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19936405 No.19936405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any good anti-communist books?

>> No.19936414
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>> No.19936446

Somebody wrote r/antiwork in the bathroom where I work, and I can only imagine that he's a huge faggot.

>> No.19936455

Read von Hayek and Schumpeter for the most interesting critiques of leftist economics that exist. See also, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk's "Karl Marx and the Close of His System".

>> No.19936458

go back faggot
go the fuck back

>> No.19936465
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>> No.19936467

Hoi doreen

>> No.19936517

Oh, and guys like Bastiat as well, he's very good. You can also try Sowell too. There are also critiques of communism's pretentions to being scientific as well that are interesting. But obviously all these come from a liberal perspective.

>> No.19936523

This is a work of fiction. You realize that, right?

>> No.19936554

Dilate Doreen

>> No.19936567

who the fuck is doreen?

>> No.19936585

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.19936586

/pol/’s latest boogeyman

>> No.19936590

Isn't this dude an anarchist

>> No.19936608

it's all the same for /pol/acks

>> No.19936663

Thank you for this thread so I can note all the shitty ass books to avoid

>> No.19936710

cope commie, we've all seen your posts to raid this board, go back

>> No.19936775

>raid the board
way to show how much of a newfag you are
go back

>> No.19936780

inb4 lolbertarians

>> No.19936894

>leftist economics
No such thing

>> No.19936903
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>This is a work of fiction. You realize that, right?

>> No.19936981

Meaning what? Champagne socialists, “scientific” tankies or actual socialists?

>> No.19937028

>Mamma! I poasteded it agen! Heheheh

>> No.19937029

alright lemme go back
*stays in place*
whoa I'm back

>> No.19937056
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>> No.19937100

>"Just let the free market suppress your wages to bare subsistence while all natural resources get exploited by the bourgeoisie"
We're nearing the end of this paradigm, bootlicker

>> No.19937124

Ahaha hystrionic chuds aaah seething and self-destructing ITT! You love to see it

>> No.19937128

What about central banks devaluing currency and the income tax. Clearly affects you more than le free market capitalists keeping u down

>> No.19937211

why not both?

>> No.19937216

Capitalist owning class get final say on my wage.
Income tax pays for my healthcare, roads, and transport.
Boy you sure are right, those selfless free market capitalists have way less impact on my material conditions than income tax.
> inb4 what about banks
I don’t think there are many pro banking commies.

>> No.19937236
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do not reply to tranny and/or commie bait
have a rare pepe for your trouble

>> No.19937250

The only time you'll see marxists getting BTFO, it's by another marxists.

>> No.19937264

Obviously because socialism doesnt work and you will just put some retard in charge of the economy like all the other times. Central banks on the other hand are just outright fraud and not necessary, and the income tax is basically only applied to poor and middle class because rich people dont even have income as such.

>> No.19937335

great book and BTFOs nihilistic young intellectuals

>> No.19937500

Animal farm

>> No.19938833

Das Kapital

>> No.19938889

>invite idiot with no media training on television to crush them as a strawman in front of audience
>easily crush strawman
>this proves the system is good and that anger over economic inequality and lack of economic opportunity is illegitimate

Like how someone struggling to survive off $40k is justified by the fact that they only got a masters in history in college, instead of a bachelors in computer science, and therefore they're not qualified for one of the 90% of braindead managerial office jobs which can be performed by anyone with a high school education and a pulse. The consulting profession itself can be performed by anyone who can pour piss out of a boot, so the profession is used as a high-paying spoils system for the idiots of the upper class who're too incompetent for everything else and whose input usually hinders productivity.

I was so mad about that interview, both because of that idiot doing it and because the left's so weak it can be demoralized simply by one fuck up, whereas the political right takes 10-20 humiliations every hour and still keeps punching away and wins through attrition.

>> No.19938928

Seconding Schumpeter. He takes Das Kapital apart bit by bit and shows how dumb it is, while applauding the 'wrong + wrong gives right' moments.

>> No.19938976

Just this article by Robert Nozick: Why Do Intellectuals Oppose Capitalism?

>> No.19939018
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>> No.19939051

except the "strawman" was the actual representative of the movement
they actually did send their finest, which says a lot

>> No.19939071


>> No.19939104

No they didn't and no they aren't, Fox specifically asked for them because they were an easy target. Don't give this bullshit that they had to select them as "the head of a movement" because they're some moderator on some fucking subreddit, so their hands were tied and they had to bring them on. They didn't have to do anything, they simply searched for some idiot on the internet and asked them to come on their show to make a buffoon of them. The goal was to crush a strawman with no media training in a hostile environment where everything would be titled in the host's favor and questions can be lobbed intended to keep the guest on their heels and spend the whole time having to defend their personality. The goal is not to have a discussion on an open playing field, the goal is to avoid discussion of the issue in favor raking someone's personality in order to publicly humiliate them and reinforce the network's ideology (which itself should never be allowed to be examined with scrutiny.)

>> No.19939122

You don't have to be a tranny to point out that you're posting a hack philosopher on a Koch-funded rag.

>> No.19939141
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>> No.19939193

hol' up. you been spying on me? Hayek and Schumpter got read by me the past few months

>> No.19939210

>guy I don't agree with is a hack and can't ever say anything of merit

>> No.19939211

>cope: the post

>> No.19939216

And this is why the use of "they" as a pronoun for one person is fucking stupid. I am not well versed with the incident and I will have to read your rant multiple times to make sense of who you're referring to when you use "they".

>> No.19939222
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>I don’t think there are many pro banking commies.
You're a fucking idiot who doesn't understand what Marxists even want. You cretinous nigger faggot

>> No.19939226

>Fox specifically asked for them
They asked for someone to represent anti work, and they sent their best as it were. Don't be triggered that their "best" was some dog walker that worked for 10 hours a week.

>> No.19939249

>anybody against communism is le /pol/ boogeyman
You need to kill yourself.

>> No.19939253

>leftist on 4chan unironically telling others to go back
Do you have a mental disorder?

>> No.19939254
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Please go back, you'll never really fit in here

>> No.19939255

He's right though, economocs are inherently fascist/right wing, being a western white concept. How stupid are you, tranny?

>> No.19939260

Holy shit you are fucking stupid. Back to your redditor hugbox, you absolute dumbfuck nigger.

>> No.19939270

>Fox specifically asked for them because they were an easy target
Proof? The entirety of your post is just a bunch of assumptions too. You sound like a retarded child butthurt that your favourite reddit board was the biggest joke in a long time and your "movement" was exposed as a bunch of incel tranny losers who honestly should kill themselves. See to it, waste of space. You are not revolutionary, you are a useful idiot and a subhuman who belongs in a work camp.

>> No.19939279

The left are full of retarded losers like you though, that's literally your entire movement. Do you actually think cool people want muh workers own da means of productionz? No, you're a bunch of retarded fags and shitskins with no life experience. Actual men are right wing and based, and their women follow them. Your "women" are just incels playing dressup and obese dyke hambeasts.

>> No.19939286

Time to commit suicide.

>> No.19939296

the meeeeeds nooooow

>> No.19939299
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>No they didn't and no they aren't, Fox specifically asked for them because they were an easy target. Don't give this bullshit that they had to select them as "the head of a movement" because they're some moderator on some fucking subreddit, so their hands were tied and they had to bring them on. They didn't have to do anything, they simply searched for some idiot on the internet and asked them to come on their show to make a buffoon of them. The goal was to crush a strawman with no media training in a hostile environment where everything would be titled in the host's favor and questions can be lobbed intended to keep the guest on their heels and spend the whole time having to defend their personality. The goal is not to have a discussion on an open playing field, the goal is to avoid discussion of the issue in favor raking someone's personality in order to publicly humiliate them and reinforce the network's ideology (which itself should never be allowed to be examined with scrutiny.)

>> No.19939305
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any history book

>> No.19939313

>do not reply to half the board
Gresham's law is a real bitch

>> No.19940318

A reminder that the anti-work movement is not communist. USSR would force you to work.

>> No.19940348 [DELETED] 

t. doesn't know what anti-work means

>> No.19940350
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>However, I'd keep an eye on /m/ - Mecha.
These people are ridiculous.

>> No.19940366

That was his recommendations for immediate demands to be made by any successful revolutionaries in Europe, socialist or not, and not some overall plan for gommunism. I'm not even a communist and I know this. Why can't /llit/ read?

>> No.19940460


>> No.19940485

What are some good anti-tranny books?

>> No.19940490

Then one would've liked to talk to Bob Black or someone from CrimethInc or Krisis or something, not a literal redditor.

>> No.19940523

why are you so upset that a stereotypical leftist was used to represent a group that is made up of people who look and think exactly like them?
have you ever talked to a single mechanic, machinist, millwright, or manual laborer?

>> No.19940524

the subreddit claims to be the genesis of the movement, so asking for someone from the subreddit to represent the movement can be done in good faith.

>> No.19940532
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>> No.19940549

This. I sent you a rare troon for the same reason. Our enemies are weak.

>> No.19940560

I'm so grateful that I was born to work and then die bros

>> No.19940575

you would work until you die under communism, be thankful

>> No.19940585

Was antiwork actually a bunch of commies or lazy leeches that just don't want to work? I assume it was a mix of both.

>> No.19940598

well, then they claim wrong. Some /lit/ neet would've been a better representative desu.

>> No.19940608

deranged tranny yelling at himself

>> No.19940616

anti-work ideology is anti-communist
>from each according to their ability...

>> No.19940787
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holy fuck this thread really is invaded by fucking tourists
go back

>> No.19940891

>someone struggling to survive off $40k
How tf do you struggle to survive off 40k? Thats a lot of money. Rent in my city is like $500/month or $6000/yr and groceries maybe 1-2k. Let's say you give another 1k for other expenses (phone, clothes, etc). Even with all those expenses you should easily be saving a lot of money per year.

>> No.19940902

Must live in cali or nyc I guess if 40k is super unliveable, or super in debt

>> No.19940918

He wants a glory hole there.

>> No.19941501

It is a fun interview.

>> No.19941641

I would hang myself if I only made $40k especially if i was a rentcuck too. What you didn't account for smoothbrain was tax. So that $40k is effectively halved if you look at the combination of Federal, State, Local, Sales, Property, and fuel taxes and fake taxes like vehicle registration. And then you have benefits being taken out. This puts you at a whopping $750 bimonthly. Minus $500 for rent and whatever your expenses are and you're just making enough to exist. It's not worth it. It would take you 50 years or more to save for even a house.

>> No.19941980 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19942127

The perennial question: is it an obvious psy-op meant to make /pol/fags look retarded, or a 14 year old?

>> No.19942198

It was a mix of anarchists (who were mods also) as well as average joe muricans, socdems and neets. So pretty much just liberals and radlibs as always. "Communists" are not and never have been against work

>> No.19942205

>t. 16 yeard old marxist

>> No.19942597

I'm 23.

>> No.19942634

>is it an obvious psy-op meant to make /pol/fags look retarded
Is a psy-op necessary for this?

>> No.19942704


>> No.19942838

No, I'm just trying to be charitable and assume it's some Bunkerchan freak roleplaying as a /pol/fag to make them look worse than they already are.

>> No.19942994
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>"Communists" are not and never have been against work
They're slave-theory productivists, we know.

>> No.19943210

Seems melodramatic. I make much less than that and it's fine. I make maybe 12k a year working part time while i get my degree. And even making that little ive managed to save 20k. I don't believe youd get taxed that bad at 40k. And fuel tax and other costs are irrelevant to me as I never intend to buy a car.

>> No.19943229

>any books that reaffirm what I already think without making me actually engage with opposing views?

/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.19943247


>> No.19945124

>while I make my degree
So you're getting a place to live at you either don't pay for or will pay years later. If you include all taxes including post tax consumption, taxes by proxy (property if you rent), pseudotaxes, the burden falls around 50%. As for not needing a vehicle this usually implies you live at a prime location and had money to begin with. Kys.

>> No.19945163

idk but should've picked Dora as a name imo

>> No.19945187

>As for not needing a vehicle this usually implies you live at a prime location and had money to begin with
Not really I live in a small midwestern city. Plenty of relatively cheap apartments in the city.
> If you include all taxes including post tax consumption, taxes by proxy (property if you rent), pseudotaxes, the burden falls around 50%
Not an accountant so if you say so. All I know is I made 12k/yr usually past 4 years while renting and never once struggled to survive on that pay. If you can't make it on 40k you're probably just terrible with money/budgeting or living way beyond your means.

>> No.19945216

>post tax and benefits at $40k is $1500 a month
>rent is an average of $1000 a month throughout the states
>food $500 a month
>have basically nothing after all other expenses
>waste 40+ hours a week working just to 'exist'
>insignificant ability to save to be free from it
Not worth it.

>> No.19945285

Yeah, you're an idiot. You don't know how the real world works. Also, its ironic you complain about taxes while defending leftism. You're complaining issues your own ideology causes, and then you move out of state to conservative places to complain.

>> No.19945293

>Food is 500 a month for a single person
You're fat a fuck bro. You are terrible at finance, and you've confused it with capitalism. Why do dumb fucks like you who are bad with money complain about capitalism when you're just dumb. Motherfucker, you spend 500 dollars on food. You are dumb fuck. 1000$ isn't even the average for the country. You're just living above your means, literally.

>> No.19945305

this nigga really said he spends 500 dollars on food a month as a single. He's dumb as fuck man. I raise a family of 3 only on 150 dollars worth of a food a month and we are never hungry. You really just a fat, lazy fuck bro. Most I ever spent a month on food was 300 dollars nigga. You are dumb.

>> No.19945327

Bob Black actually has a job and is a successful entrepreneur. In fact, Black himself has said Dohreen is a retard on Facebook. He didn't like the whole BLM shit woke shit either - he made it clear he's against sloganeering

>> No.19945352

Food is $500 a month if you want to eat fresh and not eat the bug and soi. I actually spend more than that. I eat salmon, ribeye, tbones, liver and berries. Your health is your best investment. If I had to lower the quality of my diet, I'd kill myself. Fortunately I'm not making a paltry $40k pre tax and then coping with the situation. Even if you stole your food, $500 monthly invested won't yield life changing results until you're in your 70s. You have basically no hope of ever getting a house at $40k per annum. I'm able to save $2000 a month or thereabouts and it still feels hopeless because I started from nothing. Imagine unironically working 40 hours a week, forcing yourself to eat shit, having no prospect of getting a permanent dwelling. You are better off joining a monestary at that rate even if you didn't believe in God or getting neetbux because at least you don't have the insecurity and drudgery of wageslaving.

>> No.19945364

That or he orders/dines out all the time. A moderate budget of 400$ per month would be enough to get everything you'd need to have a balanced diet.

>> No.19945365

Sorry but sounds like you're just bad at budgeting. Here are my yearly expenses:
>Rent: $6000 ($500/month)
>Groceries: $2400 ($200/month)
>Cellphone bill: $200
>misc: $200
>total 9k
Profit: 14k - 9k = 5k/year
And that's earning significantly less than you do. If you can't manage at 40k you're actually just dumb. I would kill to earn that much. I also don't understand how you're taxes are that high. I get taxed pretty much nothing.

>> No.19945391

I spend more than that actually. I eat like my ancestors did when we were hunter gatherers and they didnt pay to exist. Enjoy your soi, bugs, grain and beans and malnutrition.

>> No.19945503

you dont actually live like them though. you're just some weirdo larper.

>> No.19945528

Neither do you. You're just some malnourished coper eating a suboptimal diet.

>> No.19945558

of course i dont live like my ancestors, and thank god for it. they died so i dont have to live like them.
i dont get why you're trying to pretend like you are them.

>> No.19945572

The point was, retard, that they ate better than most wage slaves like you and they did it for free. Go eat your soilent at $1 a meal.

>> No.19946038

>eats cereal for breakfast and not eggs and meat to "save" money
ngmi poorfag,, enjoy your future psoriasis.

>> No.19946049

Schumpeter's system is shit without protectionism

>> No.19946060
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>> No.19946071

Why would you want to read a book that criticizes only one side and praises the other, when you could ask for objective books that criticize and praise both so you could compare the two ideas and decide for yourself, otherwise you are just being told what you think, or indoctrinated.

>> No.19946081

based af

>> No.19946086

>bunkertrannies calling other bunkertrannies newfags and telling them to go back
this is a strange board

>> No.19946089
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>> No.19946192

post physique, bitch

>> No.19946195
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Tenth is fucking hilarious.
>Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

>> No.19946302

bunkerchan was literally made for the large commie /lit/ population newfriend :)

>> No.19946307

Tranny monsters will never EVER be real women. Dilate and fucking DIE.

>> No.19946309

why can't they stay there, nigger

>> No.19946322

last I checked glowies quite literally nuked it or something

>> No.19946462

stop projecting
go back

>> No.19946487
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> Objective = Centrist = Good

>> No.19946505

Just keep sucking executive dick, that'll do.

>> No.19946509

>Support indoctrination, brainwashing and fascism

>> No.19946531

Always With Honor

Mine Were of Trouble

The Captive Mind

Crime and Punishment in Revolutionary Russia

On my list, but haven't read:

The Socialist Phenomenon

One Man in His Time

>> No.19946680

>anti anything

>> No.19946941

Why would you procreate if you can't even afford to feed them proper?