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19935128 No.19935128 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion on Marie-Louise Von Franz's book on the jungian concept of the "puer aeternus"?

>> No.19935343

I have been in inches and milihertz away from brutally murdering my mom 100s of times the past few years, 1000s over the course of my life, maybe 100s in the past few weeks. Yea, I think this had a negative effect on me

>> No.19935564
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That image is a personal attack on me and so is the concept of the 'puer aeternus' itself. In other words, she's alright. So is Jung.

>> No.19935567

anyone else notice someone butthurt about misogyny is posting several threads

>> No.19935573

Same. How do we fix it?

>> No.19935574

I could hardly envision a less self aware, a less dignified, noble, honorable, shrill, hysterical, diabolically dumb creature existing and from outward appearances be considered human. In my room there is a box with maybe 200 pages front and back of the most maniacal scrawl of the most depraved slurs and curses and vows of despisements and hatreds I could write in the moments of intense conflict. The past few years have greatly settled down from those few years before that. In a fundamental battle of yells my arguement would be tossed out due to her pointing out the technicality of my using a curse word, I had to remind her there were no other options between curses or punches, but she I suppose had already reverted to her most equilibriumous form, that of Ignoring, or of being ignorant.

Not all women, but certainly she is great proof of the common threads of history of womens freedoms being witheld, or appropriately beaten if sufficiently chastising, berating, belittling, burdening, bothering, degrading, disparaging, dehumanizing, one who could easily beat them.

My self being the tremendously more powerful, in mind and body, itself being aware of law, simply can provoke my honor and wrath, and fight or flight activity, putting the onus on me to fight myself, to provoke me to the state of rightful just murder, to use all my energy to destroy myself, instead of her.

I have not spoken to her in over a year now, something I wish I had started many years ago. She consistently speaks at me and tries to speak to me. Never once asking or acknowledging that she in any way might have deserved my current treatment or much worse and more, but that I am the bad one for not using my voice at her demands for my doing her chores. Worse then the memory of a gold fish, worse then the spirit of a poisonous bug.

>> No.19935627

I liked it. I too felt attacked several times, but it became clear that was the point.
I recommend it to any young man who is afraid of growing up

>> No.19935677

Does she give solutions or is it just about calling out manchildren

>> No.19935741

It's a lecture series about the concept through various stories and myths rather than a self-help guide. Jungians usually don't make self help things because they conceive of every psychic issue having a personally specific origin and solution. That said, reading this sort of material and thinking about how it applies to your thoughts can help you understand and change your thought patterns sometimes.

>> No.19935748

I'm a retard, I need a step by step guide or I'll never make any progress.

>> No.19935751

It’s a contrite view on a topic that extrapolates on nothing; there, I said it.

>> No.19935755
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Apparently... work. Also sports of any kind. Wow, who knew engaging in the two activities I denounce the most would prove to be beneficial? I guess it's true but I have a long way to go since anything physical and slaving away isn't of much interest to me and I'd prefer to stay in my room wasting time looking at a monitor.

Extra text:

'In general, the man who is identified with the archetype of the puer aeternus
remains too long in adolescent psychology; that is, all those characteristics that
are normal in a youth of seventeen or eighteen are continued into later life,
coupled in most cases with too great a dependence on the mother. The two
typical disturbances of a man who has an outstanding mother complex are, as
Jung points out, homosexuality and Don Juanism. In the case of the former, the
heterosexual libido is still tied up with the mother, who is really the only beloved
object, with the result that sex cannot be experienced with another woman. That
would make her a rival of the mother, and therefore sexual needs are satisfied
only with a member of the same sex. Generally such men lack masculinity and
seek that in the partner.
In Don Juanism there is another typical form of this same disturbance. In this
case, the image of the mother-the image of the perfect woman who will give
everything to a man and who is without any shortcomings is sought in every
woman. He is looking for a mother goddess, so that each time he is fascinated by
a woman he has later to discover that she is an ordinary human being. Once he
has been intimate with her the whole fascination vanishes and he turns away
disappointed, only to project the image anew onto one woman after another. He
eternally longs for the maternal woman who will enfold him in her arms and
satisfy his every need. This is often accompanied by the romantic attitude of the
adolescent. Generally great difficulty is experienced in adaptation to the social
situation and, in some cases, there is a kind of false individualism, namely that,
being something special, one has no need to adapt, for that would be impossible
for such a hidden genius, and so on. In addition there is an arrogant attitude
toward other people due to both an inferiority complex and false feelings of
superiority. Such people also usually have great difficulty in finding the right
kind of job, for whatever they find is never quite right or quite what they wanted.
There is always "a hair in the soup." The woman also is never quite the right
woman: she is nice as a girlfriend, but. There is always a "but" which prevents
marriage or any kind of definite commitment.'

>> No.19935793

That's some bullshit. Sports I can somewhat understand the reasoning, but work?
And I'm neither a fag nor a player so that paragraph doesn't ring true.

>> No.19935820

That's a shame.
>Extra text
Not reading that

>> No.19936408

Would probably be very useful in my life

>> No.19937671

Where was your dad in all this? He should have been in charge of both of you.

>> No.19937905

>Where was your dad in all this? He should have been in charge of both of you
Too meek and timid to smack the shit out of her and lay down the law. Too startled and catatonic at the horror of a life he led himself into

>> No.19937912

If only verbally. But no really it was all justified, I was not a good kid in school so he yelled at me too

>> No.19937921

Did this bitch do her womanly duty and birth children and produce milk for those children?

>> No.19938238

My mother is a doormat, it was my father who was the overwhelming one. Does that change anything?

>> No.19938961


>> No.19939942

Wat it change?

>> No.19941576
