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/lit/ - Literature

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19934181 No.19934181 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about women's rights?

>> No.19934219

I thought woman dressed like that and did makeup because it makes them feel good about themselves, was that just a cope?

>> No.19934234

God, the prose is shit. Who fucking reads this garbage?

>> No.19934236

That's the new cope.
>women do make up
>they blame men for forcing them do it
>men: "okay don't do it, i don't care"
>women: "a-actually, i want to!"
Today the narrative is that if MEN refuse to wear makeup they are being toxic.

>> No.19934248

You just did

>> No.19934249

Taking Bakker excerpts out of context is a new fresh meme from the fags who are upset that Bakker takes up half of /sffg/. In OP's quote in particular, Kellhus is just telling a post-wall prostitute what she wants to hear

>> No.19934253

this, i unironically thought of killing myself twice while reading that

>> No.19934279
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Reads like shit. Why can’t fantasy write something of worth?

>> No.19934291

Didn't ask. Seethe, dilate

>> No.19934298

Keep reading your children fantasy series. Maybe one day you will read real literature.

>> No.19934307

>Didn't ask. Seethe, dilate

>> No.19934311

Women are just children. If you told small children that they were full adults and created a million political and social systems for them to LARP as adults (but never told them it was all a LARP), then children would be running around like miniature versions of adults, oblivious to how silly they look, wearing suits and voting and saying things like we must vote for the lellow candidate, he will ensure we have pasghetti every night. It wouldn't even be fair to them, because children aren't equipped to know the difference between children and adults. They are too immature to know they're immature.

The current situation of women is literally NO different from this. Women are in many cases even less mature than, say, a preteen boy. Preteen boys since time immemorial have hunted, responsibly operated tools and firearms, worked, helped their father, etc. Women can't do any of this, they're literally less mature than a 10 year old boy, with poorer impulse control. And we don't let 10 year old boys vote.

Just like with the above example, it's not fair to women to expect them to act responsibly. They are too immature to know they're immature. If you give them a society and lie to them that they're mature adults, just like men, they will go around spending all their money on literal face paint and babbling nonsense about their ephemeral feelings, and thinking this is what adults do. They'll literally cry like a little baby in the senate chamber about how someone was mean to them, and think because they're wearing pants and talking about bills and legislation like a man does, they're the same as a male legislator.

Women will always take what they're given, squander it and ruin it, and ask for more. That's their nature. We're the ones who keep giving it to them. The only thing that has changed is our own collective delusion that they're people. If you shouted in a deep masculine baritone Hey! Get the fuck out of here! Stop crying in the senate chamber! You don't belong here! a woman's instinctive race consciousness would awaken, she would know deep in her bones and blood that you are right, and she would go home and be quiet. Women are literally waiting for us to come to our own senses and restore order any time, they themselves are unconsciously calling out for an end to this nonsense.

>> No.19934316

>No argument
Reddit is more your speed.

>> No.19934345

I noped out less than 3 lines in

>> No.19935389
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>Women are just children.
This is the simplest and most effective way to understand the true nature of women.
There's a reason cuteness is associated with women and with youth, there's a reason women have neotenous features, and there's a reason men call women "babe/baby". They're mental children, and like children (and like certain races) they rely on others to take care of them and guide them.
Almost all actual adults in the world are light-skinned men.

>> No.19935400

lol dude. not getting enough validation from your 4chan buddies? fuck off

>> No.19935469

It's probably Bakker himself shilling his Children's fantasy here

>> No.19935484

A characteristic quality of a troglodyte is the incessant need to inject his undue opinions where none were warranted, within the framework of conversations they're uneqipped to patrake in, fully lacking any comprehension of the ridiculousness of these acts, such as passing an absolute judgement on a 700 page novel after parsing a miniscule portion of its one page, or having childishly comical belief that prose of any work could be judged from a few sentences. Such are the literary homunculi who stumbled their way through Nabokov once and came out with an iron belief that their taste is, henceforth, fucking superior, and mankind lives every day with a bated breath to hear the sermon. This blase poise is borne, of course, not of knowledge, but of identity, and the irrational need to maintain it. Ask a troglodyte to elaborate on his brash write-offs, and watch him flail in derision, mockery, and what his perceives as humor, but everyone can see plainly as desperate deflection. On /lit/ in particular, the persona of a supreme gentleman classicist, who towers over unwashed genre masses, dominates the discourse. Hence the automatic responses of men who are met and mocked by the limits of their own intelligence. Had the blurb in OP said "Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov" intead of "Kellhus", indicating the belonging to the respectable ilk of shitty old russian novels (goodtradmustlike!!), the persona would squeal in delight and respond with positive affirmations. Ironically, the mockery of such men is one of the central themes in Bakker's works.

also didn't ask, seethe and dilate

>> No.19935493

>also didn't ask, seethe and dilate
lol dude. not getting enough validation from your 4chan buddies? fuck off

>> No.19935495


>> No.19935521

Imagine seething because no one likes your child fantasy series. Actually pathetic.