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19855082 No.19855082 [Reply] [Original]

oh no, philosobros....


>> No.19855096 [DELETED] 

what did non-white people write about before colonialism? it's just poetry about women and nature. there's no philosophy

>> No.19855738

Name one woman or darkie who’s ever had an interesting thought

>> No.19855763

my mom

>> No.19855805

Matthew Harris

>> No.19855940

The way it should be

>> No.19855949

I wonder if (((they))) care how diverse the literature taught in China is or anywhere else. It's always "White" people that need diversity but no one else seems to need it.

>> No.19855955

Plato, the Indians, the Japs, the Chinese, etc.

>> No.19855961

Everyone condemned how China treated their Muslim minority, forcibly “Chinesing” them and forcing them to read Chinese lit.

>> No.19855968

This should surprise no one. Modern academic analytical philosophy rarely focuses on individual philosophers and instead of hyper-specific topics of discussion.

The age of the individual philosopher was centered around a time when women had about as many rights as our modern day pets, with the exception being the landed gentry. Of course they’re grossly underrepresented with regards to teachings of individual philosophers.

>> No.19856055

Ah yes, I remember the strong condemnations that lead to the end of the Chinese mistreatment of Uyghurs and no one ever had to "fix" their condemnation statements like in the NBA

>> No.19856089

I'm new here. I thought Plato was Greek (white).

>> No.19856101

He’s baiting. Also fuck off to Reddit

>> No.19856112

But reddit is full if gays

>> No.19856121

What do you want people to do? Unless you go to war you can’t force them to do anything.

>> No.19856153

I want (((international elements))) to stop assaulting the cultural foundations and traditions of Western Europe. There is a singular focus on the ills of the history of "White Men" while willfully neglecting the ills of other cultures and traditions.

>> No.19856220

You also cought the gay, anon. I'm sorry that it has to be this way but we can't risk you infecting us. You must leave.

>> No.19856238

I don’t think anyone is critical of that. Their criticism is usually focused upon colonialism, imperialism, and racism.

>> No.19856247

What if straights?

>> No.19856271
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Pic related. No I'm not joking.

>> No.19856275

Panini, blows most philosophers in the West to kingdom come till early 20th century

>> No.19856317

You're either pretending to not be aware of the criticism being suggested by OP or you're too far gone to see it. The implication in OP's post is that there isn't diversity in what is taught in the UK educational system because it's primarily made of white male authors. Keep in mind, the dominant group in the UK has historically been white males as they are the native group to the UK and men in almost every society have been dominate over females in nearly every aspect of culture.

The argument isn't a criticism of colonization, imperialism, or racism. The argument is that it is bad to teach primarily works created by white men. White men, if you will remember, are the native group of the UK. The argument is that education shouldn't reflect the native people of the UK, but instead a mishmash of disjointed diverse ideas that are not native.

>> No.19856320

Philosophy beings with the Indians and Greeks. The former are brown, the latter are brown-ish. Either way, nothing to do with A*gloids.

>> No.19856335

The Huns probably thought about raping your white ancestors, then did.

>> No.19856364


>> No.19856941

Having a diverse collection of authors to study is absolutely essential for a proper education. What could be the reason for ignoring eastern philosophy other than xenophobia and racism? I know for a fact that they teach white writers in places like India because a girl I knew from there told me they had studied Paradise Lost in school.
I’m not sure why you want your education to be based upon race. Art and philosophy and science are colour blind. Should we ignore Einstein’s contributions because he was Jewish? Should we dismiss Ramanujan because he was brown? Should we throw out Arab contributions to mathematics? What about the Greeks? They were perhaps white in your arbitrary definition, but they were not Anglo Saxon, so maybe British kids should not study them? Your fucking nazi groupthink is revolting.

>> No.19856989

Lol. There’s a reason why she’s never been taken seriously by the academy. She came into the scene engaging with no one else’s thought, posits objectivism as some kind of new philosophy when it really is some kind of babyish egoism mixed with neoliberal economics.

It’s the same feeling you get when a ludicrously overconfident undergraduate goes on some diatribe in the middle of lecture not actually engaging with the topic at hand. The student leaves with this feeling of superiority, the rest of the class can’t believe the autism that they politely sat through.

>> No.19856991

>Having a diverse collection of authors to study is absolutely essential for a proper education.
>I’m not sure why you want your education to be based upon race.
cognitive dissonance

>> No.19857000

You argue for colorblind education but then insist in a "diverse" (implying racially/ethnically diverse) curriculum. You have a brain disease.

>> No.19857030

It’s not diversity for the sake of diversity. It’s a simple recognition of the fact that non white male thinkers have their own ideas to offer. If you only study white males you’re only getting one perspective from a particular cultural and gendered lens. It’s an incomplete education.

>> No.19857031

Are people like this dishonest/evil or just braindead

>> No.19857051

>If you only study white males you’re only getting one perspective from a particular cultural and gendered lens.
your assumption that race implies perspective is actually incredibly racist and the antithesis of colorblind. retard

>> No.19857143

Race doesn’t imply perspective or culture and I’ve never argued that it does. Obviously the ancient Greeks had radically different perspectives and cultures to modern Europeans, even though they are considered racially identical. My point is that the deliberate decision to ignore non white male philosophy is irrational and can be based on nothing but racism.

>> No.19857152

Your mom is a chink and a woman, automatically boring

>> No.19857158

Perhaps that because you have a limited amount of time to study various philosophers in any given school course, the non-white males just dont stack up to the greats, and so they get excluded from the course

>> No.19857196

>Wow what a coincidence, the best philosophers all look like me!

>> No.19857217

Western European intellectuals are philistines who don't care for the theology classical eastern intellectuals contemporaries typically wrapped everything up in.

>> No.19857248
File: 219 KB, 1080x1845, Straight white males.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The straight white Male list is already extremely diverse, what brown fella should replace one of the names?

>> No.19857591

>Race doesn’t imply perspective or culture and I’ve never argued that it does.
>If you only study white males you’re only getting one perspective from a particular cultural and gendered lens.
kill yourself.

>> No.19857606

poop eye cope is hilarious
go back to channeling your resentment and mediocrity in the youtube comment section LOL

>> No.19857633

i doubt you've even read a book this year

>> No.19857643

Western countries should teach primarily Western philosophy. I see nothing wrong with this. If you want to read middle eastern phil just go to tehran university or somewhere like that

>> No.19857665


>> No.19857699
File: 311 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2022-02-03-00-21-22-259_com.brave.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche gets more attention than Kant
The absolute state

>> No.19857707

As it should be; also checked

>> No.19857716

Not white. OP debunked.

>> No.19857738
File: 166 KB, 600x845, Diversity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19857822

You should honestly be shot

>> No.19857866

The Upanishads, which heavily influenced Schopenhauer's thought.

>> No.19857873

>t. roach

>> No.19857971


>> No.19858351

Seeking approval from the academy is literally immoral according to her philosophy (which she doesn't claim is completely new, only that it encompasses all her ideas.)
>neoliberal economics
Now I know you're trolling.

>> No.19858420

There's not a single Arabic, indian or Chinese philosopher worth studying according to you?

>> No.19858816
File: 28 KB, 322x499, 0D749AE5-A9AF-4686-B90A-384128E49415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally understand why you would try to separate rational self-interest from Greenspan’s monetary policy that imploded the world economy, but trying obfuscate the clear connection between Rand’s egoism and Greenspans neoliberal ideology is ahistorical.

If not neoliberalism, what kind of capitalist economy do you propose to be Rand’s ideal? I’m genuinely curious, because I would like to know more so I can shit on it even harder.

>> No.19859257

>There's not a single Arabic, indian or Chinese philosopher worth studying according to you?

>> No.19859263

I’ll bet anything they consider the Greeks white.

>> No.19859280

At a glance:

All non-white.

>> No.19859286

Where is hölderlin

>> No.19859300

Plato's master race, eat shit the rest

>> No.19859367

Not going to get into the Greenspan thing because its a whole different can of worms. In terms of governmental policy I've always seen Rand as more of a minarchist than anything else.

>> No.19859891
File: 156 KB, 514x585, 1639127482564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Evil whites! Where are the PROUD POC?!!?

>> No.19860703

Plato was black the same way Jesus was.

>> No.19860708


>> No.19860727


>> No.19860733

Plato was not "white" he was what we'd consider now as a Med.
Aristotle was white.

>> No.19860749

White. Being of European descent = white. Divide and conquer is done only by non-whites. Europeans are tied culturally, genetically, and historically and will continue to stand together.

>> No.19860769
File: 56 KB, 333x500, B007V65S44.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What is taught in UK philosophy
>The flag of Japan
Extremely based desu

>> No.19860805

Sorry mehmet.

>> No.19860816

Marx and Wittgenstein should be replaced with Laozi and Confucius. That way we get rid of some pesky (((whites))) and bring in some important thinkers as well.

>> No.19860819

You mean white

>> No.19860832

Kripke is also non-white

>> No.19860835

I kind of doubt this is true. It's probably some sort of "Western Philosophy = White," definition. Is there not one Augustine course in the UK? He's a Berber who mostly lived in modern Algeria and Egypt. There has to be courses on at least some of the Patristics and most like in North Africa and the Levant. Is Paul, a pre-diaspora Jew from Palestine White? Is Philo of Alexandria White?

Second, libs do this to philosophy. When we discuss Aquinas or Ansalem's Ontological Proof these days, we're allowed to accuse them of ad hoc recourse to God for explanation. We might be religious and accept their arguments, but we can also poke holes in all that causes logical issues or bad conceptualization.

However, there is quite a mixed reaction to doing this to Eastern philosophy. Sankara must be treated in a Hindu context, that Maya, the apparent world is illusory and wholely derived from Brahman, but still is real, somehow, because epistemological realism has to hold. The ontological problem of divisibility appears to get solved by making appearance real, but not real. But this can't be attacked as contradiction or ad hoc, pulling the existing religion in to solve a problem with mystery, because that would be "applying Western mindset."

The irony is that this seems degrading to non-Western philosophers. They can't be expected to be subject to the same rigor of analysis, despite the fact that the systems themselves were built up on that sort of analysis.

So the study gets kicked off to history and cultural studies departments, because what is philosophy going to do with a system that incorporated mysticism ala Platonism or Scholasticism, but where the mysticism cannot be subjected to critique?

>> No.19860846

>** The only possible exception could be Augustine, who might have been of half-Berber descent, and had one module devoted to him. However, he was culturally Roman, is deeply embedded in the white Western tradition, and is normally depicted as white in virtually all representations.
Also it's about full modules, no one has a module on Philo of Alexandria. Also Paul is not a philosopher lol.

>> No.19860858

I think the problem is that Western philosophy grew in steps as a dialogue between texts. Subtracting parts is hard as is adding in stuff outside the dialogue.

Eastern philosophy has been hugely influential is Western Philosophy throughout time. Both in antiquity, and the through the 19th century as people brought ideas in. But when people, White or Brown, do this philosophy, it gets considered Westernized.

So it's tough to teach Eastern philosophy as such when it is mostly religious and taking out the religious elements is seen to make it no longer Eastern.

>> No.19860881

>Is normally depicted as White so he becomes a White thinker
What the fuck is this cope?

If some of the Hindu philosophers who speak solely in terms of religion are philosphers than Paul is too. He has sections on philosophy of mind, the lack of a nuclear eye and a war within the "members of the flesh." He has a part on the nature of meaning where good/evil only come into being through God (the One/ontological ground) to define them. Paul is a big mashup of ancient philosophy and even if he is best not considered as a philosphers, which is fair, any course needs to cover his ideas since they dominate Medieval thought.

Although, I do agree with the sentiment in that a module on Aquinas should bring in some Maimonides and Avicenna, but we would probably be told these guys were White too.

>> No.19860896

Fanon, Catherine Malabou, Luce Irigaray, Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler, Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Julia Kristeva. Those are some thinkers relevant to contemporary Continental philosophy. You guys are kind of weird. Just read books.

Also >>19855955 is right. I'm studying Buddhism right now and it wouldn't hurt for us to teach Nagarjuna and the other members of the Madhyamaka School like Aryadeva, Candrakirti, Shantideva, Buddhapalita, etc, or the Yogacara thinkers like Vasubandhu. Chinese Buddhist thinkers like Zhiyi of the Tiantai School or Fa-tsang of the Huayan School. There should also be increased interest in what's offered by the Kyoto School thinkers like Nishida Kitaro, Keiji Nishitani, Tanabe Hajime and Masao Abe.

>> No.19860904

I love the amount of seethe Ayn Rand generates, it's delicious.

>> No.19860924

This is missing the point. What Eastern Philosphers from before the modern era have non-religious philosophy? How are you supposed to teach that if you can't critique the religious elements or cast then off?

I think this could be good for philosophy though. Teaching it as a chronological list of great names is not particularly helpful in most cases. A topical treatment seems more ideal. And certainly non-Euro philosophy gets pulled in all the time. For physicalist philosophy of mind, and the denial of a Cartesian I, I see Buddhist thinkers and Anattā doctrine cited all the time alongside Hume.

>> No.19860925

>Catherine Malabou
>Luce Irigaray
Feminist trash. "Notable ideas: Phallocentrism" XD
>Hannah Arendt
>Judith Butler
LMAO. Disgusting tranny feminist shit.
>Edith Stein
>Julia Kristeva.
More and more feminist literal whos. Well done.

>> No.19860965

The word "neo-liberal" is unusable now. It has the word "liberal" in it, which already throws people off thinking it is a lefty idea, and then the far-left has been attacking the Clintons as neoliberals for so long that people think 2016 Clinton = neoliberalism.

My observation is that to the average younger person and person on 4chan, neoliberalism means diversity as a main policy goal, technocracy, the rule of experts and social science informed policy, and a capitalist system stabilized by a powerful welfare state.

That isn't what the term means though, although perhaps the term should be killed because it no longer means anything. Neoliberalism was the express policy of the GOP for the 20th century. Hell, it is still basically their main policy, Trump's biggest policy accomplishments were tax cuts targeting too earners and removing regulations.

Neoliberalism always meant, above all free markets, but also small government, austerity or removing the welfare state, removing regulations, etc. Definitely things Rand would have generally supported.

Le ebin based helicopter man in Chile was supported by prominent neoliberals as a sort of great test case, although they soured on the repression, and then jumped shit when the economy of Chile was stagnant.

But now people think it means the opposite of what it does.

>> No.19860976

>Fanon, Catherine Malabou, Luce Irigaray, Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler, Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Julia Kristeva. Those are some thinkers relevant to contemporary Continental philosophy. You guys are kind of weird. Just read books.
All garbage. Argue for one important from these retards.

>> No.19860996

>tax cuts and removing regulations
This is neither good or bad without going into the specifics (Though I would learn on them being good things in a general sense).

>> No.19861037

Isn't it a little odd that out of all of history, apparently only white men are worth reading? You'd think at least some new ideas would come from other places (also, they absolutely do, if you actually get into philosophy). Race being different would just be a byproduct of this, but the apparent lack of it is indicative of a bias based in race that should not be there, simply due to the nature of the subject. Philosophy is universal.

>> No.19861070

Isnt it odd to reduce every race found in the western world to "white"? Are Plato and Nietzsche both just "white guys"?

>> No.19861254

I guess I take it for granted that anyone discussing economics would know what ‘neoliberalism’ is because I would argue that its application is oversaturated and in that way its meaning degrades similarly to what you described. I’m guilty of it too.

I’m genuinely curious, because if Rand had written against neoliberal economic policies while also subscribing to neoclassical frameworks of rational actors, that would make her much more interesting and worth a revisit.

>> No.19861266

>Those are some thinkers relevant to contemporary Continental philosophy.
Why would you ever want to engage with this? When the language of that field comes into contact with any other, the latter is left almost totally degraded. How can anyone take that junk seriously?

>> No.19861267

Dharmakirti's philosophy is more interesting than Nagarjuna. His philosophy is like Deleuze's "differential ontology" but minus the pretentiousness, obscurantist language, and French commie faggotry.

>> No.19861274

>What Eastern Philosphers from before the modern era have non-religious philosophy?
The legalists?

>> No.19861296

It’s dumb to define them all as white seeing as they’re different ethnicities. Especially the Jews and Greeks seeing as they’re completely different from European whites. They’re mediterranean. To call them white would be we wuzzing, larping, stolen valor type behavior. Also I’m fairly sure there’s a good amount of good Indian, arab, and Persian philosophers even if they’re not as mainstream

>> No.19861323

Second this. Idk if they should or have to. But it should definitely be expected. Other countries teach their countries history and philosophy I don’t see why it’s strange that the west teaches theirs

>> No.19861377

I think there are some non-western philosophers deserving of attention. At the very least, Confucius is could be relevant to discussions on ethics.

>> No.19861685

Philosophy is a Western tradition. All other strands of "philosophy" are not actual philosophy but religious/poetry/schizo crap.

>> No.19861695

You could say the same about a lot of western philosophy. Continental commentators seem to think that Plato is only valuable because of the mystical aspects of his work .

>> No.19861909

a large part of greek (and western in general) philosophy is religious/mysticist and so non-sensical that it’s undifferentiable from schizo babble.

see : Pythagorean reincarnation, Plato prime mover, Aristotle four elements, Parmenides “everything is one bro”, German idealism in general, ect. In comparison Buddha sounds like a hardcore rationalist.

>> No.19861998

>Continental commentators

>> No.19862048

Very good post. Bravo.

>> No.19862346

There's also the bulk of medieval philosophy, Cartesian Dualism, etc. You can separate of of this from its religious context, and you can do the same for Eastern philosophy.
Enlightenment era thinkers really liked Confucius, and I don't think they saw him as strictly a religious thinker.

>> No.19863206

they were whiter than you tho
t. slit-eyed mongolian rapist

>> No.19864461

Anscombe and Arendt.

>> No.19864462

Improve your diets

>> No.19864496

Sowell, Rand (critically), literally all of Indian and Asian philosophy, Phillipa Foot, Anscombe, that's about it.