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File: 387 KB, 1334x2000, lord-of-the-rings-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19901192 No.19901192 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a lore friendly Wood Elf, according to Tolkien's works?

>> No.19901202

He looks stupid

>> No.19901206

why not

>> No.19901215

I will watch this AND praise it everywhere just to spite insecure /pol/weenies

>> No.19901230

He has blue eyes, white to me.

I'm unironically so used to diversity in video games I think I might just not care if it's well made.

>> No.19901236
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>> No.19901254

Why are Jews like this, bros?

>> No.19901255

faggot cucks ladies and gentlement, take a good look at this ending lineage
the West is doomed

>> No.19901267

When we win remember everything everyone has even done against us.

>> No.19901268 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19901270


>> No.19901272
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>> No.19901273

We finna was elves fr fr no cap
yuh ooo yuh yuh

>> No.19901439

This actually looks pretty good. If you're not a /pol/tard who barfs everytime you see a vaguely ethnic person I think the show will be decent.

>> No.19901445

You'll sure show them.

>> No.19901447

why bruh, im not an american, black people look funny to me.

>> No.19901665

>dwarf lady
>no beard

>> No.19901682

>they put niggers in some pretend elf thing on TV! I'm so oppressed!

>> No.19901687

DUDE eol the DARK elf
>Eol is poc coded and probably trans
>Eol was unjustly thrown off a wall cause raping a white woman is just because of systematic racism
>The Gondolindrim need to do better and get *clap* get educated
Can't wait for some first age kino

>> No.19901703
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>> No.19901705

Implying that there is something distinctly wrong with all white spaces or all white culture is an act of aggression against whites. Also it's a dangerous attempt at the eternalization of American culture and social dynamics by transposing them into historical European culture
>God the past was so white and unseasoned (and that's a bad thing)
>Also, the past was always diverse (and that's a good thing!)
top it off with some nice celebration parallax and we have a nice tranny dialectic

>> No.19901712
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It's all so tiresome.

>> No.19901715

White women will love this

>> No.19901718
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Spinning in his grave.

>> No.19901725

>Elf male on human female
Woah there's so many examples of that in Tolkien's works!! The writing team must have consulted so many Tolkien scholars to come up with this!!

>> No.19901727
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>> No.19901733

>One original story line centers on a silvan elf named Arondir, played by Ismael Cruz Córdova, who will be the first person of color to play an elf onscreen in a Tolkien project. He is involved in a forbidden relationship with Bronwyn, a human village healer played by Nazanin Boniadi, a British actor of Iranian heritage.

>> No.19901734

Talking about the Catholic Church right there.

>> No.19901735

That's a very Christian thing to say, especially not defining "evil".

>> No.19901741
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>> No.19901743
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>> No.19901746

>Be black
>Have that ((nose))

>> No.19901760

Sperg-tastic post, truly!

>> No.19901866

rainbows aren't gay, and swastikas aren't racist

>> No.19901925

ye shall know them by their fruits

>> No.19901942
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>> No.19901994

Straight white males are killing themselves to the point where suicide has become one of the leading causes of death.

>> No.19901998

The weak shall perish.

>> No.19902013

haircut and face doesn't fit

>> No.19902023

I'm so glad the movies were made before the globohomo cancer spread.

Also stop watching television.

>> No.19902030


>> No.19902034

Yt ppl will die off in 30-50 years.

>> No.19902043

Numquam albus eris.

>> No.19902065

You know what's really sad, and what really hurts isn't really that they're not being faithful to the source material in any way; that on its own is something that nobody paid much attention to. The reason why this is so aggravating is that none of the people involved in this, black or white, and especially not the kikes; actors, directors, photo technicians, journalists writing articles about it, not a single person working on this franchise right now cares anything about the source material or Tolkien, nor they probably have read any of it. If someone involved in this really had to read LOTR, he did so like homework. Most of them probably despise Tolkien even just for the sole fact he was a Christian. This entire franchise is now made by people who hate everything about LOTR and Tolkien. And of course this is also a reminder that so this is happening just like art is now made by people who hate art, medicine by people who care nothing about pain, music by people who hate music, journalism by people who hate truth and objectivity, politics by people who hate their citizens. It's a rape. Rape is a destructive metamorphosis of what should be joyful union and it's essentially what is happening to our civilization. It's being relentlessly raped. The people in charge of it hate it all, and they're raping it. This is why this shit is so irritating, it's not that they are not being faithful to the source material in good faith, they're actually raping it because they hate it.

>> No.19902084

Ok chud

>> No.19902123

Beautifully put. They can barely put out a decent justification for this behaviour on twitter anymore that isn't that there was no explicit rule saying they couldn't black the dwarves and elves, which is funny because each year you have a new line that has been crossed and someone justifying it in some fashion by basically saying "no more! x was the last line". It feels like yesterday when some were justifying having every race but Whites in Avatar because it's "culturally Asian" but now here we are having our own "culturally European" fiction being bastardized. They just don't care. "Whatever next? Jane bond?" asked the Doctor who fan some years ago, "no, she'll also be Black and gay" the executives respond.

>> No.19902144

>read a book
>post 10 tiktok/instagram videos and get temporary domamine rushes
it's gonna get worse, way worse. just look at the new upcoming generations.
a friend of mine is teaching in highschool and he's surprised at the amount of kids that just want to be a famous influencer

>> No.19902199

i disagree, they've probably read LotR and like it, but have zero knowledge or respect for the love letter it was to western and northern european mythology and the oral histories it tried to capture for what Tolkien saw as a lack in anglo saxon culture. They all probably have retarded postmodern takes on the story and its themes, which is why it was implemented as a generic pile of shit miniseries.

>> No.19902222

Elf means white being.

>> No.19902226

That is how counter-tradition works. They don't just move away from the Good, and things that mirror and act as conduits of the Good in the material world, they actively subvert and destroy the good. They want to corrupt it, rape it, degrade it, invert it. Only the really evil ones behind it all are even fully aware of what they're doing. Most of them are useful idiots for evil, they aren't acting on intent (even when they think they are), they are going on instinct. These people have been completely corrupted and run through with the instinct to corrupt, degrade, destroy everything that so much as catches a glimmer of higher light in it.

That is ironically the ultimate testimony to Tolkien's work and its importance. The more they try to destroy him, the more they prove him right. Metaphysical evil is real. We are in a very real battle against it, and it is creating armies of twisted men and orcs.

>> No.19902248

do you really think this is happening because of non-white people in entertainment media

>> No.19902253

>They probably like LOTR
>they just don't have any respect for literally everything it represents
I think you're being way too optimistic.

>> No.19902270

No I am responding to the idea that white people feel oppressed only because they blackwash their entertainment media and not because white culture is basically under siege, whites are being told that they should be ashamed of existing, white males have had their opportunities reduced to nothing, whites bad, whites are awful, whites should go, no white males please, etc.

>> No.19902283

I don’t mean to sound coy, but the black actors make it look so fucking cheap. It's like a generic afternoon fantasy adventure show from the 2000s.

>> No.19902286

All of course in a climate where if you make a slip like misgendering a schizophrenic gestapo officer or you commit facecrime you are unpersoned, and everything you do and say needs to pass through channels that keep a public log to use against you whenever you need to be destroyed, maybe ten years from now, but on the other hand the "oppressed minorities" who are granted privileges because of their skin color can be unashamedly racist and suffer no consequences.

>> No.19902307
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so what happened to all the black inhabitants of middle earth between the events of this prequel and the war of the ring?

>> No.19902314

Someone concluded that they must've been exterminated.

>> No.19902320

stop jerking off to your own victim status it’s pathetic and womanish

>> No.19902324

I am explaining things you stupid tranny fuckface.

>> No.19902341

Hercules was kino, each episode cost like a thousand dollarsto shoot but it looked better than the 100 million Witcher farce from Netflix.

>> No.19902365

How is it beautifully put it’s a source of fiction it can be interpreted any number of ways which it is

>> No.19902381

Tolkien left an incredibly autistically detailed world behind and mentioned no black people anywhere. It's a specifically Northern European work. They're literally just raping it. They wanted to take something specifically white and subvert it because they hate white people and they want them gone. And by they I mean the Jews.

>> No.19902457

They all migrated to Nigurnia because they heard the King of Gibbeth was giving out free lembas bread and the newest athletic calcei.

>> No.19902462

So they're the ancestors of the Dindu people... Intredasting...

>> No.19902499

This is why I tell people you should always conclude your book with "By the way, there were no black people in this story."

>> No.19902529

Forgive the self-quote:
>I swear to God, if I will ever write a fantasy story I will collect it entirely in one book, and if the book will be too large as a single volume I'll sell it as a slipcase containing two or three volumes, including the lore, notes, maps, and everything that might be covered by grifters later on after I'm dead, but never as several distinct issues over a period of time. And I will put a statement right in the beginning of the book that says
>Everything not written in this present book will never be canon and I disapprove of it, now and ever after. This present publication is where this story begins and where it ends. My vengeful ghost will haunt whoever will produce fanfiction, commentary, or derivative works of the present story, including academic research, songs, tributes, parodies, and any such thing. Write your own shit if you want more material.

>> No.19902650

Unfortunately for Amazon I do not watch fantasy media that has black people.

>> No.19902733

E L F E D. C O M

>> No.19902742

>All that work on dress, hair and makeup
>No beard

>> No.19902789
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>> No.19902793

Only subhumans with no sense of dignity would so gladly accept being used by kikes as shit colored paint cans can to vandalize white people's creations.

>> No.19902861

Looks great to me. Really looking forward to this show.

>> No.19902891

please put more effort in the bait anon

>> No.19903210
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No, Tolkien in the fantasy community is well known as a right wing racist. This is basically an attempt to sanitize that fact for a minority of modern tv watching audiences (brainlets).

>> No.19903217
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I'm sorry what? They names the fucking black elf Bronwyn? Why not just name him "Brown" oh my fucking god it just keeps getting worse.

>> No.19903230

It's honestly a disgrace what they're doing to Tolkien. The fact they're trying to market it "POC" is even more laughable because any "POC" who is a fan of Lotr and Tolkien has never given a shit about whatever socjus faggotry they're trying to infect this series with.

T. Non white person actually malding about they're doing to one of my favorite authors

>> No.19903251
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>> No.19903257

Topkek. Also
>1.5 million
Glad too see normies are shitting on it too

>> No.19903258

They ruined a shitty tv show but Tolkien's work is a different thing.

>> No.19903295

Read it properly, Bronwyn is the female elf.

Also it's a real world Welsh woman's name, Welsh being one of the main inspirations for Elven language in Tolkien's works.

>> No.19903389

>black man vs white woman
of course.

>> No.19903401

>1.5 million
milli means thousand
as in millenium

>> No.19903656

"...fucking moriquende..."
-Fëanáro, c. 1497 YT

No, I certainly expected them to shit themselves. But not so much. Some racially diverse Haradrim here and there, maybe even a "not-so-bad orc". But that they would take a good run and jump into a pool full of liquid shit - I didn’t expect this, I thought maybe they were at least a little sorry for the invested funds.

>> No.19903662

>Forbidden black bf
Wow they aren't trying to be subtle about this at all. They know who their viewers are, that's for sure.

Oh well, I probably won't watch it just because the lore will be shit and it'll be a PG-13 Game of Thrones rip off. Would have been more interesting if they did like the Elder Scrolls and used geography to explain the different skin tones. If they wanted to cast darker people they could have just had a Haradrim storyline like how TES has Redguards from Hammerfell.

>> No.19903763

>I think the show will be decent.
Amerimutts lapping up the dross their jewish masters cast at them. Truly a race of golem
This is the critical element. The reason that the 2000s LOTR was such a hit was the archetypal and traditional elements were pervasive throughout the films and people responded to it on a subconscious level. This new film is simply taking modern issues (single motherhood? lmao) and modern values (diversity, sexual promiscuity) and superimposing them into a world to which they are the antitheses. That is of course the point. The repulsion that this juxtaposition will lead to and the potential financial losses resulting from this repulsion are not key to the people making this garbage. The attempted subersion of the true and the beautiful is neverending. It's the guiding ethos of America and the merchants who control her.

>> No.19903780

They are so hungry for tradition and real identity and their ersatz consumer bugman identity becomes more and more hollow. Wonder if they will finally get it

>> No.19903915

>Old man seething that non-European countries are developing industry and learning English
Le based!

>> No.19904109

checked, faggots ITT BTFO

>> No.19904130
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More like hood elf

>> No.19904137


>> No.19904260

t. boomer bootstrapper

>> No.19904272


>> No.19904275

how obvious is it that you have a government job or work at daddy's company

>> No.19904279


>> No.19904299

That dull eyed nigger looks even dumber than Radagast did, and that was a comedy character.

>> No.19904316
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Amazon's Lord of the Rings cannot be good, it's impossible. Tolkien's works are spiritual, theist, conservative, traditional, provincial, rooted in Christian belief, mythic and archetypal. The people making the show are ideologues who believe all art must be propaganda. How are these materialist, anti-Christian, globalist, radical deconstructists going to adapt anything Tolkien? How could that ever work. All you will get is a pile of anti-Tolkien with "Lord of the Rings" stamped on it.

>> No.19904362

This guy gets it.

>> No.19904378



>> No.19904381

>How could that ever work.
White women

>> No.19904414

Funny to think I may have inadvertently paid for this with my Amazon Prime subscription, which is literally my only subscription since most everything else can be downloaded online. Everyday I’m more justified in not reading works by authors born after 1940 if I can help it

>> No.19904460

Oh I see, mil is also short hand for million. I don't post there so I guess I wouldn't know

>> No.19904465

Yeah they can't take the actual source from us no matter how hard they try which is comforting. A masterpiece that will last through the ages

>> No.19904476

I doubt even most white women would like it, it's a very specific ideological attempt to sanitize the lotr. I don't think any of the very liberal white women I know who are into fantasy have given any positive thoughts on this new series. It's Bezos trying to cash in on the GoT craze written for a very specific audience.

>> No.19904483

>Yeah they can't take the actual source from us
I wouldn't be too sure of it.

>> No.19904522

I have more of a problem with why they chose to make the characters look so fucking basic and human. Boring ass hair cuts. Fucking walmart costumes. No intricate makeup work etc.

>> No.19904711

Aragorn's costume in the Fellowship was perfect. You could tell he had seen some shit.
All the costumes were perfect truthfully.

>> No.19904750

If they start banning lord of the rings or "editing" it from state pressure that's the minute I start to actively rebel against the government and consider it illegitimate

>> No.19904760

Everything about this is horrible, it's not just the disrespect for the lore or the horrible socjus diversity castings, even the costume design and overall look of the setting is generic trash that doesn't fit the lotr.

>> No.19904788

What's that gold shit on her scalp?

>> No.19904803

Based truth teller

>> No.19904804

Looks like generic low-fantasy trash. Or some cheap day time historic mini series.

>> No.19904809

We'll have a digitally remastered LOTR trilogy where they just replace multiple white extras with random blacks and women.

>> No.19904810

Peak Weimar. Accelerate, accelerate, speed this shit up to 1933 and never stop accelerating. Go go go Shlomo.

>> No.19904816

>t.brainlet interpretation

>> No.19904818

>Dwarven women are supposed to look almost identical to men
>They cast a fat black woman to portray them for the first time ever
The show runners that Amazon hired are actually fucking morons, they've reached a level of pandering that JK Rowling did where they're just going to start alienating socjus liberals now.

>> No.19904821


>> No.19904824

Based acceleration it schizo

>> No.19904827

Honestly this show looks like a garbage cash grab regardless of what color the actors are. Is it still supposed to have booba?

>> No.19904829

Why have we reached this point bros? Is it really all just ESG money influencing these terrible diversity casting decisions?

>> No.19904844


>> No.19904861

Reminder that you leftoids complain just as much about seeing white men in media.

>> No.19905140

It's this whole anti-white, anti-Christian narrative.

>> No.19905180

I can't wait until we get some Black people to play Han Chinese characters! Hanfus for all!

>> No.19905186

>Tolkien left an incredibly autistically detailed world behind and mentioned no black people anywhere.
He mentions "Out of Far Harad black men like half-trolls with white eyes and red tongues."
He also describes some (probably evil) people as "swarthy" or "swart".
He describes some people as "fair", which may mean pale-skinned. He describes some characters (such as Galadriel and Eowyn) as blonde, which obviously implies whiteness.
But mostly he doesn't describe anyone's skin colour or hair colour at all, or anything much about their appearance. For instance, he never mentions Legolas's hair colour, and although artists often depicted Sam as fat, he never describes Sam as fat.

>> No.19905233

> if you are not interested in American muttism and constant Jewish bombardment of of black people, you are a /pol/tard.
They are doing this on purpose, not for diversity.

>> No.19905345

>african descent
Not entirely implausible for an Avari
>short hair
Absolutely inexcusable

>> No.19905371

Note to self: everyone unironically praising this show is a lefty and probably looks like a plebbit moderator

>> No.19905377

>It's the guiding ethos of America and the merchants who control her.
Don't blame white Americans for this shit. The tribe did the same thing in Weimar Germany.

>> No.19905392
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haha I assumed the rumours about this show were just internet bullshitting

>> No.19905707

The time has come, towards the putsch, the end of weimerica to begin the United Imperium of America

>> No.19905796

>He describes some people as "fair", which may mean pale-skinned
>May mean
*Absolutely does mean and the only people who think otherwise are reaching
>Never mentions Legolas' hair color or Sam being fat
Both of those are things Tolkien clues the reader to even if he doesn't directly describe them btw. Legolas' hair color is described as being dark in the books which makes sense since he is one of Sindarin btw but it's somewhat of a debate
>Frodo looked up at the Elf standing tall above him, as he gazed into the night, seeking a mark to shoot at. His head was dark, crowned with sharp white stars that glittered in the black pools of the sky behind.

>> No.19905909
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Asked for proof of Tolkien's anti-semitism, Harvard's Eugene M. Avrutin, Associate Professor of Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies, cites the line "There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world."

>> No.19905926


>> No.19906060

Dumb fucking nigger I was saying specifically that there are bigger things going on than blackwashing TV shows. Retard tranny idiot

>> No.19906112

They're starting to mess with translations already. A new Divine Comedy translation was censored, LOTR got a new translation in Italy which has woke shit in it and previous editions taken out of commerce. This is probably happening with English translations of other books and it will pick up briskly, you know by this point that these trends grow exponentially. Then after they've raped translations they will start raping the source material.
If you want a safe estimate try to imagine how long this will take and halve it.

>> No.19906119

Like how the Christians deformed Greek myth and philosophy..

>> No.19906129

>LOTR got a new translation in Italy which has woke shit in it

>> No.19906135


>> No.19906171

>we wuz haradrim n'sheit

>> No.19906280

It's a The Message Bible style translation of it with modern language and modernized names, the Ring Verse has "bind" translated awkwardly because I imagine they wanted to avoid somethig that would sound like enslavement. At the same time they withdrew previous translations from commerce due to "legal issues".

>> No.19906614
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>> No.19906648

Looks pretty good actually.
Well yeah. It all does. It's a movie adaptation for a fantasy novel for teens.

>> No.19906651

They don't look like they're in any kind of conflict.

>> No.19907077

she's conflicted that they're not paying her enough

>> No.19907212

sounds like something an insecure weenie would do

>> No.19907223

She's getting bbc as compensation.

>> No.19907241

>Tolkien is for everyone
that's not what Tolkien said though. He said it was a mythology specifically for English people iirc

>> No.19907285
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>> No.19907295

maybe it's a money laundering scheme. Make a show with a huge budget that deliberately bombs. It's the same with horrible artwork sold for ridiculously high price, or for a crappy book from some dumb politician that very few will ever read (but somehow sells a million copies before it's even written).
There's so much illegal money being circulated these days that there is a corollary surge in horrible tv shows, movies, and art.

>> No.19907403
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>> No.19907409
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For good or bad I don't live in Western Europe or Muttistan. But I long to see you faggots chimp out just ONCE in your life, only to see some red in your cheeks and some passion. I want to be proven false that you are not NPCs ruled by a certain (((tribe))). We'll see, fingers crossed.

>> No.19907483

Nah it's over.

>> No.19907587

i ain't even mad, i like it. only thing im missing in that photo is a beard but ok

>> No.19907839

Westerners are the ones who deformed Judean tradition to make Christianity.

>> No.19908014

Can anyone actually figure out what they are supposed to be?

>> No.19908480


its not marketing, its the amazon studios inclusive policy

all shows MUST have bike thieves

>> No.19908649

Will they go all the way and let Galadriel have casual sex with mortal men while out on adventures?

>> No.19908657
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Forgot pic

>> No.19908683

Did they literally just copy the weirwood tree face from ASIOAF onto his armor?

>> No.19908739
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You guys are missing the real travesty here

>> No.19908760

No, Tolkien was very clear that his work was about Anglos.
This false “Lord of the Rings” is a Neo-Maoist abomination intended to destroy a European cultural artifact

>> No.19908777

>irl shitposting
LotR sisters I dont feel so good

>> No.19908779

This show will be as bad as wheel of time. At least there are no pajeets.

>> No.19908860

yeah dude, own those trumptards! haha

>> No.19908957

I don't know and I don't care. The pig-like people's culture deserves to be desecrated and thoroughly raped.

>> No.19908968


Because guilt over slavery sells. You're not going to make more bucks with guilt over native americans, and it raises the uncomfortable idea that maybe Americans should actually get the fuck out out of America and give back the land they stole. You're not going to make more bucks with presenting latinos or asians or arabs because pandering to them doesn't increase profits and they weren't oppressed.

But pandering to blacks gives you profits coming from self-inserting blacks and self-hating whites who think to themselves "oh man I am totally apologizing for slavery by letting this previously oppressed black person be on screen, I am such a virtuous and good person now and I've totally apologized for any sins from my past" and they rub their nipples smugly.

All the while, the suits who benefit from the ticket sales smugly laugh to themselves because they know American culture revolves around niggers and they've successfully monetized this.

>> No.19908976

Nothing is going to save them. No regime change and no genocides are going to fix their demographics, no civil wars will save them from China, climate refugees, etc. God exists and is just after all!

>> No.19909113

>entirety of LotR is the story about how an evil white person (Sauron) literally ENSLAVED other races with chains/shackles (rings)
>Tolkien wasn't even subtle about this
>toxic fandom whitewashed this into a white savior capeshit story
>mad when the true story is enacted in movies
I don't get it

>> No.19909167

I don't understand why everyone is freaking out about this. They are not respecting the source material so I will not watch it. It's that simple.

>> No.19909714
File: 166 KB, 1080x1080, 1632357683664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in HR with a lot of women (kill me) and they know I like Tolkien because I sperged out about it once. They all LOVED Game of Thrones. This series is shaping up to be a serious attempt at making a new GoT but with hobbits. They are all going to watch it. They're all going to like it and talk about it and ask me about it because it will probably be some kind of cultural phenomenon and they'll get FOMO. And I'm going to say I'm not watching it and I'll have to explain why. And there is no way I'll be able to stop myself from accidentally showing my powerlevel and getting fired

So I'm freaking out because Bezos is taking my job by making this series

>> No.19909738

If you're really cornered you can save yourself by coming across as a purist nerd unless you've told them that the Jackson movies were good. You can just say
>Nah I love LOTR but only the book, it's not adaptable in my opinion. Like in the Jackson movies they cut out Tom Bombadil, that was unacceptable (etc) so I won't bother watching any adaptation of it. When they adapt Lord of the Rings it always looks like a bad D&D game,
And then you start reciting some poetry in Quenya.
You'll still be labeled as a close-minded retard but they won't think you're racist

>> No.19909836

She's a human, so your post is poop

>> No.19909842

>consume product to pwn the Chuds
You really showed them

>> No.19910059

This nigga is right

>> No.19910321
File: 277 KB, 848x1200, jrr_tolkien_hobbit_alan_lee_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are overthinking this way too much.
It's not the great legacy of Tolkien being deceitfully twisted. It's just a cash grab to fill the void in the "big budget fantasy tv" cycle and they're obviously going to fill it with GoT style sex and political intrigue garbage that's as foreign to Tolkien as Khuzdûl to a Vanya. "The Rings of Power" is more akin to the Wheel of Time adaptation than anything. It will wash over most viewers' heads and be forgotten in a year or so. But Tolkien's legacy will remain forever unbesmirched and he will still be read 1000 years from now, Ilúvatar willing.

Anyway, this thread is about pop culture schlock, and as such belongs on

>> No.19910391

Given lotr is basically an exercise in language and lineage I’m afraid it makes no sense at all

>> No.19910398

I appreciate you.

>> No.19910423

literally looks like some shit from wow costume designers are retarded

>> No.19911333

It would be other thinking if this didn't happen literally everywhere. We are now having black characters in historical films and tv shows under the premise that there were always a sizable black population in the UK.

>> No.19911354

These are all examples of historical correction, like that early days of the ministry of truth from 1984.
Those who control the past control the present and this the future.
Once again, he who controls the past controls the present.
The current narrative of the past being really racist and evil but also was secretly diverse and never was homogenous, is a perfect example of doublethink.

>> No.19911682

Nope, elves do not have pointed ears in Tolkien's books.