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19867591 No.19867591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's friday night, I think it's time for our Incel and Hypergamy thread. Post all the books and studies there are, all you have.

And yes, women like this only fuck Chad and Tyrone. The west is falling and white women only want refugee cock.

>> No.19867593

horrible ass, OP you have nigger tier shit taste in women, a literal baboon

>> No.19867595

The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.19867617
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You think women like that should be fucking you instead?

>> No.19867618

Found the pedophile

>> No.19867623

coomers out

>> No.19867629


>> No.19867631


>> No.19867632
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>You think women like that should be fucking you instead?

>> No.19867662
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>> No.19867675

Did leftypol get btfo somewhere, because i've been seeing alot of cope threads from them lately

>> No.19867677

Cope. I'm neither fat, a tranny, nor leftist. Do yourself a favor. Lay off the hot pockets and start lifting.

>> No.19867680

Your raid isn't working leftypol

>> No.19867690
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books for this feel

>> No.19867694

Anything written by Karl Marx

>> No.19867695
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Go outside faggots. Ah, who am I kidding. Aesthetics end at the neck

>> No.19867722


>> No.19867730

i'd love to split that ass

>> No.19867738

do people really wear those collars for fashion or r these bitches in BDSM relationships

>> No.19867742

This is peak female form, built for breeding

That ass is like a shield against mediocre cocks

>> No.19867745
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I'm convinced sex only happens in porn for money. There's no way two adults would willingly have sex. I've (regrettably) masturbated twice in my life, and the mess is not worth the reward.
Pornography and sex culture is just a fad and soon enough people will realize that sex is over rated and they will go back to only doing it for procreation.

Sorry not sorry...

>> No.19867748

Science book about XX chromosomes
Why do you invoke the name of an economist? Isn’t it D&G who say anything about trans?

Found another pedophile.

>> No.19867749

>they will go back to only doing it for procreation.
Lol, fucking retard

>> No.19867765

Yea let me stick my member in this open wound for a couple minutes... And then clean up a mess, ok or I could go watch a movie with this girl. 10x longer, more enjoyable, and an actual recreational activity

>> No.19867783

Anon I think you might just be gay

>> No.19867808

I'm quite certain i'm not, i've had a rather sensual experience at a slumberparty with my male friend in middle school, and it wasn't just once; and I can confidently say I am not a homosexual. People say dont knock it till you try it so i am very confident.
Sex becomes more disgusting when it's done through the 'back door'. Not a better alternative.

>> No.19867815

Kek, based

>> No.19867825

People like these odd proportioned obviously fake asses?

>> No.19867838

Plastic bimbos get the most money on onlyfans and instagram. You're used to hanging out with the intellectual elite on /lit/ but the average internet user is coombrained chimp.

>> No.19867849
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>Found another pedophile.

>> No.19867855
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Yes, people like fat asses and tits even if they are fake.

The only people who don't like them are small dicked betas

>> No.19867888

God, she's like a sentient bouncy castle. Imagine the sex.

>> No.19867901
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>> No.19867908

In about ~2 years humanity is going to begin to be genetically modified so that all women will be about 6'5" with this type of body, and men will be 3'5"-4' tall and about 50 pounds.

>> No.19867935

God, I would love to climb on to those Amazonian mommy vanguards and just be their little milk boy that gets drained by their judo thigh grip.

>> No.19867992

For the incels that believe they have superior genetics, how does it feel knowing that you’re such a colossal failure that your bloodline will die with you? Books for that feel?

Literal 30IQ degenerates have figured out how to reproduce but you haven’t. Were you born this way or did you have to work towards becoming so functionally impotent?

>> No.19868007

I'm too smart for sex desu

>> No.19868008

nice chin

>> No.19868027
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I often remind myself that we’re all puppets trapped in a decomposing cage of flesh and bone, with a million desires whirling around us at all times like sirens attempting to lure us to our doom. That these desires are nothing but the conjured demons of economics, society, and evolution and while they promise fulfillment they will only use you to their own ends, increasing their strength over you, leaving you a slave and a broken human. The world of phenomena is a test, projected by the noumena, and to conquer it you must conquer yourself.

Although I might try to convince myself that life has some external value, after a night drinking with “friends” or a sexual encounter with woman, it quickly becomes apparent that most friends are not worth having, and that woman’s sexual desires are so perverse and banal that their even having desired you bears the weight of a bad conscience. What man does not disgrace himself by submitting to a woman’s desires? He becomes a fool, a brute, a scoundrel, a cuckhold, all at once— and looses himself in the process. What man benefits from society? He devoured his life’s work to the machinations of warfare and industry, he trampled the earth, he becomes bound up in stories told to gullible children, he is sold slavery and like an idiot wears his chains with pride.

Service originates in the Latin word "Servi”, meaning slave. That’s what society, friends, woman the whole world, asks from you, your slavery. In English, the familiar for of “you”, “thou”, has long since died from the language. For those lonely men in Anglo countries seeking company, this should be (with honest reflection) enough proof that you will never find it. We live in a civilizational world-spirit which lacks even the words to express friendship, closeness.

There are two things in life worth their weight in gold: freedom and silence. How many men exchange these treasures for paper? Or for a soft touch of flesh? Or for some false sense of meaning to disguise their emptiness?

In books, there is the peace of forming a genuine connection with another person. If you cannot read, write. If you cannot write, read. If you are still lonely, hire a whore; it is less demeaning and less expensive than going to clubs. Logos is the breaking free of the soul from the flesh, embrace this and turn your eyes from the treachery of desire.

>> No.19868034

Damn, I really want to blow their heads off.

>> No.19868037
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I want Billie to get bred by a Giant 6'6 builtfat nigger gorilla linebacker with a BBC as fat as her milkers

>> No.19868038

Well it's happening, at least for germlines. Modification of somatic cells to induce changes in adult phenotype are harder and they won't be around for a while. But modification of germline genomes to reverse sexual dimorphism is possible, and in the modern industrial environment small athletic lean males that don't need to eat much and tall thick females who always produce litters of babies is vastly superior for a society. It's inevitable.
By ~2040 there will only be giant women and small men in our species. It's going to be amazing.

>> No.19868045

I would be worried that I would be a target or collateral for incel shootings but I’m comforted by the fact that 99% of you are too poor and stupid to be able to afford where I live. Enjoy shooting up your shit neighborhoods, faggots.

>> No.19868055
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fuck you chuds falling for falling for fucking cia psyops. marx has nothing to do with trannies or lgbtqp shit. it's your fucking capitalist overlords that make you believe this shit just to discredit his ideas. seriously fuck you.

>> No.19868059

1. get to know real girls so you dont think shit like this
>And yes, women like this only fuck Chad and Tyrone.
THAT is not a normal woman
2. i am leaving to get hammered with the boys because after 5 years of excessive reading i have ascended.

kys losers.

>> No.19868061

Do marxoids have a sense of humor?

>> No.19868071

Why do you care my brother, just stay away from them, by understanding them at all you risk slipping into an abyss of terror. at best you will react with overwhelming and debilitating pity, at worst you will succumb to their seduction and let their demonic hands tinted with hints of humanity, the divine which so often is present in that which is passed life, capture your feeble heart and drain you into a state of spiritual infertility doubled with remorse.

>> No.19868076

>unironically simping for niggerfucking celebrities
Is there anything more pathetic than your existence?

>> No.19868080

I truly hope all of you are rehabbed from inceldom. No one is beyond the compassion of redemption.

>> No.19868082

You will never seize the means of production.

>> No.19868085

these threads are just self-indulgence in your self-imposed sadness and bigotry - and you know it. if you keep bathing in mud, no wonder mud is all you see. this misigyny is not a consequence of your problems, it's their cause. it doesn't take much to realise that other people exist and are people just like you, it doesn't take much to enjoy yourself and live - yet all you do is feed these echo chambers of mysery and negativity and refuse to see a way out.
just shut the fuck up already

>> No.19868089

>get to know real girls
you'd become even more blackpilled if you did this
>i am leaving to get hammered with the boys
stick to your facebook

>> No.19868090

Ok roaster

>> No.19868092

You, you self-oppressing little baby.

It’s the world’s fault that you fucking suck, I get it. Why were your parents such colossal failures too? At least they were able to fuck.

>> No.19868096

You'll never be a woman.

>> No.19868099

Ok subhuman simp, don't forget to support your sister's onlyfans either.

>> No.19868105
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>addicted to porn
>no friends
>no job
>no hope
>mentally ill
I am not even a left or rightwinger, I just want to have sex...

>> No.19868111

We are going to genetically engineer all of your children to make your sons small and your daughters large regardless of if you want it to happen. The economic incentives are enormous.

>> No.19868112

i'm a guy and i'm happy being a guy, and i think lots of other guys would be happier if they didn't fall for the farcical misogyny and hatred that for some reason you've created an identity around

>> No.19868113

I see you're working hard to prevent /lit/ from turning into a place where people with a shared interest in literature can discuss their hobby in peace.

>> No.19868117

Many such cases. You'll need to pay for sex I'm afraid, only the top 20% of men are getting free pussy now.

>> No.19868119

See, that’s the difference between you and I. I know you’re pathetic because you’re getting triggered by getting called out for being a little bitch, adhering to beliefs that it’s anyone else’s fault that your worthless.

You know nothing about me, so you can’t hurt me. Nothing you can say can touch me. It’s an allegory for your entire existence, impotent and eventually sterile.

It’s still not too late for you to stop blaming other people for your problems and get your shit together, you fucking dweeb.

>> No.19868120

>muh bigotry
Fuck off retard.

>> No.19868132

it's no surprise that you percieve women etc as hating you if perceive everything through hate

>> No.19868139

And you know me? All you do is to accuse me as an incel, because I said some meanie words to a niggerfucking women. I know that hurt you too, you probably listen to her, like her a lot etc. So when some guy says something bad about your love, you go apeshit. It's fine though, simping is getting more and more common, so you'll find your space alongside those subhumans.

>> No.19868153

I think you misunderstood. I don't care what whamen think about me, their opinion does not matter to me.

>> No.19868155
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>You'll need to pay for sex I'm afraid, only the top 20% of men are getting free pussy now.
But I literally couldn't get hard for them...

>> No.19868163

Oof. That's just nature removing you from the gene pool then.

>> No.19868174

i gues my "you" was directed to the general feel of this thread where it's definitely not the case that most people "don't care about what women think etc" otherwise this thread wouldn't even exist

>> No.19868189

I'm just bored.

>> No.19868210

>capitalist overlords
holy cringe

imagine attributing the inevitable downfall and decay of western civilization that's been happening for over millennia to muh capitalism, rather than seeing it as the necessary side-effect that it is. even you are just another secular bastardized off-shoot of this world we created.

>> No.19868218

>this world we created
What do you mean by this? Not that anon btw

>> No.19868238

stupid question

>> No.19868267

Those kind of dudes that get occasionally laid but some very average bitch are probably way worse than the incels. You run into then a lot more in actual life and are usually huge fucking simps that enable the shit that largely isnt in their interest because of some pity fucks. Truly lamentable

>> No.19868281


>> No.19868286

1. On Tinder men outnumber women 9-to-1.
2. On “female friendly” dating apps like Bumble men are still in the majority.
3. On dating apps generally, men are 85% of the userbase.
You’re not getting few matches because of “hypergamy” or anything like that. You’re getting few matches because you’re competing with 8 other men for 1 woman on average. Women in the real world are not into Tinder-type hookup culture; they want real, long lasting relationships generally. Talk to women in real life, be confident, be interesting, be respectful, be hygienic, wear nice clothes, and only if this fails are you allowed to say that you’re too ugly for dating.

>> No.19868303

That's why you get on the level of niggers and commit rape

>> No.19868309
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Shan't allow such talk about my girlfriend

>> No.19868317

Would bury!! Ahah

>> No.19868335

what do girls smell like bros

>> No.19868342

You are weird.

>> No.19868363

It's just culture schlock nonsense that right-wingers can NEVER reasonably provide a coherent analysis.
It's all fucking culture and gossip, don't even bother with a rightwinger.

>> No.19868384

Literal self pitty. Honestly, what the fuck you think women want?
You just tell yourself these stories to fuel your self pitty.
How many women did you spoke beyond three words with? Just go out and don't be shy and depressive.

>> No.19868407

Can’t you see that we want the best for you? Stop being so down in the dumps and make something out of your lives. It really is never too late.

If you have mental health issues, get a scrip and talk to a therapist. Start taking care of yourself. As much as I like calling you guys retarded faggots, you were resourceful and internet savvy enough to find this pity party. You’re plenty clever enough to figure this out. Use that energy to improve your lives.

>> No.19868413

Are incels actually like this? Fucking hell you lot really need to go outside.

>> No.19868415

darling buds of may

>> No.19868418

Like the finest creatures on earth (which they are btw)
The scent of a woman is a blessing

>> No.19868419

Also, I don’t give a shit about Billie Elish. I had to double check you were actually talking to me. Stop being such a debbie downer. You guys could all get it in if you stopped believing in all this racist and sexist shit and started actually befriending women. Seriously, it’s not hard.

>> No.19868433

New meta is spamming incel threads with toxic positivity so they stop being such little bitches.

>> No.19868474

>you are le right winger because you are not le marxist like le me
fuck off, retard.

>> No.19868477

yeah thinking based.

>> No.19868488

Why do incels revolve their entire identity around their lack of sex and hatred of women? How do you have any MALE friends with such dull, uninteresting personalities?

>> No.19868500


They’ve fallen down the rabbit hole.

>> No.19868511

I don't split incels and trannies in binaries because they're exactly the same.

>> No.19868518

They don't have friends.

>> No.19868532

If you watch the video, contra actually does draw the comparisons for incels and trans folk in online dating validation and also phrenology. Worth a watch.

>> No.19868557

Why would I need to watch a tranny grifter to discuss something I already know?

>> No.19868559

Not being able to do something thats considered a normal function of being a human is probably pretty debilitating, like a cripple not being able to walk. But the cripple will alwaya have a valid excuse and incels do not so it eats you up. Theyre probably people that really really want to be normal but for whatever reaaon denied this and instead of acvepting it resent it.

>> No.19868595
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I have HAD male friends in highschool because I could talk about anime and games with the nerds and about rap and games with the foreigner kids. Now I am in college and it's impossible to talk to anyone because they are all strangers.

>> No.19868614


>> No.19868831


>> No.19868979

That's truly a baboon tier ass

Nice shaped ass > big ass
Any time

>> No.19868995

Women shouldn't get BBL before squatting 2.5 plates

>> No.19869043


>> No.19869117


>> No.19869122

Beautiful ass but Jesus Christ that face. Literal man jaw.

>> No.19869167
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This makes absolutely no sense, most MTF are out in the open, many have boyfriends, and living happy girly lives. They get to wear cute panties everyday, put on makeup, give blowjobs to open minded chads, the hormones they take to be womanly give cute lolita-tier breasts, sometimes they even lactate, and their orgasms are so much more intense than any male's orgasm, because it's regressed to something more womanly or prepubertal. Incels, on the other hand, aren't even remotely having this sort of fun.

>> No.19869204

Funny you think this is some "epic" rebuttal to incels when this is precisely how they think and why the incel-tranny pipeline is so common.
>I get to be a woman
>I get to be comfortable
>I get to be attractive
>I get to be happy

The only real difference is that maybe an incel sees a vagina as sacred and inherently unattainable while trannies openly imitate having one.

>> No.19869207

>complains about chuds misinterpreting Marx but not transchuds who are the reason for its warped image


>> No.19869213

Incel and lookism are gynocentric in nature. You are falling for female tricks.

>> No.19869215

Your feminization fantasies are unrealistic and oversexed
Found the ftm tranny claiming to be male

You knew damn well no one would post any books. Regardless, you should read The Same Old Story by Goncharov

>> No.19869219

You would be correct if all of the last 40 years wasn't proving you incorrect. Marxism is a growing and dynamic ideology, it has grown to be an LGBT ideology. Deal with it

>> No.19869227
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DESU, even the non passing ones are happy. Yeah, /pol/ laughs about them but they just coom the sad away and post their girlcock on Reddit.

>> No.19869240

These people are on so many pharmaceuticals a genuine emotion would be foreign to them, don't kid yourself.

>> No.19869257

Guys I’m proud of myself. I escaped the incel mindset and I no longer think I’m ugly. It took about two years. I’ve been feeling really happy lately.

>> No.19869346


Congratulations anon, happy for you to start this new phase of your life.

>> No.19869391


>> No.19869469

I pray you are right, anon.
The more I have sex the less I enjoy it, or that woman's company. It begins to feel bad

>> No.19869720

When did giant baboon asses become considered attractive? Seems like it correlates with Mexicans flooding the U.S. and rap becoming the most popular music genre.