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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 333 KB, 1050x600, iliad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19952225 No.19952225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19952246
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>> No.19952413
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>> No.19953690

Nestor is accurate

>> No.19953708
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>> No.19953772

Old memes? Get some new material.

>> No.19953904
File: 2.43 MB, 1080x1920, jbp guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19953911
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>> No.19954054

he looks happy

>> No.19954063
File: 335 KB, 452x631, Screenshot_20220210-145637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cave her skull in so fucking bad.

>> No.19954116
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>> No.19954129
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>> No.19954135

Oh boy, a twitter tourist thread full of awful unfunny shit!

>> No.19954139
File: 155 KB, 1786x1030, 1644663801783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19954141
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>> No.19954878

OOF. big incel moment

>> No.19954885

You got a problem with killing pedophiles?

>> No.19954897

proof this thread is some kind of spite protest against the "chud problem" on /lit/. i see you tranny savannah spammer

>> No.19954898

according to whom?

>> No.19954910

according to whom?

>> No.19954924

what reddit app is your favorite? I find plebbitor42069 to be the most friendly on my eyes when my wife is mid-screams from her bull.

>> No.19954931

As one must think

>> No.19954938

To be completely fair, both the Jewish community and leftist community have the largest per capita rate of pedophiles and rapists, so the likelihood of BLM rioters being pedophiles is extremely high relative to normal people.

>> No.19954979
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Cope and sneed.

>> No.19955004

He raped 5 boys age 9-11 when he was 19. You spent all of your time defended a literal pedophile. Congratulations.

>> No.19955012

I thought people like you only exist in memes.

>> No.19955239

Don't forget, the pedo had a long record of violent offense and was diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder as well (i.e. the label you get when you become irrationally violent and behave like a sociopath with no concept of de-escalation). Also, both of the other people Kyle shot had been arrested and charged with violent felonies. Even more, the people pedo was hanging out with were armed and had fired shots meant to threaten/intimidate Rittenhouse before manlet pedo charged him.

>> No.19955250

This moment killed the last remnant of libtard within me.

>> No.19955348
File: 387 KB, 1000x1097, as he died he came.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing Rittenhouse acquitted restored some of my faith in the judicial system--then I sobered up and recognized a big part of it was the ineptitude of the prosecution and the steadiness of the defense (i.e. luck).

I stopped being a libtard when I graduated from high school and realized how despicable/vapid/delusionally self-serving future members of the elite were (i.e. when I went to a top-tier university).

>> No.19955373

I'm still not trusting the justice system that's what they want from me so I let my guard down.

>> No.19955377

Fuck your gayjaks and fake English teacher shit
Not funny

>> No.19955412

Rittenhouse's acquittal was a nice moment on /pol/, brought all the oldfags back and made it clear we all just prefer to stay on our homeboards and only go to /pol/ for a major (major major) happening, now that the board is a dumping zone for bots, boomers, and zoomers.

It reminded me of the Trayvon trial when Zimmerman was acquitted or the night Trump won. I still remember both of those times, it was like an electrical charge, it was palpable. You knew there were other sane people out there, even if you disagreed on a lot of things, there were at least normal people out there who wouldn't send a man to the gallows and commit a judicial disgrace to feel good within their MSNBC racebait agitprop worldview.


>> No.19955544

Best part for me was shooting the shit IRL with random grocery store employees. Feels good even in this terrible country sometimes good prevails. Watching shitlibs memorialize and eulogies a literal serial pedorapist has made more determined then ever that we must keep struggling.

>> No.19955551


>> No.19955576

For me it was riding the bus home listening to some black uni lady tell another student that Trayvon was a little kid and Zimmerman executed him with a proton pack from Ghostbusters while saying "Rest in pieces darkie"

>> No.19956654

seethe nofun faggot

>> No.19956695
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atheist pig

>> No.19956757
File: 153 KB, 1080x796, 1567107188971-lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19956814

Big projection moment

>> No.19956831


>> No.19956845

shes based

>> No.19956850

I'll admit, the Paris one got me

>> No.19956868

I want to make love to Lauren Coleman.

>> No.19956967

Nestor as the thirty-year-old boomer got a hearty chuckle from me.

>> No.19957163


Did he get Convicted?

He never did, the Kenosha Kid.