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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 830 KB, 2048x1536, 131313123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19922657 No.19922657 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19922658
File: 296 KB, 2048x1536, 12312312313121313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the before shot from last year.

>> No.19922666

>alcohol jew

>> No.19922681
File: 42 KB, 1024x576, 1639951373659m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plaster turns to brick
>carpet turns to wood
>door and fan disappear

>> No.19922683

No it's not. Not unless you stripped the walls.

>> No.19922686
File: 597 KB, 2048x1536, 1312313143242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's called renovation.

>> No.19922690

Not quite what i'd do, but as someone looking for a reading couch im jealous.

Can i have a closer photo of the books, particularly the one on the right, second from the bottom , just above the whisky , ty.

>> No.19922691

Where do you buy the brick stuff from?

>> No.19922696

absolutely gorgeous, anon. Hope you are reading all them books!

>> No.19922704

Also, nice table! Reproduction or antique?

>> No.19922715

Sexy. Although it does lack any sort of personal flair. It looks like you just copied an aesthetic from art.

>> No.19922719

This is amazing, anon! I'm very happy for you - how much did you spend all in excld. books?

>> No.19922726

I don't even have a good reading chair/couch, I just gotta read in my bed :(

>> No.19922731

Oh wow it's real. In that case, I guess I'll say that I think the whiskey is a bit Kitch

>> No.19922744

there is something of the kitchen cabinet from those bottom drawers, but on the whole it looks great. I like the desk lamp BTW. Can i get a closer look?

>> No.19922965

Do you use an app or something? I asked where did you get the brick stuff from and how'd you do it?

>> No.19922969

Remove those cringe toys than we can judge

>> No.19923084

Looks lovely ke shitty hardboard brick sold at Lowes as a veneer

>> No.19923090

He nailed with 18 gauge nails hard sheets of wood fiber that look like brick

>> No.19923128
File: 843 KB, 1296x780, AE78F6F9-3A6F-4F64-AD51-2D1CDE7A81FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's My Library Coming Along, /lit/?

>> No.19923144

Mirin' hard bros, especially that reading couch OP

>> No.19923147

I live in a van and read books on my phone.

>> No.19923186

what's in all the cabinets?

>> No.19923240

>placing books where the sunlight can hit them
Enjoy your sunburnt/faded book spines.

>> No.19923255


>> No.19923272

How much do tall bookshelfs like that cost? I'm getting a house soon and I need somewhere to put all my books since my reading has picked up.

>> No.19923348

Reddit moment.

>> No.19923351

You're going to be dead in less than 60 years. It doesn't matter. The effects of sun deprivation are worse and anyways light kills mold.

>> No.19923425

>You're going to be dead in less than 60 years.
And your spines are gonna be fucked in less than 3. Enjoy having a red-covered book with a pink spine because you didn't care about UV damage.

>> No.19923429

UVA damage occurs over 100 years. As long as you have your windows shut, literal non issue.

>> No.19923439

have you seen this thread?

>> No.19924511

Congrats…middlebrow par excellence

>> No.19925694

Tell that to car dashboards, curtains, and animal bones retard. 3 years? Maybe not, but you're kidding yourself with 100. Unless you have some kind of window film on the window to block UV the sun doesn't care if the window is shut. Either way imagine destroying something because you're too fucking lazy and stupid to just not destroy it. fuck you

>> No.19925706


>> No.19925793

Rich bloke…. Thankfully I can get the same amount of reading on my phone while I’m stressed out about nonsense in no place comfortable at the least

>> No.19925796
File: 236 KB, 1024x691, 03CROSS2-jumbo-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McMansion-tier; a middle-class American's idea of sophistication. The desk facing the window is the shit-cherry on top.

>> No.19925828

Eames is unfortunately passe now due to replicas. My friend lost thousands because of this, but I tried to warn him

>> No.19925865

Let me guess, American South inbred who has too much money to spend? Setup is cozy, but not one of those books looks worthwhile. At least you have good taste in bourbon.

>> No.19925905

I used to drink that Van Winkle Rye when it was $35 a bottle. I can't believe retards pay hundreds for a bottle of American whiskey now.

>> No.19925922

Never mind, average Tufts graduate

>> No.19925995

Screams poseur attempt to copy an old library.
You haven't even read any of those books.

>> No.19926085

there is nothing wrong with it

>> No.19926094

Anybody who cares about low brow and high brow and what others think clearly pees sitting down.

>> No.19926110

damn chase steeley browses /lit/! mega based!!

>> No.19926166

There's a lot wrong with it. It's trying to be something that it clearly isn't and can't be given the owner's financial limitations. It's like a counterfeit wristwatch; all the elements of the aped watch may be present but only in a debased and inauthentic form. It's far classier and self-honest to buy a real watch within your price range

>> No.19926189
File: 865 KB, 1380x862, 1615644092020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19926320

I’m told direct sunlight isn’t very good for books so be careful!

>> No.19926346

Not books. Thinner single layer glass. Open windows. Too smooth of brain. Don't forget your OCD meds.

>> No.19926350

I unironically don't own any books.

>> No.19926780

My library is a 512GB microSD card ...

>> No.19926793

Dumb chart. It doesn’t take into account age and couples

>> No.19926806

Very nice, how much did the renovations cost?

>> No.19927684

shelves are very nice, but that fake brick stuff is just dreadful. also, would feel a little less cold if you had some plants near the windows.

>> No.19927784

you did great with that place, the before looks like a better crack house, although i personally condone the flashy style and the hoarding of books in order to show of, in general.

>> No.19928506

Looks pretty comfy. Whiskey selection is kind of unimaginative though. There's more to drink than Bourbon.

>> No.19928523

Cool, but kind of a generic "dude cave" vibe.

>> No.19928527

Is that a Robert E. Lee Funko pop?

>> No.19928539

Right could just be le epic book collector though. It should be about how many books he's read not how many he owns.

>> No.19928672


>> No.19928754

No one cares about your house

>> No.19928884

Holy shit, it's real.

>> No.19928961

prussian blue bookshelves with chesterfield sofa. you really are one tacky mother fucker. get a nicer house with high ceilings. whats with those poverty windows and exposed brick walls? brooklyn apartment cuck

>> No.19928968

so those arent even real bricks-- brick wallpaper ?? really dude just kys at this point.

>> No.19929283

33yo butcher who reads at the public library here.

I can't understand how a " "man of culture" " can keep one of those sofas in his library.

Since i was 17, after reading "the death of ivan il'ic", just thinking about having one at home makes me shiver.

>> No.19929408

no z-fleet

>> No.19929438

That's not yours, you stole it from twitter

upper middle-brow is kino, except decanters are nice and bridge is the tits