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/lit/ - Literature

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1987960 No.1987960 [Reply] [Original]

>so Anon, what type of literature interests you?

>> No.1987964

Early Modern English lit. Hurray!

>> No.1987967
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Why do you ask?
Why do you ask in yellow-green text?

>> No.1987970

Children's books

>> No.1987969

You wouldn't know it, it's very obscure and unpopular.

>> No.1987975

I don't have time for your nonsense questions, female person. I am looking for the fantasy section and I cannot find it. Also, if you have a handkerchief, I would like to use it promptly. I seem to be sweating from another panic attack.

>> No.1987977

This post lacks theology and geometry.

>> No.1987980

Non-fiction, wanky drugged-out nonsense, and books with boats in. That pretty much covers 98% of what I read.

>> No.1987981
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>> No.1987985

Have you ever heard of David Foster Wallace?

>> No.1987986

I'm interested in erotica. Particularly snuff.
Right now I'm imagining a story where you are brutally murdered. Now get the fuck of my way.

>> No.1987995

East Asian literature, children's lit, novellas in general, female authors, early science fiction, Naturalism, absurdism, mythology and folklore, the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and somewhat getting into Central European literature.

There's never anyone roaming the shelves in the library for me to ask this to ;_;

>> No.1987996

harry potter

>> No.1987998

"Those books are pretty entry-level, buttercup. If you would like to stuff my penis inside of your cunt, you'll have to get better taste than that."

>> No.1988002

>I know, Diane, he's such a pretentious twat.
>Mary, I just wanted to draw him out of his shell. He seems lonely.
>He has his books to keep him company. Come on, let's go get fucked.
>Oh alright.

>> No.1988009

Anything that has to do with aestheticism.

>> No.1988015
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>> No.1988024


>Implying there are any women in the 18-25 yr old range with those names
>Implying every fucking girl nowadays isn't either Britney, Samantha, Amanda or Ashley

>> No.1988026
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You're my friend, right?

Could you write some of this essay for me? Please, anon?

>> No.1988027


>> No.1988038

personally i like books which feature dead people humping and sucking and fucking. i know you're probably thinking "necrophilia porn" but seriously that shit is DISGUSTING. i don't want to read about a living dude fucking a corpse. i want to read books where the dead are actually doing the humping and sucking and fucking, i.e., they are the sexual aggressors. so like a book where a guy is sleeping on the lower bunk underneath an old lady who dies of a sudden heart attack brought on by her sudden lust for the dude on the lower bunk so in other words she is already, like, moist as a snack cake and ready for it when she dies, but then her corpse takes a while to slide down the space between the upper bunk and the wall, so it's long enough for the dude to fall asleep and start having a dream where he gets a boner and then all of a sudden WHAM! this granny corpse suddenly slams down and falls onto his erection and of course with the rigor mortis he can't get away, plus her dentures fall out and bite him (quite pleasurably, as it happens, on the nipple) and basically he ends up ejaculating and then weeping softly at the sense of wholesale violation. apart from "mrs. dalloway" there aren't a lot of books that describe this sort of thing explicitly, so i mostly write my own and then print them out and leave copies lying around galapagos in williamsburg.

>> No.1988040
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ohfffffffucccckkkkkkk look ok looooook

>> No.1988051

The female anatomy

>> No.1988054

Sorry babe, you're ugly as fuck and your hair is a mess. I don't even read books. Still, this dick ain't gonna suck itself. How about it, hun?

>> No.1988056
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>gay walrus tusk fucking

>> No.1988062



>> No.1988065

What beautiful literature you read good sir!

>> No.1988064
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[words of your choosing]
lol censoring.

>> No.1988070
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>> No.1988091
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>> No.1988097
File: 47 KB, 500x500, fuck yeah jeopardy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 kinds

(1) Literature that will subsidize my waking fantasy that I am living during the Victorian era, and

(2) Literature that will make me the final boss of Jeopardy

pic related, it's one of those happy occasions in life when my two dreams have reached across time and space for a fleeting embrace

>> No.1988103


Well, that sounds better than Alex Trebek firing at you with a jezail, and leaving shrapnel behind, which is what happened to me.

>> No.1988105

Anyone else here have the sudden urge to look at some gay walrus' tusk fucking?

>> No.1988109


honestly that made me laugh so hard i felt i had to google it. nothing interesting.

>> No.1988113
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>> No.1988115

The only thing better than this post would have been if you got trips.

>> No.1988116
File: 105 KB, 270x260, DOHOHOHOHO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god hahahahaha

>> No.1988151

Woah, where did you get that pic from? It's on my uni's webpage (ausfag at ausfag uni here).

>> No.1988161 [DELETED] 

what's with all the asperger's in this thread? just reply honestly you autistic fucks.

>> No.1988169


>> No.1988184

Strait-laced Quentin is perturbed by your antics.
Humor, he has not.

Don't worry Quentin, she's probably just inviting them to smoke some weed.

>> No.1988188

Ones where things explode and people die and yeah.

>> No.1988308

/sci/ and pop /sci/

u mad?

>> No.1988340

Lately, I have been studying the works of the realists and the existentialists. Interesting stuff.

>> No.1988347

Well, recently I have been reading a lot of demography and narrative theology, but in general I prefer history.

>> No.1988351

Could you give some examples of the works of narrative theology you've been reading? I've never heard of that before, but it sounds quite interesting.

>> No.1988385

Hauerwas has a nice intro with his 'Readings in Narrative Theology'

>> No.1988391

Thanks, man. I'll be sure to have a look at it soon.

>> No.1988412


postmodern sci-fi

>> No.1988459
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... Uhhh... Well I like, y'know, some non-fiction stuff... but that's not to say that fiction isn't worthwhile... what kind of stuff do you... I, uhhh... I like your hair...

>> No.1989253
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I don't know lady, I'm just getting into this literature thing.

>> No.1990491

ugly bitch, wouldn't fuck

>> No.1990497
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>talking about literature

>> No.1990501

I don't like Hollywood endings where everyone is happy. I like West Virginia endings where everyone dies at black lung at the age of 35.