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File: 64 KB, 500x739, txxGStIbytQmIKm2SbBhlVa2Atd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19934457 No.19934457 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck didn't they listen??? Stupid ass kids

>> No.19934458
File: 81 KB, 318x462, 125541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are american camps really all haunted?

>> No.19934459

Where's your spirit of adventure?

>> No.19934460

Horrorland is peak Goosebumps

>> No.19934461

Because if they didn't listen then they'd never find out their real dad was being held hostage by a plant clone. That's the story

>> No.19934462

The episode of this was fucked

>> No.19934463
File: 966 KB, 1000x1474, DF60B246-E4B5-402A-B370-03506BF6F69E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it’s:

>> No.19934464

Yeah, that plant, human hybrid head scared the fuck out of me as a kid.

>> No.19934465
File: 124 KB, 826x1200, 5873EA76-2E03-429C-AA9B-70A59EAC10AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure kino coming through

>> No.19934466

Anyone see the news that Disney is making a Goosebumps show?

>> No.19934467

I don't get why camp is such a common stock setting for horror. I guess it's just because the woods can be an unsettling place and there's a tradition of telling scary stories at campfires. Also for kids it works because they don't have to deal with parents as a plot point.

>> No.19934468

>the part where he steps on a nail

Best book here.

>> No.19934469
File: 346 KB, 1066x1604, 81GAWkp3sML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The twist in this is a real mind fuck. The fucking cat baby

>> No.19934470
File: 247 KB, 1275x1651, Goosebumps-Series-30-It-Came-from-Beneath-the-Sink-R.L.-Stine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19934471

Based. This was my first Goosebumps. >>19934465
Never read the book but played the video game instead https://youtu.be/7vQ0qBVhjME

>> No.19934472
File: 2.08 MB, 1981x2921, Calling_All_Creeps!_(Cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer of 04, I was devouring a goosebump book almost everyday. I went on so many adventures bros.

>> No.19934473

Anyone else never actually read Goosebumps but instead would go to the shelf or aisle where they all were at the library and just look at the covers and read the titles of all the books for a couple hours each day?

>> No.19934474


>> No.19934475

I read like 100 goosebumps books 1 summer.
Shit was lit.
Loved the artwork, it always set the tone for me reading

>> No.19934476

>for a couple hours each day?
You might be autistic fren.

>> No.19934477

>claims not to get it
>proves he gets it right after
yeah it's a uh, real mystery

>> No.19934478

That makes me a little sad, I only know these books from the TV show, are you also afraid of the dark?

>> No.19934479

o_o I mean I'd stare for a while trying to decide which 4 to borrow, but not hours lol

>> No.19934480

>are you also afraid of the dark?
I used to watch are you afraid of the dark but...
I was mostly terrified of the opening title sequence of the show, the actual stories werent very good IIRC. Its been a very long time though

>> No.19934481


When I got home from school and noone was on this made me shit myself

>> No.19934482

I watched both shows after school at three or four in the afternoon.

>> No.19934483

I never used to see goosebumps show on tv for some reason. I only got to see some later on during school when the teacher would sometimes let us watch

>> No.19934484

Based. Reading is the best.

>> No.19934485

My mom brought home a trash bag full of 50+ of them one time, I think she got them all at goodwill for like a few bucks. So much content.

>> No.19934486

I read a lot of these books as a kid, especially the "choose your own adventure" ones (were they goosebumps too?) but wow do I not recall a single thing, zero memories.

>> No.19934487

Imagine growing up with these vanilla tier kiddy pieces of shit instead of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and Tales from the Crypt

>> No.19934488

>its literally impossible to have read both books!!

>> No.19934489

Cuckoo Clock of doom, niggers.

>> No.19934490

I wanted to see tales from the crypt again, but I can't find the series

>> No.19934491

Do you smoke weed?
Maybe you should have smoked less weed...

>> No.19934492

You should become a #DATAHOARDER before it's too late.

Hoard every old series you want to see by pirating it and keep it until you dont want it anymore

>> No.19934493

I think it's just what they had in my school library. They even let you read during class at times.
no, but it was 21 years ago cut me some slack

>> No.19934494
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Did you or anyone else read the Lone Wolf books? So much fun.

>> No.19934495
File: 22 KB, 239x350, 458b75c6b5ea2fb84e0a175519d20501d2441b48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it was Barf-O-Rama

>> No.19934496

Fucking kino, i always cheated.

>> No.19934497


>> No.19934498

I still have almost every of goosebumps somewhere in my house. I wonder how shit they are now as an adult.

>> No.19934499
File: 23 KB, 264x376, One_Day_at_Horrorland[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this one as an adult and see if its still kino

Should only take like you like 2 hours to read a goosebumperino

>> No.19934500

Are they Choose Your Own Adventure books?

>> No.19934501

more like gooseDumperino aimrite?

>> No.19934502

Scary ass books

>> No.19934503
File: 123 KB, 1200x799, 1006792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are books so much more comfier than movies bros?

>> No.19934504



>> No.19934505

more like


>> No.19934506


>> No.19934507

I think I would be an obsessive reader if I never got addicted to the internet.

Now I have to be constantly updating my brain with new useless information or I FREAK

I guess I am still technically reading all day but not books

>> No.19934508


The most kino Goosebumps book

>> No.19934509

>I think I would be an obsessive reader if I never got addicted to the internet
Same. I even got an ereader so it's more tech or whatever and barely got half way through 1984.

>> No.19934510

How was the first half

>> No.19934511

I read both

>> No.19934512

somebody post all of the /trash/ creeps art...

>> No.19934513

Imagine not reading both. Scary Stories was only good for the art anyways.

>> No.19934514

Can confirm. I own the entire Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark series, a majority of the original Goosebumps novels, and a few choose your own adventures.
Without a doubt, Goosebumps is still a fun read as an adult, whereas Scary Stories is just... Fucking stupid honestly lol but the art is badass.

>> No.19934515
File: 158 KB, 720x1047, Thehorroratcampjellyjam-2003reprint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>95% of the children protagonists are young white adolescents with fair skin and light hair
>barely a single diverse character
>no message, no politics, just a short scary story
The 90s were truly a different time.

>> No.19934516
File: 46 KB, 360x450, Gyg_031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha wouldn't it be crazy if one of the """bad""" endings had you and your friend turn into werewolves and be welcomed into the group as newcomers to live and hang out together for the rest of your extended lives
>what a terrifying, scary way to go!

>> No.19934517

The ending of Werewolf Skin fucked me up when I first read it

>> No.19934518

I miss the days of being a kid obsessed with these books

>> No.19934519

literally first thing that came to mind

>> No.19934520

This was probably the scariest Goosebumps cover.

>> No.19934521
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You know RL Stein was jewish right?

>> No.19934522
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There are things from my childhood I want my kids to enjoy. Goosebumps is very high on that list.

>> No.19934523

Stein... Even his pen name was Jewish

>> No.19934524
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>> No.19934525

I fucking liked the Goosebumps books back when I was a kid, I had something around 30 of them, all stored in my garage. Also, while we had some nice covers in my country, the original US ones are awesome.
The opening was eerie, and I remember it had some episodes witch some fucked up shit, like one with a decaying zombie coming out of a pool.

>> No.19934526
File: 1018 KB, 500x265, jontron hmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw JonTron's reviews of Goosebumps and AYAOTD are on my watch-list every October along with Monster Madness 2007/2014

>> No.19934527

I've been listening to a podcast by some guys re reading them.
Some of em honestly aren't that bad. The twist on some of them is literally out of nowhere though
I can't bring myself to re read them due to fear it ll kill my memories hence the podcast

>> No.19934528

he was clearly a middle americaboo, all of his settings were wholesome.

>> No.19934529

he went to OSU in ohio in the 60s

>> No.19934530

Wish he did more kids horror videos. They're full of great stuff. He could have even done the awesome point and click adventure games with the pedophile vampire Jeff Goldblum

>> No.19934531
File: 73 KB, 474x698, OIP(25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it was fall of 04. Some kid showed me them in the school library
First one I ever read was pic related. And then I started checking a bunch out from there and the public library, along with series 2000 and the choose your own adventure ones. Even ordered some through scholastics book orders. Wanna say I quit reading them in 07 or 08. Wasn't a thing where I was done with them, I just kinda quit reading as a whole aside from a couple of big books here and there

My favorite is still the Haunted mask I think but of the ones I read I can't remember most. Always wanted to read calling all creeps but never got around to it. Is it good?

>> No.19934532

Not hours but yeah I'd look at them for a while cause the covers were awesome. Iirc I borrowed/bought some that I thought looked awesome but never read them. As a result I skipped some of the bad ones I think

>> No.19934533

brb burning his books

>> No.19934534

So do I. I remember trying to read in the car at night and would eagerly look forward to a passing street light so that I could read a little more. Was awesome

>> No.19934535

don't do that, you'll ruin your eyes

>> No.19934536

Too late now. It's been almost 17 years lol

>> No.19934537
File: 473 KB, 736x1066, The_Haunted_Mask_-_2003_reprint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it truly deserve the title of undisputed GOAT, or was it ultimately an overrated piece?

>> No.19934538
File: 1.66 MB, 480x270, jontron lights on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wish he did more kids horror videos. They're full of great stuff.
Hell yeah. Clock Tower and The Howling II are some of Jon's best.
>point and click adventure games with the pedophile vampire Jeff Goldblum
I am genuinely intrigued, care to elaborate on that?

>> No.19934539

It's pretty good. The floating masks are still creepy to me.

>> No.19934540
File: 157 KB, 792x1127, Gyg_0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the books bad/neutral endings were weird.
>you're turned into a bat in one story branch
>one of the endings is you being stuck with a female bat obsessed with you

>> No.19934541

There were Goosebump CYOA books, anon

>> No.19934542
File: 233 KB, 1000x1362, 1639856317244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the endings is you being stuck with a female bat obsessed with you

>> No.19934543

Stine said he'd like to see a movie that'd combine the events of both Haunted Mask and Haunted Mask II.

>> No.19934544

>one of the endings is you being stuck with a female bat obsessed with you
Kek. The ending everyone here wants

>> No.19934545

read it you'reself ;)

>> No.19934546
File: 138 KB, 1000x612, One_Day_Horrorland_1996_Board_Game_Box_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this board game at my parents house still.

>> No.19934547
File: 163 KB, 1024x565, enhanced-buzz-orig-30400-1378827077-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff Goldblum played Dracula in the game Escape from Horrorland. You can look the scenes up on YouTube but it is such an out of nowhere role for him to play. The game had a good budget for sure and is pretty fun in a cheesy way.

>> No.19934548

That picture is freaking me out.

>> No.19934549

I guess as a kid you've never been camping and had to take a fat piss at 4 in the morning and stumbled out of your tent barefoot, tripped on a guy wire, and stared out into the endless trees while waiting for your night vision to adjust to see the myriad of wolves that surely are lurking just outside your field of view to tear your dick to shreds before hauling ass back to your comfy sleeping bag.

>> No.19934564

Uncle Peter has had a few Millers, and you know how he gets a little affectionate...

>> No.19934579

For me, it was Calling All Creeps and Be Careful What You Wish For

>> No.19934593

Then he's the sole good Jew.

>> No.19934603

>flashbacks to memories as a kid
>reading books about aztecs, dinosaurs, and marine biology
>reading goosebumps, animorphs, captain underpants and warriors
>obsessing over folklore creatures like the lochness monster and bigfoot
>back when harry potter was the most challenging thing a child could read
where did it all go wrong for me bros...i lost the love for reading and learning so early...

>> No.19934697

They're a setting in Western horror because they isolate the given character from social benefit and constraint.

>> No.19934724
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the stories were absolute kino to the extent that they still stand up today. As you said, the opening title sequence is great and is still spooky even after 30 years.

>> No.19934731

For me it was ghosts, I was fucking obsessed. I even started a ghost hunter club at school that in practice was us just running around doing retarded shit that made no sense.

>> No.19934735

I lost my love for reading in middle school. Thankfully, got it back the summer after my second year at college.
Don't know why I quit reading for so long. Guess part of it was I didn't really think about doing it and part of it was school trying to force me to read stuff I didn't care for (of mice and men, fast food Nation, to kill a mockingbird etc). Through middle school there was time set aside to read whatever you wanted. In HS they told you what to read.
Over the years I'd think
>hey that could be a good book
>people I know talk about this one
But Never actually picked any of them up
As a result though of finally getting the itch i decided to give reading a go again and picked up starship troopers. Have read plenty of books since then, ranging from scifi to history, epic poems, etc. Best advice I can give you is think of something you've wanted to read for awhile and start it. Try to read consistently every day, even if it's just 20 or 30 minutes. Once you finish the boom grab another and proceed

>> No.19934737

>the 90s were 30 years ago
Make it stop

>> No.19934756
File: 220 KB, 661x526, nQ364Fz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon's last ghost possession successfully addled his memory enough that he now thinks they were just goofing around instead of actually getting shit done and then getting in too deep
at least you're alive

>> No.19934762

this, only with a door covered in oil and a ronald mcdonald head that moves

>> No.19934795

Mine too, this was my first. I remember borrowing it from the library to take it to my great aunt's house for a weekend one summer.
I didn't get the ending at first.

>> No.19934822

I really liked this one. I enjoyed a lot of aspects from the sequel, such as the bully being the new protagonist who is getting bullied by a bunch of kids, or how his revenge totally backfired on him. The second one seemed to be making fun of the original.

>> No.19934830

i always used to have to spoil myself with these books and read the ending first just to know if it's a bad ending. didn't affect whether i'd still read it though. there were more confusing than bad endings anyway

>> No.19934833

I remembered I spoiled myself on the ending of one book by reading the very last line. It basically said that the ghost was one of the secondary characters I didn't know then; when he was introduced I felt like an idiot.

>> No.19934837

I skipped to the end on some just cause I'd run out of time to read them or it was dragging bad
Did it with the headless ghost for sure

>> No.19934842

One I really enjoyed was The Time I Learnt How to Fly; I didn't find it scary, rather, I thought the idea of being able to just fly like that was super cool. It always seemed like a comfy read, specially those sections in which he described flying around at night.

>> No.19934859

Just realized I only read like 12 of these. Guess I could pick some up again

>> No.19934908

Turning into a bat is a common thing in that series.

>> No.19934915

I didn't get into reading until eighth grade. Feels like i missed out on kids kino

>> No.19934956
File: 120 KB, 787x1140, Please_Don't_Feed_the_Vampire!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By far the best Give Yourself Goosebumps.
>Only GYGB to later be reprinted under "Classic Goosebumps" printing series
>Get turned into a vampire
>Decide to join vampires and just go around biting people
>Good ending where you flee from police to a remote town, get a job working a nightshift, meet QT Vampire lady and live immoral life together and have many vampire babies

>> No.19934980

Unironically yes.
One of the best things about working at a summer camp is convincing kids that the camp is haunted.
Our camp story was a man name "chopsy" who got his arm chopped off. We got banned from telling the story as it scared campers too much.

>> No.19935000

>One of the best things about working at a summer camp is convincing kids that the camp is haunted.
>Our camp story was a man name "chopsy" who got his arm chopped off.
Cam I went to as a kid had the belser beast. Thing was something mixed with a Bobcat. There was some boat in the river that the counselors had put claw marks in that you could see when the water level was down

>> No.19935532


>> No.19935547
File: 540 KB, 736x1067, Theghostnextdoor-reprint2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has a Goosebumps book ever made you cry?

>> No.19935552

Never read this one but found out about the ending. It's a tear jerker
Side note, why do so many of the covers have the kids wearing converse

>> No.19935642

Always makes think of At the Mountains of Madness, this picture.
Lovecraft was my next step after Stein. A bunch of his stories genuinely freaked me out. I still remember the exact settings/scenery/atmosphere that I imagined for AtMoM, The Tomb, The Hound The Call of Cthulhu, The Statement of Randolph Carter, The Whisperer in Darkness, The Festival. So vivid.
Maybe that's part of why they stuck with me so much. Sometimes I forget that I haven't actually been to Antarctica. Maybe I'm schizo
I did'nt read very much Goosebumps :(

>> No.19936015

Only read 1 Lovecraft story. Wasn't a fan. But I loved goosebumps as a kid

>> No.19936071
File: 1.07 MB, 1430x2110, 9125D365-889A-48DA-87B9-BF45BBCD0222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it was Let’s Get Invisible. It has such a comfy early 90s vibe to it, just a bunch of friends messing around on a rainy afternoon in the suburbs

>> No.19936095
File: 74 KB, 400x561, eyJidWNrZXQiOiJnb2NvbGxlY3QuaW1hZ2VzLnB1YiIsImtleSI6Ijc3MjAyODE2LWI1Y2UtNDVkOS1iMjk3LTg3Yjc4MGJkOGFmZi5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJub3JtYWxpc2UiOnRydWV9fQ==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the true horror kino of children's lit.

>> No.19936147

I hear this was one of Proust's major inspirations.

>> No.19936193
File: 279 KB, 1098x1514, DioPyl6VMAA7B-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a standout
I re-red How I Learned to Fly, it's not even horror, but it's a good story. Get fucked Wilson. (pic unrelated)

>> No.19936199

He's like when Buu splits into good and evil sides, the evil side is in Israel somewhere

>> No.19936210

Some of them have cheap (in a good way imo) twists you won't see coming, but most of them you can guess what's going to happen. They're for kids after all. Occasionally very horrifying imagery. You can read into the situations a lot deeper than what's presented.

>> No.19936323

Fan art?

>> No.19936359
File: 289 KB, 1098x1514, DiiVUPBVMAApGw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, from Twitter by way of Reddit.
Some of these are repurposed covers from later books (the Goosebumps 2000 series or others), some are original fanart.

>> No.19936437
File: 46 KB, 343x500, goosebumps-series-2000-058fc509-861e-4997-a590-15741a20188-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goosebumps 2000 series
Those covers always seemed more brutal to me

>> No.19936495
File: 218 KB, 1098x1514, DhyqE_eVQAAh1bQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one for example is a real title with the real cover from that series, cleaned up to look like the original series.
I never read em. Might do it out of curiosity, some anon said HorrorLand is good as well.

>> No.19936503

>some anon said HorrorLand is good as well.
ah cool
i only ever read a few of the 2000 ones. they were good

>> No.19936582

That's the reason I'm reading Stine right now, for 90s nostalgia. This and Fear Street. It's delivering.

>> No.19936613

children don't read anymore. they will never watch GUTS and are you afraid of the dark and read goose bumps and ride bikes. they will eat ass and play fortnite and warzone.

>> No.19936627

i feel u anon
some weeks ago i spent all my time reading for 7 days
it was super comfy, helped me finding words to express myself and my brainfog cleared really fast
now i´m back here trapped again watching porn on my 2nd screen while browsing 4chin and yt/tvshows at the same time
also i´m in my 30´s so this is almost a lost battle, my brain is a rotten dopamine dump
when i was a kid i was very passionate about books, then the gameboy came home... then the PS2... then internet... tech was a mistake, at least in my life

>> No.19936646

I distinctly remember at age 15 thinking 4 hours spent on the internet was a long time and I should try not to do that. Gamefaqs forums.

>> No.19936955

Good ol days, the life was simpler
Now there´s so much to do here that you end up overwhelmed and doing nothing productive unless you´re working
I had to limit the books on my ereader or I´d jump from one to another without finishing anything

>> No.19937109

I haven't played video games in two months and the reading has been very rewarding. This site is still an obstacle cause I want to come and talk about stuff I read but it's hit and miss. But I find Goosebumps as effective at stoking my interest in reading as it was when I was young. I appreciate Stine's prose, it's very clean and I feel like I'm learning something about writing when I go back to these stories.

>> No.19937173
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, 20220113_131448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19937207

I have issues even with physical books and wanting to jump around
Wind up reading 3 or 4 at once.
This year I've made a list of books I have and that I want to read and am trying to stick to it. Ain't easy though

>> No.19937214

I want to go back to goosebumps but I'm worried I'll ruin my memories. Is that the case or are they still not bad as an adult?

>> No.19937248

Its because its a setting that people USED to relate to, who do you know goes camping anymore? Who do you know has EVER gone camping? At one time it was a great american tradition, now its just a niche hobby.

>> No.19937273

I've read about 10 and I rate all of them between 3/5 and 5/5 so far (judging them by what they are of course, not compared to lit I'm reading). The 3/5 ones are stories that have surprises I can see coming too easily, which is probably inevitable for the majority of them, or they have facile resolutions to dangers.
For example in Ghost Camp, that is still a good story with a lot of nice detail of the woods and fog. It has genuinely creepy moments like the opening when they're the only two kids on the bus and they get dropped off on the side of the road, alone. What brought it down a lot in my opinion was the scariest moment in the story was explained away by "It was just a ghost trick, you weren't in any danger."

>> No.19937281

Kek, now imagine spoiling Welcome to Camp Nightmare. I would be so pissed at myself.

>> No.19937295

Good to know it's a common struggle. I stopped making lists because my interests change too much and by the time I have to read it I don't give a shit anymore.
Ended up with 4 books opened: fiction, religion, politics and science. I won't start anything else until all of them are finished.
Focusing on just one book makes my brain think I could be wasting my time, but I know 4 might be excessive.

>> No.19937352

Yeah sticking to one thing doesn't work for me either
So for my list I included history, some adventure books, scifi, etc
Flip around it and pick what sounds good when I get to the list

>> No.19937383

I'm gonna have to give one a go sometime

>> No.19937396
File: 135 KB, 962x470, 177FFC3C-29D8-457D-8A51-80DA76FEFEA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19937443
File: 1.19 MB, 2003x2954, Night_of_the_Living_Dummy_(Cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dummy one always got me

I don't know why, but chuckie and this fucker haunted my nightmares until I was in my teens

>> No.19937445

>For example in Ghost Camp, that is still a good story with a lot of nice detail of the woods and fog. It has genuinely creepy moments like the opening
That sounds good actually.

>> No.19937454

Dummies are naturally creepy.
That said it was Freddy from nightmare on elm street that haunted my nightmares till I was a teenager

>> No.19937523

I loved the books when I was little. I read every one I could get and watched the show every day it came on. I also liked Are You Afraid of the Dark. I remember it coming on late at night on Saturdays, I think. Scary for little me. Tales From the Crypt was also great.

>> No.19937604

Camps are one of Stine's favourite settings because he used to make up campfire stories as a boy to entertain his older brother.
Plus, it's just a fact that dark woods are one of the scariest things in the world.

>> No.19937838

first one I ever read, it was so good
probably wouldn't read as much nowadays if this book didn't get me addicted to goosebumps

really good one too

>> No.19937857

ill never ever visit america because of these books. its too spooky of a place.

>> No.19937872
File: 748 KB, 581x858, Screenshot 2022-02-17 at 14-31-05 goosebumps lagoon - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19937881

I was afraid to swim in pools after reading this. Still am.

>> No.19938121

Same, I know I read a lot of these and i remember the covers when I see them, but I don't remember any of the stories

>> No.19938411

Yea there's weird fetish material in a lot of the give yourself goosebumps books.
>snakebite canyon is literally just vore the book

>> No.19938490

Vore didn't exist when he wrote that.

>> No.19939235

Yeah but it was back when capitalist Jews had respect for the art of propaganda to trick the goyim. They've gotten sloppy recently.

>> No.19939736

Some I remember some I dont. I didn't remember the floating heads in haunted mask nor the kids in monster blood getting eaten. But I remember the mask salesman and the evil cat.
It's kinda weird seeing what I do remember

>> No.19940393

Never read these. Always seemed more bland since it wasn't a supernatural horror, but fish. Was I wrong?

>> No.19940630

>one of the endings is you being stuck with a female bat obsessed with you
Female bats, you're trapped in a cage full of them IIRC