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/lit/ - Literature

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19922104 No.19922104 [Reply] [Original]

>wwoym We /qa/ now
>old >>19916593

>> No.19922111

/qa/ doesn't exist you fucking moron

>> No.19922115

Im unironically a 29 year old kissless virgin.

>> No.19922123
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I believe in pretty pale girl supremacy

>> No.19922133

I'm 30 and the same, also a dropout with 35k in debt.

>> No.19922138

i got my first kiss at 6 from a 15 year old, what are you guys doing wrong

>> No.19922143

Just be slightly autistic and on uglier side. Thats it.

>> No.19922175

attachement issues

>> No.19922179

Just be slightly autistic period. I'm not even remotely ugly.

>> No.19922184

Casual pussy is easier than ever, there’s absolutely no way you’d be virgins if you put bare MINIMUM of effort into being somewhat desirable.

>> No.19922194

This is just untrue.

>> No.19922203

As an oldfag who is getting more female attention than he ever did when younger. This is not true. You really need to work for it and endure a lot of rejection. Finding the right women is the hard part, you have to really be in the right location even with dating apps.
What's changed for me is that I'm really good at body language nowadays.

>> No.19922216

Aaah, this makes one diamonds!

>> No.19922219

What is a word for the self-terminating nature of certain words, or engagements? Like a gun that always backfires, a punch that breaks your hand, memes that can only outmeme themselves. Fire with fire kinda thing. When the only possible actions taken to 'combat' X necessarily end up becoming appended aspects X? Like mutually assured negation, but only after you decide to act, for example, someone could be a narcissist without any problems, but as soon as you call them out, you become a narcissist too, if the definition allows for it.

>> No.19922221

Any books to recc on body language when it comes to courting women, anon?

>> No.19922222

I hate when you have to read an article and scihub doesn't open up.
Fuck you science direct, fuck you

>> No.19922228

Nope, sorry. I can't even recommend any books on body language in general. You'd probably learn more from a fine-art textbook than you will in any of those body language manuals I suspect

>> No.19922230
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I got engaged on Friday night. I'm 38 and she's 10 years younger. We're going to have a tiny ceremony in May or so then start trying for kids around September, not waste any time. I have a lot of nervousness about some things coming up, we'll probably be moving to a new town as she pursues her PhD and I have two elderly family members I take care of and will likely need to drag with me so I can keep seeing to their health and home needs, or I'll take constant trips throughout the week, hours each way. It's a lot but I'm happy and calm too because I know I have a partner for life now that I can share burdens with. She loves the stinking shit out of my ass and I'm so happy.

>> No.19922231

Based Science hater. Science nerds BTFO'ed.

>> No.19922235

Mean Mr mustard was too busy eating custard with his lady of the night, you know they're pretty tight

>> No.19922237

If I was forced to recommend something specifically though, maybe read Stanislavski? I don't know which one covers the physicality of the body. But I'm sure that's probably the best resource, at the very least it'll give you the tools you need to learn what to observe in a woman.

>> No.19922238

I have a job interview for a job in the middle of nowhere - 600 miles to the next town kind of middle of nowhere. If I get the job and accept it might be the craziest thing I've ever done, but I want the adventure.

>> No.19922239

reminds me a bit of Russel's Paradox. i don't know if that's your answer, but your best bet sounds like it would be somewhere in set theory

>> No.19922246

Stanislavski? That's interesting, I would've thought you'd recommend me some psychologist's book instead of books about theatrics and acting.

It does make sense though, I suppose.

>> No.19922253

Stop watching porn 100% (video, pics, even sfw images of whoever), limit jerking off to 1 time a week, no edging. And go about your life, making sure to step outside (exercise, groceries, gym, restaurant, etc) and you'll discover an energy and charm inside you, with positivity and excitement. Girls will pick up on your vibe (we're animals after all, pheromones and other shit are still in play), and things are much more likely to happen.

>> No.19922255
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>> No.19922257

It's because I'm clutching at straws. I think the best advice I could give is do a tango class, I know you asked for a book, but I once did a tango class well after I resolved my body language issues and I was still surprised by how much it forces you to be aware of how your partner is moving. And while Tango is seen as a sensual dance, that's not even why I suggest it, it's simply because being a dance that isn't choreographed the way others are with rigid steps it is much more about non-verbal or even non-visual communication.

>> No.19922258

I refuse to enter a baseless relationship with another person and I refuse to worship the idol of the child god. I will die a childless virgin.

>> No.19922261

What is the best way to find my /lit/ gf?

>> No.19922263

Failed suicide attempt and hope one takes pity on you

>> No.19922264

Alright, I gotcha. Relationships and dating rely a lot on non-verbal and non-visual communication. And reading these books will help me gain insight into that. Thanks anon! I'll take a look at 'em.

>> No.19922268

Get admitted to your local mental yard. Last time I went there was a couple of cuties.

>> No.19922272

Recommend me some books on women with hairy armpits anon :3

>> No.19922279

Thanks anon

>> No.19922284

Interact with /lit/ girls wherever they are. Not saying to hit on them with pickup lines. Just treat them like a fellow human being while shooting the shit. If a girl you want doesn't want you back that's not a failure on your part, it's just a pairing or connection that is not feasible or meant to happen. Just move on and keep living your life. You just need to stop satisfying your urges with porn and jerking off because it will kill your motivation to try anything else. It's not obvious when you're in that cold gray dopamine feedback loop, but there's still hope and energy out there and inside you.

>> No.19922305

>Just treat them like a fellow human being while shooting the shit

Hard to do with a stranger but that might just a me thing. Working on giving up porn entirely too. Thanks anon.

>> No.19922307

What a luxury yet what a low bar it is for one to be in a position to make one's identity one's armpit hair.

>> No.19922317

The French literary canon

>> No.19922324

can you name a French book that deals extensively with hairy female armpits?

>> No.19922327

This would require stopping to browse this website, which is literally all I do for 10 years now.

>> No.19922344

Then stop coming here, easier said than done I know. But you owe it to yourself to give an honest effort. Madness is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. It will take 3 months to rewire your brain (1 month or sooner to notice a different awareness and perception of reality); 3 months is nothing compared to 10 years. The dopamine trap is a real bastard, and you don't really know the extent of it until you change it up.

>> No.19922346

>even sfw images
why not?

>> No.19922349

One of you fellas has to get me out of this one. I haven't slept, and I have to go to work in two hours. I basically slept all afternoon, and now I can't catch a wink. I said fuck it and I just ate breakfast. I can't call out of work, because today would be the worst day to do that, given that most of my work has to be done on Monday, and I'm already on thin ice for calling out last Monday.

Should I exercise for an hour? Rest my eyes for an hour? Drink a lot of coffee, and then sneak in an hour nap somewhere?

Best I can do is leave work an hour early, but I know I'll be crashing hard 2-3 hours into work, and I'm getting sick just thinking about it.

>> No.19922354

You're still giving yourself a dopamine rush from the novelty of different sex partners. If you choose one sfw picture and that's it, maybe the dopamine hit would diminish and not be a detriment eventually, but in the context of human history, think about how unnatural it is to do something like jerk off to different images. Our brains evolve way slower than that.

Here's a short vid covering some of it but there's plenty of other material out there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1v170oM67U

>> No.19922360

Light exercise and drink water probably. The exercise will hopefully kickstar your metabolism into a wakeful mode. If I were in your position I'd drink coffee, but I'm very dependent on coffee for function at the best of times so it may only give you the jitters.

>> No.19922362
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>> No.19922366

Speaking from experience?

>> No.19922367

Yeah, thanks, I'm gonna make some coffee, and just sip it for now. I'm already drinking water, and doing some some lunges and curls. Threw the window wide open to get some cold air, too.

>> No.19922374

Well I got stoned for the first time after that stupid thread claiming that it would make you more creative but I dont think this would improve your writing at all

>> No.19922394

Microsleeps can sometimes give you a bit of energy but they're risky. I used to take 2 minute naps in the bathroom on breaks if I hadn't slept the night before. Obviously you should set a timer to be safe.

To be honest though I think you'll surprise yourself, a night of insomnia can sometimes give you enough manic energy to carry you through. It's not fun though.

>> No.19922401

وقوعٌ بعد وقوعٍ، فمالِي لا أقومٌ؟
Failure followed by another failure; Why can't I get up?

>> No.19922402
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Sounds good to me. godspeed anon.

>> No.19922409

You got memed. Weed is great to enjoy food, sex or passive entertainment like movie or music. Relax and immersion.
It’s dogshit for cerebral creation.

>> No.19922416
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Pro-tip: Don’t try too hard, they will notice
Just know how to hit the right basic notes:

>Something something Simone de Beauvoir something Baudrillard Mead something

>> No.19922421

Sadness will last forever

>> No.19922423

I will buy a planner. Maybe it will work and it will help me organize my life

>> No.19922428

Is discipline really that important? It seems like the opposite of creativity.

>> No.19922429

>affectionate but chaste
Oof, worse than inceldom

>> No.19922433

they are so expensive

>> No.19922444

It's going to a bitch, but I do this at least two-three times a month. On top of that, I know I won't be able to take a nap until I'm absolutely tired. But then I usually sleep a solid 20 minutes and then I'm good, at least good enough to make it home. I get bitchy, too, which is no good. I hate working on zero energy, because I usually like to read at work, or get little things done on my work computer. What also helps is going for little walks on my breaks. So I'll probably walk over and get a smoothie or an iced coffee at some point. I think I'm also getting pissed off about it because it's Valentine's Day, and I'm basically going to be forced to tell my girlfriend that I'm going to go straight to sleep after work, meaning that, again, really, I'll be taking a futile power nap before we go out for dinner, during which I already know I'll be bitchy and visibly miserable.

>> No.19922446

Yes. and not it's not. Discipline means that when inspiration strikes you have the skills and more importantly the preparation and time to capitalize on it. Discipline helps you maximize opportunity.
However in the scale of things Discipline < Reduce Resistance < Be more efficient.
What I mean is if you can do something more efficiently, like get the same results as 1 hour of hard work in only 20 minutes that will be a greater advantage than having twice the discipline.
However what's even better than having discipline is making tasks and projects that you can 'slip' into without requiring discipline, because there will be some days where you will have less motivation. You don't want to constantly be 100% motivated to constantly get things done, what you want is to get things done even when you're only 50% motivated.
Discipline is great, but what's way more important is being more efficient.

>> No.19922447

Creativity means shit without discipline. True creativity is schizophrenic. Try finishing a painting by banking purely on your creativity. Ain't gonna happen.

>> No.19922449

>Casual pussy is easier than ever

Yeah if you're attractive. The Sexual Revolution was basically free trade for sex, and just like the rich have more market power, the physically attractive have more pussy power.

>> No.19922452

think of music: there's an underlying static stucture (the rhythm) that acts as an organizer or foundation for the creative movement. discipline is very important for productively guiding the spontaneity of creativity. it's like the apollo/dionysus dichotomy—there needs to be a harmony.

>> No.19922458

>get things done even when you're only 50% motivated.
Isnt that more of a discipline thing than efficiency?

>> No.19922468

my brother presented me a very interesting dilemma of sorts: imagine a very attractive woman—10/10 perhaps—but she shits like 10x more than regular people. is she still attractive? would you date her? scatfags pls dont answer this one

>> No.19922477

This is what I absolutely love about good jazz, that took me like ten years to notice, even about my favorite songs. It's this trippy mercurial dancing that goes on on top of a surface of established rhythm. Sometimes I notice that certain songs can take you to impossibly exotic places, and somehow you can still follow it all the way, because the song has scaffolded itself to that point to allow further and further complexity. It's intense. I still don't understand how it's achieved, except by faith.
In my own experience as an artist, one of the first things I learned about produced anything that feels "accomplished" is that there is a tremendous act of faith and devotion to that faith as prerequisite. Faith, devotion, attention, and competence. I mean hundreds of hours of practice so that you basically build the rhythms into your body.
Real art and creativity is ironically about "controlled acts of spontaneity" built upon a traditional structure.

>> No.19922479

Ten times as frequently or ten times the amount but at a regilar frequency?

>> No.19922480

0x10 = 0

>> No.19922481

i should clarify. she shits 10x more often than regular people; we aren't speaking of volume of shit here. i mean, she'd say something like "gotta go to the bathroom" and you'd think immediately "i know where she's going, she's going to poop again."

>> No.19922489

You know I reckon id say yes to frequency no to volume.

>> No.19922491

Even if there is such a thing as "casual" sex, I don't want it. The white man has evolved to heavily invest in his children, and therefore, to also care for his mate. "Casual" sex is only practiced by r-strategist species, such as niggers.

>> No.19922495

This is good shit man. Very funny to read.

>> No.19922500

>i cant get laid because im white and at least im not a nigger

>> No.19922502

So the genius is autistically determined and schizophrenically creative at the same time?

>> No.19922505

Nah bro, you're just an r-strategist species, like he said. Didn't you read?

>> No.19922508

No, I've probably explained it poorly, but the idea is you only need to be half as disciplined because it's easier to do. Does that make sense?
Rather than training to lift more total weight, find a way that it weighs less (perhaps by using a dolly or trolley or a pulley system to reduce the load). Obviously if you can still train to lift that weight, then the system will just multiply your carrying capacity.

>> No.19922510

i'd love to hear some of your favorite jazz songs. i'm interested in the genre but not well-aquainted with it

>> No.19922512

>a tremendous act of faith and devotion
I'm afraid to even engage with this because I think you're gonna say Jesus guides your hand or something, but I tentatively agree... in a purely nondenominational way.

>> No.19922513

Holy cope

>> No.19922521

r-strategist species detected.

>> No.19922523

I think I understand. That leaves the question - how to become more efficient? Is it possible to master it or its something inherent?

>> No.19922526
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Jazzy Music and where they live there is something wrong about the characters that they can't afford. It's been personal, it would take only one of those things where they were always. Probably going on in front of the house.

>> No.19922533

hmm.. i have to say anon, you've confused me with this post

>> No.19922535

Precisely. That's been the case with many, many great artists. Van Gogh easily falls in this category. By all means an unreasonable person, totally manic, just following his gut, but also disciplined and single-minded. I can think of many artists who lived right on this edge. It's, like you said, something autistic, that leads people to this single-minded devotion to certain things. Throw in some intense original creativity, and they will skyrocket that shit. The trouble is, most autists aren't creative, and blow off all that power on being turbo nerds and speedrunners or whatever. If my child ever turns out to be autistic, I'm going to give them a paint set and see what happens.

>> No.19922545

Bear with it. It's a pretty conventional song, given the genre, but still it's a good example. The way I hear this song is that it basically self-complexifies toward an apex. It's also ingeniously produced, and the bassline is killer if nothing else.

>> No.19922549

Interesting thought. Do you think its easier for schizos to achieve discipline or for autists - creativity?

>> No.19922550

I hate when people ask this. "You don't mean Jesus, do you?" Have you had so little faith in your life, in any way, that you need to get defensive about it? Sorry, I just think it's a shame.

>> No.19922551

>how to become more efficient?
That's an excellent question and I don't have the answer, firstly because the way you become more efficient depends on what task you're undertaking. For example one way you get more 'efficient' as a photographer is by paradoxically taking less exposures, because it means you save time making frankly marginal decisions in the darkroom as to which one to 'print'. A painter may use special treatments or chemicals on their undercoats because they find the other layers either bind better or it gives them more of a certain texture they want that saves them having to texturize the surface manually.
Efficiency is always domain dependent.
But secondly it depends on what is your priority, even in the same domain or medium, different goals will prioritize different qualities and the means of delivering more of the quality for less time or effort may vary.
tl;dr - depends

>> No.19922562

Personality traits are strongly deterministic. Changing personality is almost impossible, and the best bet is probably to select creative children and discipline them, for the off chance that some of them will a) be truly creative, and b) be truly disciplined, and eventually find the gold, c) children who are both.

>> No.19922567

It has less to do with my personal views on Jesus than it does the fact you ascribe to Jesus all great art. If you get that question a lot (I rarely ever find reason to ask it, for reference) let me suggest that you might have a habit of overstepping yourself in applying your own personal faith to others. In fact, that you are conflating faith with faith in Jesus is also, I would imagine, somewhat emblematic of this dynamic.

>> No.19922571

Why do you think that traits are strongly deterministic? Doesnt that invalidate neuroplasticity?

>> No.19922573

thanks, i like it. it's interesting to listen to within the context of increasingly complex "controlled spontaneity." i like to think of the song as a reflection of the mind of an AI self-recursively increasing its intelligence. maybe kinda schizo lol

>> No.19922575

This is exchange is fucking awesome.

>> No.19922580

The answer you're most likely to get will completely eschew compatabilism in favor of a purely theoretical argument.

>> No.19922584

What do you think it?

>> No.19922586

Bro, I still never said the word Jesus. Lady doth protest too much?

>> No.19922589

I think people familiar enough with concepts like neuroplasticity to have this discussion are likely to take determinism as a given, and will be unprepared to wade into the world of philosophal discourse, especially concerning something most likely treated as axiom.

>> No.19922638

Go back to school and get a fucking career. Do university of phoenix or wgu or a similar degree mill that is still acceptable on a resume. Get a bs in IT or business then get an mba or a masters in tech and start making over 100k in like 4 years. If you're fat fucking stop it retard. It's not that hard to lift weights and do cardio and not eat garbage. If your skin is shit stop eating sugar and hop on an hgh secretagogue peptide. Learn to dress properly as an adult. Buy a house asap and stop fucking renting and start building equity.

>> No.19922641

Apparently, Im not that good at philosophical discource as you. Its too advanced for a novice like me as I'd want to stay on determinism-free will axis.

>> No.19922645

>Personality traits are strongly deterministic. Changing personality is almost impossible
Do 6 grams of mushrooms and tell me that again, retard.

>> No.19922647

>"Society is a utopia already, you're just a loser who is choosing the wrong things!"

ok boomer

>> No.19922652

Yeah mushrooms and religious conversations are two of the only reliable methods. Why are you so upset? I meant for most people. Try getting my mom to do mushrooms.

>> No.19922654
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>> No.19922655
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Society is a dystopia so make some money before you end up a rent serf at age 50 like a fucking retard. Blackstone and Zillow are buying up the housing market to do so. Make a move fucking now. You're wasting time. Get into the management and specialization class or your life will only get worse from here.

>> No.19922659

I'm a piece of shit.
I had some drinks with my gf and we decided to go to bed. Usually when having sex I'm tender and loving. This time I was a beast and treated her like something disposable.
I feel like I fucked up our relationship and our trust. I'm afraid I may never regain it.

>> No.19922662

>anon gives cry for help
>respond with practical advice
>ok boomer
Every fucking time around here. Never give doomers advice. Misery loves company.

>> No.19922667

Lmao bitch. How have you nwver rough fucked your gf?

>> No.19922682

>hot Colombian bitch at my school
>takes monthly vacations, designer purses, bmw
>laughs that her sugar daddy buys her everything
>wrecks her bmw
>laughs about it, never has even a momentary pang of conscience
>literally dramatexting with “fuckboys” every hour of the day
>her female friends thinks she’s queen

>> No.19922685

>another st valentines without le gf

>> No.19922692

The idea that the world we live in will actually respond positively to a young man trying his hardest to achieve greatness is a sick joke, and you're a retard for believing it.

>> No.19922699

i think Larkin was probably right when he said that jazz fell off after WW2

>> No.19922707

Well, instead of being a bitch and cowering in the corner waiting for her to bring it up, maybe you should just fucking talk to her about it.

>> No.19922711

You have any other ideas?

>> No.19922725

Yeah, I bought a cheap notebook instead and I'll try bullet journal

>> No.19922732

bretty good

>> No.19922733

Yeah, burn it all down.

>> No.19922735

thats retarded. are you memeing

>> No.19922749


>> No.19922750

Not at all. Why should the losers of current society support current society? It's simply in the losers' self-interest to burn it all down and start a society in which they are the new elite.

>> No.19922755

>you'll be happy if you just Get The Job!
>accumulate the currency!
>conform your appearance to societal standards!
>modulate your thoughts according to societal standards!
>you must confirm to what is expected!
>you WILL get the job, and you WILL be happy upon executing a finite number of weighted lifts!
>everything will just go away if you follow these simple, totally-not-soul-suckingly-materialist steps!
Where the fuck do you think you are, retard? Are you unironically getting upset while coming onto 4chan to spout the most generic, conformist drivel you could muster? Unreal that these are the people I share the site with these days.

>> No.19922756

> If my child ever turns out to be autistic, I'm going to give them a paint set and see what happens.
I don't remember his name, but there is a guy on deviantart that became a meme on /ic/ because he draws the same person over and over again, but with some variations like male and female version, different haircuts. etc
And he's been doing this for years now, his entire account is countless drawings of the same thing

>> No.19922759

but then that'll just happen over and over again and you'll never get anywhere. maybe you think there's nowhere to get; but even then, ideally we would achieve stability and then ride it out or something. a cycle in which we repeatedly burn it all down is very unattractive for a lot of reasons.

>> No.19922769

>he’s Eliot Rogers tier psychotic.
Write a manifesto. I’m always curious about what it’s like to have truly gotten lost in vengeful fantasies.

>> No.19922774

Got any better ideas that aren’t Eliot Rogers tier insane like the other anon?

>> No.19922778
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I found him, it wasn't on deviantart

>> No.19922780

>It's simply in the losers' self-interest to burn it all down and start a society in which they are the new elite
You have no leg to stand on if this is your belief. You're just acting out of pure, infantile jealousy if you don't want to burn it down and in its place create something in which there ARE no losers. It is not the current crop of elites who are the problem. It's the structures of power as they exist in and of themselves. It's that there are these economically and increasingly ideologically formalized of losers and elites which is the problem. Without acting against this specific dynamic, you're just another myopic retard steering us toward yet another blowout... and guess who loses that one. Guess who gets strung up and gutted and left to die of infection and exposure

>> No.19922790

absolutely bizarre. why would anyone do this? truly horrifying

>> No.19922818

The point is that the society we live in is a demonstrably corrupt mess that makes 80% of the population live in shit conditions on shit wages completely alienated from everyone around them and the only thing boomer retards like you have to say about in its defense is: "Just get a job and wear a suit lmao".

>> No.19922833

I've started having inception-esque dreams where I wake up, wake up, wake up. My dreams are becoming absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.19922844

Nope! I only know what worked for me, and I'm not nearly arrogant enough to pretend that it's got any universality to it. Unlike you. My only advice would be to learn to treat yourself kindly, to practice recognizing negative emotions in the moment and practice that very difficult balancing act of allowing your emotions (which you can't prevent from occurring) without completely succumbing to them, and finally to do things that engage you, be it physical or mental, preferably both. Get to know the person you are beneath all the negative self-thoughts, the inherited and unhelpful ideas that you really NEED to be doing anything, and do the work you actually want to do. You might find it has absolutely nothing to do with going to school, working out, getting a good job, Accumulating The Currency, and so on. Learn to accept the things about yourself you can't change and to work on the things you both can and want to.

Everyone's individual process of attaining the above will be different. I'd suggest therapy if you get stuck. Meditation does wonders.

>> No.19922845

i had one of those dreams for the first time recently. i woke up (in the dream) from a dream in which an alien woman (very tall) spoke to me at length about a variety of subjects. i forgot everything she said except one thing which i remembered verbatim: "intelligence is the process by which chaos is converted to order." i don't know how i feel about that definition

>> No.19922853

Do stimulants actually increase or decrease creativity?

>> No.19922857

i have extensive experience. i can thus tell you the definitive answer: i don't know the answer

>> No.19922860

I'm not saying that at all. If you go back and actually read what I wrote instead of correlating it with your expectations of what I wrote, who I am, what I do, etc., you'll realize that.

You have to give up control. Never give up your agency, but you have to realize that these things are outside of anyone's direct control. It makes everything go down easier when you stop taking things on at that scope.

>> No.19922881

I can’t believe people still recommend young wannabe writers not publish, sometimes not even write seriously, until they’re older. It’s such terrible advice.

>> No.19922887

Whether I should wipe out my savings to wipe out my high interest student loan debt. I’ll be left with no savings but no restrictive debt.

>> No.19922899
File: 597 KB, 1537x2048, 81373535-718C-4D4B-9A85-874E636065F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y’all need pussy asap

>> No.19922907

woah, pornography. also, what makes you think we don't get pussy? i get plenty of pussy, constantly, perpetual pussy all over my body at all times. very upsetting

>> No.19922911
File: 68 KB, 639x640, 1642400861448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha yes i am an idiot. did you notice? yeah, that's right: me. i'm a retard and i said something dumb. u mad? haha. u mad. i'm a retard and there's nothing you can do about it!

>> No.19922919

I already have a dog, I don't want a cat

>> No.19922922

see? this is what zero pussy does to a mf

>> No.19922926

bro what are you even saying, i just said i have pussy covering my whole body at every moment (including my penis). this is clearly a case of too much pussy

>> No.19922927

Congrats anon, godspeed

>> No.19922980

The only tangible benefits of not jerking off is having more free time and a push to develop a new normal routine. The rest of the bs is nonsense. To this day the most surefire way to attract women is to be already with a woman. This is why the lesbian wingman is man's best friend.

>> No.19923000

I’d bet the entirety of my monthly NEETbux that this whore still shaves her roast for Chad hookups. That armpit hair is there just to signal her “free spirit” and “emancipation” even though her confidence is completely based on the male attention she receives. I hate women so much it’s unreal.

>> No.19923015

I'm getting a tech degree so I can remote work from an earthship in flyoverland and garden my own vegetables as well as raise subsistence pasture raised livestock. On rotational plots.

This isn't 1990 retard, you don't have to live even remotely close to a city and you can live off the utlitiy grid in a house you build out of recycled materials while recycling water up to four times into plants you can eat.

>> No.19923027

could care less almost about anything because I feel like a huge part of me has been torn off with this loss

>> No.19923052

The phrase is “couldn’t care less”

>> No.19923073

I don't leave my house

I'm legit handsome

>> No.19923114

Sure, post cock

>> No.19923156

Unless you're married, you should be.

>> No.19923160

Hello fellow Dutton chad.

>> No.19923167

Women pooping has never bothered me. I don't get this concern.

>> No.19923176

Jesus Christ, all this free meal 10 times a day, is like a dream.

>> No.19923188

I will create the ultimate world of fantasy with the richest lore and the craziest mythology, nothing like anyone has ever seen before. Also I'm a jobless 32 yo.

>> No.19923193

Public Enemy was such an unbelievably based rap group. They even named you know who. Not that I'm against jews, but can you imagine a rapper calling out jews today? I admire the audacity and provocativeness

Crucifixion ain't no FICTION
So called CHOSEN frozen
Apologies to whoever pleases
still they got me like jesus

Every brother ain't a brother cause a color
Just as well could be undercover
Backstabbed, grabbed a flag
From the back of the lab
Told a RAB get off the rag
Sad to say I got sold down the river
Still some quiver when I deliver

>> No.19923197

Before the internet you would end up stuck with some landwhale who would make your life miserable, many such cases on poor old outcasts. You were fucked the moment a event in your early life destroyed your social skills or instilled any measure of social phobia, mix that with acessible reclusive lifestyle and you are a genetic dead end. At least it can be a comfortable death, nobody yelling at you, you can play some games, read some books, not starve, enjoy somewhat life.

>> No.19923202

Evil post with genuine ill intent behind it. This poster means you harm, and wants to inflict it solely for his own amusement.

>> No.19923205

What ill intent, just telling him to cheer up as it could be far worse.

>> No.19923206

I'm not ugly but my social anxiety is so bad I haven't been able to make friends since I was 16. I also have acne scars and acne that two rounds of acutane haven't been able to fix.
Don't throw therapy in my face. There's nothing a therapist could do that would justify the exorbitant cost. Therapy is just commodified emotional labour for women.

>> No.19923210

Love is an elusive act. The tall walls that guard the heart, destined for the Jericho fate. Gentle voice, and soft skin. Her sly smile and subtle step, romanticise a last goodbye.

>> No.19923293

>There's nothing a therapist could do that would justify the exorbitant cost. Therapy is just commodified emotional labour for women.
well, give yourself another ten years of being sad and miserable and come back to this idea. maybe you'll be able to consider the idea that you might know less than you think you do. did you try therapy and have a bad experience?

>> No.19923364

Not him but therapy is gay. For me it is just working harder and keeping busy.

>> No.19923370

that's a good way to distract yourself from things that are difficult to engage with to the point they create emotional discomfort. who knows? for most people, that seems to be enough. maybe you just inherently process things more easily than others. maybe you don't get "stuck" in unhelpful thoughts and beliefs and you can just distract yourself until it goes away.

of course, maybe you're lying to yourself, and you're just filling the kettle full of steam until one day it bursts.

>> No.19923410

I don't have much necrotic negative thoughts because I have decent testosterone levels.

>> No.19923412

whatever you want to believe, i guess, my dude.

>> No.19923416

I want her to hold a parliament cig in her toes while I smoke it

>> No.19923419

>/pol/ science

>> No.19923424

i want to shove a hammer down the head of every woman i see

>> No.19923430

How is this a dilemma? She becomes 11/10.

>> No.19923453

Neitzsche was right about staying grounded in physical reality anon. All else is cope. Work, school, love life, physical hobbies like music, kayaking, hunting, simple as. Read at the gym and in the sauna. Sitting around is a waste of time and a negative activity. So is whining to a therapist when their whole job is to tell you what you already know. Just take a heroic dose of mushrooms and get it over with.

>> No.19923463

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19923481

>scatfags pls dont answer this one
why have you done this to me

>> No.19923490

do a lobotomy and it will all go away

>> No.19923492

that sounds like schizophrenia

>> No.19923632
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I figured out what I want to do with my life: I'll go back to university, live off my savings until they run out and then I'll kill myself. I don't care about a degree or anything like that. Cleaner than doing it at my parents' house, not as cruel.

>> No.19923657

Did anyone try breathing exercises? I'm at severe lack of energy.

>> No.19923668

I do them all the time, focus on your breathing and breathe into your stomach. That's all there is to it.

>> No.19923690

I want to leave 4chan, I hate this place.
I made a Discord account and I didn't know what to do with it or where to go, so I deleted it.

>> No.19923699

Lift weights, sauna, run. L argenine, l citruline, zinc, magnesium, potassium, ashwaghanda, tongkat ali, l theanine, collagen, vitamin d no alcohol and no weed. Ice your balls and tan or get sun. Have sex.

>> No.19923714
File: 428 KB, 600x468, 1643750395314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a gun. Go out powerful in a blaze of glory. Get a cz75 9mm and a ruger 10/22 with a bag filled with 25rd mags and nothing but hollow points in both. Electrical tape a two liter bottle to the barrel and fire into a crowd from a rooftop. They won't even hear it.

>> No.19923728

Ultimately pointless to do this shit unless you have access to a nuke or something grand scale like that.

>> No.19923735

No, people should fear going to public institutions and sporting events. You could help bring an end to public education or spectator sporting events. Two inherent evils.

>> No.19923738

I want to tear your flimsy arms off your malnourished body and stuff them up your chinless mouth.

>> No.19923762

>You could help
Oh who fucking cares. If you really want to do damage you need to help the system accelerate. Get a job in something unethical like Google and try to be as wicked as possible. You just have to give people exactly what they want. Honestly this is why all le ebin shooters are so fucking braindead, why would you do this shit when you can join the forces of evil and actively destroy poeple's lives and make them miserable for years and years and years to come. Think of all the suicides that happened because of Google via butterfly effect.

>> No.19923763

Good luck bussy manlet

>> No.19923770

Hey I don't. I just want parents to stop sending their kids to public school. I'm a rural compound isolationist not a suicidal sadboi.

>> No.19923780

By the way you will also get paid handsomely and you can use that money to use and abuse people even further. If every retard who wants to go out in a blaze decided to take the evilpill instead, things would be infinitely worse for everyone which is exactly what people deserve.

>> No.19923793

Anon they do that because they are suicidal pill poppers who can't get laid. You really think they are chessclub winners and state jazz band winners. There are high performing nerds and then there are stupid dorks with low iq and low potential and outsider interests.

>> No.19923801

How long do the effects of morphine last?
My mother rushed me to the hospital at midnight on Saturday because my stomach and side hurt like hell (I literally couldn’t sleep because of the pain and threw up both my dinner and lunch).
They gave me a shot of morphine and I’ve been feeling drowsy and weak ever since.

>> No.19923805

Ultimately people need to stew in their own soup. I'm going to laugh my face off whenever I hear that the kid of someone I know has been brainwashed to be a faggot or a tranny. I only wish I didn't have morals and empathy r otherwise I'd have had the intellect to pull off some top shelf kikery. And best of all I would've gained so much more respect from the cattle. Oh you work at Facebook and you get paid to fuck with people's minds? Amazing, wow you must make so much money, what a champ, let me suck your cock please. I can only blame myself. Today I was talking about this shit and I just told the man (a govt employee) that sadly if you're raised honest you can't change it. It's truly a shame, I said.

>> No.19923810

Your gut microbiome is fucked. Opiates aren't even detectable in your piss after 48 hours. Drink some kombucha and eat some anti inflamitory foods like sweet potatoes, oats, olive oil, macadamia nuts etc.

>> No.19923817

kek holy burgeroni

>> No.19923818

Also you are probably conatipated. Drink a shot of olive oil and a little can of prune juice.

>> No.19923828

I can barely type ms on my fold 3 because it is right next to the backspace.

>> No.19923840

In morning:
1 tsp of colloidal silver
1 tbsp of food-grade diatomaceous earth
1 tsp of green black walnut tincture
wormwood and cloves

At night:
1-2 cups of *raw* sauerkraut
1 serving of krill oil
1 tablespoon of cod liver oil
3-4 *pastured* eggs
1 table spoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in 1 cup of water
1 cup of raw milk from pastured Jersey cows, heated a little to become warm before bed

*repeat for 1 week*

Resets and cleanses the body.

>> No.19923850

I caught a video of the last day at a high school in 2011. Has it really been that long since the days of waiting for Skyrim with my FB group buddies?
What the hell? I feel cheated. Something has been fuddling with time itself, I swear. A decade in a haze, my screen morphing from one to the next, only fixated on pure distraction.
What the hell happened?

>> No.19923851

I'd throw myself down the stairs at work, make sure someone sees

>> No.19923871

>What the hell happened?
everything got worse in every way

>> No.19923878

Kill yourself.

>> No.19923885

2016 was the peak. The west is falling.

>> No.19923888

Nah, I'd rather kill you. I'd crush your fucking skull. Slit your fucking throat. I am better than you in all regards.

>> No.19923890

Also, zinc supplementation is good.**
Cod liver oil covers Vitamin D3 and K2.

>> No.19923898
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I doubt it.

>> No.19923904
File: 58 KB, 680x682, 1643595547674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you the secret because of those digits. Buy modafinil and keep a stash for future incidents. It's similar to Adderall but it's not a stimulant, it's more like a wakefulness promoting agent. It won't give you jitters and it's quite subtle, this is what those silicon valley faggots take with their microdoses of LSD every day

>> No.19923910
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>/lit/ Literature

>> No.19923918
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>> No.19923919

>tfw Crohn's disease gf
she just like me!

>> No.19923939

Take gpc-157 already dipshit. Crohns is over.

>> No.19923946
File: 49 KB, 640x614, 1644232083268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... I'm so happy I'm not alone


>> No.19923970

What I hate most about my job is the way I am at it, the way I speak specifically.

>> No.19923975

Yo that shit aint me this is

>> No.19923992
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>> No.19924008

Based and disco pilled

>> No.19924030
File: 354 KB, 828x821, 1643279894941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to be edgy, but women really do appear to be genetically predisposed towards loving that shit. I tend to be autistically tender to a fault towards them because I'm a turbo autist, but I've had moments like you during sex where my grug brain ceases dormancy and i inflict shameful acts upon the girl. It's happened with a lot of my exes and they glowingly considered it the best I'd ever performed. You'll probably be expected to do it like that again, which might be the real problem because it's really hard to hatefuck and defile someone that you genuinely care about

>> No.19924032

The left are slowly taking over with their propaganda. While people may not notice the severity of the expansion of the left, all the major sources of media have been put under their influence. Not only that but the previously rightist or even neutral media has been slowly but surely turned into that of the leftist kind.

Their first step is to push false equality by demanding more rights for the minorities, in essence creating a minority dictatorship. And it is succeeding because of their aggressively politically correct motives. The whites are not their main audience, the white tiktok girls who start supporting lgbdsm and whatnot are just a welcome byproduct.

Fear the left. If people realize what is going on and put an end to it, all will be well. However, if this gets enough momentum, we might see something akin to what sparked the authoritarian regimes in the 20th century, except this time instead of nationalism there will be the leftist movement and the minorities.

>> No.19924063

>i inflict shameful acts upon the girl
Pray tell, beast.

>> No.19924073

Dude it's nearly over. We're winning. The honkening is upon us. Rednecks and niggers alike are united against the establishment. Look at joe rogan. Nobody trusts the news. Nobody trusts the government. Nobody trusts youtube. Nobody trusts google.

>> No.19924080

checked but we real chads prefer hairy roast sorry bud

>> No.19924091


>> No.19924101

>I am the sole developer of this open source software
>it is downloaded 20000 times a day currently
>but I can't make ends meet from it
>so after 10 years I have to call it quits
>thank you for appreciating my work heh...
how are whire people so incredibly fucking cucked? is there masochism in the water?

>> No.19924115

like how are there people who work for free for an audience they can't even see and will not say a thing except to complain violently if something isn't perfect or late
how is it possible that people willfully work for this crowd of entitled brats? it boggles my mind

>> No.19924126

I wish people would just ignore all that bullshit political discussion between "left"and "right" and see that the world is falling apart around you. Most countries don't have an actual left anymore, at least not in mainstream media. it's all capitalism dressed in different colors. It's all a show to distract you from actual issues.
Read Marx.

>> No.19924135

You mean socialized corpratism. Read Rothbardt.

>> No.19924142

Women see my cutting scars and flee for the hills

>> No.19924144

Hahahahaha good

>> No.19924147

>t. Woman

>> No.19924156

And suicide isnt pointless?
Ultimately do not do this, but the cz75 is a really awesome gun.

>> No.19924164


>> No.19924167

Just go to a meeting hall and pick up a chick in NA or HA.

>> No.19924170

I used to go with my mom to her AA meetings as a kid. I do not want those kind of people in my life

>> No.19924173

What's interesting is that there is a positive correlation between encephalization quotient (EQ) and monogamy (+ cooperative breeding) in avian species, such as crows and parrots, but there is no such correlation with EQ and mammals, considering whales and Greater Apes are pretty promiscuous. In short, intelligence positively correlates with monogamy with birds, but it does not with mammalian species.
I do personally prefer monogamy. I guess I am more like a bird in that respect.

>> No.19924183

Hahahahahahaha damn

>> No.19924192


>> No.19924218

Dude become a comedian like doug stanhope.

>> No.19924258

I do like to disguise my misery with humor. Very possible

>> No.19924325

reminder that all which separates you from women is payment or the promise of payment.

>> No.19924333

You guys are delusional retards

You too. Nostalgic for fucking Skyrim of all things.

>therapy is gay
>therapy is for women
Top shelf fragile masculinity

>> No.19924338

A spoonful of sugar and all that

>> No.19924359

I can easily get paid for sex

>> No.19924366

>t. Woman

>> No.19924462

if you had to choose between living in a luxurious personal submarine or a luxurious personal airship which would you choose?

>> No.19924505

Ok roastie

>> No.19924525

one day I'll find a site where images of women are banned

>> No.19924527

Fight club vibes

>> No.19924538

Bold solution: simply don’t cut yourself

>> No.19924545

things I hate: Communism, Capitalism, Weakness, Sanity, and Lies

>> No.19924547

His slut mom dragged him to aa meetings after years neglecting him for one night stands and you think he wouldn't be fucked up?

>> No.19924567

How does someone switch from financial analysis to IT?

>> No.19924571

Why would someone want that?

>> No.19924573

you don't because IT is miserable

>> No.19924578

Get a couple comp tia certs then a masters in database administration.

>> No.19924583

I read "Onani Master Kurosawa" last weekend and I was genuinely shocked to say that I could recommend it to other people as a Christian. I put off reading it for years because of the premise, but it was well worth it when the moral of the story is essentially "stop masturbating, go outside and make real relationships." The masturbation scenes are an indictment against the act, as Kurosawa dehumanizes and mentally violates each girl in his class, and gains nothing out of doing so. But the problem is that it's kind of cut short in its indictment against the act. Even at the end of the story he never actually stops masturbating, he just starts doing it in his bedroom instead of in the girl's bathroom. The only change is that he stops masturbating to particular girls- girls he actually likes and feels guilt over fantasizing about them.

>> No.19924625

I think I'm asexual. I get attracted to 10/10 chads and that's it.

>> No.19924646

>yeah man, I wish people would stop caring about left vs. right. Anyways read Marx

Off yourself

>> No.19924675

Probably annoying meetings and pressure vs being essentially scruffy the janitor

>> No.19924699

I'm 25 but I think on some level I still see myself as a child and in some sense I think I subconsciously still feel tied to my parents and their approval. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's right to cut your parents out of your life for no reason and it is considerate to take their feelings into account when you make decisions - but also at a certain point you are your own person and you have to let go of the childish mindset that you must "ask permission" to do things.

I'm trying to find a healthy balance and find a way to feel more in charge of my own decisions, it's not easy.

>> No.19924738

I wish I didn’t find Japan so appealing.

>> No.19924743

I havent for ten years. The scars dont go away. I'm kind of pissed at myself. I remember making very obvious scars so that I would never forget what happened. On the one hand I appreciate my sentimentality but on the other hand I regret my adolescent self imposing such a fucking narcissistic program on my then future self

>> No.19924744

Finance involves a lot of time speaking with people and giving presentations

>> No.19924745

internet was a mistake

>> No.19924783
File: 53 KB, 456x673, images (81).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh. The West has been obsessed with Japanese culture since the 19th century and likewise they've been obsessed with ours. You're part of a long tradition.

>> No.19924788
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I'm really having a lot of fun making up my own plot for Infinite Jest. Not gonna tell you guys the details but man it's great.

>> No.19924800

miss her like crazy baka desu senpai

>> No.19924828

she's got chads cock balls deep in her tight wet hole right now

>> No.19924854

So does project management and sponsorship in tech. Otherwise with parlaying it you would want to just go into databases and work in finance still on the tech side.

>> No.19924910

>he still doesn't understand the distinction between liberals and leftists

maybe you should off yourself, retard

>> No.19924936

Querying literary agents is demoralizing and annoying.

I swear to God, if you aren't writing about BIPOC trannies with daddy issues and who have suffered police brutality, they don't care.

Go look at Manuscript Wish List. That's literally all they want.

>> No.19924962

Whenever people talk about infinite jest I just image the tennis scene from death note and for some reason some guy in a wheelchair being surrounded by criminals in a sewer and also I imagine cocaine

>> No.19924971

there is no such thing as liberalism, marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, national socialism, individualism, collectivism, egoism, virtue, good, bad, pain, pleasure, mind, the animate, the inanimate, reality, the universe, matter, causality, logic, illogic, randomness, or nonrandomness. You have PSYCHOSIS just like everyone else.

>> No.19924980

Well the industry is overrun by critical theory indoctrinated women. Did you not see the Roxane Gaye thing where she left spotify over Joe Rogan not selling the corperations push for more stolen tax money to pay for vaccines for a literal cold or that clip of out of context niggers where most of the time he was quoting Richard Pryor? Roxane Gaye is the cunt who organizes the yearly contemporary short fiction anthologies they sell at airports.

>> No.19925002

Reality is PSYCHOSIS. Reality is a DELUSION. I don't mean, maya or some shit. I mean reality, all reality. I mean reality and nonreality both, I mean language and non-language, I mean being and non-being and non-non-being, and all, and nothing. Nothing exists, including the idea that nothing exists. You inhabit a PSYCHOTIC universe that you believe is ordered and logical the same way a random being believes a random universe is ordered. All that you think, and all that you know and feel in the absence of thought, as an inescapable PSYCHOSIS. There is no order, and there is no disorder, no dis-disorder, and no dis-disdisorder. There is no concept of order, and no concept of there being no concept of order, and no concept of there being no concept of there being no concept of order. All that you see is a delusion, because you have PSYCHOSIS. You have a PSYCHOSIS of good and evil, and of beyond good and evil, you have PSYCHOSIS. You are PSYCHOTIC, fundamentally, and you are psychotic because you do not know you are psychotic and I am psychotic because I am psychotic. All is PSYCHOSIS.

>> No.19925005

PSYCHOSIS is losing touch with reality; reality is psychotic because reality is not in touch with reality. The concept of being is ABSURD. The concept of "is" is ABSURD. It is cyclically absurd and circularly PSYCHOTIC. You cannot even realize that you have psychosis, without being PSYCHOTIC.

>> No.19925018

Pretty accurate

>> No.19925026
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Peter Wessel Zapffe is really Reddit the philosopher huh. I still can't believe that younger me found him so convincing, it's embarrassing.

>> No.19925054

It is true, reality is a hat trick, a fever dream, a hat trick, a rabbit pulls a rabbit out of hat, a rabbit pulls itself out of a hat, the concept of BEING is unfounded, the concept of BEING is unfounded, the concept of BEING "is" not justified by BEING, so now you see that reality is ABSURD, a house of cards, a hat trick, a fevered dream, a house of cards made of no cards, a house of cards that is there without having been built, a house of cards that is not there but is still there when you realize it is not there, because the concept of BEING is ABSURD, because the concept of BEING is unfounded, because the concept of BEING is identical to the concept of, and all it takes is a funhouse mirror or a fever dream to distort the concept of BEING that is seen as truly BEING, which is absurd and forces all cursed with a mind into an involuntary PSYCHOSIS, because the concept of BEING is NOTHING, but the concept of BEING is all that exists, and the concept of BEING requires that everything be something, yet the concept of BEING is nothing, and has its source in NOTHING, and is UNFOUNDED, and is ABSURD, is a hat trick, and is a rabbit pulling the magician out of a hat, and they are still believing in BEING, and even those who do not believe in BEING believe in BEING, the ultimate of their PSYCHOSIS, and of my PSYCHOSIS

>> No.19925076

So it seems, so it seems

>> No.19925098

I havent masturbated in three days. My balls hurt and I cant stop thinking about sex

>> No.19925099

I don't want casual pussy, it's gross and has been shared by many other men and treats me like I am easily replaced, which I am.

>> No.19925107

US politicians are totally unaccountable to voters and do whatever they want. They have captive audiences based on geography. There probably is no way to feasibly represent 350 million people. It just makes no sense.

>> No.19925116

i don't get it, what is your definition of psychosis? it's clearly not the typical medical definition, which wouldn't say consider religious people psychotic on grounds that they can't be said to have false beliefs, even though they might be totally wrong. and if being possibly wrong is psychosis then there's no point in this conversation, because whoever loses is clearly psychotic. reality is constructed in the mind, this we've known since at least Kant, but that does not mean everybody is psychotic (clinically speaking) either

Anytime someone tries blaming their inability to get women on things they can't change, why do they always make it immediately obvious that they're full of shit? You don't want 'those kinds of people in your life'? What kinds? People actively trying to get better? It's no wonder women run away. I'm NSSI as well, my scars have never been an issue.

>waaa i have bad social anxiety and can't make friends
>WHAT? Therapy! Therapy? It's just commodified emotional labour for women!
Like clockwork. You are never ever going to ever get friends (or basically any pussy) ever for as long as you think you're too smart for therapy. Nobody wants to be friends with someone like you. Your whole identity is cancerous, there is no way around your ego to speak to you, it's just one long self-reflexive ouroboros of insecurity and thinking you're better than everyone else. as the other anon said, give it ten years, or a lifetime for all anybody cares for as long as you're like this

>> No.19925134

You're right. I'm gonna go down to an addict support group and pick up broken and vulnerable women right now.

>> No.19925163

Everybody knew this by the 1890s. That's when it first become clear to everybody that party-led mass "democracy" was not the democracy the founders envisioned, at all. It had been clear to a lot of people before that but in the 1890s even the functionaries and midwits knew it. There were even brief movements to address it, but these were all crushed and reabsorbed into the party system, and show up only as speedbumps in the rear view mirror of history, like William Jennings Bryan. Who remembers him now?

Socialism was never a real force in America but it could have been. It was too easily contained. Fascism was almost a real force, another Bryan who could have redirected US destiny. But they assassinated Huey Long and isolated Father Coughlin and redirected the energy of Long's populist, anti-oligarchy platform into the New Deal, and all we have now is a deliberately broken welfare state that keeps blacks in stasis at just the right amount of misery to cause maximum anarcho-tyranny and destroy the white working class (now a nearly completed process).

As long as anarcho-tyranny is operative, everything else is meaningless, because we'll never get back to the level where the challenge of a William Jennings Bryan or a Huey Long to the moneychangers is even conceivable, let alone possible. The current system's greatest weapon is that it is "glutinous," it gunks up everything that touches it everything sticks to it, so it's #1 goal is to absorb as many things into its own sticky mess as possible, and maintain the status quo as things sink into the mire and get permanently stuck.

ANYTHING that upsets the status quo is therefore a move in the right direction, ANYTHING that opens the possibility of a new circulation of elites is incredibly powerful. Simply forcing a new generation of politicians to be elected, ideally from outside the existing power elite (e.g. by enforcing that they must be unconnected with anyone currently elected by some degree of separation), would be 90% of the revolution itself, because the "soft power" of the old elites would be disrupted and blocked. You'd have new blood, new people actually reading and arguing about shit, and actually trying to play by the constitutional rules instead of knowing instinctively how to avoid them all and all the well-worn ruts and loopholes in them. It would be a de facto revolution.

What prevents this from happening currently is that new blood is only gradually taken up by the system so that by the time anyone is promoted beyond a certain level they've been trained and converted to the oligarchy, or excluded or destroyed if their mindset goes against the prevailing elite worldview too much. Even significantly disrupting the system's ability to do this would itself constitute a revolution, at least cumulatively.

>> No.19925168

Some quote's from Ezra Pound's Jefferson and/or Mussolini:
>[N]ote that Mussolini is NOT a fanatical statalist wanting the state to blow the citizen’s nose and monkey with the individual’s diet. IF, when and whenever the individual or the industry can and will attend to its own business, the fascist state WANTS the industry and the individual to DO it, and it is only in case of sheer idiocy, incapacity or simple greed and dog-in-the-mangerness that the state intervenes to protect the unorganized PEOPLE; public; you me and the other fellow.

>The rest is political “machinery,” bureaucracy, flummydiddle. Jefferson, Mussolini, Lenin, all hated or hate it. Lenin wanted to get rid of it: “All this is political machinery, want to get rid of it,” as Stef reported Lenin’s opinion in 1918. Jefferson started to clean up the social flummydiddle, etiquette, precedence, etc.

>As far as financial morals are concerned, I should say that from being a country where practically everything and anything was for sale, Mussolini has in ten years transformed it into a country where it would even be dangerous to try to buy out the government. In other countries they excuse inexplicable perfidies by saying “These men are personally honest.” I am now quoting an admiral : “All I know is that all these men are my personal friends and I assure you that they are personally honest.” The implication being that they play the super-crooks’ game because they are stupid and hoodwinked.

>Rephrase Jefferson’s saying: “The best place for a nation’s reserve of credit is in as many individual pockets as possible.”

>Jefferson thought the formal features of the American system would work, and they did work till the time of general Grant but the condition of their working was that inside them there should be a de facto government composed of sincere men willing the national good. When the men of their understanding, and when the nucleus of the national mind hasn’t the moral force to translate knowledge into action I don’t believe it matters a damn what legal forms or what administrative forms there are in a government. The nation will get the staggers.

>Jefferson thought the live men would beat out the cat’s-paws. The fascist hate of demi-liberal governments is based on the empiric observation that in many cases, they don’t and have not.

>How does the Jeffersonian answer the fascist in a.d. 1933, 157 of American independence, 144 of the republic, XI of the era fascista?
>This is not to say I “advocate” fascism in and for America, or that I think fascism is possible in America without Mussolini
>I think the American system de jure is probably quite good enough, if there were only 500 men with guts and the sense to USE it, or even with the capacity for answering letters, or printing a paper.
>And ANY means are the right means which will remagnetize the will and the knowledge.

>> No.19925230
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>> No.19925276
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>what is your definition of psychosis?
>false beliefs
>might be totally wrong
>possibly wrong
>there's no point
>whoever loses
>reality is constructed in the mind
>we've known since at least Kant
>that does not mean
>the mind
Do you see how insane you are yet?

>> No.19925283

kinda interesting. I don't really have a lot to contribute to this because breaking the hegemony over the blacks and the defenders of blacks would be extremely difficult given how much money is at stake. The whole economy is set up around paying off people to not care about what politicians do.

>> No.19925312

I got scammed for 20k. I didnt think I could be this stupid...
Greed really fucked me up. But whatever, I'll earn it back soon enough. Just hope my stomach stops churning soon.

>> No.19925478

Based crypto tard

>> No.19925517

Most of it was gains from an $800 shitcoin gamble. But still.. Demons are trying to make me feel horrible so I go and do more stupid shit.
Nope. I pray to Christ instead.

>> No.19925539

Happy for you, man.

>> No.19925576

It is all so tiresome, my life is in ruins. How did things come to this?

>> No.19925617

lol he was right about crypto. every time

>> No.19925642

>How did things come to this?
I dunno about you but if you're anything like me, a naive belief in panacea type options coupled with a chronic inability to make better-than-bad choices that culminated over time. None of the individual choices was particularly bad, but the compounding of those individual tiny choices over time brought you to a tiresome and ruinous place you are now.
Looking backwards is only partly helpful, what do you intend on doing next and thereafter to change these patterns anon?
Or did I respond to a simple vent post - in which case sorry and disregard my reply.

>> No.19925726

I have been in a very dark place for a very long time. Nothing I do seems to make much difference. Whether I drink or abstain. Whether I try to be more socially active or not. Whether I content myself with being alone or try to find a woman. Whether I drown myself in overtime or just try to stick to my main hours. Whether I cook and eat healthy or live on takeout. Nothing makes any difference, really. Every morning I come home from work to a cold, empty apartment. If it's a good day I eat something and play a video game for a bit, if it isn't I just lay in bed or sit at my desk and stare off into space. You know I fainted today? I got home from work this morning and one minute I was in the bathroom and the next I'd smashed my head off the sink and didn't know where I was for a minute. My first conscious thought was, "Fuck I guess I drank too much last night," then I remembered where I was and how I haven't had a drop of alcohol in a week. Too many long nights, I suppose. It's never happened before, and I guess I should be worried, but I can't really bring myself to care.

>> No.19925864

I can't go to any social media site without seething after some minutes of browsing it
Very tired of feeling like that

>> No.19925866

Yeah thats why you just use it for buying things and events. Thats it.

>> No.19925881

Thinking about it, I'd say it is being bad at making choices, like in your case, but with a crippling lack of courage to act and to do the things I wanted or that I had to do. Each day I was so sure I was wrong or that nothing was going to work that I didn't fight out of fear of failing accumulated and my life slowly got worse and worse.

>Looking backwards is only partly helpful, what do you intend on doing next and thereafter to change these patterns anon?
I don't know. I guess I need to grow a pair and shake this mixture of laziness and cowardice away, but at the same time I'm not sure what I want or what I should do for my life and all the options feel like a huge mistake, thus clouding my mind with the same doubts all over again.
Wait for a miracle won't work, I have to act.

>> No.19925912

>Each day I was so sure I was wrong
Why were you so sure in your assessment? If you had to dig deeper than "no courage" or "cowardice" what evidence or information do you think made your assessment even if not exactly rational, allowed you to rationalize it to suite your feelings?
>Wait for a miracle won't work, I have to act.
Yes that's the first step. The next step is instilling behaviors or taking actions that will help you maximize your chances of getting what you want.
Why don't you know what you want?
If you got a billion dollar check with an explicit proviso that you could only spend it on yourself and couldn't use it for charity, what is the first thing you'd buy/rent/do?
Another piece of advice is look through your to-do list, if you don't have one then write down everything from groceries you need to buy, things around the house to fix, to social commitments to big dreams about travel or pie-in-the-sky accomplishments. One by one go through this list of like 100 sundry items and ask: "why is this here?" it will be indicative of a commitment to a "future self" or idea of what you should be doing that with the right analysis will help you realize what it is you want to be doing.

>> No.19925943

Stars, take me!

>> No.19925964

I havent had sex in 7 years

>> No.19926013

>Why were you so sure in your assessment? If you had to dig deeper than "no courage" or "cowardice" what evidence or information do you think made your assessment even if not exactly rational, allowed you to rationalize it to suite your feelings?
I don't know where it came from and I can't pinpoint any particular event in my life that led to this, but it was a general feeling of incapacity, that my judgement would not be correct or that I'm not capable of doing X or Y thing and so I should give up. I'll think more about this to try to understand it better.

>If you got a billion dollar check with an explicit proviso that you could only spend it on yourself and couldn't use it for charity, what is the first thing you'd buy/rent/do?
I wouldn't buy anything very expensive, I was never much tied to material things and I never wanted to have a big house or a fancy car or any valuable possesion. I would learn more about investments and I would invest it as opportunities came along and then use the money as a means to live with comfort and security and to give that to my parents too.
From there on I'd use the gains of the investments to travel the world and learn about all sorts of different cultures, art and nature. There is so much to see and experience out there.

>Another piece of advice is look through your to-do list, if you don't have one then write down everything from groceries you need to buy, things around the house to fix, to social commitments to big dreams about travel or pie-in-the-sky accomplishments. One by one go through this list of like 100 sundry items and ask: "why is this here?" it will be indicative of a commitment to a "future self" or idea of what you should be doing that with the right analysis will help you realize what it is you want to be doing.
Thanks for the tip, I'll do that.

>> No.19926043

I hope at least one of my questions is of some help on your journey.
>I don't know where it came from and I can't pinpoint any particular event in my life that led to this
You don't need to find the origin of this sentiment, but it's important to understand why you continue to labor underneath this general feeling. With each specific X or Y thing there will be a different rationalization and there is an argument that if you can display to yourself a certain quantum of confidence in a few that it will cause a overall change in your self-esteem and "locus of control". And one step to that is taking a particular thing you tried and asking yourself: "why did I think I couldn't do this again?" and look for that 'evidence' or information you used to justify your beliefs.
>From there on I'd use the gains of the investments to travel the world and learn about all sorts of different cultures, art and nature. There is so much to see and experience out there.
Can I suggest you think more specifically about the destinations, what kind of scenery in nature, what type of art you'd prioritize?
Oh and there's one other I forgot: who are the people you most admire, what qualities do they have?
You don't have to answer these questions they're more prompts that could help you figure out what you want to do.

>> No.19926053

Fuck my parents for not loving me enough. Fuck my parents for not actually helping me. You weren't loved enough. Don't push your bullshit on me mom and dad

>> No.19926080

Sorry to say this, anon, but she's probably barren. Worse still, there's a much higher likelihood that your child, if you do even manage to conceive one together, will come out with some sort of major dysfunction. The primary indicator as to whether or not a human will have a long life is the age of the mother they were born to. Still, I wish you two the best.

>> No.19926087

I just got pussy. I'm still angry about shit.

>> No.19926095

I too love cunny but come on

>> No.19926097

Yeah it's valentine's day my girlfriend made me fuck her two hours ago and I still hate women and all sorts of things.

>> No.19926101

I totally read that wrong. For whatever reason, I thought OP was the younger one. Totally different situation, then.

>> No.19926130


That your grandma back in the day, op?

>> No.19926155

How to you filter out all porn if you browse 4chan?

>> No.19926222

>See how insane you are yet?
No, this is my point. What do you mean by insane? What do you mean by psychosis?
>“But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

>> No.19926250

>You're right. I'm gonna go down to an addict support group and pick up broken and vulnerable women right now.
Yeah that's exactly what I was suggesting to you. Fucking idiot. And yes, everyone that goes to AA is "broken and vulnerable" and so totally incapable of having any healthy relationships whatsoever. You're full of shit. Blame your scars all you want, women aren't running from them, if they're running at all they're running from you

>> No.19926365
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Next thread, but no rush

>> No.19926373

Normie chads don't even respect women. If anything, they're redpilled from experience alone. They don't sperg about them on 4chan, but they don't see them as their equals, only something to chase and to own.

>> No.19926950

Pale white woman spotted.

>> No.19927188
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>> No.19927195
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>> No.19927223
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>> No.19927377
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>> No.19927383
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