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File: 31 KB, 300x450, godandthestate_72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19922326 No.19922326 [Reply] [Original]

as a theist I am thoroughly dismayed such garbage is allowed to go to print

I agree with his idea of liberty, but I don't see why someone has to destroy religion to make that happen!

>> No.19922462

When the state exists, there is no freedom.

>> No.19922470

Liberty requires no masters, and what is god but another master?

"No Gods, No Masters" has been an Anarchist slogan for as long as modern Anarchism has existed

>> No.19922472

State has always existed and it will continue to do so.

>> No.19922710
File: 12 KB, 177x225, richard-wagner-minna-planer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For years I had come across his name in the newspapers, and always under extraordinary circumstances. He turned up in Paris at a Polish gathering, but although he was a Russian, he declared that it mattered little whether a man were a Russian or a Pole, so long as he wanted to be a free man, and that this was all that mattered. I heard afterwards, through George Herwegh, that he had renounced all his sources of income as a member of an influential Russian family, and that one day, when his entire fortune consisted of two francs, he had given them away to a beggar on the boulevard, because it was irksome to him to be bound by this possession to take any thought for the morrow. [...] When I met him, therefore, under the humble shelter of Rockel's roof, I was immediately struck by his singular and altogether imposing personality. He was in the full bloom of manhood, anywhere between thirty and forty years of age. Everything about him was colossal, and he was full of a primitive exuberance and strength. I never gathered that he set much store by my acquaintance. Indeed, he did not seem to care for merely intellectual men; what he demanded was men of reckless energy. As I afterwards perceived, theory in this case had more weight with him than purely personal sentiment; and he talked much and expatiated freely on the matter. His general mode of discussion was the Socratic method, and he seemed quite at his ease when, stretched on his host's hard sofa, he could argue discursively with a crowd of all sorts of men on the problems of revolution. On these occasions he invariably got the best of the argument. It was impossible to triumph against his opinions, stated as they were with the utmost conviction, and overstepping in every direction even the extremest bounds of radicalism. So communicative was he, that on the very first evening of our meeting he gave me full details about the various stages of his development, he was a Russian officer of high birth, but smarting under the yoke of the narrowest martial tyranny, he had been led by a study of Rousseau's writings to escape to Germany under pretence of taking furlough. In Berlin he had flung himself into the study of philosophy with all the zest of a barbarian newly awakened to civilisation. Hegel's philosophy was the one which was the rage at that moment, and he soon became such an expert in it, that he had been able to hurl that master's most famous disciples from the saddle of their own philosophy, in a thesis couched in terms of the strictest Hegelian dialectic.

>> No.19923189

At the very least, disregard churches and the men that interpret this holy book that some ignorant ancient wrote and rewrote. It’s all been the works of men. Prey to that empty room for some guidance and try not to go schizophrenic as you direct your daily life as you see fit.
Maybe Age of Reason by Paine can help you


>> No.19923250

I agree. When the West becomes 100% atheist, we will finally have utopia. Right?

>> No.19923258

Define liberty.


>> No.19923296

Anarchism is a spook

>> No.19923310

You could argue that the biblical analysis he offers in the book is rather poor, which it is.
The thing about this book is that if you're at all familiar with Nietzsche, Bakunin seems rather dim. If I remember it correctly, he states that the nature of man is inherently rebellious , yet he seems to claim that this will stop when create a system of living that is truly in accordance with man's nature and allows him to be fully realized. I don't know why he thinks man would stop at that point, and rebel against "man" as he sees it. Bakunin's notion of man does not only create the superman, it demands i, and his inability to recognize that shows that he was a rather immature thinker.
But then again, I never finished the book, so maybe he answers it later on.

The state is freedom from nature.

>> No.19923334

Anarchists are just closet liberals, which is why every time there's any inkling of a threat to liberal institutions Antifa shows up to bash people's skulls. You people are simply the useful idiots of global liberal capitalism.

>> No.19923358

I mean, it's possible to see some groups as worse than existing liberal institutions. But it is unfortunate to see just how tame they are when they aren't attacking targets deemed acceptable by those institutions.

>> No.19923406

>I mean, it's possible to see some groups as worse than existing liberal institutions.

Which is precisely the kind of cope argument I expect, anarchists only pretend to be principled but turn into opportunistic liberal utilitarians whenever there's any possible chance of a change to the system. Hence the term useful idiot.

>> No.19923449

I think conflating what they call "antifascist" activism with anarchist activism is a mistake even if there is going to be a major overlap among the people who participate in them.
But you are right in that it is rather telling how little political action anarchists seem to do outside of the occasional no platforming, and no, having a quarterly book sale is not what I mean by political action.

>> No.19923462

Now read more than the title

>> No.19923465

>how the fuck do I read this?
Run your eyes over the page from left to right, starting from the top to the bottom, taking in one word at a time.