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19906403 No.19906403 [Reply] [Original]

Bakker thread, I hate the no god

>> No.19906416

Post excerpts

>> No.19906421
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Bakker got that prose
Also got them hoes

>> No.19906445
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>> No.19906455
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Coping sandersoi fan

>> No.19906461

Fuck am I so sick of seeing this guy talked about
I think i'm going to take a month long break from here

>> No.19906463

i bet you cant even post one good passage this dork has written

>> No.19906466


>> No.19906472
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>> No.19906485
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R. Scott Bakker is the most important living writer. No one else writes such dark, disturbing, yet philosophically profound fiction. His work is so rich, so deep, that it can't possibly be summarized. We would be fools to try.

In that light, I found myself at a complete loss while trying to find the right way to review the novel The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August. The story has only been out for one month, and for those less familiar with Bakker's work than I am, a new release is always difficult to review. Yet Bakker's newest novel is his most ambitious, and it has all the elements one expects from Bakker's best novels: dark, philosophical, rich, layered, and very disturbing.

>> No.19906487

Oh no no no no!!!!


>> No.19906497

my brain is four pounds

>> No.19906504

Why is this man a lit meme? I swear I see threads about him every week, but he's almost completely obscure outside of this board.

>> No.19906507

This isn't even correctly worded, unless he's talking from the perspective of someone who shares a brain with another person. I don't read this trash so I can't be sure.

A more correct rendering would be
>our brains are only three pounds
>the human brain is only three pounds

Utter hack.

>> No.19906509
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>> No.19906519
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That's it, reading him now.

>> No.19906521


>> No.19906539
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>> No.19906540

This is actually really good review as it lays out on the table exactly what you should do if you want to not make money in publishing.

1. Coherentist worldbuilding where the reader pieces together the world through reference and context is alienating and hard work.
2. All characters, what they do and what they say, are mouthpieces for your personal worldview and values.
3. A work needs to include powerful and cool characters for woman to self-insert as.

>> No.19906545


>> No.19906571
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Bakkerchads winning AGAIN!

>> No.19906578

Always an enjoyable read

>> No.19906591
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what a womanish read indeed

>> No.19906643

>23 posts
>8 posters
So it's just one obsessed autist or troll. Got it.

>> No.19906653

>Not the first post in this thread.

>> No.19906709

bakker posters will never recover lmao what pathetic losers

>> No.19906715

Are his books hard to find because they're appealing to white men? I used to see them all the time when I worked at the bookstore and I never knew they were full of rape. Fantasy gets away with a lot of rape.

>> No.19906726

They are appealing to chads, they took them off because bakkerchads used to be jocks and bullied them on school, so their revenge is taking off chad books of the store.

>> No.19906728

It's a meme because they are bad, equally hated by women, men, poltards, libshits, and everyone.

>> No.19906731
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>> No.19906745

"I see epic fantasy as a kind of ‘scripture otherwise.’ A large part of its appeal lies in its iteration of anthropocentric worlds, ontologies that serve our default understanding of the world. All fiction caters to the vagaries of human cognition, but none to such an extent. As such, epic fantasy possesses tremendous social and cultural significance, recording, at almost every turn, the antagonism between modernity and the human soul. Agency is distributed through the natural world (as opposed to restricted to humans or nonexistent). History has a closed narrative structure (as opposed to being open-ended and pointless). Morality is not only objective, but simple and unambiguous (as opposed to intractable or illusory). Events, regardless of scale, are intentional (as opposed to random). Social relationships are local and familial/tribal (as opposed to bureaucratic and incidental). Reality is accountable to human need and desire (as opposed to opaque and indifferent). Epic fantasy, as I like to say, offers us a ‘photographic negative’ of modernity.
The subgenre is often derided as ‘escapist,’ but for me, it’s important precisely because it’s consolatory in such a fundamental, encompassing way. Once its kinship to living scripture as opposed to myth (dead scripture) is highlighted, the absurd proportion of the cognitive stakes involved becomes clear."

"Fantasy is zombie scripture, the place where our ancient assumptions lurch in the semblance of life. The fantasy writer is the voodoo magician, imbuing dead meaning with fictional presence. This resurrection can either facilitate our relation to the actual world, or it can pre-empt it. Science and technology are the problem here. The mastery of deep information environments enables ever greater degrees of shallow information capture. As our zombie natures are better understood, the more effectively our reward systems are tuned, the deeper our descent into this or that variety of fantasy becomes. This is the dystopic image of Akratic society, a civilization ever more divided between deep and shallow information consumers, between those managing the mechanisms, and those captured in some kind of semantic cheat space."

"Compared to our ancestors then, we are stranded, shipwrecked, not just in the present, but in a present that isn’t real. Our horizon of expectation has collapsed, and the space of our experience has been dispossessed. And it is this state of affairs, I would like to argue, that provides the socio-phenomenological foundations of science fiction and fantasy. Both genres, I want to suggest, are best understood as symbolic compensatory mechanisms for our stranded souls. In other words, both genres are best understood as cultural prostheses."

>> No.19906753
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>because they are bad

>> No.19906757

This was a disappointment. I generally like epic fantasy, but this author is convinced that having absolutely no exposition is perfectly okay when creating a world. It's not. If there are 8 different countries and nationalities, a few nobles, a few peasants, 12 different factions within each nationality, 5 different schools of magic, 3 different major religious beliefs, some humans, some not humans (maybe?) and all these things are named with the most un-familiar sounding tripe names you can imagine (even for fantasy) then you gotta give the reader *something* to serve as a guide to what the fuck is going on.

>> No.19906763

I never finished this book, actually I never finished the first chapter.

I couldn't read this book it was like the author grabbed a thesaurus and picked out vocabulary that would have even made Jerome Shostak have to look it up!
It made me hate the author...it felt arrogant, high handed and pissed me off.


>> No.19906766

Hate women? Don't like too much character depth? Want a bland, midieval-ish backdrop to some tedious political "drama"? Believe in the meritocracy? Hate poor people?

Then this book is for you!

>> No.19906774

Grow up

>> No.19906777


>> No.19906781

That's very schlocky, but it's unapologetic. I envy that, Bakker isn't afraid to write what he wants. It's kind of interesting too. This character Inritil or whatever, he's just a murderer? What else did he do to be in prison?
It reminds me of something I read in Dark Dreams, which is by an FBI man talking about sexual sadists. There's a quote from one of those guys that goes something like, "It makes you feel like God because only God can make human beings suffer with no recourse."

>> No.19906827

>make post discussing literature
>thread dies
Fuck, sorry

>> No.19907079

>This character Inritil or whatever, he's just a murderer? What else did he do to be in prison?

There is this sect of post-kantian buddhist bio-computers obsessed with liberating their souls from causality and becoming self-moving. After 2000 years of eugenic breeding they are all about 3000iq. One of them leaves the monastery and finds that because of his breeding and training most other humans are like children to him, in that they can be easily read, anticipated, and predicted. He ends up becoming a false prophet, using these natural, but exceptional gifts, to appear like a god to people.

The person in prison is one of his sons, he is jailed because he probably understands figured out his father's master plan, which involves some kind of metaphysical craziness involving damnation.

There is definitely an element of sexual sadism in the series, but that tends to occur on the side of the bad guys, who want to avoid damnation by making the world completely materialist and sealing it from God. Their "orcs" are genetically engineered fuck-rapers, or rape-fuckers.

>> No.19907086

>fuck-rapers, or rape-fuckers.
Meant to write muder-fuckers. I am tired, and I am sure you get the gist.

>> No.19907101

sounds like a great writer. but his books ultimately disappoint.

>> No.19907145

>he is jailed because he probably understands figured out his father's master plan
That's wrong, he is jailed because he is insane.
He has his father's intellect, but his mother's emotions, so he feels like a puppet janked around by strings he can see but still not defy. He is unwillingly enslaved by a biology normal people are blind to, but he is not. Living with that subjective experience has broken him. His way of coping is by living out every deranged impulse without filter, because he believes that being a *willing* slave to biological impulses makes him the same as a being that is not enslaved by anything. But he does not act out positive impulses, because he thinks those are implanted by society. Only by being utterly and completely evil can one really be free. Of course this makes him twice the slave he would be were he merely unfettered, because doing the opposite of what people want you to do still means they control you.

That's pretty much what Serwa tells someone, it's not my own OC theory.

When he was a child he used to "push the buttons" of other people. He can see their deepest fears and insecurities and says the most upsetting thing possible.
IIRC he was placed in a cell because his father found out that he had been raping his sister to break her mentally (she has some sort of extreme autism, another birth defect caused by dunyain mixing with regular people and expresses virtually no emotions because of that, and he made her his project).

Since he was jailed he started to make the lives of the servants who have to take care of him miserable and tries to kill people, because all that he can do anymore. The only reason why he is still alive at all is because his mother would not forgive his father for killing him.

That scene is him trying to manipulate his little brother into going within range of his chains so he can presumably kill or cripple him. What he says can't be taken at face value because it is aimed at a specific goal.

>> No.19907167
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>> No.19907206

We will not no for sure until we get, if ever, the last two books, but it has been pretty heavily foreshadowed that if dying was part of Kellhus' plan then, considering what we know about 'salvation' that damnation would be the first step in some kind of confrontation with the God's, as a means of getting to the Outside.

>> No.19907213

That theory is dumb.

>> No.19907222
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Recommend me books with intense battles like Bakker.

>> No.19907243

That just the condition grown talking.

>> No.19907251

Still my favorite Bakker battle even after reading all the way to the unholy consult.

>> No.19908673 [DELETED] 


>> No.19908695

reminder that sffg unironically thinks this is good

>> No.19908787

This is what we call being filtered.

>> No.19908826

kek. how do you say something "as if making an absurd admission"? how do you look "as if searching for evidence of kinship"? what actual behavior are those descriptions supposed to express? and how does something "hang as if plummeting"? i swear to god these fantasy retards never even read what they've written, they just keep typing random gibberish without looking back

>> No.19909095

Nice, I wouldn't have guessed at the philosophical part from that excerpt. He doesn't sound like a 3000IQ biocomputer. His ethical dilemma is so juvenile, why would all positive impulses be nurture and not nature? But it's fun to have a superhuman character fucking with people.

>> No.19909209

I am no longer interested in Bakker

>> No.19909216

This is fucking horrible holy shit. The faggots in /sffg/ must be illiterate

>> No.19909219


>> No.19909359


>> No.19909473

Mayli, newfag.

Have fun.

>> No.19909576

>kinda want to read Warrior Prophet
>remember almost nothing from Darkness


>> No.19909640

There's a plot summary at the start of TWP

>> No.19910410


>> No.19910681

How could you miss it? The section named "What Has Come Before"

>> No.19911203


>> No.19911234


>> No.19911766


>> No.19912903
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>> No.19912925


Any news about the next book? Or has it gone the way of The Winds of Winter?

>> No.19912950

S.C. Hickmann>Bakker

>> No.19912986

Unfortunately it isn’t remotely as good as you make it sound.

>> No.19914003

He is not a meme, he is a actually a good author

>> No.19914035


>> No.19914893

No, you just don't like it. That's fine, but basically everything in the entire series is pointing toward some kind of apotheosis for Kellhus. Second Apocalypse is a Cultivation Fantasy where what is cultivated is Meaning.

>> No.19914922
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Bakker is the closest thing to a western Berserk – I've read both. But Miura is still better in every way possible. I wonder if Bakker read Berserk when he was younger – in fact I'd think it extremely likely.

>> No.19914944
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Proof Bakker stole the Inchoroi design from Berserk. Also Cnaiur vs Kellhus is a poor man's Guts vs Griffith.

>> No.19915183

Bakkerchads BTFO?

Bakker is anime EXPOSED!

>> No.19915521

Bakker rules supreme
Sandi rage and scream
Bakker make pussy cream
Bakker cock fucks extreme

>> No.19915677

That theory is directly contradicted by things in the book and by Bakker himself. It's cherry picked nonsense. Of course it incorporates truths, but its overall conclusions about plot points are wrong.

>> No.19916436

On the greatest fantasy author of all times

>> No.19916454

gene wolfe, bitch

>> No.19916730

Bakker raping gene's ass
Gene belongs in the trash
Bakker a man Gene a lass
Bakker is a stud gene is sass

>> No.19916786

I don't get why he is clinging to his academic background when his fantasy is probably more important.

>> No.19916811

coping mechanism

>> No.19916954

What is the name of this book? I was looking for a book, I'm going to buy it

>> No.19916969

I don't think it's that incorrect, if you consider "our"'s "we" to be "man/mankind/humanity/the human species".

>> No.19917627

prince of nothing
one of

>> No.19918521
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>> No.19918553
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>> No.19919103

Hehe Sandersoi is at the bottom

>> No.19919168

He posts here.

>> No.19919368

>Le Guin that low
Excuse me?

>> No.19919406

i only read the first half but seems ok to me. the dialogue is the most awkward part

>> No.19919445

I think he has description down, he just needs to work on his syntax. What style there is to his sentences is kind of odd, just very abrupt pauses and some sort of minimalistic tendency.

>> No.19920220

That's what happens with racist authors.

>> No.19920374

>muh raycisss

>> No.19921649

thas right whiteboi, get blacked you rayciss le guinn reader

>> No.19921650

Is The Warrior Prophet better than the first? I liked the first, almost done reading it at like 94%, but honestly a lot of parts were an absolute slog. Namely, basically any better Akka was the POV, dude is fucking nauseatingly boring. But Xerius, plainsman guy, Kellhus were all great and actually fun as hell to read.

>> No.19921651

Warrior Prophet is SUBLIME, keep reading its the best of the best

>> No.19921652 [DELETED] 

wtf. meant to say, basically any part where Akka was the POV

>> No.19921657

TWP is the best one imo, and there's not many akka povs

>> No.19921658

basically any part where Akka was the POV*

not sure how i fucked that up

>> No.19921683

So wait hold on, Greg Sadler did three videos on him, and I believe that he picks through votes. So does that confirm that like a large number of his viewers are /lit/izens?

>> No.19921687

/lit/izens reign supreme

>> No.19921688

Warrior-Prophet is overall my favourite book in the series, although if you don't appreciate Bakker's prose and insights it might feel like an even greater slog because narratively it boils down to men of the Tusk marching forward and fighting various battles. The last 50 pages of the book is the peak of Bakker's creative powers, if you still aren't hooked by that time drop it

>> No.19921692

Yeah bitch, drop it you don't understand bakker and his creative power

>> No.19922951

Yes yes yes

>> No.19922968

Bakker Bakker reign supreme
Bakker Bakker make them scream
Bakker Bakker hey hey hey
Bakker Bakker make them pay

>> No.19923032
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>> No.19923619
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>> No.19924585
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Kellhus' way of interacting with Leweth is what it feels like to to talk to coworkers.

>> No.19924848

his prose is ass
how can you read this dreck?

>> No.19924880

Kellhus is literally them or something. It's edgy. I don't know. It's Nietzschean, o rwhatever. They haven't read anything actually good, their exposure to "fantasy" is tabletop game lore like 40k or dnd or something and this is just like that. It's Berserk but without the art, and they're the kind of retarded neoweebs that think Berserk is the only good badass fantasy manga because they're zoomers who refuse to look any deeper or look at something they haven't looked before. they don't actually read it and they've just been shitting up the threads for years because one guy started it and then a big bunch of retards just started copying because they thought it was funny and now they've been doing it for so long they don't accept that anything else could ever happen and nobody, not even me, is going to actually talk about something else except either making the same three or four bakker posts or the same two or three can't we talk about something else posts and the threads will never be finally deleted and banned because the jannies are trannies and are therefore probably into it too

>> No.19924891

The Main Character is a self-insert. That's why.

>> No.19924893

your taste is shit faggot
I bet you read Tolkien and watch cuck porn BITCH

>> No.19925385

why do bakker “fans” have such hate for tolkien? bakker’s work is literally 50% tolkien and 50% berserk

>> No.19925433

Tolkien's works are accepted in Academia, whereas Bakker's work is just child fantasy.

>> No.19925456

I just hope his work gets DECOLONISED as soon as possible.

>> No.19925659

get out, you are not welcome here

>> No.19925843

Have you read Bakker’s writing? Compare that to Tolkien and you can see why they seethe. Bakker writes like a child.

>> No.19926527

Because the books are fantastic

>> No.19926629

Is it true that his works actually have gay sex in them?

>> No.19927036

Yes, and there's a cuckold that's a main character.

>> No.19927062

There is a space alien who calls himself "a raper of thousands"

>> No.19927906

No. In seven long books there are two incidences of "gay sex." The not common. Now gay rape?

There are two implied gay relationships in the first three books, only one has any plot significance or detail to it, the other is a sentence long. But the sex is off camera, so to speak, it's all about how a guy got mind fucked, seduced, and then actually fucked by this Mentat-like guy who is from a genetic line that has been breeding for intellect and self-control and training like monks for thousands of years (lotta Dune influence). Then his tribe calls him a faggot so he ends up going crazy and has to be a turbo violent warrior and rape women to prove he isn't a fag, but he secretly is, because this manipulator gayed as a kid for his own larger purposes.

And the 2,000 pages later there is a gay relationship, but also pretty brief.

But outside of that, the monsters in the books are a lot like Beserk. There is an entire Beserk Eclipse motif scene at the end of one book. The monsters are pretty much engineered for degeneracy and there is a lot of warriors meeting grizzly, carnal ends to them. However, the monsters basically aren't in the first three books much.

So, the gay sex is pretty few and far between except when you get to the demon aliens and actual hell demons, and then they appear to be pretty into rape regardless of gender.

>> No.19927923

This should not be interpreted as there not being rape in the first three books though, because the women are camp followers in a Crusader army and there are the demons showing up every now and again.

Plus, there is a almost funny plot climax where one character outsmarts another character in an intrigue and decided to dominate him by dragging him off to fuck him in front of his soldiers. Honestly, I liked the books a lot, but this one did seem a bit over the top. IDK, I guess considering prison culture, Russian army gay rape gangs, etc. that sort of shit does happen though.

>> No.19927962

Bakker has his strengths and weaknesses. Second series has editing problems and first is slow to start. The prose can be quite good at times, but style can start to feel bloated, like it is making the plot move slower at times.

He shines most with his battle scenes, and when his characters get into deep lore or idea based dialogues (e.g., the Head on a Pole scene, the Golden Room, etc.). He has this way of introducing summary passages that sound like a well done narrative history.

It's weakest when it comes to the court intrigue. He sets these up, but then the focus is actually the main characters and the bigger ideas, so he never brings them into a clear focus or gives them commanding meaning in the plot.

All in all, maybe my favorite genre fiction. Other contenders are Dune and Hyperion.

One thing he does is do some of the cooler ideas from Dune better than Dune:


Without beginning or end . . .

Kellhus had been a boy of eleven the first time he heard this phrase. He’d been summoned from his training to a small shrine on the first terrace, where he was to meet Kessriga Jeükal. Even though Kellhus had already spent years minimizing his passions, the prospect of meeting Jeükal frightened him: he was one of the Pragma, the senior brethren of the Dûnyain, and meetings between such men and young boys usually resulted in anguish for the latter. The anguish of trial and revelation.

Sunlight fell in shafts between the shrine’s pillars, making the stone pleasantly warm beneath his small feet. Outside, under the ramparts of the first terrace, the poplars were combed by the mountain wind. Kellhus lingered in the light, feeling the bland warmth of the sun soak his gown and bare scalp.

“You have drunk your fill, as they directed you?” the Pragma asked. He was an old man, his face as empty of expression as the architecture of the shrine was devoid of flourish. One might have thought he stared at a stone rather than a boy, so blank was his expression.

“Yes, Pragma.”

“The Logos is without beginning or end, young Kellhus. Do you understand this?”

The instruction had begun.

“No, Pragma,” Kellhus replied. Though he still suffered fear and hope, he had long before overcome his compulsion to misrepresent the extent of his knowledge. A child had little choice when his teachers could see through faces.

“Thousands of years ago, when the Dûnyain first found—”

“After the ancient wars?” Kellhus eagerly interrupted. “When we were still refugees?”

The Pragma struck him, fiercely enough to send him rolling across the hard stone. Kellhus scrambled back to position and wiped the blood from his nose. But he felt little fear and even less regret. The blow was a lesson, nothing more. Among the Dûnyain, everything was a lesson.

The Pragma regarded him with utter dispassion. “Interruption is weakness, young Kellhus. It arises from the passions and not from the intellect. From the darkness that comes before.”

>> No.19927965

“I understand, Pragma.”

The cold eyes peered through him and saw this was true. “When the Dûnyain first found Ishuäl in these mountains, they knew only one principle of the Logos. What was that principle, young Kellhus?”

“That which comes before determines that which comes after.”

The Pragma nodded. “Two thousand years have passed, young Kellhus, and we still hold that principle true. Does that mean the principle of before and after, of cause and effect, has grown old?”

“No, Pragma.”

“And why is that? Do men not grow old and die? Do not even mountains age and crumble with time?”

“Yes, Pragma.”

“Then how can this principle not be old?”

“Because,” Kellhus answered, struggling to snuff a flare of pride, “the principle of before and after is nowhere to be found within the circuit of before and after. It is
the ground of what is ‘young’ and what is ‘old,’ and so cannot itself be young or old.”

“Yes. The Logos is without beginning or end. And yet Man, young Kellhus, does possess a beginning and end—like all beasts. Why is Man distinct from other beasts?”

“Because like beasts, Man stands within the circuit of before and after, and yet he apprehends the Logos. He possesses intellect.”

“Indeed. And why, Kellhus, do the Dûnyain breed for intellect? Why do we so assiduously train young children such as you in the ways of thought, limb, and face?”

“Because of the Quandary of Man.”

“And what is the Quandary of Man?”

A bee had droned into the shrine, and now it etched drowsy, random circles beneath the vaults.

“That he is a beast, that his appetites arise from the darkness of his soul, that his world assails him with arbitrary circumstance, and yet he apprehends the Logos.”

“Precisely. And what is the solution to the Quandary of Man?”

“To be utterly free of bestial appetite. To utterly command the unfolding of circumstance. To be the perfect instrument of Logos and so attain the Absolute.”

“Yes, young Kellhus. And are you a perfect instrument of Logos?”

“No, Pragma.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I am afflicted by passions. I am my thoughts, but the sources of my thoughts exceed me. I do not own myself, because the darkness comes before me.”

“Indeed it does, child. What is the name we give to the dark sources of thought?”

“Legion. We call them the legion.”

The Pragma raised a palsied hand, as though to mark a crucial waystation in their pilgrimage. “Yes. You are about to embark, young Kellhus, on the most difficult stage of your Conditioning: the mastery of the legion within. Only by doing this will you be able to survive the Labyrinth.”

“This will answer the question of the Thousand Thousand Halls?”

“No. But it will enable you to ask properly.”

>> No.19927970

“You will sit here in posture,” the Pragma said, neither stern nor gentle, “and repeat this proposition: ‘The Logos is without beginning or end.’ You will repeat this without cessation, until you are directed otherwise. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Pragma,” Kellhus replied.

He lowered himself onto a small mat of woven reeds in the centre of the shrine. The Pragma sat opposite him on a similar mat, his back to the sunlit poplars and the scowling precipices of the mountains beyond.

“Begin,” the Pragma said, becoming motionless.

“The Logos is without beginning or end. The Logos is without beginning or end. The Logos is without . . .”

At first he puzzled over the ease of the exercise. But the words quickly lost their meaning and became a repetitive string of unfamiliar sounds, more a pasty exercise of tongue, teeth, and lips than speaking.

“Cease saying this aloud,” the Pragma said. “Speak it only within.”

The Logos is without beginning or end. The Logos is without beginning or end. The Logos is without . . .

This was far different and, as he quickly discovered, far more difficult. Speaking the proposition aloud had braced the repetition somehow, as though propping thought against his organs of speech. Now it stood alone, suspended in the nowhere of his soul, repeated and repeated and repeated, contrary to all the habits of inference and drifting association.

The Logos is without beginning or end. The Logos is without beginning or end. The Logos is without . . .

The first thing he noted was the curious slackness of his face, as though the exercise had somehow severed the links shackling expression to passion.

His body grew very still, far more so than he’d ever experienced before. At the same time, however, curious waves of tension assailed him from within, as though something deep balked, refusing inner breath to his inner voice. And the repetition was muted to a whisper, became a thin thread undulating through violent eddies of inarticulate, unformed thought.

The Logos is without beginning or end. The Logos is without beginning or end. The Logos is without beginning or end. The Logos is without . . .

The sun waxed across the dishevelled mountainsides, mottling his periphery with the contrast of dark plummets and bright bald faces. Kellhus found himself at war. Inchoate urges reared from nothingness, demanding thought. Unuttered voices untwined from darkness, demanding thought. Hissing images railed, pleaded, threatened—all demanding thought. And through it all:

The Logos is without beginning or end. The Logos is without beginning or end. The Logos is without . . .

>> No.19927976

Long afterward, he would realize this exercise had demarcated his soul. The incessant repetition of the Pragma’s proposition had pitted him against himself, had shown him the extent to which he was other to himself. For the first time he could truly see the darkness that had preceded him, and he knew that before this day, he had never truly been awake.

When the sun at last set, the Pragma broke his fast of silence.

“You have completed your first day, young Kellhus, and now you will continue through the night. When the dawn sun broaches the eastern glacier, you will cease repeating the last word of the proposition but otherwise continue. Each time the sun breaks from the glacier, you will cease repeating the last word. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Pragma.” Words spoken, it seemed, by someone else.

“Then continue.”

As darkness entombed the shrine, the struggle intensified. By turns, his body became remote to the point of giddiness and near to the point of suffocation. One moment he would be an apparition, an accident of coiling smoke, so insubstantial it seemed the night breeze might smear him into nothingness. In another, he would be a bundle of cramped flesh, every sensation sharpened until even the night chill chattered like knives across his skin. And the proposition became something drunken, something that stumbled and staggered through a nightmarish chorus of agitations, distractions, and frenzied passions. They howled within him—like something dying.

Then the sun broke from the glacier, and he was dumbstruck by its beauty. Smouldering orange cresting cold planes of shining snow and ice. And for a heartbeat the proposition escaped him, and he thought only of the way the glacier reared, curved like the back of a beautiful woman . . .

The Pragma leapt forward and struck him, his face a rictus of counterfeit rage. “Repeat the proposition!” he screamed.

The Logos is without beginning or. The Logos is without beginning or. The Logos is without beginning or. The Logos is without . . .

For a moment, he could taste blood on his split lips, but the sensation was slowly rinsed away by the ruthless litany. The inner cacophony faltered, trailed into deathlike silence. His body became an utter stranger, a disposable frame. And the movement of time itself, the pace of the before and after, transformed.

The shadows of the shrine’s pillars swept across the bare floor. Sunlight fell upon, then flickered from, his face. He wet and soiled himself, but there was no discomfort, no smell. And when the old Pragma stood and poured water across his lips, he was merely a smooth rock embedded in moss and gravel beneath a waterfall.

>> No.19927982

The sun skirted the pillars before him then lowered behind him, drawing his shadow across the lap of the Pragma and then amid the burnished trees, where it congregated with its kinsmen and bloated into night. Again and again, he witnessed the sun rise and topple, the momentary respite of night, and with each dawning the proposition was further dismembered. While the world quickened, the movement of his soul slowed.

Until he whispered only:

The Logos. The Logos. The Logos . . .

He was a hollow filled by echoes bereft of any authoring voice, each phrase a flawless reiteration of the preceding. He was a wayfarer through the abyssal gallery of mirror set against mirror, his every step as illusory as the last. Only sun and night marked his passage, and only then by narrowing the gap between mirrors to the impossible place where vanishing point threatened to kiss vanishing point—to the place where the soul fell utterly still.

When the sun reared yet again, his thoughts receded to a single word:

The. The. The. The . . .

And it seemed at once an absurd stutter and the most profound of thoughts, as though only in the absence of “Logos” could it settle into the rhythm of his heart muscling through moment after moment. Thought thinned and daylight swept through, over, and behind the shrine, until night pierced the shroud of the sky, until the heavens revolved like an infinite chariot wheel.

The. The . . .

A moving soul chained to the brink, to the exquisite moment before something, anything. The tree, the heart, the everything transformed into nothing by repetition, by the endless accumulation of the same refusal to name.

A corona of gold across the high slopes of the glacier.

. . . and then nothing.

No thought.

No thought.

The boy extinguished. Only a place.

This place.

Motionless, the Pragma sat facing him, the bare soles of his feet flat against each other, his dark frock scored by the shadows of deep folds, his eyes as empty as the child they watched.

A place without breath or sound. A place of sight alone. A place without before or after . . . almost.

For the first lances of sunlight careered over the glacier, as ponderous as great tree limbs in the wind. Shadows hardened and light gleamed across the Pragma’s ancient skull.

The old man’s left hand forsook his right sleeve, bearing a watery knife. And like a rope in water, his arm pitched outward, fingertips trailing across the blade as the knife swung languidly into the air, the sun skating and the dark shrine plunging across its mirror back . . .

And the place where Kellhus had once existed extended an open hand—the blond hairs like luminous filaments against tanned skin—and grasped the knife from stunned space.

The slap of pommel against palm triggered the collapse of place into little boy. The pale stench of his body. Breath, sound, and lurching thoughts.

I have been legion . . .

>> No.19927989

In his periphery, he could see the spike of the sun ease from the mountain. He felt drunk with exhaustion. In the recoil of his trance, it seemed all he could hear were the twigs arching and bobbing in the wind, pulled by leaves like a million sails no bigger than his hand. Cause everywhere, but amid countless minute happenings—diffuse, useless.

Now I understand.


I mean, this beats why look at Mentat training we get from Paul, who seems always too relatable to be a machine.

>> No.19928547


>> No.19929579

Seething mechanism

>> No.19929702

Is Bakker genuinely attempting to shit on women, or is this another case of a woman having no clue about the actual history of her own sex?

>> No.19930333

bakker is right, when did women ever have a clue about anything

>> No.19930400

You need to understand, Bakker is popular here because he represents a large audience in /lit/: misogynistic writers with bad prose who think self-inserts make for great characters. In essence Bakker is their self-insert in life.

>> No.19930896
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It's nuanced critique with a red-pill over-dose of realism. I think that's the best way to describe it.

Low IQs cannot cope with it and think he's a misogynist.

>> No.19930902

See this one right here? >>19930400

Like pottery. You literally can't make this shit up.

>> No.19931019
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Because he is unfathomably based.

>> No.19931034

He was already canceled before cancel-culture was a thing.

Canceled by default, I would say. He was banned from twitter years ago for making fun of chicks with dicks.

>> No.19931051

>Bakker fanboy cannot discern before and after
The incel brain

>> No.19931081

There's a reason why Bakker's novels are classified as young adult anon, mature people realizes that his works are juvenile wet dreams who no literary value. There's no philosophy in his books, only the raving of a man who never escaped puberty.

>> No.19931092

Does Bakker eat pussy? Serious question, I want to know if it ever came up in one of his essays or communicated through a story.

>> No.19931152

He has tons of women in his books and there is plenty of sex, so yes he is a coomer.

>> No.19931160

You answered in the general to my specific query and it's upsetting me.

>> No.19931213
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You have a thread on THIS man?

>> No.19931218

Listen, it was either write this essay or slap her in the face with a dueling glove. He was merciful.

>> No.19931236

Bakker doesn't eat pussy but he did say that he enjoys anal (both top and bottom but more frequently the latter) a lot. In fact about 10% of each book he writes are dedicated to homosexual eroticism, which has earned him many accolades and acolytes alike

>> No.19932182

>Bakker classified as YA
You can say it's bad without making shit up like a retard. No publisher is trying to market that much rape to teens.

>> No.19932231

I dare any of you womanish clowns to speak these things within earshot of me or any other Bakkerites. I would be upon you as a lion upon a young calf.

I would cut your eyes from their sockets just to show you the mewing atrocity I had made of your face, but only after dominating you.

You would lie prone, knocked to the ground by a world shattering blow. You'd feel me pinning you down, vice like. Your would reach out, wildly but uselessly, breath straining for the wild gallop of your heart, mind reeling for the premonition of what was to come.

Your pants would come down with a jerk, the musk of sweat and honey of anus wafting outwards. My curved phallus would stand erect, a pillar of ivory against the roiling musculature if my stomach.

Some lessons need to be taught.

>> No.19932805

That sounds kind of based

>> No.19932841

>here's why the useless thing I do is actually really important

>> No.19932852

>t. Madness1
someone post "it"

>> No.19932876

His books are basically what happens when you don't read Kant

>> No.19932879

Kant's Christian views are incompatible with Bakker's homolust

>> No.19932998

cuckfags are the biggest cucks of all. imagine cucking yourself out of reading a good series of books just for simply depicting something you pathologically fear.

>> No.19933012

>a good series of books
Comedy gold

>> No.19933029

>Normal people not supporting faggotry because they "fear" it.
Typical faggot cope.

>> No.19933032

>Bakker doesn't eat pussy but he did say that he enjoys anal
based and anal pilled

>> No.19933061

>what happens when you don't read Kant
"If it is the case that the sciences more or less monopolize theoretical cognition, then the most *reasonable* way for reason to critique reason is *via the sciences*. The problem confronting Kant, however, was nothing less than the problem confronting all inquiries into cognition until very recently: the technical and theoretical intractability of the brain. So Kant was forced to rely on theoretical reason absent the methodologies of natural science. In other words, he was forced to conceive critique as more *philosophy*, and this presumably, is why his project ultimately failed."

"The primary difference is that the Intentionalist thinks they *can overcome neglect via intuition and intellection*, that theoretical metacognition (philosophical reflection), once alerted to the existence of the transcendental, suddenly somehow possesses the resources to accurately describe its structure and function. The Eliminativist, on the other hand, asks, ‘What resources?’ Lay them out! Convince me! And more corrosively still, ‘How do you know you’re not still blinkered by neglect?’ Show me the precautions!
The Eliminativist, in other words, pulls a Kant on Kant and demands what amounts to a *metacritique of reason*.
The fact is, short of this accounting of metacognitive resources and precautions, the Intentionalist has no way of knowing whether or not they’re simply a ‘Stage-Two Dogmatist,’"

"The ‘transcendental’ on this view is a kind of ‘perspectival illusion,’ a hallucinatory artifact of the way information pertaining to the limits of any momentary conscious experience can only be integrated in subsequent moments of conscious experience.
Kant’s genius, his discovery, or at least what enabled his account to appeal to the metacognitive intuitions of so many across the ages, lay in making-explicit the occluded medial axis of consciousness, the fact that some kind of orthogonal functionality (neural, we now know) haunts empirical experience. Of course Hume had already guessed as much, but lacking the systematic, dogmatic impulse of his Prussian successor, he had glimpsed only murk and confusion, and a self that could only be chased into the oblivion of the ‘merely verbal’ by honest self-reflection."

>> No.19933084

Not to mention that the foremost philosopher of Earwa, Ajencis, is obviously inspired by Kant

>> No.19933178

This guy wishes he was a real philosopher so bad

>> No.19933206

Bakker has PhD in philosophy. You fap to trannies and read Evola

>> No.19933227

>Bakker has PhD in philosophy.
That's a low bar; so is wordpress blogging
>You fap to trannies and read Evola
Holy projection

>> No.19933248

Didn't ask

>> No.19933258

>Bakker has PhD in philosophy
So he's on the same literary level as all the burger flipping gals in my neighborhood, got it

>> No.19933260

It’s over.

>> No.19933262

So basically the author is an eliminative materialist who doesn't believe in free will and God who constructed this pulpy sci-fi world as a nightmarish caricature of a hypothetical world in which such things did exist? Woah, Mom's gonna freak ...

>> No.19933625

Yes, it's incredibly soulless. Lacking both beauty and truth.

>> No.19933633

Truth shines!

>> No.19933688

Kant was fully retroactively refuted by Bakker.

For example, while Quine fatally weakened the synthetic/analytic distinction, it was Bakker who provided the proof that calcified dogma is not observably different from analytic fact using a combination of philosophy of information and abstraction, joining the logical systems Floridi to the physics of messaging via Landauer's Principal and computational entropy. Incomputability, Krylov Complexity, Yao Entropy, have disasterous consequences for proving analytics that are not tautologies, an nowhere is this more apparent then in the Dunyain-Logos Paradigm, as viewed from the Absolute Judging Eye Vector, Whale Rape Gang Bang Hypothesis laid out in The Great Ordeal. Bakker brings Kant to Quine full circle, insublating both so both can be sublated as organic whole in the dynamics of whale-mother-cave-rape-as-logos, which provides proof the the incompleteness of Logos due to the incomputability problem. Turing would have been proud!

Note that Kant is also more seriously retroactively refuted vis-á-vis the transcendental aesthetic via the proof of Meat Fueled Murder Rape Orgy (where the inefficiency of the alien space nuke, and resultant high level of radiation released, reminiscent of primitive, WWII era nuclear weapons, results in the Scalded as a boipussy dynamical system, which, shows that even a simple system represented by a differential equation can, and will necissarily produce chaos if it reaches a phase of three in any cycle.) The result is that the faculties cannot be an anchor of anything, as strong variance driven by "initial" conditions invariably leads to chaos. Bakker symbolizes this using the stochastic forces of nuclear radiation as from those quantum activity we still see the larger classical objects of emergence in the rape orgy.

This shows the teleology of rape, the Inchori Theory and defeats appeals to classical ethics as such.

Again, even more than retroactive refutation, which others have done, Bakker RETROACTIVELY SUBLATES Kant.

>> No.19933697


>> No.19933711

Bakker raped Kant to refute him, based

>> No.19933716

you again! i ask once more! are you f scott bakker?!

>> No.19933721
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He does lurk here.

>> No.19933722

Truth Shining Supreme, Yes I'm

>> No.19933730
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>> No.19933733

No. That's an inaccurate description. Neuropath is eliminativism as a paperback thriller you'd buy in an airport. His blog and papers has eliminativism. SA is the determinism of classical philosophy that you see in the Stoics and Aristotle. Man is constrained by his appetites and desires and risks degenerating into a beast. The development of the will and intellect read to some modicum of freedom.

The Dunyain have a view of determinism that can be overcome in degrees that is similar to that of classical philosophers. It is physicalist but lacks modern science, and isn't fully reductionalist. It allows for top down emergence through levels of complexity, so Logos can dictate behavior, it isn't actually illusory. Their whole goal, and the goal of the villain/hero inverted prophet comes from Absolute Idealism, where the self defines reality.

It's very far from eliminativism. People who say that it is:

1. Don't know what eliminativism is and think that any explanation of human behavior in terms of brains is necissarily deterministic and eliminative.

2. Think that if an author expresses an idea one place, it holds for everything they write.

It's particularly dumb here because Erwa has magic, an afterlife, souls, etc.

>> No.19933747
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Richard, if you truly are here (assuming it's not just one of your educated fanboys), please fuck off to your writing PC and update your blog instead of shit-posting here all day.

I've been shilling your books here non stop for years now. There's only so much I can do until I too lose hope.

Stop being a pathetic cuck and finish your PHD.
Stop being petty and self publish if need be. You have people who will literally pay 300$, or more, for your next book.
Stop trusting shitters like Madness1 to edit/proof read your books. Find a decent editor ffs.

>> No.19933750

Philosophylets who don't like Bakker say shit like this.

People who actually know philosophy and don't like Bakker would just point out that those responses aren't particularly original, and could lay out any of the many rebuttals to them as a canned response.

>> No.19933757

One must reign supreme in darkness, only then will he shine supreme in the light

>> No.19933772
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And yet you can't refute a single thing he said.

>> No.19933774

non-pozzed and non-ubased

>> No.19933850

this describes Prince Of Nothing perfectly

>> No.19933914

guys, I have read PoN but I dropped the series after. While I thought the setting was pretty interesting I absolutely hatted the fuck out of the Kellhus character. I thought at first he was supposed to be the antagonist of the whole series (the way he manipulates all the people) but he never got his comeuppance. I couldn't figure out whether he was terribly written as a protagonist or if I was actually supposed to hate him. Once I figured the way he was describes was essentially being a Bakker self-insert and the read that Kelhus is the good guy, I decided I couldn't stand any more of this garbage.

Tell me: was I wrong and should give it another shot?

>> No.19933921

Kellhus is not a good guy

>> No.19933926
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cope and seethe

>> No.19933939

Nor is he a bad one.

>> No.19933945

>Getting emotionally attached to a character.
>Letting his own emotions overtake his rationality.
I think you got filtered.

Many such cases.

>> No.19933965

i read fantasy for entertainment primarily and it helps if you have a focal character to identify with or root for. i couldn't get ino Shadow and Claw either even tho that was certainly a much more sophisticated book I could appreicate more or a stylistic level than PoN.
I somehow enjoyed Tales of the Dying Earth tho, even tho Cugel isn't really an admirable character in any way.

>> No.19933974

You don't understand the creative power of Bakker, good thing you dropped it

>> No.19934007

Is this some goodreads pasta or people here actually think about literature in such sad way?
>this heckin character is a meanie therefore I'm droppin' me bookie!

>> No.19934394

>Doesn't understand that Kellhus is literally not human

>> No.19934407

Yes, we know, Kellhus is Bakker's self-insert.

>> No.19934409

>Still misses the point
I accept your defeat.

>> No.19934415

Yes, Bakker has a god-like intellect, I agree.

>> No.19934427

>Kellhus is Bakker's self-insert.
That’s pathetic.

>> No.19934611

>Kellhus is Bakker's self-insert

Bakker claims to identify with Achamian

>> No.19935134

how many active bakker threads do you need?

>> No.19935146

Kellhus is a p-zombie, who the fuck would want to be like him? Sure he's got garystuish powerlevels by the price is being unable to appreciate or believe into anything, seeing the world as nothing but a collection of moving cogs

>> No.19935160

>who the fuck would want to be like him
Literally Bakker. That’s his self-insert.

>> No.19936040

We need the entire board dedicated to Bakker

>> No.19936623

As many as it takes until we reach the Absolute.

>> No.19937114

but how does one reach a state of Absolute Bakker?

>> No.19937215

This is just pilpul. The point is that the (illusion of the) sovereign subject is tyrannical and the source of all evil in the world. Everything else is window dressing

>> No.19937474

We will continue until /b/ is made into a Bakker board, but will accept /absolute/ for now.

Eventually this site will be renamed Bakkerchan.org. Like Kellhus, we will do what needs to be done.

>> No.19937482

Go back to r*ddit, you manchild.

>> No.19937486

Kellhus is the villain you mong. Thinking he is a hero because the ends justify the means is literally getting mind raped by the Dunyain. The reader who does that is just another sad victim of the Dunyain.

He goes exceptionally out of his way to show Kellhus being an evil spider in the second series.

>> No.19937492

>but he never got his comeuppance
You really think the author will ever punish his self-insert?

>> No.19937819

when the alternative is rape orcs, rape trolls and rape demons raping people with knife made orifices for eternity... yeah I'd say the end justifies the means here, and the means are really not that horrible.

>> No.19937823

he literally dies at the end and fails his mission

>> No.19938737

He can never die

>> No.19938817
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the inchoroi are actually the good guys because they want to end damnation in its entirety. Kellhus plan is to literally turn Earwa into hell and live forever as Ajokli. Its the same or worse then hell because people he kill might pass into the actual hell after living in Hell on Earwa. Consult wants to shut off the outside and spare future generations from hell. Consider how many millions of people are roasting just from Earwa and the progenitor civilization. Its clearly the highest good to end this and any means to do so are going to be far less destructive and create less suffering than the eternal existence of a hell that 99% of souls end up in.

Aurang did literally nothing wrong

>> No.19939297

>2. All characters, what they do and what they say, are mouthpieces for your personal worldview and values.
This is an unironically bad thing, unless you want to write allegory and forego fiction altogether

>> No.19939413

>No Marvin Peake
>No Moorcock
>No Robert Howard
>No Jordan
>No Pratchet
what the FUCK is /lit/ even reading?

>> No.19939428

Hi Scott, how are you doing on this fine day?

>> No.19939542

no terry goodkind

>> No.19939897

This dude really doesn't understand that 90% of the people who read epic fantasies are teenagers or manchildren and just acts like he somehow is doing anything important

>> No.19940015

Is the consult plot literally "the great reset"?
>you vill eat the sranc meat

>> No.19940050

their motives aren't good though

>> No.19941273

posting quotes from your blog where you wax philosophical is super gay and cringe.

>> No.19941315

I'm glad he supports the right to rape for Incels.

>> No.19941320

What is he supposed to do? He's a laughingstock in actual academia.

>> No.19941371

>not no for sure until we get, if ever, the last two books
The last book was split in two for length. The story and all plotlines were resolved with a bad ending, because that's what was planned and written. Death cuts everything short, leaves people feeling abandoned, ends conversations and any possibility of compromise: it's over.

>> No.19941404

>actual academia.
LOL today's academia is a woke feminist BS cringefest totally detached from actual science especially the humanities.

>> No.19941418
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>actual academia
ah yes the respected ivory tower of jews

>> No.19941525

Strange cope since Bakker is the same as them.

>> No.19942092

get into a risqué debate with some idiot sjws over some identity political act on camera to build a platform, then make talk show rounds and release a few non fiction self help books. duh

>> No.19942102

join the academic dark web.

>> No.19942273

Bakker actually written more fantasy after Unholy Consult or is he "busy"?

>> No.19943571


>> No.19944338

Bakker is without beginning or end.

>> No.19945165

>man fucks the dirt thinking about daddy while getting cucked
Wow so deep

>> No.19947202

Bakker reigns supreme

>> No.19947959

/lit/ no anon, this is /bakker/

>> No.19948710

He's claimed he's going to write more, but he doesn't have a publisher and TUC was the last part of what he'd planned out beforehand, so who knows.

>> No.19948721


>> No.19948827

Not coo my nigga, Bakkerchads respect Simmons as our sci-fi brother. Shrike is a honorary Zaudunyaini

>> No.19948978
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>"No," the boy answered honestly.
>"But why?" the boy asked, genuinely curious now.
This reads like RP logs.

>> No.19948997

>Marvin Peake
Who the fuck is Marvin Peake? Also Pratchett is reddit.

>> No.19949170

I will now read your book

>> No.19949185

God damn the prose is shit. Who could read this shit?

>> No.19949208

Main character is a self-insert for the reader and writer.

>> No.19949328

I have seen worse. A lot of litrpgs feel and read like some terrible play script.

>> No.19949553

But aren’t those self-published? How did this shit get published in the first place.

>> No.19949611


You come into every Bakker thread, often multiple times, and samefag the same exact posts. Imagine being this much of a nigger

>> No.19950542

I am not a paedophile

>> No.19950975

What are other authors or works that you would recommend to a Bakker fan?

>> No.19950986

Anything that involves cuckoldry, blacked, and feminists works.

>> No.19951066

I really love Bakker and my other favorite genre fiction books are Dune (does decline in quality, but God Emperor is still cool) and Hyperion (really top tier, unfortunately the follow up to the first two, Endymion, is meh. Olympus has the coolest ideas of any Simmons but the delivery is a bit muddled and the plot just sort of peters out).

The Black Company is good for darker military fantasy, but it does feel pretty trope filled in the ways 80s books that everyone copied tend to (e.g., Neuromancer). The Black Company has a pretty steep decline after the second book though. The mood gets lost and it becomes more generic. Game of Thrones is pretty good if the show didn't ruin it for you. Starts off a bit slow, but the third books is really fantastic. I also really like Red Rising, which suffers from the first book being edited down for the YA market, but it is still a fun time killer. Kind of ridiculous premise, but enough interesting plot twists to keep it fun.

Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space hits some of the same vibes as the Golden Room scenes. The main series gets a bit too space opera for my taste though. The stand alones in the same universe are better: The Prefect and Chasm City.

If you like the absolute idealism aspects that bleed in, Hegel's Ladder is great as a commentary but also incredibly difficult. You need a background in philosophy and Hegel going in.

>> No.19951300

>feminists works
reminder that anti-bakker posters are esl shithole third worlders. every last man jack of them.

>> No.19952032

Blood Meridian

>> No.19953050


>> No.19954567

Found sanderson fan

>> No.19954799

Bakker rules this board
Bakker a lambo, sandi a ford

>> No.19955863

They have them at my local library

>> No.19956071

its not too late to change that. anything to get the message out am i right gamer?!

>> No.19956135

Sandersois made a thread, they will NEVER surpass us

>> No.19956816

Who doesn't believe in meritocracy? (besides niggers)

>> No.19956968

Who decides the merit?

>> No.19957096
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>> No.19958309


>> No.19958339
File: 112 KB, 720x720, Fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>R. Scott Bakker is the most important living writer. No one else writes such dark, disturbing, yet philosophically profound fiction. His work is so rich, so deep, that it can't possibly be summarized. We would be fools to try

>> No.19958652

its not that we dont want meritocracy, its that none of us can agree on what the right merits are and who should decide who has the best ones. their are people out there (lots of them) that believe being of a certain gender and race means you have some kind of merit that others dont (and none of them can agree on what color of skin or private parts are the good ones).

>> No.19958665

there is also the fact that meritocracy can easily morph into some other kind of hierarchy just by changing what it values (which can be dine against and interests of the populace through propaganda). For example if one were to be convinced that being able to acquire and maintain money and aggregate power is the highest virtue then anyone that has shown they are proficient at doing that would be the meritocrat which would be the same as an aristocrat in an aristocracy.

>> No.19958673

in other words all hierarchies could be viewed as meritocracies with different values. It kind of all depends on why they say they get the leaders they get (which could be lies either intentional too look better or unintentional because they have been mislead).

>> No.19958741
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>> No.19958767

Yes, niggers and libs get awarded for being nigger or libs, but there is large number of people who know and understand what real effort, real hard work and real achievments mean.

>> No.19958785

Their thread will be archived will Bakker rules eternal

>> No.19958794
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10/10, saved

>> No.19958798

But does death come swirling down?

>> No.19958826

who? who knows this? and how do you know they know this and dont just have you convinced what you think real achievment is is correct? what are your metrics? how do your answers to these questions differ from "theirs"?

>> No.19958886

Real achievement is to smoke weed, have tendency towards aggression and have low impulse control, also real achievement is to be a big nosed merchant and spout leftist communist ideals (in order to destroy western civilisation) while at the same time being a paedohpile.

>> No.19959107

good to know we are of the same mind. stay based my friend.

>> No.19960575

You too, I love you (I am male)

>> No.19961265

>bakkerfags are protecting /lit/ from /his/ christcucks

I concede, I WILL read Bakker and maybe I WILL enjoy it.

>> No.19962703

I find this ironic because the only full hard on 1488 /pol/tard I know doesn't work, mooches of his wife, who only doesn't leave him because he beats her and threatens her, and steals money from all his relatives. Said money is pissed away on toys (guns, dirt bikes, etc.), beer, and drugs, while his kids live in poverty. Total leech on society. Doesn't pay taxes because he won't work, cost money because he was in jail for 4 years. But all proud 1488 online.

Then three other less open /pol/tards I know all live with their parents in their 30s and also waste their money on stupid shit, contributing to never having girlfriends.

Not bad people, not hostile to specific minorites, but still all about /pol/ shit. They will fume about the Jew and elites making it so they can't own a home, but will then drop $3 grand on some AR set up for le ebin civil war, despite not being in good enough shape to do a single pull up or run a mile.

I know plenty of smart conservatives, but not one /pol/fag or Trump worshiper who isn't a bitter manchild or clueless Boomer.

At least the outrageous libshits I know say they are disabled from their mental bullshit. Hard to stand on rugged individualism and being superior when you can't move out of mom and dad's.

>> No.19962829

Darkness that Comes Before is a huge ass book. I've been reading novels a fraction of the size. Not sure when I'll be ready to take the dive.

>> No.19963201

He's a 3000 IQ biocomputer. He's not actually "making an absurd admission", or "searching for evidence of kinship" like a normal human would. Bakker's saying that he looks human on the surface but is like a giga autist robot deep down.

>> No.19964301

Sandersoi thread got archived, Bakker still rules supreme

>> No.19965001
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I think Kellhus serves a few roles.

>He takes the ideas of the Mentat and Bene Gesserit witch from Dune and shows how alien and abhorrent such people would probably actually be.

>He uses Kellhus as a counterpoint to show the problems with utilitarianism. The Consult is so vile and so dangerous, almost anything is justified to stop them. But then Kellhus is an absolute psychopath who predates on the world born, which makes you question if his version of Dune's Golden Path is worth it. In this respect, Bakker improves on Dune because the threat Leto II stops by becoming a genocidal abomination is always amorphous and not defined well. Then he ups the anti by showing that the Consult might actually be justified in genetically engineering rape monsters because sentient life is doomed to Hell after death.

>The Dunyain represent the faliure of pure rationalism, pure intellect, pure Logos, to fully embody the Absolute in his semi-Absolute Idealism philosophy sections. The recursive intellect only gets one so far, feeling, the Atman of perception, love, i.e., the recognition of the self in another, are all essential too.

>Kellhus makes for cool scenes where he outsmarts smart people, BTFOs a great Nonman warrior and the most dangerous world born man (pic related, RIP Cnauir's ego) physically, and in terms of sorcery goes SSJ and Gokus all comers.

>> No.19965018
File: 12 KB, 225x225, kellhus-kellhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kellhus is a Gary Stu protagonist

Get to the "how long have you served Golgoterath!" scene and tell me Kellhus isn't one of the villains of the story lol.

>> No.19965023

i also love you but 4chans restrictions make me think you are probably too old for me so im not in love with you. sorry

>> No.19965049

>At least the outrageous libshits I know say they are disabled from their mental bullshit.
does this really mean anything if their reason for owning up to having a mental illness is to further their victimhood status as a kind of merit and weaponize it to further their goals? its not like they are saying that to be like "oooh i need to get the help that will make me better." they are wearing it on their sleeves as a tool ti further their interests.

>> No.19965355

Post a dic pic.

>> No.19965464

Look at that chad

>> No.19965694
File: 914 KB, 2500x1667, 9B346C38-02AF-43BD-994B-0BBA1903451A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask and you shall receive! sorry for the hair. my psychosis makes my manscaping habits a bit erratic.

>> No.19965737

hehe, post balls

>> No.19965779

I would if I had any.

>> No.19965791

i cant help but notices this exchange is pretty one sided. why dont you post some pics of your own?

>> No.19965912

Are you a female, in a Bakker thread? Post tits.

>> No.19965921

no it is not, I have yet to see anyone post dick or tits.

>> No.19965928

All bakkerfags are trennies so no

>> No.19965944

I've never heard of this faggot before. Why is /lit/ sucking him off?

>> No.19965978

well this is the last time i post dick pics in a lit thread. not only can /lit/izins not read, they cant make out pictures either. they even get flustered when you post em. truely pitiable

>> No.19966514

The main character of his story is a self-insert for himself and edgelords pseuds.

>> No.19966803

>sandersoi detected

>> No.19967213

There is almost no more obvious sign of someone being unironically filtered by Bakker than calling Kellhus a "self-insert" or a "Gary Stu".

>> No.19967884


It's worse than that, he is -Allah forgive for uttering this word- an anime protagonist.

>> No.19968080
File: 2.38 MB, 400x170, intelligence.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vid related, Kellhus saving Esmenet from Skin-spies.

>> No.19968126

Simply the best fantasy novel of our time. Grim, philosophical, and relentlessly paced. If you want swords-and-sorcery pulp, go buy Game of Thrones. When you're ready to read some literature, Scott Bakker will be waiting.

>> No.19968133
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And to think: people actually believe this garbage is good.

>> No.19968144

A few years ago it was “Dune” of Frank Herbert that made me respect the intellect and craftsmanship required to present a world in a chapter and a universe in a volume. Now it is the Prince of Nothing that takes me on a series of mesmerising beauty. The same way iron is folded and beaten again and again into itself until all impurities come off in flakes, all scabs clear and shining perfection remains, so have these pages been scrutinised and cleansed and bled of all the unnecessary and unimportant and left only as the true and entrancing gate towards suffering, glory, joy, understanding and the start of a search within the book and within yourself.

>> No.19968188

A superhuman is doing superhuman things in a fantasy book?! HELP MEEEE!!!! I"M GOING INSANE!!!

>> No.19968228

It’s anime.

>> No.19969220

It is worse than anime

>> No.19969291

Bakker is a meme but still the best SFF has today after Wolfe died.

>> No.19969299

this is good purple pulpy prose desu

>> No.19969365

Read real literature.

>> No.19970344

Bakker Rules Eternal

>> No.19970363


>> No.19970409

Hadn't asked

>> No.19970453

would the survivor beat kellhus in a swordfight?

>> No.19970853

You mean swordfight as in swordfight or as in curved phallus swordfight?

>> No.19970967

New thread

>> No.19971093

there's nothing purple about it. it's pretty clean.