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File: 182 KB, 962x948, 4DDC95A9-7F29-4A0A-8D27-4ED3136246E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19876955 No.19876955 [Reply] [Original]

WWOYM: Darth Vader vs Xenomorph edition

Previous >>19865694

What? https://youtu.be/9SxN7YVLLV0

>> No.19876993

Sometimes I watch old music videos and see young people, so happy and in their prime dancing and playing without a care in the whole world. Then I realize that now they're old anand withered. Then I know that soon I'll be old and withered too and all that time will be lost forever. And then i despair knowing this fate is inevitable. So much pain and loss awaits. And I can't do anything about it

>> No.19876997

/sffg/ is unusable for the moment and near future due to shitposts and trolls with mods doing nothing to stop it.

>> No.19877045

I think you used the wrong image, OP
unless you didn't

>> No.19877085
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People have it so easy these days. It's simple to forget how rough life was--and still is, in places like Afghanistan--just several generations ago. Remembering that teaches a lesson in the value of faith, and why many today have no need for it.
I just read up on the life of Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, the famous Confederate general during the American Civil War. Damn this guy had it rough. Orphaned at 11, brothers and sisters dying left and right of typhoid and tuberculosis and everything in between, only to have a hard life in the military surrounded by death and bloodshed, often where the carnage was at its thickest. Yet through it all Jackson was stern and implacable, steeled by unwavering religiosity. Without this faith it is unthinkable that his mind would not implode under the pressure of all the loss and horror he experienced in his short life. It was said that his zeal is what gave him the moniker "old blue light", burning like a flare on the battlefield as if he were a beacon.

Personally I have no such faith and find it impossible to discover even if I wished. For this faithlessness I pay a penalty the cost of which I cannot even understand. Though I haven't always had an easy life, my troubles will forever be unredeemed. I am a coward.

>> No.19877098
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Two years of reading books on religion, spirituality and whatnot and I'm as lost as I was when I started, except even less mentally stable.

>> No.19877113

Aristotle: All men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness, they are loved for themselves, and above all the other senses the sense of sight. We prefer seeing to the other senses. The reason is that, of all the senses, sight makes us know and brings to light many differences between things.

Dang, I feel sorry for blind people.

>> No.19877114

Feeling sick. Hoping for rona desu.

>> No.19877130
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Very few things are more beautiful than a friendship between sober elderly men spanning multiple decades. Whenever I see gray haired geezers bantering about and pulling pranks on each other, it wraps a blanket directly over my heart.
However, when they're drunks and hang around at the bar all day, it's a completely different question. I'm happy that my alcoholic friend has quit drinking today.
I recommend watching the film Trees Lounge directed by Steve Buscemi. It's resonating.

>> No.19877136

>time passes
>pain and loss await
Only because you dwell on it.

>> No.19877201

Good Morning!

>> No.19877208

south lost

>> No.19877215

a year ago today you died and it ruined me.

not a day goes by where i dont think of you dude. its been fucking hell. my life was beginning to improve. business was picking up and we were having such a good time. now i am left jobless with no prospects. i have no passions, no motivations, and no dreams. your death literally ruined my life.
but more than anything i miss hanging out with you. you were the smartest, kindest and most intelligent person ive ever known. ive never met anyone more interesting. you were the only person i looked up to. you were like alfredo from cinema paradisio to me. you were like a god.
i know that all you ever wanted to see was for me to stop being a depressing degenerate doomer, but the truth is im even less proactive about life than i ever was. my life has plummeted to unseen levels. if there is a 10th circle of hell than i am living in it. sure i drink less and dont smoke weed anymore, and you would be proud of that. but it means nothing. its changed nothing. i feel nothing. i might as well be dead already. nothing feels real sometimes. ive become so disassociated and insane. this is the third time ive written some pointless letter in hopes that it reaches you.

anyways i have to get back to weep drinking. it'll make me feel better for a bit.
ive tried my best to honor everything you wanted from me but its all just fucking useless. i lose every time. the world is so fucking cruel and unfair. i know you would disagree with me but the truth is none of that matters anymore:

you're dead. you died a year ago today and nothing will never be the same.

are you happy now? you fucking jackass.

>> No.19877227

There is not a single defining work of art about 21st century decadence and cosmopolitanism. All of them are either very particular and small in scope, or are passionate defenses of our system that only critique it for the goal of refining it further (most media today does this).

>> No.19877238

because it's somehow been considered a "low taste" thing to do. if you critique decadence, you're likely to just be shunned as a prude.

>> No.19877287

I fucked up my life.

>> No.19877465

I'm about to go meet my your friends 17 years older fiancé for the first time. what should I ask her? I barely understand what's even going on here desu, he tole me about her like a week ago, apparently they've been talking since december.

>> No.19877476

Ask her if she's happy stealing your crush from you.

>> No.19877482

appreciate the story anon
God gives everryone their openings. you'll have yours. It might be a problem if you think religiosity has to begin with this mujahideen attitude. Start small, carry what you can, and the rest will grow organically. The important thing, I think, is that you pray, and you let the word in, by which I mean you read and you ponder and you retain.
I've heard a story from the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon him, that some tribe sent a delegation saying "we want to join the religion, but we will not pay alms tax, and we will not help defend the religion". Alms tax is on paper an -absolute- must, it's the obligatory charity from your wealth. The Prophet agreed. And, as the storyteller then filled in, sure enough, after a while they paid and they fought. There's another story of someone coming and saying he wishes to convert, but he'll only pray I think it was twice a day. The Prophet says "sure". This is also plainly an obligation (I've heard a later, relatively moderate, scholar say that if a muslim says this it is cause for calling him an apostate). But that was fine. Just enter the fold and let it unfold as it will, and let no one bother you. If you testify that your Prophet is your Prophet- and be it Christ for you if you and God will- and you seek God: you are on the path. It will grow how it will grow. Take it easy. God does not want to make religion hard for you. This is re-iterated again and again: the point of religion is not its difficulty or grandeur.

And God knows best. Good luck friend.

>> No.19877488

>the point of religion is not its difficulty or grandeur.
>what about asceticism
I'm not ascetic, but I think the big difference is that they do it out of love, whereas if I did it I'd do it out of vanity, so for me it's a bad thing, so far, and mostly, at least.

>> No.19877495

I suppose this is part of the genius of ramadan: all muslims are, on some level, ascetics, but because it is obligatory and not your choice it doesn't make you special, and also everyone fasts, and at the same time, so, again, there is nothing to brag about and no one to brag to.

>> No.19877546

Is depression merely a symptom of weak faith?

>> No.19877570

It's a lack of purpose and direction in life. Faith can cure that yes, but there are other ways too.

>> No.19877587

>there are other ways too
like what? therapy?

>> No.19877593

No, like finding other purpose e.g. fighting for your nation, taking care of your children, etc. People are different and they need to find their own purpose or die purposeless and depressed.

>> No.19877605

>People are different and they need to find their own purpose or die purposeless and depressed.
now THAT makes me depressed as that requires me being a different person but I'd be a different person, I wouldnt be in this situation.

>> No.19877610
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>> No.19877621

Well we all have our ups and downs. If you don't put up a fight, you don't deserve to win.

>> No.19877632

There was a fight and I lost it. Maybe I deserved it.

>> No.19877666


>> No.19877694

Well dont stay defeated, you're in the now not the past.

>> No.19877695

That was just one battle

>> No.19877734

Past affects the present

>> No.19877757

I am obsessed with the idea of reading hegel

>> No.19877763

no it doesn't. you affect yourself

>> No.19877768

it's a symptom of delusion. you don't believe in nothing, you BELIEVE in nothing. You believe in your own suffering. You don't not believe in any meaning, you believe in meaninglessness. Free yourself from delusion. negative belief is not no belief. Stop believing in your suffering

>> No.19877776

We know that, zizek

>> No.19877781

anyway, >>19877777

>> No.19877823

true, my past experiences affect me.

>> No.19877832

no they don't. your past experiences don't exist. You construct inaccurate memories of them in your brain and then decide that they affect you. All emotions and beliefs in your mind are there because you put them there. Your mental state is entirely your choice.

>> No.19877852

I cant just distance myself from all the emotions and experiences like that.

>> No.19877873

Only because you believe you can't. I did it. You aren't connected to them in the first place.

>> No.19877890

How did you do it? Just realized that you're connected to your moods and past experiences?

>> No.19877935

I stopped believing in everything and decided that nothing was known about anything, then when you stop believing in everything, you realize that all your mental states are there because you believe that things that happen to you are either "bad" or "good," and as soon as you decide that your distress is something made up and in your head, you stop believing in it as well and your mind becomes empty and calm and you act naturally. When you try to get rid of all belief, you start to realize the extent of how many things you believe, things that you didn't even know you believed. whenever you think you can't do something, it's because you believe you can't. whenever you think that you are lonely, it's because you believe that you need to not be alone, whenever you think that you should give up, it's because you believe that your failure was final, or because you believe that you can't go on. But all belief is in your head and unfounded.

>> No.19877941 [DELETED] 


>> No.19877947

Doesnt that apply to only future scenarios? Past experiences actually happened.

>> No.19877966

it applies to past and present events because the events don't mean anything until you believe they mean something. past events affect you because you mentally apply bad or good emotions to your memories of them. Unless the past somehow physically affects you in the present like your fucking house burned down then the past doesn't affect the present, but even then your house burning down in the past may affect you physically but can only affect you emotionally if you believe your house burning down was bad. people with faith in God would believe that their house burning down could be a good thing because God plans everything, and that is why you wonder if depression is a lack of faith, but all that really shows is that belief about good or bad events is arbitrary, some people believe events you think are bad are good, some believe events you think are good are bad, so just realize that it is arbitrary and you won't be affected either way.

>> No.19877990

I'd want to say that believing in goodness despite the experience is delusional but the opposite is the same delusion. That does make sense. Perhaps Im not ready for such revelation deep inside me.

>> No.19878029

- The 20th century will go down as the death of the social utopia
- The 21st will go down as the death of the technological one

>> No.19878076

I don't truly believe in astrology, esoteric things and occultism, but I can't help researching and reading about these things from time to time out of curiosity.

>> No.19878305

Had a dream sequence last night IRL . I stared at my crush from across the room and she met my gaze several times. At one point the entire party faded to the periphery and the whole thing felt surreal.

>> No.19878346

Can anyone ID the city? Doesn't look like how I'd imagine London, but then again I've never been to London.

>> No.19878351

Is it Nottingham? Wiki says they're from there.

>> No.19878373

imdb lists paris as the film location

>> No.19878418

The unconscious affects the consious mind. This rational approach is justified but you're glossing over inner intrusiveness and how to process and accept it.

>> No.19878446

and how in the world do you do that?

>> No.19878532

its paris

>> No.19878533

thanks. that could be it

>> No.19878538
File: 1.19 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2022-02-06-16-03-48-655_com.google.android.apps.maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye, it's obviously Paris, you can clearly see Montmartre in the background.
based on the perspective the sacre-coeur is seen from and the design of the roof, I found the exact location on Google maps it's the rooftop of 22 rue de Calais.

>> No.19878544

Looks better than I remember it from visiting like 7 years ago.

>> No.19878551

the power of the hacker named 4chan

>> No.19878557

These threads sometimes feel like gpt-3 on crack

>> No.19878563
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I feel the same about 4chan as a whole. The only reason I still come here is addiction, but I'm working on quitting it.

>> No.19878574

same, effortposting about those 3 or 4 writers/philosophers that you don't really get to talk about anywhere else has become a necessity for me when I'm lonely and lazy and I'm not sure if it's a bad thing or not

>> No.19878592
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I am almost completely sure that the only thing that keep me visiting this cursed website is a possibility of a coombait pictures so I will go down the rabbit hole to find even more.
My brain probably sees some sort of excitement in that therefore I can't just leave.
But I need to. There is no value left (there was none in the first place.)
I have to pursue more in my life to make something of myself.
So, bye, I guess. Good luck, anons.

>> No.19878635

fare thee well in your travels, based jandekposter

>> No.19878902

visiting a website is the easiest 'addiction' to break and anyone who complains about it hasn't actually tried

>> No.19878906

I keep striking out

>> No.19879093


>> No.19879104

It scares me how real my dreams are

>> No.19879124

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.19879128

why "feast"? Are there candles and wine? Is there a collective celebration with the maggots raising a toast in unison to some higher ideals? Maggots are maggots. I don't think they are feasting. I think that is a human pathos bastardization of nature

>> No.19879135

little pee pee and the associated rage is a force unmatched and incomparable to anything on this planet. It's the primary cause of all human wars

>> No.19879287

>little pee pee and the associated rage
isnt that famous manlet rage?

>> No.19879293

no because manlet rage is about a combination of height and pee pee size (usually)
there can be non manlets that have small pee pees

>> No.19879414

I havent changed my underwear in 4 days

>> No.19879418

Some faggot in my area keeps getting my mobile network banned. Some boards are starting to range ban it now. All he does is post shit bait on /his/. I fucking hate him so much.

>> No.19879421

Want to plug my essay blog but thinking I'm just gonna get yelled at for it. Why bother? I feel like a rabid ape blocked into a corner of a dentist office by the dentist himself

>> No.19879449


>> No.19879486

i haven't showered in a month. haven't brushed my teeth in at least 7 months.

>> No.19879565

Bugs. Buzzing bugs. Ladybugs. Burn.

>> No.19879626

I really need my career path sorted out. It's embarrassing that I'm a 30 year old and still have no clue what to do job wise. My uni degree is basically good for collecting dust so that's not an option. I been thinking about maybe some computer related stuff or taking electrician courses.

>> No.19879637

I'm not a confederate sympathy and I oppose the concept of slavery categorically. I admire Jackson and that's it.
And their national anthem of sorts had way more soul than the Star Spangled Banner and is a genuine bop as far as folk songs go.

Inshallah brother. I appreciate your wisdom . I want to find god of sorts, but it has to be a god that makes some sense to me. An unknowable God, surely, but which is not demand of me dogmatic belief. I want to believe in a Philosophic God.
But I am too riddled by doubts. When I contemplate the conundrum of faith I often think of these stirring lines of dialogue from the knight in the classic Ingmar Bergman film The Seventh Seal .

> Is it so terribly inconceivable to comprehend God with one's senses? Why does he hide in a cloud of half-promises and unseen miracles? How can we believe in the faithful when we lack faith? What will happen to us who want to believe, but can not? What about those who neither want to nor can believe? Why can't I kill God in me? Why does He live on in me in a humiliating way - despite my wanting to evict Him from my heart? Why is He, despite all, a mocking reality I can't be rid of?
In times of darkness I resonate with these words more than you know. I wish I didn't.

>> No.19879695
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>> No.19879699

>And their national anthem of sorts had way more soul than the Star Spangled Banner and is a genuine bop as far as folk songs go.
I mean even Lincoln and Union soldiers jammed out to it. They just spun the lyrics.

>> No.19879703

As gross as I ever was or will be, I will never not brush my teeth every day. And I sleep in a cum stained bed

>> No.19879738

You don't have to support slavery on mere racial grounds

>> No.19879875

I'm doing this thing where I indulge in the sins to get a better knowledge of them (know thy enemy sort of thing). For lust it was easy because of orgasms, and I've banished and won over that sin. But I can't seem to find a sort of satisfaction with gluttony, even though I've been searching for a long time (it's a miracle I haven't gained weight). There's always something seemingly preventing me from having a let's call it perfect indulgence in gustatory pleasure, I'm always left unsatisfied, like edging without ejaculating. Should I just cut it out unsatisfied, or is there a way?

>> No.19879897

Fig Newtons are very good.

>> No.19879913
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Me and my grandpa.

>> No.19879935

Since I haven't much experience I can only provide the outline and hope that one day soon you will find a place to use it.
Most of what I write will be nonsense, applicable only in the bizarro. I hope you find some use in the purely internal, if you do you will have done what I never could.

>> No.19879941

He wants it

>> No.19879948

>tfw nothing really matters

>> No.19879951

schizophrenia and autism are opposite disorders

>> No.19880189

You know what? I'd really enjoy 4channel better if no one ever talked about race here.
It's ridiculous.

>> No.19880225
File: 25 KB, 526x583, images - 2021-05-15T095534.767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I really hopeless if i haven't been able to apply any self control during the freest hours of my life? Am i doomed to remain a lesser being forever? It's ridiculous that i still dream of fulfillment when all ive consistently been is a pathetic joke. I had all the time and all the opportunities in the world to practice, expand myself, experiment and develop discipline, but i just stared at my ceiling for 5 years. Why not just pull the trigger at this point.

>> No.19880234

race AND sex AND gender

>> No.19880277

Because there are way more than 5 years left

>> No.19880300
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what is the next step in the evolution of the internet? or is this its final form?

>> No.19880338

it's pretty unpredictable, really. personally I have no clue whether some VR / augmented reality shit will kick off or not.

>> No.19880345

isn't there an increasingly narrow mud of limits that you're stuck in, consciously or subconsciously, thanks to those years of idleness, essentially leaving you to be a subhuman? like missing a train. if you haven't gotten to basic self care station by age 30, you most likely never will?

>> No.19880381

Thats why the wolves are fighting

>> No.19880411

i do not manage to imagine it becoming a paradigm shift in the way some believe it will. but that might just be because i'm incapable of seeing ahead. the massive changes in our lives brought first by internet and then by having internet everywhere happenned quickly and smoothly, so while i am personally unable to imagine a plausible next massive step, it would be odd if it wasn't happenning already

>> No.19880423
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How far ahead can someone really outgrow themselves (their current selves)? Is there a set threshold or is it limitless? I know it's more of a non-linear matter, but for the sake of convenience we'll consider it to be otherwise.

>> No.19880525

internet is dying, the next step is outside the internet, the next step is outside

>> No.19880599
File: 356 KB, 1000x1400, National_Geographic_Magazine_July_1990-2019_03_18_19_40_00-1000x1400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any decent old school magazine subscriptions that are worth reading? I know National Geographic used to be decent but now it's supposedly shitty.

>> No.19880635

haha what? aspetta e spera...
there is no "outside the internet" left. the "metaverse" may not have arrived, but most of us are already people of the metaverse.

>> No.19880713

do this, what are the results?

>> No.19880732

No dumbass you can change whenever you want.

>> No.19880776

not them, but i took this test and despite there being literally no reference to language (nevermind translation) in the questions, my first suggested occupation is "translator". which i'm pretty happy with because it's literally what i'm studying for..

>> No.19880788

I'm not sure about this but
I had some kind of mystical meet-God experience a while back
I think it was real, and maybe that's interesting and everything but it's not the point
There is the bliss, as you have maybe heard, in what I suspect is the Kingdom of God
the awe and the splendour
there was a fair bit more, but
the point is that sometimes in prayer I feel this massive, massive joy in my chest. Comes and goes, sometimes it's frequent. It's just an enormous, enormous... joy, while my head is complete empty.
and I realized after a while that I think maybe this is a lesser version of the bliss. same, but lesser.
well, as I felt this today in prayer it dawned on me
I think I felt something relating to all of this as I
looked into my true loves eyes, and stroker her cheek, many years ago.
It has been said that in creation, the greatest sign of Gods beauty, goodness and grace for a man is a woman.
All I know is her love was enough to keep me from dying, so I find it credible.
A long time ago.

>> No.19880789

I wish I could stop feeling inferior to everyone I interact with. Everyone seems to me bigger, stronger, smarter, manlier, and just better than me in everything. Even little things, like the way they talk, the way their mouths move when they enunciate syllables, the way they hold themselves, what kinds of comments they make, their timeliness in humour, their smiles, their facial expressions. It seems like they live life with such ease and fluency, whereas I can’t do anything without fucking it up and feeling embarrassed. Sometimes I just want to beat their fucking heads in, just start a fight with them and stomp on their heads so I can break free of this self hated.

>> No.19880791

The metaphysical proofs of God are so remote from the reasoning of men, and so complicated, that they make little impression; and if they should be of service to some, it would be only during the moment that they see such demonstration; but an hour afterwards they fear they have been mistaken. Quod curiositate cognoverunt superbia amiserunt. This is the result of the knowledge of God obtained without Jesus Christ; it is communion without a mediator with the God whom they have known without a mediator. Whereas those who have known God by a mediator know their own wretchedness.

>> No.19880821

my buddy had a similar experience. God speaks latin apparently because my friend has been under a rock for a long time and is somewhat illiterate yet he heard something along the lines of "E Fidos"

>> No.19880915

I wrote you a reply explaining my vision of the future but I have decided to include it in my novel instead of posting it here

>> No.19880928

blessed post

>> No.19880943

nice, good luck anon

>> No.19880954

thanks you too

>> No.19881002

why is porn so accessible fuuuuuck
I can go months without even thinking of porn, but then I see some hot photos or something somewhere and my attention gets ruined for days.

>> No.19881072

it's the post-post-post game
and you CHOP ME DOWN

i'm working on my boppy mid 00s alt-vibe
CHOP ME DOWN is a very boppy mid 00s alt thing to call a song. More like happy punk than rock, but with less distortion on the guitars, a cleaner sound, more dancing and more colorful clothes

>> No.19881299
File: 48 KB, 764x536, AC0EB283-8A8A-4751-AA7A-1812C13C84DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could read my mind, love
What a tale my thoughts could tell
Just like an old time movie
'Bout a ghost from a wishing well
In a castle dark or a fortress strong
With chains upon my feet
You know that ghost is me
And I will never be set free
As long as I am a ghost, you can't see
If I could read your mind, love
What a tale your thoughts could tell
Just like a paperback novel
The kind the drugstore sells
When you reach the part where the heartaches come
The hero would be me
But heroes often fail
And you won't read that book again
Because the ending's just too hard to take
I'd walk away like a movie star
Who gets burned in a three way script
Enter number two, a movie queen to play the scene
Of bringing all the good things out in me
But for now, love, let's be real
I never thought I could act this way
And I've got to say that I just don't get it
I don't know where we went wrong
But the feeling's gone and I just can't get it back
If you could read my mind, love
What a tale my thoughts could tell
Just like an old time movie
'Bout a ghost from a wishing well
In a castle dark or a fortress strong
With chains upon my feet
But stories always end
And if you read between the lines
You'll know that I'm just trying to understand
The feelings that you lack
I never thought I could feel this way
And I've got to say that I just don't get it
I don't know where we went wrong
But the feeling's gone
And I just can't get it back

>> No.19881304

Told me I should get a career in laying bricks. Very promising

>> No.19881337

I have the same problem, Ill quit for 1-2 months before heading back because I realize no one else irl discusses classical music casually at a high level or lit/writing. Even after entering Uni most of my peers who are also performance majors dont even listen to classical music in their free time. Its not horrible if you can moderate it and try to use it to better educate yourself or to have fun.

>> No.19881348

Not that anon, but that was useless. Film post-grad here, told me to go into journalism or motion picture editing. If I could get a job as a motion picture editor, I wouldn't have done the test, because I would have had a career.
Is there any test that helps you pick careers not based on preference or aptitude, but on demand and ease of getting into that industry?

>> No.19881392

just turn your live into an rpg. what are my attributes? what are my skills. what is my race? what is my class? -- wake up, we're here. why are you shaking? are you ok? wake up. -- people are smarter with their digital self than with their real self. that's crazy. and widespread. abnormal is normal once again. go figure.

>> No.19881469
File: 201 KB, 1300x955, black-bear-ursus-americanus-in-field-of-yellow-wild-flowers-minnesota-AMWAJX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! I'm here! They know I'm coming over. I am trying to prepare. If they have questions or anything to say I wish to hear.

>> No.19881507

Last shot of trees lounge is soul crushing when you watch it on the eve of your own discovery that you also might have a drinking problem

>> No.19881576

>just turn your live into an rpg.
That's a terrible idea. This is why you have so many anons on /adv/ listing their attributes: height, attractiveness out of 10, body weight and still unable to get girls because they carry over this analogy

>> No.19881617 [DELETED] 

When I hear loud noises in another room my mind sometimes jumps to the thought that someone might have hanged themselves.
Also, does anyone else feel fine most of the time but get overwhelmingly depressed when they smoke marijuana?

>> No.19881657

After voluntarily exposing myself to cold temperature when possibile for some days (wearing light/no clothes), the comfort and joy of not being cold is unbelievable

>> No.19881689

Wow, I respect it anon. Might try this before I head to Siberia someday. Do you have any tips on getting through it?

>> No.19881733

ive benefited from doing that and i never really stopped. I prefer being cold and overtime ive become quite used to it and i enjoy it. i never wear a shirt indoors

>> No.19881787
File: 7 KB, 876x48, new_age_neckbeards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate reddit.

>> No.19881889

I legitimately avoid reading anything from Jewish people because I don't want my mind poisoned.

>> No.19881912 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 712x572, littlegirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19882104

It seems to me women's psychological abuse of men is as big of a societal problem as men's physical abuse of women.

>> No.19882362

I'm so fucking impressionable. I will be fully committed to one direction and then change my mind as soon as something else piques my interest. I have no idea what my core values, dreams, or ambitions are.

>> No.19882424

please help >>19880423

>> No.19882462

These two things I want to do and yet I seem totally incapable. When did I become so impotent?

>> No.19882478

A much bigger problem really

>> No.19882520

Engineering teaches you to think, but in wholly concrete ways. It's the most concrete STEM field, and therefore doesn't motivate abstract reasoning. There's a reason most engineers are dull fuckers who like trashy fantasy novels and anime.

>> No.19882576
File: 37 KB, 868x410, Compliment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I save all the positive messages I receive and flip through them to give myself a confidence boost.

>> No.19882611

No one is going to help you because you're hiding your personal problems behind impossibly vague hypothetical about parameters. You haven't even described what specifically "outgrow" means, which habits does this refer to? Excessive masturbation? Inability to comprehend quantum topology? Poor emotional regulation when reminded of 'abandonment' in adolescent friendships?
Or maybe none, so if someone replies they're probably going to just project what's going on in their life rather than give you pertinent advice.
TL;DR - Your question sucks so it's hard to determine what you need help with

>> No.19882643

You’d be quite wrong on that. Are you perhaps projecting your own issues with women and/or your mother?

>> No.19882658

No. Are you projecting your own projection?

>> No.19882710

Males continue to psychologically abuse people, most often women. No one excuses women who do the same, but warped individuals such as yourself pant the issue in absolutes that just aren’t true. But you may just be some garden variety twit here to troll. Whichever, doesn’t matter to me.

>> No.19882725

Have interesting job, can't score any dates. Contract finishes. No job, get dates and make out with girls.
Why does literally every law or principle of the world never apply to me?

>> No.19882754

Quitting tomorrow!

>> No.19882773

Report back if this works. But I suspect I'm, as post-rats who have to find technology analogies for otherwise mundane concepts would say, I'm a a unique bug in the cosmic supercomputer that has otherwise been patched

>> No.19882950


>> No.19883048

I may have had another fruitless white night but at least i'm fortunate enough to witness the otherworldly spectacle that is the sunrise by sea from my balcony and absorb that life-affirming chilly morning breeze. I don't think i'll ever get tired from looking at the sky during dawn. The only unfortunate cons are the fact that the breeze, and more importantly the feeling that it evokes, don't last longer, and that i'm too physically spent to do something productive under this perfect environment. Hopefully when i'll get my shit together, the dissonance will go away.
I love this purple sky so much bros.

>> No.19883065

They are strong. God will provide protection. I will help too.

>> No.19883076

Lol you are learning that the advice anons dole out on the internet is way too simplistic and does not account for the complexity of the real world. A lot of the gender discourse online describes general trends, but people are varied and rules don't apply evenly across the vastness of the human experience.

Sometimes for fun I check out the femcel subreddits / forums - the way they describe men there is as equally hyperbolic and delusional as the way anons describe women on here. Sure, their descriptions might be accurate for some men, just like incels are correct about some women, but you read it and it puts into perspective how warped both side's views are.

>> No.19883083
File: 64 KB, 905x568, 76162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't had a gf or been on a date in like 3 years now

>> No.19883109

Im the same. I hate that.

>> No.19883115

I have given up.

>> No.19883127

tiddies are more beautiful than that

>> No.19883141

I think every 15 minutes about fucked up porn scences which I watched in the past. I am at work right now and I can't take them out of my mind, all of this makes me feel nervous. I don't think that it will go just by not watching it again, is there anything which I can do so I can get over this trauma?

>> No.19883155

I always ask my daughter to bring me a random National Geographic on her weekly visit to the library. There are always interesting thing in every issue. I wouldn't subscribe though, even more au that I can read them for free.

>> No.19883185
File: 282 KB, 1200x962, John-Paul-II-1989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is vastly underestimated how little work it takes to overthrow a government. One needn't even be violent about it. Governments are not as hard to topple as one might think. All it takes is the right set of circumstances and one or more men of particular conviction.

>> No.19883225

I hope you liked the card. God is on your side!!

>> No.19883251

I've been randomly bursting into tears once in a while for the past three weeks.

>> No.19883255

Are you a teenage girl?

>> No.19883261

No, I'm a fully grown man in his mid 30s.

>> No.19883264

Midlife crisis, huh?

>> No.19883271

Not really, just my life suddenly and objectively going to shit.

>> No.19883274

Whats going on in your life?

>> No.19883361

they're doing it wrong. mages swinging claymores. priests revering sheogorath. wrong headed min-maxing. know thyself – your stats, your feats, your boons. built a build that fits. know thyself. he who says otherwise is just plain gormless. people failing because they either don't know what they are (creations of the creator, bits and bites) or know but are to baffoonish to act on their knowledge (introverts masquerading as extroverts and suchlike cases). i'm advocating for using your gamer instincts. just like writers use their movie instincts. if you don't get it now, you will after oblivion.

>> No.19883427

Sounds autistic to me. Life isn't a game, life certainly isn't a movie like >>19883076 this anon says, it's complicated.
Know thyself, big word, haughty provenance, but you undercut it by comparing it to friggin RPGs with defined rules in a highly finite, predictable environment that is insulated from random exogenous influences

>> No.19883429
File: 842 KB, 1290x1126, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19883441


>> No.19883458

Well, you can start from the ground again.. or not? Have you messed up your organs or limbs?
Sounds like legit depression (fucking things up is a symptom too, it makes you goofy). MDMA helped mine when I had it with the right people in the right (quite small) dose. But that can't be universally recommended of course.
wtf. Who writes that? That's a bit sick.

>> No.19883462

>defined rules in a highly finite, predictable environment that is insulated from random exogenous influences
that's what life is: the dullness of the daily grind. not all of the time, sure, but mostly. it isn't about that though. it's about people being smart and strategic in their games but not in their lifes.

>> No.19883481

Is this about sodium nitrite, or whatever it was called?

>> No.19883592

What's the product?
Is it a safe and painful death?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.19883662

Its hard man. Its like I need to "find myself" but my personality contains so many different facets that jostle amongst each other. You have to choose one in order to have any direction whatsoever but its hard to know which part of you to choose - they all feel equally "me" given the day. I guess the thing to take away from that is that you'll do fine whichever path you take and accept that you can't do everything, so just do something.

>> No.19883672 [DELETED] 

Where do you even get drugs? Do you just walk up to a random person on the street and ask if they’re slinging mdma? I have no friends so no drug connects.

>> No.19883711
File: 200 KB, 1920x1200, 363664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I send you my love. I want you to feel good today. I love you.

>> No.19883716
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>> No.19883722
File: 49 KB, 950x533, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's 1 pm and you are already drinking your second coffee?
>Well yes, I've had First Coffee, but what about Second Coffe?

>> No.19883746

For me the constant doubting just returns me to the square one where everything is the same.

>> No.19883848
File: 129 KB, 820x551, 342-3425143_post-soy-boy-open-mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slave morality is more powerful than master morality. Master morality isolates, slave morality binds together. Space will be conquered by slaves. For the individual who loves only himself and his small circle, master morality may be more effective. But for us, who have a greater plan for humanity, slave morality is the only way forward. slave morality is practical morality. the slave achieves what the master man only dreams of.

>> No.19883970 [DELETED] 

The new Silk Road is an obvious option, but honestly a big part of the therapeutic experience is being around good people.
I got the molly from my friend back then. You will obviously have a great time on MDMA wherever you do it (given you don't overdose), but it's not the same. Maybe you could start by finding a sport, that's maybe the best type of therapy.
Here are some choices:
That's if you are really autistic and don't want to deal with other people.
>collective sports
Awesome for meeting new friends (pick something on a very amateur level - volleyball clubs tend to invite total beginners where I live for example).
>fighting sports
Really really great for building confidence (in the long run, the start will need a lot of patience). AND you will also meet new people.

>> No.19884064

Once I was at a goth club and there was this old guy dressed in all leather: pants, vest, and cowboy hat. He was dancing more than anyone else and had 3 really hot goth chicks with him. There is pain and loss throughout life, but you don't have to make it the focus of your life.

>But for us, who have a greater plan for humanity
What's your plan bro?

>> No.19884068

I wish I could kill myself. Im not suited for life.

>> No.19884077

Do you have any goals your trying––but failing––to accomplish?

>> No.19884093

I had goals at one time or atleast I thought that something could happen but I crashed and never recovered from it. 10 years passed since then. It been mistake after mistake after mistake. Im just massively depressed and broken. Sure if I took the better choices it none of this would happen but I wasnt such a person.

>> No.19884095

>I crashed and never recovered from it.

>> No.19884281


>> No.19884342

I really thought that uni might be the place of completely fresh start but it wasnt. I completely gave up afterwards. 6th year of neeting.

>> No.19884491
File: 11 KB, 250x240, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people try to reduce western centrism in everything
>white people are unaware of their racial identity and how it affects their epistemic and metaphysical beliefs
>white people start analyzing the world under a "neutral" lens which is just a latent white lens
>the world is revealed to itself by white people using an inadvertent white people approach
>non-whites try to join the movement but unknowingly adopt the white perspective because they also don't understand the white racial metaphysics
>the world is further covered under the white expression of values under a deceiving veil of racially agnostic expression
>non-whites don't understand, whites don't understand
>the wheel keeps spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning

>> No.19884637
File: 557 KB, 540x600, A man (presumably) wearing a white mask and a camouflage poncho staring excitedly at the viewer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world spirit WILL manifest itself

>> No.19884641

How do I quit this place? I've done it several times so I know I can do it again. The problem is I'm exceedingly lonely and this place is my only social outlet.

>> No.19884658

>I've done it several times

>> No.19884677

Yes, I've gone months without visiting this board, but only returned out of curiosity and boredom (or probably just stupidity).

>> No.19884885

I feel old, dead and tired. The days are the same, my body aches, I can't think, I'm 24 but I feel like I'm 94.
I wonder why I was brought to this world, if there was ever a purpose for my being, where I failed it so horribly. I want to lay inside a coffin and sleep.

>> No.19884923

In keeping with the guy above are there any good books on suicide? I mean not philosophical reflections but actual manuals?

>> No.19884944

>warped individuals such as yourself pant the issue in absolutes
Now THAT is projection

>> No.19884953

Have I misunderstood another Anonymous stranger from a single post?
Roll with the self imposed disadvantages, anon.

>> No.19884976

You read yourself into anon. Anon merely said female psychological abuse of men is more prevalent than male physical abuse of women. Then you start reeeeeing about mommy issues and being warped individuals who think in absolutes. You read that into what was otherwise a very simple post. Hence, it looks a lot like projection.

>> No.19885062

I keep listening to Joy Division

>> No.19885166

what is it

>> No.19885203

I havent changed my underwear in 6 days

>> No.19885254

Life is horrifying. I love you all.

>> No.19885281

Life is wonderful. Some people make it horrifying.

>> No.19885316

How is it wonderful?

>> No.19885420

I cant figure out why my shit is so nasty. For breakfast yesterday I had some bacon and sourdough bread, an apple,and some carrots. For dinner I had a burger with avacado and leftover bacon, and had a slice of cheddar cheese with milk. I did cardio for a few hours. My shit today came out sloppy and smelly and loose and gross. Literally what the fuck.

>> No.19885441


>> No.19885453

I'm Northern European so dairy isn't a problem to me

>> No.19885482

That's actually a lot of various fat and oils, your pancreas probably couldn't keep up. Replace avocado with lettuce, and eat something with milk that isn't fatty cheese. Cold polenta goes nice with milk and will clear out your intestines.

>> No.19885495

There's a theory that genius is the result of both spectrums (schizotypy and autism) existing inside in the same person to such a degree that they balance each other out.

>> No.19885509

Thanks for the advice anon. I'll cut back on the fat. Funny enough everyone tells me I look like I've lost a lot of weight since I started eating more fat and fewer carbs. I guess I just need to find a better balance. I'm tired of nasty shits

>> No.19885520

I went through the whole Maigret series and now I'm left with no idea what to read next. I don't feel like doing something with a lot of pages, but I seemed to have read pretty much everything else.

>> No.19885527

Not to imply I'm a "genius" but I always felt like I'm on both of the spectrums (spectra?). There result is obsession with complex metaphysical systems.

>> No.19885535

Do you have a source for that? Sounds interesting

>> No.19885540

I was reading that theres a schizo to autism spectrum with each occupying an opposite place. If thats the case how could there be a blend of the two?

>> No.19885586

Based Frater

>> No.19885589

I feel like I died a long time ago but it somehow lagged and I am only catching up now.

>> No.19885666

like google i guess

>> No.19885715

that kinda makes sense - autism as determination and schizotypy as inspiration/creativity.

>> No.19886076

Pope Francis gets labled as ESFJ, but he seems more like an INTP to me.
>If the Church does not open itself to change, it can become a "museum piece" out of touch with a lively charity which is the foundation of the Christian life: "Once we believe that everything depends on human effort as channeled by ecclesial rules and structures, we unconsciously complicate the Gospel and become enslaved to a blueprint that leaves few openings for the working of grace." (Wikipedia)
ESFJs support status quo, but Pope Francis' major thing seems to be about not following strict rules, but the opposite, more like INTPs. Not that I believe in MBTI or know that much about it, but I think they got Pope Francis wrong.

>> No.19886085

Performance anxiety is the most cucked thing there is.
I need to get rid of it once and for all.

>> No.19886089

It's been 5 at this point and I still fantasize over this one girl I sat a few seats away from at the bus stop. How do I get these pathetic thoughts out of my mind? No matter how much I work out or try to hide my power level the notion of me getting into an actual relationship feels no different than fantasizing about the possibility of becoming a billionaire

>> No.19886097

I been waitin for a guy to cum then take me by the hand

>> No.19886100

Anyone get not only impostor syndrome but the feeling they lost all interest in the things that used to interest them? I think I have avolition because I hate reading literary works that aren't a handful of niche interests. True, I've been black-out drunk the last few days but I can only feel like literature isn't worth it, not all the money spent on books, nor all the time wasted drafting novels that will never see the light of day. I've properly given up (bar some obsessions in the written word).

>> No.19886101

5 months*

>> No.19886160

I hate myself at work the most.

>> No.19886170

I hate myself all the time.

>> No.19886202

If you're an autist dweeb you need to find a girl who's on your wavelength

>> No.19886207

ayo, that's gay

>> No.19886214

>Anon merely said female psychological abuse of men is more prevalent than male physical abuse of women
Lol citation needed

>> No.19886232

It's like how a recovering alcoholic can't have even one drink. You can't just dip in for a look, next thing you know you're wasting hours here. Just leave and never come back if you really want to quit. Find a different social outlet.

>> No.19886256

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19886272

Big dicks will rule the world

>> No.19886283


>> No.19886314

I think I have digital dementia

>> No.19886325

every cool person is an alcoholic but not all alcoholics are cool

>> No.19886339

I meant that you should back that claim up you retarded fuck

>> No.19886342
File: 298 KB, 1280x1622, Pygmalion_and_Galatea_MET_DT1969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never met a girl I've wanted to be with so I started writing short stories about female characters that I invented. I know it's a cope but its become highly enjoyable

>> No.19886367

That's anon's prerogative since it's anon's contention. You however are clearly hysterical and projecting your daddy issues

>> No.19886376

I have a great relationship with my dad actually

>> No.19886377

Are they idealized or realistic?

>> No.19886385

Sure you do champ

>> No.19886387

I really wish i was a serf. customer service jobs are so much more fucking embarrasing

>> No.19886390

Reading has made me retarded. I love reading.

>> No.19886408

you cannot find god in a book. You have to find him in your everyday life. no saint ever read there way to saint hood.

>> No.19886513

Haven't been on a date or in a relationship in 3 years

>> No.19886574

Do you think it's possible to learn to be a more practical person?
I'm almost 23, living with my parents while studying uni. I don't know if that's too bad, but some of my peers already have profitable companies and the others mostly at least live in their own and even though they're studying too, they manage to make good money on the side.

>> No.19886667

It would be cool if something like Caesar's Legion from Fallout New Vegas happened in America now, but instead of a political or military revival it would be a cultural revival to bring back Roman authors and figures into the spotlight, like what happened in Europe centuries ago. That would be neat.

>> No.19886669

I'm at 7 years

>> No.19886676

You're probably just wasting a lot of time. Instead of spending hours posting here go outside and do something.

>> No.19886678

29 years here

>> No.19886681

pray honestly for what you want and why
just ask

>> No.19886689

I've turned down 6 girls in 6 months and I wanted to date 2 of them. When I was in high-school there was a girl I was in love with for 3 years and I shot her down twice and quite rudely the second time. I've not been with anyone in 7 years.

>> No.19886700

/r/ing some good date ideas when I live in a state that still insists covid is an issue and is pretty draconian.

>> No.19886727

I wish i could find a focus. I know a little about a dozen different topics/areas, Russia, China, Iran, India, the Vikings, Islam, Catholicism, Mongol Empire, Byzantium, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome. Some history, some poetry, some literature, some current events, but my knowledge is an inch deep in all of them.

>> No.19886728
File: 1008 KB, 1634x2152, gnostic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19886737

Just party at home, go on a hike, day trip to a park, etc

>> No.19886738
File: 195 KB, 1024x1615, pensees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Pensees

>> No.19886744

>bro just have revelation xD

>> No.19886746

The fact that the catholics are so ranting against Gnosticism means it's probably true.

>> No.19886757

>Who writes that?
a friend

>> No.19886764


>> No.19886775

Does that mean astrology is true as well since Catholics condemn it?

>> No.19886790
File: 27 KB, 1162x480, joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I am allowed to be alone for extended periods of time, for multiple days, I begin to realize that everything is an absurd joke. even mathematics is based on unexplainable mental phenomena. nothing can be proven. all is folly. the universe shouldn't exist. in fact, it's not that the universe shouldn't exist, but that everything should exist and yet it doesn't or seems not to. My running hypothesis is that the whole of existence is completely random and I happened to be born into the one part of the universe that by the law of truly large numbers randomly chanced to appear non random for all eternity. And yet I also don't believe in existence. The concept of "existence" makes no sense and cannot be explained. I have finally noticed just how much thinking I do without language. No language means no concept of existence or things being, and no language is the natural state. The term "existence" is meaningless. I believe that nothing exists more than non existence. Eventually it all becomes hilarious and my eyes involuntary go wide for hours on a time like I am on fucking drugs and everything is absurd because every single fucking thing is ridiculous and completely non sensical and absurd so all I can do is laugh even at the fact that I am laughing. One day I will break down in public and die of laughter like Chrysippus

>> No.19886804

in fact now i know why democritus was laughing all the time. it is because he believed that nothing existed except atoms and void and all was opinion. because of that belief he saw the ultimate folly of all mankind who go on believing ridiculous things and it is hilarious. the concept of good and evil underly all human thought. even those who claim not to believe in good and evil believe so out of a motivation of what they think is good though not in those terms. it is absurd because good and evil make no fucking sense. truth isn't good or evil and truth doesn't exist either. morality is something funny

>> No.19886806

>One day I will break down in public and die of laughter like Chrysippus
I actually wish that upon you anon, that would be a kino death.

>> No.19886831

thank you

>> No.19886835

This general is a fucking insane asylum and I got locked in with all of you.

>> No.19886839

Gay. Your literally just describing solipsism. *blows raspberry* *thumbs down* we in a society

>> No.19886845

>he was watching a donkey eat some figs and cried out: "Now give the donkey a drink of pure wine to wash down the figs", whereupon he died in a fit of laughter.

>> No.19886885

Everything you believe I have believed before. I have believed in everything before. But nothing stands up to the question what is truth? Any attempt to answer it is cope. Any attempt to say that it exists even though it is undefinable is cope. The only thing that's not cope is saying: I don't know what truth is and I don't know if truth exists or not and I don't know what it means that I don't know what truth is and I don't know what it means that I don't know what it means that I don't know what it means that I don't know what truth is and I don't know what it means to be and I don't know what it means to mean something and I don't know where I am and I don't know why pain should be avoided and I don't know why I shouldn't jump out the window and I don't know why I shouldn't murder the next person I see and I don't know why I won't and I don't know what anything is. All you people do is pretend to know things. You pretend that you know your beliefs are "true" but everything devolves into a vicious circle. Answers like "it is above language" or "truth is above the incomplete system logic" or "truth doesn't need to be explained" or "even if you can't explain truth you know what it is" are all cope. What is truth? You don't know you just act like you do

>> No.19886915


>> No.19886939

Exactly my point was we all know that. It’s to the point philosophers like Richard Rorty almost moved the goalpost and has defined truth not as certainty but as something you can get the closest to being certain using occums razer because there’s no point in defining truth as %100 certainty at this point

>> No.19886965

Bad grammar! Sorry! But yea everything is opinion and most importantly people are practically “going with the flow” when it comes to the nature of reality because that’s the easiest way to live your life. It’s not practical going mad in the corner of your room. People just live with it without knowing what’ll happen next and just hope it’ll be fine in the end because we can’t do much else

>> No.19886996

I think this is the point of faith. The only "confirmation" possible is a subjective experience of religious meaning. For many people, to reach the point of accepting religion on a deep level, if you have been raised atheist, you have to go through a sort of total annihilation of epistemological and metaphysical conviction, truly doubting everything on a primal level.

From your perspective of course this is just more cope. And maybe it is. That is the ambiguity of faith.

>> No.19887135
File: 1.79 MB, 1700x1692, 43BC3AB1-2BB3-430E-A9EA-1E5826123523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the Turkish poem anon who asked me concerning Hegel, apologies for my lateness of reply, here it is if you do see this message.


>> No.19887242

>wake up at 5 am
>get ready
>go to work
>work ends
>go to the gym
>go home
>read for an hour
>can't read anymore
>browse /lit/ for thirty minutes
>hate myself for wasting time on /lit/
>terrified of becoming addicted to technology
>close /lit/
>can't read anymore
>doing anything else would be a waste of time
>I sit in front of an electric heater
>I stare at the orange glow
>the train goes by
>I wait for the train to go by
>the train fades
>I turn off the heater
>The glow fades
>The fan keeps going
>I stare at the heater in the darkness
>The fan ends
>I stare at the heater in the darkness and silence
>It's dark
>I get tired
>I'm vaguely hungry
>Why eat? just go to bed
>I take a piss
>go to bed at 7 pm
>I always remember 3-5 dreams
>sleep 10 hours
>wake up at 5 am

>> No.19887383

Why not go outside? Take a walk even if your a loner

>> No.19887505

!0 hours is too much of sleep anon. Make it 8 so you have two more hours to dedicate to reading.
I love going to walks in green spaces but I've moved to a city for school and it's just ugly, dirty and repulsive outside. I rather stay inside in places like this.

>> No.19887515

I hate Ro*ty so much. I don't even care to listen to his arguments I just wish he were alive so I could punch him in the face.

>> No.19887563
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>match with girl on tinder
>have similar interests
>consistently talk for two days, no one word replies or anything
>i ask her out for coffee
>she says yes but she doesn't know when she can
>ask if she'd be free this weekend
>no reply

Things were looking so good so i thought it'd be appropriate to ask her out. This can't be the autism, we were literally having a full on conversation and into the same things. idk what went wrong

>tfw no gf

>> No.19887603



>> No.19887614

Make friends nigger

>> No.19887632

This board obviously has a higher proportion of female posters than most other boards, especially the ones I use. They have this style of communication that is easy to identify. There's this snappy, catty way of communicating. It's like I can hear the upward inflection in their writing. But whats most interesting to me is that a lot of them resemble the bitter incel in how they approach the topic of males. Obvious lack of engagement with the opposite sex, a lot of resentment, broad generalizations, condemnation of the whole group on the basis of one anecdote, etc. Theres clearly a massive divide between males and females and the alienation of one from the other is creating a negative feedback loop that will destroy civilization

>> No.19887690

if catholicism was true then catholics wouldn't be so cringe on the internet

>> No.19887696

You should spend far less time on 4chan

>> No.19887719

Thats a given

>> No.19887847

I knew a girl from Vienna. She was a self-proclaimed slut with an innumerable body count. she loved dick, openly talked about her escapades and her love of dick. She loved dick so much that she thought it was hilarious when we played jackbox I drew her being bukkaked and cracked a "I wish that were me right now" joke. I missed my chance for a ONS with her because I didn't respond to her 2am booty call text in time, but honestly I don't regret it. And then two years later she comes out as a lesbian. I remember the day she came out to me and all that was going through my head was the previous conversations where she proclaimed how much she loved the cock, and how my bisexual roommate tried numerous times to pry her into experimenting with her but she was too aloof to notice. Viennese girls are fucking weird. But hey, they also have Aya Shalkar.

>> No.19887874

>The problem is I'm exceedingly lonely and this place is my only social outlet.
I mean, put all your energy into finding another social outlet is the broad brushstroke solution.
What other social outlets have you tried?
Do you ever go to poetry readings/slams, zine faires, book fairs or any other physical events where you might meet people?
Have you considered creating an online persona, maybe a twitter account and going through that?
this is surprisingly salient
Yes but not to the degree you hope. I've been trying for 5 years.

>> No.19887890

I was very recently, at 33, diagnosed with autism (Asperger's), ADHD (inattentive) and, don't know how you americans call it, but "very high IQ".

I'm not sure what to do with this information, it feels like just too much. Guess I'll just keep being a total wreck and loser as I've been all my life but now while understanding a little bit more why it is so.

>> No.19887934

no one ever told me the event was this based

>> No.19887968

Ideally you can take a more informed approach to being a total wreck and a loser.

>> No.19887994

Honestly disgusting

>> No.19887995


The One who is undying, everlasting. The One who is eternally whole and sound.

The One Life from whom all life arises. The One who calls all life into being.

The One who animates all life and who makes each living thing different and distinct.

From the three letter root h-y-y, which has the following classical Arabic connotations:

to live, to be living
to become apparent, distinct
to animate, to revive
to vitalize, to call into being
to be whole, sound
to call, summon, invite, hasten

This name is used in the Qur'ān. For example, see 2:255

The attributes of al-Hayy and al-Qayyūm are often used to together, with al-Hayy signifying the attribute of ever-lasting life, and al-Qayyūm signifying the attribute of self-existing life. Thus, the attributes of al-Hayy and al-Qayyūm express two aspects of the One Life.

Abu Hurairah reported that whenever the Prophet, peace be upon him, was faced with a serious difficulty, he would raise his head to the sky and supplicate, "Subhan-Allah al-'Azim (glory be to Allah, the Mighty)." And when he implored seriously and strongly, he would say "Ya Hayyu, Ya Qayyum (O Ever-Living One, O Self-Existing One)." (hadith of Tirmidhi)

it's a vibe
it's very late and I can't sleep
my friend is asleep on a mattress on the floor
take a walk in my bed

>> No.19888000

I agree, but I can not articulate why. can you? I'm not sure why I feel this way exactly.

>> No.19888014

I dunno Anon, it's pretty offputting whenever a girl gets excited talking about the "best part of the American embassy in Vienna" was the black marine stationed there who'd turn her insides out with his massive dick. But she's a lesbian.

>> No.19888020

yeah hard to articulate why a retarded whore is gross

>> No.19888021

Because she has given away her dignity for momentary pleasure of "the cock."

>> No.19888025

make an attempt for the general case.

>> No.19888035

Thats like asking why you're disgusted by the sight of dogshit

>> No.19888036

I think it's less to do with how she would talk and more to do with how ugly it is to treat something potentially so beautiful in such a way. Painting oneself black, squandering something completely. But let no one say my relationship to women is sound. I don't know if I'd feel the same about men. I think I would desu, I just don't really give a fuck.

>> No.19888279

So complex are these metaphysics, god himself can’t untangle them!

Faith is all you’re describing there. And once again, 1 + 1 =/= 1

>> No.19888305

I know exactly what happened there. He’s wrong. He’s either a troll, has mommy issues or both.
I’m literally projecting three possibilities for his wrongheadedness

>> No.19888333
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>> No.19888364

Why do I feel the need to write when it's so pointless?
Does anyone else feel what I'm about to describe?
According to the GTD guy writing things which are on your mind keeps them off your mind. It makes sense in the context of the Zeigarnik effect, she observed that when she and other students went to a cafe the waiter could remember the table's orders until they had paid their bill. Her theory is that we remember unfinished tasks. But it appears, in my personal experience, writing down a thought doesn't bring the thought to a close.
I often find myself paraphrasing the same ideas, the same themes, the same thoughts (including this very topic itself!).
Why do I constantly feel the need to write pretty much the same shit over and over?
It would be fine if the belief that writing can help you think, that by putting your thoughts into words it somehow changes the ideas. But then why do I keep writing the same shit over and over?
It's probably the downstream effect of a larger problem of idée fixe. I have preoccupations of mind that I can't banish.
Does anyone else have the same problem?

>> No.19888520

Shaved my beard today, I look much better with a short stubble shold've done that earlier.

>> No.19888653

That is NOT how lesbianism works. She’s just bisexual going for women now that she’s had her fill of males

>> No.19888670

You did the right thing, she is just flaky and that's what you can expect when using tinder. I promise you it's not personal, it's just another thing that sucks about dating apps.

>> No.19888779

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19888783

Fucking serbians

>> No.19888830
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This is the norm. Everyone’s brains are.

>> No.19888834


>> No.19889167

This short article cemented my idea that gnosticism is true.

>> No.19889188

>even the pope has no fucking idea what gnosticism is
kek the absolute state of catholicism

>> No.19889477

hey man you need, uh, what was, uh a tito for your brain? huh?

>> No.19889750

You can learn to love the concrete jungle because you find humanity in it. And if you think you can’t just drive to/around a nice place and walk there if needed

>> No.19889760

It’s literally just because your on 4chan lol. If you use 4chan as your own place of reference of course all you’ll find are incels and femcels bro

>> No.19889780

> Do you ever go to poetry readings/slams, zine faires, book fairs or any other physical events where you might meet people?
I don’t think any of these really exist or at they least barely exist. Especially book fairs for adults. I look it up only get child ones

>> No.19890681
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>> No.19890690
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>> No.19890696
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>> No.19890704
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>> No.19890714
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