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File: 36 KB, 480x638, fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19884088 No.19884088 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Folio Society?

>> No.19884129

Funko pop tier.

>> No.19884155

Folio Society? More like Funkopop Shit

>> No.19884171

It's crazy how fast a take spreads here. Absolutely no individuality or independence of mind.

>> No.19884198

I still haven't understood if the books are actually good quality
certainly very tacky and extremely overpriced

>> No.19884199

Show us your folio society collection, bro.

>> No.19884213

consoomer bullshit

>> No.19884218

Funko pop

>> No.19884225

I have one Folio book (not a collector, I got them at a used store not even knowing what Folio was). For a hardback, it's okay. I dislike the paper as I enjoy writing in books (inb4 consoomer seethe). Definitely better than most modern hardbacks but when compared with an older hardback, there's no contest. Other than the illustrations, there's nothing very good about the book. You can't put it down without the pages flying to one side.

>> No.19884235

>Thoughts on Penguin Random House
unironically this

>> No.19884256
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>Funklio Sociepop
He's right though.

>> No.19884340

this fucking thread again
this fucking lack of independent thinking again

>> No.19884538

The old ones are good. I think they've gone overboard with the new ones.

>> No.19884546

Dear God, you're right

>> No.19884558

I just bought the BOTNS one after reading a paperback of shadow and claw. Wanted to reread them in a different skin. I'm satisfied.

>> No.19884560

I’ve never owned one and don’t really plan to.

I don’t understand the hate though. There’s ostensibly some level of craftsmanship with these editions, which I feel like anyone that prefers physical copies should appreciate.

I think of it as a spectrum of practicality, where these editions are the least practical in terms of $/work, but the other side is just finding pdfs and reading those on some screen or even just listening to an audiobook. If you accept that there’s a reason not to be the most practical, you arbitrarily place yourself on that spectrum, and it seems kind of silly to criticize anyone else’s spectrum stratification. They’re not hurting anyone as far as I know.

>> No.19884585

One thing though. I have no idea how the artist thought the sundials in the Atrium of time where satalite dishes

>> No.19884684

High quality sewn illustrated hardbacks are nice. Simple as.

>> No.19884694

Just visited the site. Why are the books so fucking expensive?

>> No.19884697

punko fop

>> No.19884722

If one person tells you that you're a faggot they might be an asshole. If a few people say to you that you're a faggot it's time for an audit. If multiple people assure you that you're a faggot it's either time to take the cock out of your mouth or just go all the way and see how many you can fit in your body at one time.

The lesson is that you're a faggot and you should either stop being one or just own it. Have fun defending your overpriced collectibles you retarded faggot.

>> No.19884740

jesus christ there are some sour fucking cunts on here today
go outside you irredeemable mouthbreather

>> No.19884764
File: 629 KB, 1872x1660, Marvel Society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and read your Folio Society comics faggot.

>> No.19884781

Holy kek do Foliocucks really?

>> No.19884803
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But it comes "complete with a 64-page facsimile of Giant-Size X-Men #1." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.19884940
File: 603 KB, 1349x607, FS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to get their Der Ring Des Nibelungen soon.

>> No.19884958

Some sad, poor motherfuckers in this thread. Enjoy your shit-stained mass markets while I read my FS sipping single malt and strike up conversations with women you wish you could see in person.

>> No.19885001
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>Der Ring Des Nibelungen
It looks like a leftover design for LOTR. Why not just get pic-related; which is translated by someone who has standing as both a composer and an academic of German music as well as being considered one of the top experts on Wagner in the world--still a hardback and just 10% of the cost.

>> No.19885025
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Cool story bro...I hope you spent the extra $149.99 to get the "digitally signed" edition!

>> No.19885037

i can't say that appeals to me. i'm not american and i'm an adult. i am sure there are plenty of people who would find it appealing though. more likely the sort of person who posts crappy little cartoons on a literature board over and over again instead of forming their own opinions about things.
also, if you can''t afford to splash a little bit of money on something that you really enjoy, you have problems in your life that you should deal with before criticising the choices of others.

>> No.19885077

>You're not individuals! If more than one person makes fun of overpriced consoomables that means it's groupthink! You're sad and pathetic if you make fun of it! I'm not a faggot! Would a faggot come up with a novel take like"people can spend their money however they want?" I think not!
Fuck off and read your "exclusive" Folio Society Marvels faggot.

>> No.19885104

thanks, anon. this thread is a good reminder that i share this board with literal children.

>> No.19885138

Is that supposed to be a lot of money, you stupid broke bitch?

>> No.19885157
File: 60 KB, 488x488, Ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already own that copy. Penguin's clothbound Don Quixote is nice too. I actually prefer Porter's translation, comfy read. Nothing wrong with collecting copies of your favorite works. Unless Folio has bad products or look too gaudy (some do), no problem.

>> No.19885244

>i share this board with literal children
You can only condescend when you haven't been BTFO/called out for being a pathetic midwit. "Individuals don't make fun of the folio society. People can 'splash a bit of money' on their interests. I'm a man of opinions." Fuck off retard.

>> No.19885276

$1 is a lot of money if you're being sold on capeshit collectibles under the pretentious guise of le Folio Society.

So far this guy >>19885157 is the only person who has given a valid reason beyond the idea of 'they pretty tho' to dump time and/or money into an FS edition.

>> No.19885286
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P.S. "digitally signed!" SOLD!

>> No.19885326

love how all the triggered foliocucks get mad when you call them out for their spending habits.

>> No.19885379

$150 is a lot for something retarded like that

>> No.19885492

It's an excellent comparison, though, worthy of being repeated.
The design is objectively tasteless and made to look good on Instagram photos.

>> No.19885541

What books are these? You can't even tell

>> No.19885617

Special Numbered Limited Edition Boxset! Philip K. Dick Short Story Collection!

>> No.19885653

Not gonna lie, the books in your picture look really tacky. Not saying every shelf has to look like faded leatherbound books from the 1800s like you'd see in a museum, but I hate that font choice and the decision to put cartoon pictures on the spine. It's just really pretentious while also being really low class. I much prefer the used bookstore aesthetic, where the books look really worn and they were printed many decades ago.

>> No.19885674
File: 307 KB, 1005x818, Consoomer at heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts crappy little cartoons on a literature board over and over again instead of forming their own opinions about things

>> No.19885737

>posts crappy little cartoons
He doesn't know they're real...

>> No.19885755

These have terrible binding. Not very durable.

>> No.19885817

Who cares. Won't drop money on them. If I happened to find a really cheap one at a second hand book shop or in a little free library. Then sure. Whatever. But I am not austically materialistic enough to pop a boner for them and also they look gay. Stop making this thread.

>> No.19885871

I love them.
Looking for that exact pair you posted for a cheap prive atm

>> No.19886057

The people that run Folio Society are smart and found yet another way to extract money from stupid people with disposable incomes. FS could jack up the prices even further and retards would still buy them as ornaments for their bookshelf.

>> No.19886080

Have Folio made a luxury version of mein kampf or das kapital yet?

>> No.19886523

I just bought some Folio Society NFTs (images of alternative cover designs).

>> No.19886547

I bought the babylonians in a second hand book store. Looks nice on my shelf, which is nice because have so many terrible looking second hand books. The book itself isn't a great read, it's just a fairly bad 1960s mesopotamian pop history book were the author doesn't seem to know that much

>> No.19886748

Yeah, they're just glued aren't they?

>> No.19886755

They've just become a worker's trust company, too. Quite nice.

>> No.19886815
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I get them for less than 5 dollars usually at my thrift store and used book shop.

Cousin pons by Balzac was $4 and Cellini's autobiography was $3.50. Both are excellent books, they feel much more solid, have real gilt lettering, nice paper, and sewn bindings.

I wouldn't buy newer highly stylized folio society books. The new Montaigne looks like shit. Easton press is a better value for gawdy when it comes to the newer books.

>> No.19886820
File: 185 KB, 1080x608, PXL_20220202_013757471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cousin pons has a great off-white paper, not yellowing after it being 3 decades old, and has a solid binding. It's a nice size too, it nearly matches my everyman and is much easier to read than my Bibliotheque de la Pleiade edition.

>> No.19886859

What does that fragment mean "Simple as" Is that some sort of idiom or neologistic axiom people here use to the point of cliché? Your derivative usage does little to mask your ignorance.

I do agree with the sewn-binding sentiments. Package your ideas with more verve.

>> No.19886866

I own many, but never new, and agree whole-heatedly. The newer ones scream nouveaurichegarbageconsoomer.

>> No.19886973

it’s a meme, you dip

>> No.19887152

Thats actually untrue. A physical copy tethers your memory of the absorbed information much more effectively than the digital copy through tactile sensation. Anything above that threshold is ornamentstion
Arguably the best way to read is braille.

>> No.19887893


>> No.19888329

It's absolutely right though and you getting mad does not change the fact that you paid 10x upcharge for gaudy funko pop books.

>> No.19888543

This looks like something out of Yo Gabba Gabba.

>> No.19888638

I can only comment on the ones in the op, but the books are pretty durable, have a good feel to them and I got them in perfect condition used on ebay for like $50

>> No.19888673
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>> No.19888675

This is why finding cheap used copies of folio can be great. The binding is actually sewn.
This is the way to do it. The most I've ever spent on one is 15 dollars. Because they are so numerous they have very little resale value so you can pick up well bound books for peanuts.
Actual rich collectors get either antiquarian books or stuff like Arion press.

>> No.19888704

some of them are nice and some of them are gaudy

>> No.19888718
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i have one of pic related. it's pretty nice. the selection isn't bad

>> No.19888753
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I only get stuff like this for books I especially like. Got that orange (probably fake) leatherbound copy of Dune from Barnes and Noble, and I think it looks great.

There were a ton of other leatherbounds on sale around Christmas time, you could get four of them for only $50 or so; I got a Lovecraft compilation, The Art of War (and other chinese philosophies), The Divine Comedy, and a Penny Dreadful compilation.

>> No.19888874

I'm friends with a few antiquarians and wealthy collectors. They like pres 1920s limited runs, like Navarre, kelmscott, Aldus, de luxe editions, nonesuch, and real folios.

>> No.19888890
File: 59 KB, 400x400, Leather-spines-on-table-400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheap leatherbound
Check out Canterbury Classics.

>> No.19888896


>> No.19888916

I buy one every time I go to Costco.

>> No.19888926

Why would I want to commit a folio nerds views to memory?

>> No.19888928

Even a few months ago an average folio thread would be a mix of "worth it, overpriced, overpriced but they look good, etc." Not the highest quality discussion, but nothing terrible either. Now it's /qa/ tier shitposting about wojaks and funkopops.

>> No.19888946

>He's been closely monitoring /lit/ opinions on his meme books
>It's not image based, I swear!

>> No.19888948

Go be a cock sucker somewhere else. Your editions are shit and you were robbed.

>> No.19888975

let me guess you buy nfts like a retard

>> No.19888983

Explain what makes Folio editions "better".

>> No.19888993

Folio Society is fine. They're too expensive, but they are artisanal books so they are targeting people with money to waste. The wild and furious views about FS expressed on /lit/ like these posts:
are just "the fox and the grapes" style seething because the people on this website can't afford Folio Society books, so they make up reasons why the books are bad and why they never wanted them in the first place.

It's completely fine for a collectible PKD short story collection design. Better this than the boring autism of forever retreading homogeneous 19th century book designs for everything.

>> No.19889002

It has nothing to do with affordability and everything to do with you being an inauthentic, peacocking faggot.

>> No.19889011
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>it's completely fine

>> No.19889393

>I still haven't understood if the books are actually good quality
>certainly very tacky and extremely overpriced
Folio isn’t necessarily “artisan” quality, that kind of bookbinding can be seen in this video,
But some Folio Limited editions seem to get really close( the really expensive ones).
That said, the Folio books are significantly better in quality than most books on the regular book market, both as far as artistic quality, and binding quality.
The quality is definitely better than Everyman’s Library, although I find the Everyman’s editions slightly lighter and more pleasant to read.
Books like the Gutenberg bible were far better quality, but you can’t really get similar paper nowadays, and you would also need to use similar printing techniques, which would increase the price 100x over a Folio edition.
Artistically though, some of the Folio books are gorgeous.

>> No.19889404

You could see the orginal opera in a great seat for around that price. Why buy the booklet?

>> No.19889423
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>He's right though.
That kind of stuff has been going on since the printing press was invented.
Aldus Manutius was known for it.
And Gutenberg even had an illustration pattern book made, to show illuminators how to add illumination to the printed pages from Gutenberg’s press.

>> No.19889430

The Penguin “Clothbound Classics” have crappy glued bindings, and the paper isn’t great either.
I think Penguin have have just taken their regular paperback pages, and glued the page block into a fancy cover.

>> No.19889439

>I only get stuff like this for books I especially like. Got that orange (probably fake) leatherbound copy of Dune from Barnes and Noble, and I think it looks great.
Those B&N editions are ‘Bonded Leather’.
Basically, leather dust, shavings and scraps, are pulped similar to paper, and Bonded together to make a substance that is basically “reconstituted” leather.
Most of the “bonded leather” recipes are proprietary, do getting info on how exactly the stuff is made and what it contains isn’t easy.
The material is probably better than the vinyl covered fake leather that is sometimes used though.
The bindings and paper seem decent enough on these B&N editions.

>> No.19889448

>Explain what makes Folio editions "better".
Quality acid free paper.
A decent sewn binding.
Heavy board covers, with quality cover material, that varies from vellum, to buckram or other cloth, to leather or leather spines, to custom printed paper.
The books come in custom slipcases.
The edges are sometimes colored or gilded.
The artwork is routinely original to the Folio Edition, so you’re essentially getting a limited run of a book with a set of low edition prints.
The really limited editions, are produced in small enough runs, that they’re essentially a limited edition “art piece”.
Folio has had well known illustrators and artists do their illustrations at different times, including artists practically everybody has heard of.

>> No.19889541

extremely ugly overpriced pastiche antiques. the mansions of book design.

>> No.19889626

Personally I think the newer/better synthetic leather is superior to low quality leather like bonded leather. People just dislike the idea of synthetic, but it's actually very durable, soft and compares very well with leather. Not even considering the idea that you're going to need a leather cover for a book other than something like the Bible. You will read that shit once (maybe) and the world is going to end in a dumpster fire in 10-20 years so what's the point, idk

>> No.19889630

And no you won't "pass them to your kids", assuming you will have kids, they won't read shit. They are not going to care about your "classics" like they're not going to care about your stamp collection.

>> No.19889864


>> No.19889923

Alright. But it's the same exact words between the cover, right?
So who gives a shit? Instagram?

>> No.19890023

Acid free paper and good binding means that they'll essentially last forever.

>> No.19890043

"acid free paper" and "sewn binding" are literally the "gluten-free, no ogm" of books. Acid free paper is fucking ubiquitous, any hardcover that doesn't cost $3 is going to be sewn.
I really hate it when consoomer slaves make up all this shit instead of saying "I am a consumer whore and that product is an exclusive thing and I must have it"

>> No.19890110

>It's completely fine for a collectible
We're making fun of "collectibles" retard. Go outside retard.

>> No.19890116

Comparing a "!!numbered limited edition boxset!!" to illumination.

>> No.19890220

>any hardcover that doesn't cost $3 is going to be sewn.
Oxford University Press sells hardcovers for hundreds of pounds that aren't sewn.

>> No.19890318

Are you entirely sure that you're not just saying they're glued because you see glue? All sewn books are also glued, so you will see glue. But the signatures will have thread going through them. I have never bought a hardcover that wasn't sewn.

>> No.19890366

Everyman's Library uses acid free paper and sewn binding for $20-30 new

>> No.19890404

I fucking wish all hardcovers were sewn and who the fuck buys folios new that's retarded.

>> No.19890411

Imagine getting your pipe and slippers and a nice glass of Islay and sitting down to a hardcover edition of Spiderman. Holy kek we are doomed.

>> No.19890453

>Ahh now time for a nice wide glass of coca-cola on the rocks
>And my pipe! How could I forget my pipe...
>*soap bubble noises*

>> No.19890497

sweet jesus is this thread still going

>> No.19890914

I have older ones where it looks respectable and not söy aesthetics. Why can't they just compete with everyman's or even easton? Their new books like the recent herodotus really looks like shit.

>> No.19890952
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No, you will not be able to see all 4 operas for $200 live. I do have a metopera on demand subscription for $150, which i use to watch them at least once a year. Aside from price, no one has named a reason to not get the fs book. Are they bad quality? Printing errors?

>> No.19891379

the problem is i could buy a nice antique book for that price and folio only has available the most basic bitch titles

>> No.19891480

It's ridiculously overpriced but you're buying it for your interest in the content and not for the sake of collecting FS editions. People aren't trying to give you a reason not to buy that particular book--we're making fun of the FS for being overpriced and pretentious while marketing themselves in a manner similar to consoomer collectibles (e.g. comic books, baseball cards, funkos, etc).

>> No.19891549

Lmao fucking nerds.

>> No.19892104


>> No.19892113


>> No.19892126

Thou art a scholar

>> No.19892740
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I own one Folio book, and it's pic related (the 8x6" Greek book for size comparison). I don't think I need a second.

>> No.19892762

It's telling that the only defense of collecting FS boils down to elitist snark (e.g. >>19888993). They're completely filtered and maintain the cognitive dissonance of a (false) pretense of superiority juxtaposed against buying into figurative and literal Comicon-tier marketing (>>19884764) and sales-loaded concepts/buzzwords (e.g. >>19889448).

Basically, if you get them for way less than they're priced then it's a decent quality item for someone cultivating a personal library. If you're paying $190 per book don't expect us to be sold the same way you've been--you can't buy the respect of others based on your preference in collectibles (no matter what FS marketing projects to you or how cool/interesting various YouTube videos promote Funkos to be). Just because you've bought into the idea FS makes you elite/a person of discriminating taste doesn't mean we value that check. You can still enjoy your Funkos but expect to get made fun of when you defend the company as if they've bestowed you with a signifier of importance.

>> No.19892784


>> No.19894163
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I bought a 4 volume set of Plutarch's Parallel Lives from them secondhand, and the lives are presented chronologically instead of in parallel, which is about the worst possible way to present them, so in general I don't think very highly of FS.

>> No.19894335

>*we* will not give you credit!
>Implying anyone gives a shit about what intellectuals on 4chan think.
>Implying that any of this is about books
Buying expensive, exclusive shit shows that you have disposable money to other normalfags. If you are a man you are signaling whores that you can pay them for sex, if you are a whore you can make other whores envious of how much money you make. That is literally it.

>> No.19894337

I've got that copy of Donald Kagan's book. What do you think of it?

>> No.19894700

>buying funkos for pussy

>> No.19894757

This room looks extremely comfy.

>> No.19894783

That anon doesn't realize conspicuous consumption is implied by the post and thought it was saying it's about the books.

>> No.19894821

It's retarded to buy Funko Pops for pussy and certainly there are outlets that are more profitable than others (having a $300k car is more effective than a $300k antique toy collection) but the monkey brain idea when people post this shit on social media is exactly that. When people take a selfie next to their collection of whatever that is exactly the same shit as a peacock displaying his tail. It cannot be autism because too many people do it and the way they display it is too cared for and systematic. You can tell autistic people (by this I mean pathologically obsessive) because they are disorganized about the display.

>> No.19895009

all the poor lonely pseuds gathered in one place. amazing.

>> No.19895060


>> No.19895212

Was readin this article about how our impulse to hoard/collect comes from the fact that we've evolved from rats. So when things get expecially taxing socially, we regress to that impulse as well as nostalgia. Funko pops coalesce these two things perfectly. A collection with no end, tethered to your memories of childhood.

>> No.19895857

I honestly think I'd have more of their stuff on my shelf if they didn't put their ugly logo on most of their spines with abandon, as the go-to normie fine press I don't want too look too try hard when I ha e guests. They have some nice editions of stuff but more and more I'm noticing dubious design choices, even without considering that they are crashing the brand with infantile soi normshit. I reckon the guys spamming "funko" aren't far off.

>> No.19896006

It's a straightforward, accessible, and clearly written overview of the Peloponnesian War. There's little in it that you won't also find in Thucydides, though Kagan does fill in some biographical details and small areas that Thucydides assumes familiarity with. On the whole it's a decent overview, especially for those who would be otherwise intimidated by just reading Thucydides (though given that the Landmark Thucydides is widely available and makes Thucydides much easier to follow for the lay-reader, this is probably not as much of a concern these days). That said, if you get a chance to read Kagan's academic 4-volume treatment, I'd say to take it, as it's very good (if a bit dry).

Thanks anon. I just replaced a bunch of bookcases I've had since college with nicer/larger ones (and for the first time in a decade or so I find myself with shelf space [~16 feet!] that isn't already full of books). It's kind of crazy how much of a difference nicer shelves can make in the feel of a room. I am still waiting on a rug being delivered though.

>> No.19896283
File: 52 KB, 800x665, Don Quixote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lots of Folio books because both my father and my grandfather bought them. But ultimately it's overrated imo. I value an old leather-bound tome more than something modern from Folio even if it uses fancy materials. I do have a very nice limited edition version of Don Quixote that I enjoyed reading immensely. It uses the Smollett translation and has a bunch of illustrations. Milton's Paradise Lost, replete with colour illustrations by Blake is nice too.
My father also has the 8 volume version of Gibbon's Decline and Fall, but I've literally never opened it. Also a 12 volume History of England that, again, I've never opened.

>> No.19897522

Did your grandfather leave you skme funko pops as well?

>> No.19897532

>I am still waiting on a rug being delivered though.
Nice. What kind of rug?

>> No.19897558

A somewhat faded Turkish rug from the 1960s. At some point I'm sure it will pop up in one of the shelf pictures that I post twice a year or so.

>> No.19897583

For that price you could get a nineteenth century privately printed copy on watermarked paper or a limited editions club copy

>> No.19897594
File: 1.61 MB, 3840x2160, PXL_20220204_233727723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I brought mine half opened for 60, one of my best thrifts ever. Left side here

>> No.19897611

That Franklin library Plutarch was 1.50 at the bookstore near my house. Most expensive be single book there was the folio Plato for 10. Ovid was 4.00, and I bought the Kant new for retail as an undergrad

>> No.19897613

As I said, I got it second hand (it was around ~$50 on ebay; not particularly expensive). Also as I said, I am not impressed with it. The actual binding is fine I guess, but the translation itself isn't great and, as noted, the lives have been idiotically arranged in chronological order, with lives that should be in parallel with eachother in separate volumes, and the comparison between those lives in appendices instead of right along with the lives themselves.

Absolutely would not have been worth it at 'face value,' and even at the second-hand price it's deficient, at least for me.

>> No.19897771

>For that price
What price? He didn't mention a price in that post, anon.

>> No.19897783

Is there a single book/set that Folio does better than any other publisher?

>> No.19897802

>Did your grandfather leave you skme funko pops as well?

>> No.19897850
File: 1.46 MB, 3024x3203, PXL_20220209_222447515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not, but maybe he left a valuable thimble collection.

>> No.19897866
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>Is there a single book/set that Folio does better than any other publisher?
ASOIAF...those boxed sets they're selling before the series is even complete sure will be collectible!

>> No.19897881
File: 31 KB, 318x436, 4C104DC3-C53F-4DE0-B37D-1E9314F7C379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their Byzantium trilogy by John Julius Norwich seems to be a lot better than the Knopf editions that I got, which were still too expensive. Totally worth it though, great books.

>> No.19897914

Only soicucks need thimbles. Having soft hands must have made your grandfather a very popular faggot.

>> No.19898151

oh god what an insufferable snobbish cunt

>> No.19898594

Snobbish? Absolutely. Cunt? Sure. But insufferable? Nah. Fussel is a joy to read and hilarious in his curmudgeoness.

>> No.19899669

Bump lol

>> No.19900433

not bad

>> No.19901118

Name one good FS book

>> No.19901889

Foolio society? Naw nigga I'm ATK

>> No.19901996

Is the FS crusades trilogy good? If you can get it for like 100?

>> No.19902711

It's, wait for wait, *gasps* le *hyperventilating* Funko *reaching orgasmic ecstasy* Pop-tier *cums*.

I have it and haven't read it aside from skimming through it but it looks to be quite good and has a lot of positive reviews attesting to it's scholarly quality. Don't ever buy it for that much, I got it used for something like $40-60 on Am*zon.