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19875757 No.19875757 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>read Hegel
>read Sartre
>start to question myself, fall deep into the rabbit hole of object-subject unity
>fall deeper than ever into this chain of thought, start to question whether I am real
>"perhaps I am just an ideal created by someone else"
>"perhaps I created myself in some elaborate dream or trance state"
>"why do anything if I am just an ideal created by some force? God may have created me, but what is my meaning? Am I just a puppet?"
>gf starts to notice, checks in with me more, and asks if I'm ok
>I start to fall deeper, write my own manifesto to leave an impact on the collective societal unconscious
>call gf tonight
>she answers and asks me whether I'm ok
>I forgot that I exist
>she gets close to tears and tells me that all of this existentialism is killing our relationship
>"Anon, you're getting so into this and when I ask my friends for advice they tell me to either comfort you or break up, I don't know what to do anymore, you're driving me crazy."
>mfw Hegel almost killed my relationship
Am I autistic bros?

>> No.19875773

I lost my wife, house, and life savings over Kant. Not a joke.

>> No.19875792

That’s a good idea for an arthouse movie. Protagonist becomes too absorbed in philosophy and eventually dissolves into an ideal or something.

>> No.19875799

this is not a joke i almost lost a dear love

>> No.19875837

Keep going

>> No.19875848

>That’s a good idea for an arthouse movie
God fucking Christ

>> No.19875855

>reads hegel
>becomes an unlovable autist
Many such cases!

>> No.19875913

Was regular npc. Met npc girl while npc. qt 10/10. Nice tits. Had traumatic experiences. Needed to make sense of things. Want to believe in God and soul but lacked faith. Turned to philosophy. Recommended Kant. Denies theoretical knowledge of metaphysical objects. Become obsessed with proving Kant wrong or showing how Kants teachings can bed developed to allow for such knowledge.

>> No.19875939

Dedicate more time to this than wife or work. Get fired for failing work performance. Go through savings to survive. Can't get new job. Interviewers never call back. Wife gives up heartbroken and leaves. Also stopped fucking her bc lost interest in sex. Lose house. Move back in with parents. Meanwhile entire time obsessed with reading Kant.

>> No.19875955

Unironically start looking into Christian theology. Yes, you are simply a creation of another conciousness-- God. The Christian doctrine is all about the beauty of just that.

>> No.19875978

>you are simply a creation of another conciousness
Why they neber teach me this in church?

>> No.19875986

I am a Christian, I believe that the only thing tying the collective societal unconscious together is God.

>> No.19875994

Explainen furter please

>> No.19876007

Going to church will not truly teach you theology. Church is about the appreciation of the Christian tradition, education on more practical matters, and of course, celebration of and communion with Christ. For the abstract stuff, you have to do your own research. From the Catholic perspective, I highly recommend a book by a guy named Sheed called Theology for Beginners. It helped me connect a lot of dots.

>> No.19876060

They can't because the true task is sisyphean. Jung did his best and even he admitted to stretching beyond himself purely in the name of the adventurer's spirit. No one man can play host to all the collective experience contained in the collective consciousness.

Christcucks stick a crucifix in the dam and call it a day when the "dam" is a sieve and each hole the eyes of another soul streaming forth animating essence from the other side.

To OP,
Stop being a bitch and obsessing over the rules and state of the game. Seek out what resonates with you. If you don't know where to look jealousy is a ready made springboard. That will at least get you moving and shaking so you can start actively experiencing rather than passively watching and have the hope of developing a more refined motivator later. Manifest experiences in line with your resonance.

>> No.19876105

I don't get it. You want him to be jealous? To motivate him? But he's already motivated by Hegel. He's jealous over Hegel. He wants Hegel, to be one with Hegel, so through Hegel he may obtain absolute knwing and be one with Absolut.

>> No.19876197

We are all perceiving a reality created by our ideals, but the only thing keeping us together is the absolute spirit, God. His rule is what keeps us from reaching a post-Babel state.

>> No.19876204

I want him to drop the obsession with spooks. It's an inward focused abyss lacking any resolution. The only value of the abyss is deconstruction back to a (relatively) blank slate. I want him to turn his attention outward to noticing his desires and pursuing them. Pursuing meaning rather than dissolution. Jealousy is a response to encountering an unexpressed desire so it is a workable foundation to start from.

>> No.19876457

You didn’t understand Sartre if these are your conclusions. Also you’re a gigantic retard.

>> No.19876537

>discord text
Anon, I...

>> No.19876711

Anon... you could have just read Steiner...

>> No.19876719


>> No.19876836

anon break up with this normie bitch. I don't care if I "exist" because I would fucking kill myself if I was forced to date normies fuck.

>> No.19876842

Ok but good luck finding an attractive non normie bitch.

>> No.19877447

imagine reading one persons point of view without any counterpoint and then devoting your life to it.

>> No.19877452

there are many of them. it's just that they are all crazy.

>> No.19877510

You seem really childish to me. I wouldn't put your developmental state above a late High School student even if you have read Hegel.
>"why do anything if I am just an ideal created by some force? God may have created me, but what is my meaning? Am I just a puppet?"
You dont seem German to me, but I am still going to tell you what I would tell any German.
You are (if sincere underneath the puerile selfishness) at the exact point where reading Heidegger only ever starts to have a purpose.
I really dislike how you put your thoughts, but the conundrum is that through Hegel (as through so many other means) you know the infinite, the absolute, but then again end up in the finite existence that commonly is man. Why can't you hold yourself in the transcendental absoluteness and bear whitness to all its motions and instead more often live a simple life of a lone man?
It is because of this why Heidegger's philosophy begins with der Alltäglichkeit (The Quotidien), because the "What do I do and what is MY meaning" question seemingly is forgotten in all the thousand pages of Hegel. Heidegger gives you an approach for this while not ignoring that all this rests on the insight from the ancient greeks, but more importantly Kant, the German Idealists, Nietzsche &Co. and then developse all this further and so much grander. Read Heidegger and understand him beyond how french marxist used him.

And don't bother talking to a gf or any girl about this. You are being cringe.

>I love you more than Hegel or Sartre

>> No.19878087

I'd say most normies are actually crazy but a crazy shared by so many people it's not considered crazy. By non normie i mean women who are actually contemplative and self-aware and who read and who show self-control.

>> No.19878908
File: 377 KB, 773x1034, Steiner_um_1905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or A. N. Whitehead if you aren't redpilled enough.

>> No.19879480

What's steiner about?

>> No.19879790

German idealism + Christian mysticism + western occultism + phenomenology

>> No.19879811

You just needed to resume with Schopenhauer. He proves the existence of Platonic ideals and uncovers the nature of the noumenon all the while staying in the framework set by Kant.

>> No.19879854

Not that anon. I was considering reading him but decided not to. He just gives me satanic vibes, in contrast to Jung who gives me divine light vibes.

>> No.19879885

>I saw before me the cathedral, the blue sky. God sits on His golden throne, high above the world—and from under the throne an enormous turd falls upon the sparkling new roof, shatters it, and breaks the walls of the cathedral asunder.
Understandable, anon. I think I will stay reading Steiner though.

>> No.19879900

The dream was communicating to him that the clergy and organized Christianity in general has become corrupt. Which is obvious of course. Now post the quotes from Steiner about the battles he had in other dimensions with angels and demons.

>> No.19879902

Steiner seems to have been a really gentle person, definitely odd though since he claimed to be a visionary like Cayce.. Cayce is also a bit odd but very gentle seeming, on that note.

I recommend at least reading How to Know Higher Worlds.

Also since we are openly acknowledging esoteric things here I will say that all Steiner people I've interacted with have been extremely nice and had an aura of calm and good will. I listen to the Rudolf Steiner audio channel and really like the guy who does the readings. I listened to him in a podcast where he talked in his normal voice and even when he's not sounding deep and meditative he seems like a sweet person.

>> No.19879916

So why does he look like possessed by Mephistopheles?

>> No.19879992

Sounds interesting. Where would I get started with him? And does he address the problem of why anyone should believe what he says?

>> No.19879998

Then why does he deny all the categories but one?

>> No.19880033

>Sounds interesting. Where would I get started with him
I would probably start with an outline of Esoteric Science.
>does he address the problem of why anyone should believe what he says?

>> No.19880066
File: 82 KB, 1024x682, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misinterpreted it. It's actually just some based racist stuff.

>> No.19880131
File: 13 KB, 200x298, knowworlds1947_covs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd start with pic related although the other recommendation is good too.

>the problem of why anyone should believe what he says?
He's pretty open about the fact that what he's proposing is an occult science or mystical science, meaning all the certainty of science (wissenschaft), but admittedly for those who can actually carry out the mystical or occult intuition themselves. He can't "show" you a mystical truth since it's part of the definition of mystical truth that it has to be directly intuited, he can only show you the way and report findings. His ideal is to make knowledge of higher worlds possible for others, by showing them how to awaken and train the faculties that are already dormant and partly awakened in us at this stage in our development. So the scientific part is about making it systematic and making the mystery open to all, like Christ took the pre-Christian mysteries and made them open to humanity, also opening the possibility of theosis for all.

It's ultimately based on Goethe's mystical science. If you can read philosophy reasonably well I recommend reading his earlier books on Goethe and Nietzsche. He was called in by Nietzsche's sister after Nietzsche's fall into madness to be the philosophical interpreter of Nietzsche's literary remains, so he met Nietzsche but it was after he had gone crazy.

Anthroposophy's practical side also comes out of this, since it's all about intuiting the underlying metaphysical essences and structures of things and then "attuning" yourself to them, hence all the focus on properly educating kids and living in tune with nature. Even people who aren't doing the mystical side can still benefit (according to them at least) from stuff like biodynamic farming, or from learning (in their eyes, fully awakening) geometric intuition as a child before suffocating your thinking with mathematical abstractions. They love projective geometry for this reason, I think.

That's the one informal "proof" I can think of for it, that it has so many interesting insights you wouldn't expect and gradually forms a well-connected system. Steiner will say some crazy shit one moment, but then give a weirdly compelling discussion of how and when European consciousness lost sight of some vital principle that makes fully developed mysticism possible.

>> No.19880771
File: 6 KB, 200x202, 973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love you more than Hegel and Satre
Fucking kek I love YOU faggots

>> No.19881045

He says all of them are reducible to that one. All of them are the same thing.

>> No.19881113

I guarantee you're a normie. Specially if you're using 4chan you're most likely a normie who thinks he's an abnormie main character.

>> No.19881120
File: 1.08 MB, 3654x3962, 1643230611166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah bro women are fucking terrorists

>> No.19881161

Hegel explains what I long suspected