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19925301 No.19925301[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books about ADHD? I am starting to think that I suffer from it.

>> No.19925308

women are vile.
The human race is worthless

>> No.19925315

Humans are funny

>> No.19925324

The Burnout Society by Byung-Chul Han

>> No.19925351

Women are just children. If you told small children that they were full adults and created a million political and social systems for them to LARP as adults (but never told them it was all a LARP), then children would be running around like miniature versions of adults, oblivious to how silly they look, wearing suits and voting and saying things like "we must vote for the lellow candidate, he will ensure we have pasghetti every night." It wouldn't even be fair to them, because children aren't equipped to know the difference between children and adults. They are too immature to know they're immature.

The current situation of women is literally NO different from this. Women are in many cases even less mature than, say, a preteen boy. Preteen boys since time immemorial have hunted, responsibly operated tools and firearms, worked, helped their father, etc. Women can't do any of this, they're literally less mature than a 10 year old boy, with poorer impulse control. And we don't let 10 year old boys vote.

Just like with the above example, it's not fair to women to expect them to act responsibly. They are too immature to know they're immature. If you give them a society and lie to them that they're mature adults, just like men, they will go around spending all their money on literal face paint and babbling nonsense about their ephemeral feelings, and thinking this is what adults do. They'll literally cry like a little baby in the senate chamber about how someone was "mean" to them, and think because they're wearing pants and talking about "bills" and "legislation" like a man does, they're the same as a male legislator.

Women will always take what they're given, squander it and ruin it, and ask for more. That's their nature. We're the ones who keep giving it to them. The only thing that has changed is our own collective delusion that they're people. If you shouted in a deep masculine baritone "Hey! Get the fuck out of here! Stop crying in the senate chamber! You don't belong here!" a woman's instinctive race consciousness would awaken, she would know deep in her bones and blood that you are right, and she would go home and be quiet. Women are literally waiting for us to come to our own senses and restore order any time, they themselves are unconsciously calling out for an end to this nonsense.

>> No.19925353

ADHD was an invention of psychologists to make money

>> No.19925393

Holy shit go outside

>> No.19925408


>> No.19925412

>Women will always take what they're given, squander it and ruin it, and ask for more.
That's human nature, bub

>> No.19925484

>oh no le evil woman is attracted to someone
don't even have sex, just fucking kys

>> No.19925498
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If that's true then why is ADHD linked with paradoxical reactions? Why do amphetamines calm them?

>> No.19925502

shut up tranny, women despise you more than any other form of hate known to man, and you will never be a woman.

>> No.19925536

have fun being alone this valentine's day while I fuck my wife, worthless incel

>> No.19925542

Not true, they lack executive functioning skills. This makes them poor at planning, creating and sticking to consistent routines, makes it difficult for them to stay focused on linear subjects like reading and mathematics. Essentially it has something to do with hemispheric function (left brain/right brain) and dopamine levels. It has been posited that some ADD/ADHD lack normal dopamine levels, this is why amphetamines or L-Tyrosine may be beneficial to them. In terms of brain function and hemispheric abnormalities, they may have an excess of Theta waves (4-7hz) or subsequently lack sufficient levels of Beta waves (14-32hz) right brain. If you are interested in reading about that though, I would check out Audio-visual Entrainment studies. This can be done at home and may help ADHD/ADD more than medication

>> No.19925549

have fun being on discord with your tranny friends this valentine's day while i fuck a woman who could have been your wife in an alternate reality (if you lifted and somehow gained 5 inches of height)

>> No.19925550

I feel like I have no conception of what is and isn't attractive

>> No.19925558


>> No.19925567

The Adult ADHD Handbook

>> No.19925569

Also, calling people "lazy" or claiming it's not a real illness is dangerous. If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, and you ignore it.. well, they probably won't live up to their full potential (as they would with neurotypical brain function)
That's a difficult idea for people to conceptualize

>> No.19925570

lol you really are going to be spending the night alone aren't you.

>> No.19925578

periodically, because each time i pull the scaffold lever i will be alone again on the scaffold until the next tranny ascends

>> No.19925602

for men it's just someone that looks quirky and/or dominating while having a "feminine" side to him

>> No.19925624

Unlike men (who are universally attracted to youth and health), women have no fixed set of rules for what's attractive:

>> No.19925625

>the brain isn’t plastic

>> No.19925631

He's right though.

>> No.19925757

It is, that's why I mentioned audio-visual entrainment. Within 30 days of daily audio visual entrainment, ADHD/ADD patients regulated their EEGs to appear that of a neurotypical patient. I can get you the source on that if you'd like. I'm not sure this is a viable treatment for everybody though, because entrainment programs run the risk of seizure in some people
Also, some might just find a medication to increase dopamine slightly more efficient. If it's not broken, etc

>> No.19925773

>All that sophistry and embellished words made by the same psychologists who sell you the same service just to say that a person is stupid so he can't concentrate on knowing what the result of 2 + 2 is
>therefore the ADHD exists
What is more likely, that ADHD exists, or that psychologists invented it to get money from the same stupid people who spend hours wondering what is 2 + 2?.

>> No.19925811

Haha, if you want to believe it's sophistry, that's circular reasoning. It's up to you whether you want to live in a fantasy world. Has nothing to do with empirical evidence from science my friend

>> No.19925823


>> No.19925832

He's right, and you know it.

>> No.19925840

Maybe if the only woman you've ever come close to was your mother when she unfortunately gave birth to you

>> No.19925846
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Say something that can't be reduced to "do women even like you / are you popular / are you socially acceptable"


>> No.19925853

She's only saying that because they're both yahoudi

>> No.19925856

Have you ever considered that your tendency towards reductionism is a symptom of an undiagnosed mental illness?

>> No.19925860

Not the guy you are arguing with but holy fuck you're annoying

>> No.19925882

>Not the guy you are arguing with

>> No.19925889

That's social acceptability again, "you're crazy wow" is just an appeal to "that's not normal." Can you say literally anything other than social shit?

>> No.19925919

bruh this is my struggle rn. i've been through a ton of girls and they've all been equally immature. is it just a matter of finding the least immature one to wife up? i need ot be able to trust the chick with my invested emotion and not have to worry about her fucking smashing my heart. do these women even exist anymore? i'm sure as hell not gonna live like an incel and i'm also sure as hell not gonna get divorced.

>> No.19925931

Do YOU like yourself/how you are?

>> No.19925934
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>empirical evidence from science
Read pic

>> No.19925939
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>> No.19925945


>> No.19926805

Women are gayer than homosexual men.

>> No.19927068
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>n-nuh uh, you poopoo head!
the post is about you

>> No.19927074

just delete this faggot ass board

>> No.19927091

what zero pussy does to a mf

>> No.19927101
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Why do these insecure faggots who have sex <1x a year come to these threads to mock sadboys who are much more literate but barely any more sexless than them?

>> No.19927660

Seems fake.