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19862013 No.19862013 [Reply] [Original]

What are some red flag books on a girl's bookshelf?

>> No.19862022

Sally Rooney

>> No.19862025

Jack Kerouac

>> No.19862026

>filtered by catcher in the rye
cringe and phonypilled

>> No.19862035

Too many YA novels. A few are fine, but more than 2 series is a red flag.

>> No.19862053

>giving any weight to the opinion of an online zoomer

Red flag

>> No.19862056

anything but the classics desu

>> No.19862060

Everything but the Quran

>> No.19862063

Rupi Kaur (means she’s retarded)
The Bell Jar (nutzoid)
Andrea Dworkin (man hater)
Hillary Clinton (child sacrificing Moloch worshipper)

>> No.19862071

this and any book with a horse on the cover

>> No.19862073

my favourite book is ISOLT, I am immune to critique

>> No.19862083

>tfw favourite writer is Roberto Bolano
>he never appears in any of these dumb articles

we're safe bro

>> No.19862090

>Harry Potter/a song of fire and ice/etc.
overly obsessed with pop-culture, likely to be part of a 'girl group', may sleep with another guy without you knowing.
>500 shades of grey/lolita
usually seen as a sign of childhood abuse or weird fetishes but actually indicative of mood disorders.
>any book that you would read in school
girl doesn't read at all. Likely dull.

>> No.19862095

Any book at all. I like bimbos.

>> No.19862099

Girls get hard triggered by On the Road because the plot is literally guys going on a cross country road trip to fuck teen pussy, and they can't cope that we don't want their 28 year old roasts.

>> No.19862104
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Very nice indeed

>> No.19862116


>> No.19862131

How does tp became roasty, has science been able to determine by what physiological process this pudendal metamorphosis occurs?

>> No.19862312

It's usually around 17 or 18, by no coincidence at all the age that you are finally allowed to fuck them.

>> No.19862384

Anything by Anaïs Nin
Anything by Maguerite Duras
Odyssey translation by the roastie

>> No.19862429

50 shades of grey and twilight. It tells me she hasn't grown out of her highschool popularity Era and remains a boring teenager even at 25.

>> No.19862430


>> No.19862449

She looks like she’s 37 despite being in her 20s

>> No.19862452 [DELETED] 

i want to watch this video. link

>> No.19862460

>Anything by Maguerite Duras
she's so fucking boring. dear god

>> No.19862464
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>> No.19862470


>> No.19862471

One of my relatives had a first edition of Gravity's Rainbow on her shelf, it was pretty cool

>> No.19862521

I want to ____ Carley

>> No.19862931

Emily wilson translation is unironically kino. it got so much seethe here and coverage in the press and then the only things that are really different about it from other translations are, like, changing 'servant-girl' to 'slave girl'. her meter is excellent and it reads beautifully

>> No.19862941

The Bell Jar

>> No.19862948

Any besides the Bible.

>> No.19863634

Women should never have been allowed to read. No books is a green flag.

>> No.19863641

FAKE, a real white womans bookshelf would be filled with BLACKED porn

>> No.19863652

Yeah being on tiktok for 19 hours a days is much better. Have sex incel.

>> No.19863653

I see huge overlap with milk and honey and tier 4. I fuck a lot of these types pretending to be woke at uni. I have Celine sitting on my bedside desk right now but but illiterate wokeites never know who he is.

>> No.19863659

Where does Brandon Sanderson fall on a girl's bookshelf?

>> No.19863673

Bhagavad in Sanskrit.

She is only fucking with you to get back at her parents.

>> No.19863684

that means they're a "girl"

>> No.19863942

if she uses ao3

>> No.19863975

Retarded faggot

>> No.19863985


>> No.19864094

A red flag is having any titles that suggest she reads what other people tell her she needs to read, rather than whatever she wants to read.

>> No.19864100 [SPOILER] 
File: 154 KB, 696x902, 1643936508893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.19864173

B&N leather-bounds means she's got horrible taste but still wants you to think she's sophisticated

>> No.19864191

if all her books are brand new and not single one bought from thrift shop / used bookstore

>> No.19864197

how would you know? she could be lying

>> No.19864246

oddly speficic. Do you have a story to tell us?

>> No.19864249

YA is okay if it is in the bottom corner and ideally a bit dusty, that just shows she doesn't throw away her old books.
Fifty shades of gray, self help with shit, ass and/or fuck in the title, something something bittersweet yet heartwarming gives a voice to X minority, copy of marx with only the first few pages showing signs of being read, manga, diary of anne frank, motivational shit by some washed up actress like cameron diaz, suspicious amount of horse books, anything from an incluencer, anything that was nominated for a goodreads award, michelle obama, rupi kaur
Also, rules for radicals by saul alinsky if any of the above also on the shelf.

>> No.19864302

women who look for "red flags" like this are either stupid pretentious attention whores or genuinely schizo

>> No.19864309

usually if I see any Dworkin, Davis, Rowling, Umberto Eco, or Fukuyama I'm likely to bolt. that's speculating tho.

>> No.19864400

Enough red flags, what are some green flags?

>> No.19864416

Nothing political

>> No.19864427

I've never had a girlfriend or had sex but my mom reads nothing but gimmick-themed mystery series like Janet Evanovich and Joanne Fluke and she has an obnoxious personality

>> No.19864431

Camille Paglia's Sexual Personae

>> No.19864433

Yeah, I don't know why I come to this website desu.

>> No.19864449

Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.19864453


>> No.19864468


>> No.19864525

Anything you'd find in the trending section of a mainstream book store. I've been in a few rooms of girls that "read", but it mostly turned out to be fantasy young adult fiction with colourful pictures on the cover. Nice girls, really, but cursed somehow to never grow beyond the Harry Potter stage. After dating my current girlfriend for a bit, I found out that she had made a list with books that I had mentioned, so she could read and discuss them with me. She bought me some original first world war poetry books in German and English for my last birthday. That made me really happy.

>> No.19864527

The floor.

>> No.19864595

lucky motherfucker
you should be reciprocal

>> No.19864612

What girl has Francis Fukuyama on their shelves?

>> No.19864619


>> No.19864624

Yes, thank you, I try my best.

>> No.19864637

>Twilight and Harry Potter worse than Handmaid's tale
>Not reading being worse than White fragility
Yeah no

>> No.19864670

McCarthy and Aquinas

>> No.19864725

A Mathematician’s Apology by G.H. hardy

>> No.19864794

What I mean are titles that are currently heavily discussed, marketed, popular among her social circles, memed on social media, etc. Stuff like White Fragility, Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Dune, stuff like that. The kind of stuff people read because other people are reading it

>> No.19864907

These make me wanna PUKE

>> No.19864931

the bible

>> No.19864984


>> No.19865032

Switch Rupi Kaur with J.K. Rowling.
> Pretending like a semi-Illiterate wife is automatically not worth it

>> No.19865034

Women who say they read an absurd amount are actually reading picture books and fanfic. A friend of mine has parents who are professors at elite universities and she claims to read 200+ books a year. Her parents have a large library at home, it is beautiful, a mess, and filled to the brim with great books. Turns out she reads none of that, and her personal bookshelf is filled with hundreds of graphic novels, yaoi, and a few lgbt YA novels. Unsurprisingly, these days she takes testosterone and identifies as a gay man.

>> No.19865038 [DELETED] 

I've got some Bukowski and Vonnegut, which I'm sure are too problemtic for her.

>> No.19865039

Norman Mailer

>> No.19865046

Required reading for school.

>> No.19865056

It doesn't really matter what a woman reads or thinks. When the right man enters her life she will conform to his beliefs and obey him.

>> No.19865060

Reminder that anything remotely interesting or literary on a woman's bookshelf is a book another man she previously slept with gave to her. She probably hasn't read it either.

>> No.19865067

nothing really, i don't see why this would be a problem. who gives a fuck if she's reading harry potter

>> No.19865072

>Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
I associate that book mostly with boomer dads, is it having a resurgence?

>> No.19865076

Harry Potter is a green flag now. It means she's okay with transphobia.

>> No.19865083

Idk, the link to boomer dads is probably justified. I wouldn't say I think it's having a resurgence or anything, but I definitely think it still gets picked up by the same types of people that just pick up books based on where and from whom they've heard the titles spoken, and whether or not reading them makes them appear intelligent

>> No.19865123

a girl i know has no physical books and only reads pirated epubs. i've seen pete buttigieg in her collection which she swears she read "ironically." not sure if that's a red flag.

>> No.19865205

to kill a mockingbird

>> No.19865219


>> No.19865224

I did some contracting work for a horsegirl. Shes a painter. had paintings kf horses everywhere. Some big collection of a YA series about horses, horse stuffed animals. Big republican too, had a shrine to Regan and Trump.
She was sure to tell me that I looked like her favorite actor, a B-lister who starred in some country girl meets city boy romance flick. Anyway, 95% sure she's lesbian and good God was she ugly. Feel bad saying it because she's very nice and kept me employed for a while. Oh well.

>> No.19865236

I'm starting to realize that posts like these come from a place of deep rooted insecurity and resentment of women

>> No.19865241

I only read what /lit/ tells me to read

>> No.19865249

Sex and Character

>> No.19865255

Hot take for /lit/ here but I think Handmaid's Tale is a decent novel in the tradition of Anglophone dystopia. It's not the book's fault it got turned into a meme.

>> No.19865257

I let my ex borrow my copy of Animal Farm. She never read it and never gave it back. I'm still pissed off.

>> No.19865362

the real red flag is that she is literate

>> No.19865372


Her bookshelf is "decolonized."

>> No.19865404

Monolingual bookshelf

>> No.19865444

based bolano-bro, to you i raise a café con leche

>> No.19865466


>> No.19865485
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wtf? i didn't know Bolano is based

>> No.19865539

he has lived a VERY interesting live. if an "arturo belano" appears in a bolano novel, its almost always a self-insert; finding out about bolanos life and opinions through his fiction is extremely fun and rewarding. the savage detectives reads almost like an autobiography at times, with a lot of belanos exploits being more or less proven to have actually happened

>> No.19865574

Where do I start with him, bros?

>> No.19865602

id recommend you start with the savage detectives and then graduate to 2666
after that you can read woes of a true policeman and amuleto which are set roughly in the same universe as the big boys
my favorite of his shorter novels is una novelita lumpen, but i dont think it has been translated into english yet
by night in chile is also very good
avoid the spirit of science fiction; its just a weaker version of the savage detectives
his other novels i havent read
short stories are all good, especially telephone calls
I dont like his poetry all that much
between parentheses (essay collection) is interesting, but if you attentively read 2666 it doesnt all that much new info

>> No.19865621

This happened to me but with Infinite Jest

>> No.19865635

thank you!

>> No.19865637

meant for>>19865602

>> No.19865643

YA is literally all women read lol. You either got tricked by a roastie or you've never actually met any. Women don't have the intellect to understand anything beyond young adulthood.

>> No.19865651

I'm starting to realize that posts like these come from naive losers indoctrinated by cultural marxism who worship women because they lack self-esteem and an actual backbone

>> No.19865657

This. Books are nothing more than accessories for women. Hell, personalities are nothing more than accessories for women. In the end, they choose their personalities based on how much sexual market value they expect to gain from them.

>> No.19865735

plenty of women hate YA but they are pickmeish or had foreign-born parents who made them read classics

>> No.19865738

based and inshallah pilled

>> No.19865752
File: 6 KB, 292x173, F4802326-E8C0-49AA-A502-F6FDE349BF6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mother hasn’t read a book since high school. my father is actually illiterate

>> No.19865791

I've never read any Kerouac, what's supposed to be wrong with his writing?

>> No.19865872

>my favorite of his shorter novels is una novelita lumpen, but i dont think it has been translated into english yet
It was published in English in 2014.
I would personally start with By Night in Chile. It's short and taught and absolutely ferocious. It'll give you a taste without having to start with his heaviest works.

>> No.19865892

i just think that with his two biggest and most important works both set mostly in mexico, why not at least start with amuleto or woes to get familiar?

>> No.19865894

Women are not worth talking to about literature, or any subject in general. The best woman has taste comparable to a normie man, which is shit. Most people don't even read, they just collect books.

>> No.19865914

Harry Potter
Any Star Wars/Star Trek/capeshit shit
Song of Achilles
Maya Angelou

>actual red flag
Handmaid's Tale
Astrology/New Age shit

>> No.19865965

Anything with words in it, tb h

A good woman is too dumb for anything above picture books.

>> No.19865981

I got my wife to read Marx and Foucalt.
>you're turning her into a lazy landwhale reee
I hope so - she's an underweight workaholic.

>> No.19866000

The Turner Diaries

>> No.19866011

kek, this cracked me up which is the first and only task of a list meme so good job

particularly liked the Rothko

>> No.19866021

make her drink a liter of milk a day she will easely gain weight wiith that

>> No.19866153
File: 39 KB, 293x450, 9781984898838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating Lolita
Absolutely filtered. Sorry for your brain damage. The only red flag about Lolita is people who claim its a red flag to like the book and then only bring up the thinnest dust layer surface reading of the book. Nabokov put it best: the same conclusion is arrived by both the sophisticated and unsophisticated (You) readers. Pic related for prime post-Lolita material. This is not spam, do not ban me.

>> No.19866508

Absolutely not. Every girl I’ve met who enjoyed Lolita either had danger hair and took SSRI’s or was unironically touched as a child. That book is an S tier red flag.

>> No.19866524
File: 52 KB, 1024x640, memri on tv hosts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct answer

>> No.19866531

I would be fine with almost anybook apart from
[more than 5 YA BOOKS]
If she can provide a good reason for any its fine.

>> No.19866540

>Atwood is a good writer
the whole book should have been a short story, it reads like a wikipedia page and she's too cowardly to address Islam directly.

>> No.19866547

unironically any book that is a part of the canon or at least has some literary intentions that isn't entirely about romance

>> No.19866581

Can confirm. Dated a girl with daddy issues and her favorite book was Lolita.
You know they are going to be fun as fuck in bed, but it's bad in the long run.

>> No.19866618

>Nabokov fellator seethes too hard to understand the topic
Typical. The point is that Lolita is a red flag because girls who like it, like it for the "surface reading" reason, ie they either get wet at the though of getting Humbert'd or they identify with Lolita.

>> No.19866621

Books on actual femininity and showing dedication to be a good loving and loyal mother+wife. Cookbooks are a good addition, too.

>> No.19866622

> they identify with Lolita
Juses motherfucking Christ

>> No.19866624

>Enough red flags, what are some green flags?
Whole collection is nothing but Loeb Classical Library/I Tatti Renaissance Library

>> No.19866655

Dated a very pretty Brahmin girl for 2 years in Uni only for her to go "whoops time for my arranged marriage with a 4ft manlet from the home country".

>> No.19866705

Weird that she would go along with it.

>> No.19866722

Family pressure was insane. They didn't even know she was dating me, I was secret the whole time.

>> No.19867458

Still weird, sounds like the perfect time to throw off the shackles of family expectation and become a hippie with Secret Whitey.

>> No.19867583

>what are some green flags?
if she has bought a book I wrote

>> No.19867603
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Bolano is easily one of my favorite characters in literature. Supposedly some of his life story is made up (by him lmao), but he just seems so fucking cool.

>> No.19867613


>> No.19867634

A Little Lumpen Novelita has been published in English

my personal favourite is Nazi Literature in the Americas

>> No.19867700

>not getting this
countless short and diddled women as horrific as it sounds get off to that scene from Irreversible.
Female sexuality is a Pandoras Box once you open it to being diddled, which is why it's so bad, it takes submission to absolutely disgusting levels. Girls who want to be choked should be put down essentially

>> No.19867725

A liter is not enough, she'd have to drink a gallon a day to have any significant effect.

>> No.19867729

Did you put your post through google translate

>> No.19867764

no shit

>> No.19867772

eliade maitreyi

>> No.19867851

Evola and Guenon

>> No.19867858

horseshoe theory, read Female Chauvinist Pigs for the other half

>> No.19867874

Sounds based d e s u

>> No.19867878


>> No.19867881

Mine Were Of Trouble

>> No.19867941

My head is swimming with theory. Its all becoming too much for me

>> No.19868040

not owning Madame Bovary

>> No.19868392

The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho.

>> No.19868445

>Books on actual femininity
Any examples of this?

>> No.19868450

>actually caring about people's favorite thing
The proliferation of the feminine spirit and our mistake of embracing it is without a doubt the most damaging thing to the human psyche. Every problem stems from female opinions being justified, and even worse, shared by men.

>> No.19868452

have u ever touched a woman

>> No.19868459

Lots of sluts, sadly not a woman yet.

>> No.19868601

Man can you stop being such a fucking faggot just for one moment?

>> No.19868651

Normally I'd never be intimidated by a woman but I'd be very intimidated by the woman with that collection. Intimidated and aroused.

>> No.19868736

a girl once wrote "on this day I love you" in a copy of catcher in the rye after visiting me and us fucking around, it didn't work out and I've never read the book but sometimes look at it when I feel shit about myself

>> No.19868755
File: 58 KB, 1232x821, 39ED539D-4CB9-49B2-B1B9-D8C6FE3921F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesbians are the only women that read

>> No.19868761

Nin is great you cunt.

>> No.19869009


>> No.19869017

Based bimbo beater

>> No.19869325

The state of /lit/

>> No.19869367
File: 50 KB, 353x500, 51MDspoaILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, fair enough. I hope you can excuse my surface-level reading of the earlier post. I just really like the book because of how multi-dimensional is. I wouldn't go so far as to be one of those Nabokovian acolytes though. As far as I've heard, his other books tackle the same topics but miss the mark compared to Lolita. Also, this book is a great follow-up, probably immediately because of how well the author's reading really "clears the air" and snaps you out of that Humbertian hypnosis.
As above, I apologize for jumping to a false conclusion and defending the book immediately. We are all in a way agreeing on the same thing, I just took it to a defensive degree prematurely.

>> No.19869421

>Girls who want to be choked should be put down essentially

Yea, down on their knees.

>> No.19869649

This. Women that like to read are insufferable cunts that are full of themselves.

>> No.19869663


A woman asked me why I had many different translations of the bible in my bedroom

Do I hide them?

>> No.19869725

Why not just give her an honest answer? If she's a cunt because you have a couple of bibles then she's not worth being around. Why hide yourself?

>> No.19869742

What the other guy said. Unless you actually *don't know* why you have several Bible translations (if so: I advise you to figure it out ASAP) it shouldn't be that hard to explain it.

>> No.19869853

Mein Kampf

>> No.19869863

It took me a minute to realized who Kamala Harris is. I forgot she's my VP.

>> No.19871043

Spend more time reading and less time criticizing what other people like.

>> No.19871069

My wife and I have been together for almost 20 years, in highschool she had a full bookshelf including tropic of cancer, bukowski, tremois, and a shit load of paper backs. She reads less now and does audio books, but she introduced me to the devil all the time, the road, and other modern fiction. (I only read pre wwi stuff really)

So, eh, Don't read too much into books.

>> No.19871081

When I was leaving the Marines I was in a barracks with med seps (broke my foot) and this one dude had a mental health sep (2005, he saw some blood and whatnot).

Holden was his name and he had me read this book and catcher in the rye. I mostly got pissed at both books and red Jane Austen

>> No.19871133

>t. Woman

>> No.19871436
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I'm a married man and I firmly believe a man has the duty of guiding his wife, a woman shouldn't choose what to read because they don't have what it takes to read a good book.
I'm not a cherry picker, I opened Instagram and checked the top comments on Bookdepository and I saw these girls. They are single, lost, they need a real man in their lives.

>> No.19871443
File: 41 KB, 396x382, 1642611374893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a married man

>> No.19871536

Singular possessive. It is correct.

>> No.19871540


>> No.19871562

You know it’s the truth; 95% of western women go by they pronouns nowadays

>> No.19871574

no. go to a real place.
>inb4 Twittr
"Twitter is not a real place."
- Dave Chappelle

>> No.19871781

they are not wordly consistent, not idpolled

>> No.19871786

nah it's just their way of masturbating the time away, reading YA. Everytime a young woman reads a YA book it's like putting 100 hours into CSGOfaggotgames

>> No.19872612

based wifehaver

>> No.19873492

Any religious book, but it has to be unopened

>> No.19873748

women reading is a red flag

>> No.19873788

you sound like a child. whats your idea of a slut?

>> No.19874138

>t. Slut

>> No.19874184

Lesbians aren't women. They're pseudo seme/uke personas are placeholders for male identities.

>> No.19874310

>50 shades of whatever
>selfhelp books with the word "fuck" in the title
>michelle obama or hillary's book, pretty much anything "current-times politician/actor/actres/singer/celeb" authored
>anything from Nabokov (she does it only to find quotes for status updates)

>> No.19874345
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What if she has no books at all?

>> No.19874701 [DELETED] 

The Art of the Deal

>> No.19874712

exactly, that and david sedaris

>> No.19874715

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.19874727
File: 189 KB, 804x654, jews feminist authors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminist stuff. Also, anything related to psychoanalysis. So basically, if on the cover there's a Jewish name you probably have got a big problem.

>> No.19874738
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The fact that it's a girl in the first place is the only red flag you need.

>> No.19874770

Dickens, Hardy, Romantics, Bronte sisters, poetry

>> No.19876506

absolutely this, if she actually reads poetry, (postmodern attempts will do, only the ones that make apparent that effort was made though) she's got to have some kind of heart

>> No.19876782

I hate women

>> No.19876940

>favorite book
do NPCs really do this?

>> No.19878051


>> No.19878066

you're not alone

>> No.19878084

Attracts wanderlust modern hippies

>> No.19878106

The only book my wife has read in last 15 years is The Tunnel
and baby books

>> No.19878132
File: 7 KB, 106x118, MODERN ARTS AND FEAR BOOKS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern art and fear books.

>> No.19878169

How did the yids manage to get one of the top accounts when so few people read that language?

>> No.19878228

Anything that isn't a goddamn cooking or knitting pattern book

>> No.19878297

Any of those super academic radlib books from the last six years. You know she's going to have insufferable political opinions and not use deodorant.

>> No.19878575

She's just lonely anon. Man up, put a bag over her head and go to town

>> No.19878594

Sorry, i meant green flag

>> No.19878650

>filtered by life

>> No.19878731

Anon she's in her 60s. Thats gross

>> No.19878943
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>> No.19878958

my mother exclusively reads YA fantasy, science fiction and historical fiction while late in her 50's, her father makes fun of her for it in the letters they write each other.

>> No.19878977

Sounds like you've never met any women if you're generalizing this hard lmao.

>> No.19878989

Talking about green flags, I once met a woman who studied Chinese and had lots of books on old Eastern philosophy, she was genuinely amazing to talk to, very intelligent. Easily the most attractive women I have ever meet. Of course I sperged out but yeah, intellectual women are fucking hot. I wish there were more of them.

Interestingly, I've met many very intelligent women from Iran out of all places. The women there have to work extra hard and when they do they may become well versed in continental philosophy and literature because they still talk about that at uni. Contrast that with the standard western college where the syllabus is mostly chosen by the color of skin and sex of the writer.

It's a pity because genuinely intelligent and well read women are a possibility. For a long time they were restricted access from uni which is a shame. Now they have access but they only read muh feels shit. Fucking depressing.

>> No.19879048

Draw your sword and carry her off as pillage.

>> No.19879058

The few women I've met who had real interests, actual interests that went beyond shit they do for social approval or to attract men, things that they've actually had to suffer and transform themselves into bigger people to be so good at, I felt something activate in me that otherwise never activates when going on dates with women. It's like a part of me that is normally dormant woke up, and no one was more surprised by this than that part of me.

I'm normally "interested" in women and "like" them, but when this latent aspect of me woke up it was like seeing sunlight after being underground and only seeing fluorescent lighting for decades. I realized in an instant that the "interest" I normally have in women is simulated and forced, it's a bundle of cope wrapped around a core of actual dissatisfaction and boredom with basic bitches.

To suddenly not need the tightly wound ball of cope and to be able to feel organic, authentic interest in a woman was so new I didn't even understand it at first. It also activated another part of me that I don't normally activate, a desire to be a "good" simp, like actually respect and appreciate this woman. Normally I have it drilled into me that simping is the worst thing a man can do, so I maintain a healthy distance. But this only makes sense if the only factors in your dating experience are that you want sex and are willing to tolerate her as a person otherwise, and that she wants to be tolerated as a person and is willing to tolerate giving sex in exchange.

Once an actually interesting woman appeared, and my eyes adjusted to her like adjusting to natural healthy light, the usual tension of conflicting interests and the dating rituals built around this tension all disappeared, and I was able to express healthy, genuine interest in a woman for once.

Too bad it's so rare.

>> No.19879579

>What are some red flag books on a girl's bookshelf?
My diary desu

>> No.19879614

>the classics
List 'em

>> No.19879639

I like the premise, but I felt it was too drawn out. If it was written more like a detective or spy novel, that'd be perfect for both the hatred, political insight, and more.

>> No.19879646

Probably anything by Lasch, Levi-Strauss, Girard, Proust, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Derrida, Heidegger

>> No.19879649

My mom taught me to not trust most DIY books. Instead, she got me boy scout manuals and girl scout pamphlets to show me how to properly do things. My knitting skill is still shit (no mistakes but absurdly slow), but I can sow and tie knots well.

>> No.19880278

>he doesn’t know

>> No.19880310

Cringe and double digit IQ sand person-pilled

>> No.19881918

>t. Walking Red Flag

>> No.19882019

Math and science textbooks

>> No.19882035
File: 53 KB, 454x453, 1616832525306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Alchemist and Rupi Kaur are far bigger red flags than HP and Twilight. Otherwise it's a good list.

>> No.19882084

Has anyone read My Year of Rest and Relaxation? It looks interesting.

>> No.19882141

If people see my book collection it's shit. But it's because I collect my friends' books that they give me and I don't know whether to keep the books or let them go.

They have good intentions.

I keep my personal books in a separate pile that I would reread at least once or twice a month.

>> No.19882910

Oh no the girl I like is reading this. Anons must I run?

>> No.19883154

It's one thing to steal a copy of a book you could get at any thrift store at the end of a semester.
It's another to take your door-stopper.

>> No.19883245

My wife just finished Anna Karenina.

>> No.19883485

There was a thread about it recently, most anons seemed to like it

>> No.19883499
File: 355 KB, 2003x1048, 1592835084104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on these little stacks?

>> No.19883680

Children's books and no photo albums. Retarded marx manifesto. Anything remotely feminist. Chicken soup books

>> No.19883689

Women shouldnt read

>> No.19883729

Give her an extremely basic quiz about the book for a disappointing surprise.

>> No.19883743

Siege, Turner Diaries, Culture of Critique, If we do nothing, Face to face with race, and anything by GLR.

>> No.19883747

These bitches were actually crying reading YA. Do women REALLY?

>> No.19883757

number 4 is exactly what you want, get yourself a dumb bitch with no established opinions so you can just fill her head with yours

>> No.19883866

who are they

>> No.19884070

The fact that Kerouac is somehow a bigger red flag than Burroughs is pretty funny to me.

>> No.19884083

>those stacks

>> No.19884188

they don't even read Burroughs

>> No.19884310

Got all of em.

>> No.19884339

The girls bookshelf

>> No.19885549

most girls feed entirely off the top level of performative culture and vague awareness of entry-level books that permeate midwit discussions, Burroughs would provide almost no performance advice for women and so he's ignored. Meeting a woman who has heard of Burroughs is like meeting a woman who has somehow dropped out from the peer pressure matriarchy of her friend group and such, extremely rare.
As some anon mentioned before, the only women who read are either studying literature or are spiritually male in how they respond to the world.

>> No.19886357

bro if a bitch reads, ANYTHING. women should be illiterate.