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/lit/ - Literature

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19888832 No.19888832 [Reply] [Original]

WWOYM There’s Too Many of Them! edition

Old >>19876955

I know you didn’t ask https://youtu.be/s4oreDUUSak

>> No.19888837
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Is human potential real? Does it have a limit?

>> No.19888838

In merely a few hours it will have been six days from the point I last changed my underwear

>> No.19888842

Correction, it will have been six days from the point I last changed his underwear

>> No.19888845
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I won’t forget, anon


>> No.19888856

Yes and yes.

>> No.19888859

I asked you not to tell anyone

>> No.19888861

i botched the subject header so I had to delete it. sorry. can't seem to get away from sloppy mistakes these days.

>> No.19888932


>> No.19888945

I like the star wars prequels.

>> No.19889015

Yo me 2 based

>> No.19889050

But not because of Camille Paglia, right?

>> No.19889052

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.19889062

No way are size queens going to decide who runs the world

>> No.19889083

I honestly dont know what to pick as a career path. IT pays a good moneys but I find programming and coding just boring and dull. Any ideas on how to find the path?

>> No.19889084

Some very good things happened but I still dont believe it to be real.

>> No.19889101

what happened

>> No.19889106

No, because of Natalie Portman.

>> No.19889116

>> No.19889125

When I pooped this morning there was just this one massive unbroken turd. I didn't think it was possible

>> No.19889126

If you know what you like to do, then try connecting it with something practical/profitable. If you don't know, try many different hobbies until you find the one that will give you some sense of fulfillment.

>> No.19889137

this >>19889125
Except the poop vanished down the toilet and there was no poop on my toilet paper so i dont know if I even pooped

>> No.19889140

Sadly, I do not know. It makes sense trying different things but Im a 30 year old and it seems like I should be in a semi-safe path. Its so unclear to me.

>> No.19889141

I like you guys. Have a good day.

>> No.19889184
File: 813 KB, 2419x3364, Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man spoke to my soul.

>> No.19889227

it's over. time to get the rope.

>> No.19889299
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They said don't walk, but we ran
They said don't talk, but we sang
They said don't look, but we saw (yes we
The fire rising like before

They said don't think, but we know
They said don't start, but we said go
They said don't hear, but we heard (yes we
And knew their lies were all absurd

>> No.19889552


>> No.19889574

you're the they, retard

>> No.19889608

Who else reads really late? I can’t read during the day, sadly, because I get distracted.

>> No.19889659

I should consider a graduate program, but I don’t want to continue in my undergraduate field at all and there’s nothing in particular it lends itself to.

>> No.19889698

Things will get better. They have to they have to they have to they have to they have to they have to they have to they have to

>> No.19889699

What did you study in undergrad? I really don’t recommend a PhD or masters unless you have dosh for it (hopefully a scholarship) and enough time to burn. It’s really not a smart career move unless you want to live in academia forever, which isn’t that great or hospitable in itself.

>> No.19889704

A girl from uni put my penis in her mouth and it didn't fix anything.

>> No.19889705

I read pretty much all the time

>> No.19889707

it still is tiny as fuck?

>> No.19889714

No, I mean yes, but I was hoping the experience would initiate me in to the Brotherhood of Normies. I guess what really matters is hitting the milestones during the brief window you are meant to.

>> No.19889720

Today I spent 4 hours watching black people react to memes and funny videos on youtube.

>> No.19889734

True. Having sex in 30's cannot make up for the damage of not getting it in teens or 20's. You're the same broken person.

>> No.19889801

sex is overrated anyway

>> No.19889839
File: 3.13 MB, 2560x1440, tea-plantation-mount-fuji-japan-blue-sky-9rJW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I WILL (will) study something.
Have a good day.

>> No.19889878

Incels and femcels should be matched for sex. There is no moral or logistic alternative. CMV.

>> No.19889880

>a version of yourself but female

>> No.19889884

genuinely having a wank rn

>> No.19889895


>> No.19889941

Yeah, that's it. I can't find a good model for my thesis, I'll study optics and do one myself.

>> No.19889957

At what point am I lacking self confidence if I just feel like I won't be able to connect with people as my genuine self? I used to be a kind of joker and quite cheeky and still am with my family but can't do it with strangers and acquaintances anymore. I don't dislike myself. I've achieved everything I hoped to have achieved, I like how I look, I know my strengths and so on. I also get along with people fine. It's just that after a good amount of reading and coming to terms with existence I feel like I can go deep with the vast majority of people. I'm in a new city for med school btw.

>> No.19889961

Feel like I can't

>> No.19889967

tfw haven't been in a relationship or on a date in 3 years

>> No.19889983

post looks like you're seeking for affirmation, no? Being, as you say it, an achiever. Hm, I sometimes feel I'm somewhat lacking in confidence, thinking wouldn't it be nice to have a community for recovering good-hearted spergs. For those who went through a time of purging and now ready to start with a new paradigm free from muck of what was before. A Sloterdijkean project of excellence in goodness and charity but without try-hard larpism (greed for 'succass'), genuine in its naivite and thymos. Dreaming utopias does me good.

>> No.19890107

Damn, then I don't know how to help you. I'm 23 and also have no clue what I want to do for a living. At best I can wish you good luck anon, we're all gonna make it

>> No.19890132
File: 146 KB, 1773x1773, smiling-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, another day, another day pretending to be working from home.

>> No.19890158

this is very good music.

>> No.19890162

the singer really is their only real problem. I'd say unusually multifaceted and creative simple rock music with a mediocre singer. large parts of their catalogue is absolute shite iirc, abut there are many bangers desu

>> No.19890168

love this one

>> No.19890187

Capitalism could easily be solved if it paid dividends to all salaried workers rather than executives or workers who have established themselves at the company after x number of years. There used to be something of a social contract between the company and its workers. If the company grew, the workers, who built the company, were rewarded proportionately. The workers made the company what it is, and yet only a parasitic class of c-suite executives reap most of the benefits. I view all this toward the self-destructive tendency in capitalism toward the denigration of labor and the "ephemeralization" of value i.e, the greater reward as high level decision making, or financialization. (which are proxies of ownership). All established employees should be considered shareholders. Privately held companies sometimes approximate this principle. Publicly held companies mirror the disenfranchising tendencies of globalism, the delocalization and spreading thin of priorities, the alienation of labor, and the maximization of benefits for a disinterested and abstract (ephemeral) investor class. This is shareholder, rather than stakeholder capitalism.

At times I am sympathetic to more radical anti-capitalist views (e.g. kill the CEOs and appropriate their gains, nationalize the banks, burn the stock market, dissolve hedge funds and kill their managers, forcibly restructure insurance industry etc) but that is a pipe dream. Pragmatic reformism is the way forward. All the tools are there to fix capitalism. Except for the ones with all the money and power nothing is broken.

>> No.19890190

>or workers who have established themselves at the company after x number of years
I worded this sentence poorly: It should be:
Capitalism could easily be solved if it paid dividends to all salaried workers or workers who have established themselves at the company after x number of years rather than just executives

>> No.19890195
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>i wake up
>board quality drops noticeably

>> No.19890221

Go back to sleep

>> No.19890223
File: 16 KB, 300x272, Anime-Cute-Good-Morning-Wallpaper-300x272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooooood morning.

I love you.

>> No.19890238


>> No.19890273

What I mean by
>There’s Too Many of Them!
I keep closing the shit threads. It kinda works. Now I’m bored with it and feel I can leave

>> No.19890378

It took a week for a depression wave to pass through me. I still feel weak and sad.

>> No.19890395

I want to know everything
I want to be everywhere
I want to fuck everyone in the world
I want to do something that matters

>> No.19890413
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>> No.19890418

Pfft nice 5head nigga

>> No.19890421

I remember those days. What a waste.
Switch it off, anon.

>> No.19890437

I wish I could. I just too sensitive and cant brush off moods and emotions.

>> No.19890454

Like saying you can’t lift your arm or work your fingers.
Take steps to tame it. It’s you after all. You’re in control of you.

>> No.19890478

I have never dated before, am about mid 20s. Socially I am pretty decent and a good talker though. So after a lot of my friends kept pushing that I should at least try it. I thought fck it, what do I have to lose. I was also a bit sceptical about my prejudice agains it. So eventually I went on a couple of dates with some girls since new year, all in all 3 atm. In the end I am more confused than ever on woman. I felt no attraction to any of the girls I dated, I wouldn't say they were gorgeous, but they certainly weren't what you could call ugly. I also had a pretty fun time with all three of them. But is this normal bros, does it take long to find someone that you actually feel attracted to?

>> No.19890484

sure, they deserve each other

>> No.19890489

did you bang them?

>> No.19890491

Had a similar experience. 3 years later I had good sex for the first time, and it changed everything

>> No.19890501

Is there any change you are ace? Have you ever been sexually attracted to someone?

>> No.19890505

No with all three of them I have just gone on first dates. But my whole point is that I did not even get the slightest urge to want to bang any of them. I would have straight up refused them if they even wanted to bang at the end of the dates. But I should want to bang them at the first date right? I should feel attraction right away if its a girl I like, right?

>> No.19890507

Incels hate women. They can’t match and it makes them mad.
All they’ll settle for is fleshlights, Real Dolls or just the 2D waifus

>> No.19890518


>> No.19890530

incels don't exist mate, it's just a badge

>> No.19890534

Maybe a little bit, but I dont think so. There have been many times I've seen girls in other settings that I would want to bang. The thing is, I wonder if it has something to do with the setting instead of the girls. Maybe exactly because its a non-fantastical setting, with a realistic outlook at intimacy, that I dont feel arousal/attraction. I am just a bit confused for now, wondering if its normal.

>> No.19890538

>But I should want to bang them at the first date right? I should feel attraction right away if its a girl I like, right?
not necessarily, everyone is different, sometimes there's girls you physically want to bang from first sight, some you won't feel that urge even if you go on 5 or 6 dates with them. Don't be too hard on yourself and keep talking to various different women and trying out new stuff, you're still young.

>> No.19890554

alright thanks anon, but so you think it really has to do with the girls personally right? In the sense that I just haven't found a girl yet that I would feel attraction to right away. I guess I will keep trying until I do.

>> No.19890565

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19890616

I kind of infer the obvious there. They’re always voluntarily celibate misogynists and/or misanthropic. They invented the term for themselves as an excuse.

>> No.19890675
File: 223 KB, 894x1280, 2F86FEBD-E576-4C4C-942E-987BBFC46732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already told you. This is the way normal human drains are from the start

>> No.19890683

I’m so bored and tired of life. I am so unstimulated by work, home, and my personal life. I thought I’d try to read The Brothers Karamazov, but I can’t even get through a couple pages of it. I can’t find anything to stimulate my mind. No movies, no shows, no comics, no music. My mind is just nothing.

>> No.19890702

it's probably because your work drains all your energy and mental power and you have almost none at the end of the day to devote it to good books and movies.

>> No.19890713

dopamine fast

>> No.19890824
File: 359 KB, 500x281, 1629292493810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still haven't found a date....
And Valentine's is approaching...
I planned to go watch the cherry trees blossom in the park....
I am doomed, simply doomed.
Billions of years of unbroken existence perpetuating existence, broken because of my cosmic failures...

>> No.19890842

Oh shoot I forgot to get a girlfriend again

>> No.19890848

So thats a man right

>> No.19890868
File: 189 KB, 894x1280, 27813339-760B-46F1-8F53-738260AA0136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. They’re both obviously women.

>> No.19890875

Anon, do you know where you are right now? Don't you remember you blacking out years ago?

Anon, you're in a coma right now. None of this is happening. Why do you think there's all this talk about ICUs and waking up? That's what you're trying to do right now, anon

>> No.19890894

Well thats disappointing

>> No.19890899

>my coma fantasy is jacking off to cartoon trannies
Maybe its better if I dont wake up

>> No.19890902

i am mentally eviscerated

>> No.19890922

you think i like this? you think i wanted this?

>> No.19890969
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It's literally impossible to get into a relationship without at least one of you being a normalfag.....

>> No.19891030

Why cant I just marry some weirdo shut in girl

>> No.19891055

I've spent the last four years going to sleep listening to podcasts. Music is my opiate.

How do I go to sleep normally again? I legit feel scared going to sleep without those voices

>> No.19891105

maybe you're naturally modest. that's not a problem.

>> No.19891116

I basically need noise to go to sleep 9/10 nights and have since I was a kid, Except, and this is the point, when it isn't an option. If it's not an option then I don't need it at all. I don't know why, but if it's similar I wouldn't worry.

>> No.19891122

I love the hero Sniper from the video game/MOBA Dota 2. He's so dumb and ugly.

>> No.19891346
File: 1.07 MB, 908x444, humanpet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we keep human babies as pets when they have the equivalent intelligence of other animals that we do keep as pets? It's because human babies grow up. We consider their future when considering what's right and wrong. But what if we stunted their development so we could?

>> No.19891459

i lowkey wanna die bro fr no cap

>> No.19891464

I looked in the bathroom mirror today and thought I looked like myself for the first time in idk 14 years? seems I'm doing better, thank God. It was somewhat strange. It was exhilerating. It's like I've felt knots in my chest get untied over and over again in the last 5 months or so. I felt it as I studied my smiling face. Things are getting resolved somehow. I'll probably have a decent life yet, maybe even a family, God willing. I wouldn't dare guess about the afterlife, probably too much time left to fuck up and who knows either way, but certainly hopeful.

>> No.19891524


>> No.19891537

What happened to the short story reading group, ssrg? Did I miss a thread or has it been abandoned?

>> No.19891614


>> No.19891665

It greatly upsets me that we don't know what consciousness actually is yet.

>> No.19891671

Realized I literally haven't been outside for 3 days so went to the pub. More crowded than I'm used to on a tuesday but it's okay, I'm used to drinking alone surrounded by crowds. Some loud french exchange students are within earshot, makes me wish I'd learnt French.

>> No.19891681

I do.

>> No.19891698


>> No.19891708

A girl joined the group and ruined everything so it was disbanded.

>> No.19891713

the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings.

>> No.19891726

Myself and a friend were talking about our sad and painful childhoods when a group of zoomers sat at the table next to us. They all had the ramen noodle hair and were saying shit like "for real real, bussin, dem bitches" with a faux nigger accent. They were all white.
It was a jarring experience

>> No.19891738

True, women are pretty gay desu

>> No.19891798

I refuse people can legitimately read outside of the quietness of their home. Every time i see someone read in public i know they arent able to focus on their book, staring at the page, re-reading that same sentence hopelessly trying to understand what the author was trying to say through all the noise. I dont think theyre all posers, maybe slightly just retarded.

>> No.19891809

What if it's in a sparsely crowded park?

>> No.19891828

The squeaks and squawks of the flora and fauna produce n atmospheric pressure in ur ear that ur brain interprets as a signal and the wires light up and ur eyes go black from the sun reflected against the pure eggshell white pages of ur book and u cant 5ee so well and the sway of the trees, the sway of thee grass, the sway of the hair, the sway of the wind, etc., etc., etc.

>> No.19891840

Still surrounding noise, wind, people walking by, kids playing, cars, etc. Even at a low level id go nuts. I mean you could probably read something easy like Catch 22 but still wouldn’t make sense when you could read it at home.

>> No.19891842

How about my sparsely crowded dick

>> No.19891874

I read better in a quiet park. No distractions from the computer or phone.

>> No.19891903

Background noise, even people talking, is less distracting to me than the distractions of digital devices, work obligations, and sleepiness. So I go to a park or cafe and leave all that at home and can focus much better. If you find noises that distracting you might unironically be on the spectrum.

>> No.19891916

not everybody is you anon

>> No.19892001

Changing physical location doesn’t take away from those distractions. I doubt you leave home without your phone, even if you do your work obligations and sleepiness follow you. On top of all that your surroundings will distract you.

>> No.19892028

>Changing physical location doesn’t take away from those distractions.
It does. I turn my phone off and leave it in my backpack rather than in sight; everything else I leave at home, including everything related to work. With moving around and change in environment and a cup of coffee, sleepiness goes away. If you're so fixated on how surroundings can change your state of mind by way of distraction, why is it so hard for you to imagine that changing your surroundings can change your state of mind for the better?

>> No.19892034

What happened to the short stories general? What happened to the shakespeare general? Are the only new generals left the bible thread and the poem of the day threads?

I hate browing the main page on /lit/ because it's just retards who don't read. At least generals had people interested in literature.

>> No.19892059

Shit's going so fast I didn't notice valentine's day was coming up until today.

Maybe I should ask a girl out

>> No.19892064

"Personality" is a myth. Future Psychologists will look back on this as the dark age of psychology.

>> No.19892078

the point is that it's a naturally flowing, mixed activity. I like reading in cafes and so on cus you can alternate between reading, just sitting back and pondering, drinking your coffee, considering getting a cinnamon roll and eavesdroping the shit out of people around you. there's no rush. maybe you read 2 pages in an hour. so what. it's very relaxing to just follow wherever your attention takes you in a setting like that. I've unironically gotten qualitatively very good reading done in settings like this, but very, very slowly. I would almost say it helps me digest that the attention is mixed.

>> No.19892112

I hate every single person who browses this website beyond the humanly conceivable. Every single day I spend here shaves whole years off my life expectancy that are burned into a cosmic rage. I know that this is what anonymity does to people, lack of accountability, it's not just a website. This is the bare human soul at work and I hate it so much. There can't be anything divine in this horrible creature that is man.

>> No.19892135

The interest always fades eventually. It is the same fate that most /lit/ readalongs had when people actually tried to make them.

>> No.19892143

Babies require an enormous amount of care and don't do anything remotely useful or entertaining. They would be terrible pets.

>> No.19892156

but what about, like, a 9 year old, who you can just infinitely go on walks with in the forest and fill with all your ideas and wow him with starry skies and shit?

>> No.19892159

can you imagine how hard he is going to fucking destroy peewee soccer after a while?

>> No.19892186

>9 year old, who you can just infinitely go on walks with in the forest
your 9 year old will not take walks in the forest with you. he'll ramble about productname all day every day and play shitty phone games and watch youtube poop
you do not have any control on your child's upbringing in this century

>> No.19892194

Have you ever met a 9 year old?

>> No.19892203

shit, yea, I suppose..

>> No.19892209

I'm beginning to think my childhood wasn't that bad.

>> No.19892215

My brother. He likes to pretend to be a TV reporter.

>> No.19892220

You are promoting the use of children as pets so there must have been something questionable going on there

>> No.19892225
File: 600 KB, 1869x1263, my_free_will_question1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has this been refuted

>> No.19892259

what do you think about this
in order to be free will, conceptually it would have to be incomprehensible. If it could be comprehended, it could be predicted, and then it would not be free. Therefore, if it does exist, it will never be cornered, and so the question is moot. For it to be what it would need to be, it would have to be effectively indeterminable.
>that is the same as not existing
I don't know of any reason to think this (maybe no one did think it, but just in case)

>> No.19892261
File: 184 KB, 960x720, 1644342444606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do lefties always look like this?

>> No.19892269

You can do all that stuff at home, i do know changing your surroundings can change your state of mind for the better, just not in the way of going to a park or cafe where people cars and nature can distract you.

>> No.19892272

>in order to be free will, conceptually it would have to be incomprehensible
agree, man therefore has no right to judge

>> No.19892280

shit that's an interesting point

>> No.19892295


>> No.19892304
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Here are more

>> No.19892316
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Fucking creepy man

>> No.19892365
File: 114 KB, 1028x675, 484AED22-FEFB-44A5-8EA8-C00E5CDF2E37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do leftists look like a bunch of people
We exist

>> No.19892373

/sffg/ is completely unusable. Yet mods won’t do shit to fix it.

>> No.19892381
File: 78 KB, 630x708, 55F8D3E6-F09F-4015-92EE-7CEE7D9C92D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ten of them! I found ten of them that look really bad!
>I wouldn’t fuck them!

This is /lit/ - Literature

>> No.19892384

Second from the left is a tranny, right?

>> No.19892394

Is that your example of an attractive woman?

>> No.19892406

Blonde guy in the middle looks like joe dirt
Girl with dreads is very potentially cute. Would date her and convince her to fix her fucking hair. We would then make many homely aryan babies

>> No.19892425

>Doing their jobs

>> No.19892427
File: 91 KB, 740x1209, DC94BAC1-A8C1-402C-AA8F-8887C70FAF2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attractive women are attractive, yes.

I know I know, “she doesn’t hold a candle to my ladyboy collection”.

>> No.19892432

Because normal people see babies as humans and deserving of human dignity. Being kept as a pet violates human dignity. It's especially heinous considering the baby is so innocent and pure. Degrading it like that is sick

You can keep me as a pet if you'd like though. I get off on that.

>> No.19892440

Yes I see now from that better angle. She's a cutie. Needs to lose that fucking nose ring though. Makes her revolting.

>> No.19892460

im dreamin bout them dreamy eyes

>> No.19892465

You can barely see his eyes.

>> No.19892476
File: 227 KB, 1920x1440, 11569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never gotten laid, fell in love and I'm already 24. Life is incredibly dull and boring but also stressful. There are deadlines to fulfill and I suffer from ADD. I've lost all interest in the goings of other people, old friends and watch time go by without being productive.

I probably won't live past 80 either but who knows, it's not important yet. Life blows, nothing good about it except jpop. It's monotone

>> No.19892487

Problem with asian women is you can never have romantic eye staring moments with them. Shame that my wife will be asian

>> No.19892589
File: 2.99 MB, 800x450, 1644364165586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the same predicament.
Would you like to go on a date with me to watch the cherry blossoms bloom?
I'll bring cinnamon rolls that I bake myself.

>> No.19892626

jej, sure, I'd love some cinnamon rolls. But since that's not happening I would appreciate if you shared the recipe with me!

>> No.19892666

Variation of this..
I like adding Cardamom too..

>> No.19892731
File: 47 KB, 604x295, Spurdo_jump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close

Anyway I made https://www.lcbo.com/lcbo/recipe/tres-leches-layer-cake/F202002028 recently and it was pretty good but simple to make, might as well share it too

>> No.19892819

the stench of booze in my room is unreal

>> No.19892852

It doesn't look like they're breaking any rules, it's just shitposting

>> No.19892929

my 4th grade teacher tried to force us to learn to take notes in shorthand but I refused to do so and just jotted down everything quickly in chicken scratch readable only to me, which had the effect of making my handwriting indecipherable to my other teachers

>> No.19892974

I'm still seething about my shitty freshman year of university five years later. Wish I could be 18 again and actually have fun

>> No.19893044
File: 13 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of what is called Hell in the Bible is actually meant to invoke "extinction"? An apt description of the end result of dysgenic behavior? That has always been my intuition (I guess as someone who was interested in evolution long before I converted to Christianity.) You don't follow the cosmic order -- you become extinct. That seems to be exactly what happens to people, right? They make stupid decisions, and then they "live in their own hell".

>> No.19893105
File: 2.98 MB, 320x378, 1644366763939.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is now striking people down for blasphemy before our eyes lel

>> No.19893129

i stopped at McDonald's on the way back from the pub and there's these two pretty drunk (and very attractive) girls waiting for their order and being rather obnoxious. when they see me they start saying things like "oh my god he's so cute" "that guy's real hot and he knows it" etc, and now I'm not sure if I was catcalled, if they were prostitutes or if I should see this a massive self esteem boost..

>> No.19893141

they were drunk, they clearly weren't thinking correctly

>> No.19893160

Are you talking about 4channel?

>> No.19893166

Shut the fuck up and choke on a pus filled kike cock

>> No.19893168

My oldest daughter is 9 years old and is absolutely nothing like that. Not sure why you assume all "modern" kids are like that when you clearly know nothing on the subject. They're not all braindead Fortnite addicts.

>> No.19893169

Means you are attractive but their drunkenthotness will have multiplied it in their eyes somewhat

>> No.19893178

the stench of poop in my room is unreal

>> No.19893181

you were being catcalled
enjoy the compliment, guys dont get many in general
they acted with no shame because they were drunk

>> No.19893191

Should have exchanged numbers. Or at least interacted… unless you really didn’t find them attractive I guess.

>> No.19893194

Change your underwear more often.

>> No.19893207

i just winked at them and went off. I hope I didn't pass off as rude, but they were definitely not the kind of people I'd care much about exchanging numbers with

>> No.19893248

make me bitch

>> No.19893262

None of it
>Maimonides declares in his 13 principles of faith that the hells of the rabbinic literature were pedagogically motivated inventions to encourage respect of the Torah commandements by mankind, which had been regarded as immature.[51] Instead of being sent to hell, the souls of the wicked would actually get annihilated.[52]

>> No.19893272

>Should have exchanged numbers. Or at least interacted

No. They were wasted and you were just a prop for their conversation. Drunk women like to say "outrageous" things because "oh my god I can't believe you said that".

>> No.19893292

I hate what my job does to me.

>> No.19893298

huh, I'd assumed by the tone of the posts it had been started by a woman and populated exclusively by women.

>> No.19893302

I'm so tired of everything, yet I've never lived

>> No.19893324

boredom is draining. Maybe this is why they say "a change is as good as a rest"?

>> No.19893326

>muh vagina
Why does every female comedian do that

>> No.19893330

Gonna be a week tomorrow since my last change

>> No.19893340

Doesnt that completely undermine Scirpture

>> No.19893440

I feel incredibly disheartened and see no way to make it better. Despite my absolute best efforts I've made zero progress towards anything. I'm 25 years old and have less then what I started with. I'm jealous of people that fall upwards. I never seem to land.

>> No.19893444

I want you my love that no matter what happens I love you.

>> No.19893456

How so? Which parts still remain?

>> No.19893523

Well if you say that scripture is just hyperbolic statements by rabbis to scare you into conformity then scripture isnt really divine revelation is it

>> No.19893685
File: 59 KB, 1024x703, 1644246944723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rambling. I hate technology for so many reasons but primarily because of this gay 1984 surveillance world we live in, specifically smartphones and CCTV. You can mess up anywhere and there's always a camera there recording you that can be used against you later. Thank fuck nobody recorded me during my manic episode but it's incredibly horrifying. Your identity can be stolen at any time thanks to database breaches, chatlogs used against you by ex-girlfriends YEARS later no matter how small the grievance, phones recording you constantly, social media that's specifically designed to control your emotions and thoughts (see NATO Cognitive Warfare document and also https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/06/everything-we-know-about-facebooks-secret-mood-manipulation-experiment/373648/)), rapidly evolving technology that SUCKS you in making you completely reliant on it... I could go on. The worst part is that when I was little I wanted to do computer programming but even the so-called "mentor" I looked up to admitted to hating computers himself. He should have told me to begin with. So today I smashed two modem/routers and I plan to smash another.

>> No.19893702

>he said on his computer.

Make plans

>> No.19893709

>he says on his computer
kek true, point still stands

>> No.19893730

Unbearably stressed. l didnt ask for any of this

>> No.19893745

So happy birthday

>> No.19893764

He said Hell was a fiction to keep Rabbis in line. It wasn't about the entirety of scripture, just Hell

>> No.19893793

"Gabriel, why do you serve him?"
"He is love."
"You do not love him, if you do, you would join me in Hell. Then you will know if you truly do."
"Lucifer, love is not a choice."
"Then love is not free, and if something is not free, it cannot be love."

>> No.19893832

Just drop out of society bro

>> No.19893897

Saw "fuck social credit system" scrawled on a wall so it made me feel better. Wish I could drop out of society.

>> No.19893924
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, 6CED45D1-CB52-442E-9E05-1E4B7F195778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cute racist bf

>> No.19893999

I'm cute and racist but not gay unfortunately

>> No.19894005

some explain to me how clout works. unironically books reccs would help

>> No.19894020

In my head I've made an Olympic sport of tossing stones at myself and have become obsessed with winning gold every day. My sole defining personality trait, as of last year, has become narcissistic introspection and self-loathing. There's absolutely nothing else. I enjoy nothing other than beating myself down, and am beginning to gain trace amounts of actual pleasure from it. Good night, /lit/.

>> No.19894023

The Will to Power by Nietzsche

>> No.19894033

Cummies no feel good no more...

>> No.19894043

Try putting things up your rectum

>> No.19894130

Were they black? When I visited America I would get catcalled by black women all the time. Never happens at home though.

>> No.19894152

meeting someone with a similar power level to you (while being a similar age) is frightening. its not really about the money or the status so much as the accuracy of their models of reality that i believe really reveals it, though usually by a certain age and with some luck those two are achievable. the powerful have this piercing eye that just strips things to their most basic, naked aspects. being around people who have developed a similar skill (or gift most likely) is, as I said, as frightening as it is a joy.

>> No.19894169

I've changed my interpretation of a passage of Aristotle at least then times by now, but still I'm not sure this is what he really meant.

>> No.19894254

1500 more words and then I quit my uni course

>> No.19894307

I am incredibly relieved sometimes that almost all the cringe I'm responsible for happened in the pre-smartphone era, but I have the same paralysis today. I have zero trust for people and I'm paranoid so the idea of living surrounded by evil goblins with cameras stresses me a lot.

>> No.19894427

I agree, people tend to say that society is heading Brave New World way but its actually 1984 future.

>> No.19894434

>I disagree, people tend to say that society is heading 1984 way but its actually a Brave New World future.

>> No.19894436

heh, touché

>> No.19894567

Oof. Just made a wild and potentially life changing decision. I feel oddly calm. However, I believe that men are formed by the risks they take.

>> No.19894572


>> No.19894578

Bitch, where you when I was walkin'?
Now I run the game, got the whole world talkin'

>> No.19894594

1- Fuck being expected to take care of your parents financially when you can barely take care of yourself. Most people wasted their adolescence on playing video games, dating... I did almost none of that because I don't have the luxury to spend time or money on niceties.

2- How tf can I get you out of mind?

>> No.19894632

I did something similar not too long ago mate. I quit my job that was paying pretty well and which I somewhat at first to a degree. Now I'm thinking whether that was the right decision after all or not. Pretty difficult to find a job right now.

>> No.19894634

>2- How tf can I get you out of mind?
Put yourself in mortal danger.
Preoccupy yourself with stimuli.
And finally, the bitter pill: train your mind like a martial artist, learn to react to your own fixations and trains of thought to either dodge them or to redirect the energy towards productive causes through sheer force of will.

>> No.19894650

Everything will work out in the long run, I think the only thing to do is not allow oneself to stagnate. Why did you quit?

>> No.19894654

No, no offense, but suppression and sublimation leads to you being an emotionally underdeveloped person. I spent many years doing what you said instead of dealing with my feelings, and it only led to pent-up anger, me not understanding how I feel, what I want, who I am...

I dislike them for what they did and want to move on, but I'm not going to shove down how I feel just because I don't like it.

>> No.19894662

Im the one who can fix my life but I dont know how yet I end up in stagnation.

>> No.19894678

>"if something is not free, it cannot be love."
but thats wrong

>> No.19894756

Right, because love is a choice. Lucifer is wisest here.

>> No.19894785

Offense? None taken because I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about or what part of my post you're referencing.

>> No.19894806

Thought suppression is a psychological defence mechanism. It is a type of motivated forgetting in which an individual consciously attempts to stop thinking about a particular thought.

In psychology, sublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism, in which socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a long-term conversion of the initial impulse.

>> No.19894834

>is a mature type
According to who? The people who consider themselves mature?

>> No.19894837

There is room in life to make mistakes. I hope.

>> No.19894839

So in case you didn't guess, in your post:

dodge = suppression
redirect your energy towards productive causes = sublimation

Pre-occupy yourself with stimuli can be either.

>> No.19894849

So what's the alternative, just allow the negative thoughts to run free? That seems even worse. Explain to me what's the bad side of forcing yourself to stop thinking about unproductive thoughts, fuck what's socially acceptable, because unproductive thoughts aren't always those which are in conflict with societal values: they are just not helpful in overall happiness.
>In which socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are transformed
Or you can just stop the impulses in the first place through sheer force of will.
Also fuck Freud.

>> No.19894853

According to Freud.

>> No.19894862

>Or you can just stop the impulses in the first place through sheer force of will.

Not the anon you are arguing with, but if you try to repress thoughts too much without resolving them then they will begin to manifest as physical symptoms. It can fuck you up with ulcers and shit. I am big represser of negative feelings and then I had a terrible panic attack the effects of which knocked me around for more than a week. I'm not saying that is what happens to everyone, but at some level you have to resolve whatever is bothering you in one way or another.

>> No.19894870

kek, I made a mistake by replying to a retard who talks about martial arts because he thinks that makes people tough.

Also, maybe if you take my advice, you'd be less angry, defensive... because your crappy advice isn't helping you with that obviously.

>> No.19894882

I assume they mean in the sense of becoming aware of socially acceptable and what is not.
You obviously don't learn that very early in life.

You can take it or leave it. Also, if I quote sth, that doesn't mean I stand behind every word; it's just that the definition provides a simple enough description of what the term means, and wikipedia is a more readily available than an article, because then I'd have to sift through a bunch.

>> No.19894931

Also, you can't say fuck freud when you don't know the first thing about him, since you had to ask me what suppression and sublimation mean. That's for people who are have read some of his work at least.

>> No.19895079

The other anon didn't mention resolving them
I wasn't angry ('fuck' isn't angry is it?) but it sounds more like a deficiency in your self-discipline and your fundamental argument, which is why you chose to disagree with me. Self-Serving Bias and all that kinda shit.
I'd like to hear your counterarguments, please prove me wrong.
You used Freudian terms without context, of course I asked you what you meant, I didn't even know you meant them in the context of Freud. But even if I hadn't heard of them (I have) it is naive to think that the only way you can pass judgement on the quality of a thinker or theorist is to read the totality of their corpus. If that were so then you would be obligated to give me the benefit of the doubt since you haven't read the totality of my corpus and thinking. You should know that fame or notability is not directly correlative for quality of the work. And finally, like all social sciences, Freud is hampered by the fundamental untestability of his theories: some of his theories are interesting and sound like they could be correct, but other ideas are just batty. Or are they: it's entirely speculation because how do you test it? You can't. As much as Kurt Lewin may have strived with his own personal physics envy, you just can't. Humans are 'complex adaptive systems' and testability is impossible.
However if I were to get Freudian on your ass I would say that you're struggling with Splitting and unfairly I might add.

>> No.19895114

> it is naive to think that the only way you can pass judgement on the quality of a thinker or theorist is to read the totality of their corpus

I said "some" of his work.

I won't reply to you because you're too emotional, and what's worse, too stupid, by thinking that the social sicences have no method to test their theories. As if your initial comment wasn't enough.

I don't see anything that would come from this except it would be a great waste of time.

And btw, I don't believe for a second that someone who is the least bit acquainted with the work of freud wouldn't have guessed that from the moment I referred to the concepts ("I didn't even know you meant them in the context of Freud.") Then in which way did you think I meant them, especially taking your comment into consideration and mine about pent-up anger and not dealing with your emotions? Turning matter into gaz?


>> No.19895186
File: 82 KB, 1080x1024, 1644201910389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely. I'm worried about passive surveillance too, you don't need an account to be on Facebook thanks to people uploading that information for you whether knowingly or unknowingly. I'm stressed all the time and broke a few spare old smart phones to get out stress, I'm so sick of this constant paranoia.

>> No.19895216


>> No.19895255

Just hit 50,000 words for my first draft. It's pretty shit and needs a lot of editing. None of the pieces fit together yet, which is what I am going to work on now. Feeling good at reaching 50,000 though. Pretty happy with a lot of it too. I read over it and I think, yeah, there is something here that makes it worth completing. Makes the process easier.

>> No.19895261

>I won't reply to you because you're too emotional,
Which parts struck you as emotional? Any other anons want to weigh in? I thought I was being quite neutral in tone. But I'll admit my fault
>by thinking that the social sicences have no method to test their theories
You should be able to easily name seven rigorous/trustworthy ones in that case. Which I'd be delighted if you did.
None of those methods are as rigorous or free from researcher influence as those in physics. This is the root of the Replication Crises, which even if you suppose that there are fail-safe trustworthy methods of testing which do fall under Popperian standards of Falsifiability, then overwhelming majority of the literature is simply untrustworthy.
Semi-Structured interviews, IQ tests, Grounded Theory... we can't even be sure when we get cold hard data what the data actually pertains to
>I don't believe for a second that someone who is the least bit acquainted with the work of freud
That says more about you than me I'm afraid.

>> No.19895289

kek, you have such a low understanding of how science works, it's laughable.

And how you avoided answering my question about what other explanations could suppression and sublimation have had in that context is a fantastical, but only overshadowed by you taking that sentence out of context, and trying to turn it against me ("says more about you") kek

Another day, I would have no problem discussing how science actually works, or why popper's big idea isn't that impressive ... but not to you.
You're the typical user of this board: you know nothing about something, yet, you want to have an opinion about it. And when called out, instead of just letting go, you double down, because of how massive your ego is.

I will no longer reply to you. Have a great day / night, and thanks for you attempt at help.

>> No.19895337

yeah I'm still confused which parts you thought were emotional?
>And how you avoided answering my question about what other explanations could suppression and sublimation have had in that context is a fantastical,
>Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas state
I thought you were using it metaphorically. But it also is a counterpart to dye imbibation. I think you're too narrow minded, sorry if that sounds harsh.

>> No.19895476

Do you ever feel enslaved to your vices, or your devices?

>> No.19895494


>> No.19895570

i feel constantly enslaved by high prices

>> No.19895599
File: 46 KB, 320x327, 575-5755124_post-capitalist-pig-porky-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this if you can see, who is greedy and porky and behind all three?

>> No.19895632

I'm doing okay. I hope you are doing well.

I'm going to trust in God.

>> No.19895708

>Put yourself in mortal danger.
Ah it's the military groomer again

>> No.19895733
File: 827 KB, 1920x1080, Long Noses Global Cabal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dub dubs...
hmmm well they have long noses and make weird guttural sounds.
The moose?

>> No.19895771

Women lose all their beauty once they're plucked, huh?

>> No.19895831

Male who consider beauty alone are the most useless creatures on earth

>> No.19895900

dutch people?

>> No.19895914

I saw a woman on the train yesterday in full hijab but when she crossed her legs I noticed she was wearing tall, clunky goth girl boots. My erection has not abated since then. I think Muslimbros are on to something here.

>> No.19896146

Is /lit/ more of a Roman board or a Greek board?

>> No.19896175

I havent changed my underwear in a week

>> No.19896180

Beauty is in the harmony of parts. Beauty is therefore the measure of all things

>> No.19896202

>start with greeks
definitely Greek.

>> No.19896203


>> No.19896226

Riddle me this if you're up for some fun, which ethnic group claims to be the most oppressed, but has the most funds?

>> No.19896236

can reading too much cause a headache?
I just had some of the worst headaches I've ever had. Not sure what this is caused by, didn't drink any alcohol in days, slept pretty well. Might be the change in the weather.

>> No.19896257

Love comes before beauty, love makes beauty.

>> No.19896267

Riddle me this if you gather , what movement represents a demographic whose attacks on each other are quite graphic, and yet claims their lives matter?

>> No.19896297

Sure, might be the weather. Rest your eyes, but take some water. Could be dehydration.

>> No.19896344

Love is of Beauty

>> No.19896570
File: 456 KB, 1600x1200, grizzly-bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one more thing to do.

I'm gonna be brave.

>> No.19896648
File: 78 KB, 828x828, 1632983489278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raises arms

>> No.19896730

A chair's only claim to dignity is the number of buttocks it supports
A chair has no choice
It is a slave to the rest of the world
A chair has no power
It is a mere slave, a tool, a chair
A tree can never say I am a great poet
It is a force which gives its roots to the soil
And in giving sustenance to the ground it is nothing
But it is a beautiful thing and it is always green
Only through the lens of human eyes
But, it has no real say in life

>> No.19896740

Just like me. I am merely a slave to the asses which sit on my face

>> No.19896752

A name is a part of a collective history. Names are passed down from generations and descended from traditions and deeper meanings to a culture. A name tells people something about me, a story of who I am
and where I come from. It is a gift, a birthright passed on. It does not speak for itself, but you speak for it and must wear it with pride as you are representing a culture.

>> No.19896756

What do you think about people who change their names?

>> No.19896767

Oh boy you'd love to see the mixing and matching of names here in Los Angeles

>> No.19896771

Similar principle applies, they chose it and must wear it with honor. Perhaps even more so since they chose it for a reason and it has a deeper meaning to them in particular

>> No.19896919

>I could totally win this argument but I'm just..I have better things to do
Very convincing

>> No.19897099

I stood behind her, shaking, as she shuffled disappointedly

>> No.19897111

less aware of me than ever. Today this probably pains her more.

>> No.19897164
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1618508447153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont get where cryptocurrency gets its value from. It just seems like hot air to me

>> No.19897179

>Names are passed down from generations
You're going to need a pretty loose view of what passed down and generations mean to make this universal

>> No.19897210

It's basically futures on data centres and the electricity to supply them. Like most of them, it's only hot air when the future comes.

>> No.19897461

I would like to NEET if only it were possible.

>> No.19897621

I have a situation where I can neet for extended periods of time. After about three weeks I get deeply depressed. Was neeting from mid November to mid january. By the end of it was drinking heavily, masturbating five times a day and cutting my wrists. I need to be active or I literally go insane

>> No.19897653

>It's basically futures on data centres and the electricity to supply them
well, more like futures on how much governments somewhere are subsidizing electric supply. a ton of mining is done with public electricity (illegally) apparently

>> No.19897741

I had zero plans to ever write a novel but I got an idea in my head and last night I couldn’t sleep because my brain was writing a scene involuntarily word by word so I got up and wrote 1500 words even though I didn’t really want to and only wanted to fall asleep and yet what I wrote I think is actually not cringe. And now I am thinking of the Bukowski poem “so you want to be a writer” and wondering if the fact that I wrote this pretty much involuntarily is a sign that I should at least try and complete my idea. Even if I decided not to though I still can’t stop thinking about it

>> No.19897794

Roman because we are wannabe greeks

>> No.19897984

It's weird how all my friends give a shit about gaming but I only like the series I was into as a teenager. Not sure if I grew out of it or if stuff like Metal Gear and Silent Hill were always going to be my thing and I just found them pretty soon. I still find new games I like now and then but stuff like Pokemon is impossible to care about personally

>> No.19897993

I wish I didn't start college so soon, I realized I wasn't ready for it and the psychological problem that I carried ruined many opportunities and only worsened with time.
Instead, I should've focused on them when I was younger so that I would be free from these fears and anxieties.
Now it is too late.

>> No.19898011

I think pokemon is like doing sudokus or something. it's barely a game.
t. bought pokemon red within a week of release

>> No.19898021

lol pathetic weakling. you let your so called "psychological problems" dictate you and you use them as an excuse. the rest of us live with our psychological problems and succeed despite them. That you actually think you could have fixed them just by "focusing on them" when you were younger shows you are also retarded, in addition to being a weak loser who blames everything on things he can't control. People like you are the true weaklings of this world

>> No.19898082

Either public or private, it needs a source. You want to go way long on crypto, you're a nuclear advocate.

>> No.19898104

The best time to get help is right now retard, your fatalism is just another extension of the bugbear that is making you miserable.

>> No.19898134

space is the luminiferous aether. Democritus was wrong because empty space is not void. Space itself is an object that can even be bent and manipulated by mass. So "empty space" is not void, but an object, namely space, and this object is what through which particles travel, making it the luminiferous aether, as light is transmitted through an etherial object, namely, space

>> No.19898181

Same. There really is a one size fits all approach taken in america with regards to the education system. Its very factory line. Graduate highschool, go straight to university, live in a dorm, party and fuck, graduate, white collar job.
I really wasnt ready for college at 18. I was too immature. But every single person in my life coordinated to not just funnel me into university but even the specific university. There was a fervor about it that I still struggle to understand. It wasnt almost a religious exercise, like a sacrament or something. All of my concerns were ignored. Not just ignored. Anytime I would raise my concerns the people around me would go into a panic and shut it down immediately. It was so obsessive that my dad even told me that unless I go live on campus at a university I am an illegitimate person. Anyone who did not have the "college experience" (again, a religious fervor in use of this term) is not a "real" person.
When I got to university and expressed disinterest in the lifestyle I was called mentally ill. My dad would go insane actually. Needless to say, it didn't work out. I felt trapped and isolated, went into a deep depression and then spent the next few years undergoing all kinds of weird personal changes. Went from avowed atheist to sunday church goer. Gave up on folk rock and now listen to metal. Traded libertarianism for national socialism. Its been 5 years and I still don't really know myself anymore.
I spent the last two years working full time. I really enjoyed it. I was so happy to be out of school. I felt so much freedom. That happiness tempered my turns to radicalism. But now I'm going to go back to college. I'm more mature now, have real world experience. And I need a damn education to do more than the grunt work I'm in now.

>> No.19898190

I think I screwed up talking with a girl. I ran out of things to say

>> No.19898207

I create the pizza. I destroy the pizza. I equalize the pizzas, that is the pizzas, which are, in the universe, on the Earth, all pizzas, every pizza now equal in number, as the pizza once were, that is before I create the, the pizza, the pizza. Once, the pizza, was, the pizza, no more is the pizza. The creation of, by the pizza, for the pizza, betwixt the pizza, the pizza. Pizza, the, pizza is the, is the pizza.

>> No.19898248

Should I, as someone in his early twenties, pursue a 40 years old for a casual relationship? Or should I save myself the potential embarrassment and not bother at all?

>> No.19898293

Someone pointed out to me that Pokemon is so popular that if you have enough people who play games together in one place, eventually they will land on pokemon, and when they do they will just talk FOREVER about it, how they loved the one from 2004 and it's shitty now but they're still gonna get the new one, etc. etc.
Wish I understood why, clearly people really care about it but I tried pokemon and it's like, "oh I just hit the attack button over and over, this is boring"
I guess for all of us there's something we will never understand

>> No.19898386

Its about becoming attached to the Pokémon themselves, not so much the gameplay.

>> No.19898398

Age gaps like that are only acceptable if it is the man who is 20 years older. Otherwise you are just a desperate loser at the bottom of the mating pool and so is she, not to mention the strangle psychological implications which would get Freud to name a complex after you. But whether that "embarrassment" is "worth it" is something only you can decide. Obviously as someone who is not that pathetic, I would say no, but as you are pathetic and it may be, biologically, a viable survival strategy for yourself, to you it could even be appealing. However if it were up to me, people like you would be purged from the gene pool entirely.

>> No.19898405

go for it

>> No.19898421

as a child, when it was first released and the anime aired I think it was every saturday morning, it was magical for reasons you didn't really even understand, but never, ever questioned. there could be large portions of nostalgia involved, but the thing is that it was new and kind of mysterious. You reached a new place and there were new pokemon. There was barely any internet. You knew a kid with a strategy guide and begged him to bring it to school. It was a great time/concept for myths. "You can get Mew if XYZ, my big brother did it!" "Bring his game to school then!" ".... No, he won't let me....."

so I mean it was a good time and place for it. But as an adult it is as you say. I beat the game really only with Charizard at 9 years old or so. When you ran out of PP you did some basic standard attack that hurt you and the enemy, but it was still enough. Beating the game requires nothing, catching all 150 was undoable.. Idk, strange game.

>> No.19898492

Milfs are excellent sexual training wheels.

>> No.19898520

gotta figure out what to do with all this money baka desu senpai

>> No.19898555

my friend invited me to play this online game with him for a few days now, and i keep avoiding it. i am a piece of shit.

>> No.19898583

can not get woman out of head
head say "you love woman"
say to head: "you say so"
head say "maybe woman love you"
say to head: "maybe but maybe you just like hope"
have extensive fantasies either way
head say: "maybe woman hate you"
say to head: "yea well maybe I hate woman too"
become sad
on it goes on it goes
quiets down a time

head says: "you love woman"
say to head: "maybe."

>> No.19898596
File: 72 KB, 850x400, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19898631


>> No.19898734

You need to read the Book of Five Rings

>> No.19898737

You dont have to do or like everything your friend does or like. There shouldnt be a felt obligation

>> No.19898741

I'm wary of people and their negative reactions to my presence, yet simultaneously I desire their warmth and friendliness.

>> No.19898758


>> No.19898759

I got sex in my teens and 20's and I'm almost certain that I'm a broken person because of those relationships and escapades.

>> No.19898761

I dont know whats happening. the last month or so my sexual fantasies are becoming more elaborate and perverted

>> No.19898917

But you can be active without being an employee or student

>> No.19899001

Like how?

>> No.19899028

Yes. Francis Ford Coppola said every young man should have an older woman 'teach him'. And apparently George Lucas, who was Coppola 's protege, was weary of leaving his wife around Coppola for too long.
Speaking from personal experience, having a older girlfriend helped me 'catch up' in terms of relationship experience, I felt more confident and mature. Also women in their mid-30's are nymphos because of their biological clock.
I say go for it.

>> No.19899290

don't pursue casual sexual relationships

>> No.19899306

Next thread >>19899297

Unless you’re both mature about it.

>> No.19899327
File: 1.41 MB, 1765x2652, AEBF8DAF-F17C-42AF-8D9F-BCA876F3B294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love make a thing beautiful, anon. A thing by itself doesn’t hold some aura of love. You’re perhaps thinking of the scent of a flower

>> No.19899341

Bonehead forgot to add his link
To the older new thread

>> No.19899738

We love what is beautiful

>> No.19899803
File: 396 KB, 545x744, 2B5967FB-C8FA-47B5-84C1-7DB66DE04D7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some love that which others loathe.

>> No.19899996
File: 339 KB, 930x1800, FFE3AAF7-64EB-4E78-BCA7-5CE102E5D2D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

>> No.19899999
File: 2.60 MB, 1447x2047, 0B08B15F-53A1-4439-AF92-0021C28B6478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]