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/lit/ - Literature

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19872962 No.19872962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's over.

>> No.19872978

the rock got wrestled.

>> No.19872996

Imagine having your entire point of view flipped upside down because you discovered that somebody said one word in dictionary.
Americans really do worship orcs.

>> No.19873003

They got this on tape?
We got snoop dog on tape saying the N word too.

>> No.19873004

What are you guys reading for Nigger History month (February)? Not black history month, NIGGER history month, the month for celebrating the word nigger!

I'm reading Agatha Christie's fine novel TEN LITTLE NIGGERS. Next I might read THE NIGGER OF THE NARCISSUS.

>> No.19873020

Why did everyone become such uncool faggots in the last ten years? It's stunning.

>> No.19873029

Twitter and reddit are mental cancer.

>> No.19873037

Based. Fuck Rogan the manlet shill.

>> No.19873045

why did I laugh

>> No.19873052

The pentagon are going to the next phase, keeping us as divided as ever so we fight amongst ourselves while they transfer the wealth ever upwards. It’s a soft fascism. And no, the GOP will continue the the same program

The brain rot isn’t much different here, anon.

>> No.19873058

Is NGGR the Tetragrammaton of Americans?

>> No.19873082
File: 8 KB, 232x217, 1623236342977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could a man as muscular, disciplined, and ostensibly masculine as The Rock have such a feminine disposition? Why does he give a shit the Toe Rogan said nigger?

>> No.19873093

>How dare he defend rightwing truckers and be a lefty at the same time

Glowing post, anon.

>> No.19873102

The nice woke CIA agent set him straight. And if you don’t do as they say your career is over.

>> No.19873105 [DELETED] 

Are you even trying to make threads about literature anymore?

>> No.19873115

Normies have no religion but also have lingering puritanical busybody syndrome. Even the ones who don't have the puritanism have a painful hole where meaning used to be in their lives, which is easily colonized by the post-puritanism of the others, in the same way people would gradually convert to nearby religions and cults as they seeped into their culture in former times.

Being an "in the know," news-watching busybody has become the new religion of people who have nothing else going on in their lives. Middle class people who have been economically compressed and forced into lower class status since the '50s, lower class people seeking more meaning in their lives than working part time at Starbucks, upper and upper middle class people who have money for leisure but nothing to do with it except raise nouveau riche trash and buy minivans.

It was already happening in the '90s, which were proto-reddit. Reddit only weaponized and routinized the snarky '90s "tone" of being "in the know." Even that '90s tone has a prehistory, punks and hippies have always wanted to be like "bet you think I'm just some crusty hippie punk huh? Does it BLOW YOUR MIND that I actually know about DARFUR?" This tryhard LARP behavior just metastasized in the '90s as all the elements came together, grunge and performative ennui etc.

The early Internet was just a miscellaneous chatterbox, lots of boomers, but sites like SomethingAwful pioneered being a '90s style, perpetually late 20s/early 30s "cool guy" sarcastic faggot with a heart of gold, whose subversive irony is only a tool for critiquing the squares who are stifling him. Not all of these types are petty moral busybodies, but just like in the '90s, it's easily weaponized for that purpose by people unconsciously seeking an identity and purpose to fill the void inside them, or seeking power to push people around.

Once it reached a critical mass of being the default "concerned citizen" archetype, snarky rich faggot with a heart of gold who I bet you thought was just a PUNK huh but did you know I've actually read books *mic drop*???, retarded ordinary people in every class started imitating it and it spread to every level of society like a cancer.

Naively ironic sincerity (pre-90s) was followed by naively sincere irony (90s-00s), the next phase will just be sincerely sincere mass murder since zoomers are fully animals without any cultural memory. You can only corrode and repurpose culture with irony to extract dregs of meaning from it for so long, eventually the target culture is fully exhausted and all you have left is the absolutist spirit of puritanism plus an insatiable empty void of meaning plus bitterness and neuroticism from years of low-yield irony acid-bathing things.

>> No.19873120

This is Soviet stuff. Even the way these folks use the word 'educate' makes me shiver.

It's also the primary reason I'd like to pull out of this society. I'm far too reliant on the system, as most others are. If you say one wrong word, you can be cut-off completely.

>> No.19873122

North America becomes such a divided society when it comes to race and all. For that, I'm glad I live in South America.

>> No.19873129

Perhaps, but if The Rock has a cianigger handler then surley Rogan does as well. Rogan has a much larger cultural megaphone than Dwayne Johnson does. Why would the glowies throw Rogan under the bus?

>> No.19873136
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G-g-guys, you do know this *technically* isn't lit related, right?

>> No.19873139

Tech companies have done whatever they can to politically homogenize every last inch of social space they control.

>> No.19873147

He's black / pacific islander. All the steroid use in the world won't change that.

>> No.19873148
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>the primary reason I'd like to pull out of this society. I'm far too reliant on the system
I feel this too. Sometimes I catch myself using words, speech patterns, and jokes that are straight from the zeitgeist. I become posessed by that dumb, PC, pseudo edgy persona that almost all normies adopt. I feel disgusted when I behave like that, because in that moment I realize I'm just a radio repeater blindly echoing cultural memes. Reading more and watching TV/browsing the internet less has helped with this to some degree.

>> No.19873149

imageboards aren’t a /lit/ medium, chud. go back to your dusty imageless books

>> No.19873218

Where have you been? Rogan went against the big pharma narrative. His audience is growing while “msm” lairs shrink. This is why he’s getting the smears.
Latest I heard Spotify is taking some of his vids down. Don’t know of it’s true

>> No.19873232

Unironically kudos on your post, but what's wrong with a little bit of manners in public?

People on all sides of politics are barbarians and utter critters in private, but this main concern is maintain the couthness of everyone's understanding that in public everyone must do well to pretend they are civil

>> No.19873244

>but what's wrong with a little bit of manners in public?
Nothing, but there is something wrong with leftists who seem to think that etiquette is somehow apolitical being able to enforce their will on the population.

>> No.19873299

Nothing at all, I agree completely. I think one of the biggest tragedies here is that we've lost sight of real, mature "civility" or decorum because all we're capable of is immature carping and puritanism.

It reminds me of how Erasmus' calls to Luther for civilized tolerance and flexibility were mature, but the intolerance of many Protestants could be just barbarian tribal allegiance and desire to have a good massacre. Does that mean tolerance is inherently civilized? No, the downside of tolerance is too much tolerance, which becomes sloppiness and laziness, so it's possible to criticize Erasmus. Does it mean intolerance is inherently barbarous? No, the Protestants might have been "wrong for the right reasons," they were sublimating centuries of annoyance with church corruption, sloppiness, and laziness. Tolerance and intolerance can both be done urbanely.

The same is true here, the mob is often wrong (virtue signaling cult that promotes sociopathy and narcissism and punishes simple people who are just trying their best into slavish conformity) for the right reasons ("be nice," "don't oppress others"). But it also shows that the right reasons can be so watered down that they become empty pretexts for what is essentially just a tribe looking for scapegoats to massacre cathartically.

Have you ever read The Civilizing Process by Elias? Real civility is a really complex thing, interwoven with guilt culture and the emergence of a public sphere etc.

Also check out this quote from Macaulay's History of Rome (in the next post):

>> No.19873308

>Before the civil wars, even those who most disliked the opinions and manners of the Puritan were forced to admit that his moral conduct was generally, in essentials, blameless; but this praise was now no longer bestowed, and, unfortunately, was no longer deserved. The general fate of sects is to obtain a high reputation for sanctity while they are oppressed, and to lose it as soon as they become powerful: and the reason is obvious. It is seldom that a man enrolls himself in a proscribed body from any but conscientious motives. Such a body, therefore, is composed, with scarcely an exception, of sincere persons. The most rigid discipline that can be enforced within a religious society is a very feeble instrument of purification, when compared with a little sharp persecution from without. We may be certain that very few persons, not seriously impressed by religious convictions, applied for baptism while Diocletian was vexing the Church, or joined themselves to Protestant congregations at the risk of being burned by Bonner.

>But, when a sect becomes powerful, when its favour is the road to riches and dignities, worldly and ambitious men crowd into it, talk its language, conform strictly to its ritual, mimic its peculiarities, and frequently go beyond its honest members in all the outward indications of zeal. No discernment, no watchfulness, on the part of ecclesiastical rulers, can prevent the intrusion of such false brethren. The tares and wheat must grow together. ...

>Thus it was with the English Nonconformists. They had been oppressed; and oppression had kept them a pure body. They then became supreme in the state. No man could hope to rise to eminence and command but by their favour. Their favour was to be gained only by exchanging with them the signs and passwords of spiritual fraternity. ... The sincere Puritans soon found themselves lost in a multitude, not merely of men of the world, but of the very worst sort of men of the world.

>> No.19873338

it's worse as there is at least a fair chance he says the bad word a few times daily/weekly... pronounced ever so slightly differently i guess

>> No.19873362

The other side of the coin is, enforcing a certain (made by who?) code of manners on public discourse as a logical fallacy 'gotcha you said an off limit word now I and the public know the totality of your argument and beliefs are false, incorect and dangerous' is a tactic of authoritarian censorship.

Imagine in a better world, where everyone is happy and content, nothing really to complain about....

Or actually the thing is different groups unhappy with the state of the world, and discussing their grievances, and those who are content and happy with the world seeking ways to discredit any grievences.

Or general sowing discord and distraction, taking attention away from large major issues to focus on tiny things

>> No.19873378

I recommend reading the following: https://twitter.com/grahamwalker/status/1489429245520580608?s=21
I know the cultists will not care, but I'm leaving this here for anyone actually interested in why Rogan is a hack and Malone is a psychopath.

>> No.19873381

This Don Wisnlow guy is such a faggot. Imagine being a grown ass man and being a moral busybody on Twitter. Bleak.

>> No.19873382


>> No.19873385

apparently also there's a list of singers/musicians who say they will pull their music from spotify if JR doesn't get the ban

his podcast might make them do crazy things so it has to go along wiith all other misinformation or ppl who who found to the n word and problematic views

>> No.19873388

The lack of manners was also probably used to discredit women marching for the right to vote, hippies protesting the war, coal miners who wanted to unionize, and slaves wanting to be freed

>> No.19873390
File: 411 KB, 660x769, Screenshot 2022-02-05 134106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just googled this Don Winslow faggot and an article came up about him complaining about the news talking about a missing woman because she's white. He's not even Jewish. How does somebody become so self hating?

>> No.19873395

yes unironically

>> No.19873400

>North American is only the US.

>> No.19873407
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Just wait until he hears about rap

>> No.19873409

is he that guy who writes crime novels about cartels and stuff?

>> No.19873410

besides the point and no cares. try applying the idea that if someone has opinions based on wrong information they deserve to be erased from the few major private platforms that control all global communication to the things you happen to like and see if you can figure out the problem on your own

>> No.19873413

>spend NO time on ACTUAL risks, like COVID deaths
Stopped reading here. Covid is not a deadly virus. You have been lied to.

>> No.19873415

Urban liberals control most of the wealth in this country and are in control of every major business within a n industry that is still growing. Appealing to them is highly lucrative.

>> No.19873417

I know he writes crime novels, I don't what the crime novels are about specifically.

>> No.19873440

Kek, notice how he still doesn’t outright flip on Rogan? Just gives the most diplomatically correct acknowledgment he can so he still looks like a cool guy without actually taking a position. Master of the Work.

>> No.19873446

>besides the point
the nigger discourse is a side-quest
as to your second point, if I read a book on a subject that interests me and I find that it includes blatantly false information, I would be all for removing the said book

also anyone who actually listened to the podcast can see that Malone is a kike who pushes his own vaccines and that is the only reason for all of his 'arguments'.

>> No.19873448

I just don't understand why this appeals to them. Why do they get excited about criticizing the media for talking about a missing woman because she's white? Why do they hate themselves and other white people so much?

>> No.19873459

The Rock used to be my favorite author

>> No.19873462

The loss of civility is due to the belief of a pressing urgent immediacy of panic that citizens holding conflicting views that range greatly is dangerous conflict that should instantly be totally purely altered.

The only means and end of that altering is to kick such differings further and further from accessing and interacting with the most primary and powerful society institution of institutions, corporation of corporations.

There is a perspevtive in power, and that which does not allign with and serve power is attacked and shunned

>> No.19873466

what the fuck is this thread doing on /lit/?

>> No.19873471

What the fuck is your mother doing in my bed?

>> No.19873474

The Rock is replying to a famous crime novelist

>> No.19873478

Reading you a story like the infant you are while I sodomise your sister.

>> No.19873482

I had an interesting moment like this recently while reading about Irish indentured servitude in the New World. Every single thing was about UMMM NO SWEETIE THE IRISH WERE NOT REAL SLAVES BLACKS HAD IT MUCH WORES MMKAY? Uh.. Alright.. Can we talk about the indentured servitude still?

Also read this and try to make sense of what the author's problem even fucking is:

>In 2020, the NBA was 74.2% black and 16.9% white. It seems every decade, the white NBA player becomes less relevant. Yet one franchise has often kept the dream of mediocre white guys alive: the Dallas Mavericks. In 15 of the last 21 Mavs seasons, there were three or more white players on the 12-man active roster. In more than half of those 15 seasons there were at least four white players, not to mention at least two starting white players. The Mavericks, in the literal sense, do not look like the rest of the league.

>It’s tempting to put this down to racism or at least unconscious bias on the part of the Mavericks and their owner, Mark Cuban.

>According to the 2020 US Census, the Dallas population is 62.7% white. Perhaps the organization has wanted to put a product on the floor that looks like the majority of Mavericks fans (as a counterpoint, in 2014 FiveThirtyEight calculated that the Mavericks had more non-white fans than the league average). If so, they would be the only franchise in a predominantly white city that has taken such an approach. In the last 20 years, other majority white NBA cities like Portland (77.4% white), Boston (52.8% white) and Oklahoma City (67.7% white) have never had even one white player as the face of the franchise and they’ve still managed to pack their arenas with fans.

>in a league that has spent so much time talking up its attempts to raise the black community, a team that consistently appears to be drawn to white players looks out of step. Even if that policy is not deliberate or down to drawing in white fans in a white dominated city.

>It remains to be seen how much power Harrison will hold within the Mavs front office, or if Cuban, the self-proclaimed “final say,” will keep the status quo that makes the Mavericks look more like a team from 1952 than 2022.

13% of the population yet 75% of the NBA, and somehow this isn't enough..? What the fuck is even his point

>> No.19873488
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I don’t have a sister. Nice try, faggot.

>> No.19873491

Daily reminder that the liberals pushing wokeness are not real leftists. Read Mark Fisher.

>> No.19873493

They won't be happy until whites are extinct. Even 1% of the league being white is too much for them.

>> No.19873497


>> No.19873513

>Rogan invites Doctors who raise questions about how government handles covid
>Rogan has an open mind about it
>Rogan and his guests were often proven right on controversial stuff
>the government wants him cancelled for "misinformation"
>a video appears compilating all occasions Rogan said "n***er" when quoting people or talking about the word a decade ago or even longer
how very fucking convenient

>> No.19873515

Really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.19873528

>the downside of tolerance is too much tolerance
Here is the key of the matter. If you commit to tolerance you will end up tolerating intolerance, which is the reason why anyone saying the n-word should be called out on the stop. I agree that most of the time is an overreaction. Rogan is clearly not racist. If if we let the standards slip, the next step is unironical racism, and I don't know about you, but I don't want to live in that world.

>> No.19873533

>the next step is unironical racism
Sounds based to me

>> No.19873534
File: 126 KB, 880x855, 5E1696D4-31A1-4961-AE03-D49BCFC1AD60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, uh, who exactly cares?
Just step aside and let the subhumans devour each other.
Surf the Kali Yuga and ride the tiger.

>> No.19873541

it's a game dude

>> No.19873547

This is such a cope. No man is an island unto himself. You can’t just separate yourself from society while still living in society. The state of society effects the state of every individual within it.

>> No.19873551

>If if we let the standards slip, the next step is unironical racism, and I don't know about you, but I don't want to live in that world.
But I do anon, I do

>> No.19873561

>>a video appears compilating all occasions Rogan said "n***er" when quoting people or talking about the word a decade ago or even longer
Surely you are not so stupid that you can't figure out it was some basement dwelling woke male-feminist who subjected himself to skimming archival video and sound bytes of Rogan to compile that video.

>> No.19873563

Yeah, but in his novels the cartels are composed by white people who use poor mexican immigrants as a front to deal drugs.

>> No.19873573

lol, of course

>> No.19873574

Sounds like the reality. The CIA is behind all the drug shit. It's pretty much canon.

>> No.19873583
File: 38 KB, 500x500, C9E3B3CE-FF30-42BD-A4E5-C8D85A093DC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooo, you have to care about what retards on Twitter are saying!
I’ve never listened to Rogan’s Podcast and never will.
I don’t care and neither should you, you don’t “owe” anything to these people.

>> No.19873584

>>It’s tempting to put this down to racism or at least unconscious bias on the part of the Mavericks and their owner, Mark Cuban.
So they are racist for being more diverse than the other teams?

>> No.19873593

Nah mate. The problem is a multi-cultural nation isn't supportable. Too many cultures competing to be the dominant one, and every culture gets mad if you start to their adapt their cultural values without being a part of their culture.
Remember how black people are mad that white zoomers talk in AAVE? This is the end result of multi-culturalism.

>> No.19873594

i sneeded hard. thanks for the post, kabbalahbro

>> No.19873595
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White people aren’t in charge of the CIA, anon

>> No.19873597

You don’t have a sister THAT YOU KNOW OF

>> No.19873601

Yeah, but the mexicans in the cartels are still evil, man. They are hardly victims.

>> No.19873605


>> No.19873609

Of course.

>> No.19873629

wow so edgy so mature so intellectual
the layer of anonymity is definitely not a reason for this bravery

this is raw bravery

>> No.19873638
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>> No.19873651
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You've already been living in it for a long time

>> No.19873689

The real joke is you're actually following this BS drama between braindead celebrities

Aren't you supposed to be reading

>> No.19873695


>> No.19873697

That's clearly wrong though, being wrong isn't a justified reason to be stifled.

>> No.19873700


>> No.19873708


>> No.19873711

TIL lifting everyday makes you COOL and TOTALLY NOT AN INCEL. Keep wondering why women would rather be gay than go out with you :)

>> No.19873715

Please keep your beastiality cuck fetish to porn boards and off of blue boards

>> No.19873717

lmao he's a movie star, he doesn't have a brain. his managers/bosses/agents told him to post that and he did

>> No.19873773

go back
he is deeply insecure (for whatever reason), go look up that video about some girl asking where his abs are.
He is from Hollywood, they live in a world of their own with no adversity whatsoever, they are told what to think and believe. They are monkeys.
It's the same shit in Canada, and who cares about Mexico

It is legitimately baffling how brainwashed the West has become, where the mere utterance of the word nigger causes people to lose all semblance of their sanity. Can you just imagine for a second what a person removed from this thinks of situations like this? Like some rice farmer in Laos, or an average person in Russia or China. It's proper brainwashing & hysteria.
More consequence for uttering the word 'nigger' than in biblical times when some dude utters YHWH. Then again Americans seem to worship niggers so maybe it is the same thing.

>> No.19873816

>now I've become educated to his complete narrative
Leftoids are literal robots that have replaced humans, aren't they?

>> No.19873822

>Normies have no religion but also have lingering puritanical busybody syndrome
This. And democracy caused it. It makes everyone feel they have to enact political decisions all the time, as the entire social system rests on your shoulders. Unironically fuck democracy, and fuck America too. This is what you get when you found a nation from Calvinists.

>> No.19873831

Isn't it interesting how all these big names and institutions act perfectly in tandem to target those who pose a threat to their revenue? It's almost like they meet up and discuss it or something. But that'd be crazy, surely

>> No.19873834
File: 38 KB, 557x519, 56a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who cares about Mexico
I do.

>> No.19873839

>Daily reminder that the liberals pushing wokeness are not real leftists.
You both defend each other and aim for the same goals, so fuck off
>Read Mark Fisher.
I don't read Marxist conspiracy theories

>> No.19873841

The American situation is quite unique. Africans were brought to America as slaves, 200 years later, those in power rightly feel the need to try and make up for this fact.

Now that slavery is ended, there is not wanted to be continued strife and turmoil, between the races. The natural goal is an easing of that strife and turmoil, so that the workers of America of all races, can pursue their lives in harmony, unturmoiled, unstrifed by the negative roadblocks of the distrust of and disrespect from ones fellow peers, neighbors, citizens

>> No.19873853

>>Normies have no religion but also have lingering puritanical busybody syndrome
When religion wasn't sacrificing livestock and produce to idols, what else ever was it?

>> No.19873872

>Imagine in a better world, where everyone is happy and content, nothing really to complain about....
What would such a world look like?
What would a world be like in which noone had anything to complain about?

Would people still complain and be rude just for fun? Would anything that could be said just be purely fin?

>> No.19873887

Everyone of you is a dumb motherfucker. The Rock doesn't give a shit about what Rogan said. It's all about business. Joe and him are probably laughing their ass off right now this very moment.

>> No.19873913

twitterbrain zoomer detected, learn to use a forum that isn't twitter

>> No.19873927

people also take political media statements at face value
you're ruining the illusion and it makes them seethe, see: >>19873913

>> No.19873931

It is when it's a question of not only your own life, but also lives of others.
Being wrong over opinions is different to being wrong over medical statements.

>> No.19873933

yeah i'm seething because that moron ruined our high level discussion about THE ROCK and what THE ROCK said

it's a real brawl in here about The Rock and his political stances

>> No.19874016

I think manners are overrated

>> No.19874064
File: 255 KB, 2054x1174, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

African Americans don't have a monopoly on persecution, yet this is only present in the US. Countless other ethnicities and creeds have faced the same fate (slavery, genocide, religious persecution etc) at one point or another in history yet nothing comes close to what is happening in the US today, and to a lesser extent the West.. whatsoever. Btw do you know what actual Africans think of 'African' Americans? Go check nairaland

> there is not wanted to be continued strife and turmoil, between the races.
Really? Because the exact opposite is happening.

>> No.19874106

>Really? Because the exact opposite is happening.

>African Americans don't have a monopoly on persecution, yet this is only present in the US.

Being in the US, the spotlight is largely on the self. Being self appointed as biggest best, standards are held higer.

>> No.19874132

What is "tolerant" or "intolerant" can turn on a dime, made true simply by someone claiming it to be so. The "intolerance of intolerance" is a position without a principle, a precept that will invariably be returned to sender in time.

>> No.19874139

sports can save us.
if you can deadlift 200 lbs you are literally a god.

>> No.19874144

I have had more sex than you in a single night then you have ever had in a year. if you don't lift, your girlfriend doesn't have a boyfriend to me

t. 6'4, built, and also with a cute face

>> No.19874224

Unfortunately, there are some rare bodybuilders who have zero integrity. Rest assured, the majority of them are still superior to the rest of mankind.

>> No.19874226

reverse those numbers and it will be true

>> No.19874282
File: 302 KB, 868x656, 7C2B6C2A-42AD-4FE9-B573-189DEB6BB554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful post
>being a '90s style, perpetually late 20s/early 30s "cool guy" sarcastic faggot with a heart of gold
Also yeah fuck cumtown

>> No.19874298
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They want to boost their personal social status at the expense of their race, and ultimately the expense of humanity and Western civilization. They would throw their closest friend to the dogs if he went against leftist, anti-white doctrine.
They are the most selfish people in the world. Even semites care about other semites.

>> No.19874302

>The Civilizing Process by Elias? Real civility is a really complex thing, interwoven with guilt culture
But does this count for gentiles too? Have you ever read Cuddihy?

>> No.19874313

Based popperhead please lead to us into paradise

>> No.19874317

>If you commit to tolerance you will end up tolerating intolerance, which is the reason why
...why the Tribe, whose holy books call us subhuman cattle, should be eradicated from the earth.

>> No.19874328

at this point I’m convinced that joe Rogan will be forced to drink hemlock in the near future

>> No.19874334

The word you're looking for is "oversocialization".

>> No.19874352

Shit like that is going to start happening for rela

They wrenched down the entirety of civil society to isolate and destroy Trump, and the less effective they were, the more they thrashed and spitefully tore everything down in the hopes some of it would land on his head.

If the same phenomenon of people checking out from society and voting for meme candidates accelerates but this time is coupled with a candidate that is actually focused and dangerous to the establishment, like Tucker combining his enormous popularity and cult of personality with a Buchananite platform, "accidents" will start to happen. If Rogan were to go truly rogue, maybe out of spite at being cancelled and harassed for a few years or something, and start using his popularity to promote explicitly anti-deepstate points, he'd be fucked too.

>> No.19874354

>muh Calvinists
>muh Puritans
This has happened in Europe too. Stop blaming white Christians and read the fucking Protocols.

>> No.19874366
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>> No.19874372

Why should there be severe social consequences for uttering a word? Lighten up faggot.

>> No.19874376
File: 47 KB, 500x600, retrato-de-jose-ortega-y-gasset_zuloaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The command over the public life exercised today by the intellectually vulgar is perhaps the factor of the present situation which is most novel, and least assimilable to anything in the past. In European history up to the present, at least, the vulgar had never believed itself to have "ideas" on things. It had beliefs, traditions, experiences, proverbs, mental habits. But it never imagined itself in possession of theoretical opinions on what things are, or ought to be. Today, on the other hand, the average man has the most mathematical "ideas" on all that happens or ought to happen in the universe. Hence he has lost the use of his hearing.

>Why should he listen if he has within him all that is necessary? There is no reason now for listening, but rather for judging, pronouncing, deciding. There is no question concerning public life in which he does not intervene, blind and deaf as he is, imposing his "opinions."

>But, is this not an advantage? Is it not a sign of immense progress that the masses should have "ideas," that is to say, should be cultured? By no means. The "ideas" of the average man are not genuine ideas, nor is their possession culture. Whoever wishes to have ideas must first prepare himself to desire truth and to accept the rules of the game imposed by it. It is no use speaking of ideas when there is no acceptance of a higher authority to regulate them, a series of standards to which it is possible to appeal in a discussion. These standards are the principles on which culture rests. I am not concerned here with the form they take. What I affirm is that there IS no culture where there are no standards to which our fellow-man can have recourse. ...

>When all these things are lacking there is no culture; there is in the strictest sense of the word, barbarism. And let us not deceive ourselves, this is what is beginning to appear in Europe under the progressive rebellion of the masses. The traveler knows that in the territory there are no ruling principles to which it is possible to appeal. Properly speaking, there are no barbarian standards. Barbarism is the absence of standards

>> No.19874385
File: 323 KB, 508x408, 1634130804727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf did i read? i simply don't understand the author's salient point. so the league is overwhelmingly black except for one team but somehow this is unacceptable. the author also doesn't refute that this could be construed as "racism"

>> No.19874407

I feel like the contemporary notion of democracy has become a major deathcope. People feel they are shaping the world and leaving their mark on it; and attacks on the system's legitimacy are taken as literal and personal -- you'll see a lot of narcissism revolve around voting itself, for instance.

>> No.19874444

America has basically been in the midst of a cultural revolution since around 2015. As the contradictions of liberalism pile up and are unable to satisfy a global population, America’s political spectrum ramps up their rhetoric in an effort to sustain the system. Obviously it’s not bloody like the Chinese Cultural Revolution but you still have a class of elites trying to shame and purge massive segments of America just to try and keep their hegemony alive. America can either move on from Liberalism and make genuine improvements the way that China moved on from Maoism or they can destroy themselves in the next few decades

>> No.19874462

>People feel they are shaping the world and leaving their mark on it; and attacks on the system's legitimacy are taken as literal and personal
It seems that was literally the whole purpose of democracy all along.

>> No.19874466


>> No.19874487

It's almost funny how easy it was for them to get leftists/liberals to hate Wikileaks. Leftists are always just tools of the state.

>> No.19874488


>> No.19874507


>> No.19874508

None of the artists are even relevant. Neil Young and India Arie are the most popular and combined get like 1000 plays a week. Joe Rogan has over a million weekly listeners.

>> No.19874530

I was genuinely shocked by how quickly the neo-McCarthyite Trump conspiracies took root in the general population, not because they are especially immoral or fucked up, but because of how shallow and silly they were. People weren't just brainwashed into believing something bad or wrong, they were brainwashed into something so internally inconsistent and lazy that a 13 year old could have written it as a school project and gotten a C.

>> No.19874534

Does any other race snitch on each other like this? Holy fuck white people are fucking pathetic

>> No.19874717

>since zoomers are fully animals without any cultural memory
Based and true

>> No.19874799

The Irish (indentured servitude, a form of slavery), Japanese and Chinese were also heavily persecuted in America. Even the word 'cracker' that niggers use was actually a derogatory term for Irish and not white slave owners as most were led to believe.
Yet none of this is considered whatsoever, only niggers and their plight.

>> No.19874953

DEATHsentences by matt c harris.

>> No.19874997

Source for this?

>> No.19875007

he doesn't actually care. he's just maintaining an image. kids look up to him as a hero.. he has to play good boy role

>> No.19875011

hes not white hes a pacific islander. still pretty gay homosexual behavior tho

>> No.19875020


>> No.19875046

He was referring to Don Winslow, a white man. Perhaps your reading comprehension because it was not The Rock who informed The Rock of Joe Rogan saying NIGGER, but Don Winslow, a white man, who informed The Rock of Joe Rogan saying NIGGER.

>> No.19875051

hahaha look at this pseud trying to BTFO another anon on his "reading comprehension" and this failed to type correctly "your reading comprehension is poor" lmao

>> No.19875061

HAHhahasHAHAHhahahHhahahHA look at this samefag pretending to be another anon pointing out the mistake in the original post, but yet he forgot the subject after the second this in his post lmao

>> No.19875110

This, it's like all the visible swathes of the population are in a race to the bottom as to who can show the most zeal in complying and conforming.