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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 474x649, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19939287 No.19939287 [Reply] [Original]

Based or cringe? He's basically just like me (I'm a huge /pol/tard) but he denounces God so idk what to think about him.

>> No.19939291

>(I'm a huge /pol/tard)
Prove it.

>> No.19939293

Traditionalism is so 2018

>> No.19939294

Go back, incel

(Assuming you're even old enough for sex)

>> No.19939295

You are not allowed to be a /pol/tard and Christian at the same time
2016 you mean. 2014 even

>> No.19939301

>You are not allowed to be a /pol/tard and Christian at the same time
>you're not allowed to be white
Sure thing Schlomo

>> No.19939304

Anti-semitism is a sin

>> No.19939318
File: 344 KB, 1080x781, 1645064181053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evola said trans rights, you are a homophobe
sorry chud, you're not the same

>> No.19939328
File: 324 KB, 764x492, 1634846805992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the best revenge is living well
>these actual fags will continue to spam their garbage while their life continues to suck (because they suck)
>tfw by the time they realize they squandered all that life doing it for free it will be too late
>meanwhile everyone else
feels good man

>> No.19939329

Your religion is for jews, by jews. Cope and seethe about it, your mental gymnastics would be condemned by every single catholic or orthodox priest on the planet

>> No.19939355

You don't know anything about Christianity except for /pol/ retardation propaganda.
Despite Evola's own disposition, he could not escape Christianity and said that he was a Catholic Pagan.

>> No.19939358

>advocates for LGQBT

>> No.19939364

Its really not that hard to have sex if you not a sub 7/10 and, I fuck hard and Im racist what are u gonna do about it

>> No.19939371

The only natural counterpart to a tranny is a rope.

>> No.19939373
File: 15 KB, 230x345, 480142-incel-0-230-0-345-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fuck hard and Im racist what are u gonna do about it

>> No.19939389

I should read some Evola, the points he makes are unique to say the least

>> No.19939711

Incels are just trannies before the transition.

>> No.19940038


>> No.19940070
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>> No.19940075

I've never read him.

>> No.19940164

How can christianity be for jews if they literally denounce it? Keep coping with your subverted lies.

>> No.19940185

Right that's why Jews have been trying to destroy Christianity for the past 2000 years

>> No.19940199

You cannot reconcile being an antisemite with following the teachings of rabbi yeshua ben yosef, sorry

>> No.19940210

The Church until Vatican II was anti-Jew.

>> No.19940223
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>> No.19940378

Time to commit suicide.

>> No.19940408

>he's basically just like me (im a huge /pol/tard)
must be cringe then

>> No.19940421

Modern Khazar Turks have nothing to do with Hebrews, sorry.

>> No.19940427

>we wuz jews

>> No.19940430

Never did I once imply I was a Hebrew. Get off of 4chan and let your IQ heal.

>> No.19940455

It's what these kinds of arguments inevitably lead to, stop pretending. "Uhhh actually Jesus wasn't a jew in the same sense as current jews and uuuh christians are actually the real jews but not the jews denounced by the bible, the good jews lol"
I have never seen a religion so entirely reliant on mental gymnastics to make sense. Your incessant larping is tiresome

>> No.19940476

No he's just saying most modern Jews aren't the Biblical Jews but Khazars. He didn't say that Whites/Christians are the real Jews like some tards do.

>> No.19940480

>most modern Jews
If you're American, perhaps.

>> No.19940738

This distinction makes the claim that one cannot be an anti-semite and a Christian nonsense, as the phrase refers to opposition to Khazar Turks. Good day.

>> No.19940748
File: 1.24 MB, 450x450, 1644370432509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many trannies here. Remember, OP, they quite literally have demoralization cliques on Discord and they do it for free. Whenever you see them, call them out and don't respond further. We need to make them known.

Evola gets a lot of his core from Guénon so without Guénon, his writing will be incomprehensible. He does not "denounce" God, but espouses a view quite similar to the Romans, where Apotheosis is possible through the "principle of struggle."

But if you want more discussion on God, I recommend Guénon anyway.

>> No.19940764

Why did you quote my two posts? Evola wasn't a christian and denounced christianity for its lack of esoteric content many times. Just because I don't believe in jew stories and prefer true indo-aryan spirituality untainted by semitic influence does not mean I want to become a woman, brainlet.

>> No.19940782

>prefer true indo-aryan spirituality
Define this.

>> No.19940796
File: 61 KB, 417x447, levola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19940862

Odds are good that you’ll troon out actually considering all the former /pol/tard trannies

>> No.19940871

He's probably referring to what Evola would define as "solar" types of spirituality, where man has the power in himself to reach divinity and liberation through his own power/will. This is opposed to the more "lunar" or telluric types which generally posit that man can only reach divinity through penance (e.g. for "original sin") and passionate devotion to something external to themselves, which is more feminine in nature and more characteristic of semitic religions, as opposed to various forms of paganism.

He claims that the original Hyperborean Tradition would have had this solar character, and that the lunar type constitutes a deviation/degeneration. I believe that Guenon concurred, although I can't remember where he wrote about this.

You could look up the Pelagian heresy, which illustrates the differences. There was a documentary about a last surviving Druid, supposedly passed down the Tradition through a secret order, and he claimed that their ancient religion was more akin to Pelagianism, which is to say that it had a more solar, virile and masculine character.

>> No.19940886

This image looks more like the average leftist when they aren't trans or soyy-addled.

And you know this how, faggot?

>> No.19940938

>without Guénon, his writing will be incomprehensible
Not at all. Both authors are influenced by ancient traditions, Evola just uses the perennial method created by Guenon. I read Evola before Guenon, Guenon is generally easier to read unless you delve into the purely metaphysical works.

>> No.19940942

Interesting post, thank you.

>> No.19940961
File: 2.91 MB, 2205x2289, Julius Evola Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola is so based that (((wikipedia editors))) are on suicide watch 24/7.

>> No.19941039

They've made it even worse now, did you know he's an ANTISEMANTIC CONSPIRACY THEORYY????

They truly are afraid.

>> No.19941064

Wikipedia is shit, shame it's always the first thing that pops up. People also just read it instead of any books and form all their opinions through it.

>> No.19941097

Lmao I'm reading the edits page and there are faggots who think detailing his actual views is "whitewashing anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists"

>> No.19941151
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>> No.19941170

They are NPCs at best.

>> No.19942661

fake quote

>> No.19942890

for most of the Church’s existence Jews were called accursed peoples

>> No.19942904

seethe more, evola is a solid looking guy

>> No.19943159

Who takes this man serious other than arrogant /pol/ incels who think they are some aristocrat warrior?

>> No.19944047

guenon is far superior
but evola was no pseud

>> No.19944066

I actually made this threat to mock /pol/tards but seems like they are all over /lit/ now. There's no value in this stupid board anymore, the people who actually read stuff have left. Time to get a new hobby.

>> No.19944080

ikr. how do we solve de /pol/shitters ruining /lit/ problem?

>> No.19944136

I think Notes on the Third Reich by Evola is the single best book that BTFOs National Söycialism and using Evola as a bulwark against nahtzees on /lit/ & /pol/ is a great strategy.

>> No.19944163

there are plethora hordes of ideologues on 4chan drooling at the thought of influencing young and impressionable youths to their retarded ideologies. OP, don't be a pawn in someone else's game, trannie or /pol/tard or otherwise.

>> No.19945095

Solve the IQ gap

>> No.19945232

wtf i hate evola now

>> No.19945263
File: 53 KB, 511x640, 1643544007530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your choices boil down to here, or to Goodreads and reddit, where the posters manage to not read even though they read, if you catch my drift.
And that's not even mentioning the fucking zoomer influx into the rest of the internet which means literature will soon be a thing of the past in public discussions
What's so bad about /pol/ compared to that? /lit/ has author specific threads all the time and the shitposting in them isn't of the /pol/ kind. There was that one about Blood Meridian a month ago where anons got into a shitfight lasting half the thread over the use of similes

>> No.19945268
File: 863 KB, 1536x2048, B0F92F1F-1C3C-4AA9-80B1-A0C8C9B414B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s based in some areas (snobbery and elitism, his view of mountain climbing as not only analogous but complementary to the spiritual climb) and not based in others (boomer tier rambling on jazz as negro music) but he’s incredibly interesting to read. No one else I’ve read has the same unique perspective as him.

Read the beginner Guenon book and Eliade’s eternal return as complements, they will round out your understanding of traditional vs modern man, which I think is crucial to seeing things the way Evola does.

Don’t start with Ride the Tiger. Read Revolt and then meditation on the peaks

>> No.19945278

>being too retarded to realize that OP is bunkertranny falseflagger
He literally called himself a "/pol/tard"...

>> No.19945476

German and French still based, but fuck arabic is woke just like english, maybe it's a translation from english

>> No.19945689
File: 121 KB, 921x394, LARPagans - Hitler on the 'Volkish Movement'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a hardcore Nazi and that guy's a pseud. Hitler would have thrown him in a camp like all the other Völkische LARPagans.

>> No.19945722

>boomer tier rambling on jazz as negro music
It is negro music, literally unlistenable trash.

>> No.19945728

ad yet he was friends with Himmler

>> No.19945741

Evola is based, but you are cringe.

>> No.19945762

Had to be Christian to enter the SS, and married.

>> No.19947099

that's just not true
you had to not be atheist was the requirement
and there was nothing about marriage, just some requirements that the spouse be """aryan""" and approved by the SS

>> No.19947113

>omg why is the board so bad now ;_;
>I bet there are 4chan posters posting on 4chan, wtf

>> No.19947322

Evola was friends with Himmler, you absolute retard

>> No.19948442

>Read the beginner Guenon book

>> No.19948451

I like to recommend 'Against the Modern World' by Mark Sedgwick
it gives an entire overview of the Traditionalist school and provides a quick rundown of people like guenon, evola, schuon, and even aleksandr dugin

>> No.19948466

Iv heard nothing but bad things

>> No.19948475

only Schuonfags hate him
it's a good overview of guenon's life in general