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19862640 No.19862640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Get born so your kids can be born so their kids can be born so their kids can be born so their
Why had it be like this bros.

>> No.19862650

who is she

>> No.19862696

You got born because your parents got born because their parents got born because their parents got born because their parents got born ...
Everything about that can be infinitely meaningful or entirely meaningless. It's all perspective.

>There is no time for us.
>There is no place for us.
>What is this thing that builds our dreams, yet slips away from us?
>Who wants to live forever?
>There is no chance for us.
>It's all decided for us.
>This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us.
>Who wants to live forever?
>Who dares to love forever?
>Forever is our today.
>Where is forever anyway?

>> No.19862706

>Dumbass human overabstracts to the point of ruining his own life experience and enjoyment
The cycle of life is not the problem here, no matter what any pseud antinatalists say

>> No.19862727

Because parasites and shit adapt to our defences really quickly, sexually reproduction is required to barely outrun them genetically. Sometimes an animal will mutate to reproduce asexually, but a disease will wipe out the entire clone population. I don't know about you, but I'm not gonna let a fucking worm be the total death of me.

>> No.19862987
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Luckily I am the first bodhisattva of the family

>> No.19863003
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>> No.19863201

Don’t have kids? If you hate the cycle break it. If you really resent the fact that you’re alive just kill yourself? Nobody is forcing you to participate

>> No.19863276
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>Soldiers capture you
>They make you eat shit or else they'll stab you to death
>Think "I don't like eating shit"
>This guy >>19863201: "Uhh get stabbed then? Easy choice lmao."

>> No.19863309
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>> No.19863319

She are so cute.

>> No.19863364

Unironically yes. People who die in war are remembered as heroes. Shit eaters are remembered as stinky breathed weirdos

>> No.19863409
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>> No.19863514

You should kill yourself then, so there's more for me and mine

>> No.19863988 [DELETED] 
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>Man hands on misery to man, it deepens like a coastal shelf....Get out as early as you can,
and don't have any kids yourself. - Philip Larkin

>> No.19864038

Almost like logical positivism is nonsense or somethin'.

>> No.19864080

>think about "higher ideals" you think are more important than doing what everyone did before you
>feel like you accomplished nothing

>> No.19864098
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>‘Oh, why did nobody warn me?’ cried Grimes in his agony. ‘I should have been told. They should have told me in so many words. They should have warned me about Flossie, not about the fires of hell. I’ve risked them, and I don’t mind risking them again, but they should have told me about marriage. They should have told me that at the end of that gay journey and flower-strewn path were the hideous lights of home and the voices of children. I should have been warned of the great lavender-scented bed that was laid out for me, of the wistaria at the windows, of all the intimacy and confidence of family life. But I dare say I shouldn’t have listened. Our life is lived between two homes. We emerge for a little into the light, and then the front door closes. The chintz curtains shut out the sun, and the hearth glows with the fire of home, while upstairs, above our heads, are enacted again the awful accidents of adolescence. There’s a home and family waiting for every one of us. We can’t escape, try how we may. It’s the seed of life we carry about with us like our skeletons, each one of us unconsciously pregnant with desirable villa residences. There’s no escape. As individuals we simply do not exist. We are just potential home-builders, beavers, and ants. How do we come into being? What is birth?’
—Evelyn Waugh, Decline and Fall

>> No.19864324

You'll understand when you turn 40. Middle and late adulthood sucks absolute balls without kids.

>> No.19864373

>you just don't know how REALLY good this immoral thing really feels
Hedonistic chimps revealing their true colors, nothing more

>> No.19864386

choose the meaning of your own life, loser

>> No.19864392

Seems to suck with kids too, though.

>> No.19864401
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>immoral thing
I lel, i kek, i shiggy, i diggy

>> No.19864407

Especially if you're a femoid. Fuck, even Newton needed his niece. It sucks to not have anybody.

>> No.19864417

>Nobody is forcing you to participate
Everybody is forced into it, and killing yourself isn't easy. Wishing you hadn't been born or being against birth in general isn't the same thing as wanting to die. The instinct to survive is part of the infernal trap of this world, and killing yourself does nothing to solve the problem of new lives being born to suffer.

>> No.19864442

At least with kids you still have things to look forward to.

>> No.19864451

Should have stayed in the abyss nigga

>> No.19864654

> still
I guess I ascended by having never had anything to look forward to aside from sometimes media.

>> No.19865192

I kneel

>> No.19865347

>be born
>Stop existing
>Nothing forever
Why are things like this, bros?
I'm legitimately scared

>> No.19865361

>summer seems like it could last forever
>eventually it passes and it becomes autumn

>> No.19865378

It would be great if when you died you became nothing but we both know that would be way too easy. There is no escape. You will be reborn and suffer forever.

>> No.19865384

Also a lot of people have someone who will miss you and you don't want them to cause pain

>> No.19865385

At least the universe is kind enough to make you forget about it

>> No.19865416

I wish

>> No.19865426

Kill yourself and find out. You'll be back for more of this hellish nightmare you never asked for or wanted.