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19898204 No.19898204 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever gained any true insight or knowledge from reading schizo ramble on this website? Especially /x/, /his/, /pol/, and /lit/. In /x/ especially sticks out to me because it’s almost always clearly more emotionally driven then the others at times, and much more optimistic

Pic unrelated

>> No.19898216
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>Have you ever gained any true insight or knowledge from reading schizo ramble on this website?
No, why would I waste my time on schizo ramble? Next, you're going to say /lit/ actually reads.

>> No.19898217


Midgets are hated and reviled. They can only make friends with other midgets. If the community they're living in is large enough, a small ghetto will form

>> No.19898224

Yes, but very rarely. I stick around for recommendations mostly but every once in a while, there’s an extremely well-done post about something I’m interested in coming from someone who very obviously knows what they’re talking about. When this happens, it permanently changes the way I look at an author, work, or idea.

Mostly, it’s ideological bullshit and the same questions over and over again, but it comes up every once in a while and it’s totally worth it.

>> No.19898225

Mostly I just realize how unoriginal I am.
All my weirdest, craziest thoughts- someone else thought the same thing.

>> No.19898263

I forgot to say. Probably the only thing close to schizo ramble that I ever got insight from is the fact how unnatural it is we think with language. I know it sounds dumb for me to only really notice when it was spelled out for me. But I guess I never really thought about it much before. I remember the original poster being utterly disgusted by this fact. Very angry

In the same time one could argue it is natural seeing as we’re created/evolved to speak with language. At least that’s what my brother argued

>> No.19898264

I always hope I’m that poster, but then everyone says my posts don’t make sense or they disagree with me :(

>> No.19898290

Got me laughin

>> No.19898314

Rarely. A lot of schizoposting is just poorly written trash. The poster either spends 2000 words trying to say something simple or they repeat the same point over and over again or they try and impress you with some epic twist halfway through.
Plus, some people just don't have anything interesting to say, so they say it in an interesting way to make up for it (and there are a few tripfags who lean HARD into this).

>> No.19898326

Is this a pasta or are there really people out there bigoted against little people?

>> No.19898335

Unless you’re retarded like me and just think in geometry.

>> No.19898353

There are legit reasons to hate them. Like that one midge actor that forces his normal-sized daughter to conceal herself and develop spinal issues living in his midge house.

>> No.19898377

> There are legit reasons to hate them.
I just looked it up and there are only 30k in the US and 650k on the entire earth. That’s 0.009% of people. I’ve travelled all over the place and seen one in person once ever. Every single one of them could be murderers and it still wouldn’t make sense to waste your energy hating them.

>> No.19898482

I hate this shit to. You see a lot of larders like this on /x/. If you can’t properly explain a concept especially when your trying to teach people something. (Magic is an example of this I see a lot on /x/. Not every time tho) then your clearly spouting bullshit. But there are some people in the way they talk and what they say they’re really trying to say something but are to psychotic to articulate it.

>> No.19898679

Those statistics are faulty. The midges conceal themselves during the census. As is their basterdised culture.

>> No.19898884

The idea of someone sitting in their house just SEETHING about midgets is beautiful.

>> No.19898935

Only from jungeranon.

>> No.19899017


>> No.19899033
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>> No.19899042
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Gnomes are interesting.

>> No.19899060

Seems like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I use to hang around there when I thought I was suffering from writer's block and I was disappointed by how derivative so much of the content is, I don't know if it's schizos internalize (like all of us) the narratives and concepts that exist in popular culture and that sort of becomes building blocks of their paranoid fantasies, or if they aren't schizo and they're just trying to write creepypastas as an exercise. But a lot of it feels really derivative.
Another thing is so much of it is left on the unsaid - watch towers, dark abysses in basements. It's basically Spielberg's Jaws, throwing up their hands and say "you think of something!" which don't get me wrong, is an effective technique for storytelling but really is the opposite of 'insight'.
You could probably learn something about human nature from reading it if you take a more meta and analytical approach.

>> No.19899082

I've noticed that my post tend to be bot-like. I post the same memes, same propaganda, sometimes it's funny but sometimes it's just depressing and I do it anyway just because. Maybe it's that little dopamine hit.

>> No.19899093

Yes, back when /fit/ wasn't r9k doomposters and looksmaxx demoralizers it was geniunlely a great place to become a better stronger man. Also /lit/ has some discussion on Evola and guenon and other small philosophers that you can't get anywhere else. Everything that comes here good or bad is genuine which makes it much more valuable than your average Twitter shartpost

>> No.19899147

I studied this website for years before I posted. Many years. I assumed from what I saw in school and my work that this sight was a core of damaged people looking for understanding. The worst were the most in need. I began to mimic their style and disposition to alter the trends of the site. Schizos were fundimental to encourage my abstract thought structure and allow me to steer from my blind obedeiance to my cause and intent, at that time. Once I found the window to observing my fate I started responding.

>> No.19899168

I am right now https://boards.4channel.org/x/thread/30993763#top

>> No.19899171


>> No.19899178

The “history” here is more or less completely fabricated lol

>> No.19899187

You have studied well, this post truly reads like it was written by someone in need of social support

>> No.19899192

By which I mean you have the schizo cadence and sentence structure down.

>> No.19899210

It is a nice feeling. Just put in the time to really learn the topic and most importantly, put in the time to compose your response, do not worry about being first. Worst case is someone beats you to it, no big deal.

>> No.19899215

lol, this just makes me think of all the magic threads on /lit/

Just post after post of undefined capitalized terms and people "no, you don't understand x because it's so mysterious and complex," back at each other. With maybe some bad undergraduate metaphysics thrown in.

The great irony to me is the overlap of /pol/fags and magicfags, who hate lefties and their appeals to "muh indigenous culture," but then claim Hindu thought can't be criticized in any logical terms because it is le received ebin ancient wisdom.

>> No.19899223
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That doesn't surprise me. Now that I think about it it's probably not a bad idea to see /x/ as following the same general trends as other 4chans or even internet posing in general. Even schizos and the mentally ill are still chasing that (you) for pretty much the same reasons a normie posting on Snapchat is.
So it's not surprising that you're falling into these patterns to chase that dopmaine hit. If anything it seems "totally human".
The internet is a network of Skinner Boxes

>> No.19899224
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Why do people make anything their personality?

>Your personality is made of memes and heuristics.

Human personality is a collection of stimulus response behavioral heuristics designed to manipulate the self, environment, or others into achieving our goals.

Personality being largely one's projected image and behavior. All "people" are technically a list of ideas built from sense impressions. Everyone you've ever met is this kind of sensory memory processor and behavioral output algorithm/mechanism, it is how persona is made.

>> No.19899230
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>Ego, persona, the self, all manifestations of sensory experience strung into narrative and translated into if-then behavioral programming.

>> No.19899257


>> No.19899284
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>he doesn't know
Lurk more newfag.

>> No.19899340
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>Even your preference for one brand over another doesn't exist
You fell for the autosuggestions given by marketing psychologists

>> No.19899389


>> No.19899468

What part of "newfag" do you not understand?
That's just /lit. What part of "lurk more" did you not understand?

All of it. Because you're a newfag who needs to lurk moar.

>> No.19899478


>> No.19899497

I’ve been here since 2005 dumbass

>> No.19899557

>Is this a pasta or are there really people out there bigoted against little people?
Doesn't matter. Still a newfag. Still need to lurk more. No more (You)s.

>> No.19899742

You should see me when I'm immersed in psychopaths

>> No.19899772

Sounds like a mental midget

>> No.19899824

>and there are a few tripfags who lean HARD into this
g-guys... i think i accidentally btfod one of them

>> No.19899832

schizojak the gnostic

>> No.19900677

He's right though. They're disgusting little freaks.

>> No.19900709

It's not their fault, you faggot. Jesus Christ.

>> No.19900713

The way that they carry themselves is completely their fault.

>> No.19900733
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>> No.19900737

How many midges have you seen in real life? Or even in the media, for that matter?

>> No.19901763

Salt, midgotry is all to common in our society.