19954821

Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts; but once mastered, no one can help you as much, not even your father or your mother.

>> No.19954849

Repoasting in the more vibrant bread: gonna take a week or so off the chans after today. Gets a bit much. Reset tolerance, molest grass, all that stuff. I'll be back, obvs. I'm here forever, not that I mind. Where else would I go on the internaughticals? C u nibgas l8r

>> No.19954888

Did Butterfly really make a redundant thread because she didn't like this one? That's narcissistic. Even the thread warriors weren't thread splitting because of personal dislike, they were annoyed at OTHERS narcissistically forcing their autistic interests as the only thread topics.

How did a narcissist end up convincing herself she's an anarchist.

>> No.19954892

>How did a narcissist end up convincing herself she's an anarchist.
How is Anarchism somehow opposed to narcissism in your mind?

>> No.19954947

Where were you when you saw 9/11? I'm a brit, was almost 6 at the time, I saw something on the news. I didn't know what it was, I guess, but I remember my mom and other grown ups being in shock at the TV. Now that the, uh, dust has settled... What kind of impact do you think it's had on literature and the arts after 20 or so yrs? Or on you personally? For most of my youth 9/11 was just a punchline for edgy kids. M/T symbol. Now it's retrospectively looking like the first landmark moment that the west had to realise that it's zenith had already passed. I think much of the last decade or two has been dealing with this realisation resurfacing and the waves of trauma that break around it.

>> No.19954957

I have fucked no people. All you have to do is take some pictures of yourself doing what the person in the picture is doing. For instance, if the person has their head tilted to the right and is holding three fingers on their left hand up, then you do the same. Tinder processes these pretty quick.

>> No.19955032

What are some signs that she likes you, /lit/bros?

>> No.19955041
File: 26 KB, 640x426, 1492596320886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make money at it if you get good enough.

She commits sudoku with you in the fuhrerbunker

>> No.19955073

Long looks, she looks and then she looks away, smiles, blank faced stares

if a girl's face ever lights up when she sees you she loves you

>> No.19955108


>> No.19955121

When I read a religious text, I like the conclusions, but I don't like the arguments. That's why I throw away the arguments and keep the conclusions. I ride off into the sunset echoing my barbaric GULP!

>> No.19955158

I've had two girls who liked me. It's like you're magnetic, suddenly every word you say matters and she's hanging onto everything you say. If you indicate you're interested in something she's immediately on board and wants to know more. If you want to go do something she's down. Girls are really bad at hiding honest attraction and it's pretty cute.

>> No.19955180

We need to stop pretending that 19th and early 20th century orientalist mystics were "traditionalists" in any meaningful sense of the term.

>> No.19955185

just read plotinus for the arguments

>> No.19955190

whatever the fuck happened to an idle mind is a devil's workshop?

>> No.19955197

Thanks fellas, and if I know that she likes me how do I proceed with that? Do I just ask her out?

>> No.19955205

Traditionalism is building on tradition. Anyone who reverts to a previous period in time rather than learning and using and building on the accomplishments of previous men is not a traditionalist. Anyone who destroys the accomplishments of previous men is also not a traditionalist.
>can't control themselves
They aren't not controlling themselves, they're doing it willingly. I would do it as soon as I got in there. Pain is knowledge

>> No.19955227

I've always just been completely upfront with my intentions with women. Being gentle and honest generally just makes them melt in my experience.

>> No.19955231

I've said it before and I'll say it again:


>> No.19955390
File: 2.62 MB, 2058x3156, __nakahara_misaki_nhk_ni_youkoso_drawn_by_abe_yoshitoshi__acdbcac3b1b59a47b6b83497736129aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working in a supermarket really sucks sometimes, but I find some weird comfort in seeing the same regulars every week.

There's this Vietnamese lady who I see a lot. She has a limp, I wonder if it's a birth defect. She doesn't look old enough to be injured in the war or anything like that. I try to help her out when I can, she seems very nice.

>> No.19955407
File: 1.02 MB, 1508x1106, Hello, how are you doing?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk to people, anon!

>> No.19955478

I'd like to but I doubt customers would like me interrupting their shopping to have a conversation.

Also, I doubt management would like us wasting our time like that.

>> No.19955597

I went and did myself in: I have enrolled in several dating apps. We'll meet on the other side.

>> No.19955637

XXX wasn't bad, but i'm so fucking awkward and such an autist that it fucking sucks.
i was in an almost good mood, but super "up" going to the cafe, the music was hitting hard and i almost just cried at one point because it was so beautiful
then i got the super bullshit email about the fucking 400 dollar electric bill, which absolutely was a turning point
got home pissed off, smoked a cigarette
went to home depot, they didn't have the tool i needed and i spent like 30 minutes there
got it from auto zone
ultimately didn't even use it and the smell of the oil it was covered in still lingers and is gross
setting up the bass went okay
i absolutely stripped the screw hole for the truss rod, and there was no reason it shouldn't have just turned easily
the set up is meh. it sounds fine but it's different and i'm going to need to get used to it
i don't want to eat my own food and i don't want to spend money on take out so i just made pasta with butter because i needed to eat something
i'm just fucking angry as fuck and just want to bleed out and be done with this shit

>> No.19955644

I'm going to only listen to classical music from now on, as someone (mostly) free of pretension. I want to see if I can learn myself to "appreciate" classical music as those freaks who seem born connoisseurs and experience the so-called "sublime." Of course I've been led to manic or properly even mantic states from modern music many times before, but... well, I think I will go through artists individually, listening to each one's works, until I gain an appreciation of them, and see if my appreciation of the preceding will in each case any way enhance the appreciation going into the next, as a measure of whether my overall ability so to speak is increasing. Whether music listening is a skill or a kind of acclimation or recognition or some mixture of the two is something I am interested in.

>> No.19955649

I finally quit porn. I have been addicted to porn since I was 13. I was a huge coomer. I fapped at church camps (in the bathrooms), everywhere, with or without a cellphone, it didn't matter.
I am 26 years old now. Free from porn. Virgin. Never had a girlfriend and I don't feel bad about that. I think that by not having a gf I am more free to make more radical decisions with my life. Thats one way to cope I guess
Sure, I'd love to have a qt gf.

If you want to stop looking at porn search for the EasyPeasy method ebook. Just google it and you'll find it. It really changed me

Stay strong bros.

>> No.19955656

yep, it's that simple

>> No.19955657

let me guess, you masturbated yesterday, but now have been indoctrinated into a cult and believe you will never do it again? At least give it a few weeks before making such declarations depressing to those with foresight

>> No.19955658

Wouldn't you just love to see a thick white ass let a juicy big black cock slip right between it?

>> No.19955672

Nah, I waited some time and now can safely say that it finally happened
post it

>> No.19955675

anyone with half a brain is repulsed by interracial, it's literally bestiality and its disgusting

>> No.19955705

I just inserted a laxative suppository. What am I in for bros

>> No.19955710

That’s racist!

>> No.19955721

The laxative is kicking in. This was a terrible mistake

>> No.19955725

why did you do that sir

>> No.19955737

My tummy wasnt feeling very good and I thought a big shit would help

>> No.19955740

Hot take: the church didn’t want people thinking too hard or else they’d start questioning their beliefs.

>> No.19955745

Good for you. I've virtually gave up on dating. Last time I went on one was about 3 years ago. Ive been on 5 in my life and they all ended with me getting ghosted, after that i basically gave up.

>> No.19955753

i hope ur tummy feels better now bro

>> No.19955756

Its gonna get worse before it gets better

>> No.19955773

dating makes me want to kill myself
sometimes when i feel my confidence rising and my self esteem is improving i'll download tinder, get no matches, delete the app, and think im an ugly disgusting unloveable piece of trash who needs to off himself

>> No.19955775

i just tried looking at 30+ tinder and good fucking god was that depressing

>> No.19955778

I was a baby, not yet a year old

>> No.19955780

I went on a group hike today. A cute asian girl tried to talk to me. Naturally, I spilled my spaghetti

>> No.19955783

thats what dating apps are supposed to do. Only women get validation from that shit. Men only get depressed when they use apps unless theyre model tier

>> No.19955793

kek funny thing is the protestant work ethic came about after they deliberately split from the church and not not just from the catholic church but the church of england as well. honestly you people who posit that religion is some kind of tool to control people are exactly like conspiracy theorists rambling about le jews, and hell I'm anti semitic. But you actually believe in your mind that there are a bunch of fucking theologians sitting around conspiring how to stop people from thinking so you can control them... some straight protocols of the learned elders of zion shit. funnily enough it's when people really did want to most control people, i.e. the soviet union, that the state got rid of the church. IT's true that the office of the papacy has been a political office and the church was more like a governing body utilized for its power at many points during the middle ages, but you fucking atheists are so dumb and this is the absolute worst and most trite sociological commentary I can imagine. if you want to explain why people believe in religions, there are so many better routes you could take. You also display a complete and utter ignorance of the history of philosophy and theology, there is no way you can believe that religion is just a tool to control people if you actually read theologians and philosophers who believe in God. Not that I am even Christian, but I digress
you are subhuman if you find bugwomen attractive. I mean, everyone knows chinese women are ugly, but japanese and korean are just a lesser evil as far as I am concerned. Please hold your spaghetti in until a White woman talks to you

>> No.19955794

I was 2 years old at the time. I remember some of the memorials when I in elementary school. But the first time I received an actual lecture on what 911 was wasn't until 6th grade, which would have been about 2011 for me.

>> No.19955812

>as far as I am concerned
who cares what you think

who the fuck are you

>> No.19955814

I didn't ask if you cared what I thought, who the fuck are you?

>> No.19955817

>who the fuck are you

>> No.19955826


>> No.19955843

Well the suppository was a waste of time. At least I know its not an excess of shit causing me discomfort

>> No.19955907

i think im going to drink alone and do mushrooms tonight

>> No.19955922

I think I'm gonna puke.

>> No.19955957

If you're going to smoke roll your own cigarettes. It's cheaper and is actually kind of kino

>> No.19955982

You're just coping. If you see a girl with Chad, you can use it to justify your excuse why its pointless to pursue women. But when you see a girl with a loser, it reminds you that you have no excuse not to have a girlfriend

>> No.19955988

Don't know what to do with myself.

>> No.19955998

In America at least, 9/11 created a short burst of intense patriotism with a much longer downward trend of cynicism and distrust in our media that is still going on today

>> No.19956021

>But when you see a girl with a loser, it reminds you that you have no excuse not to have a girlfriend
well for me it reminds me that I have crippling social retardation and several mental pathologies that prevent me from engaging in normal conversation that would otherwise allow me to interact with other human beings and even form relationships regardless of how morally pathetic I might be, and that it is so bad that even with good looks and intelligence I am still unable to form relationships, not because I am uninteresting and perverse but because of the extent to which I am brain damaged. Brain damaged not even because of anything I did, but because I probably just a genetic freak in terms of brain structure that caused me to overreact to what was probably an almost normal childhood, though, granted, an isolated one.

>> No.19956027

anyone have any experience making shroom tea?

>> No.19956040

I think I ate one too many Gummy bear vitamins. What do I do?

>> No.19956043

Pray. Pray intensely that you might sweat it out.

>> No.19956053

Oh god oh fuck

>> No.19956057


>> No.19956101
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I can actually attract girls and hold their interest for a while....but how do you keep them?
At some point they always tell me im weird and not 'sharing' enough.

>> No.19956114

The crackers don't help all that much.

>> No.19956166

I'm so scared asking my co-worker out on a date.

>> No.19956220

definitely you live in the east coast

>> No.19956251

I had a dream that I was part of a sort of prayer group and was expected to lead them in the Lord's Prayer. But when I recited it I was just told that there was a greater prayer, an ancient precedent that expanded on the Lord's Prayer immensely. I was ashamed that I didn't know it. I heard it but I cannot remember

>> No.19956263
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I think I might have thrown away my future on a whim.

>> No.19956319

how the fuck do I explain the transmigration of souls? All I know is that, it's the most... well when you understand it completely, it's the most compelling, and also the most powerful doctrine, but I just can't fucking explain all this shit i've read, but I really want people to know it. not just metempsychosis, but everything that I know, I feel sad when I think that other people don't know what I know, even if metempsychosis isn't true, I think they should still understand it, and also all the other things, both the skeptical and the divine aspects

>> No.19956321

How? Why?

>> No.19956336

What convinces you it's true? I believe in reincarnation for various reasons but I don't "know" it to be true and I would like to.

>> No.19956349

Anyone here who thinks of himself as a schizoid? If so, please explain why you prefer fantasy to reality. Is it a control thing?

>> No.19956360

I am a schitzoid. It's not so much a preference, more of a habit. My fav activity is coalescing fantasy and reality.

>> No.19956363

Got suicidal in uni and stopped attending class

>> No.19956367

I love going for walks at night. Something about being alone in the darkness really puts my mind at ease. The only problem is that there’s this constant niggling worry that some junkie is gonna mug me or stab me.

>> No.19956390

Oh shit, I’ve been there. If you’re still a student, reach out to Student Health and Wellness for support and see if you can get a doctor’s note and a referral for counselling. Then, email your professors and try to explain the situation. In my experience, most of them have been really understanding about it and willing to let me make up work, even after the semester’s ended. They’ve probably seen other students with similar issues in the past. I know it’s embarrassing to be honest about stuff like that, but people generally respond well to a degree of vulnerability. You don’t have to say that you’re suicidal— just say that you’ve been experiencing a severe mental health crisis and apologize for not notifying them sooner. The worst that they can say is no.

>> No.19956398

In what way? Can you give me an example?

>> No.19956442

I've reached out to Student Care, they've been good to me. The issue is I might be getting expelled due to having my government loans revoked. I'm in year 3 too, a few semesters away from graduating.

Do you think worst come to worst I can transfer to a community college or something? Right now I'm in a state school, finishing my degree is better than nothing I suppose.

>> No.19956447

What’ve your experiences with Tinder been like? Have you gotten many matches then, or gone on any dates?

>> No.19956479

My life is a masturbation. Total masturbation. I revolve and accelerate, my hand in my pants the whole time. I'm a ballerina dancing through the world.

>> No.19956526

Got drunk yesterday with a bunch of friends. I was talking to one of my oldest friends, whom I used to have a crush on, about life. In our drunken stupor we talked about what we wanted to do. Hopeful, and smiling ear to ear. I told her I may not live long but I wanted to create something that would outlast me. At least several decades. I may have said it drunk, but I'd admit to this "dream" sober as well.

>> No.19956548

Uni is a waste of time anyway, learn a trade.

>> No.19956557

That’s an easy dream to achieve. Concrete is cheap, start building some kind of monolith.

>> No.19956565

I want to lock Albert Camus in my basement and watch him suffer nicotine withdrawls.

>> No.19956580
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Like this

>> No.19956586

I should have bought magnum or steel reserve instead of colt 45.

>> No.19956587

Maybe I'll make a sculpture

>> No.19956674

no, from my experience its hanging out with work friends and meeting chicks there or you basically a chick that smiles at you and says hello are your best shots.

>> No.19956680


>> No.19956687

> you get to socialize with locals
>talk to women
>get paid
You are living it pretty good.

>> No.19956702

When I compare myself to the other guys I see around my campus I want to die. I have a stubby, long torso and short legs, I'm 5'9 but I look smaller, like a fat banker in a Victorian novel or something. It's a figure that doesn't even register to the average woman - when you walk past them, you can tell you're not visible on their radar, you're not a candidate, you're barely even playing the same game. I ask myself how it's possible to compete with the 6'2" guys with long, limber and athletic frames with nice clothing and style, and I realize I can't do it. It's really fucked

>> No.19956709

try smoking or going out to eat
if you don't smoke, pick it up. exchange bad character and drained testosterone for bad lungs and extra T.

>> No.19956714
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I can't treat women in any way except being completely civil and respectable to them. I pick up female friends left right and center but I can never ever make a move on any of them, not even asking her out on a first date, because it seems to be crossing a line. Flirting makes me shut down completely and blush. I can't use dating apps because any matches I get start to ghost me because I can't transition into the next stage after introductions.
I can do the waist-hug and have no issues interacting in any other sphere except this romantic one.
I am completely domesticated and bought into the early 2000s casual feminist propaganda to a T, at a young age. I can't escape it in any way. It completely boggles my mind that women like somebody who breaks the rules, but not TOO much and just in a few exciting ways. I understand it intellectually but I cannot relate to it whatsoever.
My mommy issues have completely ruined me for women, I hope she can cope with having no grandkids

>> No.19956717

It's over

>> No.19956733

Practice alienating people and bombing first introductions. Like, spend a year not even thinking about women, just be a dick to people.

>> No.19956761

I have to get a hold of some money and do some business, but I can't do either until Tuesday because it's fucking President's Day on Monday. Fuck America, fuck George Washington, and fuck Abraham Lincoln.

>> No.19956800

Why is suicide bad?

>> No.19956809

because it makes people who love you feel sad

>> No.19956819

a simple "Good morning, how are you?" won't hurt anybody. in fact people and the management will appreciate it

>> No.19956829

this is also my problem. the fact that most women are easily get bored doesn't help either

>> No.19956835

Are you contemplating it because you hurt or killed someone?
If not, it is “bad”. It’s a combination of laziness and cowardliness in regards to emotional and chemical imbalances. You don’t want to face a life that isn’t some way that you imagine it should have been. Or you convince yourself that life was always a mistake. When in fact it’s just an oddity, at worst. At best, it’s everything, including the pain and strife along with the joys and excitements. This is the fact of the matter.

>> No.19956846

Had sex for the first time. It was in my car and all uncomfortable and deranged. I didn't cum at all, but there was penetration and she doesn't take pills. I'm scared I may become a father now. Fuck. I promise to the demiurge that I'll never try to go out to the world again if he help me.

>> No.19956857

>I didn't cum at all, but I’m going to become a father now

>> No.19956865

I know nothing about sex, but google tells precum has sperm in it - so it is possible. I'm scared.

>> No.19956871

We have to work to stay alive. When it takes more effort to stay alive than you get back out of it, what's the point? Where is the inherent value in doing this grind every day, knowing you'll probably never enjoy it like everyone else?

>> No.19956888

favourite alt-history book?

>> No.19956890

Work is easy. (Vocations are shit sadists push on us. They’re not the same thing)
When the effort to get out of bed takes the wind out of you, you’re an ailing 85 year old or something. Drink up the last of your good brandy and reread your favorite books till it’s time to go.
You can enjoy it the same as anyone else who enjoys it.

>> No.19956893

Fire On the Mountain

>> No.19956900

You're assuming everyone has the same experience as you. A lot of young people have failing bodies or minds.What you take for granted is an uphill struggle every day for other people. That's why 20 year olds commit suicide. Their lives are genuinely awful.

>> No.19956916

I installed Tinder 4 years ago. Within the first 3 months, I got one date. I have had no dates since then, except for this one Chinese girl I met on a school trip who I was mostly interested in platonically, although a little pussy never hurt a man. I have been on Tinder, Bumble, OKCupid, and Hinge. I have been on Bumble and OKC the least. I used to use these apps a lot and even paid for Tinder Gold for a couple years, but there are periods where I don't use them at all. I also document the women I see on these apps via screenshot or screen capture because I'm interested in the work of Kinsey and I've seen some awful profiles. Because of the effort it takes (took, since screen capture makes it so much easier) and the poor results, I've had some gaps in my use. Although I've had some social anxiety and can be a bit of an autist, I think trying to date irl is better for me, since I am not particularly good-looking. Apps are very much about looks. In total, I've probably had 30 matches, and mind you, I've been using Tinder Gold most of that time and am not super picky. My one date was with a girl who had mental and family problems. She was chubby and not particularly attractive, but I was willing to see her again. I've had the confidence to ask incredibly attractive girls out, and while I've gotten their numbers, I've gotten no dates. For me, apps have been a waste of time. It is uncertain if I will get laid by the time I die, and while unfortunate and sometimes acutely troubling, I have made peace with it. This is my life.

>> No.19956930

Naw. I’m generalizing because I don’t know anything about anyone here.

Suicide is caused by chemical imbalances. Not because they’re ugly, poor, sexless etc. Those can be the excuse given by any of them, but plenty of people go on to live normal lives when they disfigured ugly, live in complete squalor, and never experience sex with anyone. I don’t mean they’re not feeling genuinely awful pain.

They might turn out to be awful people. So that be a “bad” suicide? I guess not. But it’s still an excuse.

>> No.19956933

>Suicide is caused by chemical imbalances.
That's still not something we can really fix.

>> No.19956944

I just did the same thing anon. But I tell myself that life is long and unpredictable.

>> No.19956946

False. There’s plenty of ex-suicidal people in the world.

>> No.19956987
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tf ?

>> No.19957005

you need to go back

>> No.19957009


>> No.19957040

I can't bear the loneliness, drinking whisky right now to cope

>> No.19957044

That’s not going to help in the least.

>> No.19957049

it makes feel good and is the only option I have. What the fuck can I do now? talk to strangers in the street?

>> No.19957062

You’re talking to strangers on other strangers hard drives now. Try that out with the fleshy interfaces offline next time.
Hey, we all understand loneliness. Hang in there man. Drink some water to help flush that stuff out

>> No.19957064

You underestimate the power of alcohol. It will absolutely help in the moment. Of course women will generally not understand as alcohol tends to make them MORE emotional, rather than more calm and relaxed.

>> No.19957070

You are an alien being or incredibly naive about alcohol

>> No.19957081

bro u need to fucken chill out, every time i come in these threads ur this much closer to oblivion

>> No.19957083

new thread


new thread


>> No.19957148

Lit is just r9k with books, ain’t it.

>> No.19957154

I am probably an alien being, to you at least. The reason alcohol is so addictive for men, as opposed to women (statistics are very open about this), is that it usually induces feelings of faint happiness and joyfulness, which are usually totally lacking in those who develop alcoholism (alcohol decreases the speed the mind turns over on itself and induces an almost meditative state, for me as well as, it seems, many other men). Hence the high rates of alcoholism in men compared to women. It's a maladaptive mechanism ultimately, but it's one that is perfectly understandable given certain preconditions.

>> No.19957158

Sadly getting worse.
I think it’s probably due to the better posters getting a life. Gives me hope. I’m leaving too.

>> No.19957160

I have nigger blood circulating in me right now.
I look arabic.

>> No.19957175

Getting a little lightheaded is fine. But when the lovelorn dive in it’s usually implied that they mean to go all out till the vomit or pass out (and vomit)

>> No.19957177
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It’s spelled *Niger*

>> No.19957179

How did that happen

>> No.19957182
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You got to go to other boards to discuss books. I personally go to /tv/, /tg/, /a/, and /vt/.

>> No.19957183

yeah i know but it was my friends brithday so i got way drunekr than usual
anyways im on mushrooms right now i wish i took more

>> No.19957211

Just a reminder. The official next thread is the one with the pilot getting a haircut

>> No.19957242

Just let your dead die already. No need to be to bump whenever it’s getting archived. No one is going to use it.

>> No.19957244

Real thread here >>19957228

>> No.19957298

"It's so fucking over."
I'm walking on the bike path overlooking the mouth of Narragansett Bay. My eyes are pierced by needles of sunlight glancing off of the industrial accoutrements across the water. As I have matured I have begun to obsess over my own mortality. I'm only 21 but I can feel death breathing hotly down my neck. My life has not been very long, and I can only expect two to three more before it's all gone.
This world isn't "real" in the way we're used to thinking of it. It blinked into existence when I was born, and during my life I will be the observer and perhaps creator of a number of beautiful things. And some unfathomably brief time later, I am going to die and everything I have ever loved will blink out of existence again.

>> No.19957325

It’s a perfectly legit thread. This one’s on the way out. Why the spite? What’s the matter with you?

>> No.19957726

As I had to bury my mother alone, I understood why the Japanese dived into our ships, and the Muslims crashed in our towers

>> No.19957794

FUN FACT: the PREVIOUS thread is still up. Generalfags are mentally ill

>> No.19957814


>> No.19957844

Thanks. You reminded me that I was gifted a real dart board and I bought some darts to practice but I've since quit drinking and going to bars so there's no reason to learn.
So I'll just burn the board and toss the darts.

>> No.19957916

I don't care if a girl's dated some retard. If she's slept with him though it is something that I cannot tolerate.

>> No.19958435

just your crown, no?

>> No.19958521

I think the fact that I am alive is proof of metempsychosis. I always think, that I will know if it is true after I die because if I become conscious again my soul has migrated. But it's obvious that I have already died. I always think, why am I conscious at this particular time in history as this particular human? I could have been conscious at an infinite number of other times. I also think that it makes no sense to not be conscious as long as there are conscious beings. It's contradictory for there to be nothingness when there is something available. Also, it makes the most sense in terms of God and the universe. Instead of just dying and going to heaven or hell for eternity, the universe is like a giant tapestry or play and we all play multiple parts to create an overall harmony, and death is just changing roles, a moment of pain and then you become a fucking good person or a bad person in the next life depending on your previous life, and you oscillate between stages of being according to the quality of your soul, rather than just being punished or rewarded for all eternity for one lifetime that wasn't even in your control. because having bad lives is necessary to create an overall harmony in the universe.

>> No.19958562

Unironically this

>> No.19958651

Fuck this shit mang
Maybe some autist gf would solve fhis problem.

>> No.19958656

Its possible. But not likely and it also depends a lot on her egg cycle.