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19854824 No.19854824 [Reply] [Original]

I look for literature dealing with evolutionary psychology, especially female mating preferences. Thanks!

>> No.19854834

Death Sentences by Matthew C. Harris

>> No.19854837

Evolutionary psychology is pseudoscience

>> No.19854838

Elliot Rodgers diary

>> No.19854867

Most women have horrible character judgement and its almost equivocal to the decline of global IQ

>> No.19854887

Perhaps they're programmed to choose masculine physique and predatory instincts for breeding over "character" or "IQ"? Carnivore inseminates, herbivore takes care?

>> No.19854899

Tall women are worse than manlets. This tranny will never pass being such a lanky faggot

>> No.19854943

"Equivocal" means it has an uncertain or vague meaning. You mean "equivalent."

>> No.19854954

"Why Women Have Sex".
Read it.

>> No.19854974

The only mass murderer's manifesto worth reading is Teddy K's, nobody else that I've seen can string a sentence together.

>> No.19855192

mate by geoffrey Miller

>> No.19855206

I'm too autistic to be a nice guy. Sometimes the meanest things come out of my mouth and girls are shocked.

>> No.19855249

you don't know what equivocal means, do you?

>> No.19855259

"Surely if I treat them like shit that must mean that I become Gigachad in bed! It must be true she has that right there on her shirt!!"
That's some bait you really gobbled up eagerly didn't you

>> No.19855293

I don't know Anon, I've seen far too many girls cheat on their beta partners with gym brutes, coke dealers, club bouncers and such. Had it happen to me, seen it happen to dozen others.

>> No.19855428
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>> No.19855435

bet you ANYTHING this nigga thinks there's a science of "gender"

>> No.19855449

based, we're done here

Nietzsche, as usual, dispenses with women with a sentence
>everything about woman is a riddle with one answer: pregnancy

>> No.19855549

randy thornhill, david puts

>> No.19855566

how is this not applicable to men?
>everything about a man is a riddle with one answer: cooming

>> No.19855572


>> No.19855675

Yes. Stop thinking of yourself as an enlightened higher being and more as a DNA transfer machine like any other living organism. Then it all makes sense.

>> No.19855967

Why? Because they didn't pick you?

>> No.19856075

This is the issue with evolutionary psychology. At its core it often boils down to some way of saying "all our decisions are subconsciously driven by our monkey brain's desire to attain status to attract mates and spread our genes" or some caricature to that extent. Then 90% of the book discusses topics adjacent to this. Wow it's so easy!

This is of course lazy and reductive thinking. Calling humans a "DNA transfer machine" and throwing everything else away as a cope is just a pathway to indulge in cynicism, pretending that there's nothing else that distinguishes us as a species.

Friendly reminder that we have souls. OP's pic and the discussion are already going in a direction I'm too familiar with so I'll just drop my favorite rec:

Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior by David Sloan Wilson (and other works by him)

>> No.19856834


>> No.19856848

i don't even think there's a fucking science

>> No.19856864

I love this pic for some reason

>> No.19856884

try to include the reason to the best of your ability next time :)

>> No.19856892

Are you a creationist then?

>> No.19857751

I feel like I'll end up extremely fucking livid if I read this

>> No.19857835

why are you on lit, you're an illiterate nigger

>> No.19858014

because average redditor is a genius and they iq mog me so I come here to practice against lower intellects

>> No.19858097

Not him but yes

>> No.19858134

Both evolutionary psychology and gender theory are pseudoscience since they make no falsifiable claims.

>> No.19858169

my abs got a good workout laughing at this thanks

>> No.19858359

yeah evolutionary psychology doesnt make any sense to me anymore why would everything about our behavior down to fucking scratching our heads have a naturally selected reason if evolution is caused by random mutations?

>> No.19858726

glad this got people to respond. thanks for all the praise.

>> No.19858900

The main gist is that all animals develop traits that allow them to not just survive but ‘flaunt’ their strength

For birds it might be brightly colored patterns - it makes them far more visible to predators but if they’re strong and fast enough to evade them then it could be viewed by females a sign of genetic superiority

It also gets delves into behavior as well. Like make deer beating the shit out of eachother for an opportunity to fuck the females.

The theory is that the vast majority of genetic traits that are preserved are ones that either improve survivability, improve attractiveness, or both

Translating that into human behavior and appearance is a bit of a struggle though

>> No.19858908
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>he thinks he's anything more than a machine
>he deludes himself into believing his genes are "special" or some shit