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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 258 KB, 1152x1478, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19858326 No.19858326 [Reply] [Original]

Post 'em.

>> No.19858330

>a mint and some Tums
got an upset stomach and bad breath?

>> No.19858336
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>> No.19858362
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>> No.19858369
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>> No.19858377
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>> No.19858447

Over compensating aggravates his gerd.

>> No.19858490


>> No.19858578

Just downloaded this. How redpilled is it? Is it some sort of fearmongering?

>> No.19858621
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>> No.19858645
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doesnt matter you wont read it anyway.

>> No.19858655

>I have a tiny dick: the thread

>> No.19858745


Just tell me if its worth a read nig

>> No.19858762

Embarrassing shit

>> No.19858782

I didn't think gun posting was still a thing. This doesn't impress the old posters and the zoomers are just retarded.

>> No.19858907
File: 108 KB, 653x800, 475-C772-A-D562-48-B9-B4-FB-F85-E818876-BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im too scared to do the prerequisite background checks required for a license to purchase a handgun here
apparently he's done a book on Atom Egoyan who's one of my fav directors

>> No.19858935

Why are you reading that?

>> No.19858945

What is your height and weight anons? Be honest now.

>> No.19859159

i just thought it was funny. i like picking up outdated guide books on computers from the 80s and 90s at thrift stores

>> No.19859167

Uhh about free fiddy

>> No.19859212

heres an idea: figure it out for yourself

>> No.19859226
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>> No.19859235

Very good joke

>> No.19859323
File: 935 KB, 1080x2220, BedsideReading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also nice

>> No.19859572

Don't they make pistols in America? What side are you on?

>> No.19859613
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>> No.19859615

nice anon, please tell us about the book

>> No.19859772

>hasn't read it, postures on the internet instead

>> No.19859840

Americans are proud of their guns, and yet they couldn’t prevent their election from being stolen.

>> No.19859879

> foreign M.I.G.A.-tard or b8
Cringe either way, the 2nd Amendment was made to deal with faggots like you.

>> No.19860273

why yuh ppl luv guns???

>> No.19860473

God I wish I didn't live in Britain. You can't even buy a handgun here with a loicense. The most you can get is a shotgun or hunting rifle and you have to renew your license for that every 5 years. Such a stupid, authoritarian system. If the government wanted they could just round us all up and castrate us without any possibility for resistance.

>> No.19860488

It's American hours already?

>> No.19860951
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aye snowniggas gimmie all yo mothafuckin books or I’ll kill u…haha, just kidding :)

>> No.19860962

Is that Michael C Hunter?

>> No.19860970

>the camo
holy cringe

>> No.19860977


>> No.19861061

a learned black man, how intriguing. Nice Sig as well.

>> No.19861069

Based CZ Chad

>> No.19861124

Based slave

>> No.19861150

caм pacтил?

>> No.19861161

>he doesn't camouflage all his books

>> No.19861464


>> No.19861701

тoвapищ.... я тoжe пытaюcь oпять выpacтить, ceйчac чeт нe идёт дeлo, paньшe пepли (бaдyмтc) кaк гpибы

>> No.19861707
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>> No.19861710

So fucking riot like the french do.

>> No.19861763

Хoлoднo нaвepнo, я выpaщивaю их лeтoм.

>> No.19861819

Anglos only do that when their football team loses.

>> No.19861848
File: 2.28 MB, 3534x2803, Schiappa23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mushrooms Bible
based beyond belief
The book is great so far, I'm still a bit earlier in the book which describes the history of the term "Sophist" and how it has been used and changed throughout history. Schiappa has done a great job of showing the historiography of the Sophists from Plato and Aristotle to Hegal, believing that throughout history many philosophers and scholars have simply conflated the Sophists as simply holding nonsense thoughts, thoughts meant to directly oppose the systematic thinking of the Presocratics, or as being forerunners of modern thought (Protagoras with positivism for example). Schiappa asks the reader to turn these systematic and over-interpretive assertions aside and see the Sophists in their proper context. Pic related really struck me, this'll always be something I keep in the back of my mind.

>> No.19861927

Why are you black?

>> No.19861985

Is that fucking larbs on your pc?

>> No.19862027

You can’t riot when they send in the fucking army to slaughter you like Napoleon did to French protestors. An unarmed populace is easy for the government to control and kill.
>but what about muh mass shootings
Look up “democide”. Government has committed more mass murders than any other organization.

>> No.19862317

t. housenigger

>> No.19862321

go watch fat cockney on yt, hes got some revolvers in Britain. prolly cant have them in cities tho.

thanks for the summary anon, the title is interesting, I love this particular intersection of Greek thought and Christian mysticism.

>> No.19862327

So bomb parliament and stop getting loisenses

>> No.19862332

cкopee pyки из жoпы
yдaчи, кocмичecкий кoвбoй

>> No.19862405

very interesting, this reading would also say quite a lot by implication that Plato burned his own poetic works

>> No.19862440

>go watch fat cockney on yt, hes got some revolvers in Britain. prolly cant have them in cities tho.
Interesting, they have to be highly modified though to fit with regulations. Also if I shoot some guy breaking into my house it's 99% chance I'll be convicted for murder so what's the point.

>> No.19862834

Reminder: the only meaningful time these will ever be shot will be when OP and fwens an hero

>> No.19862847
File: 355 KB, 2000x1125, 1911byrd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wishing dead someone you don't know because of the programming you've internalized as your own
pleb moment

>> No.19862865

>48 laws of power
based black man

>> No.19862871

look at mister richy rich pants

>> No.19862881

negro basado.

>> No.19863870
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>> No.19864025
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>> No.19864129

>48 laws of power
You got that because it was banned from the prison library, didn't you?

>> No.19864136
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>> No.19864159

Two of the three items are illegal where I am. Feels bad man.

>> No.19864202
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>intersection of Greek thought and Christian mysticism
What are you talking about?

>> No.19864677

God yuropoors are disgusting

>> No.19864727

Is that knife spring loaded? Because if it isn't, it should be legal even in Canuckstan hellhole.

>> No.19864756

Brains and hands are illegal everywhere but burgerstan

>> No.19865237
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>> No.19865247 [DELETED] 

>he fell for the arch, minimalist meme

>> No.19865263

Glocks are ugly minecraft guns

>> No.19865269

I knew it was ugly when I bought it, but the thing cycles every kind of ammunition under the sun and never malfunctions. What can I say. It’s a tool, and when I use my tool I need it to work properly.

>> No.19865279

5'11" and 183 lbs

>> No.19865290

6’0” & 213

>> No.19865294
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>> No.19865299

You're a big guy

>> No.19865302

It’s a 17? I can’t see the model number.

>> No.19865306

So are we gonna start posting long guns too or no?

>> No.19865309

Yeah 17, gen 4. Bought it to pair with my Ruger PCC9

>> No.19865359

Everyone who posts in this thread cares more about the “aesthetic” of reading than reading. Just make an instagram faggots

>> No.19865363

This one's the best

You take second

>> No.19865406

Stay mad, Nogunz.

>> No.19865431
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>> No.19865442

Is that bigger than usual or smaller?

>> No.19865448

That's 5'10 and 136lbs in freedom units

>> No.19865453

6'2" and 230

>> No.19865461

Post vagine

>> No.19865576

Illegal because rhe thumb-stud means it can be openened with one hand. Owning it is ok, maybe okay to carry it in your tackle box when fishing that depends on the cop and if he thinks it's a good enough reason. But you can't have it in your pocket just like that. Not canada. Again, feels bad.

>> No.19866225
File: 54 KB, 400x372, 1615218379219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always one of you sex-perverts talking about penises whenever you see a firearm.
Seek help or NGMI.

>> No.19866231
File: 1.30 MB, 3724x2096, 7C417D7B-A78F-42D6-BDDB-5410C26F172F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have wasted thousands of ug of LSD to read Heidegger

and I am actually losing my mind

>> No.19866239


>> No.19866267
File: 63 KB, 569x781, A876F8F9-798D-4557-B19A-8750F2BD29C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah sure buddy, gun culture has nothing to do with masculinity

>> No.19866312

6'4" 250lbs

>> No.19866324

Guns typically are for people who aren't intelligent enough to use their minds to get their way. Nobody is afraid of your cheap ass piece of plastic.

>> No.19866335

6’3” and 185lbs

>> No.19866337

>Gets shot

>> No.19866354
File: 393 KB, 1168x1472, 6843F779-586D-43C7-BF69-49BF4DCC4E32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people posting on /lit/ think owning guns makes you safer
And some wonder why there are so many retarded takes in every thread

>> No.19866363

>Doesn't get shot
>Still dies
How? According to you, this shouldn't be possible. Is it magic?

>> No.19866380


>> No.19866383

Its Americans. Americans think its perfectly normal to have gun-homicide rates as high as some African, worn torn countries. Guns are going to stop them from totalitarian government and big tech. These faggots are to immersed in High Fructose corn-syrup foods to ever be a threat to their government. More so, they choose to live neighborhoods with high crime because everyone is a degenerate like them who over-values money and cheap Chinese trinkets.

>> No.19866706

6'6 220lbs

>> No.19866712


>> No.19866719

182cm 80 kg

>> No.19866739

1) Blacks are the ones who commit gun crimes. If you took them out of the equation America would have similar crime rates to non gun-owning European countries.
2) Guns are there to protect against the government, not just muggers and home invaders. Look up "democide" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide)) the government is the biggest mass-murdering organisation in history. There's nothing stopping the government from murdering and controlling all you euros.

>> No.19866766

>There's nothing stopping the government from murdering and controlling all you euros.
Then why don’t they do so? Is there one single thing the average American has or is free to do besides owning a gun? On the other hand, I live in one of the biggest cities in Europe and the concept of “don’t go down that street or you might get killed” is completely foreign to me

>> No.19866828

>Then why don’t they do so?
They did and will do it again.
>Is there one single thing the average American has or is free to do besides owning a gun?
Look at what is happening right now with forced vaccinations and lockdowns in Europe. You have to show vaccine passport to go into a restaurant or shop. Austrians are being fined for refusing the vaccine. It's a total fascist hellhole. In England you get arrested for defending yourself.
>the concept of “don’t go down that street or you might get killed” is completely foreign to me
Like I said, the issue in America is blacks, not guns. In London there are loads of dangerous neighbourhoods because of the black population there. They use knives instead of guns.

>> No.19866864

>Look at what is happening right now with forced vaccinations and lockdowns in Europe. You have to show vaccine passport to go into a restaurant or shop. Austrians are being fined for refusing the vaccine. It's a total fascist hellhole.
Yeah and you americans totally started le epic civil war and got even one day less lockdown because of that kek. More than half of the republicans think that their election was stolen, and they’re the largest demographic of gun owners, yet they didn’t do shit besides shooting one police dude and embarrassing themselves in front of the entire world because they were led by a retard in a costume. You’re not doing shit, your guns don’t do shit (besides some faggots shooting themselves on accident) and I hate the fucking Brits more than anyone else but their homicide rates are still way way lower than yours

>> No.19866955
File: 32 KB, 301x331, Dead_bodies_of_Bengali_intellectuals,_14_December_1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times do I have to tell you that the issue is blacks, not guns? If you remove blacks and Latinos from the equation the USA has similar rates of homicide to European countries. You just keep ignoring this point.

>Yeah and you americans totally started le epic civil war and got even one day less lockdown because of that kek.
US lockdowns and mandates were less draconian than in Europe. The Supreme Court ruled that forced vaccination is unconstitutional. This is because we have a culture of freedom in America that is absent in Europe, a culture fostered by the armed citizenry. Things are not so bad that we have to have a civil war, but there definitely will be one when the federal government goes too far.
> your guns don’t do shit
In the 20th century alone over 20 million people were murdered by government in Europe, mostly done by the communists and Nazis. Churchill starved millions of Indians to death. There were mass-murders in Pakistan (pic related). Napoleon's army fired grapeshot cannons on their own countrymen protesting. Even today tens of millions of unborn babies are murdered by government-sponsored mad doctors. Once you realise that government is a power-hungry, bloodthirsty killing-machine you start feeling less comfortable that they are the only ones who have the guns.

>> No.19867112
File: 1.12 MB, 1533x3072, Rossi92_357mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks anon.

Pic related, accompanied by J.S. Mill's On Liberty and Pope Leo XIII's Libertas.

>> No.19867189

Thats perfect weight for a man of that height, according to the CDC

>> No.19867202

Just because a gun is more likely to be used in suicide doesnt mean a gun doesn't make me safer
t. Not suicidal

>> No.19867240

it’s disingenuous to just take out blacks and Hispanics out of USA crime stats like white people are angels, since 90 percent of their crime is related to the drug trade, which is implicitly supported by the government. like the scene in Scarface where the white cops take a bribe

>> No.19867244

Stop arguing with someone that is either
A) trolling
B) shilling
C) projecting their mental illness
D) All of the above
If they are European, they will never be one of us and they will never matter. Freedom lovers left Europe long ago.

>> No.19867279

The Swiss still have guns and their system of direct democracy makes them freer than we are.

>> No.19867292

Not in the slightest. Also their gun laws are a joke and it's a highly regulated process. Also they are a homogeneous society. America is a multicultural one.

>> No.19867295

Imagine being afraid of an inanimate object. Best not use power tools bro, you could hurt yourself!

>> No.19867298


Anon democracy is just mob rule.

>> No.19867304

Shut the fuck up retard, it’s interesting to see how people’s taste in /lit/ compares to their taste in /k/

>> No.19867310

Better to be ruled by the average person than some power hungry despot.

>> No.19867319

Anon the mob is controlled by bread and circuses. It's actually easier to dominate a people who actually think they are making a choice.

>> No.19867321

What a slim copy of the red book I've only ever seen Xbox huge copies

>> No.19867322


>> No.19867344

Nobody thought they were making a choice under Stalin and he murdered millions. Swiss style direct democracy is impervious to despotism because the people make all the decisions and the government simply implements them.

>> No.19867355

1. When you control for non-white people the fun homicide rate is comparable to other countries with firearms.

2. There’s no correlation between gun legality and suicide rate. See Japan and Korea.

>> No.19867375

I want to buy more but I’m thinking of moving soon and it’d be a huge pain to transport them around the country. (No way I’d send them with the moving company.) Makes me sad. Was thinking of getting a wheelgun next.

>> No.19867404
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I've been waiting for a thread like this


>> No.19867415
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>> No.19867417


>> No.19867425

ignorant taste in both books and weapons

>> No.19867426
File: 137 KB, 1280x960, gunbook (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3/3 kek

>> No.19867473
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I hate the Welsh

>> No.19867533
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It is war then?

>> No.19867548

CZs are based

>> No.19867564
File: 61 KB, 898x790, to smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger breaks into my apartment
>I begin lecturing him on the morality of theft and importance of virtuous behavior, along with the fact that people are too civilized nowadays to own weapons
>he shoots or stabs me and I die
>tfw to inteligent to survive

>> No.19867565

>one form of statism is worse than another form of statism

>> No.19867566

Have at ye sheep shagger
Yes they are, the Welsh are not

>> No.19867571

peace, peace

>> No.19867580

Yes, the Swiss are a multi language culture and have culture influence from several regions located in different countries. The fact is they are still all western European whites like American whites. The differences in Switzerland's cultural influence does not hold a candle in the wind to the differences in culture in your average major American city. A city like New York or Houston is far more multi cultural than any city in Europe with the exception of maybe London or Paris, I'm not sure on that but still blows the fuck out of Switzerland's multicultural meme.

>> No.19867581
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I don't really come to this board often, so I can't tell if this is bait. Are most of you guys faggot betas like on /sci/ or is this anon just an anomaly

>> No.19867592

Yes. That seems obvious.

>> No.19867604

5'11" is the perfect female height.

>> No.19867612

What if no statism at.

>> No.19867614

At what

>> No.19867655

Anyone dumb enough to be a libertarian in 2022 will get stomped by the state for being slave moralists. All smart libertarians became NS around 2015. The only people capable of living in a small government society are white people.

>> No.19867659


>> No.19867682

The major ethnic groups of Switzerland are white and hold similar ideological values. The only places you’re seeing non-whites are in northern urban areas like Zurich or perhaps over in Geneva, and frankly I’m not sure why they’re letting even those relatively small numbers of non-whites into the country since it’s obviously such a nice country so why would you want to change anything? Southern Switzerland is heaven on earth; they should keep the non-European people out of it if they want it to stay that way.

>> No.19867704


>> No.19867733

Bro I'm not a librarian

>> No.19867743

Well if your not a librarian why are you on the librarian containment board?

>> No.19867771

I think 6'2 is the perfect female height

>> No.19867840

Looking at guns

>> No.19867879

/lit/,/fit/,/k/ is the 4chan master race.

>> No.19867940

based /k/ommando thread

>> No.19868791


>> No.19868808

for you

>> No.19868820


>> No.19869265


Anyone read Hinterland? It looks interesting, wondering if anyone has any thoughts on it or knows if it's worth reading.

>> No.19870304

These two authors do not go well together at all unless you're just trying to be edgy.

>> No.19870835
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>> No.19870845

It's pretty good apart from a few sections where the author spergs about some obscure leftcom theorist.

>> No.19871029

Dumb ipleb

>> No.19871041
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>> No.19871101

not anon but just looks like a normal i3 rice
not every tiling wm is larbs

>> No.19872283

blessed helpful rotator
well I'm certainly not posting that photo from the couch, am I?

>> No.19872333
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>> No.19872344

> black as hell
> 48 Laws of power
> Mushroom Bible
> based as fuck

Gotta love data points that skew the whole average

>> No.19872396


>> No.19872420

Buy a real phone and run brave

>> No.19872442
File: 3.06 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20220205_092425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19872774

Country before family and self, that's some
WWII Jap/CCP level propaganda.

Also, I owned this book as a wee lad.

>> No.19872830

Bourgeois detected

>> No.19873053

It's got some pretty good information. I never made it past weeblo cub scout because parents moved/divorced

>> No.19873322


It's really good. I usually describe it as "Hillbilly Eligy but by author who doesn't hate rednecks for not just Learning To Code (TM)"

>> No.19874261


>> No.19875010

Thanks, I'll look to get a copy one I'm through my current stack

>> No.19875296
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>> No.19875655
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I'm Australian living in American can I come?