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19900721 No.19900721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you are so smart, then why don't you have a girlfriend?

I mean, with all the knowledge you have, getting a gf should be easy.

>> No.19900728

Ive had six so far, I think I'm happier alone. Women are a headache

>> No.19900734

I've never tried and never will

>> No.19900744

i do have a girlfriend

>> No.19900745
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If you missed out on teen romance it's over
>highschool pussy
Free, sweet, inexperienced, purely hormonal and sexual
>aging roast
Expensive, bitchy, used up, entitled

>> No.19900746

What benefit is it to me?

>> No.19900765

I do have a girlfriend. She's the best. Better than Ken for sure.

>> No.19900769

Social phobia

Even when girls openly hit on me, I couldn’t act upon it

>> No.19900778

I have a fetish for men that I developed from years of inceldom and porn addiction :(
I can’t get it up for women

>> No.19900781

You gay, nigga

>> No.19900787


>> No.19900790

the 48 laws of power, propaganda, and how to win friends and influence people

>> No.19900792

Women significantly reduce the amount of time that one can spend reading. I'd rather read an extra few hundred books than marry some woman that I'm statistically likely to divorce anyway.

>> No.19900795


>> No.19900797

I ain't smart

>> No.19900799

i dunno i just kept asking girls out until one said yes

>> No.19900803

too smart for gf

>> No.19900808
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I have a gf

>> No.19900818

I've had several. Not once did my reading contribute anything meaningful.

>> No.19900830

He's not wrong. Unless your gf is into reading/studying as well she'll expect you to make time for her and other activities, which may not necessarily include reading.

t. actually in a relationship

>> No.19900832
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this, but also reading joyce helps you being human

>> No.19900847

I used to simp for this bitch back in the day when she was cutesy and autistic. Too bad she became just another attention whore. Onlyfans when?

>> No.19900852

The idea of a woman being attracted to me, and actually loving me doesn't feel possible. For whatever reason I think myself different from normal people in that regard, I can't think of anything about me that would attract them
Whenever my looks or personality is complemented the first thought that comes to mind is "really? why?"
When I try to be objective I realize I'm at least decent looking. I am not boring, I can have conversations. I have good hygiene. At the very least I can attract an average girl.
But in the moment I'm am the ugliest weirdest person on Earth
I feel like something is off about me

>> No.19900879

Not only do I not have a girlfriend I also don't have a job or a house

>> No.19900887

Why do people respond to these types of threads? Just pathetic, low effort, no content, fucking retard thread. Are there any old fags left on this site?

>> No.19900912

girls want money, kid

they don't give a shit about philosophy and books or high IQ knowledge or whatever nonsense

you want your cock sucked? get a high paying job and earn lots of money

books ain't nothing but a distraction from real life

enjoy being cucked soon

>> No.19900914

Because no one cares about books, you stupid fucking nerd. Have sex.

>> No.19900917
File: 2.35 MB, 950x1080, perfect girlfriend.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're so smart, why don't you have two girlfriends?

>> No.19900934

i only have one penis :(

>> No.19901467

i feel exactly like this bro. Though attention i get from women always feels so good and it lingers in my head ( at least until i ruin it with introspection) despite me not really understanding why anyone would find me an attractive person ( at least until i ruin it with introspection).

I also have a really bad problem with trying to flirt with them. when i put myself in the womans place and imagine me flirting with them, i feel like puking in my mouth. obviously this isnt rational and almost certainly completely stupid. but i simply cant not feel that way.

I think i just need more experience to be honest. and sorry for the shitty writing. ^^

>> No.19901489

If you're so smart, why do you only have one penis?

>> No.19901503
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>> No.19901516

because I live in kazakhstan

>> No.19901565

I have a thicc korean gf

>> No.19901573

Does she have trans-generational PTSD from the War?

>> No.19901578

It seems you have failed to consider the fact that I am fat, ugly and boring.

>> No.19901579
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High standards and six or so years of isolation. I've had one proper gf but I can't be bothered to find more.that and I'm probably disordered in numerous, exciting ways.

And I talk to myself.

>> No.19901582

Still unanswered.

>> No.19901583

Sometimes I'm slightly glad when my gf would cancel plans because then I could stay home and read finally

>> No.19901587

Oh and I used to be fat and hated myself as much as the people around me did. Now I'm very /fit/ and just alienated. I like to write little viginettes in my notebook

>> No.19901595

I missed the goalposts for when those things actually matter and are transformative. I suspect I could get one if I put the effort in, but I would just be pretending to care, pretending to love. Like when I pretend I care about how the cashier is doing today.
Those key moments in your adolescents where you are primed by hormones and neuroplasticity to incorporate another person in to your sense of self at a primordial level are missed and gone.

Sometimes I think of getting one to make my parents happy and dumping or divorcing her the day they die.

>> No.19901601

no but her mom does

>> No.19901623

I have a boyfriend. He doesn't read books and likes substances a bit too much, but we do homosexual things so I can't complain.

>> No.19901632

Have you always been gay? Do you think it's possible to choose, or learn to be? I hate women so much it's unreal but still desire them.

>> No.19901633

Yes, I am smart
Yes, I am good looking
Yes, I have women approach me
Yes, I am disgusted by them
Yes, I tell them I see them as children

I spend my time studying, reading and hanging out with friends. Hooking up with some whore at a party is just gross and most women I can't stand being around for more than a few hours a day

>> No.19901641

I am gay because I was diddled man, sorry

>> No.19901662


>> No.19901798

I do have a girlfriend. I hate her. Dating sucks. If I could just remember how much I hate having a gf when I'm single I'd never date. But somehow being out of a relationship for 4-6 months makes me forget that dating a woman to have sex with her is like taking a job working 14 hour shifts at a boredom factory, 7 days a week, because they have soft serve ice cream to employees every other day. Not worth it.

>> No.19901805


Being a pseud helps a lot with catching girls.
If you can't get any girl is because (1) you're less intellectual than a pseud or you are a true intellectual.

>> No.19901810

I'll take your gf if you don't want her anymore desu

>> No.19901811


>> No.19901817

Women don't like when you're actually interested in something, they only like when you know a superficial amount about it to LARP as a smart guy, with forced confidence and "high energy" like a spastic youtuber explaining some physics for dummies shit to them. They just want to know you're high status somehow.

They also expect this shallowness so much from men that they don't mind being even shallower, because the men they're looking for are stupid too, and won't be weirded out by them pretending to be into something. All those dumb men will do is begin pontificating like a spastic pseud, acting like they're an expert on the topic, because just like the woman, all that type of man cares about is that he's being allowed to peacock in exchange for pussy, and his peacocking routine is being successful for once.

If you actually try to say "I'm not peacocking, I really do love this topic and I thought you did too?" they get upset. That's when you throw your drink in their face and run out.

>> No.19901818

I'm virgin, too old and ugly. Not that being any younger would change things

>> No.19901824

Desu I didn't mean to reply, phone UI blows hard

>> No.19901827

Just have safe sex with a decent escort to get it out of your system and see what it's like. Sex fucking sucks. It's like masturbation version 1.5.

>> No.19901831

it's okay anon

>> No.19901845

I have the same worry. I wad tarded and sperg back when it mattered, but then in my early 20s I transformed from an ugly duckling into a chad looking alpha with unironically great charming skills, so at least I have that going for me. I literally could just choose if I cared. But I don't. Women are so bland, boring and needy it's fucking unreal. It's like interacting with a fucking lamppost with make-up. And when she does open up it's actually just an endless list of personal issues that I can't be fucked to care about.

I think maybe my salvation is if I find a domme gf.

>> No.19901851

isn't this kennedi? i feel bad for her, she's going to keep getting orbited around on 4chan forever.

>> No.19901858
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By "forever" do you mean "until the newer model comes out"?

>> No.19901862

Women are cringe bro

>> No.19901864

people don't age on the internet anymore

>> No.19901870

Pussy be damn tight tho

>> No.19901906

okay boomer

>> No.19901947

It really doesn't seem worth it at this point.

>> No.19901953

She's always been an attention whore on the internet.

>> No.19902003
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>tfw no schizo gf

>> No.19902010

Schizo girls don't take selfies for validation points. That's just a typical BDP narcissistic whore, like most women today.

>> No.19902015

I want a bpd gf that physically abuses me during sex

>> No.19902019

I don't understand how to seduce women. It's not a logical process, more so one that requires the ability to adapt to the situation and read the subtleties of women's body language in order to determine if they're interested vs merely being nice (which is much more likely)

>> No.19902025

Just be funny. Racist jokes work best.

>> No.19902026

BPD girls don't abuse you during sex, they wear you down during not sex

Don't romanticize BPD, BPD is like the natural state and mindset of women on steroids. They don't become succubi, they become screeching karens who think the world revolves around them to the point that they don't even have to filter their insane emotions or desires, or keep them consistent from second to second.

>> No.19902032

Seduction is dead. You need to show off your status or physical fitness and she'll decide whether she'll grant access to her hole. The rest is just scripted social routine until the actual fucking takes place.

>> No.19902036

>fetish for men
Just say you're a fag, faggot.

>> No.19902044
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only good post in this abysmal excuse for a thread

>> No.19902047

He's not gay, it's pretty common symptom

>> No.19902054

Read Stirner then read the buddhists

>> No.19902056

This. Most of them are used goods by the time they are 25 and mature enough to settle. They will want marriage and that means you have to buy them a house, a 20,000 diamond ring, they require constant attention and the end of your personal life, they will make you feel like shit and use your weaknesses against you to get what they want, you will be forced to merge bank accounts, if she gets bored and leaves you,she gets to keep the kids, the house and half off all the retirement and bank accounts that you have painstakingly worked to save.

Yeah tell me again how a girlfriend/wife is worth ending your life for?

>> No.19902058

I want a bpd gf that I physically abuse during sex

>> No.19902064

oh and nothing will ever be good enough, some other guy will always be better, another couple will be superior, she will make you feel guilty for this. All of your personal interests will be replaced by hers. etc.

>> No.19902070

I haven't been outside at all this year

>> No.19902071
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>no job, car or money
>can't approach women but can talk to them
>mild porn addiction
>only showers once a week
Nigga you tell me.

>> No.19902083

My theory is that male sexuality actually has two layers, one is the layer of fetishes, over the top fantasy, and masturbation, and the other is the layer of actual loving connection in sex. Men who can't get enough of the second layer can build up and distort the first layer so much that they can be into almost anything. If they're into a root fetish like sadism, degradation, filthiness, or taboo, they can fap themselves into enjoying trannies with enough time alone on the internet.

Their fetish may start as a subset of their straight sexuality, like a fetish for filthiness really only going as far as making them into lots of anal, or their fetish for degradation making them want to dominate their girlfriend. But with years of porn, the filth monger becomes a shiteating tranny fucker and the degradation guy become a facial abuse anal gape maniac. A guy into taboo and being dominated can eventually associate being raped by a man as the ultimate taboo with enough porn sickness.

Most normie men are porn sick to some degree, hence all the facial abuse and anal fistula stories from normie women. But they are still at least capable of layer two, love based sex, to some extent. Incels stay in the hyperbolic porn chamber for even longer and can get into the really weird shit, at some point they're just into weird for the sake of weird.

It's like orbits. Normies queer their orbits with porn until they become elliptical, but they're still at least orbiting its host planet (love). People deprived of the natural gravity of love will fly off into deep space and end up pissing on ladyboys in Guam or buying virtual reality inflation porn.

>> No.19902161
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>hyperbolic porn chamber

>> No.19902162


>> No.19902168

Just some guy.

>> No.19902171

i dont know man, having spoken to her before, she always seemed like a genuinely sweet person though one that's obviously on the spectrum. but then again, every woman is an attention whore to some degree.

>> No.19902176

Many such cases!

>> No.19902185
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My gf

>> No.19902191
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>Something a simp says.
>*opens envelope*
>"THIS girl's different, man!"

>> No.19902200

Pretty girls don't poop. Change my view.

>> No.19902217
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>> No.19902231

ask the instathots who went to dubai

>> No.19902241


>> No.19902319


>> No.19902334

you don't get it. i don't have a gf BECAUSE i'm smart.

>> No.19902398

I actually have a boy and a girlfriend, sorta, they are a couple and rent a floor of my house and too not play rent I have sex with both of them atleast once a week. She is 26 and he is 22 with a big cock. Usually I try to have sex with both of them at the same time, but the girl thinks its a bit of a chore, the guy likes me and when his girlfriend works late he jumps in my bed.

>> No.19902405

I dunno, they just don't seem to like me.

>> No.19902406

I wish I had your life

>> No.19902444

Notes from the Underground

>> No.19902467


>> No.19902503

I wish I had a Steppe-gf..

>> No.19902532

Nice to see this question on this board. 'How to get a gf' is a staple of this whole site

>> No.19902546
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>why don't you have a girlfriend?
because i'm married
what i really want is a cute trap on the side

>> No.19902567

Stop making low-effort, offtopic threads
Btw I have a gf

>> No.19902623

I have one. I don’t read while she’s around, we only watch tv or play multiplayer mobile games together. When she moves in I’m either going to have to get her into reading or get another hobby.