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File: 27 KB, 450x450, libertarianism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19909289 No.19909289 [Reply] [Original]

>try to buy a box set of the Culture Series from Amazon
>Seller gives me a fake USPS tracking address
>lol no problem it's the post office probably being typical govt employees
>Three weeks pass
>red through reviews of the seller, it's some scam drop shipper who sends people multiple copies of the same book and incomplete series
>Request refund
>lol you have to contact the seller
>No response for 48 hours, can now get my refund
>Seller sends me some horse shit automated email
>Proceed with refund, write a review of my experience
>Amazon rejects my review because I wasn't directly reviewing the product I didn't receive
>I just got ripped off by a third party scammer on "the world's biggest bookstore" and can't even warn other people
Mein Gott, pure ideology

>> No.19909310

>can't even warn other people
Would be pointless, the only people at risk are people like you who don't read the reviews until after they realize they got scammed.

>> No.19909327

It looks like he's been removed now though lol

>> No.19909340

So your thread is not only off topic but 100% pointless, just another blogpost. oh boy!

>> No.19909350
File: 48 KB, 456x356, 1561877273773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reddit you still don't fit in

>> No.19909356

Stop by Jeff’s golf lodge and ask him about it over brunch

>> No.19909363

I am sorry you are stupid and can not learn a lesson. I sincerely hope to see you to continue making this thread daily.

>> No.19909373

There's a listing now for a set from prime's bookshop for cheaper than what I paid and I used $60 of amazon points too, so I shant be doing that.

>> No.19909389

Besos demolished a historical bridge so his cruise ship could sail by

>> No.19909390

So, on top of not checking the reviews before buying from a third party you paid extra for the privilege?

>> No.19909401

there was no new condition listing of the box set of the culture a month ago

>> No.19909422

So you are not a complete imbecile, just a bit slow and lacking in impulse control.

>> No.19909428

I've been considering buying the series for a few months and was issued a refund. I know you're british btw

>> No.19909458

>was issued a refund
So how did you get ripped off? fucking drama queen.
Try again.

>> No.19909470

>actually I'm from some other anglo fairy speech retard fantasy land
same thing

>> No.19909480

try again.

>> No.19909496

No, you're very obviously a smug anglo retard and probably assblasted I was right the first time. Now you can return to reddit mr rulefag thread bumping dumbass

>> No.19909578

get a room already

>> No.19909620

Amazon seems dodgy as fuck, you constantly see reviews of people talking about how they got print on demand books when the page is for a book published by a legit publisher
Idk how people aren't paranoid when using amazon and don't check and double check the seller

>> No.19909630

lol. so salty.

>> No.19909638

If you called them and explained the situation you'd get a refund and an apology but you won't because you're scared to talk on the phone and will do some mental gymnastics to cope with the fact the you lost $14 from a scammer because you're too scared to call customer service

>> No.19909646
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 4 Pepes Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't use Book Depository


>> No.19909673

>I got scammed so we need fascism

>> No.19909686

you're better than this nigel
I already received a refund and I work as a delivery driver for rural arkansas and talk to randos all day, I was a tripped out festival hippie in NY for 10+ years before moving here. You are a redditor who thinks that the entirety of 4chan is ~2012 zombie /r9k/ (except of course yourself) because of memes and fake greentexts. Go back
pic related

>> No.19909692
File: 286 KB, 1652x699, book depository.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?
>forgot pic
time to become an hero

>> No.19909759

Every book I order from Amazon is always scratched up and dented little cuts /scrapes/rips. Idk why when I first ordered from them they were pristine. Now they always look like they were kicked around on the floor a bit before it was put in the box

>> No.19909767

Same. Stopped dealing with those retards so now I have to wait until I find preowned copies on ebay for some books.

>> No.19909791

Considerably older. Uses of 'salty' in this context date back to at least the 16th century.

>> No.19909981

sure thing zoomie, you've totally epic pwned everyone for the win!

>> No.19910212

The only bad experience with Amazon I've had is when I ordered a book and got a different one but it was pretty funny so I didn't care. Apart from that they're usually on time and better than other book sellers.

>> No.19910227
File: 125 KB, 1078x1134, k6eo2zyq50j51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19910239

Try again.

>> No.19910242

Imagine buying books