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File: 34 KB, 308x360, socialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19863167 No.19863167[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why arent you a socialist? and if you are, why are you?

>> No.19863170

>why arent you a socialist?
I believe hierarchies are real and good

>> No.19863175

>cyrillic D used as A

every time

>> No.19863179

I don't see reason to be one.

>> No.19863186

Because my parents are not divorced and I am not unemployed

>> No.19863200

I had a father figure growing up

>> No.19863226
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>why are you?
Because I am a white nationalist.

>> No.19863230

I am a Communist with a capital C, everyone calls themselves a socialist nowadays. I don't want to be associated with rebellious youth, coffee drinking hipsters and edgy liberals.
I look to China for 21st century communism.

>> No.19863233

>I look to bourgeoisie socialism for communism

>> No.19863249

Because subscribing to an *ism is fucking cringe and for actual retards

>> No.19863262

i'm a demsoc, because it's the fairest system with the greatest potential for life-satisfaction. provided, of course, that high-level corruption is actually cracked down on.

>> No.19863269

Not really into dying for some ideology that could very well not happen and not really into LARPing

>> No.19863295

I'm uninterested in politics. Beyond increasing your eloquence when arguing with other retards, what's the point of reading political theory?

>> No.19863297

Ow look an western leftoid.
>bourgeoisie socialism
I'll bite, please expand. When I think about bourgeois socialism, I think America.

>> No.19863315

I think OP is referring to Red/Marxist Socialism anon, not RedPILLED/Based Socialism

>> No.19863406

based infrared

>> No.19863420
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I could add a lot more stuff to this image
I'm more worried about the future under capitalism than socialism

>> No.19863422

There is no contradiction. In fact socialism ushers in a new hierarchy whereby truck driving chads beat the g wagon frail vapid vaccinated bourgeoisie, establish a dictatorship of the proletariat and suddenly order is restored. Marx was a Darwinist.

>> No.19863473

Yes but I agree with a lot of Marx

>> No.19863498

>why arent you a socialist?
I have a triple digit IQ

>> No.19863503
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Most perfect example of fascism ever seen

>> No.19863505

There are no cool underground commie movements any more

>> No.19863531

Have you read gulag archipelago?

>> No.19863541

There very was, it was always a bunch off latte sipping faggots.

>> No.19863557

At least they managed to bang a lot of women and get exiled to the middle of nowhere back in the day. Now they just get laughed at on twitter

>> No.19863558

Communists are not trying to industrialize a bunch of dirt, go into space and leave it with an atomic bomb.
I don't think there will ever be another Stalin just like I don't believe there won't be another pharaoh.

>> No.19863559

Yeah, the communist party in china which is 100 years old and where they've been studying Marxism-Leninism and applying it, is definitely fascist. Never mind that historically fascists have been the first to kill communists, that was just a mistake, communists are fascists all along.... dumb fucking retard.

>> No.19863572

it's so fucking cringe

>> No.19863581

>privately owned corporations
>public stock market
>highly nationalistic and imperialistic
Yah they are communists all right. Like all commie larpers you are an absolute moron

>> No.19863587

Imperialism is revolutionary and justifiable.

>> No.19863592

China is also very racialist, with most the population believing in race realism.

>> No.19863596

Literally no difference. Gorges Sorel was the father of national syndicalism and fascism and knew and corresponded with marx. They only disagreed about human nature with sorel saying humans were irrational. (Why he argued for national as a tool for class revolution).

>> No.19863602

China has said they will revert to communism in 2050 once they're developed.
The US is already developed supposedly.
If the US turned communist I think they'd change their strategy though.

>> No.19863609

yah I was gonna add highly ethnocentric but had already posted. Communists are so fucking stupid it always only takes a few seconds to expose it

>> No.19863615

Literal schizo

>> No.19863620

Sounds based, I personally thought that many of humanities irrational qualities are actually some of its best

>> No.19863632
File: 198 KB, 1200x640, 1643864188077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. retards who don't read but instead let leftoids shape their perceptions of the world

>> No.19863637

"I am not a marxist" - Karl Marx

>> No.19863648
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>> No.19863655

they dont call em useful idiots for nothing

>> No.19863660

>China has said they will revert to communism in 2050 once they're developed.
Are there any signs this is happening?

>> No.19863677
File: 10 KB, 226x223, download (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the US turned communist and the Chinese turned into enemies they'd be taken care of I'm sure of that.

>> No.19863683

communism doesn't work, it always become something like china or the USSR. cope more incel

>> No.19863688

>privately owned corporations
Yes there is a private sector, and? The party is figuring out new ways to get control of the private sector, dialectically.
>public stock market
>highly nationalistic
Communism has always been patriotic without the chauvinism, Chinese people have all the right to feel proud of their nation.
>and imperialistic
China isn't imperialist

>> No.19863692

this is bait

>> No.19863693
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>> No.19863699

what's bait about it, it's facts

>> No.19863704
File: 630 KB, 528x444, antiftwats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah. they really are that stupid

>> No.19863710
File: 5 KB, 301x167, download (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The USSR was communist
>communism doesn't work
How is capitalism working?

>> No.19863716

the people you posted are the people who would call China fascist

>> No.19863720

you will always be poor and working for minimum wage at the local liquor store because you are really stupid

>> No.19863731

I come from a family of immigrants who are brown and fought for the socialist project in their respective countries. Now i live in a first-world country and I'm successful by the usual metrics. Capitalism allowed that I suppose -- it allows a lot of people who are superior to rise to the top if they work hard enough, or are hungry enough.

I still have some fascination with socialism though. It's romantic. I think socialism or communism for third world non-white nations is fine in a romantic way -- a lot of those countries, if they applied those ideals, would be socially conservative but obsessed with sovereignty and self-determination.

>> No.19863739

>Capitalism allowed that I suppose -- it allows a lot of people who are superior to rise to the top if they work hard enough, or are hungry enough.
Communism/socialism does too
>if they applied those ideals, would be socially conservative but obsessed with sovereignty and self-determination.
They'd be embargoed and subverted by the US

>> No.19863742
File: 837 KB, 1901x1075, Screenshot_2022-02-04-00-48-27-49_3aea4af51f236e4932235fdada7d1643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Never call yourself a socialist or leftist. It just attracts disgusting domsec vaushinite cucks and amerimutts who think you're with bernie (see OP). I just call myself a communist or ML specifically. And yes China is pretty based.

>> No.19863749
File: 25 KB, 807x380, images - 2022-02-04T065127.016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my doubts about china.
They might be full of shit.

>> No.19863750


>> No.19863751

>"you are stupid"
China's literally has a 100 year old COMMUNIST party, that's been in charge over 70 years. They have 95 million members, and party members are expected to read Hegel/Marx/Engels/Lenin/Mao and are actively doing intens study of in their 100s of study groups about socialism.
But I guess the millions of chinese calling themselves communists don't know what they're talking about and you a random 4chaner have gained the profound insight that China is actually 'fascist', I bet the Marxists University departments of china would be shocked by your absolute brilliance.
Please eat a bullet.

>> No.19863753

What do you think china would do if the us became communist?

>> No.19863755

So, American socialists are actually just urban liberals?

>> No.19863756
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>The party is figuring out new ways to get control of the private sector, dialectically.
I'm sure that will work out any day and private companies and markets will stop existing

>> No.19863768
File: 127 KB, 600x488, AreYouBeing Serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1 member in my pants to slap your stupid ass across the face with

>> No.19863773

I don't know what "socialism" is. It doesn't sound like it's for me considering I'm antisocial.

>> No.19863776

cooperate into building prosperity for the world.

>> No.19863782

I don't believe in silly things like historical materialism, dialectics, labour theories of value, revolution, class consciousness, etc.
>inb4 all socialism isn't marxist
OP is a muttmerican teenager who doesn't know that.

>> No.19863787

it's not nationalism or imperialism if it doesn't involve white people.

>> No.19863789
File: 25 KB, 678x452, images - 2022-02-04T070108.795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't believe in silly things such as historical materialism

>> No.19863797

Im straight

>> No.19863803

>historical materialism is when car

>> No.19863812
File: 17 KB, 289x372, images - 2022-02-04T070630.948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19863814

That sounds absolutely horrible.