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19898006 No.19898006 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a Petersonian. I'm here today to answer any question you may have about Petersonian psychology and philosophy.

>> No.19898016
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Explain this

>> No.19898019

i am laughing! ha ha!

>> No.19898029

Hey Jordan why do you allow yourself to suffer from acute narcissism? Everything you preach is unobtainable when your ego is such a relentless slave driver.

Why are you such a hypochondriac? Everybody knows all of your mysterious medical problems aren't real.

>> No.19898031

How does one go about considering the lobster?

>> No.19898045

from the inside out

>> No.19898055

like this
>yes, it is quite cruel on reflection
>but I don't care
>is that bad?

>> No.19898067

Are you the same schizo who keeps making Peterson threads ?

>> No.19898068

Serious question, why?
I heard him speak on Joe Rogan due to its recent controversy, it was something I usually never do as I vehemently detest all kinds of gossip but enough about that.
I want to know why people bother giving this guy any thought whatsoever, he sounds like he's just building up his arguments to establish pathos amongst a group of young, disenfranchised males, probably white.
Like his grifting just seems painfully obvious and he honestly sounded like he was crying which made me too embarrassed to continue.

>> No.19898081

Do you think central banks should bail out banks when the economy crashes

>> No.19898087

He's the perfect leader for this insane generation of men.
>probably white
but this post is bait anyway

>> No.19898092

Define Petersonianism.

>> No.19898106

Answer the question

>> No.19898185

Explain why society needs organized religion.

>> No.19898202

Why do you follow a man who doesn't eat vegetables

>> No.19898210

Should Peterson run for Canadian prime minister?

>> No.19898223

Why is he so cringe? (former peterstein fan here)

>> No.19898231
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>Hey Jordan why do you allow yourself to suffer from acute narcissism?
I don't.
>Everything you preach is unobtainable when your ego is such a relentless slave driver.
That isn't a question--but if you want to be specific and talk about discipline I can give you some advice.
>Why are you such a hypochondriac?
I'm not.
>Everybody knows all of your mysterious medical problems aren't real.
Again not a question. So I guess I'll give you one: what does "real" mean? I'm not ashamed to publically admit my psychological illnesses--especially given that they relate directly to my work and expertise. If you want to discuss the physical aspects of these and how they can directly to something as mysterious as the human digestive system (one of the most complex of the animal kingdom by the way because we can eat almost anything) we can do so.

>> No.19898258

>establish pathos amongst a group of young, disenfranchised males
interesting, the definition for pathos is "a quality that evokes pity or sadness", but in my native language of Romanian, "patos" simply means passionate. how you like them apples?!

>> No.19898269

Not him but there simply shouldn't be one. People should be allowed to suffer, especially capital.
History explains that.

>> No.19898276

What do you think about benzos or having a coalburner daughter?

>> No.19898279

I think he meant it in terms of logos-ethos-pathos so meaning "a set of feelings about things"

>> No.19898286
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>in a petersonian sense
The crying is so hard to listen to and such a jarring contrast with his expressed worldview. You have to be a commie or something to cry in public.

>> No.19898287

Jordan you're perfectly healthy and your narcissism destroys you, please just let go. You could start by giving up the $10,000 suit thing. You don't need to care about what others think.

>> No.19898295
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He won't be happy until he is.

>> No.19898316

What a smug little dweeb.

>> No.19898336

I can see you're focus is narcissism and that's ironic. But thank you for complimenting my health and I'll leave you with the suggestion that carrying about what other people think is very important--the recognition of that is a limit on the narcissistic pole of the dark triad.

>> No.19898339


>> No.19898341


>> No.19898368

Caring is one thing, but it is very dangerous as well. A healthy ego is not a narcissistic ego. It is plastered all over your face at all times, Jordan. I just know that you can do better.

>> No.19898388

Would you consider not making the same threads on /lit/, /tv/, /pol/, and every other board you think you can get away with and stop using the same image?
Don't try to weasel out of it by saying you want discussion, you don't. All you do is make threads. 1 post by this ID on all of them that have that feature.
4chan is better than you and deserves better. This place is unique. This isn't twitter, go fuck up something else.

>> No.19898817

Started cleaning my room the other day, first time in a long time.
I feel even worse than before? I was under the impression it was meant to cause a domino effect for the depressed.
Also what do you think of James Pennebaker's research on expressive writing, as I understand Peterson was a early champion of his.

>> No.19898864

Was the Bible the first book ever written (literally)?

>> No.19898883

>lobster logo is red and black
>lobster has 6 legs shaped like the number 6, mirrored as two groups of 666
looks like a nazi antichrist psyop

>> No.19899019

all that needs to be said

>> No.19899050
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What does it really mean to clean your room?

>> No.19899077
File: 170 KB, 550x479, 82BF0D8C-67D8-4217-8607-2CE9294CCAD4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are the petersonians handling the demonic possession of their messiah? are they taking any steps to save his daughter from his demonic hate fuck?

>> No.19899081
File: 316 KB, 1440x1440, Mikhaila-Peterson-Feet-5889700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. His Personality and Its Transformations, and Maps of Meaning lectures are insightful, and entertaining to watch because he is an outstanding speaker and professor. When writing about self-help he gives solid advice, and at difference of most self-help books, his writing is compelling enough to make people actually apply the advice he said (about this, he wrote this being essential to the task of a clinical psychologist).

2. That's the good. Now the bad: he often rambles for too long on identity/cultual politics, or the soviet union, the holocaust, and postmodernism. This comments akin of a rant, one may agree or not, but the interrumptions often go for too long and can make the whole experience of reading or watching his lectures unpleasant. He also seems not fully aware of his lack of knowledge on political matters, and I think this was shown in his debate with Zizek.

3. Hot daughter.

>> No.19899112

do autists take meds?

>> No.19899156
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Don't forget it's a reference to a character who is literally a nazi (in the sense of the word before retards turned it into a synonym for 'figuratively') and it says HAIL (which is one vowel removed from heil) right on it!

>> No.19899243
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I can't really articulate it but I feel a deep discomfort in my bones when I watch JP talk, he just exudes the fumes of a used car salesman. Looking at his website instantly confirms this, he charges a fucking ridiculous amount of money for his "coaching", I'd love to know if it's able to be pirated. One of the services he offers literally just looks like you pay $100 to write a diary, it's unbelievably sketchy. I'm surprised nobody has done a deep dive into the weird shit on his website

One thing that surprised me is the fact he went to Russia to be put into an induced coma so that he could avoid benzo withdrawals, for quite a fucking dangerous amount of time. Apparently he suffered brain damage and it correlates with when his wacky behaviour began

>> No.19899404

The legs look like reapers scythes when you turn them upside down too.

>> No.19899412

What's better, kpins or xannies?

>> No.19899417

I don't like Juden Peterstein.

>> No.19899434 [DELETED] 

Find another site to sully, you evil coward.

>> No.19899437

Find another site to sully, you evil coward.

>> No.19899442

i know more about this than you do

>> No.19901195


>> No.19901539

How to get right-wing billionaire funding and pretend you're not?

>> No.19901544

He is Jewish tho, like Joseph Rogen. It's ok.

>> No.19901596

Is Peterson a wendigo?

>> No.19901650

are you a schizoid extremely online marxist who thinks the whole system is a rw conspiracy? He's rich because he got popular on youtube by misguided men (you) who liked his message. Get over yourself tranny

>> No.19901973

No but I am

>> No.19901986
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Refuted by this irish twink

>> No.19902000
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/pol/ dug into all that shit a few years ago. He's a grifter with deep connections to the UN and others. He said himself at one point his entire goal was to stop young men from wholesale rejecting neoliberalism

>> No.19902163

Man, his daughter is truly intelligent but she uses makeup and dresses like a hooker. Why is Peterstein's pimphand so weak?

>> No.19902174

Literally what evidence is there for him being Jewish, schizo?

>> No.19902586

He consorted and made a deal with the same demon that birthed da juuus, turning him into one. and now, just like all juuus, he has an uncontrollable urge to fuck his daughter to death. its a scary tome we live in...

>> No.19902653

His books and lectures helped me a lot, and I say this unironically. Maybe I'm just his primary audience: incel, no friends, nearly 30 y/o, never had a job.
And as fucked up as I am, one has only to browse 4chan on reddit that there is, unfortunately for society, many of us. I think Peterson helps a lot of people who has fallen this low, at least with his first two books and early lectures.
I'm not a fan of his whole political activism and tv interviews about identity culture and feminism.

His content is not free of its issues. He's not nearly as well-read as the media, or his audience portrays him. One has to read his book and watch his lectures to see how much he talks about the same things. 12 Rules for Life was, for moments, too deeply into Christianism that was needed, and too deeply into Peterson's own misadventures.

I recommend him a lot, even if you have to withstand some shit to pick up some good advice and the motivation to actually follow it.

>> No.19902663

Guaranteed I do. How many words of his have you read? How many hours have you listened to? It's probably 1/4th mine or less.

>> No.19902689
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Since I have use of reason, I have an armpit fetish. Why? Why do I have an inherent and unstoppable armpit fetish? How so? And what does it even mean?

>> No.19902735
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>I'm a Petersonian.

>> No.19902743
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>> No.19902773

guy is pretty average, hes nothing crazy yet woman have to act like sub humans when they see him

>> No.19902781

I' super straight and I unironically love women with hairy armpits.

>> No.19902831

What does Peterson believe causes Homosexuality? Does he support the nature or nurture hypothesis?

>> No.19902838

Did i stumble into jordan peter-san subreddit???

>> No.19902882
File: 247 KB, 1440x1567, 122625864_2825602754322700_2757020893642616181_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a big fan of hairy armpits, though. Hair covers the armpit, which is the object of my fetish. It's kinda weird to talk about it out loud.

>> No.19902892

He's ready.

>> No.19902931

Based nathyposter

>> No.19903527


>> No.19905043


>> No.19906179


>> No.19906423

She is not truly intelligent

>> No.19906426
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>> No.19906435

>Ben Shapiro retweeted
Tribe sticks together.

>> No.19906459

I just really like Jung and Peterson has some really interesting spins on Jungian and spiritual ideas. Dunno if he's a grifter or whatnot, the anons saying his shit is overpriced is a good point. He seems genuinely passionate to me, I mean the dude literally cries at the wonder of the universe and shit. Nobody is going to be without faults though.

>> No.19906831
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My sides

>> No.19907119

>I'm a Petersonian.

No, you're a cringelord who can't get laid and therefore resort to incel fascist bullshit. It's okay anon, I used to be just like you, one day you'll look back on it and laugh

>> No.19907365

How Peterson fascist?
>I used to be just like you
Obviously not. Fascists dont like Peterson and Peterson fans dont like fascists. You're a dumb progressive larping as le enlightened former cringelord as a pretext to be condescending.

>> No.19907405

>incel fascist bullshit.
Peterson is much too often misrepresented like this.

There is nothing in Maps of Meaning, or his college lectures, that point towards this ideas. Even 12 Rules for Life doesn't have much right-wing thought.

I understand he does come as that in interviews, but little of what he has written or taught in universities can be disregarded as ideological.

>the anons saying his shit is overpriced is a good point
You can pirate all of his content. I did.

>> No.19907431

>I just really like Jung and Peterson has some really interesting spins on Jungian and spiritual ideas.
He does, but he's like baby Jung.
Peterson take on the mind is a grain of sand in a beach compared to the depth and scope of Jung's work.
His Jung commentary is ok, but elementary. It's a shame because it seems he does know a lot about Jung, but rarely teaches anything in depth.

>> No.19907437

>incel fascist bullshit
Absolute state of the Left.

>> No.19907981
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I miss your reply. Man of culture.

>> No.19908012

he is a false prophet deceiving the people who listen to him.

>> No.19908278

how he deceives people?

>> No.19908380

Telling the truth but not applying himself.

>> No.19908394

kek based

>> No.19908401

Why is his head so little?

>> No.19908423
File: 134 KB, 1024x887, focus on yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck refuting this one

>> No.19908424


>> No.19908518

If you really want to improve society, you must improve yourself first. It's not that hard to understand. And unless you're mentally challenged, you don't need a Canadian midwit to come and tell you this.

>> No.19908539

self awareness
he knows he be lookin goofy

>> No.19908573

>If you really want to improve society, you must improve yourself first
Retard logic

>> No.19908577
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Psychologists not necessarily are better than other people.
The person who teaches others how not to have anger problems, may as well have its own anger issues, and be in need in therapy
Likewise, there are fat, smoking, greasy medical doctors.

The man has his own issues. This doesn't make the advice he gives less valid. Especially as an old man, who has already become highly successful — this is like not taking bodybuilding advice from Arnold Schwarzenegger because he's fat now.

>> No.19908600

He is like a magician, distracting you with one hand while doing the trick with the other hand. People want to understand where the problem is in the world, why nations and societies are falling apart and what they can/should do. He just doesn't give you the answers, instead he talks about stuff related to the problem but deceives you by leading you away from understanding the problem, he often takes an external problem in the world and makes it an internal one to the people who listen or are targeted, that's something he got from jung. In the end once you are done watching his videos you are left with empty hands.

>> No.19908650

If you can't even deal with your personal problems how are you going to deal with the bigger societal problems?

>> No.19908663

How so? Do you expect to help others or improve society as a whole by being a complete autist lardass incapable of take care of himself or being in any public place without provoking cringe?

>> No.19908700

It worked for Marx, didn't it?

>> No.19908753

>he often takes an external problem in the world and makes it an internal one to the people who listen or are targeted, that's something he got from jung
can you give an example?

>> No.19908773

>"Peterson himself tested positive for COVID in August 2020 while he received treatment for prescription drug dependence in Serbia.

>He has since been vaccinated against COVID-19, although he said the reason behind his decision was for the Government to then "leave me alone."

>Speaking to The Rubin Report host Dave Rubin, Peterson said: "Look, I got vaccinated and people took me to task for that, and I thought: 'alright, I'll get the damn vaccine. Here's the deal, guys, I'll get the vaccine, you f***ing leave me alone.'"


This is the guy we should take advice from?

>> No.19908783

vax your penis

>> No.19908828

Yeah the world dirties my penis but I have to wash it? What does that say about society

>> No.19908849


>> No.19908885
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>dreams up an agreement with a vague "they"
>tells it to nobody
>does an objectively stupid thing
>gets offended when "they" don't abide by the contract he dreamed up
He's a bit daft.

>> No.19908898


What if the world around you causes your personal life to be in disorder

>> No.19908912

Lobster brain

>> No.19909509
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His diet book it's even better

>> No.19909926


>> No.19909969

How do you Explain JBP being a wind ego?

>> No.19909983

my copy is 'laminated'

>> No.19910174


>> No.19910367 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 754x963, Opera Snapshot_2022-02-12_013544_www.youtube.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when he gets upser

>> No.19910377
File: 222 KB, 754x963, Opera Snapshot_2022-02-12_013544_www.youtube.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when he gets upset

>> No.19910618

Jordan Peterson is pop-philosophy and pop-psychology at its worst. If you are interested in Peterson for some reason, go watch his full lectures on youtube. He is not bad lecturer, though there are probably thousands of other professors who do a better job than he does. Throughout his lectures he recycles ideas from a number of sources, most of all Jung and Nietzsche. His function as a 'philosopher' is to use historical, philosophical, psychological, and theological ideas and repackage them into something that is accessible and commercial. Jordan Peterson is boring; Peterson is just an average college professor who has furthered his career by introducing complex ideas to the masses through his advertising efforts. He has not produced something of creative or intellectual value. David Foster Wallace is a more interesting philosopher than Peterson. I am writing this all because I made the mistake of reading his book. Its one of the worst self-help books I've ever read. The genre of self-help literature is already mediocre at best but his writing is terrible. He is soo soo boring. If you are someone who browses this board, and you already are familiar with great authors, there is no reason to ever listen to this retard. Its like a classical musician listening to the top 40.

>> No.19910899
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>> No.19910995

Wow his style is so much more unpleasant written down.

>> No.19911475

bump for interest

>> No.19911758
File: 78 KB, 998x682, Screenshot (567).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are interested in Peterson for some reason, go watch his full lectures on youtube.
His university lectures are good, both Personality and Its Transformations, and Maps of Meaning.

The university lectures aren't hard (they're undergraduate courses), but also he has presented the same in more accesible form on public television, when he was featured in TVOntario Big Ideas series.

I recommend "Truths that Matter" from 2004: