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File: 305 KB, 1024x691, Andromeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19880026 No.19880026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>416 IQ
>Recorded my best thoughts
>Realized a bigger brain means stronger moral thinking, emotions, as well as intelligence


I guess it makes sense.

>> No.19880031

Lol again

>> No.19880035

Lol I beat you to it anon sorry git gud kid

>> No.19880041


>> No.19880048

I used to have serious issues with being angry back when I was a child.

People would aggravate me, or I would think they've done something they haven't.

I guess it's over today.

>> No.19880056

Dont mix lsd and meth, much of what you say is common sense and much of it is true and smart people know it's true, however, you miss the mark in the majority of your statements.

Also, it's the archons you idiot. The archons are doing this to us.

>> No.19880062

There's no such thing as an archon.
Read #27.

>> No.19880065
File: 53 KB, 1158x486, LifespanDevelopment59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that OP is a retard who supplants IQ with his own headcanon of what it is
It is impossible to be above 200IQ by the very definition of what IQ measures

>> No.19880068

That measurement of IQ, by rarity instead of by brain, is totally incorrect.

>> No.19880070

27 is blank

>> No.19880075

>by rarity instead of by brain
IQ does not measure the individual's mental prowess. It measures one's intelliect in relation to the rest of the population

>> No.19880076

#27.) The Universe is most likely not a simulation. It takes food scarcity and general inability for hands, something with near total control over their environment, to evolve. Large organisms with potential for very big brains like whales can not sustain a large size with food scarcity or general inability (lack of ability to obtain food through raw power). It is not possible. A planet that can support large organisms can not go through true food scarcity (a prerequisite for hands) without killing said large life. A good example of this happening on earth is the extinction of all large dinosaurs. And because man, the typical intelligent species from a planet with typical gravity and in the habitable zone, has evolved to do the bare minimum at all times (their intelligence is a product of their body size), it is looking less and less likely that any evolved life would ever simulate a Universe. It is likely not possible. Man still can not code convincing artificial intelligence despite having all of the resources to do so today, so it is very unlikely that they could code an entire reality at any point in the future, even if it all compounds on top of everything else. They have been using the same architecture planning since the 1800s because that is already the end of the human brain. Electricity, engines, and computers being introduced look like they're man beating the odds of nature and advancing, but really it is just man catching up to its IQ in a new medium. Once you hit the end, you can go no further. I do not think it is possible for alien life to somehow cheat this system either. Any intelligent life out there likely lives on a planet much like earth, and comes to a similar IQ stop that man has come to biologically. It's probably a similar form of orbit of the earth around the sun every-time a habitable planet with intelligent life exists as well irrespective of size, so the ice-age comes and then there's nothing that boosts the intelligence of life after that. Planets too close or too far from their sun, even in orbit, simply damage/simplify the potential organisms that can evolve. I'm certain that something like human life is all that ever happens in the universe.

>> No.19880079

I do not think that a large brain in a large body with huge caloric needs can slowly evolve hands without dying (something that came from a lack of food) as they are set in their evolutionary niche. And once an organism has hands and a sufficiently high IQ, they create technology like farming and are naturally no longer under the selective pressure of nature, so it's all over at that point. I do not believe that the IQ, at this point, is high enough for the average man/alien to think of and support a eugenics program despite their desire to reproduce, on top of it being extremely difficult to implement due to this naturally low average IQ even in a potential war scenario, so it never happens. Even if some world leader, which is very unlikely as it demands violence, low IQ, to be in power, thinks to implement a Eugenics program at this point, they will likely botch it and end-up giving people autism, early death, if they are not over-thrown by their own populace first. What nature gives man is all that man will ever have, and because man is all that the Universe will ever make, I do not think that the Universe is ever able to simulate itself. The Universe experiencing itself is the end.

Elon Musk is 270 IQ, and he thinks the Universe is a simulation. I'm 416 IQ, and I would say it's not a simulation for this reason.

>> No.19880087

Actually 288 IQ.

>> No.19880098

your way of measuring IQ is by measuring the proportions of other people's heads, and you give most of the population over 200 IQ
you are an aspie with no idea what IQ even is, and just want to make a system that puts you as the world's most intelligent man

>> No.19880101

We are hilariously small due to the fact that the archons exist in the 4th dimmension, we are just a battery for them. When you suffer, it is to keep you weak, so that you do not break free. We were given gifts such as language so that we can better organize and produce, and if we become a bad battery another species will be raised up to replace us.

>> No.19880104
File: 327 KB, 935x689, 107IQ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just seeing what's near you.
The real average is really about 107.

>> No.19880110

You mean the dimension/force of time.
That's what you're really talking about.

Not some village builder laughing at you.

>> No.19880120

Our dimmension actually shares a component with what is the primary component of their reality, and this is our only way of breaking free. DMT.

>> No.19880123

I don't do any drugs except for caffeine to control my weight.

>> No.19880125

IQ was never meant to quantitate intelligence in the first place you fucking retards

The man who invented the IQ test did so in order to get proper benchmarks for childhood development and see who was at risk

The fact that people still use it as a badge of honor just goes to show that anything can be made a dick-measuring contest

>> No.19880129
File: 147 KB, 886x989, Thesmugbastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Realized a bigger brain means stronger moral thinking, emotions, as well as intelligence
Not in a linear fashion. Differences in body size account for 90% of difference in brain size, but only 10% in intelligence. However this is not equal between genders, women gains more from increased brain sizes than men.
The size of a brain needs only to relate to the tasks provided to it. And given how much of an energetic sink it is on the organism, keeping it under a certain size is going to be profitable, as long as it can perform well. In computer science you have what is called PBD (Positive Brain Damage) processes in regards to neural nets, whereas you take a (larger) net that accomplishes a desired task after it has been built, define a percentage goal of success and algorithmically destroy "neurons" of that net in order to find whichever design is more economical yet manages the goal.
Therefore the manlet/giantess eugenic coupling *is* the optimal human reproductive scheme.
> T. 137 IQ 5 foot 3 manlet.

>> No.19880130

It should be quantifying intelligence for everyone.

It shouldn't just be a "Who is retarded?" because that's extremely dangerous, improper thinking.

That's how you get men like Adolf Hitler in power.

>> No.19880133

I would advise against caffeine, though I struggle to quit the stuff myself. Avoid alcohol and weed. DMT/Shrooms will provide you with information that is very difficult to argue with. You will be absolutely shocked.

>> No.19880138

Shrooms won't do anything good for me.
You tell me to quit drinking caffeine, but then you tell me do DMT/Shrooms instead.

I can't trust any of this.
I know from taking caffeine and then quitting caffeine that there's not much brain benefit to quitting. There's more gray matter/creative thinking, but the raw intelligence is about the same.

>> No.19880143

>It should be
But it isn't, so all your claims saying "x has an IQ of 8,000,000" are completely based on your own definition of IQ that everyone actually versed in measuring IQ will disagree with

>> No.19880145

Then it needs new standards.
That's all this is is setting a higher bar.

>> No.19880154

Maybe get your standards cleared by people who know what they're talking about then, you pretentious faggot

>> No.19880156

Alright anon i dont care lol

>> No.19880157

That will probably never happen.
People don't like the truth.
That's why the bible exists.

>> No.19880158

Thanks, OP. I thought I was retarded, but I was named after a Roman emperor.
I can do anything, now.

>> No.19880164

There's variance by up to 1/4 of brain from that standard. But pretty much anyone named Richard is going to be like the original Richard mentally.

>> No.19880167

>People don't like the truth
What makes you think the shit you're peddling is anywhere near "truth"?
>That's why the bible exists.
Reddit seems more your speed

>> No.19880172

It's the truth.
It's the hardest reality man has available to itself.

They're making and slaughtering male 800 IQ pigs. It's a very unpleasant reality, so people prefer to turn away.

>> No.19880190

>it should be quantifying intelligence for everyone

Why? Because finding patterns and solving basic math/word problems in a set timeframe are the true basis of intelligence?

There’s a reason why they apply to Children - because it’s signs of a developing brain. And unlike your paranoid assumption about eugenics, it’s meant to find and aid children who are falling behind.

>> No.19880201

Thinking like this is why George Zimmerman is free to walk the streets after planning to aggravate and then execute Trayvon Martin with a concealed firearm.

>> No.19880215
File: 159 KB, 252x338, 1617650816528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'mon now

>> No.19880230

He planned it in the same way Eric Harris planned Columbine (331 IQ).
He has a 335 IQ.

>> No.19880609

They have people with IQ scores of 327 grabbing people with IQ scores of 250, involving them in crime, and then they both go to prison for life.

>> No.19880799

How's high school treating you?

>> No.19880803

>Dubs because you can't handle how much I know that you don't

You must have a name like John or Paul.

>> No.19880845

Preferable to being named Kurt

>> No.19880885

I didn't know this was /x/, wtf.

>> No.19881711
File: 84 KB, 700x394, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19881808

Hahahhahhahha not even 500 IQ
T. 786 IQ chad

>> No.19881811

There's nothing past 416 IQ.
I've already checked google.

I have a face of 1 in 2,330 men too.

>> No.19881970

>I've already checked google.
show me a veritable article that claims 416 is the max iq

>> No.19882025

You just check through a couple of pages with 417 IQ and run up all the way to 500 IQ.

There's nothing there.

>> No.19882029

Where do you get this IQ directory, schizo-kun?

>> No.19882047

Just search it up on google.

>> No.19882217

Such a small and human-centric mindset.

>> No.19882229

It's humanity from the perspective they are not special.

You're literally writing a lie.

>> No.19882240

Simulating a Universe is technological hell.
If you can simulate a Universe, you're capable of travelling a Universe beyond the speed of light, and that's not likely because there is no such thing or else we would have been contacted by such alien life.

>> No.19882246

They can probably see the earth and are aware it potentially has intelligent life on it in the same way we have the James Webb Telescope, but there's nothing going on, so there's no contact.

It means exactly what I've written is going on.

>> No.19882779

I'll be honest.
It's very grim that no one cares about what I'm thinking except me.

I've never been contacted by anyone over what I've written. It's probably because it turns almost all current human understanding of physics on its head.

>> No.19882792

do you believe in the principle of sufficient reason?

>> No.19882828


>> No.19882856

You're psychotic and having an episode right now, that's why the patterns are more compelling and inescapable than usual. Hopefully, in the six to eight week period it will take for antipsychotics to have any effect on the delusions, you will remember me. You will feel like a destroyed city. You will be numb with horror when you look back on this. But you are and will be forgiven, and rebuilding your mind from the wreckage is going to be possible. You simply have to wait the fire out, first.

Please don't kill yourself.

>> No.19882861

If you do anything against my life I'll sue you.
I'm not poor at all.

>> No.19882867

I'm not interested in hurting you. I'm just telling you what's going to happen next.
Love, Cassandra

>> No.19882870
File: 174 KB, 1530x745, MerillEdgeStory2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what's going to happen next.

>> No.19882900

This will be my last response. Once you notice that it's beginning to devour your short term memory you should take that as a sign to check yourself into the hospital.
I wouldn't listen to anyone on 4chan either, if I were in your position, so I'm not surprised that you're clinging to the last available firm concept instead of engaging with me. I didn't expect to get through to you today. This message is for the you six months from now. Someone cared enough to say it, even here. I'd like it if you remembered that. Goodbye and good luck

>> No.19883084

>Therefore the manlet/giantess eugenic coupling *is* the optimal human reproductive scheme.
Tempting, but wouldn't this pairing revert to the mean height and IQ after a few generations? What's your end game?