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19908357 No.19908357 [Reply] [Original]

WWOYM Bloem’s Ferret edition

Old >>19902676


>> No.19908429

i want to go out tonight but I have nothing to do there

>> No.19908437

God I hate butterfly's narcissism in making everything about her, no willingness to make thread images anybody else likes. Everything in the world has to bend to her.

>> No.19908440

I feel like whenever I write, I end up accidentally aping the style of whichever author I read last. I read my own words in their narrator's voice. It makes my writing better but I feel like it makes me less authentic too, a person with no original ideas who can only copy

>> No.19908449

thanks for the fucked up website

>> No.19908504

everyone is a more or less unique conglomeration of other people and ideas.
You have to recognize this and present the perspective that it has created in you.
idk the name of the book or author actually but the idea has stuck in my head. Look up "you are the average of the 5 people closest to you" there is some disagreement with this but from what I've read its only centered around the fact that you are the average of way more than 5 people who are both dead and alive, so as far as I'm concerned that's simply a testament to its profundity.

>> No.19908509
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What's your latest interest/hobby/phase?

>> No.19908522
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Missed the new thread, shameful repost.
I've got a couple of exciting developments going on.
Decided my attachment to marijuana, despite the insights I at least perceived it granted me, was ultimately enabling my inaction and dumped it all in a river as a sort of symbolic gesture.
Soon after started reading Notes from Underground, furthering my disgust towards the self-important latency I've shamefully indulged in for some years.
Now I can't get my mind off of this girl in my bio lab who's cute as hell and have mad chemistry with. All's progress in terms of flirtation in the lab but I hadn't prepped to continue interaction outside of class and I feel like I disappointed her by not doing so last time I saw her. Not at all a lost cause, feel like I'm just giving off a clueless sort of vibe rather than a cold one. Gonna prepare and really pursue her next time, I can feel she wants it.
But that's every other week, and I my recently excited libido couldn't tolerate that sort of vacuum. So I chatted up this mid in my bio lecture and despite her being a little flustered at my sudden interest, she talked and walked with me in what turned out to be the opposite direction of where she was going next. All of this very well may result in nothing, but it won't be for a lack of trying and my revived confidence in my looks and demeanor make me feel like it won't be for a lack of genuine interest on their part either.
All this is after years of not pursuing relationships with women at all. Though I've always had a knack for flirting, I never took it much farther than that, and I can now say I'm more than ready to do so.
TL;DR I'm feeling pretty fucking good about myself right now

>> No.19908526
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I like pretty pale girls, NOT ugly butterflyesque dykes

>> No.19908531

What images do you like? Post some.

>> No.19908541

But, Butters is a pale girl, with underarm hair even.

>> No.19908547

It's my birthday soon and I will have no one to coom inside of. I've been building up a BIG COOM for when I do get the coomchance. It's been pent up for 2, maybe 3 weeks now. It's gonna be a huge fucking COOM, and the lucky lass who gets to experience it will be just absolutely blessed. God, this coom, I cannot wait for it to come out. Just one touch on my throbbing, rock hard cock, just a brush - and it'll probably bust, with multiple coomshots I bet.

I cannot fucking wait to coom this coom. I want her to be like 10 years younger than me too so it feels really tight. It's gonna happen today I can tell. This has been on my mind the whole workday.

>> No.19908550

how know?
also, what a fucking gorgeous girl. Good on that guy

>> No.19908556

hows it going to happen today? tell me the plan.
Are you gonna go out?
get a tinder date?
explain. It will only help you make it a reality, I assure you.

>> No.19908558

When I get mad I put it down on a pad, give you something that you never had

>> No.19908574

woah, slow down there Eminem

>> No.19908581

i have been listening to the national anthem of ussr for the last week on a loop and my erection WILL power the righteous.


>> No.19908593

>reject women, but embrace their farts

>> No.19908617
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Poots as in Putler, as in picrel, yah ninny

>> No.19908620

The coomchance plan is simple, go out with the boys (they're bringing their boys too), and we're going to some bars. These bars will definitely have coomable lassies cloistered within, whom have not addressed their sexual pangs yet. These ladies will know what I'm after, and will see me in my Bane coat (I have a Bane coat). They will know I am the Big Guy for Them.

I will be mystified by my autonomic responses. I will dare not filter and acquiesce control to the cave man rattling this cage. This is impulsivity speaking, System 1, who will be my wingman and guide me to coom successfully. It is a great day of celebration and these internal juices will only give me confidence. I will coom bigly, it is in the air and in the stars. It will be a celebratory coom, one that I will remember. This coom is for Her, as I am not selfish. And She will have it, I say with absolute surety.

>> No.19908623
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i had sex

>> No.19908637

Fuckin go for it dawg

>> No.19908642

in a plethora of fabric snuggled, the testament of Christ at hand, I remain vigilant: where's the cat?

>> No.19908647

Bros.. I just want to be happy and relaxed.. Im so tired of being unsure, anxious and depressed piece of shit. I dont know how to achieve it though.

>> No.19908652

meant to tag this guy...
but thats cool too. First time? how it happen? how it go? iwananakno it all.

>> No.19908667
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Just age bro

>> No.19908676

It's all a matter of framing. Stop holding on to negative thoughts. Stop conjuring up the worst possible scenario. Instead, adopt a winner's attitude. Act confident. If you fail, get up again, and rejoice in rejoice in rejoice in your resurrection.

>> No.19908694

you fucked it up :(
and i usually only ask this every few threads otherwise you will just get the same answers every day

>> No.19908746

>Instead, adopt a winner's attitude. Act confident.
Thats what stopping me, I think that I HAVE to have something tangible to feel confident. I cant feel it without any exterior confirmation.

>> No.19908759

My brain stem itches. I've been day dreaming and gargling steel wool to scratch it.

>> No.19908780
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>> No.19908798

i very much recommend nightly walks. you get a lot of good thinking in.

>> No.19908801

Honestly stop spending as much time on 4chan. Just like a healthy body is maintained by watching what sorts of food you consume, a healthy mind is maintained by being wary of the ideas you expose yourself to. Think of it this way, you have to water the positive seeds in your head and deprive the negative ones of water. The internet as a whole is a hall of mirrors, if you spend too much time on it you will get lost in yourself and get caught up in endless rumination. Get yourself Cold Turkey blocker for your computer and buy a kitchen timer to put your phone in if you want some time away from it.

My honest advice is to read a lot and use the internet sparingly. I'd start with books that contain aphorisms or short chapters on certain philosophical topics i.e. Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, the Tao Te Ching, Thus Spoke Zarathustra etc.

Look for a craft to master, like musical instruments or a language or cooking, something that is a genuine investment and not something that you do to nullify boredom like passive media consumption. Get a decent level of exercise as well, run a couple times a week, lift, play a sport, or just get outside and walk. Also don't worry about it being a cope or whatever. The people on this website know a lot about despair and misery, and thus know exactly which buttons to push to keep you in this state. Understand that the state you're in now is not a universal truth. Experience is like a radio, if you can turn the dial then you experience reality on a different frequency.

Good luck, I hope this is of some use to you

>> No.19908809

If you get stuck in a viscious circle of negative thinking: focus on your breathing, count up to 100, tap your fingers, draw circles with your feet – you don't have to do it all, just enough to crack your brain.
If you think you will fuck a situation up: visualize yourself succeeding; tell yourself the story of your success; you're just telling a story, no need for exterior confirmation; you're not saying: 'I'm great', your saying: 'This is what me being great would look like'.

>> No.19908823

I don't have to be in control

>> No.19908854

My father had told me once that, if you ever have a cramp in the legs, you should place your bare feet on cold stone. I just had a massive cramp and it worked.

>> No.19908859

I miss /ssrg/ bros....

>> No.19908863

Hm, I'll remember that. Thanks.

>> No.19908886
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>> No.19908901

Should I do a twitter account to use it as a news and art feed?

>> No.19908942

I will not have what I want.
I have a strange life.

>> No.19908961

This is good advice, but one thing 4chan is right about is antisemitism. I think every man can benefit by being a big t antisemitic. I find when lifting weights, I am able to push harder when visualizing an ugly rotten Jew's face being punched. It helps me push out the last rep or two.

>> No.19908962

<10pc change in mean over 50 years, you're not convincing anybody, FILTHY REAPER FILTHY HARVESTER OF SOVLS

>> No.19908965

no, lord no. easiest question anybody's every asked. pick a random book from your shelf and practise some form of bibliomancy, that will surely be a more reliable informant.

>> No.19908967

You're welcome, man.

>> No.19908975
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I peed my bed again.....
God I'm worthless...

>> No.19909004

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19909016

Would I be able to get an actual companion woman from 4chan? I am very attractive for a NEET. If you are NEET too we can NEET together. We most likely understand each other very well since we both come here. I also have a sense of humor as you can see.
Europe only please.

>> No.19909017

my brain has been warlord-era china'd

>> No.19909020

We’ve seen her pictures, but she’s said before she doesn’t shave anything.

>> No.19909022

Twunks with tattoos.

>> No.19909036

the pictures are some camwhore's. the triptranny is a tranny

>> No.19909045

No. Only stinky , dorky boys use this site.

>> No.19909053

talking to random people in the street, aka the socratespill

>> No.19909073

Yeah this only happens because the life force starts to slowly leave you as you age. You give up fighting the unchangeable.

>> No.19909083

>t. Jealous tranny

>> No.19909186

What drives me insane about my life? It feels that every choice that I have is between different flavors of unhappiness. I can trade one palette of misfortune for another, counterbalancing and offsetting the relative unhappiness of the other option to provide some temporary relief from it, whilst taking on a different set of discontentments. There is no net gain in happiness, only a redistribution of unhappiness, whereas the sum of unhappiness remains constant. Some examples:

I can either work a job and be miserable about how much it drains from me, or I can be unemployed and unhappy about not having money or maintaining the lifestyle I have when employed

I can choose to be in a mediocre relationship to not feel alone, and be constantly dissatisfied and irked by someone who doesn't really get me. Or I can rot away in loneliness

I can dedicate to myself to my literary pursuits and neglect all other aspects of my life, as true devotion to this calling is quite taxing psychologically. Or I can set it aside and live a little and be constantly haunted by my unrealized dreams.

Everything has an opportunity cost, but there is no opportunity.

>> No.19909190

also, a lot of people kill themselves before they reach old age and this affects these statistics

>> No.19909254
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I play video games, jerk off and shitpost on 4chin all day, i'am a true nihilist.

>> No.19909261

thats what they call losers now?

>> No.19909306

––Do you like violence?
––Yes, sometimes, when I'm winning.

>> No.19909319

I get so depressed while waiting for women to respond to me. It's grotesque.

>> No.19909430

I said it in 2012 when Obama signed his devastating signature, I said it in 2020 when Trump was afraid to place the call, and I say it now: The blood of nations is the amniotic fluid of their afterbirth.

>> No.19909443


>> No.19909452

Deep, man

>> No.19909512


>> No.19909558

My grandma used to say that only Jesus could save us

>> No.19909605

It’s all too much now. He won’t be back.

>> No.19909657

I’m thinking of creating a fantasy world with Napoleonic-level technology combined with alchemy, does this already exist?

>> No.19909718

>No not Edwin Poots
To be fair, Putin might actually be less likely to have you shot.

>> No.19909785

Even if there is, I'm sure there aren't many books with this cenario and you can be wildly creative with it.

>> No.19909821
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I will live an utterly mediocre life where I accomplish nothing of any significant worth or experience any sort of grand heroic struggle, and neither will you

>> No.19909828

I've destroyed every single good thing that's ever come to me

>> No.19909852

Prostate milking

>> No.19909857

Incredible how life can be "asymmetrical". I mean, for various reasons I'm in a good position economically. I'm healty, never got Covid. I don't think to have any mental problems or illnesses. I have decent hobbies and I even restarted going to the gym. I have some good friends and I'm kinda trying to get others....

Romantically and sexually my life is suicide tier. I'm not a fat anime nerd, that anyway have success unlike me. I don't know what to do

>> No.19909868
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>The government's own means of collecting revenue, its tax agency, is underfunded
God this government is so stupid. I hate it so much lol

>> No.19909878

What if i don't have 5 people close to me

>> No.19909944

I would that shit were different

>> No.19909958

Fuck, I bought the wrong mechanical pencil.

What country?

>> No.19909968

I can't be bothered to find the graph but there's one that talks about how people used to find partners and until recently people were largely introduced to each other by family or friends. We don't seem to do that anymore and now it's expected that you find someone organically or on an app which is infinitely harder. I just want someone to set me up with someone they think would be a good match.

>> No.19909975

I love my neighborhood. I love my gun.

>> No.19909982

Murca. These rat bastards don't mind increasing taxes but they can't even get their shit together well enough to collect it. It's a double insult. Although fuck them, I'm glad the IRS is struggling. I never consented to have my hard earned dollars turned into bombs to blow up Afghani children.

>> No.19910110

My friends all died now it's just me

>> No.19910127
File: 27 KB, 460x408, 848DCE71-F32F-473E-8FA3-99F604724D62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to like ONE thing.
Just ONE thing.
I don’t have to like myself or others, it can be something outside of me like “water” or “cars”, but i desperately need to like just ONE fucking thing.

>> No.19910141

Make some new one. No crack addict this time

(Or condolences if you’re in a war zone or something)

>> No.19910195

They didn't call me, I guess it's one more job application I lost.

>> No.19910271

no, i will simply persist in loneliness and misery

>> No.19910323
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Does anyone else just repeat opinions your fellow peers share with you on various matters, just to appear knowledgeable on subjects you absolutely do not care about later? It's been helping me blend in with normies, but will they eventually notice that I'm "off"?

>> No.19910332

No, I don't do that

>> No.19910411

i can barely afford food. for the past few days i've been eating stale white bread, it's not great tasting and it's not horrible either, it's dull. the more you do something, the easier it becomes, and eating has become a mindless chore for me. sometimes i don't feel like eating since it bores me.

>> No.19910480

I am honest to a fault.

>> No.19910539

Did that guy ever change his underwear? If you are that guy can you please update us on your streak?

>> No.19910548

not really. People worth your time appreciate honesty, at least presented in a confident and collected manner.

>> No.19910561

I don't have hobbies.
I don't watch anything.
I don't read.
I dislike pornography and masturbation and try not to indulge them.
I work.
I sleep.
I don't watch sports ball, don't spend money alcohol. If I drink it'll be just a small glass of whiskey not enough to get buzzed but it's rare.
Every few months I'll get some pipe tobacco, cigars or smokes. Smoke regularly for a few weeks and then get tired of it and go back to nothing for months or years. I don't see how people get addicted.
Hobbies and interests send me into a state of despair. I hate thinking about things that cost money or time because I'm in short supply of either. I gave up on most dreams and ambitions because of this too.
I consider posting on 4chan to be the most fun I have and superior to real social interaction when people respond. I don't dislike social interactions but I'm very upset by lack of manners or posing.

>> No.19910568

>tfw the only part of myself that I value is my alleged intelligence and yet I can't open my mouth without making myself look like an idiot

>> No.19910648

I’m just like you except I don’t like postijg on 4chan and want to die.

>> No.19910660

I haven't heard from my Chinese internet frens in while. I hope their internet didn't get cut off.

>> No.19910667

Do you think your work is your ultimate fufillment?
seems that you do, at least to the point that nothing else equates, which in the end is what manifests.

>> No.19910680

No. I hate work. I only do it so I keep my job and have income rolling in. If I didn't need to do it, I wouldn't.

>> No.19910695

What would you do if you didn't have to work? Mind your answer carefully. If its nothing but browse 4chan, you are confirmed the underground man and need to analyze yourself in that framework.

>> No.19910751

Saying this because the underground man worked only to sustain himself and when he got a small inheritance and didn't need to work, he did nothing. If you, being in the former position, honestly imagine what you would do if you didn't have to work, and your answer more or less matches that of the underground man, you are the underground man.

>> No.19910768

Sigh...I would love to fart on her pussy

>> No.19910777

my life isn't going to really "start" until I move out. which is a couple more months at minimum.

im decently confident in my choice. living in a tiny shitbox is the city, with a community, is infinitely preferable to a house in the suburbs with your family who does nothing, and you do nothing. im 23 years old man - it's not like I can meet women, or do anything with my money, or etc here. sometimes roughing it can build character. living at home feels like life is just passing me by.

it's either that or join the military.

>> No.19910796

What's between you and getting laid regularly?

This is literally all you need to do:

Take care of your body: by sleeping at a regular hour, eating healthy, showering daily, and getting enough exercise -- bonus points if you start lifting weights at the gym to build muscle (if you are depressed and find it hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle getting medication/therapy, or keeping in mind that it is still possible to do the work without believing in yourself)

Practice outward presentation: by reading and watching videos on body language and dressing in fashionable clothing, doing posture exercises, gym 3-4 times a week as mentioned before, become more physical and comfortable with your body by doing something active like a sport or dance class

Develop social skills: by reading a few books about social skills, observing how people interact both in life and media, talking to strangers, trying to make more friends (if you have anxiety, working your way to more meaningful conversations by asking for the time, or simple directions)

Develop seduction ability: by reading books on female psychology, PUA literature (with a discerning eye), going out and trying to date women, reading books on acting theory for good measure, and internalizing the characteristics of suave, masculine characters like James Bond and Indiana Jones

(most importantly, and probably surmounts everything I've just mentioned) Develop a sense of self: by owning who you are and thinking long and hard, over a long period of time, about what you value and where you want to go in life -- and making no compromises on this

If you're like me, you probably avoided doing this kind of because it feel disingenuous, or makes you feel like a loser. But the truth is love is a game, romance is bullshit for most people, purely a transactional enterprise. You think that girl you are pining for would be of any interest to you if she was 25 pounds heavier and didn't do her makeup every morning for 30 minutes? No. Work on the stuff I mentioned and you will be getting laid to your heart's content.

>> No.19910851


>> No.19910852

women will unironically give you mental problems so watch out.

>> No.19910916


>> No.19910931

I live in my head

>> No.19910932

>someone’s mental problems come from words overheard

>> No.19910939

I wish my dog wasnt dead

>> No.19910975

Thanks for kind words. Not going to lie, it really looks difficult. My first thought is too dismiss everything and say that Im too old and actual positive and honest personality change is impossible.

>> No.19911028

I feel like being a 30 year old kissless virgin has left me permanently damaged.

>> No.19911043

the damage likely happened before age 30

>> No.19911077

I think theres been some damage all this time. We're just fundamentaly flawed. Other normal people will never understand it.
t. another 30 year old kissless virgin

>> No.19911080

I would just do nothing for a while, only move to a new place and then once I have finally had some time to just enjoy life and good weather, I would start improving myself and reading again. I would unironically start having hobbies and would like to travel to a few places. I never related to the underground man, he seemed petty and rude, qualities in people I dislike.

>> No.19911084

Fluidity is key
Everything gets infinitely easier when you stop caring what other people think

>> No.19911089

It doesnt undo the damage

>> No.19911105

For a couple of months now I’ve been using these threads as a diary and have also saved quite a few posts by other anons that I found interesting.
There is insightful stuff to be found here, only you need to be of a certain mindset already to not get bogged down in the utter trash that also lingers here.
Thank you anons for posting your reflections or developed thoughts, you have and still are guiding me through troubled times.

>> No.19911108

Let us know how that time machine is coming along.

>> No.19911124

I'm convinced that most aren't capable of loving, it demands too much.

>> No.19911125

AI, upload the video of the dog crying while playing piano to my bedroom.

>> No.19911139

Ferdinand Kürenberg: "The blood of nations is the amniotic fluid of their rebirth"

>> No.19911245

My 22 year old Latina gymbunny coworker is driving me crazy. She has a small waist and killer hips, and a giant ass that is just plain obscene. I have to make a move on her. Anons, help me out.
>hard mode: bad ideas only

>> No.19911262

im sos fickinf drunk. I alreadu threw up ajd then i reveived myself and drank more. I wish i had coke. Aomestimes i think mynfriends dont sctually like me. Idk idk idk

>> No.19911265

Read like crazy, take adderall, and abstain from sex/masturbation and you'll lose all interest in her and be focused on making money.

>> No.19911266

What line of work are you in?

>> No.19911282

lust is gay, make better decisions

>> No.19911294

how embarrassing

>> No.19911298

The regret of inaction always feels worse and is longer lasting than the pain of rejection.

>> No.19911300

I had my first kiss at 34. I do not think that going kissless caused any damage. Within a few weeks of dating my girlfriend, it felt like I had never known not how to kiss.

>> No.19911308

Thanks. Sound advice. I think I'm gonna go for it. Just invite her to something, maybe try again, and then whatever. I know she has guys DMing her constantly. At worst, I can at least try out my skills and have fun talking to a girl in a flirtatious manner. She's so fucking cute.

>> No.19911375

How did you score as a 34 year old virgin? Did you lie about it?

>> No.19911378

I have a bunch of energy and I don't know what to do with it

>> No.19911389

Not much to say really. We met through work, started hanging out. She asked about previous relationships for the first time only after we'd already slept together, and I simply told her the truth. She thought that was a lie actually.

>> No.19911394

I have no energy and sleep about 10-14 hours a day and work the rest of the time.

>> No.19911395

I'd give you some of mine if I could, fren.

>> No.19911399

I'm going to translate this into akkadian and copy it onto a clay tablet for future generations to appreciate

>> No.19911450


>> No.19911471

I'm fat

>> No.19911491

i have imbibed all of the wine

>> No.19911496

Another day another dollar. Spin the wheel, the wheel is spun. The rain comes down, the colors run. Solitude, the day is done.

>> No.19911506

The more I listen to people talking about how they spit on people's drinks and do disgusting shit to their food because they don't tip. The less I feel inclined to tip people.

>> No.19911514

Conversely, the more I listen to working-class people "fighting back" against da system, the less sympathy I have for them.
The more I feel I understand people. The less I like them as a whole. In general.

>> No.19911552

I need to reduce my attention to few interests, almost everything seems interesting and fascinating, but one can't pay attention to everything.
My knowledge is splattered among a number of different things, but I don't have deep knowledge in anything.

>> No.19911574
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Walk with me

>> No.19911645

Absurdism is one of the most visceral, and therefore literature-wise most potent philosophies.

Hear me out though. While I think Absurdism is, in general, an incomplete framework to view the real world through, and doesn't nearly go as deep as some of the thorough metaphysical philosophies that 18th-century philosophers spent thousands of pages on, it matches lived experience incredibly well. The moments in life that Camus describes, when one lifts the veil of living on auto-pilot and sees the world for what it really is, a collection of contradictory experiences from life until death (and nothing past that), can be extremely powerful and creatively potent. It is no wonder that some of the most interesting literature that was written in the 20th century contains misantropic, desillusioned main characters, characters that will never quite get what they've been after (acceptance, amour fou, happiness). The vagueness with which 'the absurd' is described is exactly its strength, as it's a feeling that something's off, one cannot quite put their finger on, yet seems so familiar.

tl;dr absurdism isn't a complete, all-encompassing philosophy, but works incredibly well as a source for creative writing, as it's all too familiar.

>> No.19911649

I pleasured myself for the first time this morning. I'm 25. It only gets better from here, right?

>> No.19911657

I keep forgetting my wet dreams.

>> No.19911672
File: 199 KB, 1024x1280, asian-handsome-boy-Favim.com-7161656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mister can you tell me where my love has gone?
He's a Japanese boy.
I woke up one morning and my love was gone
Oh, my Japanese boy, ooh
I miss my Japanese boy.

>> No.19911729
File: 681 KB, 2048x938, Snufkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tolkien was a racist piece of shit that stole everything from older European mythologies for Lord of the Rings. Which is a proto-young adult novel for Christcucks.

>> No.19911739

Fuck how I wish I can just reincarnate, like, I cant I just wake up tommorrow in another world? Jesus christ bless me,

I cant fucking stand it, not anymore, I wish that I can live another life but I know that I wouldnt be able to live it to its fullest because Im a piece of shit regardless of what I do,

other than this simple thought I have nothing else on my mind :)

>> No.19911741


>> No.19911757
File: 167 KB, 1093x777, ariadne inception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to lucid dream.

>> No.19911821

WAR is coming!

>> No.19911917
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I got into medical school, which seemed like the apogee of achievement once. I think I'm fitting in and there's some good people here. Issue is I just want to read Augustine's Confessions and so on but that'll amount to a painful nothing. I also miss my lover who I had to move in from because it would separate me from all my pre existing relationships. On the other hand maybe it's just worth it. Her head literally radiated with a halo but I often glimpse the divine in ordinary women so maybe that isn't significant. Have faith have faith.

>> No.19911920

garbage edition, I'll make a better one

>> No.19911929
File: 725 KB, 1600x800, burger-king-warhol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As Augustine forewarned, inwardness must inflect outwards. Without it, one remains seeped in the treacle of melancholy. Kierkegaard is a profound writer because he elucidates both the experience of absurdity and it's antidote (Christian demand to love).

>> No.19911937

i also want to go out tonight, but i haven't a stitch to wear

>> No.19911955

>Sign up for dating app
>Start talking to girl
>Things go well, arrange to meet up for some drinks
>Girl cancels date on the day before
It's just so tiring

>> No.19912001

get used to it

>> No.19912031

Never had any success with that unlike some of my friends who look like twinks. Also it's fucking alienating and I wish someone would introduce me to an interesting and single girl but it doesn't never happens

>> No.19912292

I had a dream where I made a post in this thread about my anger about christianity being so true and so false at the same time

>> No.19912319
File: 91 KB, 542x713, 4364f91b3de5a42636f6b51490aa788f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too horny to sleep but don't wanna fap

What do

>> No.19912425

me too.

>> No.19912430
File: 2.13 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220212_155649614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good argument against promiscuity. There is a correlation of monogamous birds having higher brain-to-body ratio relative to other avian species (i.e., encephalization quotient). Crows, which researchers have established as very intelligent, basically have monogamous familial structures where relatives and friends can help raise their young, which is called cooperative breeding.
Maybe one reason people's brains are shrinking in modern time is due to the growing culture of degeneracy?

>> No.19912463

Its you, anon. You're thought process is the reason you can't like anything. Read Notes from Underground

>> No.19912597

I agree. Camus might chastise him for taking 'the jump', seeing faith as a cope for there being something after life, but exactly this journey makes Kierkegaard worthwhile. I'd just argue that ever having had this feeling of 'being seeped in the treacle of melancholy' as you put it, makes you a more interesting writer than someone who has never felt this despair. Ergo my argument of absurdism being a particularly potent philosophy for creative writing.

>> No.19912679

It really isn't a good argument. Your unstated premise: "If a trait positively correlates with higher brain-to-body ratio in birds, then we ought to embody that trait". Why should that be true? Even if the correlation is generalizable to all species, why should we act in a way that correlates with larger brain-to-body ratios?

There is also scant evidence that brain shrinkage has continued in recent centuries. And unless promiscuity correlates with larger numbers of offspring, I don't see how it could play a causal role in continued shrinkage.

>> No.19912872

Put just a robe and running shoes on, go running and asking if anyone is a prostitute. You’ll likely fall asleep from exhaustion before you find one.

>> No.19912883

Well, if you value intelligence in a societal sense, then it would make sense to learn about certain patterns from other species, such as crows. However, you can point out exceptions like whales or chimpanzees who have high Encephalization Quotient but are not monogamous. It seems human society imitated avian social structure more than their Greater Ape ancestors.

>> No.19913072

I've never looked at my scrotum sideways in a mirror. Looks weird.

Neighbors saw my scrotum when I was looking at it. I was only there for 5 seconds but she saw. Saw my ass too when I faced the other way to close a window. I hope she liked my ass and scrotum.

>> No.19913090

Do you have varicocele? It's actually very common in the USA, and I have a feeling it's due poor nutrition.

>> No.19913494

philosophy died because it got mixed with poetry/emotion. It started in the Renaissance with all that dignity of man and humanist crap. The Nietzsche came along and fucked it all up further.

>> No.19913510

Similar. I have it made in several respects. My romantic life is perpetually in the gutter. Doesn't help that I don't like to socialize and tire of people rather quickly.

>> No.19913522

and of course this is why Plato hated poetry. The fucking Romantics. Milton makes theology poetry and Blake makes mythology and poetry into philosophy. In fact the source of all this is mysticism. "Mysticism" is a load of bullshit. It's feels over reals right brained crap. Mysticism interprets the world acausally and takes all experience as snapshots and decides that individual experience is absolute truth. Also why the buddhists are retarded because kensho and "self knowledge" i.e. a cessation of discursive and lingual thought in order to "achieve" awareness of "truth" somehow got equated with "enlightenment." Mystical experience is crap made up by emotional freaks who think experience is truth. Christianity made them think what they were experiencing was divine and absolute truth and then their mania bled into mainstream philosophy and philosophers even write about "mystical experience" trying to figure out what it is as if it even means anything.

>> No.19913547

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19913556

you need a tito for your brain

>> No.19913559

did nato bomb your frontal lobe?

>> No.19913570

Did the philosophy end with greeks?

>> No.19913587

Based on my honest assessment and talking to many philosophy graduates:
It died with Hume because he took philosophy to its limits by acknowledging cognitive limits in an empirical framework. Kant also misinterpreted Hume, probably due to translation error, and I read an article on that a long time ago.
Hume should be revisited often by sincere philosophers. I think transcendental idealism was bound to be attacked by the likes of speculative realists.

>> No.19913666

A book I'm reading just nosedived into stupidity ~60 pages from the end. I try to be of the mindset, "Give every book a chance, be patient, the onus is on you to get the most out of the book", but maybe I'm wrong. If you get more than 1/4 of the way into a book and it's still bad, you should probably cut your losses and bin it there. We gain nothing from finishing mediocre books, it's a waste of time.

>> No.19913669

well, at the very least he made philosophy heuristic

>> No.19913684
File: 126 KB, 1366x768, time to choose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 3 days I reach 90 days of weed sobriety and I need to decide if I am going to start smoking again. The original plan was to start smoking again after 90 days but I don't know what to do. Its time to choose.

>> No.19913686

literally why would you start smoking again? is there any rational reason?

>> No.19913716

Are you saying boo or boo-urns

>> No.19913776
File: 364 KB, 638x688, weed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its fun
>I miss it
>all my friends still smoke

>> No.19913782

aren't there things you would rather do besides smoke weed that it gets in the way of, even if it is supposedly "fun"? And maybe you need new friends

>> No.19913811


>> No.19913871
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>> No.19913904

What it would take to complete the framework of absurdism?

>> No.19913907
File: 295 KB, 1222x1117, bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the point of this bingo because it's kind of sending mixed single. Also didn't know whether to check the one box because there are books that I've read that I've never seen anyone else mention on /lit/ before but that I've then ended up mentioning

>> No.19913911

signal holy shit

>> No.19913939

Freudian slip

>> No.19913954

>tfw no gf

>> No.19914009

Why are so many rich kids in the humanities taking hard drugs

>> No.19914022

Any books written by authors in the midst of depression?

I’m very interested in Michel Houllebecq but I think I find his books too perverse and decadent.

>> No.19914026

Holy midwit chart. Whoever made this chart can't possibly have an IQ higher than 110

>> No.19914066

Rich college kids are desperately craving authenticity and will do anything "street" or "hip" that makes them seem cool in a way that transcends being a mere hipster or rich kid who can afford to buy any fashion

They want something that will transgress monetary commitment because they can all do that easily, so they desperately crave "buying" something that will give them an identity, in exchange for their health and happiness. That way when other people see them with this identity (severe mental illness, body modifications, debilitating lifelong drug habits, political commitments so radical they can't be merely "dabbled" in) they are forced to say "wow, he really has that identity, he's really authentic and not just a rich kid."

They don't realize that killing 5 years of their life in a curated playpen with 15,000 other rich kids playing Who's More Authentic is the ultimate inauthenticity

>> No.19914071

Luxury is now a lifestyle than a descriptor. Is there anything more decadent than said kind of living?

>> No.19914072

I dreamt last nice I was having the greatest sex in my life with a very cute Chinese guy. Except we kept getting interrupted by people coming into my room.

>> No.19914075

I don't know what's going on today man. Well actually for the last few days. I've been penetrated by this kind of nagging pensive sadness that I can't shake off. It's been hard to get out of bed. Actually I'm being disingenuous. I at least know partly where this funk is coming from. I've come off my anti-depressants cold turkey. I'm on either week three or four without meds. It's not rocket science why the world looks bleak again. Further, I was already in a shit mood and decided to read DFW's Good Old Neon, and that compounded it. Not even in a "wow he's just like me" kind of way, even though some parts are thoroughly relatable. I'm like the opposite of a fraud. School didn't come naturally to me, I haven't made a shitload of money but feel alienated from the world. I've been encouraged and told by parents, hs teachers, professors, that I'm capable, I just don't apply myself. And this has put me in a kind of weird position, and have a kind of malformed view of myself. I'm either smart, and lack any drive to create anything worthwhile, or, I'm not nearly as bright as other people think of me.

>> No.19914112

Interesting, thanks Anon

>> No.19914116

He should just go to the friend store and get some new friends

>> No.19914130

I mean I have no friends at all after purposively removing them for their corruptive influence but I guess not everyone has the strength or moral integrity or ability to exist autonomously and independently that I have.

>> No.19914250

>I've been penetrated
Damn anon are you okay

>> No.19914291
File: 60 KB, 550x366, 91f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My reality is literally going down the drain and I have no friends or anyone to talk to.
One of you
come here
talk to me

>> No.19914302

Ha I'm so authentic that I dropped out of university to larp as the working class its a nightmare I'm going back to college to get an easier job

>> No.19914307

Thats the gayest username ever

>> No.19914310

Don't be a faggot, talk to me

>> No.19914317

I deleted discord after I realized literally every server was full of trannies

>> No.19914319

whats the matter?

>> No.19914324

Fuck, stuck again

>> No.19914327
File: 3.34 MB, 2908x3453, 2a6e4eea6037b8f8322b50e7207eaea3fd5874dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is so much muscle girl porn (both 2D and 3D) based around humiliating and emasculating the male?

Aren't there any nice muscle girls who just want to cuddle?

>> No.19914329

This song will forever be my manic episode anthem. I could use one right now.


>> No.19914333

Holy fuck I swear they're always trying to get under my skin when im sober

>> No.19914339

did you get your peepee stuck in something?

>> No.19914376

Without the belief in a rational order to the universe, without a belief that everything has a reason, that it all adds up, suffering grows to become unbearable and approaches the final end of suicide. Yet rationality itself, rationality taken to its extreme, sees nothing but chaos and arbitrariness in the universe. How does this paradox resolve?

>> No.19914395

Because that's the way things should be.

>> No.19914458

I should have worded my desperate plea for friends in a more alluring way. Next time.

>> No.19914460

I spend too much time on basedjak party

>> No.19914467
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>> No.19914481

Same, I just got bored with it and decided to pull the plug

>> No.19914534
File: 53 KB, 619x495, images (62).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few months ago, i was having a late night conversation with my girlfriend after she had convinced me to talk about my worries and fears in life, which i try to avoid addressing usually, and after letting things out, she said to me:
>Anon, you're not afraid of failure. You're just afraid that people won't like you anymore.
It was the most precise summary of my being that anybody had ever gotten to, like reaching the core of the earth. I kept face at that time, but those words still resonate more strongly than anything else, vibrating my soul into pouring an ocean of tears at the mere recollection of it. But that's not even the most embarrassing part ; it's that i haven't able to use this realization to make something out of my life, or at least move forward and not remain stagnant.
This is probably the worst i have ever been as a person, as i've generally devolved into a piece of shit due to the absence of any kind of efforts, and people seem to be rightfully ditching me or making me into an object of ridicule one by one. I have no idea on what to do. I don't know how to stop this freefall.

>> No.19914559

Yo this shit is wacky

>> No.19914709

>Yet rationality itself, rationality taken to its extreme, sees nothing but chaos and arbitrariness in the universe
Ummmmmm source??

>> No.19914714

what's a rational order?

>> No.19914725

Vice City

>> No.19914731

We should make a thread where we pretend to be Presocratics overseeing the development of Western Philosophy Plato and Beyond, supporting or refuting what we see.

>> No.19914757

Is a nice hair cut really all it takes

>> No.19914858

You're weak

>> No.19914946

i ejaculated in my fish tank
i wonder if have fertilized any fish

>> No.19914980

Probably the only two girls I have ever, truly, devotedly loved and been obsessed with - and who incidentally each broke my heart - both have their birthday's today. It's the type of coincidence that makes me believe fate is real in some way.

>> No.19915015

The matrix is real man

>> No.19915027

Whenever I talk about history or politics with my retarded faggot kid, he always has the same, stupid, pre-packaged response. No matter what he says, no matter how incoherent or unsourced his arguments are, I will sit there with a smug grin on my face, waiting patiently for him to finish his point, and then I’ll coolly respond,
>Where did you get this from, Brothers Grimm?
>Where did you get this, Hans Christian Andersen?
As if a non-sequitur is the greatest own ever. Then, when he's literally shaking trying to cite his source, I will simply burst out laughing because he's so stupid for “believing what they tell him”. I try not to debate with him about anything anymore.

>> No.19915193

i have a somewhat similar coincidence. they both happened to end up being pharmacists.
maybe there's a deeper lesson to be learned there.

>> No.19915217

Hey uh, I just want you to know that I’m running out of time, that I am here only to say… that I am here only to be, well, what I’m trying to say is, that I’m running out of time and, well, I’m running out of time, you see. The truth is that well things are quite fantastic and I mean that in the sense of phantasia. You see, I am evil because I am alone, and, well, sometimes I go a little, well, sometimes I just want to tell everyone “I love you” but nobody ever realizes that I mean it because to them I am just a stranger and therefore not human, you see, that I am a stranger here and I don’t know anybody, you see that I don’t talk to anybody, except when I go a little mad and just want to say “I love you” to all the people who hate me, but I’m running out of time and there are a thousand men who loved their wives and whose wives are dead but they keep going to work

>> No.19915219
File: 381 KB, 600x692, 673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refused to go to a valentine's day party with my girlfriend hahahaha her friends think I'm abusive because I never go to "events" with her ahahahahaha I am a terrible boyfriend I'm eating all the cheese in her fridge HAHAHAHA eat shit normies fuck you and your "events"

>> No.19915226

Is she going by herself? I don't let my girl go to places where there will be alcohol by herself.

>> No.19915233

Based and Fyodor Karamazov pilled

>> No.19915235 [DELETED] 

>his girlfriend has “friends”
Dump her. Friends are not real and the only people who have “friends” are people still looking for, well, I say that friends are not real, an utterly false concept

>> No.19915336

I don't know if that will work out for you but I act like I'm normal when I'm around multiple people before dropping the mask and revealing I'm actually a schizo autist (in a funny way) when I'm alone with a woman. Just like fat anime nerds, it sometimes work out. Most girls don't bother picking up on my imperfections because I listen to them and some will actually show their real, would-be-a-social-suicide-in-another-situation self to me in response. It's how I build intimacy with them after passing the social-normalities threshold. I'm not thirsty and genuinely try to be their friends while respecting their boundaries even if I find them attractive, too.

Best and worst scenario, I become her friend. Leading either to being great friends or being her ambiguous friend. Either way, both of us are comforted. I'm okay with being moderately successful but I know friends using the same protocol who are constantly surrounded and having sex with beautiful women. I suppose being overly social leads to more opportunities.

Have you tried being friends wtih those girls to see if they can introduce you to their (hopefully single) friends? unironically

>> No.19915339
File: 109 KB, 1024x770, 1414346932904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I make a new friend on my day off tomorrow.

>> No.19915355

Two of my exs had stripper names

>> No.19915395

two weeks ago, I became a zombie
and now I'm walking among the livings
I thought my condition made me special
but it didn't, turns out a lot of people are the same
well except the brain cravings, that is my quirky part
so today I chill
I chill around my new hobo friends in NY city
yesterday my roommate Prankster stole a wallmart cart
we had fun times together
it's a shame his head split like hard candy when it hit concrete
a fucking speeder killed my hobo friend
and now I'm chilling
bloodied backteeths gritting against my interiorc cheeks
hands in my hoodie pocket
passing greasy stains, touching filmsy pieces of brain
I'm fine for a week
never had to kill somebody yet
what a twist of fate it is
being a zombie
who can't kill a bug
in new york city
who needs to be a thug
when everyone is feeding the monster
I need to get to the gym now
to shower the stains off
and with it
the remnants of my guilt
rest in peace Prankster
seems like society lost another good man
seems like society is feeding another monster
I wonder how many zombies there are down there

>> No.19915413

The notion that autistic individuals are deficient in understanding of nonverbal communication is erroneous; contrarily, autistic individuals inherently tend toward nonverbal communication, using verbal communication by necessity in concrete communication of what is abstract, or in communication with nonautistic individuals, more than by inherent tendency.

What autistic individuals tend to fail to understand is implicit communication, not nonverbal communication; in communication, what is not explicit is not expressed; what is not expressed is not communicated.

Autistic difficulty in understanding what is not communicated is not indicative of deficiency, but of excellence, since understanding of what is not communicated necessitates superfluous and counterintuitive complexity of thought, involving presumptions, and assumptions, that obfuscate meaning, and increasing probability of misunderstanding, whilst what is communicated facilitates essential and intuitive simplicity of thought, elucidating meaning, and decreasing probability of misunderstanding.

Dexterity in language that is frequently manifested by autistic individuals is due not to deficiency that manifests as hyperlinguistic specialization, but due to cognitive capability for apprehension, and comprehension, of essence of things, of which words are only signs, thus, having facility to optimize and master those signs.

>> No.19915432

Maybe she doesn't have tons of guys in her dm you know, i'm sure you're not the only one who abstain from hitting her up because of the assumption that you're one of many

>> No.19915701

>all my friends still smoke
smoke with friends but not by yourself

>> No.19915789

things will be OK

>> No.19915813 [DELETED] 

I hope not.

>> No.19915834
File: 248 KB, 900x542, keinehoffnungmehr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am in a rough patch now. i lost my job because i showed up to work drunk once. last night i collected and lifted cigarettes from homeless people and sold them to kids in my apartment block to get money for more vodka

>> No.19915903

I'm losing the ability to relate to my friends. I don't care what they care about as much anymore. And my best friend it turns out wouldn't so far as drive 15 minutes to see me. I'm just becoming alienated from them.

It would be nice to meet /lit/ bros or something or for there to be a film club in my city but I have searched and searched and there's nothing.

>> No.19915905

Sorry I don't want any friends.

>> No.19915919

OK stands for “off kilter”

>> No.19915943

dealing with the loss of a close person

>> No.19915951

sorry to hear it anon

>> No.19915964

have you found them yet?

>> No.19915976

First thing to make me laugh today holy shit

>> No.19916042

Why do you drink anon...

>> No.19916071

I'm tired of being an outsider

>> No.19916086 [SPOILER] 
File: 702 KB, 1637x1101, 1644740126657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come inside

>> No.19916090

Go inside.

>> No.19916098


>> No.19916100

uhhh, whats going on here?

>> No.19916105

You’ve changed. This is good. They aren’t your friends anymore then, because you are no longer the same person as you once were. I’d be your friend but online relationships seem like they are never enough, and I haven’t had any luck with real life friends so I won’t be helpful there

>> No.19916110

Would you guys agree that Asian art is generally style over substance? I made this point on /int/ earlier and a japanese flag said I was being ignorant and to go watch some Kabuki and Noh.

Do these actually have the same literary value as plays? It seems like more thought is put into the choreography and presentation than the quality of the lines, but maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.19916134

>Would you guys agree that Asian art is generally style over substance?
No, because choreography and presentation are substance, too!!

>> No.19916142
File: 12 KB, 260x194, C2C5B237-E5A9-49B7-AE52-CCD4A5EA3F76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m asking girl out that works at the post office on Monday. I’ll say something like “Hey I’m here to ship a package (while putting package in the counter) and ask you if you want to go out sometime” 95% she says no thanks, or I already have a boyfriend, then I say something like “all good I just didn’t want to regret it later” if she says yes then I have no idea, sperg out probably, but I’d be firestarted if it even got that far. Thoughts? Should I try to strike up conversation before that or just go for it? I mean it’s all retarded but I don’t see any other path

>> No.19916156

>all good I just didn’t want to regret it later
that doesnt sound smooth

>> No.19916159

Look nice, smell nice. Your plan seems fine to me.

>> No.19916162

Why not, plus she already said no at that point

>> No.19916182
File: 15 KB, 244x304, C692AC28-602A-42FE-9260-7713A0048C78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look nice, smell nice
Noted thx

>> No.19916199

What does it matter? She's already said no. Being honest is never a bad thing in situations like this. I'm tempted to say that in general ALL people should worry less about "sounding smooth," and more about not being a slimy piece of shit.

>> No.19916225
File: 670 KB, 1000x1333, 5EC5DBAB-3AF3-443D-8527-4A36DEB05E32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the words out of my head. My only fear is that saying “all good” come across like I’m saying “I have decided for us that your choice to reject me was okay”, which is narcissistic, instead of what I mean, “no harm done” to make the situation less potentially uncomfortable for her while we finish shipping the package
But that’s way too much thought probably

>> No.19916235
File: 436 KB, 1505x204, famousart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're substantial too, don't get me wrong. But Asian culture in general lacks some element that Western art has, that it had back in Ancient Greece and still has now. Asian art seems to be about spectacle - about wonder, aesthetics, and natural beauty - while Western art is more about human nature and finding meaning. Classical East Asian art like woodblock prints usually focus more on nature than mankind, whereas in the West basically every famous work of art has a human subject up until Impressionism. Western drama's innovations are generally incorporeal, focusing on the writing and realism in the acting, while Eastern drama's innovations seem more based in spectacle, adding new dimensions to the stage and so on.

And I think this is a pretty valid idea even now. When you look at what trends are taking over Asia, it's stuff like kpop, gacha, and anime. To me, this stuff all looks really shallow. But I guess the point is that spectacle = substance for them. Yes, it's oversimplifying, but broadly? I think it's accurate.

>> No.19916238

honesty is good but being cringe isnt.

>> No.19916242

>to make the situation less potentially uncomfortable for her
>while we finish shipping the package
Wait with your question until she is done with the package.

>> No.19916297

Apparently rappers are saying "rari" as in Ferrari, not "rawrie" UwU desu

>> No.19916316

I feel so devoid of energy. I've always been lacking of vitality as far as I remember.

>> No.19916319
File: 36 KB, 800x800, minoxidil-biorga-5-cutaneous-solace-60-ml-080813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine allowing yourself to go bald in 2022

>> No.19916320

That’s old actually, Andy Milonakis says rari at the start of Chief Keef’s No Hook Gang from like 10 years ago
>your Bentley ain’t shit and your rari ain’t sick
>I’m above money cuz money don’t exist

>> No.19916328

Just take fin
Sleep diet exercise. If you can’t do all of those for whatever reason then you are just fucked

>> No.19916331
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Imagine caring about hair.

>> No.19916345 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19916352

don't do it anons, it's a trick

she farted under there

>> No.19916355

Finasteride is overkill, unless you're going super bald really fast. Plus it's unnatural to take something that destroys your testosterone levels like that. Minoxidil works just fine for most people.

>> No.19916379

The Romans had their own natural medicine for baldness. Not sure if it worked though

>> No.19916435

Western art is shallow, too. Except Shakespeare and Rothko.

>> No.19916544

Absurdism though it requires a leap of faith.

>> No.19916580
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do you guys ever do procrastination-triage, where as you run out of time you slowly drop things from your to do list that aren't as important but continue to do nothing, and then half-ass the last task at the end of the day?

>> No.19916595

New thread


>> No.19916621

Way too soon

>> No.19916632

>287 posts
Why are people so obsessed with starting new threads early here? These used to die out for hours before new ones came. Every general gets fucked up after a while I guess.

>> No.19917022
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>> No.19917226

>alcoholic selling cigarette butts to teenagers to buy more alcohol
>"rough patch"
what is your life normally like?

>> No.19917247

There's a really fucking lonely anon who thinks so long as he's OP then he has friends. He thinks other people who wait to post or anyone who complains about spamming new threads are just secretly envious of how many friends he thinks he has. He spends too much time here to know anything about books or friends, and I'd say he probably does things like this on several boards, not only /lit/, because the topic of the board is irrelevant to him so long as he gets posts ITT.

>> No.19917263

>Do these actually have the same literary value as plays? It
Kabuki and Noh don't have the same value as each other. Noh is like opera, and kabuki is like pantomime, in terms of class divides.

>> No.19917340

She pressed her butthole against his nostrils and farted twelve times, each getting louder, longer, and smelly than the last. He passed out and collapsed after the twelfth fart.
They got married a year later.

>> No.19917411

Sleepy like you nibgas wouldnae beleeb. Enjoying it, being comfy. Letting my to-do list pile up and not giving a fuck.

>> No.19917540

I thought it was because the early posting OP was a schizo who got triggered by WWOYM threads having anime girls as OPpic. Is this a new spammer OP? The anime schizo thought the anime mafia were stealing threads from him and started posting threads early, but now seems to be posting a couple active WWOYM threads without schizo babblings on anime cults. If it's a new OP and the anime schizo is gone, I think we should be worried. The anime schizo was kinda mass shooter vibes with a more fragile grip on reality. If he's not this OP spamming and doesn't care about this OP spamming, we might be about to get blamed for a massacre.

>> No.19917567

it's the same guy. when the anime fans stopped bullying him b/c he's schizo he stopped talking about anime. if you look in the archives after he's still schizo. right after the anime war he's making posts like
>thank you for coming to the thread i posted i am your host
he thinks it's like his twitch stream or something and we all subbed lol

>> No.19917583

>he thinks it's like his twitch stream or something and we all subbed lol
KEK. That explains why he was so salty about vtubers when he first started schizo posting.

>> No.19917742

Cuz, dude, weed.

>> No.19917760

>no willingness to make thread images anybody else likes
What image you do you like?

>> No.19917799

Bed time, snuggles. What’s it look like?

>> No.19917811

It looks like she wants something from me.

>> No.19917824


But she is inviting another girl. Was a good pic tho

>> No.19917918
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I spent some years dieting and running, and lost 50 pounds. This gave me the confidence to start hanging out with girls. After getting rejected six times and being asked “do you suffer from a mental illness” (I’m not kidding, the same girl kept trying to figure out if I was retarded, and once in all honesty asked if I was dropped on the head as baby), I gave up. Last year I stopped going out and became a NEET. I now spend my days listening to audiobooks and watching anime. Also I just checked my weight and I’ve gained 45 pounds

Maybe she’s right and I’m autistic

>> No.19917935

Inaccurate description.

Early poster is schizo/anime poster. This one may be different, I suppose. He’s probably sleeping

Donno who you’re talking about now. Are you DBZ poster?

>> No.19917966
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So, is someone going to venture another thread or do we let weedio go?

Here’s a possible template

WWOYM True Stories
Previous >>19908357

Do what you want

>> No.19917983

>Are you DBZ poster?
lol you fucking schizo do you think everyone you talk to is part of the anime mafia trying to steal your soul with kids cartoons? nobody even mentioned dbz wtaf

>> No.19917989

He's lonely for (You)s, anon.

>> No.19918262
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Dont give up anon. You made it so far

>> No.19918395

Didn't know this, thanks.
From a cursory glance it seems like bunraku is where all the writing-oriented talent accumulates

>> No.19918547

Bunraku and kabuki have a lot of overlap, because kabuki actors were essentially doing live action versions of a lot of popular bunraku set pieces. Different types of theatre accumulated writing talent at different points because it was a big political deal.

A lot of it is going to be inscrutable to you without a lot of reading about all of them, much like understanding the history of clapping at the opera isn't going to necessarily be obvious to even a modern day opera attendee. Kabuki is seen as really low entertainment which noble people shouldn't go to when it came out, but it's really popular with that class because it tells all the sappy everyone dies for love stories. It's very much like the history of theatre around the same time in the west, with governments trying to regulate entertainments by bans and regulations. By the 17th Century both English and Japanese critics think that the bans on female actors in their main mass entertainments to avoid degeneracy have started forcing boys to become trannies and theatres should be banned to everyone not rich enough to have taste. In both countries a lot of the objection to the staging of the plays isn't that the content exists as a text, but that real live people who are probably from the lower classes are acting them out in public. Plays where everyone dies and fucks their sister are fine as written texts, where only the educated might access them, but showing it to the masses is enough to spook the upper classes.

>> No.19918568

Perfectionism is ruining me. I dont know how to deal with it.

>> No.19918636

Really interesting, thanks for the knowledge. Is bunraku basically like opera while kabuki is like western plays?

>> No.19918636,1 [INTERNAL] 

There’s lots of schizos on here nowadays I was just asking.
Your off kilter response only confirms your schizophrenia, not the variety you have

>> No.19918793

No. I mean there is singing involved in bunraku, but the history is more like passion plays. The oldest one is on Awaji Island, I think, and they start in the middle ages as a kind of Shinto play. The main bunraku tradition really kicks off in Osaka about the time that kabuki get banned from being female performance groups.
Originally what made kabuki start to gain popularity was that it was female performers. Like in the west, female performers often had side gigs in prostituting, and, like in the west, when theatres got banned from issuing female performers, they started advertising young boys.

In the west a good comparison to see the differences over time/medium is Shakespeare. In bunraku, the performers at the time would show the text as written by the playwright and say they would follow it to the word. In kabuki, however, they would insert their own jokes into the text, to hype the audience for a new interpretation by the actor. For a long time, Shakespeare's plays used get rewritten even if they were published. Garrick, one of the most famous performers of Shakespeare ever, rarely gave a performance that would be on book, because Hamlet as written might depress people. It's only much later that the idea of issuing an authoritative edition and only staging that becomes a thing, and it only becomes a thing because protofeminists said the originals were emotional texts and therefore the kind of things that women could watch. (This starts the meme "if Shakespeare was alive today he'd write soap operas")

While you could conceivably go to a bunraku performance and be participating the religious traditions or literary traditions, kabuki would be like going to a performance of The Book of Mormon musical. It's funnier than the original, but nobody is going to believe you were doing it for pure religious reasons and high brow literary clout, even if it is well written.

>> No.19919456

It seems like then that what drama used to be in the West is closer to what bunraku and kabuki are about, and having the text stripped away from its performative context has changed how we view e.g. Shakespeare's work, making it into an academic and intellectual affair like a novel instead of a more passionate and spectacular thing. That would explain why so many students find Shakespeare dull now. It's still impressive his writing is so good that we can still enjoy it a ton just from reading it alone. Kinda like how most poetry and epic tales were meant to be read aloud.