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File: 3.81 MB, 1913x3200, __hunter_and_winter_lantern_bloodborne_drawn_by_bloodexer__b8dd011351aabed8ae8f6b03190f864c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19900659 No.19900659 [Reply] [Original]

Winter Lanterns edition

Previous Thread:>>19894777

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19900661
File: 15 KB, 220x289, 1639845123907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of /sffg/.

Simple as.

>> No.19900805
File: 903 KB, 1125x1037, bakkerposter_Nro_66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon... Will you read me this book?
>Yes, you will call me Serwe.

>> No.19900816

No true Bakkerchad would be seduced by those ugly lumps of feminine fat

>> No.19900828

Unless its skinspy with a futa fick

>> No.19900829

>Bakkerchad refusing feminine cock.
You clearly didn't read the books.

>> No.19900838

>read the books

I thought this was a shitposting club?

>> No.19900876

You need to able to get the references

>> No.19900885

These people don't know that it's meme-posting for us, but shit-posting for them.

>> No.19900943
File: 85 KB, 568x909, kellhus_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it trouble you, Proyas?

>> No.19900967
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x1200, 1637466341284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bakker's editor listens to this type of music.

>> No.19901000

> 5 Years after the release of The Unholy Consult, reddit user IamSp00ky spends all day bashing Bakker's editor on /sffg/ and picking fights with him on reddit.
> archive.ph / bHIRV

>> No.19901002

M*dness1 singlehandedly ruined Bakker's writing career as well as his personal life. The sniveling wastrel should be brought before the Judges and delivered Ordealman's justice swiftly and without mercy for his countless dishonorable deeds.

>> No.19901008

Who wants to shill Bakker for this guy https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/soriwv/looking_for_a_consequential_fantasy_novel/

>> No.19901009

can we just range ban all americans?
just want to talk about fucking books

>> No.19901017

It wouldn't get rid of me.

>> No.19901029

It's 4am on the west coast, 7am on the east coast. You really wanna blame the americans?

>> No.19901032

because anyone willing to shitpost at that time over there must be some kind of no life neet

>> No.19901122

>Be me.
>IDK about women, been married since right after college, almost a decade, maybe 12?
>Look at bookshelf and Audible account.
>At least 12 sci-fi books on each
>I have never had sex
>Stand up filled with the horror of recognition
>Feel the horns erupt from my skull
>Walk to bedroom, stack up fantasy and sci-fi books next to my sleeping wife, my evidence
>Walk to next room
>Scoop up "my" son, who cannot be due to my virginity
>Place him atop pyre of fantasy books
>Begin screaming the word whore
>Better to suffer in truth than live in ignorance

>> No.19901140

>"D-d-did anyone read Broken Empire. I liked it."
>"Yeah... I enjoyed it."

>> No.19901161
File: 813 KB, 2560x2560, 48897284._UY2560_SS2560_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite enjoyed sixteen ways to defend a walled city. Just finished picrel.
What did I think of it?

>> No.19901199

>just want to talk about fucking books
No one's stopping you.

>> No.19901210

just like how nothing's stopping you from dining inside a public restroom except the odor of other people's excrements

>> No.19901211

I have no fucking idea where that link leads to, but I'm no clicking on it.

And for the record, I had no fucking idea who this Madness1 guy was until someone mentioned him here a couple of days ago. They also made certain that we would find his R*ddit account.

Not my problem.

>> No.19901219


>> No.19901243

Yet here you are, in the toilet. Freely and willingly.

>> No.19901353

You enjoyed it and generally have no complaints.

>> No.19901360

Decided to just make a filter for Bakker, working out so far. Also yes this comment is filtered for me.

>> No.19901378

I'm gonna do this too

>> No.19901381
File: 15 KB, 225x225, lataus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me stories with shortstacks

>> No.19901420

Shut the fuck up you false flagging europoor.

>> No.19901437

Recommend me some books with romance elements

>> No.19901458

Not my problem B*kker is King

>> No.19901469
File: 567 KB, 1500x2250, 91dh7dkjhgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come once again to spread the word of this book. 1300's knight comes upon a girl in black death ravaged france, she isn't what she seems and he has to escort her to the Pope for reasons unknown. It's dark and there is demons.
un-pozzed and based

>> No.19901497

This. B*kker is the only reason why this general hasn't died yet.

>> No.19901585

What settings do you guys prefer? A fantasy/sci Fi setting within our world or parallel to it? Like if you had two books, all things equal, do you like a purely fantasy world where everything is made up and may have parallels to modernity or our history but it is not earth or do you appreciate authors that envision the future or tie things into our history like Philip K Dick or Robert Heinlein settings where you know you are dealing with our own universe? I feel like a complete fantasy setting is easier to suspend disbelief. The task of writing a future or past story in our history is much more of a challenge in my opinion, but that doesn't make it more successful or better. A book set in our world or history can have a stronger personal connection or commentary about humanity however it also can suffer because it takes away from the "lose yourself factor" in a fantastical setting that many readers of fiction love.

>> No.19901643

Based. Filtering out bakker is the best idea this thread came up with. Do it antibakker bros.

>> No.19901675
File: 346 KB, 921x1416, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finished the quadrology I've been posting about.
>Book 1 >= Book 2 > Book 3 >>>>>> Book 4
I hate to say it but man was the last book a total letdown, a complete disappointment. I saw a review that stated publisher issues, with cutting content and book length which would explain it. The author also apparently stated that he might write another book in the series but considering Book 4 came out in 2006, and it hasn't happened yet, my hopes are nonexistent.
A good solid 60% of the book is straight up hard sci-fi astronaut training. The book primarily hyperfocuses upon Herzer, one of the main protags, who went from being a flawed person in book 1 searching for a purpose in life to becoming a kind of... almost perfect stereotypical romance novel lead slash plot device, especially with so much detail given toward his funky relationship with Megan and him living in a shared apartment with her plus the other harem girls rescued with her. Book 4 barely shows many of the other prominent cast members, even the bad guys therefore you get zero closure with their stories since 1) the war is still ongoing at the end of this book and 2) several characters who show up often in previous books are reduced to absence or a handful of lines.
It felt like a damn side story and I'm left with no answers, no closure, and a sense of longing that I can never recover.
Any other great series that you devoured, only to shit the bed at the very end? Preferably lesser known titles, not stuff like Dark Tower that has been discussed to death.

>> No.19901708
File: 28 KB, 375x500, 41RY4zeAI1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like with earth history in SciFi

>> No.19901750

How far in the future? Centuries or thousands of years into the future? Do you like seeing remnants of the past like say us looking back to the 17th, 18th, or 19th centuries and having a certain degree of understanding about the world, or do you like looking back thousands of years in the Frank Hebert setting where the past is so distant that your understanding of it is like studying the bronze age in our modernity?

>> No.19901786
File: 420 KB, 1023x1600, foundation_and_empire_Michael_Whelan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A week ago I saw the trailer for the Foundation TV series and it looked awful, but that reminded me that the trilogy was my favorite books as a teenager, so I've been rereading them. So far I've read "Foundation" and "Foundation and Empire".
The first book is far worse than I remember, the first two stories are intriguing but after that it becomes self-defeating and boring, the Foundation is supposed to triumph over the Kingdoms because of historical necessity, when in the end it wins because Salvor Hardin and Hober Mallow are smug smart assholes and everyone else are retarded.
Foundation and Empire, on the other hand, is still great. The General finally shows the Seldon Plan in action, and The Mule is exciting and full of cool twists.

>> No.19901796

you can watch it
at least the empire part, if only for the visuals
the genetic dynasty thing was cool.

>> No.19901814
File: 85 KB, 1917x810, ironic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, there is something that I realized when rereading it with hindsight.
When the Darells and Ebling Miss go to Trantor to find the location of the Second Foundation, Han Pritcher argues that the Mule is good because he's unifying the galaxy faster than the Foundation, but Miss responds that the Mule must be stopped because he has thrown the Seldon Plan into disarray and his victory condemns Humanity to the despotism of a new race of superhuman mutants with mentalic powers, but then when you read Second Foundation it is revealed that such scenario is precisely the aim of the Seldon Plan.
Makes you wonder if the foundationers would have join up with the Mule against the Second Foundation if they knew the truth.

>> No.19901823

Hmm yea I would probably say the latter where it takes place far off and our time right now is like the dark ages. I'm thinking like Hyperion when they talk about pre-hegira and the Big Mistake. Even though Hyperion doesn't really go into a huge amount of detail about that time period it's really the only example I can think of atm sorry I can't be more help

>> No.19901833

Don't really have the time, if I had I would watch Boba Fett instead of that nonsense. At least my monkey brain would enjoy looking at the EU references.

>> No.19901837

come on anon...
have a little more self respect

>> No.19901884

This is a B4$$ëř general, faggot. The measure of 8aķķerchads is unceasing

>> No.19901908
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>> No.19901913

Based keep doing it antibakker bros. We're literally mindbreaking the bakkerunts.

>> No.19901966
File: 36 KB, 324x499, 51a56gtKdYL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how they throw the Seldon plan in the trashbin in favour of a Gaia theory galaxy in Foundation's Edge. It left me wondering if Galaxia was really the best option for the galaxy.

>> No.19901976

Appreciate your input

>> No.19901984

Boba is equally awful

>> No.19901990

nah, it's worse than the foundation in the sense that it isn't even visually appealing.

>> No.19901995

Honestly, at the end I was rooting for mayor Branno, she was a cunt but at least she was not a secret cabal of mutants or robots trying to restore a shittier Eternity.

>> No.19902229
File: 51 KB, 700x394, 1616868481618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for a dark fantasy series with intense battles, pitch black lore, highly intellectual themes that dovetail into real world philosophy, poignant character psychology, and just a hint of Lovecraftian horror. Is there anything out there like this?

>> No.19902238

sorry, nah

>> No.19902242
File: 148 KB, 605x1000, 1642023807230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19902250

that's unfortunate, thanks for answering anyway.

>> No.19902251

You're basically describing The Second Apocalypse series by R. Scott Bakker.

>> No.19902321
File: 210 KB, 838x983, 1615719852294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no B*kk*erchads!!


>> No.19902362
File: 37 KB, 317x475, shit_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one autist constantly shitposting about Bakker or is Bakker the latest /sffg/ meme as BotNS was?

>> No.19902370

>the latest
This has been going on in frequent intervals for several years, my new friend.

>> No.19902401
File: 833 KB, 1136x2008, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you recommend me books where the protagonist is evil as fuck?
>Already read pic related and Elric

>> No.19902421
File: 1.53 MB, 1242x1126, 1619810341486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19902513

>didn't look at your image before I read your post
>thought of that book anyway

>> No.19902698
File: 61 KB, 300x400, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19902699

I will literally never read this.

>> No.19902700


>> No.19902701



>> No.19902714

Scott Bakker vs Gu Zhen Ren

>> No.19902737

Based supermegachad Fang Yuan vs bakkertrannyfaggotniggerjanny

>> No.19902765
File: 2.14 MB, 3024x3024, 1618996122581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it trouble you?

>> No.19902805

You will never be a woman, anon. It doesn't really trouble me.

>> No.19902873

You seem troubled.

>> No.19902941
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's yet another tranny projects onto others episode

>> No.19903044
File: 41 KB, 346x520, 1628545747860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you.

I'm pregnant.

>> No.19903068

I read Ship of Fools recently. I was enjoying it, because I thought it was maybe going somewhere interesting, but it kind of turned out to be a wet fart.
Also, I couldn't help cracking up laughing every time someone said "Father Veronica". Please tell me that's just made up as part of the future-space Catholicism thing they had going, and that idolaters don't really have women priests that they call father. I want my sci-fi to be a little bit believable at least.

>> No.19903136
File: 3.18 MB, 3500x3500, Isekai and Gamelit Recs V2 SFFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Simple as.

>> No.19903140

you're constipated

>> No.19903146

Bakk*r is the most progressive writer on /sffg/.

>> No.19903156

sounds exactly like Black Death starring Sean Bean

>> No.19903161

I need something new to read. Give me one of those books and I'll read that next

>> No.19903166

Hidden tower

>> No.19903177

And yet he can seduce literal neo-nazis into being his fans.

I can't get over how good he is at depicting patriarchy, religious fanaticism, etc. simultaneously from the inside and from outside.

>> No.19903208
File: 14 KB, 251x251, 1615918673119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't understand nuanced critique.

>> No.19903229
File: 183 KB, 658x1000, malazan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malazan has this in the background too, but it is not up to you face constantly you have to put it together aacross multiple book just how fucked everyone is.
But yeah, >>19902242 is the obvious answer.

>> No.19903231

Many such cases in the low IQ community.

>> No.19903236

He is a progressive tranny

>> No.19903279

I've listened, it's next my reading list my good anon. Reminds me a bit of the kino game Darklands

>Any other great series that you devoured, only to shit the bed at the very end?
Eisenhorn trilogy. It's blatantly obvious the author discovery writes and it catches up to him. Also nice review.

>> No.19903292

I almost feel no need to call out the bakkerfaggots for being faggots today, y'all have done a good enough job of shitting the thread up on your own.

>> No.19903331

Not my problem.

>> No.19903334


How is such a writer able to encompass both sides of the political spectrum so hard? I've never read him, but this is making me increasingly curious.

>> No.19903347
File: 140 KB, 1751x717, 1613195309087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't even last one week.

>> No.19903357

What a manchild.

>> No.19903364

The very moment he encompassed leftist political side his work became meaningless garbage.

>> No.19903392

She's not wrong....

>> No.19903409

This. Bakkerites are ascended. We have full control over our libidos. Our actions are as amoral as a hurricane or an earthquake.

When we fuck, and we do FUCK, it is to dominate circumstance, to condition the ground on which we stand. Which means, when we fuck, it is normally strong men that we fuck, that we might better have advantage over the.

The few, the Conditioned... are hard gays.

>> No.19903420
File: 215 KB, 500x500, 435dfc69dfbf2378efb06036d8c8a5e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm goint to read that one next. You'll hear from me

>> No.19903441

Library of Mount Char and Choice of Magic is not gamelit/isekai. Who knows how much the rest of this list is mislabeled garbage.

>> No.19903443

I'm going to have to reread all of the black company now and put port of shadows in it's place chronologically, glen cook did a real good job of matching the tone and feel of the old books, right down to everybody ribbing croaker for his girlfriend.

>> No.19903447

As an atheist I find lotr hard to appreciate

>> No.19903454

How many more times are you going to keep posting the same shit? The faggot who made that image is just shitposting and doesn’t read.

>> No.19903479

I read everything on that list, how is that shitposting?

>> No.19903491

>Not having the intellectual ability to embody the author you are currently reading

>> No.19903497

I insulted his previous OC list disguised as a /sffg/-consensual list, on numerous occasions but you are correct in that it is all fruitless.

>> No.19903533

There is something hilarious about Bakker.

It feels like Akka / Kellhus and Niel/Bible are the Bakker Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde.

You have the not particularly strong academic type. He is assailed by doubts. He feels too much. He falls in love, he finds himself in moral quandaries, vascilating between deontological strictures and utilitarian calculus. What Bakker is, an academic who plays DnD and a family man.

And then there is Kellhus/Niel, the machinelike intellect. The mind that sees the absolute ground and judges all in its own terms. Nietzsche's ubermensch ethically, a Hegelian Absolute Knower intellectually, a Japanese shokshinbitsu suicide monk in terms of willpower and denial of the self. What Bakker's studies told him he could be, and maybe what he approaches at his best in the areas of his greatest talent.

And so he has these two inserts play out their parts in his stories, and the stories I personally find really great. But then he invariably has his Mr. Hyde proceed to cuckold and then butffuck himself, the non-idealized, weaker self...

I mean... that's fucking funny. And smart, he'd have to pay a psychoanalysts $80,000 to keep pushing him to free write to come up with whatever insight that is. I am guessing it is a complex, lol.

>> No.19903534

How the fuck can you make a "consensual sffg list", you insipid faggot?

Whenever someone tries to get votes, faggets give the links to rebbit or other forums and the votes get skewed. If you want a chart, make it and place sffg on it, no one is stopping you.

I've been doing it since 2014 and I wouldn't be stopping now.

Go Fuck Yourself and actually read a book instead of looking for a post to shitpost on.

>> No.19903562

If I didn't read books, I wouldn't have known that you mislabel your shit lists. It takes talent to contradict your own argument so quickly.

>> No.19903570
File: 2.71 MB, 1740x1667, 1617082695681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one true list.

>> No.19903583

Did you genuinely find a cover and rescale each of them individually? I'm in awe at your patience.

>> No.19903596

It's easy to do that. Most covers have the same aspect ratio.

>> No.19903607

Vurt is hard to read?
Thanks for reminding me, I have to re-read that one.

>> No.19903611

Did you really read legend of arch magus??

>> No.19903624


>> No.19903668

Where do I go after LOTR?

>> No.19903696

Does it explain why everyone struggles on despite God controlling everything, predestining everything and ultimately being responsible for even the destruction of the ring?

>> No.19903706
File: 3.54 MB, 1280x720, 1621107353965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of the canon.

>> No.19903714

Yes. The ebook version has errors, but podium did a great job of proof reading/ professional editing them.

>> No.19903720

Unfinished Tales

>> No.19903724

Read it again

>> No.19903786

Is it true that George RR Martin spends too much time explaining his world?

>> No.19903809

Decided to blind buy some books
The Membrane and a random book called road of bones
excited to finally read something new, even if they turn out to be shit, I missed this, reading random books

>> No.19903815

Some call it world building, but personally for George, I call it food building.

>> No.19903821

What kind of story do you want?

>> No.19903825
File: 62 KB, 500x351, 1642991733948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decided to blind buy some books

>> No.19903828

it's fun, like a little adventure
didn't even read the reviews

>> No.19903848

Something dark with intense battles, pitch black lore, highly intellectual themes that dovetail into real world philosophy, poignant character psychology, and just a hint of Lovecraftian horror.

>> No.19903849

Wait, you usually shop by first reading reviews?
Fuck, picking random shit up off the secondhand shelves is my standard!

>> No.19903855

I absolutely loathe wasting my time with useless shit. Yes, you MIGHT have a good surprise but don't count on it. And don't even compare it to food, because the analogy is not even close.

>> No.19903857

I usually only pirate books, and books I think are worth owning in hardcover, and since pirating sites aren't great at showing you different books, I usually only download with intention

>> No.19903860

>and books I think are worth owning
and buy books I think are worth owning

>> No.19903869

Are there any modern sf novels that are primarily about biotechnology?

>> No.19903870

>I usually only pirate books
When I pirate books I get huge bundles off of demonoid.
But I cant stand screen reading, even with a book that sucks me in I get constantly distracted by other things on the device, like this tab interrupting my current .pdf

>> No.19903873

I have an E-reader so that's not a problem for me

>> No.19903875

> Niel/Bible
I love The Second Apocalypse but I can't make it through Neuropath. I can't take the philosophical wanking about The Argument seriously, because I internalised compatibilism too deeply long ago. The muddled philosophy is fine in TSA because the characters expounding it are confused and deceived just like everyone else. But in Neuropath Bible is clearly meant as a seer of hard truths who's right when everone else is deluded.

Nice observations though.

>> No.19903882

gtfo with this false-flagging bakker-baiting copypasta

It troubles me

>> No.19903888
File: 488 KB, 600x450, 1636066813844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look no further than Dune by Frank Herbert young masters

>> No.19903890

This post >>19903848 wasn’t me, but something with lots of battles would be nice, also lore that’s unique and not just your typical fantasy tropes

>> No.19903899

You’ll have better chance of finding it yourself. This place is just full of shitposts and spam at this point.

>> No.19903902

Who is me?

>> No.19903906

stop acting like such an american

>> No.19903909

Seconding >>19903899

>> No.19903913

But I'm American and my name is Me, you fucking retard. So yes, that was my post.

>> No.19903920
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>> No.19903928
File: 47 KB, 296x475, 18085117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and the sequels. Depending on where you live it might be difficult to find a copy though.

>> No.19903929

Yeah, you want The Second Apocalypse series by R. Scott Bakker.

> I am looking for a dark fantasy series with intense battles, pitch black lore, highly intellectual themes that dovetail into real world philosophy, poignant character psychology, and just a hint of Lovecraftian horror. Is there anything out there like this?
is a copy pasta that describes bakker to a t, that people keep spamming in every other thread

At this point I don't know if it's false flaggers or bakkerfags doing it

>> No.19903930
File: 391 KB, 1600x787, 1620639003591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically what you're looking for.

>> No.19903935

Fs in the chat.

>> No.19903948

>I have an E-reader
putting it on a mobile screen doesn't help any, I just go check the computer.
It's not that distractions are on the device with the ebook, it's that electronic pages don't suck me in for hours of straight reading without even knowing I'm thirsty, hungry and need to use the washroom until i finish the book.

>> No.19903950

/sffg/ really is dying.

>> No.19903963

Not my problem.

>> No.19903964

you can thank the americans for that.

>> No.19903968

>intense battles,
Tower at charm, seige of dejagore, etc...
>pitch black lore,
The domination
>highly intellectual themes that dovetail into real world philosophy,
This one you can argue with me on, but its a very ends justifies the means world.
>poignant character psychology,
All of the taken, old and new, are psych cases
>and just a hint of Lovecraftian horror.
>Is there anything out there like this?
Black Company.

>is a copypasta that describes bakker to a T
Maybe if that's the only author you;ve ever read, but it's vague and if I cared to I'm sure I could find a couple more series on my shelves that fit it.

>> No.19903969

Of course, it's not your problem, redditfag.

>> No.19903979

I heard mixed messages about SixteenWaysToDefendaWalledCity. Why did you put it that low in yout list anon?
How can it be better than AMemoryCalledEmpire, that IMO was truly terrible, depsite some good ideas.

>> No.19903983 [DELETED] 
File: 978 KB, 300x400, 1632640630404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course, it's not your problem, redditfag.

>> No.19903988

I only read Bakker, Wolfe, Tolkien and Herbert.

The rest was literally put together randomly based on how I felt at the time.

>> No.19903989
File: 949 KB, 1260x2066, liesoflockelamora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set in a fantasy world similar to the Italian city states during the Renaissance period, you can't go wrong with the rich lore and world building by Scott Lynch. It's about very clever thieves that plan elaborate heists. The protagonist is an anti-hero that lives by a code of loyalty in a world where there are betrayals around every corner. The magic users are complete assholes that monopolize on their services by charging extremely high rates to any rich man able to afford them. There is a lot of humor and also some pretty dark events as well. The villains are great, in fact they are such dicks that it really sucks you into the story hoping that the score can be settled. Personally, nothing makes me hate a villain more than when they betray the protagonists in the most brutal way. It really is a good mix up from having a dark lord to deal with. Lot's of well researched real world history as well as a very nice flavorful fantasy mixed in. I'm on the second book in the series right now but I can tell you so far the series puts a twist on your typical fantasy tropes in many ways. It's good pros as well.

>> No.19903996

Cause the list is shit and got shat on when it first appeared.

>> No.19904003

Sorry if the list hurt your feelings.

Grow up.

>> No.19904017

Gormenghast should be moved two steps to the left

>> No.19904040
File: 644 KB, 1600x2096, 1638755721321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just finished the Lord of the Rings, and I'm really sorry to day this, as I know it will trigger some of you, but Tolkien is really, and I mean REALL really bland.

Why is he so hyped?

>> No.19904045

because it wasn't bland then.
he defined the genre.
That's why he is bland now
Everything you know of fantasy was likely stolen from/inspired by him.

>> No.19904047

Because Christianity is great

>> No.19904055
File: 72 KB, 490x490, 1643990735639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, between the lack of diversity, absolutely ZERO lgbt+ characters and everything in between I just felt that it was... well not deep AT ALL! The entire thing felt airbrushed. That plus absolutely zero sex scenes ;..;. Oh, and definitely a little bit misogynistic and patriarchal as seen by Aragorn and Eowyn and even Elrond.

>> No.19904056

Exactly, why hasn’t that chud been canceled?

>> No.19904057

Samwise is CLEARLY bisexual

>> No.19904058


>> No.19904065
File: 421 KB, 1280x1920, 1644428037835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, you wish, chud.
The new series looks better, desu.
I thought he liked frodo, until he got married.

>> No.19904068

Because it's a story you have already read, watched in a movie, or played in a video game likely many times over already. That and the writing style may have been "boring" to you.

>> No.19904072
File: 52 KB, 1000x584, baitzkrieg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try.

>> No.19904081

Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm trans myself and he's just too old for the current Zeitgeist.

Just a piece of warning. If you want more spicy fantasy, whatever you do, do NOT read B*kk*r

>> No.19904100

>Idiots replying to bait
Jesus Christ, all you fags do is shit up /sffg/.

>> No.19904107

Then make a post about books instead of replying to the shitposting bait replying replyers.

>> No.19904111
File: 482 KB, 1600x1344, web novels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19904121

worth the candle was Not worth the candle

>> No.19904169

I'm an asian trans woman and I love Tolkien
Currently doing a re-read and my appreciation just keeps on getting greater
I wish I could be the asian version of Tolkien

>> No.19904194

What’s the point if a small number are dedicated in shitting up the thread?

>> No.19904315
File: 32 KB, 325x500, 41dAt+PsbFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly recommend this short story, its about 46 pages. Anyone have some good fantasy short stories they'd like to share? I like demonic stuff

Bohemia. 1370. A lost soul named Galien leads a band of hardened mercenaries on a mission for Mother Church. But in the dark forests of central Europe, a darker secret awaits.

>> No.19904382

I figured Neuropath was that way on purpose. It's after TDTCB, which has more nuance by far.

Neuropath is heavy handed eliminativism in the most hard edged, arrogant way possible. Then the narrative and sci-fi elements go on to show it's essentially true. And it packages this with a fairly standard horror thriller along the lines of something like Sharp Objects.

It isn't great, but it's pretty unique in what it does and it does it well, which is take disturbing facts about research and present it as horror, with the requisite blood and sex to keep it moving.

But yeah, it's not particularly deep.

>> No.19904484

Recommend me a trilogy of fantasy novels that takes place both 2,000 years in the future and 2,000 years in the past

>> No.19904490

doesn't exist, sorry

>> No.19904491
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>> No.19904495

that's unfortunate, thanks anyway

>> No.19904500

Thank you. What is it about?

>> No.19904504

Stop impersonating me scumbag

>> No.19904508

I wasn't trying to. Was genuinely curious about what >>19904491 posted.

>> No.19904511

nice try, even a dumb fuck american wouldn't fall for that

>> No.19904516


>> No.19904517

Something dark with intense battles, pitch black lore, highly intellectual themes that dovetail into real world philosophy, poignant character psychology, and just a hint of Lovecraftian horror. It also happens in the 2000 year time period that you mentioned.

>> No.19904518

Recommend a fantasy novel where the main character is a blonde haired, blue eyed man named Kellhus.

>> No.19904521
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>> No.19904531

Sounds KINO, ngl.

>> No.19904533

You fags really want to kill /sffg/

>> No.19904538
File: 2.54 MB, 472x309, 1621888629465.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books for this feel?

>> No.19904539

it was dead a long time ago
this is just the festering corpse that americans can't help but rape even further

>> No.19904544


>> No.19904549

After lurking ITT for a week, I can conclude that the anti-Bakkerfags are the ones contributing to the demise of /Sffg/ substantially more than the Bakkerfags. Yeah the Bakkerfags are annoying but they actually discuss books, the anti-Bakkerfags are the ones constantly false flagging and engaging in general schizophrenic behavior because they don’t like an author.

>> No.19904551

>After lurking ITT for a week
>IP doesn't change
Whatever you say.

>> No.19904554

>because they can't read an author.

>> No.19904556

Why do asian people eat live worms? I'll never understand this.

>> No.19904577

I can't help it, I've had too much Meat

>> No.19904580

This should be obvious by now.

>> No.19904584

Bakker is just a scape goat now.

>> No.19904608

Because you can so easily link my posts about Bakker's faggot spawn with those I make discussing real literature?
The two have almost nothing in common, sometimes not even posting IP.
The Bakkerfags are worse because they can't leave it out of any of their posts.

>> No.19904614

Nice deflection, false-flagger. You won't trick anyone here.

>> No.19904617

This is some cope, no cap, frfr

>> No.19904621

>no cap
They don't even pretend they're shit-posting now.

>> No.19904624

i dont think i have ever pretended when I shitpost

>> No.19904639

Newfags have no subtlety, especially crossboarders.

>> No.19904646

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.19904661

Damn. I will 100% read Bakker now, even if only to make the False Flaggers and Shit Posters seethe more.

>> No.19904670

These retards don't understand that the exact opposite will happen when they incessantly spam Bakker's name here.

>> No.19904679

Found this strange blog that makes Bakker references constantly https://literalexplanationrequired.com

No I'm not the blogger, I just google Bakker stuff semiregularly

>> No.19904687

>CTR+F "Bakker"
>41 times

What the actual fuck?!

>> No.19904739

Yes! Go on and read the buttsecks! That'll show me.

>> No.19904746

Not him, but I will now :) unironically

>> No.19904762

I’m illiterate, recommend me a fantasy book

>> No.19904785

Bro, if you're going to talk about armies of ravenous monsters raping corpses how am I not supposed to think of Bakker?

>> No.19904786

hi, Im an newfag in /lit/, what do you guys think about the three body problem trilogy, I liked it :)

>> No.19904825

>Positive article looking at the Bell Curve, doesn't even mention the ducking racism.

Yeah, another data point for Bakker belonging on /pol/.

>> No.19904836

Green Eggs and Ham - Dr.Seuss

>> No.19904899

Dune is the most non-Tolkien book ever, and its a good thing

>> No.19904926

Thesis: Tolkien
Antithesis: Dune
Synthesis: Bakker

>> No.19904932

Rather than anime, and this may be splitting hairs, Sanderson reminds me of Tokusatsu (literally 'special effects') shows like Super Sentai (power rangers) and Kamen Rider the way so much of his worldbuilding is cantered around various colour coded Orders of power-havers.

The anime criticism is mostly directed at his action scenes, with the assumption being that their are overly kinetic and have an overreliance on special abilities that rob them of weight and a feeling of consequence. I actually think they are anime because they largely feature people describing what they are going to do, rather than doing it. Sanderson presents a graveyard of action, rather than anything truly visceral and high octane.

>> No.19904962

Very interesting indeed

>> No.19905039

non-antithesis: Tolkien
non-thesis: Dune
non-unantithesis: Bakker

>> No.19905051

The actual synthesis of that equation is Wolfe, ignorant bakkuck.

>> No.19905067

Wolfe sucks

>> No.19905149

This shouldn't be an argument. He's said several times that it's based off RPGs, Final Fantasy especially, and he doesn't care about anime or other Japanese media.

>> No.19905188

I hate all of you

>> No.19905211

It isn't an argument it is a comparison, and comparisons don't require a direct line of influence from one thing to another, just that they share approximate qualities.

>> No.19905239

we love you too anon

>> No.19905343

It's also a bad comparison rife with intentional misunderstandings and emotional prejudice.

>> No.19905353

Bakker scott savors fame
Warlord of Canada conquers all
Haters defeated full of shame
Face the warlord and fucking fall

>> No.19905373

Bakker poets write with piercing hate
Like jabbing fingers penetrating a skull
Helping our King establish a state
Rising above sandi and all that is cull

>> No.19905379

Bakkertrannies run amok
Peddling their banal verse
They spill from leddit, reek like muck
The general endures a curse

>> No.19905537


>> No.19905552

Pozzed poets rage and scream
Words coming out like a turd
They know Bakker reign supreme
Bakker rules is the truest word

>> No.19905576

>The general endures a curse
thas right sanderson boi, this is a bakker general

>> No.19905813

I will, no need to be so triggered about it.

>> No.19905923

>Tolkien is really, and I mean REALL really bland.
>Why is he so hyped?
"Tolkien posed as ‘translator/editor’, just one remove from the supposed ‘manuscript’: here there is no clue as to what the narrator’s position is. It was only later and partly by the work of some critics that the default presentation frame, that of Bilbo’s compiled manuscript"

"Tolkien’s way of providing the “inner consistency of reality” to the ‘Silmarillion’ material (indeed to all his Middle-earth writings) has always been metafictional, based on philological and textual considerations. He eventually distanced his stories not only from the Anglo-Saxon world, but from consensus reality in general, working out different frameworks in which to present them, at one stage making use of the Atlantis legend and time travel. In the end, it was after The Lord of the Rings that he found the appropriate presentation frame. He kept the idea of the book (as in the ‘Golden Book’ or the ‘Book of Lost Tales’), but made it into a sElf-referential and emphatically textual one: The Silmarillion became a manuscript of compiled and translated texts from various historical periods of the fictional world, tied to a well-known character, Bilbo Baggins, hero of The Hobbit and uncle of Frodo, the hero of The Lord of the Rings. Thus, he created another philological (and necessarily historical) level inside his fiction: as opposed to ‘Tolkien philology’, dealing with relations of Tolkien texts in the real (‘primary’) world, I propose to call this ‘secondary philology’, the application of philological principles to the invented texts inside the fiction."

"mythology seems to function not ‘textually’, myths not being texts but rather (in narratological terms) stories generating innumerable plots, stories that the given culture uses in a specific way (among others, in making them into texts). “We access Greek mythology above all through text,” as Dowden writes, adding: “[b]ut texts were not the only medium for mythology.” Clunies Ross even uses the term “mythological system” to describe myths’ function “as both cognitive and communicative systems.” This network (and the collection of all textual versions of mythic stories) is termed ‘mythology’ – but, as Tolkien would have pointed out, the word etymologically refers to the telling (Gr. legein) of myths. In Classical Greece or early medieval Scandinavia, myths had as many tellings, versions, local variants, as tellers and communities: “Greek religion as a monolithic entity never existed,”"

>> No.19906022

Joke's on you, I love anal.

>> No.19906069
File: 839 KB, 1039x949, Screenshot (129).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dick owners only read one book then shit up the whole general with it

>> No.19906070
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>> No.19906082 [DELETED] 

you are being mean

>> No.19906121

Great trilogy. I feel like Liu was trying to do the Clockwork Orange ending where the whole story supports one ideology, but the last chapter suddenly twists it to support the opposite, however I don't think he built his world in a way that allows for that interpretation. Either way, good books.

>> No.19906137

Men getting BTFO'd as usual

>> No.19906157

i wonder how small brittany's cock is for her to transition

>> No.19906320


>> No.19906408
File: 47 KB, 360x450, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker thread


>> No.19906427

No! Our only purpose is to ruin this general!

>> No.19906449

Ok falseflagger. This is our main general, we have occasional side generals for fun.

>> No.19906464

Any chud core that isnt a cringy power fantasy with mary sue male mc?

>> No.19906469
File: 595 KB, 1319x2087, godEmperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and post Dune memes

I took a break after finishing God Emperor.. which I thought was *chefs kiss*.. still need to get to Heretics and Chapterhouse

>> No.19906470

The Darkness That Comes Before.

>> No.19906473

The Undying Mercenaries series by B.V Larson. The Protagonist IS a bit of a mary sue, but he's also the butt of the joke more often than not so it kind of balances out, and his whole schtick is that he pretends to be retarded when he's only actually half retarded.

>> No.19906478

Think whatever you want, but post here and be sure to ruin it for everyone who dares not to read Bakker!

>> No.19906510

It is actually a great comparison rife glacial clarity and sagacious detachment.

>> No.19906606
File: 475 KB, 723x636, Hidden Gem, Sci-Fi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19906629

love the cover of the first one

>> No.19907053

Red Rising is fucking terrible

>> No.19907129

Judging by his writing, Sanderson may not actually have words like this in his vocabulary.

>> No.19907175

May man Jeff never got enough love, I feel. Good to see him on the list.

>> No.19907346
File: 704 KB, 1500x2293, 91yZwNqxGHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern vampire novel
Is Empire of the Vampire any good?

>> No.19907608

Did he just DRINK mercury?

>> No.19907672
File: 68 KB, 660x825, Kelmomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best character and I'm tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.19907809

Yes, and?

>> No.19907855

Dead general.

>> No.19907875

I just finished the unholy consult
I was reading the ending page and somehow I thought the book will continue, it took me like five seconds to realize it was over and i was so maaad

>> No.19907898

Read the False Sun now.

>> No.19907920

Worst /sffg/ thread I've read in a long time.

>> No.19907935

Best /sffg/ thread I've read in a long time.

>> No.19907936

Thanks to whoever it was on here who suggested Guy Gavriel Kay. About halfway through Children of Earth and Sky, and it's very good. His style keeps things moving without losing too much detail, it's very impressive.

One of the minor characters is also unfathomable levels of based: "If she didn’t come with him promptly, he vowed to himself on the damnably unstable deck of the ship, he would kill her, and there wasn’t an honourable man in the world who would say a father was not entitled to do so."

>> No.19907958

>go through books I've read on amazon and sift through what else people bought or similar titles
There has got to be a better and outright more efficient method of finding self-pub than this slow tedious horseshit.

>> No.19907994

Goodreads, maybe?

I'm sure there's a self-pub community somewhere that could help, but honestly you're going to be hard pressed to find anything objective

>> No.19908020

I could probably look through user-created lists on goodreads. I'm not so much looking for reviews or anything but more simply titles to check out and see if they appeal to me. Lots of the same recs and same shit on Amazon. the gay sub for prog fantasy is as bad and biased as you can imagine

>> No.19908048
File: 2.06 MB, 1316x1948, Lesbian Fantasy, Top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19908116

This self-pubbed author's blog is attempting to be hub for new self-pub releases.

I thought about doing something like a curated selection of Goodreads lists, or a pretense of that.
Maybe someday I'll read more self-pubbed.
Here's a preliminary rough outline



>> No.19908129

reached character limit.
But then I wondered if just linking the searches rather than individual lists would be better.
I don't know if I'll actually do anything with it. There are many different random ideas I don't pursue.


>> No.19908200

Where is the magical engineering?

>> No.19908212

Look at his 2nd post again

>> No.19908267

>The Rise of Kyoshi
I bet the rest of that list is shit as well

>> No.19908282
File: 91 KB, 1080x1080, jeribased_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker? I hardly knew her!

>> No.19908313

have you only read the first one?

>> No.19908319


>> No.19908345

Is Gideon the Ninth any good? I heard the first and second one were confusing and hearing that makes me interested in reading them. Is it confusing in a good way or bad way?

>> No.19908452

That depends on what you want from it. It's definitely a modern science fiction fantasy and all that entails. The second book is very heavy on fanfiction.

>> No.19908552

reading left hand of darkness for my first ""hardcore scifi"". so far really interesting and lots of funny insights but I find it weird that Ursula keeps attributing deprecating adjectives to femininity being a woman herself

>> No.19908570

ok so I'm reading the wiki article and it's regarded as a feminist work, maybe my interpretation will change throughout the rest of the reading

>> No.19908586

Is Dune a depressing, nihilistic story? I saw the movie and loved it, so I wanted to read the book. Can I avoid all the cynical tragedy if I read only the first book? Or would it be silly to do that

>> No.19908597

What do you mean heavy on fanfiction?

>> No.19908626

The author is also a fanfiction writer and after the success of her first book she felt like she had a lot more freedom to do whatever she wanted and the overall response from her fans, mostly young women as is to be expected, is that doing so was wonderful. So, the second book has a lot of fanfiction fandom tropes and conventions. Here's one example that's in the second book:

I wrote more of this in my write-up when it was a /sffg/ read.

>> No.19908644
File: 216 KB, 500x500, edgy smoking anime face for le depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19908669

fucking hate coffee and this meme status it has acquired

>> No.19908732

Bakkers books suck but it’s based how hard they make women seethe

>> No.19908832

Okay thanks for the information. I'll try the first one out and see how I like it

>> No.19908951


>> No.19909027

>>19903869 again, while I didn't get any recommendations, has anyone here read Change Agent by Daniel Suarez? Is it any good?

>> No.19909031

I'm just starting to get into the 40k Lore. I took the advice, "just kind of jump in, you'll figure it out." My first entry was Know No Fear by Abnett, followed by Eisenhorn in the Xenos trilogy to kind of get a taste of the world.
Horus Rising a good proper jumping off point?

>> No.19909052

What level of autism do you have to be on to enjoy this shit

>> No.19909078

No, but Suarez is bad and I don't like it. Pop technothriller trash. There are those here who like that sort of thing though and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.19909087

100% agree and not even out of contrarianism.

>> No.19909093

Imagine centering your entire identity around frustration rather than actually accomplishing something.

>> No.19909099

Ah well that sucks, pop thriller is not really what I'm looking for. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.19909104

This was before Le Guin decided to become a feminist. She wrote an essay about how she wished her early works were different and how she changed over the years.

>> No.19909126

or for some longer detail:

>> No.19909143

Wouldn't image based works be better for this request than text based?

>> No.19909165

>post on 4chan
You don't get to choose.

>> No.19909174

I might try it based on the multiple 5 star ratings, if only to probably to ruin the fun.

>> No.19909184

praise be!

>> No.19909193

How couldn't it be? It's women writing about women for women.

>> No.19909263


>> No.19909284

Looks like you rolled a 2

>> No.19909292

Where is the goddam bakkernigger when you need him

>> No.19909298

Removing vandalism on his Wikipedia page

>> No.19909315


>> No.19909317

Maybe we'll finally have threads only made when this one is about to be archived again.

>> No.19909392

Hours heresy series gets really bloated and it’s definitely not worth reading all 50+ books. There are definitely some standouts but as a whole there are better 40k books/series. The first 5 would be a good start if you’re going to commit, and then finding guides which ones are good/important to read after that.
I would recommend finishing the Eisenhorn series and then the Ravenor series to follow up.
The books by Peter Fehervari are good for darker, more cosmic horror type novels.
The Ciaphas Cain books are probably the next best starting books, they’re a bit more lighthearted and show the universe quite well.

>> No.19910642

Women are way harsher on each other than men, and if they're not they're trying to run some kind of grift. See also Tanith Lee.

Tehanu still isn't feminist.