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19874059 No.19874059 [Reply] [Original]

Simple thread. Did Nietzsche's concept of the Overman influence any philosophers that came after him? I can't find any. It seems that this particular idea is more popular with us average people than it's been with those really gifted writers that came after him.

>> No.19874084

individualism barely even scratches the surface of his deeper concepts and manifestations that he's inherited from Schopenhauer.

stop trying to justify LARPing as chad you will never be a woman

>> No.19874091

Are you responding to my question? It doesn't seem like you are senpai.

>> No.19874093

>Did Nietzsche's concept of the Overman influence any philosophers that came after him?
Nietzsche in general simply regurgiated rather than invented anything of his own. The idea of an 'overman' doesn't go back to him but already existed before. His only feat was in reconceptualizing that overman from a superior being to a solipsist entity that was unaffected by others.
>that this particular idea is more popular with us average people than it's been with those really gifted writers that came after him.
Spoken like the true normie fag you are.

>> No.19874135
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of course not look at modern elites:
sycophantic shills that work for multinational interestand mega corpos. they idea of Overman scares the shit out of them so they push thing like socialism and communal longhouse mudhut lifestyle.
pic rel is ancient finding of 25000 neolithic "womyn" these femcels feminist fat obese dgross matriarchs ruled over cuckolds in longhouses living 20-30 retards eating off the floor dirt with their bare hands like bonobo masturbators. then in the East came the wild riders, free men and clean air of the steppes the ARYANS or indo-europeans for PC nerds who cannot cope with the possibility of seizing the life... NIetszsche said something like (I paraphrase) "ILIVE FOR NO NATION TODAY BUT THE ONES IN WHICH WE SHALL BUUILD TOMORROW" i disregard the law, i disregard the opinions of retards, womyn, femcels, and other miscreants slaves to communal society of longhouses mudhuts slop look at cuisine of african slop houses tribes run by women they eat literal slop SLOP

>> No.19874150

literally maybe hitler and drydegger if you're looking for direct influences...no one of importance unless you consider Ayn Rand culturally significant

although if i have the liberty to speak freely because i know you fags won't call this guy a jew, i would say Walter Kaufmann is probably one of the most tangible and accessible Nietzsche scholars i've ever read and it really helped do him justice posthumously

wittgenstein also was probably heavily influenced but faggots don't like him anymore

>> No.19874151

what "LEADER" exists in any country on earth? there are none. not a single leader of note nobody will be remebered in books of history... you think people 500 years from now will think "MY god.. that Joe Biden... truly a man of action" or putain or xi? who? WHO? we remember the names of men like CATO THE YOUNGER and other great noble souls... we remember even the names of great kings, men of action even napoleon who was a fat slob sometimes but still a man of power and mover of his will that is FACt that scares the shit out ofm odernity of Zuccerberg disgusting lanklet freaks marrying asian slophouse womyn who dominate your bank account and produce 0 children like good longhouse smothering your face in fecal mmatter because the TV said so shit.

>> No.19874158

Thank you anon. I have a list of figures that im going to look into, and see if any were directly influenced by nietzache's Overman specifically.

>> No.19875604


>> No.19876389
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>Did Nietzsche's concept of the Overman influence any philosophers that came after him?
Yes, pic related, aka the internet's bogeyman for the last ~15 years.

>> No.19876541

Who is that........?

>> No.19876543

He influenced Shaw.

>> No.19876647
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>> No.19877073

Nigger nigger niggger

>> No.19877864

I've never considered this, but is "Chad" a manifestation of the übermensch? He doesn't care about anyone else, lives for himself and disregards society's rules.

>> No.19878596
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zoom zoom