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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 205 KB, 1280x842, Stalin_in_March_1935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19933690 No.19933690 [Reply] [Original]

>Stalin was a voracious reader, who set himself a daily quota of between 300 and 500 pages. When he died of a stroke in his library in 1953, the desk and tables that surrounded him were piled high with books, many of them heavily marked with his handwriting in the margins.

>As he read, he made notes in red, blue and green pencils, underlining sections that interested him or numbering points that he felt were important. Sometimes he was effusive, noting: “yes-yes”, “agreed”, ‘“good”, “spot on”, “that’s right”. Sometimes he expressed disdain, scribbling: “ha ha”, “gibberish”, ‘“nonsense”, “rubbish”, “scumbag”, “scoundrels” and “piss off”. He became extremely irritated whenever he came across grammatical or spelling mistakes, and would correct errors with his red pencil.

Maybe this man really was based and we were lied.

>> No.19933709

He sounds like your average /lit/ midwit. Lots of reading but the best response you can muster is "retard", "based", "cringe", and so on. It demonstrates a complete inability to interact with ideas on a level deeper than personal agreement or disagreement.

>> No.19933720

He just refuses to elaborate any further

>> No.19933984

desu Stalin was kind of a pseud. All his arguments boil down to "here's what Marx/Lenin said on the topic"

>> No.19933994

I don´t think you know what pseud means.

>> No.19933997

Marx, Engels and Lenin (PBUT) are irrefutable so yes.

>> No.19934009

It means faking being smart. Read one of his books and you'll see it applies.

>> No.19934012

Menshies were closer to Marx than the Bolshies. Bolshies just wanted power (respectable) but you know what Marx thought of Bonapartists.

>> No.19934018

Stalin was a Grammar Cop? No, Russian was his second language.

>> No.19934026

>Sometimes he expressed disdain, scribbling: “ha ha”, “gibberish”, ‘“nonsense”, “rubbish”, “scumbag”, “scoundrels” and “piss off”
This is the best part about reading Marxian material, just read Marx's review of Bakunin's "State and Anarchy" or Lenin's takedown of Sismondi and Danielson in "A Characterisation of Economic Romanticism".

>> No.19934028

>Menshies were closer to Marx than the Bolshies

>> No.19934036

>but you know what Marx thought of Bonapartists.
Love how imperialist apologetics always trot out that tired old chestnut.

>> No.19934043


>> No.19934045

>The story was too shocking to believe. But now that Stalin was dead, his successor Nikita Khrushchev decided he had to investigate the astonishing rumour about the monster's sexual depravity.
>It was claimed that when he was in his 30s and before he became leader, Stalin had raped or seduced, even fathered a child with, a girl who was just 13 years old - and had been indicted for the under-age seduction by the police.
>The tale had long been dismissed as just another piece of Western anti-Stalin propaganda.
>It had first surfaced soon after he took over from Lenin as Soviet dictator in 1924, appearing in the "scurrilous" tabloids and emigre journals in the West that were banned in the newly-formed Soviet Union.
>Yet more than 80 years on from when the rumours first appeared, I found myself examining a most extraordinary document among Stalin's papers in the so-called Presidential archives in Moscow, while researching for my new book on the young Stalin.
>Marked top secret and signed by the KGB boss Serov, it was addressed to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and the Politburo.
>It was dated 1956 - three years after Stalin's death - and spelt out the results of General Serov's investigation.
>Serov reported back to Khrushchev that, amazingly, the entire story of Stalin's affair with a 13-year-old was true. Khrushchev showed it to the Politburo (including Stalin's long-serving henchman Molotov), who all signed it and then filed it in the deepest recesses of the archives where it has remained until now.
>When the Bolsheviks came to power in October 1917, Stalin became one of Lenin's top henchmen. Henceforth, his wild affairs in exile - especially his seduction and impregnation of a 13-year-old, his engagement to her and then abandonment - became secret.
>Stalin's forgotten and illicit family still live in Siberia.

>> No.19934064
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>trot out

>> No.19934078
File: 73 KB, 450x691, Voline_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain how forced collectivization, centralization, and abolition of democracy is 'Marxist'. And yes I understand democracy is corrupt but this was a young one and there was not enough time for it to degenerate into bourgeoisie democracy yet.

>> No.19934102
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>>It was claimed that when he was in his 30s and before he became leader, Stalin had raped or seduced, even fathered a child with, a girl who was just 13 years old - and had been indicted for the under-age seduction by the police.
That's nothing.
If I ever get into power first thing I will be doing is have orgies with lolis.

>> No.19934105 [DELETED] 

Is the book you posted better in French or English? I've seen it recommended before but want to read it now. Also check this out The Russian Anarchists if you haven't.

>> No.19934117

>Stalin would have posted on /lit/
good to know

>> No.19934123

>Please explain how forced collectivization, centralization, and abolition of democracy is 'Marxist'
This is idealism, you mistakenly believe that all that has to be done is to press the "socialism button" rather than having to exploit the dynamics of capitalist development.

Some food for thought:

>> No.19934126

Source? I'm not doubting it I just want to read fully about it. It was written most likely by Simon Sebag Montefiore since Young Stalin is mentioned.

>> No.19934134

>He tried real hard to learn German with the aim of reading Karl Marx and Engels’ Das Kapital (The Capital) in the original. He even stole a German-language textbook from a bookstore but his effort didn’t bring him much success. As a matter of fact, he read Schiller’s poems in translation.

No wonder he backstabbed Hitler.

>> No.19934138

Nobody on /lit/ reads 300-500 pages a day. And nobody on lit has read about 20000 books.

>> No.19934148

>d nobody on lit has read about 20000 books.
most people on /lit/ are only like ~23.

>> No.19934153

Every single time it's either Montefiore or this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Tolstoy

>> No.19934159

I've only read it in English, sorry! Thank you for the recommendation. I will check it out.
>you mistakenly believe that all that has to be done is to press the "socialism button
No I don't. Don't assume. Economic liberalism would have solved the problem of Russia's backwards industry just fine. Bolshevik beuracratic centralism only enslaved workers more efficiently. The opposite of everything Marxism stands for. Liberal economics with a strong social democrat party would have been ideal.

I will read your link.

>> No.19934165

>Economic liberalism would have solved the problem of Russia's backwards industry just fine
But nowhere near as quickly. This is the trait most characteristic of Leninists, a brutal efficiency.

>> No.19934174

t. hound of fascism

>> No.19934177

I read more than that when I've been on nofap/nosex/nolust for a month and start taking low dose stimulants like adderall. The only reason I can't anymore is because I just spend my time working and sleeping.

>> No.19934182

13 is peak childbearing age

>> No.19934190

Marx was a materialist, not a spooked values believer. Force and conflict were the the drivers for societal development per Marx and what ensued afterwards obviously wasn't going to be a retreat. Engels went even further and thought the state once seized by the proletariat should be used for war against societies stuck in earlier stages of development.

>> No.19934230
File: 28 KB, 778x463, 26-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But nowhere near as quickly
That's debatable. See pic.
t. Stalin
This is only assuming that monopoly capitalism is superior for development than liberal capitalism, which is false. Sure Marxist critique of political economy was a materialist one, but the drive behind the critique was undoubtedly from a moral place. Engels himself said that communism is a movement for the liberation of the proletariat. Ultimately the USSR did no such thing. It only created the working class. It did not liberate it.
>Engels went even further and thought the state once seized by the proletariat should be used for war against societies stuck in earlier stages of development.
Where? I'd like to read this.

>> No.19934241

>Engels himself said that communism is a movement for the liberation of the proletariat.
>Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.
It's also not at all a moral or normative statement either way.
>but the drive behind the critique was undoubtedly from a moral place.
Pure conjecture.

>> No.19934272

>What is Communism? Communism is the doctrine of the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat. What is the proletariat? The proletariat is that class in society which lives entirely from the sale of its labor and does not draw profit from any kind of capital; whose weal and woe, whose life and death, whose sole existence depends on the demand for labor....
So for yourself and Lenin apologists such as yourself, you're basically saying you have to enslave more peasents so that you can free more proletariat– lol.
>Pure conjecture
Actually it's projection, and I meant it in a positive way. i.e Marx and friends were motivated for a noble cause. Unless you thinm Engels just wrote about the conditions of English proletariat to 'record teh facts'.

>> No.19934280
File: 385 KB, 960x1300, da8765844734c08406874d4f47625763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Stalin was into lolis.

>> No.19934317

>So for yourself and Lenin apologists such as yourself, you're basically saying you have to enslave more peasents so that you can free more proletariat– lol.
Peasants are supplanted by agricultural wage-workers, automation or capital, this tendency was asymmetrically developed in many parts of the world at the time of Marx and Engels, but it was an existent tendency (such as in England) that we see has come to fruition today. The Soviet strategy was simply an acceleration of this development and against reaction.

>> No.19934336
File: 77 KB, 720x561, 1550299567925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalin was 5'5. No amount of Soviet propaganda can change that.

>> No.19934365
File: 43 KB, 400x298, Ivan_Vladimirov_russian-clergy-on-forced-labor-1919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soviet strategy was simply an acceleration of this development and against reaction.
Acceleration of this development would be the OPPOSITE of what Bolsheviks did. Private ownership of land, and increasing the bargaining power of farm workers through agrarian unions would have improved agricultural production. Compare yields during Tsarist Russia and Bolshevik Russia. Of course the peasants were most reactionary against a bunch of fucking bureaucrats taking their grain.

>> No.19934371


>> No.19934451

>implying reading wasn't then the equivalent of a very slow /lit/ with most of the shitposts edited out

>> No.19934552

>Maybe this man really was based and we were lied.

>> No.19934568

Unless you're reading magazines or something no one reads 300-500 pages a day. That would be the equivalent of reading phenomenology of spirit in two days. Different texts vary in density. No two pages are necessarily alike.

With some philosophy I read the equivalent of one page a day. Rereading the same chapter or aphorism over and over again until I understand it. Maybe even paraphrase what it is saying in the margins. If you don't read like this you're not literate.

>> No.19934628
File: 152 KB, 782x758, 1570557311617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real reader. You don't have a librarius. You will never bare books, you will never go through what a real reader does every day, you will only end up mutilating yourself and regretting it.

>> No.19934693

>Maybe this man really was based
Yes I know and so was Mao

>> No.19934712

What are you on about cretin?

>> No.19934732
File: 421 KB, 550x550, b57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With some philosophy I read the equivalent of one page a day. Rereading the same chapter or aphorism over and over again until I understand it. Maybe even paraphrase what it is saying in the margins. If you don't read like this you're not literate.
What a tranny is in relation to a woman, that is this guy in relation to a real reader.

>> No.19934742

Go back to >>>/qa/ retard

>> No.19934760

>Acceleration of this development would be the OPPOSITE of what Bolsheviks did
Not quite, what collectivization was is really the same process as that of major capital acquiring control of productive land, subsequently the serfs undergo proletarization.

>> No.19934777

5'5 churka and he still ruled over an Empire stretching from the borders of Germany to Japan. Looks like manlet bros won.

>> No.19934791
File: 220 KB, 960x1300, Stalinspurdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go back to >>>/qa/ retard

>> No.19934819

Lol, you are illiterate.

>> No.19934834

>Not quite, what collectivization was is really the same process as that of major capital acquiring control of productive land, subsequently the serfs undergo proletarization.
This does make sense, however in private market economy it would have happened because the controller of the land plot was more efficient. When state does it with rifles it lead to inefficiency. It would have actually been wiser for the state to employ the KULAK as a manager, I think.

>> No.19934933

Stalin spoke several languages and was incredibly well read it’s quite astonishing really. Compare him to a George bush, a David Cameron or a Barack Obama and it’s light and day. Why has our elite gotten so much dumber?

>> No.19934945

Because those are not our elite. Our elite are bankers.

>> No.19934954

No they don’t

>> No.19934967

Stalin had at least one mistress in Siberia who was between 13 and 14 when she was living with him and bore him a child soon after.

>> No.19934968

Who does not what?

>> No.19934978

So what? That's rather tame. Imagine what a degenerate channer would do with their sex lives if they had the freedom for it. See >>19934102

>> No.19934983

>set himself a daily quota of between 300 and 500 pages
Bullshit state propaganda. No way the leader of a country can just fuck off and read for 5-6 hours per day.

>> No.19935218

He was insomniac and didn't sleep at all.

>> No.19935237

If that were true it makes me doubt even more that he read, or understood what he read. You have to sleep to digest what you read. You cannot read when you are exhausted.

>> No.19935294


>> No.19935300

You are a nobody tier midwit you cannot compare yourself (or any average man) to a titan of history like Stalin

>> No.19935309

Intellectual gifts are far more rare than physical ones. Nobody denies Stalin is a great man but his gift is not in philosophical matters.

Also you said this to the wrong person. Stalin ruled over 100 million people. I will rule over 1 billion.

I will be greater. I am god

>> No.19935321

>tfw 27. I really am the oldest one here arent I? :/

>> No.19935468

I'm 43

>> No.19936246

They have been refuted by history.

>> No.19936287

Have you been on /lit/ for a while?

Remember, IRANMAN?

>> No.19936436

>The maid came into Stalin's room and found him on the floor. She covered her mouth in shock and hurried to his lifeless body and knelt next to it to check his pulse. He was gone. His neck was cold. He was clutching an open book, and the red scribbles on the page before her compelled her to a hurried reading, in search, perhaps, of a clue. She lifted her eyes from the page in confusion and in a thick Russian accent she said, "BYESD I RYEDPILD?!"

>> No.19936452

Plot twist: each page only had 3 sentences on it so he could satisfy his ego and self-image as the glorious leader by bragging he read 500 pages each day.

>> No.19936481

coping lanklet. when will you learn

>> No.19936496

Reading OP reminded me of those suits who follow Kim Jong-un around while pretending to take note of everything he says. I imagine there are similar claims on him as well.

>> No.19936536
File: 171 KB, 933x1296, 654646464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalin's only equal is Lenin. There isn't a leader in history before or since this pair of men who even begin to approach their level. What they did for Russia and the Soviet Union will forever be echoed for the rest of history.

>> No.19936913

This is such a weird word to encounter, I'm Georgian and my entire family are blond and green eyed.

>> No.19936921

Butchering hundreds of millions of people for a doomed ideology and personal gain? Yeah that's pretty memorable.

>> No.19936970

try a billion you stupid leftist

>> No.19936987

how creepy that Lenin's face still looks just like that and can be viewed daily by the public...

>> No.19937006

You have to understand the context: preservation of the Russian Tsarist empire. When empires become unstable, e.g. Chinese, Russian, Ottoman, Spanish, atrocities on a truly terrible scale are often committed. During the Chinese boxer rebellion millions are said to have died: the context was the Western imperialist threat to Chinese civilization. Likewise, under the last period of the Tsarist regime there's was a real threat that Russia would disintegrate, have its territory overrun by the kaiser's armies, or, during the subsequent Russian revolution, that Western imperialists would take control of the country and install a puppet "liberal" regime, effectively taking over Russia through this mean. These threats are precisely what precipitated the Stalinist purges, etc. And it worked: the Russian/Soviet empire was not fragmented and the Soviets ultimately became the genuine victors over Nazi Germany.

>> No.19937030

Didn't he die right around the time he started becoming suspicious of jews?

>> No.19937031
File: 313 KB, 597x798, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read. The Russian state would have been infinitely better off without Lenin and his goons, who were literally sent on a sealed train by Germany as a weapon against them. The communists LITERALLY abolished the ONLY real democratic government Russia ever had.

You're genuinely evil in a small and pathetic way when you defend communism and spread your lies for their sake.

>> No.19937039


>> No.19937061

Well then you'll never actually understand history.

>> No.19937067

communist apologists never having anything to say in good faith, just another reason they are evil

>> No.19937082

writing in books absolute midwit tier

>> No.19937085

>muh democratic government
not him, but the interim government was everything but good. It was a total fucking mess and the reason the October revolution took place at all was because of interim's utter incompetence

>> No.19937101

>and the reason the October revolution took place at all was because of interim's utter incompetence
This is such a blatant lie, of course the interim government can't be effective when you're actively sabotaging and attacking it. Then saying you only revolted because they were ineffective? top kek that is some Jewish shit.

>> No.19937102

Except everything I said was true.

>> No.19937111

Exactly, this is incontrovertible.

>> No.19937118

>This is such a blatant lie, of course the interim government can't be effective when you're actively sabotaging and attacking it.
Then how come the Bolshevik government managed to do it?

>> No.19937202
File: 48 KB, 490x360, only thing that wasnt real was the food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why was this group more effective than the other groups they constantly killed and sabotaged until they were the only group left
really makes you think

imagine actually making the argument the soviets were competent, tip top fucking KEK

>> No.19937206

Cause the Joos, he said so himself!

>> No.19937267
File: 1.08 MB, 254x254, 1644997157217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's true bc....well bc I said so ha!

>> No.19937268

>uses picture from Gorbachev period
kek you are illiterate

>> No.19937282

>I'm beginning to notice that the entire driving force behind my communist agenda are mostly jews...nothing I've done for the soviet union is working...hmmm maybe I should talk to someone about it

many such cases

>> No.19937284
File: 152 KB, 1193x710, 6500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic rel
>that level of cognitive dissonance

>> No.19937298

imagine thinking this is an argument
I guess no actual thought went into it

the USSR was always a shithole of dysfunction, only American money propped up it for a brief period in the 40s and 50s and everything after was gradual collapse

For your sake I hope this is a samefag, two people can't be THIS retarded

>> No.19937299

this is because Biden and Trudeau are Marxist communists that interfere with the free market and have subsidized NEETs to destroy supply chains

>> No.19937300
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> a scamdemic that caused an economic shutdown and inflation rates to skyrocket is a result of capitalist tendencies

>> No.19937310
File: 399 KB, 1920x1920, Rb4uAHR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope. you don't know what any of those words mean. see pic rel for a real example of a marxist.

>> No.19937318

way to post another commie responsible for the death of millions
there's a genocide going on in Xinjiang right now you scum

>> No.19937321

go back

>> No.19937326
File: 82 KB, 1005x1024, 1643239759246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u-ur coping!

>> No.19937338

yeah and what makes it even more apparent is the soijack posting. kek stay mad

>> No.19937351

>denying genocide
you sound like a Nazi denying the Holocaust
do better

>> No.19937358
File: 87 KB, 629x500, 415645644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19937381

Stay mad about what lol you haven't said anything.

>> No.19937392

Neither did Stalin.

>> No.19937397
File: 79 KB, 1242x815, 436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says I haven't said anything
>Replies to me even though I haven't said anything and is still somehow this mad

>> No.19937413

You dont have to be retarded, son. You can always change.

>> No.19937439
File: 53 KB, 468x625, Ef7paV3XgAAUg5p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And join the losers of history? Nah

>> No.19937451
File: 71 KB, 912x1024, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>country starving
>KGB running amok on the population
>fully dependent on Ford gibs to industrialize in some capacity
>most of his old friends betrayed and the entire old Bolshevik cadre annihilated
>"yes-yes”, “agreed”, ‘“good”, “spot on”, “that’s right
>“ha ha”, “gibberish”, ‘“nonsense”, “rubbish”, “scumbag”, “scoundrels” and “piss off”.
Uhm based?

>> No.19937457
File: 2.41 MB, 1350x2000, founder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you can join the winners

>> No.19937466

>amerifat says winning is when borgar man
kek you must be a commie falseflagging, right?

>> No.19937487


>> No.19937493
File: 67 KB, 640x360, mcdonaldsrussia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>winning is when borgar man

>> No.19937499
File: 136 KB, 720x400, ART-100120-Interstate-TN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>novelty is captivating

>> No.19937507
File: 99 KB, 735x514, russiafamine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>booming economy bad

>> No.19937518 [DELETED] 

That's right, it's like Communism stopped Nazism.

>> No.19937528
File: 65 KB, 602x699, sytggev0ghf81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying blooming economies = corporate hellscapes

>> No.19937554
File: 1020 KB, 3906x2602, forbiddencitycringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>billboards bad
>forced participation in mass rallies, propaganda posters and portraits good

>> No.19937585
File: 92 KB, 900x344, 900px-Times_Square_Panorama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both visually and hygienically neat, tidy and clean
>aesthetic as fuck
>obvious order and stability
>monument to a rich and proud history
>hope for the future
I thought we were doing burns? I guess they’re not sending their best, folks

>> No.19937590

>plastering ideological garbage over a historic building
Coping philistine faggot

>> No.19937602

superb cope, delicious almost

>> No.19937608

>a daily quota of between 300 and 500 pages
That's a huge fucking number and I find it hard to believe there's not some Soviet aggrandization going on there to make their leader seem inhumanly smart.

>> No.19937610
File: 174 KB, 508x339, chinastreet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, I thought you were derailing the banter to a more favorable position for yourself...

>> No.19937619

First of all, this looks like a render you fucking retard LMAO and second, you're example is a small backstreet, which still in all respects aesthetically beats out the monstrosity of american aesthetics? It even looks warm and inviting hahahahahaha americans are so backward and retarded

>> No.19937635

>flashy street in America: bad
>flashy street in China: good
They didnt send their best, cope and dilate.
Have the last word for solace.

>> No.19937639

Another W on the internet, a good day.
>Have the last word for solace.
Thanks, I always intended to

>> No.19938388

Last word

>> No.19938770

he has 20k books, doesnt mean he read them all

>> No.19938803
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