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19878512 No.19878512 [Reply] [Original]

I want to become a more organized and structured person
Also get rid of my shitty habits like wasting away in front of the smartphone
Is pic related a good start?

>> No.19878548

Subscribe to Clear's weekly emails instead
Read frankls book Man's search for meaning

>> No.19878581

Haven't read it, but https://www.chrisbehan.ca/posts/atomic-habits has and produced a very good summary.

Read that blog post and decide what you want to do from there. If it's an accurate summary though, I highly recommend the book.

>> No.19878597

Do we really need reviewers in society?

>> No.19878606

I'm not fully decided, however an aggregation of reviewers should hopefully come to some kind of acceptable consensus, so while we do have them I will use them to save time, and leave them to read or watch or listen to all the shit the gets produced.

Take the summary to avoid spending all the time reading the book if time is valuable to you. I found the advice good.

>> No.19878630

Watch some videos from the healthy gamer youtube channel(good content by a competent person, marketed for a "gamerlol" consumer base, just ignore the autisms).
And also read "Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha".

>> No.19878788

The book is a good start insofar that it copy's all the good ideas out of popular books.

>> No.19878923


>> No.19879031


>> No.19879358
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will it actually help to finally get a grip over my schedule, I can't even schedule half a day without getting carried away by some distracting thing
Most of the time I feel like an automated zombie who is addicted to shitty dopamine sources like YouTube, imageboards
Instead of writing my thesis I'm wasting hours on this site for example

>> No.19879416

For starters,stop reading 4chan. No one who is socially well-adjusted spends more than 2 minutes on this site over the course of their entire life.

>> No.19879575

I am socially well-adjusted and 4chan is the only "social network" I use besides youtube. What are you talking about?

>> No.19879620

Can I get a tldr of that tldr?

>> No.19879843

>Is pic related a good start?
Yes, it's also a great end. Don't get into a habit of endless self-help reading, it's a special kind of pathetic.

>> No.19879863

This. 99% of them give the same advice anyway.

>> No.19880459

you aren't socially well adjusted

>> No.19880627
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OP I'm in a similar boat. I'm neet and addicted to 4chan/HN/reddit/headlines/etc. Any junk info I can get my hands on. See those bars on friday and saturday? All 4chan. I've seen everything good currently on /wsg/. (I don't have a job, I'm supposed to be self-studying for some tech certs while I coast on what's left of crypto gains)

However, I've had some luck quitting and being productive. I wrote down on a piece of paper 5 things I wanted to get done with my day and listed all the distractions i expected to choose like I usually do and wrote they were off limits. Extremely strict: no phone, no tv, no music, no podcasts, no calling my parents, no calling old friends to catch up, no writing important thoughts that occur to me, no cooking complex tasty stuff, no working on alternate projects that excite me, no napping, no reading books or articles, no checking the news, etc.

Daily hygiene + 5 things I laid out to do. Otherwise I was allowed to sit quietly & look out the window. The first two days were hellish, remembering every failure and negative interaction with women or work or school like it happened yesterday. Poison thoughts one gets recovering from a hangover. But the third day I made progress on some goals. It lasted about a week and a half then I started checking the news again and friday I opened a 4chan tab.

>> No.19880669

Fpwp, disregard these hacks.

>> No.19880790
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Oh shit, the worst thing is actually when you realize how much time you have already burned.
Instead of wasting 6+ hours on useless garbage I could have actually started the SQL/Excel course ai have bought ages ago, maybe finally get good at something.
Now I'm 24 years old with no skills at all besides some pathetic basic knowledge of java
In the past I actually managed to getmyself hyped up for meme topics like data science, now I feel like my brain is just completely fried and focused indepth study feels like something completely alien to me.
A therapist is my last hope now or I'm gonna simply neet for ever

>> No.19880922

Literally me at the moment

>> No.19881241
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Guy you responded to here. Here's my week before; the bars only look a little better but note the y-axis markers.

I'm 29, so take some solace that you have time left yet. Idk if you think about suicide, but just consider that would also be wasting time.

Here's the thing: your post is filled with a bunch of melancholy. I know the feeling and it's a critical part of the cycle I (and probably you) use to 'hit the dopamine button' more. When I feel terrible about wasting time, I'm not being productive. I'm just unconsciously setting myself up to turn to a 'attention comfort activity' to escape the bad feelings.

>> No.19881271

I see this book suggested on Reddit a lot, without context mind you. I once asked for advice on marketing and someone suggested this book. When I asked them why it was related to marketing they said
>it isn't about marketing specifically but it has helped a lot of people and you should read it.
That was unironically their answer!
As you can imagine, this makes me very sour on the book

>> No.19881499

What are you gonna do about it