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19875676 No.19875676 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best examples of rape in fiction?

>> No.19875679

Read Catcher in the Rye. The main character rapes his sister.

>> No.19875692

I have read it already. The so-called rape is just reddit fan fiction. It's nowhere to be found.

>> No.19876029

Plus if he had walked her home he’d probably have another chance with her next time they met, what a dumb ass

>> No.19876042

No, he made the right choice. After she rejected him the woman was already looking for a man to fuck that night. Not reason to walk God knows how many miles, drunk, in the middle of the night just to escort a bitch who rejected you and preferred others. He had his self-worth and self-esteem in the right place.

>> No.19876048

What a piece of shit. I'd understand if he was a kid, but he was 20. Fucking faggot.

>> No.19876052

People at 20 are still kids. Just because you're legally an adult doesn't mean you're automatically mature and emotionless.

>> No.19876058
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>I will not save a person from potential rape because they don't want to have sex with me
I thought books make a person empathetic?

>> No.19876075

He didn't owe anything but in hindsight, had she fucked him, she would still be alive. Women are stupid.

>> No.19876094

You'd save a person only if you owed something to them?

>> No.19876096

>underage drinker
>gets pissed-drunk with strangers
>hangs out with douchebag fratboys
Getting raped was 45% her fault.

>> No.19876099
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This book has nothing but homosexual rape.

>> No.19876108

She didn't fuck him, thinking he was too displeasing for a night of sex but pleasing enough to be used as a ride home. We can't use the 'maybe she wasn't in the mood for sex that night' excuse because she was actively flirting with other guys, looking for a laid that night. I'm not sure why a man should risk his life driving or walking at night while intoxicated for a woman who thinks so low of him? The guy dodged a bullet over all. The woman was not worthy of being escorted back home.

>> No.19876117

There was nothing concrete to be 'saved' from, simp boy. There was just a fee fee that the bitch felt. She didn't owe him sex and he didn't owe her protection. It goes both ways. Her friends were the ones who failed her, not some stranger at a party.

>> No.19876190

the crow short stories collection featuring a graphic gang rape scene

>> No.19876206

I have actually /lit/erally left a party to pick up drunk girl who rejected me, taken her to my apartment, had her try to suck my dick, told her no, held her hair when she got sick, set her up on the couch with a blanket and pillow, given her water, sent her home to her boyfriend the next morning. And not even mention that she tried to suck my dick to anyone.

I'm not even a good person but I have empathy that I can't control

>> No.19876211

OP was a nice guy and instead she chose to fuck a Chad who ended up raping her.

>> No.19876224

You're like that guy in nymphomaniac

>> No.19876236

I resent being compared to anything from a movie, film is garbage

>> No.19876237


>> No.19876249


>> No.19876259

It's a guy that listens to some sluts story and then gets killed when he tries to fuck her.

>> No.19876263

Nah. If a girl doesn't show interest in you even when she is "piss drunk" and her inhibitions are at their lowest then that pussy is slammed shut. He should have helped her out of pure motivations for her safety without any expectation of recourse. Of course she might change her mind on her doorstep and he could have given it one last shot there, but lingering on her beyond that night would be a mistake. Past that night the ball is firmly in her court to pursue him if she wants anything to happen. He should ignore her and move on.

>> No.19876345

kek that was a funny ending

>> No.19876363

>a guy was making her uncomfortable
Keeping women safe from opportunistic cretins is a function of a healthy society. You don't get 1:1 rewarded with pussy for fulfilling that social contract obligation.

What you do get is social capital. She shares the story and one of her lessers in the female hierarchy hears it and develops an interest in you. The drunk girl then actively helps to match make the two of you to solidify her place in the hierarchy over the underling (haha setrle for what I rejected) and disarm the (in her mind) still lingering intent of your interest in her. The good news is the female hierarchy is retarded and her "lesser" friend could be way fucking better in every category than the girl who rejected you.

Even barring that outcome all you do is just move along and focus on a different girl. The matriarchy machine may or may not do its thing and you will be none the wiser or inconvenienced either way.

>> No.19876369
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Patrick ruthfuss has a scene in his books where one of the main characters just lies on a rooftop and listens as a smaller weaker boy is over powered and raped i thought it was pretty brutal and raw i felt happy for the main character when he finds hot girls later and he also finds a runt female with a broken mind and he slowly gets her to trust him she's probably my favorite character she even gets her own spin off so gentle and skittish prefers to be alone

>> No.19876381
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I haven't read this book since i was a teenager but i still very drawn to auri even after all this time i was just attracted to her

>> No.19876396

>social contract obligation
No such thing exists. It wasn't the guy's problem in any way, shape or form. It was her fault. She chose the wrong guy and he ended up raping her. She chose not to call a cab, not to talk her friends (who were at the same party). She tried to use the guy she rejected as a body guard and it didn't work. She didn't have any obligation to fuck him just as he didn't have any obligation to protect her.
>*maybe* settling down for the uglier friend as le prize
You're pathetic.

>> No.19876400
File: 52 KB, 660x371, protesting a rape that never happened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jackie Coakley's A Rape on Campus published by Rolling Stone. Biggest news story of 2014.
>Fraternity officials, who rejected the published allegations, noted a number of discrepancies in the story: there was no party held on the night that Jackie was allegedly raped, no fraternity member matched the description in the story of the "ringleader" of the rape, and details about the layout of the fraternity house provided by the accuser were wrong.
>They said that no pledges were resident in the fraternity at the time Erdely claimed.[35]
>media investigations have determined that no student named "Haven Monahan" has attended the University of Virginia;[43] the portrait of "Haven Monahan" is an image of a classmate of Jackie's in high school, who has never attended the University of Virginia;[44] the three telephone numbers through which "Haven Monahan" contacted Jackie's friends are registered "internet telephone numbers" that "enable the user to make calls or send SMS text messages to telephones from a computer or iPad while creating the appearance that they are coming from a real phone"[45] and love letters written by Jackie and forwarded by "Haven Monahan" to Ryan Duffin are largely plagiarized from scripts of the TV series Dawson's Creek and Scrubs.[46]
>According to news articles covering lawsuits resulting from the Rolling Stone article, Jackie concocted the Haven Monahan persona in a catfishing scheme directed at Duffin, who had not responded to romantic overtures that Jackie had directed at him.[51][52][53]
>Erdely publicly apologized for the article on April 5, 2015,[62] though her apology did not include any mention of the fraternity, or the members of the fraternity who were accused.[63] The Columbia Journalism Review called the apology "a grudging act of contrition".[64]
>On October 24, 2016, in a video deposition, Jackie said, "I stand by the account I gave Rolling Stone. I believed it to be true at the time."[67][68]

>> No.19876408

Bullshit. You don't get social capital, you get beta orbiter capital. You get the privilege of being on standby whenever she needs a free meal, a free ride, a shoulder to cry on, help paying rent, and you get nothing in return.

>> No.19876413

the phantom rapeist

>> No.19876433

I remember this. You see, the things is is that women lie as easily as they breathe. It is second nature to them. Outright lies, exaggerations, omissions, downplaying, gaslighting; if it’s a form of deception, women are an expert at it. It is in their nature to lie. Besides a few shining examples in history, such our Lady of Guadalupe, lying has been the primary tool of women to achieve their ends. But one shouldn’t hold this against them as a moral failure, because their emotional deftness is their only viable tool of survival against the monstrously stronger, quicker, and analytically smarter sex. It’s just a thing to keep in mind when dealing with them.

>> No.19876448
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It's good though. Just has a lot of rape. Constant really.

Basically, Dune meets Beserk with some philosophy thrown in.

>> No.19876470

I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep I don't care. Some manwhore gets rejected then feels white knighty over a whore whore who cares kekekek

>> No.19876495
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It absolutely is your problem if your mate is making a girl uncomfortable to make some kind of intervention. The purest form would be directly confronting him and that would also have the strongest personal gains. But relationships are messy and you might like your dumb rapey friend more than some random slut who rejected you so escorting her is the nonaggression route. Low stakes, low reward, very little ruffled feathers. You get to stay friends with rapey friend and the slut gets home unharmed. As to why you stay friends with rapey friend, maybe he is just a creep when drunk and has a problem with alcohol. People are flawed and are allowed to be given the time to grow and change. Maybe the best time to confront him is sober on a Tuesday morning and not when everyone is drunk on a Friday night.

Separately if you think the female hierarchy is sorted by ugliness you are naive. I told you it's retarded. But that's besides the point because your motivation is not to get the lesser friend. I'm just peeling back the curtain on possible ramifications for why this behavioral expectation became ingrained in the social contract in the first place.

There's nothing pathetic about expressing interest in a girl, getting rejected, then moving on from her without a second thought. It's the fixation that the girl in question is a hill worth dying on that is pathetic.

>> No.19876516

>Lady of Guadalupe
Eh what?

>> No.19876529

Only if you keep up contact. She has to reach out to you for further interaction. That's the whole point of not pursuing anything the day after. You walk her home and forget about her. Simple as. If you get roped into further thankless favors that's on you. A one off basic social obligation fulfillment is not "orbiting" behavior. Constantly seeking situations to play that one off role is though. That's captain save a ho territory.

>> No.19876531

>There's nothing pathetic about expressing interest in a girl, getting rejected, then moving on from her without a second thought. I
What's pathetic is taking a stranger bitch who rejected you back to her place... in the middle of the night, while drunk and angry, and God knows how far, just as a means of probably getting the uglier friend (yes, female hierarchies are based on beauty). The moment she chose to flirt with the other guys, she was completely worthless.

>> No.19876532

Chivalry is dead

>> No.19876535

Cockmeat Sandwich

>> No.19876549

You're just a sociopath and probably a rapist yourself.

>> No.19876553

This is the craziest retard shit I've ever seen. Get help.

>> No.19876556

And that's a good thing. She was not worth it, anyway. She was raped because she chose the wrong guy.

>> No.19876562

Not really sure why she would trust him either, he was clearly trying to get in her pants too but she rejected him. Guess he gave off a heavy simp vibe

>> No.19876564

Wrong on both accounts. I'm simply not a retard who cares for people who think so low of me and try to use me. Have some self-worth, faggot.

>> No.19876565

Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee

>> No.19876583

Where did I say your motivation is a means of getting the "uglier" friend? Your motive is purely the safety of your fellow citizen. Your thoughts about this person extend no further than your last pitch on her doormat then you move on.

My rambling about how the matriarchy functions happens without your input at all. You quite literally have no control over that therefore it isn't worth actively accounting for in the calculus of your personal motivation.

It's no fucking wonder millennials report having no friends when a mindset like yours exists. How do you expect to cross the gap of affability into the territory of attractiveness if every interaction is filtered through the lens of your own self centeredness?

>> No.19876584

>overdosed by suicide
Faggot. She was in the lion's den, and was a total cunt. She rejected the guy then STILL had the nerve to come crying to him later. How entitled can you get?

>> No.19876589

Cringe thread

>> No.19876606

Women deserve

>> No.19876616

I have friends. I help my friends. I even help strangers sometimes. What I wouldn't do is help some stupid bitch who thinks lowly of me and humiliates me. She's on her own as far I'm concerned.

>> No.19876617

You just fundamentally do not understand women. They really are not difficult creatures to understand. You don't interact with a woman you interact with the matriarchal hive mind. You're not courting an individual, you are being examined by a group.

>> No.19876635

Where the fuck do you think you are anyways?

>> No.19876637

Dude, you are bigger than your penis. A sexual rejection is not the rejection of your total self worth as a human. It could be as banal as you not being her type.

I'm fucking blind to Asians. Like an Asian girl has to be ar least +2 higher attractive over a white girl for me to even see them as equally attractive. My friends give me shit for it because I'll get visibly nervous flirting with a 6/10 red head in their opinion and hit on Asian 9 and 10s with all the confidence in the world while they drop their spaghetti.

>> No.19876663

>A sexual rejection is not the rejection of your total self worth as a human.
I mean it kind of is. Plus, there's the fact that she preferred some other guy over OP.
>It could be as banal as you not being her type.
Well, then, let her 'types' take her home.

>> No.19876667

You’re a human. Not animal. Reproduction doesn’t have to be your only goal in life. You have free will

>> No.19876681

I didn't expect anyone to double down on being completely defined by their penis. I'd schedule plastic surgery if you haven't already, because that is in line with your ethos. Pure fucking insanity.

I know a girl who is smarter than most posters on this board. She is ugly as sin. I greatly enjoy spending time talking to her and value her intelligence. I know another girl who creates beautiful art that I regularly admire and often purchase. Also ugly as sin. Are you really out here trying to pigeonhole the value of a human to their sexual value? You're giving it way too much importance.

Reread the story. There was no one else. It was either confront the rapey friend or help the girl.

>> No.19876685

>You have free will
Do I really? Because you're blaming the guy for making his choice and then sort of imply he was 'obligated' to act in this and that way. Doesn't sound like free will. She didn't owe him sex and he didn't owe her protection. And this is not only about reproduction. If you can't see why the guy was hurt, then I don't know what else to tell you. You honestly don't sound like a male to me, are you a woman?

>> No.19876696

I don't measure my self worth in how many women I let get raped just because they wouldn't sleep with me, unlike you apparently.

>> No.19876698

He was obligated but he acted in whatever way he could. Of course you can pressure people. Those are psychological tactics.
I understand the guy, but if you do not help a woman even if her life is in danger and someone has hurt you, then you’re mentally fucked. Seek help

>you like a woman
>retard is so mentally fucked that he cannot distinguish

>> No.19876702

It's not about the 'penis'. It's about what rejection represents. It means she doesn't see you as a man. As a lover/partner on her level, worthy of the intimate act. And considering she was drunk, sober she would think you're less than dirt. And the story says her so-called 'sisters' were there. But no, let's not bother them. Let's instead bother the stranger guy that I just rejected. Let's crawl back to him and take advantage of his attraction to me.

>> No.19876710

It's a fundamental part of friendships that if the girl your mate is hitting on pulls you aside and says she isn't interested and he is making her uncomfortable to do something about it. This wasn't, "walk me home, I don't want to be raped." This was, "I'm expressing sincere concern directly derived by the actions of your friend, please help." The first one is enough for me because my own petty feelings of rejection are smaller than a woman's warranted fear of being taken advantage of. But this was even a type 2 situation of direct statement of threat. That's why he feels guilty.

You really think there is a sane calculus to be made between your feelings over an ephemeral rejection and the omnipresent fear of female rape? Fucking hell the level of selfishness these days. Do you think that has any small contribution to the level of sexlessness too?

>> No.19876724

>He was obligated
He really wasn't. I will die on this hill. He's not the police, he's not her father, he's not her bodyguard. He's not in any way obligated to protect some stranger woman. Just as she's not obligated to sexually please a stranger man. It goes both ways.
>but if you do not help a woman even if her life is in danger and someone has hurt you, then you’re mentally fucked. Seek help
Her life was not in danger to the guy's knowledge. All she said, while extremely intoxicated, was that some guy was making her 'uncomfortable.' That's not enough reason to drive/walk God knows how many miles as a full white knight in the middle of the night while drunk, risking fuck knows how many things, even a false rape accusation later on, all over a woman who thinks you're lower than excrement.

>> No.19876756

Why would she even trust the guy in OP either?

>> No.19876762

>an ephemeral rejection
For you reading this, maybe. We don't know how hard it was for the guy at the time. He was young and drunk and emotions are usually enhanced in this context.
>the omnipresent fear of female rape?
Come on now. She had options. She was not a child.

>> No.19876769

>Reddit: It's not your fault, bro, you did nothing wrong.
times change

>> No.19876785

College aged women are children. What we do know is that said guy now feels the most guilt he has ever felt in his frat boy life. His direct experience is sharing that he wishes he had made a different decision.

>> No.19876849
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It's just one simp poster. the roast beef got skewered? not my problem

>> No.19876854

There is regular rape and monster rape too.

>> No.19876863

suicide is no one else's fault. You can't prevent animal instinct, rape is the constant specter of social breakdown, defies its logic, dissolves social hierarchies that determine kinship relations, marriage, etc. We put on clothes, we have our fancy houses and foodstuffs, but we're just a bunch of animals; sometimes the façade of morality is punctured, and the law of the jungle takes over.

>> No.19876896

Only bad thing he did is feeling bad afterwards.
Some of you are confused so let me help you out: You have no moral obligation to anyone excluding your people. Where you draw the line is up to you, I draw it at close family and friends. For them you die, anyone else - pure self interest.
Now there could be an argument for larger social contract type of arrangement that is beneficial to all in the long term. That is not possible in our degenerate culture.
Chivalry makes sense only if the women keep to their traditional roles. They aren’t entitled to free shit and it is not your duty to serve sluts.
>muh empathy
Empathy is for your people only.

Whether or not it is beneficial to yourself to help her as some anons argued, depends on a lot of other variables. He could end up benefitting or could end up an orbiter.

>> No.19876918

Deliverance, even though it's more a matter of cultural mismatch than anything else

>> No.19876943

>Anyone who prevents rape without getting any pussy or of it is just simping.

There's seriously something wrong with you

>> No.19876946

Ignore what society makes claims to or the habit of millennials, a man who protects a woman does so under the threat of his own life. Even the most pussy, flighty, and scrawny man has an animal switch in his head that can turn him into a killer when it comes to disputes over women.

Are you willing to die over a stranger? Answer that question with a yes or no, or else don't respond at all.

>> No.19876956

>A one off basic social obligation fulfillment
can you give an example of a "basic social obligation" that women do for men?

>> No.19876964

>nowhere to be found
Ahahaha you even looked for it? Whew lad! AHAHAh made my morning. Pervy anon snooping around for incest smut. Go all the way, go criminal, so they can put you away.

>> No.19876984
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The author is such a closet fag.

>> No.19877926

The story is fake, it's by a guy who writes fake posts to karma farm.

>> No.19877951

I hope you get raped and no one believes you. :)

>> No.19878071

I don't agree with the moralizing but walking her home is not always an issue.

If the girl was respectful in her rejection and the man has options, it's fine to walk her home if and only if the man really does not care. For example, when I was messing with 4 different chicks if I got shot down by a girl, I wouldn't really care and I wouldn't feel used helping her out later (plus could be an 'in' to get her or a hot friend too)

There are a number of chicks I've been with who said no or softly rejected me only to get sweet talked into the sack later so it's not always a real no.

What I'm describing requires a level of game and true confidence though. Be honest with yourself if you have it. It comes from practice and facing thousands of rejections. The worst thing you can do is pretend you're a tough guy player and get played by some skank, so if you're not that dude, do what everyone else says and don't help her to protect your self esteem and pride

>> No.19878196
File: 427 KB, 1967x521, B4CDE8F4-A227-4922-8C5A-3F0420D63E91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m writing a collection of short stories that all revolve around women being raped. There’s one about a young girl being raped in a hotel by a very large man with autism. One about a young boy raping his sister because their parents are extremely absent in their lives, which bred an obsession in the brother for his sister, because that’s all he ever had.
This is an excerpt from one of the stories, it’s about the father of a poor family snapping under the pressure of poverty and raping his wife. It’s written from the wife’s perspective, but most of the stories aren’t written from any characters perspective.

>> No.19878207

I can’t really imagine a reason not to walk her home. Even the simplest reason that a night walk with a buzz is nice and enjoyable is enough. Let alone the fact that it’s somebody who needs help, let alone the fact that it’s a girl anon was interested in.
Weird how you managed to twist that into some sort of cool guy alpha Chad sigma nigma pigma sentiment.

>> No.19878224

>And not even mention that she tried to suck my dick to anyone
Should have told her bf obviously.

>> No.19878246

What a retarded story
>it wasn't his problem
>it was reasonable to doubt a drunk whore
>defending your family is good
>she was a whore
He literally has no fault in this story at all.

>> No.19878310

Nobody gonna read this shit, its just rape role play for losers

>> No.19878359

anything that has magic and items that influence your minds, like slave colors, or drugs

those are the coolest

>> No.19878375

Kite Runner

>> No.19878452
File: 42 KB, 500x382, barclay thinkin bout holodeck coom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped a former friend of mine from raping a girl a long time ago
He had invited her to a party at his off-campus house. Once there she ditched him and instead sucked his friend off. He then tried to get her to do the same to him and when she refused he got enraged and was holding her down on the bed, pulling her clothes off and yelling 'you bitch, you're a whore, you'll suck his dick but you won't suck mine? You're a whore' over and over while she cried and was screaming stop, no, stop. I pulled him off her and he wasn't mad at me at all, just kept calling her a whore and worthless trash and such.
I had come with my girlfriend so we offered the girl a ride home. On the way got a good look into the psychology of a dumb cunt. She came to the party with the intention of fucking someone but no one in particular. Got super drunk on purpose, hooked up with that guy whose name she didn't know, her 'friends' all ditched her, she was left in the house alone with a bunch of dudes she at best hardly knew. She was completely shocked as to how the night ended up as it did, like the concept that she was putting herself in a bad situation was unfathomable to her. She had no conception of negative consequences or unexpected outcomes, no sense of personal responsibility or risk. About halfway through the ride to hers she seemed to have forgotten that she was just attacked and almost raped. Me and my ex tried to tell her to be more careful, that there are dangerous people and places out there and that she needs friends who will stand by her, not ditch her when convenient, but it all went in one ear and out the other.
In the end there were no good people that night. My former friend showed himself to be a real monster and the girl was a stupid cunt who probably ended up raped somewhere else the next week. Never saw either of them again but the memory of that has stuck in my mind.

>> No.19878480

When Dolores first raped Humbert.

>> No.19878487

>He squeezed the ketchup on his spaghetti. "Piacci molto, pasta italiano!"
>I knew I had to kill him. "Damn burgers," I muttered.
>"Yeah. I'll show you how they make hamburgers in Sicily tomorrow. All right?"
>"Sure, all right!" he said in a particularly yankee accent, and with inept motions of his fork he irrecoverably mixed the ketchup in. I watched helplessly as the subdued earthy color of truffle drowned in the firetruck red. I had to kill him.

>> No.19878520

Chivarly is dead because feminity is dead. If women stop acting like hypergamous roastie whores than chivarly will come back.

>> No.19878526

rape is ok when you're a kid? I'm confused. what if the kid is the one being raped? is it still ok?

>> No.19878542

You did a good thing exclusively because you saved your friend from getting jailed. Zero empathy for the thot.

>> No.19878569
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No one cares.

>> No.19878619

Read the OP before posting, foid: this isn't reddit.
As you can clearly read, the girl only said a vague "someone" was making her uncomfortable, so the redditor had no way of knowing she was talking about his brother or anyone he knew.
>the omnipresent fear of female rape
Don't get drunk, don't hang out with strangers without bringing some friends along, don't get drunk without a sober friend nearby, ask your friends for help instead of asking some stranger you pissed off earlier, don't get drunk when alone with strangets.
All of these apply to men too, but men usually have a functioning survival instinct so they don't need to be told this basic shit.

>> No.19878659

Bro some of us are operating at 100:1. I'm done pouring wine in the cask I'm pouring water

>> No.19878719

>your mate
>a guy

>> No.19878732


>> No.19878736

>someding wrong with you, deebly goncerned
It's a concern troll. You can see by how he's psychiatrizing other anons while pretending to be friendly.

>> No.19878772

People should teach their daughters not to get piss drunk in a chaotic room full of strangers.

>> No.19878778

She just would have accused him of rape instead of the other guy

>> No.19878781

This, too. If the story is true, a lot of people are to blame for a sad occurrence

>> No.19878797

This is pathetic on several levels anon. Stop being such a beta