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19915141 No.19915141 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I read about what fascism even is? For example, Wikipedia says Hitler was a fascist... I thought he had an ideology of his own (national socialism).

>> No.19915147

Robert O Paxton - Anatomy of Fascism
Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism
George Mosse - The Crisis of German Ideology, Intellectual Origins of the Third Reich

>> No.19915148


>> No.19915159

Read Paxton and/or Payne first

Then read the major books by Sternhell, Gregor, Mosse, Griffin in any order, but read all of them

Arendt is okay, the totalitarianism thesis is bad though. The chapter on it in Gottfried's book on the fascism concept is good.

>> No.19915171
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>> No.19915174

great idea only reading about fascism from people who hate it, two of them jews, lmao.

the foundational work is the doctrine of fascism by mussolini and gentile. national socialism does differ from fascism substantially, so read mein kampf for that.

if you want to read a more objective piece of modern scholarship, there's roger griffin's books. he's a liberal, and uses a lot of academese, but comes across as relatively fair for a mainstream academic.

>> No.19915185

Mosse is also pretty fair and Paxton is a good survey just so you can get lots of details and basic structure (same with Payne)

Sternhell has one of the best readings of fascism and he's a zionist Jew. The only books I wouldn't read on fascism because of bias are ideological marxist books.

>> No.19915251
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>> No.19915259

why do "MUH POL" posters come off as so...... lame?

>> No.19915274

the left can't meme

>> No.19915323

this is revealing about online leftist mentality, all human exchange and discourse is understood on a binary of "cringe everyone feels really bad for you right now... like wow... yikes sweetie...." vs. "hell yea you dabbed on him son! that incel got REKT!" vindication by the herd, ie a binary of total shame and total acceptance/validity, where validity is defined by being heckin smart and defeating rightwing CHUDS

in trying to insult their opponent they are projecting the only two experiences that are relevant to them from their own life experience: everyone thinking they're a lame weird awkward pussy (their actual life) and everyone agreeing with them and realizing they are cool hip theorybros spitting mad facts (fantasy life)

it's like the leftist version of a ben shapiro facts and logic takedown of a LIBTARD over the economics of homelessness, or a reddit atheist fantasy about heroically owning a theist teacher in highschool who is trying to get people to believe in ghosts and chakras. the leftist wants to be accepted by the in group that shames and excludes him, so he projects a fantasy right-wing bogeyman who is somehow even more odious than himself, and then projects himself as a high representative of his viewpoint in a world where his viewpoint is respected by normies and he has high status as a result.

in real life this would just be two autistic morons babbling at eachother while the class tunes it out and figures they're both autistic

>> No.19915332

Why do they look like two indie musicians posing for a picture

>> No.19915354

tldr, have sex, touch grass.

>> No.19915515
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Listen. We may never know for sure whether or not the holocaust actually happened. But one thing we can all agree on is that is should have.

>> No.19915804

Humour is often biased towards your own views regardless of affiliation. Sometimes it remains funny sometimes its just pedantic "and then everyone clapped". We're just stupid as a species.

>> No.19915823
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No, the left literally can't meme. The even repurpose right wing memes. 'The right can't meme' is a copy of 'The left can't meme' (which appeared first). Why? Because reality and truth lean right. They are simple.

>> No.19915860

OP, assuming you're genuine and this isn't a /pol/ thread, I can't stress the enough the importance of reading the source material instead of a second hand view when it comes to something as politically loaded as fascism. Read the Dalton translation of MK.

>> No.19915871

See, this is what I don't understand. I don't know what fascism even is but I want books on fascism. National socialism seems to be a different thing. Was Hitler a fascist? Why?

>> No.19916016

Anything written pre-WWII, but NOT by hitler or musolini?

>> No.19916026

Stanley Payne, History of Fascism
Covers all different facist movements

>> No.19916029

History of the SS by GS Graeber

>> No.19916043

That's a semantic issue. Sometimes people have counted National Socialism as a Fascist movement, sometimes not. It doesn't really matter.

>> No.19916044

fascism = badguy
This is all anyone means nowadays when they say fascist.

>> No.19916085

It's complicated. I consider myself a National Socialist but not really a fascist, even though National socialism in practice was very much informed by fascist policy and polity. But both can also be seen as worldviews/moral systems/civic religions. Fascism coming forth from the aesthetic Futurist movement embraced modernity and technology, while influential National Socialist thinkers like Walther Darre invoked Blood and Soil, ties of ethnic kinship and ancient Germanic traditions.

>> No.19916234

>I consider myself a National Socialist
yikes, bru

>> No.19916243

Anything by Emilio Gentile (not to be confused with Giovanni Gentile)

>> No.19916256

Look up francis yockey imperium

>> No.19916257

The guy on the right is wearing a Nazi symbol.

>> No.19916260

don't ideologyshame anon, thats not cool. some people can't help what they're into

>> No.19916267

You do not need to read "original sources" to understand what Naziism and fascism are about. OP, I honestly suggest you just read wikipedia. Save yourself a whole lotta time, and you'll learn and retain just as much.

>> No.19916303


>> No.19916325
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>Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism
Read this

>> No.19916333

The 120 Days of Sodom

>> No.19916410
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>> No.19916503

>first time i'm seeing this shitty meme
goes to show much of a failure your "memes" are

>> No.19916505

Based, I kneel.
KYS glownigger faggot

>> No.19916510

touch gas kike he owned you

>> No.19916539
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Nah that's Doreen

>> No.19916542
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>leftists btfo their only single decent meme in one fox news interview
you love to see it

>> No.19916551

Even if it was a /pol/ thread this is a board for literature, this is not your reddit echo chamber faggot

>> No.19916555

you can feel the seethe emanating from the "meme"

>> No.19916561

both groups have manifestos, I suggest you read them. Compare and contrast them yourself and come to your own conclusion.

>> No.19916659

what is the fascist manifesto

>> No.19916666

>Wikipedia says Hitler was a fascist... I thought he had an ideology of his own (national socialism).
bro listen. fuck. national socialism = fascism. very different than socialism.

>> No.19916670
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>> No.19916693

Yu-Gi-Oh mishimas the Sea of fertility tetralogy

>> No.19916704

You just named it.

>> No.19917031

Giovanni Gentile - Origins and Doctrine of Fascism
James A Gregor - Mussolini's intellectuals
Benito Mussolini's autobiography
>all those marxist and jew authors ITT

>> No.19917239

>Stanley Payne
>Paul Gottfried

> Wikipedia says Hitler was a fascist... I thought he had an ideology of his own (national socialism).
Fascism, NS and all other related are just the new Right post Monarch/Aristocracy
Think of it like Sulla and Marius as opposed to Augustus and Trajan

>fucking court historians
Read this if you have no balls

>> No.19917246
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Damn I forgot For My Legionnaires

>> No.19917260
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>> No.19917356

Doreen is a chudist, retard. It kept removing communist propaganda from the antiwork subleddit.

>> No.19917743
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Tune in to a Nicky fue stream
See you l8er groyper

>> No.19917829


>> No.19917833
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>> No.19917834

what's fascism?

>> No.19917845

Dylan Riley - The Civic Foundations of Fascism in Europe

>> No.19917846

kek it was my first thought on seeing that interview too

how is leftypol so talented at losing

>> No.19917856

because leftists are moralfags and being moral and funny at the same time never works. same reason christian memes suck

>> No.19917953

no one says this shit in good faith

>> No.19917976

Read these OP

In 20 minutes you will have your whole outlook on geopolitics and fascism changed. if you're not convinced read this first