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/lit/ - Literature

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19870004 No.19870004 [Reply] [Original]

I started working for the first time 15 days ago and already feel that my brain has shut down from producing any intelligent thought. Does working really kills your brain? Is that why so few great writers were doing full time office jobs on the side?

>> No.19870006

Stop making low-effort threads.

>> No.19870019

>Does working really kills your brain?
Yes I can't endure more than a week of wageslaving, it's like they are raping my soul

>> No.19870023

But why does it feel that way? I don't get it.

>> No.19870026

Yes. That's why so many people just plop down on the couch at the end of the day and mindlessly watch television.

I feel this way a lot. I started working a higher stress job a few months ago with longer hours and I've been having more difficulty writing recently. It often takes 2-3 days of me being away from my job to start feeling like myself again. I am switching to a different job soon, so I am hoping that will help. The severity of the effect you are describing varies from job to job depending on working conditions and time spent working. It's not really that surprising—what you're describing is physical and mental exertion (which is what happens at work). Of course it's going to wear you down.

Shut the fuck up neet.

>> No.19870028

They are raping your soul. Work is useless, it's all a psyop to break you

>> No.19870029

Post feet

>> No.19870046

Do you think it Is solely because we are weared down from work? Cause I have been mentally and physically drained in other instances too in my pre-work life without having the same feeling of brain shutting down.

>> No.19870048

You don't feel that your job provides any real value or meaning, so it causes you mental anguish to know that you're spending portions of your finite life working there. It's also keeping you from doing the things you'd actually like to be doing.

That said, there's a couple other things to consider. First, with few exceptions, being employed is much better than being homeless, which feels like you've been cast out of humanity and into something akin to hell on an order that isn't comparable to various modes of "soul-crushing" employment. Second, unless you're rather disciplined, you probably wouldn't do anything of much importance with all of your free time if you were suddenly liberated from employment. Work may give a lot of "structure" to people who would have been entirely aimless if they weren't employed. But, by and large, I do agree that employment has a certain pointlessness to it.

>> No.19870077

Because you spend most of your day focusing on one thing and not on others (which is not a bad thing in itself), but because you're unable to detach yourself at the end of the day you find your mind trapped in the "working mentality", which is a mentality conditioned by time constraints and reward (eg, by doing x, I will/should receive y), which is the type of thinking which hampers all intellectuality. Some people speak of a "work-life balance", which is meaningless and obviously false, what you should seek is control of your own mind. Then, even being conditioned temporally by the yoke of labor and reward, it will not affect you. For further reading, see the Bhagavad Gita.

>> No.19870082

What constitutes having a point?

>> No.19870086

>at the end of the day you find your mind trapped in the "working mentality", which is a mentality conditioned by time constraints and reward (eg, by doing x, I will/should receive y), which is the type of thinking which hampers all intellectuality
Probably this. I woudnt know though.

>> No.19870103

>have two weeks off work
>read, think, discover new interesting themes, learn every day
>get back to work
>after work do nothing but fall asleep to random chess videos, can't read, can't learn

>> No.19870115

Perhaps the other activities that drained you physically or mentally were more attractive to you personally. I feel exhausted after being in the gym several hours, but I never feel dissatisfied from it. Similarly, I may feel mentally taxed after writing for hours, but it doesn't feel bad.

At work it's a different situation. You're forced to work with people whom you would otherwise never have any interest in being around. A lot of them are stupid, others uneducated, many ugly, others bitters; most are uninterested in bettering themselves in any meaningful way. If you're the kind of person who's even slightly interested in knowledge and learning, being around people like this is absolute torture. And after a long day or week of being forced to deal with these people—and all for the sake of having money to buy some food and put a roof over your head—what are you left with? You're left with little more than the scantly leftovers of your free time to pursue what it is that you're actually interested in. Meanwhile, you understand that, to others, you're viewed as being synonymous with your job. To them your job IS you. You're not Anon who loves literature and has hopes and aspirations for the future; the man who cares deeply about things. No, you're not that—you're Anon, the man who files workers' compensation paperwork, or who codes software widgets, or who bags groceries. The job doesn't only steal your life away from you for pennies on the minute, it also demeans you and perverts who you actually are in the eyes of others. It's not only mentally and physically tiring—it's spiritually tiring.

>> No.19870116

Took this past summer off. Was reading, studying, and cleaner than ever. Now I don't give a fuck about cleaning my space or doing any productive reading. I just game or maybe go out and then sleep then repeat. It's shit. You can't do anything with a full work week.

>> No.19870122

I'm interested to read more about this. Is there a 'your brain on work' type of book that you know?

>> No.19870127

Doing meaning work that benefits humanity

>> No.19870147

Well put

>> No.19870157

Being able to engage in an activity that doesn't simply provide the economic means to continue living but also provides some greater emotional or spiritual meaning. For myself, this would mean being able to contribute to people or a community that I care about in a meaningful way and having the ability to create things that are beautiful and lasting—something that indicates or declares "Here I was. I was alive. I created this and left it for you."

I want to be the kind of person who uplifts other people. If my work doesn't do this, then it has no point to me.

>> No.19870177

What kind of jobs you all are doing? Pick a lane that you enjoy, jeez. That is elementary advice.

>> No.19870321

You weren't having intelligent thoughts before, so I am not really sure why you think something has changed.

>> No.19870327

How do you know he didn't?

>> No.19870332

Modern work, yeah. I do think it’s true.

>> No.19870342

I really can’t imagine enjoying any particular profession or job these days.

>> No.19870376

Too many women. They make neurotic managers. Four months ago I went from working for a 35 year old male supervisor to working for a 60 year old female supervisor and haven't known a moment's peace since then.

>> No.19870382

Yeah, no kidding. Go work at a retail/restaurant job and have a mask strapped to your face all day or go do white collar work and get pummeled with diversity bullshit all day long.

>> No.19870442

There’s some truth to it, but personally I just feel like what qualifies as “work” to me often feels undignified and frankly inhuman, impossible to feel good about.

>> No.19870461

I don't know what your job is anon but you will get used to it some degree. I'm not saying that's a good thing kek, but it'll happen. If you are working the classic M-F 9-5 you will quickly start to realise why all those Monday blues / Wednesday hump / TGIF cliches are so common.

A lot of writers wrote in the mornings before work by the way, but I agree it is unideal.

>> No.19870596

This is bullshit. Even doctors who literally save people's lives get burnt out and hate their jobs. Working wears you down and neuters your brain because it forces you to do boring repetitive things for 8+ hours 5 days a week, whether you're doing something important or valuable to society hardly factors into job satisfaction. Bartenders are way happier than EMT workers, and the latter undeniably work a job that is viewed as more important and valuable by society.

>> No.19870752

Bartenders are probably happier because they’re not scooping dead people off the street for a living, or dealing with dead children like EMTs. Plenty of medical workers are passionate about their work, but that doesn’t mean it’s not difficult.

>> No.19870761

>Working wears you down and neuters your brain because it forces you to do boring repetitive things for 8+ hours 5 days a week
This. Sleep exempt, there is not a single thing in the world that can be enjoyable on such a schedule.

>> No.19870808
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haha yeah

>> No.19871135

It is a fantasy to believe that not working full time will enable you to become a successful writer. It is actually just a convenient cope, externalising blame for your failure to do anything, forging the discipline and taking the risks required. If you have been on this earth anywhere from 10 to 20 years, and you haven't already built up a habit of writing and submitting stories, and writing books- then a job taking up your time isn't the problem. If you want it bad enough, you will find a way to do it. Even if it starts at 5 minutes of writing a day.

>> No.19871150
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>Does working really kills your brain?

worse, it kills your soul

>> No.19871182

Since we're on /lit/, a reading recommendation is in order: Marx's Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. It will answer your question.

>> No.19871183


>> No.19871197

I heard the advice being a writer is dull if you never had a job or a life, so what gives?

>> No.19871253

>t. Wagie coper.

>> No.19871282

depends on which job

>> No.19871293

Workers are more important than intellectuals. The latter only exists because such an abundance of food exists as a result of the toils of the former.

>> No.19871298

nice delusion

>> No.19871299

>food makes itself and/or we don’t need food
I know you speak with ironic hyperbole, but I still think you should kill yourself for being a slothful worm

>> No.19871302

It comes back, but you can’t allow yourself to get stuck in the old “come home from work and just sit on the couch and watch tv because you’re tired” routine. My advice is to do some sort of light sport after work to keep yourself going

>> No.19871303

Lmao I’m delusional? Authors don’t till and sow crops, they buy and eat them.

>> No.19871378


>> No.19871466

OP was not doubting the importance or necessity of work. Work being necessary and work being mind numbing are not mutually exclusive. I hate working, but I know I must work. No ideology can eliminate work.

>> No.19871478
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>Don't do shit at work
>Save your creativity, sanity, and a hefty sum of money
It's really as simple as that

>> No.19871484

I had an internship this summer, and by the end of it (3 months) I became really nervous and wanted to kms.

>> No.19871491


>> No.19871511
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I had two paid internships (7 months total) during college and it was such a demoralizing experience that I dropped out of society completely after getting my master's. Been NEETing for 5 years now. If I had to choose between 9-5 office slavery and kms, I'd get a rope.

>> No.19871530

diversity aint bad. why do you feel pummeled by it?

>> No.19871560
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what about being self-employed? does this solve the problem?

>> No.19871584

I'm constantly anxious about how I spend my free time, and these days it's even hard for me to read a book. I have to go to the library and force myself mentally to read, and even then I start worrying about others are thinking about me. What book will teach me techniques to stop being anxious?

I've been doing mindfulness meditation to try and train myself to notice my anxiety and silence it, but progress is slow. Maybe I'll invest in hypnotherapy or EMDR to try to unfuck my brain

>> No.19871589

He's a young male with an inherent need to be contrarian and has been further brainwashed by chans and his YouTube algorithm.

>> No.19871618

My internship was paid too, and it was around top 1% salary for my country. I'm getting my masters this summer, and I'm really demoralized because of that internship experience. Living a wagie seems a true nightmare for me, even with a good pay, but I'm even more afraid of becoming a NEET and dropping out of society as you did. I've dropped out of society already to some extent, but the complete lack of human contact --- even if I'm very introverted --- brings me into serious distress. I don't want to end up a NEET like you, but life of an employed man is just devoid of any sense. We are just not meant to live in isolation, and it also hurts your intellectual development in general when /lit/ makes up your only exposure to (pseudo-) intellectual topics.

>> No.19871637

Is Marxism the answer bros?

>> No.19871642 [DELETED] 


>> No.19871656

Incels have this outstanding capability to bring race and gender in any discussion

>> No.19871658
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Anons, please, tell me there's some hope. I'm still in college but don't want to end up miserable for the rest of my life. What can we do?

>> No.19871664
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The problem is not whatever you have to do for work, it's the fact that if you don't work, you'll be hungry and on the fucking street (given that you have basic self-respect and understanding of importance of living on your own). The anxiety is the problem. A small mistake can potentially ruin your life, if that mistake leads to getting fired

>> No.19871735

The most you can hope for is to work for a year or so, save every dollar you get, work all the overtime you can, then quit and live off the saved income for a few years. This may not work if you're above low class work.

>> No.19871743

cheer up, world is fucked but you don't have to suffer

>> No.19871752

I quit every job I start after a couple of days. How the FUCK do people work for decades straight? It's torture.

>> No.19871764
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>> No.19871809

by not giving a fuck. we'll all die anyway

>> No.19871833
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>> No.19871846

I wasn't joking nigger. It literally is all you have to do to drop the sadness. Not saying it is easy though, it's constant work.

>> No.19871850

Yea, important for the people who become rich enough to not have to work again in their life, thanks to YOUR wageslaving

>> No.19871937

women have this amazing power to castigate men because they totally had to enter the workplace and make it unbearable for everyone forever.
the day society collapses is the day you will know your place, hole. then maybe next time you will be satisfied with what you have, and not so presumptuous as to want more.

>> No.19871950

Do whatever you want. If it doesn't work out, you can just kill yourself anyway. Why live in self inflicted misery when you haven't even lived yet.
Also this, unironically.

>> No.19871978

Just stay at home and work for your spending money when you need it.

>> No.19871985
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Depends on the kind of work. Faraday worked as a bookbinder and read much during that time which lead him to becoming an influential scientist.

>> No.19872049

>Do whatever you want.
I don't know what I want. I feel like I'm just moving by inertia.

>> No.19872074

What do you like to do? Start from there and then see where it takes you. If you want to avoid misery then you have to do what you want. Otherwise, life is not worth living.

>> No.19872114

fuck work

>> No.19872269

The things I like don't seem to be profitable because I mostly consume rather than produce. I wish I was one of those people who are into carpentry or mechanics. Hell, even being like those arthoes who craft dolls would get me somewhere. At most I could try to apply to something that requires reading and writing, I can do those things okay enough.

>> No.19872352

What are you majoring in?

>> No.19872356
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Why not take the handicraft pill frens? Goldsmith, mosaicist, glassmaker, tile artist, ebeniste...etc. All of these age old professions might not be the most well paying of them all, but there's a certain degree of fulfillment in witnessing your own hands molding a meaningful piece of the world, plus you'd be likely to work on your own terms which means that you can cut up your schedule as you would desire it to be. You're already dead anyway, so why not give that a shot? The most ideal form of artistry was architecture, but sadly, it has gotten so assraped by legislative roadblocks, money laundering, homogeneity and so on that it's just completely soul draining these days.
Or if you're patient enough, wageslave for a year or two to save money, and then get into a trading niche like casio g shock watches or something.
If all that doesn't work, just move to a country that's lower on the economic totem pole and try to exploit the holes they might have.

>> No.19872498

Humanities. That's the name, just Humanities. I know I fucked up, but I'm so close to the end I might as well finish it. 24 and with a useless degree unless I want to become a teacher, something that does not seem initially all that appealing to me. I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.19872507

Adopting this attitude at the wrong time is why people end up 3 years behind on their taxes and get rectally savaged by the IRS.

>> No.19872682

just have sex instead, OP. i mean this unironically.

>> No.19873059

there's enough food to feed the entire population for years to come. do you even know how much food is thrown away every day all over the world? the system got nothing to do with "making food" you stupid fuck. stop defending the overlords

>> No.19873068

Thumbs up

>> No.19873124

workplace is just a meet 'n' fuck

>> No.19873141

I’m not an incel. I was in a frat in college and I fucked a girl last night. It’s just annoying working with old boomer women. They never leave well enough alone.

>> No.19873156

I don’t consider it to be a prima facile “good” either. The people peddling diversity never have any logical explanations for why it’s a good thing. On a personal level, I primarily dislike it because I don’t like beaten over the head with the messaging constantly. Like aggressive sexual harassment “training” it’s demoralizing to a normal person. Not that you would get it, though, because you sound like a subhuman.

>> No.19873175

Yeah, wageslavery kills the soul.

>> No.19873246

posts like these are why I always come back to /lit/

>> No.19873291

What was your thinking process when you picked it

>> No.19873296

I started working last August. I became a bit of a socialist.
>So why do you own this thing I made, exactly? No, faggot, I put effort and time into this. *I* own it.
>B-but I hired you!
>Fuck off. I don't give a shit.

>> No.19873301
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Why are you zoomers so fucking lazy?

>> No.19873328

And why couldn't you make that without getting hired first? Exactly.

>> No.19873334

>You're left with little more than the scantly leftovers of your free time to pursue what it is that you're actually interested in.
this hurts because it's true :(
Reminds me of that episode of Mad Men when Kenny writes short stories and then Pete gets jealous because Kenny's stories get published so he makes a drama out of it and their boss or whatever forbids Kenny from writing. But the episode ends with Kenny getting up in the middle of the night with a notebook and a pencil, writing fiction while his wife sleeps and rebelling against someone's orders. Pretty based but pretty sad as well.

>> No.19873336

You didn't make anything, you scrawny freak. Now get ready for work on Monday, rent is gonna be due.

>> No.19873356

>And why couldn't you make that without getting hired first?
I could. Not sure what you mean.

>> No.19873367

But you didn't. That's the point. You had to come under the supervision of someone.

>> No.19873376

Work is not worth it.

>> No.19873379

The work I do is worth it.

>> No.19873386

I didn't because the project does not interest me in the slightest. But I could perfectly apply what I do here to some other thing. Their budget's drying up, anyway.

>> No.19873392

Good for you, but that doesn't apply to lots of other people.

>> No.19873397

It doesn't matter what you *could*. You didn't, end of story.

>> No.19873426

It's like the Sopranos episode when Artie the cuck says "I almost got out of my car...." (to kill someone) and Tony grins and replies "Yeah, but you didn't"

>> No.19873435

They fear death.

>> No.19873463

I didn't know what to do with my life after high school and that major would allow me to study a lot of different subjects (history, geography, art, literature, languages, etc). In the end it turned out to only give superficial knowledge of all these fields, so I cannot compete with any specialist if I tried, and the subjects I thought I liked such as history have turned out to be less interesting than I hoped for.

>> No.19873480

Haha you're such a goober. You would unironically be happier making $$$ as a plumber or electrician. As an added benefit you'd also gain some muscle. What a GOOBER.

>> No.19873498

And half will go bad or be eaten next week, people need to do jobs dipshit, that fucking nigger Marx knew that too.

>> No.19873510

That's not the point. A painter paints a painting, he owns it. A worker makes something, he owns it.

>> No.19873511

And also anyone else that uses anything at all generated by workers, from laptops to sandwiches. You are a lazy skinny nigger and some day I’ll fuck your wife.

>> No.19873517

TIL that for all the indeleckshual larp of /lit/, its nothing but a cesspool of retards.

>> No.19873526
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>> No.19873549

>if half the food getting produced in the world goes bad, then the system is not built to "make food"
>half the food in the world isn't going bad, it's purposely being thrown away to create scarcity
>most jobs in the world aren't dedicated to "making food"
>most jobs that "make food" actually don't regard the quantification of it at all
>namedrops marx without having read him
bro just go listen to joe rogan or something. stay with your ape kind. you understand nothing about this world. nothing you do or say is right, check twice before moving your eyes as you read this post, i doubt they've even there.

>> No.19873555

Says the r/antiwork “agitator” on a 4chan blueboard

>> No.19873576

This is 4chan buster. There’s no heggin elite thats trying to keep people downtrodden, its the public which throws food away. We had in this world about 70 years of communist international and the Africans stayed hungry throughout them. Food is an obvious analogy, we have needs besides the agricultural now, bricklayers, foremen, architects and supervisors of cement mixers to name a few. You are a nigger.

>> No.19873586

Read Das Kapital btw, total retardation.

>> No.19873646

The painter deliberately went under the supervision of someone to paint knowing full well it won't be his instead of painting it by himself. He already chose against keeping the rights when he picked the first option. That is the point.

>> No.19873649

"If you do not wake up every day and go to your office dancing, you are working the wrong job." Col. Sanders

>> No.19873679

>plumber or electrician
I'm honestly considering that option. I think I might actually try my hand at that kind of training, spend a couple of years doing that and then get a job on that trade.

>> No.19873680

My literary productivity certainly took a dip once I started working. As a "knowlege worker" it is perhaps even worse because my brain gets used up during the workday. Having to put with it is not only an indignity against myself, but also deprives humanity of the truth and beauty of my real work which is writing.

>> No.19873800
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The worst thing? You can't even say "this can't go on anymore" because it can and it will. In 200 years time a total of 13 people on earth will be productive labourers, the rest will live either in rubbish picking serfdom or cushy neo-elite sinecures.

>> No.19873825

>The painter deliberately went under the supervision of someone to paint knowing full well it won't be his instead of painting it by himself.
What do you mean exactly? There are all sorts of painters. Painting by contract and painting freely are different models.
>He already chose against keeping the rights when he picked the first option.
Property 'rights'? This is exactly what made me think socialism/communism was not so bad. If you make something, it should be yours.

>> No.19873868

>Painting by contract and painting freely are different models.
If the contract said the painting won't be yours and you still signed it in spite of having the option of painting it by yourself without signing any contract at all, you deliberately waived your rights to your work.

>> No.19873929


You're in what's called a "discovery" phase where you need to learn several things quickly in order to do your job. This process of mental adjustment is more profound in your case because you've never worked before, so you don't even have first-hand experience of how sliding into a new job works. Basically you are forced to use a good chunk of your processing power to learn things, internalize them, and adjust.

Give it a few months, usually from 3-5 months after starting to do something new. After a while, if the job isn't completely horrible (some are), you will settle into a daily routine. You will have a basic idea of what doing the job requires, and you'll start to be able to do several things automatically. This will start to free up your brain for your hobbies again. For now, there's always no-effort shitposting.

Read on your breaks.

>> No.19874011

Are you trolling? Because it's being used to break the labor movement and increase worker turnover by giving HR departments any reason they want to fire any (not always white) worker who loses the latest round of ideology limbo. It's a psyop to break the working class, preying on idiot libs

>> No.19874020

Working is really for retards. I did a tour in med school and all my colleagues were NPC retards that i decided i'd kill them all one day. so i got into medicine with the sole purpose of plotting the annihilation of all NPCs, the vaccine is phase 1

>> No.19874025

when i see npcs i schedule them for 5+ meetings. one npc with a mario bros collection i have vaccinated a total of 6 times at this point. the npcs will be removed from the genepool

>> No.19874026

Working no, it is beneficial allaround.
Toiling and a slaving away, yea.

>> No.19874035

i dont kill old people, only 20 and 30 year olds. my plan is to maxxvaxx as many of them as possible. 6 or 7 vaccines to most npcs... i' make sure to even hit up college bars and seek out the trannies and tell them to get vacxxed 10 times ive got lines out the door and stab them with the juice and they get weaker everytime i see them they look sicker and sicker i am Dr Mengele On the Side of good and NOBDOY on lit can stop me because you wouldnt dox me even if I tried I Pursposefully Type like RETARD so you cant even Backtrace me VIA TEXTING look up which is true (colleague of me got the rope figurtatively after getting caught max vaxxing a certain demographic)

>> No.19874149

You father didn't do his job. Normal life is one where you like what you spend 1/3 of a day in.

>> No.19874214

If you're ambitious, you can't get too comfortable in a job if you want to climb up. You'll be stuck in the same place for years with that mindset.

>> No.19874239

If you're on /lit/ you're probably a socialist or at least a leftist, so just make a twitch account and start doing political commentary. There's real money on it and you're fighting the good fight.

>> No.19874269

NEETdom has been hellish for me. The idleness is akin to nails infinitely scratching a chalkboard. The job offers some semblance of faint discipline and order in life, things that have never been taught to me by anyone else. It beats being so completely aimless and powerless that you're considering the rope everyday. It's a way to affirm that i can do *something*, and from then on that confidence bleeds into other areas of life, most notably the creative side.
I should point out that it's not white collar 9-5 office work. I'm sure that it's even worse over there.
Call me unambitious, but if i could, i'd work as a garbage man in a big city. You're paid decently for working half a day if not less, which is a pretty solid platform for expanding into other ventures on your own terms. Fuck the social status associated to it. There's people with master's degrees who are trying to get that position these days, because they realize what a chance it is. Besides, you can make a lot of fruitful observations on the road and ruminate on them for your writing.
Truck driving might be a good option too. He was a musician but Drexciya, the detroit techno pioneer did that for a living, and spoke about it being beneficial to his vision.

>> No.19874333

Anon, you have to treat work as a means to an end, not the end in and of itself. Make sure you are actively learning skills from doing your job, and are saving up money towards a particular goal, whether that is a house, a car, or supporting your parents and family. Reward yourself once in a while by going to the cinema, or a nice restaurant. Lastly, if you don't like the job you are doing right now, always look for alternative professions. Always be on the move is what I'm saying. Remember, a man who has a Why can bear almost any How.

>> No.19874347

> cushy neo-elite sinecures.

You mean the Excelsiates?

>> No.19874543

I had a run-in with my parents after being a NEET for a year and ended up working for the family business. When I look back at the argument, it feels like that one scene from The Sopranos where Anthony Jr. is made to look like a total failure in life because he is... Shirtless, and talking to a friend online, and giggling. This is despite the fact that his father would commonly walk around the house in a silly robe, spend more time with his buddies than with his kids, and had a habit for turning into a humorless idiot when anything didn't go his way.

Anywho, the more you work the more you see the spectacle of work for the farce it is. If you're lucky to not work an 8 hour day then good, cherish that, because there's too many people out there forced to adhere to this frankly arbitrary time table nonsense.

>> No.19874844


The OP pretty clearly (and correctly) values his hobbies above any given job. I feel very sorry for you that you've bought into the kike euphemism that "ambition in life" = some six figure+ job with 50+ hour weeks helping to make some other guy 7+ figures. Your time is infinitely more important than your money. Ironically many high-powered business types are smart enough to understand this, despite their own pathological willingness to trade their own time away chasing money.


Capped for the dumbest posts of 2021 folder. The latter sentiment is a bad faith insult to the intelligence. It isn't "normal" for a person to "like" their job. Rather, the norm is that people who spend any length of time in a job become accustomed to it and don't outright hate it (or else they'd quit, of course). "Like" is meaning-distorting euphemism that people use to describe their attitude toward their own jobs in a business culture which doesn't tolerate negativity. The thought might be salvaged if you were referring to a man's bed as opposed to his job, but of course you weren't.

>> No.19874871

Wage slavery would be infinitely more bearable with a 4 day week. 3 day weekend gives you the chance to actually recover and it means that work is closer to only 50% of your life, as compared to almost all of it.

You know I think 'NPCs' or whatever you want to call them don't mind work so much because they have spent their entire lives *expecting* to work. There is no alternative for them, so even if they don't love their job it doesn't cause them existential angst because hey, this is what you do, you work.

>> No.19874924


>you have to treat work as a means to an end

Completely stupid and superfluous advice, because everyone already knows this regardless of intelligence/temperament/skill. You thought you were saying something interesting. The only people who don't (know this) are a small minority of mentally ill people who form an unhealthy self-identification with their current job for whatever reason (autism, neurotics, etc) and they can hardly be helped. One fictional example which comes to mind is Sy in One Hour Photo.

>> No.19875207

Do you have sleeping problems?

>> No.19875242

Start early. Read a little bit with your morning coffee so that you look forward to reading after work for an hour or two after supper. Have supper, make yourself a cup of coffee, and read. There is literally nothing else to do in the evenings unless you have wife and kids to spend time with.

>> No.19875251

Any way to do with without giving myself a caffeine addiction?

>> No.19875316

Are you implying rubbish picking serfs aren't productive labourers?

>> No.19875344

>If you make something, it should be yours.
Why? If you make something with the assistance of someone else, such that it wouldn't exist without them, why should it be exclusively yours? It's mind-boggling that so many socialists can't understand the most basic reasoning, that physically making something with your hands, with tools either intellectual or physical someone else provided you with, does not make something yours. It's egotistical greed on the part of the worker who overvalues his own contribution.

>> No.19875375

Have tea instead of coffee I guess. But the point is that people often become sleepy in the evenings, especially after eating. You're trying to preserve your energy for an extra hour or two. so you can read.

>> No.19875469

Tools don't make something. It's the hands that make something and whatever is created by those hands, should logically belong to them. Only in a system as fucked up as ours could people define this as 'greed' lmao

>> No.19875512

You're gonna have to get a second wind after work if you intend to be creative.

>> No.19875608

Find a decent psychiatrist who can prescribe you anxiety reducing medicine.

>> No.19875772

Are we supposed to know what your reddit buzzwords are referring to? Kys

>> No.19875824

>Pay blacksmith to make a sword for you
>Blacksmith makes it for you
>Now demands that you pay him again so that he can loan it to you, and demands that you return it to him after a year - if not, the city guard will kill you
Absolute state

>> No.19876624

>(and correctly)
No that's completely wrong and self indulgent. OP had taken the direction that makes him think work=others' desire=bad / me=self pleasure=good.
He needs a monumental internal shift to understand that you can enjoy it. He will spend his whole life complaining

>> No.19876865

it really depends on his context in general

>> No.19877724

>2021 folder

>> No.19877908

blogposter detected

>> No.19877914

it drains your energy and makes you sleep deprived af (unable to think)

>> No.19878123

Since working I've written 3 philosophy books, 1 fiction, and 300 poems. What's your job? I recommend coding and WFH

>> No.19878151

>You're forced to work with people whom you would otherwise never have any interest in being around
>A lot of them are stupid, others uneducated, many ugly,
Get over it
>And after a long day or week of being forced to deal with these people—and all for the sake of having money to buy some food and put a roof over your head—what are you left with?
Your own thoughts.
>To them your job IS you. You're not Anon who loves literature and has hopes and aspirations for the future; the man who cares deeply about things.
Look at this sentence DEEPLY. Why do people care about your job? Well, what you're interested in doesn't help anyone else at all. Do you volunteer? Do you teach poetry? No. So the only thing you do for other people is work and you do that ungratefully.
>it also demeans you
Really? Disgusting. You simultaneously hate the artifice of work but then say it demeans you. Maybe it's demeaning because you have a bad job - fair, but maybe it's just also because you feel you can be demeaned.

>> No.19878397

I think the mind killing part is the repititve mundane tasks that are often menial. I never felt like this working a trade, only working dead end jobs. I also find that i can make at least one friend at any job i go to. It's true, most arent trying to better themselves, ect... but theres always at least one cool person.

>> No.19878483

I fucking hate you retards. Do you know how easy you have it? You guys are all moaning and complaining of being wagies but I bet most of you come from families that have some kind of generational wealth, or you were born middle class.

I'm the child of immigrants and had nothing and the 9-5 is piss easy. Working from home, pretending to do shit, and getting paid a decent wage. Been doing it for 3 years and still have energy for my hobbies and social obligations. Nice, boring, peaceful -- the exact opposite of my childhood full of strife and chaos. Fuck all you ungrateful faggots, you don't know how good you really have it.

>> No.19878497

it's true that people born on the lower rungs appreciate things more because they grew up without or they grew up not expecting the world to be handed to them or expecting college to magically solve their problems. That being said a driven intelligent person going to college is the best route in most cases unless he was fooled into getting a meme degree.

>> No.19878522

I got a meme humanities degree and I work at a company doing bullshit unspecified business stuff. Didn't go to a good school. I make an alright wage and I'm teaching myself stuff on the side to make a better one in the future.

You're not fucked if you got a meme humanities degree. just learn skills. Fill up your linkedin with bullshit and work a corporate job. My place had like one black person and no diversity training. All of this 4chan hellscape shit is for terminally online losers, maybe 10% of it is actually out there in the world. Most of you fags were born in a comfy middle class lifestyle with some flavor of retarded parents -- so you came out spoiled and retarded. Bad combo

>> No.19878541

>meme degree
i mean it's certainly better than nothing. I remember competing for a project management job and they gave it to a college grad who was a literal retard but he only got it because of his degree. He did end up getting fired and i took his job though.

>> No.19878546

based and pull-yourself-by-your-bootstrapspilled. I definitely have less in me to do anything after work (couldn't care less if I'm seen as a machine, it just makes my brain hurty to code all day), but it's nothing a little more diligence can't solve. Meditation resets things for me, especially if I'm repeating the mantra, "God, give me will. God, give me grace. God, give me strength." with intention behind the words.

>> No.19878550

i sometimes imagine how much happier and more driven i would be if i could just pretend there was a god looking out for me.

>> No.19878583

Yeah that's fair. But whats done is done, just market yourself and work harder. If he's a retard it'll come out eventually. If you're competing for a project management job the kid with the target school on his resume (even if you have a better degree) will get it anyways. It is what it is.

All I'm saying is a lot of the people in this thread are really spoiled. I can really understand wanting to blow your brains out working retail or at Amazon, I've been there it sucks ass. but if you have a remote corporate wagie job where all you need to do is schmooze and go to happy hour once a month then I can't feel bad for you when you lament on how awful work is.

>> No.19878608

>All I'm saying is a lot of the people in this thread are really spoiled. I can really understand wanting to blow your brains out working retail or at Amazon, I've been there it sucks ass. but if you have a remote corporate wagie job where all you need to do is schmooze and go to happy hour once a month then I can't feel bad for you when you lament on how awful work is.
I agree completely. However, i think the problem with someone like that being miserable probably has something to do with lack of social life ect... It's easier to be happier when you've got active relationships and goals that exist outside of work life even if what you're doing doesnt make you happy. I consider this place to be a crutch because people use it to replace having an active social life for the most part.

>> No.19878672

Do you not find the coding job to give you a mindset counterproductive to writing?

>> No.19878738

Behave like a civilized human, make rational decisions, and get a better job. The question is why are you working a horrid job in the first place? Because you're weak and unskilled. So make yourself strong. Otherwise you have no value to others.

>> No.19878763

>You're left with little more than the scantly leftovers of your free time to pursue what it is that you're actually interested in.
I feel this a lot desu.

>> No.19878860

10 year wage slave reporting in:
Working absolutely does rot your brain. I check work emails on the weekend out of pure habit. I am horrified... I have become an automaton. I cannot act in my own interest anymore only in ways I have been conditioned

>> No.19878866

Look mommy it's a brown person

>> No.19878872

Even "good" jobs (aka $100,000+ a year office jobs) are boring and tedious. The only solution is to save money, invest, and hopefully you can retire as a rich NEET before you're 40.

>> No.19878880

Can someone please post a pic of Doreen to show some of our friends what these losers that hate work look like?

>> No.19878883
File: 9 KB, 208x240, 1639931659006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neetchads rise up

>> No.19878886

good jobs are 100k after tax, work from home, 30/hr week

>> No.19878931


>> No.19878939

>being proud that a nigger works harder and has a better mindset than you

>> No.19878944

Now I am REALLY afraid of the future. Why did Alex Jones never warn me of this!?

>> No.19878965

I’m really glad his parents brought him here so he can shit up the place.

>> No.19878972

Congrats on clawing your way out of whatever 3rd world shithole you came from. Truth is westerners deal with something far worse than hunger, or whatever you think 'strife' and 'chaos' are. Your parents, in their material lust, came here for a better life but your very soul is on the altar.

They don't know what they've done, but they will start to realize, and they will begin to express their disappointment in you when you bring home some slutty, mentally ill white girl.

>> No.19878987

What do you do?

>> No.19878990

There is no “better” job.

>> No.19878994

And what are some of them that doesn't involve being a code monkey

>> No.19878996

No, anarchism is.

>> No.19879002

This. Unless you are a successful creative or a hunting guide or bush pilot there is literally no good job.

>> No.19879011

System administrator

>> No.19879016

Your parents will realize they were wrong. You don't get to keep your language, your culture, or even your blood. You lose everything when you come here, all in exchange for trinkets and 'safety'. You will watch your children cringe when you speak to them in your ancestral tongue. They will prefer pizza and beer to whatever is it you eat. They will forget your gods and worship the dollar. You will weep when your ancestral lineage is cast aside for the novelty of a white girl. You will exist only as some long forgotten genetic footnote in your white grandchildren's 23andme test. They will endure horrors you cannot fathom.

>> No.19879017

>being proud of working hard

Bro the game is to do as little as possible and still get paid

>> No.19879026


>> No.19879037


>> No.19879097

Doesn't matter. It'll never be enough to replace what I've lost. I haven't had a creative thought in 6 years. I marvel at the shit isee people doing here and on other boards. I hope you younger guys never lose it

>> No.19879101

I already lost it.

>> No.19879169

And how do you expect younger guys to 'never lose it'? What's the alternative?

>> No.19879181

Actually follow your dream and become a professional comedian or screenwriter or musician instead of settling down with the first chick that isn't a complete bitch and getting a shitty middle management job while coming home and doing an online mba from university of phoenix ao you can make more scheckles doing something you hate at worst and tolerate at best.

>> No.19879205

>it worked for Faraday it can work for you
How stupid can you be

>> No.19879240

You have never been employed

>> No.19879332
File: 467 KB, 715x676, 5c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is.

>> No.19879335

Congratulations, you got assimilated into the grey material machine. I'm happy to be a third worlder garbageman instead.

>> No.19879390

I don't think you know civilization works.

>> No.19879413

Yes. The time that I was working or in school passed like it was nothing and I saw nothing, heard nothing, felt nothing. It was like going into a coma for seven years and waking up with a lot of money. I’m rebuilding now.
It was mostly worth the trade.
Avoid work if you can. Video games are work.

>> No.19879425

You’re not my real dad!

>> No.19879436
File: 221 KB, 1125x496, 72E225C8-B9E3-4CD8-BFA8-B599A9A73F32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35 to 60
>the difference is definitely not going from milllenial to boomer
I’ve had shitty and good managers of both sexes. You’re blinded.

>> No.19879437

How do work for 7 years and then retire lmao
What did you do

>> No.19879447

aww baby's first job huh?
face it, if you never had to work, you wouldn't do anything productive with your free time, that's why you have to work. I on the other hand, actually have the discipline and drive to accomplish things in my freetime even when I was work 10hr/day +2 total commute time. It's what you do in your freetime that will liberate you if you're a human being, but from this post it sounds like you're better off a slave.

>> No.19879456

Have a life until 30, then retire and write. Almost everything written by younger people is bad anyway.

>> No.19879492

Yes. I’m self-employed and have the energy and mental peace to do whatever meaningful project I want to. It’s mostly from not having to ever have interactions with anyone that’s somehow “above” you in the unnatural and deranged structure of a company’s employee hierarchy.
Having bosses is soul-destroying. My monkey brain cannot handle it.

>> No.19879526

>work for globocorp
>a thousand racial sensitivity trainings
>zero sexual harassment or anything related to gender
>all the Indians are super weird and shitty to any female employee and say fucked up shit
>zero consequences because muh race

>> No.19879541

That was such a good arc.
Corporate people that have fully given up their soul for Work freak the hell out when you have serious hobbies. They don’t understand it.

>> No.19879557

The future is your soul, your time is all you have, you sell your time to a corporation, utilizing the monetary funds as a catalyst to actualize your soul, only to find your soul has been poured into the corporation before you could attempt actualization. They suck your soul straight outta the future, and you give it to them. I cope by allowing a pseudo-psychotic state to envelope my mind, makes for some funny writing, but until I'm out I know I'll never get it all wrapped up.

>> No.19879588

Those that can’t control themselves are doomed to be controlled by others

>> No.19879596

Embrace the past, invade from the future, the Task is all you have

>> No.19879618

> The only people who don't (know this) are a small minority of mentally ill people who form an unhealthy self-identification with their current job for whatever reason (autism, neurotics, etc) and they can hardly be helped.
I was this (autism stemlord subtype) and the thing that broke me out of it was workplace bullying that pushed me into burnout. It was hell at the time but the best thing that could have happened to me in the long run.

>> No.19879628

People with souls feel bad about pretending to work and are tired because they actually do work, you worthless eater.

>> No.19879629

>Tfw see the truth but ocd
They're all so incompetent

>> No.19879655

Data engineering at an investment bank. 50-60 hour weeks at work and building an algotrading system on the side.

>> No.19879800

Dude you okay?

>> No.19879803

How to get into this? Do I need programming knowledge?

>> No.19879879

What do you do?

>> No.19879889

- Get a CS degree from a T50 university
- starting ASAP practice leetcode daily
- get an internship between sophomore and junior year if possible, else between junior and senior year
- if lazy take the return offer
- if manic send out 300 applications with a resume you’ve had professionally reviewed, go through a dozen 6 hour final interviews after as many 1-2 hour earlier round interviews and have them fight over you
- work 80+ hour weeks the first six months so that when you slack off later it’s seen as a depression or something
- buy your flat on a 15yr mortgage and dump all your extra money into it every month
- “slack off” to 40-50 hour weeks and spend every night and weekend learning about and building an algorithmic trading system
- start running it with $30,000 of money taken out as credit card debt with 25% interest so you’re turbofucked if it goes badly
- quarantine starts
- suddenly don’t do shit for work from home and start drinking and getting fat
- miss a promotion cycle
- stop drinking and quit job as you make more from the trading rig anyway
- try working at a smaller company as a passion project
- it’s shitty and weird and you don’t care and quit
- be 29, independently wealthy, fat with no social life and last tasted pussy in 2010
I regret nothing.

>> No.19879896

I am >>19879889

>> No.19879912

I reached for the secret too soon, the gin is all that's left

>> No.19879919

It wasnt like coma if you were able to apply your knowledge gained from the work you did, fucking normie

>> No.19879922

>Truth is westerners deal with something far worse than hunger,

yeah okay fag. keep justifying your NEET lifestyle

>> No.19879927

you dont need gym to exercise

>> No.19879936

Can they learn to exert self-control?

>> No.19879937

lol no one cares incel get your money up not your funny up

>> No.19879955

The spectacle strikes. Arise ye Faustians, arise from your grave! The tomb ye built yourselves, arise, Lich of the Civilized!

>> No.19879958
File: 11 KB, 244x300, Klages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck. time to get the rope then. it's already over.

>> No.19879964

>bro its like, so much better to be a peasant in India with a loving family and pooping in the street
>you have like, your old culture and strong family bonds!

Why are reactionaries so retarded?

>> No.19879971

Yes, or at least get some phenylpiracetam

>> No.19879972

>No, you're not that—you're Anon, the man who files workers' compensation paperwork, or who codes software widgets, or who bags groceries
as a former payroll systems consultant and coding intern, I relate to this a lot. Does this mean in the future I will be a bagger?

>> No.19879982

I think the worst part of working is being a white collar profession where you deal with women a lot. It's really easier to work with men. Yeah everyone forms hierarchies like likes/dislikes people but with men you focus on the task, shittalk, etc. Women talk about needless bullshit all the time and are neurotic.

>> No.19879994

I was only applying it to more work. It’s not like I’m passionate about algotrading kek.
I am literally an autism supremacist and almost all of my coworkers hated me the entire time and made jokes about me shooting up the place.

>> No.19880002

alright but how can they learn? this is a matter of life or death.

>> No.19880005

Do you really need to practice Leetcode to be a data engineer or be in data science? I thought data science was kinda bullshitish field where people know the basics of Python, SQL, etc. but are mostly not autists. Light programming knowledge?

>> No.19880015
File: 320 KB, 446x382, 1641238329513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga I work forty hours a week at a parts warehouse picking work orders and I have plenty of time left over to read. I read an hour before bed every night and I write an hour after I get up because I work evening shift. On weekends I play videogames and do chores all day and still have several hours left over to read and write some more. You must be some kind of pussy who lets the boss walk all over him and works overtime or even worse you probably have a girlfriend in which case you are a normalfag whose life is ruled by lust you punk bitch

>> No.19880016

do chans really promote diversity? all i see is racism even in a relatively intelligent board like this. /int/ is less racist but they're kinda dumb

>> No.19880037

what's your salary man

>> No.19880043
File: 160 KB, 647x960, 178A6465-F31B-4CBC-9D64-BE2D336C71F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct about data science being lighter with more of the sort of person that works on frontend.
Data engineering is turbo autism. Basically plumbing but making and refining datasets for the data scientists to use. It’s all obsessing over data types and edge cases and time zones and performance optimization.
Data engineers are bottom and scientists top in picrel.

>> No.19880046

>the more intelligent someone is, the more right wing he is

Uh oh, are you on the verge of learning something?

>> No.19880059

Not him but it is definitely enough to live comfortably and then some. Chasing money for its own sake is pathetic

>> No.19880077

How saturated is data science? I have a bs corpo analyst job and know a bit of Python. Is it hard to get into? Looking to find a comfier wagie job that pays a lot more but I think I need actual hard skills to do it. A lot of business analysts go on to become middle management but I don;'t think my communication skills are up to snuff

>> No.19880096

Tbh >>19879889 doesn't sound that comfy

>> No.19880106


Interesting, you wrote the formulation

>work=others' desire=bad / me=self pleasure=good

And then suggested that it is in any way untrue. You continue to have my pity.

>here just keep eating this shitty food bro you'll like it eventually, learn "gratitude"

>> No.19880109

>On a personal level, I primarily dislike it because I don’t like beaten over the head with the messaging constantly. Like aggressive sexual harassment “training” it’s demoralizing to a normal person.
this "training" you say is meant to keep your sexual aggression in line its not meant to be demoralizing. The only problem is if its only directed to males, esp. white males. You can always use your superior white Aryan genes to influence company policy which sadly you don't have..

>> No.19880127

I have no idea. The extent of my interactions with data science people has been recruiters accidentally setting me up for data science interviews because they thought they were the same thing.
My vague impression is that it’s fairly saturated, but in a market-for-lemons way like webshit is where for every qualified applicant you have a dozen or more retarded bootcampers. I hate bootcampers so much it’s unreal.
Soft skills seem more important for data science. (Translation: more people in data science are the “I would rather lose money than interact with an autistic person because I’m a retarded psychopath” subtype).
Data engineering is more tolerant, but any position not requiring a degree is most likely a mislabeled data science position or some hybrid — however, this oddly still indicates they are more tolerant of autism. Not sure why engineering is the magic word.

>> No.19880142

Weirdly data eng is a fairly chill 30-40h job in most places. My job was only shit hours because it was in banking — my fault for not getting a better/actual-tech-company job.
At the same company the data science people will have worse hours than the data eng people.

>> No.19880198

there's no psyop, as an HR professional its easier to add to my performance report. Turnover? workers are replaceable, but an achievement is an achievement I guess. If there's no recruitment happening we merely sit on our ass. New employees always give us a new job and a new item on the achievement list. Only the big boss really care about turnover since they have do training again not including costs.

>> No.19880287

My last job had me wondering, where are all the autists? I mean it was a software company. My office neighbour engineer was a hyper extrovert who got angry when you didn't make smalltalk. I think they just filtered out all the autists and never let them pass the interviews on the basis of dubious soft skill necessity reasoning.

>> No.19880375

I DON’T KNOW. When I was in IB I kept myself alive thinking all the autists were in startups (I’d been around FAANG and knew they weren’t there), and that once I had enough money I’d take a pay cut and go there. Then I went to startups and they weren’t there either — if anything they were more oversocialized than in finance. It was a devastating discovery to me and I went self-employed indefinitely over it. I’m not interested in ever working with neurotypicals again, or at least not exclusively them.
> I think they just filtered out all the autists and never let them pass the interviews on the basis of dubious soft skill necessity reasoning.
I think so. I think tech became where everyone went for money around two decades ago and they’ve finally driven all the autists out. We’re only strong together — a single autist in a non-leadership position just gets overworked into burnout while being henpecked to death over muh soft skills. It’s no way to live.

>> No.19880390

Cheers, thanks this is helpful.

>> No.19880401

Autists are still in tech fields, but now there are plenty of smart neurotypicals too. To be honest there a lot of 'neurodiverse' (hate that word) people in the tech industry who are fairly extroverted -- whether they have mild autism, ADD, or some other quirks. The 4chan 'leave me alone' flavor of autism is just a flavor of autism -- Redditors can be autistic but still oversocialized/friendly compared to the autists here.

>> No.19880474

> smart neurotypicals
I know that there are extroverted autists. They are some of my favorite people. There are introverted neurotypicals that think they have autism too, and yeah there are some of those in tech. Out of the maybe 100 people I’ve worked with only five have been autistic, two of whole were extroverted. But I had a TON of autistic classmates, who are now mostly underemployed. The ratio is all fucked up. I need a place that is majority autistic to not feel like blowing my brains out.

>> No.19880493

There are plenty of smart neurotypical people. You can find them in finance, law, etc. Its not like being an autist is the only way to be smart. There is something 'off' about extroverted autists even if they're nice, while smart neurotypicals can be socially savvy and intelligent too. Maybe not as technical as autists but still.

The truth is that soft skills get you much farther in any career than being an autist/smart, unless you're a legit savant.

>> No.19880518

Remind me which person in this conversation is independently wealthy and retired in their 20s?
There is no such thing as a genius-level non-autistic person.
Anyone not on the autism spectrum is necessarily on the psychopath spectrum.

>> No.19880588

You can be 4chan-autistic and spend your entire weekend fucking around with a broken emacs init.el file and writing horrible impregnation porn without being real-and-diagnosable-by-a-doctor-autistic.

>> No.19880777

I work at a warehouse 4 days a week and I feel like I actually have time to do stuff

>> No.19880784

I'm a house husband. I do like 3 hours of house work and spend the rest of the day looking after the kid, studying, working out etc.

>> No.19880802

See >>19871656

>> No.19880815

Why can't you follow your children to become exactly like them?

>> No.19880841

>Anyone not on the autism spectrum is necessarily on the psychopath spectrum.
What about Arnold Schwarzenegger?

>> No.19880929
File: 81 KB, 640x905, CA254831-AF0E-4A65-B751-3AC8AF479CCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychopath spectrum

>> No.19880964

No disagreement there. I know someone irl that was literally diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder by a clinician but tries to fraud it off as autism.
Psychopathy and autism get cross-diagnosed a lot desu.

>> No.19881079

>Soft skills seem more important for data science. (Translation: more people in data science are the “I would rather lose money than interact with an autistic person because I’m a retarded psychopath” subtype).

I manage a team of data scientists and spend a lot of time on hiring. It's definitely the case that soft skills are more important for data scientists than they are for data engineers and software engineers. I typically look for three things in the data scientists I hire:

1. Knowledge of machine learning and statistics fundamentals (they need to have built a predictive model of some kind and have an excellent understanding of it).
2. Ability to code - I like people with CS backgrounds, but you really just need have beginner/intermediate knowledge of Python or R to do the job.
3. People skills - most data scientists work closely with non-technical business people, and thus need to be able to explain statistical models in a way that stupid people will understand. It's incredibly important that this be done in a way that doesn't make the data scientist sound like a condescending asshole. A genius autist that people hate is completely useless in most data scientist jobs.

>> No.19881105
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>> No.19881353

Most autistic people aren't geniuses. I mean the actual functioning ones. Autism can make you into a genius in certain aspects. Some autistic people are just weird and average, and just good at some things. I get it, you're rich and a genius. I believe you.

We talked about 'smart' people. Are all geniuses autistic? Maybe. Not sure. I do know that there are SMART neurotypical people, and if you don't believe that you're a fucking retard.

>> No.19881471

>I work at a company that produces nothing of value and is basically daycare for adults
Imagine being proud of this

>> No.19881475

The IQ cap for neurotypicals is maybe 125.

>> No.19881531

I wouldn't say so. Why are you so proud of being autistic? Like I said, many many autistic people are not even smarter than neurotypical people, and if they are they are utter failures in many other aspects. Do you need to be autistic to be a genius? Maybe, ok sure. Doesn't really matter when a huge chunk of actual verifiable autistic people are like Chris-chan or actually mentally retarded with IQs of 60-80 and low functioning.

Is a 125IQ Jewish lawyer dumb? No. He's probably smarter than a 'rich genius' like yourself in many ways.

>> No.19881554

His point is that after 125 "neurotypical" people grow more and more psychopathic. I don't think it's true, but you should engage with the actual argument here.

>> No.19881570

What? No, I’m saying after 125 they’re all autistic.

>> No.19881579

Very few companies produce actual value.

>> No.19881582

>Anyone not on the autism spectrum is necessarily on the psychopath spectrum.

>> No.19881595

> Why are you so proud of being autistic?
Get continuous, open, systemic discrimination for long enough and eventually you feel the same way back. Non-autists are retarded psychopath or psychopath-adjacent animals.
> Is a 125IQ Jewish lawyer dumb? No. He's probably smarter than [..] you
He isn’t; there aren’t “types” of intelligence. He has compensatory skills including detecting and eliminating autists in his environment.

>> No.19881599

I always said I was an idiot savant, but the only thing I was good at was convincing people I'm not an idiot savant.

>> No.19881612

Nice this is some Steven Wright shit.

>> No.19881624

Let me ask you a personal question. Do you have
>a gf
>a family

And if you don't, do you think you'd be happier with the above?

If you admit to probably being happier with some of the above, do you think not having the above is in some part because of your autism?

If that's the case, then why do you pride yourself so much on being an autist and being super duper smart? No doubt that autists and neurodivergent people of all flavors are heavily discriminated against and ridiculed. The compensatory behavior of being super prideful and ignorant is retarded though, its what niggers and low class people do.

>> No.19881630

> Doesn't really matter when a huge chunk of actual verifiable autistic people are like Chris-chan or actually mentally retarded with IQs of 60-80 and low functioning.
Mentally disabled people without downs syndrome are diagnosed with autism to make the parents feel less bad about smoking during pregnancy or whatever made the kid retarded, and also to slander autists by association.
Chis Chan is a low-functioning psychopath with a mental disability because his mother was 40, not an autist.

>> No.19881642

They can clearly tell the difference between a kid with fetal alcohol syndrome, autism, and downie kids. You know Einstein was autistic and one of his sibling was a low functioning retard autist. Autists come out genuinely retarded or high functioning on a 50/50 coin toss

>> No.19881646

Seriously, you have a gigantic advertising industry, which includes Google and Facebook, you have the pharma industry, drug manufacturers, tobacco, alcohol, journalism / propaganda, investment, banking, gambling, video games etc.

>> No.19881659

I have friends. My family disowned me when I transitioned and I’m not interested in dating, so not autism-related or able to affect my happiness or whatever.
>if that is the case
It isn’t
> The compensatory behavior of being super prideful and ignorant is retarded though, its what niggers and low class people do.
I don’t care how acknowledging reality makes me look in some stupid metanarrative social game you’re playing.

>> No.19881673


okay youre trolling why did i waste my time here FUCK YOU

>> No.19881713

>Imagine being proud of this
Seethe poorfag

>> No.19881716

Every time you poop on the clock you are striking a blow for workers rights

>> No.19881720

I will shit apart this institution BOARD BY BOARD

>> No.19881728

Kill yourself

>> No.19881743
File: 858 KB, 1125x1822, F074B5B1-65DF-4292-A3E0-9FFCD74D3E8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were trolling desu

>> No.19881768

Living the poor artist lifestyle is much more fulfilling than grinding my life away for something im not passionate about. You people say you can't quit working but if you avoid buying useless things for the sake of status, you will quickly be able to afford this lifestyle. It's nice.

>> No.19881770
File: 64 KB, 772x519, 12D113D5-908D-448D-AA3C-8E10A721B804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. It’s so bad it shows up in statistics.

>> No.19881793

Find a dominant gay and be his stay at home husband. Even if you are not a faggot yet, you can train your brain into thinking you are one. It's totally worth it now that PrEP comes in generic.

>> No.19881841

Trooning is highly correlated with autism, probably because they're both developmental disorders, so it's quite believable.

>> No.19881894

What kind of job do you have? Because I went to university so I don't have a completely shit job. I have worked many shit jobs and the big difference I have seen in this one compared to those is that I have lots of energy still after the day is done. Whereas before, working a day meant losing that whole day. I work on the computer, so after I am done I have a bunch of pent up energy.

>> No.19881941
File: 53 KB, 300x475, DBC94BAF-31B4-4281-A952-16B807FACACD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I’m genetic trash and my parents should not legally have been allowed to breed desu.
Hiroshima baby tier.

>> No.19882053

It is better when you are in control. Even when what you’re doing sucks. I was the happiest I ever was running a small landscaping business during college.

>> No.19882149

Gymcels have no friends to do physical activities with.

>> No.19882393

its a bit difficult when your art requires buying gear and other investments

>> No.19882537

based on my own personal regrets, i would say do your best to not be taken by "life's current". i suppose that's kind of like the "follow your dream" advice. i was unsure about everything and indecisive so i usually just took the advice of those around me and paid the price for it. it's a deep regret of mine, having gone with the current most of my life. i remember the interests and passions i used to have fondly, and i castigate myself for abandoning them because i thought someone else knew better -- no one knows better than you.

i got a degree in something i was convinced (by others and myself) would be useful only to end up broke and in debt with no chance of being employed in anything related to it. i work a basic admin/mgmt style office job now. even the most useless degree would have left me in the same position... so i regret not doing something i actually liked.

it's not just uni by in many aspects of my life i was carried away like this. like i only learned how to float, not swim.

>> No.19882542

if you think material comforts are worth your soul, feel free to make that trade.

>> No.19883097

Nice, but I have two things to add. First, that having to spend time around women in a professional environment is somewhat taxing at best, hellish at worst and more often "fucking awful", especially working UNDER one. Second, that most men are much happier in a job where their efforts result in a tangible result. There's some of this in coding and engineering but being able to look at a pile of fish or a chair or a running car and relate it directly to the soreness you feel in your forearms or the grease-soaked cuts on your finger is powerful. Why do you think that there's a whole culture built around "DIY" these days? Many people are so disconnected from being able to interact with the fruits of their labor that doing so is a treat for them.

>> No.19883643

what art is that, we live in an age where it's easier to make all kinds of art than ever, unless you are a canvas painter, sculptor or something.

>> No.19883734

Yes, working is slavery. Beware of Calvinist, bourgeois and boomer values

>> No.19883740

Working is gay and we all hate fags

>> No.19883741

I am exhausted and want to kill myself everyday. The only thing that keeps me going to is the plan to work for a few more years, save/invest 90$ of my income, and then semi retire in my 30s

>> No.19883745


Fuck off with your commie alienation of labour shit

>> No.19883756

Law is good as a hobby though. I still go through my old law textbooks from university. Practicing law is another thing entirely, however.

>> No.19883782

Not true. My rent is half my full-time paycheck. I get to save 50% of it and this goes to food and stuff for my art. Already you see a problem. Even if I worked half-time I wouldn't afford food after the rent is paid. Furthermore surviving on my art that I'm actually passionate about in the modern day and age is literally impossible.

>> No.19883783

on the contrary almost everything written by people over 40 is bad
poets peak at age 30-35

>> No.19883793

>that most men are much happier in a job where their efforts result in a tangible result

This is what kills me about so much office work. If it's not outright pointless, then whatever is you are doing disappears into the ether the minute you finish it. It really feels like being a hamster on a treadmill. I'm too soft to be a manual labour guy, but I always liked jobs where I was helping people because at least I got satisfaction from solving a problem they wouldn't have been able to solve on their own.

But when it's just uploading shit to a website that you know no one will even glance at it makes me want to tie the rope.

>> No.19883801

Fine, work until 30, retire and write until 40, then kill yourself.
Worked for DFW.

>> No.19883802

>tfw self employed.
>Essentially get the best of both wagie and NEET life with neither of the downsides.

Sucks to be you.

>> No.19883804

Try disconnecting the power from your house for days at a time, and only living with candle light at night. I'm not joking.

>> No.19883809

>/lit/ is pro big pharma
holy kek you guys are retarded

>> No.19883814

Scared to work because of this thread, as if my zoomer anxiety wasn’t bad enough. Fuck

>> No.19883820

>surviving on my art that I'm actually passionate about in the modern day and age is literally impossible.
Incorrect. In fact it has never been easier. You only need to be a YouTuber/influencer/tiktok whore

>> No.19883836

>surviving on my art that I'm actually passionate about in the modern day and age is literally impossible

When has it ever been possible unless you were rich or the boytoy of a rich guy? I am as passionate about producing art as anyone else, but I do seriously think people have it the wrong way around when they demand they should be able to survive off their art alone. It is almost antithetical to the creative impulse in my opinion. Now I get that its different if someone else is profiting off of your art, you deserve a cut of the share - e.g. if your ad is used in a commercial or whatever, but demanding that you deserve to live off whatever random thing you're doing just because you like it is stupid. If you're really passionate about it you'll find ways to work on it around work.

>> No.19883896

What's your job?

>> No.19884002

Bull prepper and (fine) semen taster

>> No.19884008

No. There is a folk punk song about it. Pat the bunny sings:
Well if you don’t want to work
Then that becomes your job
There is a lot of over time
There’s not many days off
I hope you know that I’m not trying to complain
It just gets hard to explain
To friends I know
Or the kids who come to shows
That I just don’t want to talk about the
Office today

>> No.19884011

Videogame help me theorycraft my limit as a human and also hang out woth friend

>> No.19884024

Ah yes. I don’t care that these demons are repeatedly sticking needles in my nutsack and therefore I don’t feel it… thank you anon. I didn’t know it was that easy to shut my nerves off…

>> No.19884042

Figuring out what you want is the first step. It’s also possibly the hardest step and you probably won’t get t right the first time. So try stuff you think you might like and don’t be afraid to stop doing that stuff when it starts being shit or if you find something else you may like more. My buddy keeps stuff in a storage locker and lives in a van, he only works long enough to get money for classes at the local community college and to buy books. The rest of the time he flips cheep shit for food money or does odd jobs for his network of people (he calls community but none of them are strangers to him). He is in the stage of trying to find what he really want.

>> No.19884055

Have you thought about trying to put out a publication of other peoples work (like a magazine or audiobook podcast etc)? Editors read shit all the time if that’s what you want and if you run the show you can pick what you read. If it doesn’t matter what you read you can be a proof reader for an existing publication and fix peoples mistakes before they are printed. If you like doing research you could produce essays on topics you find interesting that synthesize the information you gathered and try to get them published online to help other researchers. All of those things come with their own bullshit but it is hard to gauge whether or not that bull shit is too much unless you try it out. Also worry about producing first, then monetary gain. You could always cut grass when you need the funds.

>> No.19884103

You lost me. Go for a walk, lardo

>> No.19884127

See that’s what I’m talking about. I wish I could be like you anon…

>> No.19884255

Why is there nothing that i like ? I hate doing anything and life is just suffering. What im suppose to do? Please help.

>> No.19884258

that ruins the whole "passionate" part of the art and turns it into a marketing gimmick for a grift. Disgusting

Agreed. It is inherently unfair that people born rich are bound to be better artists and academics than us proles. So many of my favorite thinkers were just trust fund babbies, even if there are exceptions.

>> No.19884324

Why you post on 4chan if you hate doing it. It was just effort spent and it doesn’t benefit anyone? So why?

>> No.19884975
File: 758 KB, 1200x1605, 1200px-Gregor_Palamas_by_North_Greece_anonym_(15th_c.,_Pushkin_museum).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you really tried to find a connection with God, Anon? Perhaps you're going about it the wrong way. The more you try, the more you see how God has the most reason to exist over a secular framework or perversion of his nature.

>> No.19884985

That is exactly what I want to be able to tell people whole heartedly, but I just can’t. I don’t envy you.

>> No.19884992

I do envy you. Phone posting sucks. I gotta shut off auto fill

>> No.19885264

It's not too good to be true; it's not too miraculous to have happened (It's miraculous in that Jesus doesn't materialize on this Earth just any day) but he's always with us in mind and spirit. I was a Dawkins-tier atheist most of my life. If I can find faith so can you.

>> No.19885295

are you of the group that believes that if one was meant to find god then, at some point in their life time they would (god knowing the outcome of all things being a statement about the deterministic nature of all things)? if so does that mean that there are people out there who simply will not know god, and those that are meant to will wheher they try or not? if so i wish i could be like you, but god only knows if i will.

>> No.19885395

I believe all people follow a trajectory through life of their own making that bends to the world around them and ultimately comes back to God. It would give the devil too much credit to say he will rebel forever. None of God's children are beyond his reach or outside his orbit.
>believes that if one was meant to find god then, at some point in their life time they would
I suppose but it's tricky to determine what "meant" means. As long as you know what Christianity is you'll find faith as long as you earnestly keep trying.