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19854900 No.19854900 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19854925

The republic is collapsing, the jews have won

>> No.19854938

>he doesnt know what happens with israeli jewish girls

>> No.19854952

wait, unironically what's wrong with this? From the description of the book it seems to be exploring why pedophilia is morally wrong beyond simply stating that "it's disgusting". By that standard most 4channers should be eliminated.

>> No.19855034

Its not disgusting. That never was why it was outlawed in the first place. No man ever said: eww! A sixteen year old! How digusting.
Its outlawed because it is "evil" and an abuse of power. Just like most people are not okay if you fuck a mentally retarded person.
Something the aithor doesnt understand and neither do you.

>> No.19855042

Local anon wants to fuck sixteen year olds. More at 6.

>> No.19855051

The mutt cannot be contained. Imagine not being allowed to sleep with 16 yo.

>> No.19855092

No but man has said "eww a four year old!"

>> No.19855132

What makes discussion about pedophilia extremely difficult is that people tend to lump everything from raping babies to being attracted to 15-year-olds under the term "pedophilia". It'd be better to forbid the use of the word entirely and say what you specifically want to discuss.

>> No.19855146

This is what happens when you engage with your words and not your fists.
I hope, crave, claim, and dream for the day of the rope, anons.

>> No.19855164
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He is quite the scholar.

>> No.19855177
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Pic leaves off one of his funnier titles. The photograph of dead soldiers is a great touch.

>> No.19855191

>moralists seething and screaming for violence
I thought this was the intellectual board.
>A Liberal Argument for Slavery
>For Torture: A Rights-Based Defense
Holy kek.

>> No.19855205

Don't tell me this guy comes from a particular tribe

>> No.19855222

Legal in my country :)

>> No.19855231

>abuse of power
Nobody thinks that way lmao
Most healthy human beings are just not attracted by sexually undeveloped people and we have an instinctive desire to keep safe kids.
Nobody thinks:
>Oh nooooo my power level is too high for her
You are a freak

>> No.19855434

I guess no man has said that, but this is the non-argument constantly pushed by feminists and how they put those laws of "consent" into place.
Of course it's retarded and it was just females blocking the younger competition. The power imbalance, applied consistently, would mean, among other things, that women can't marry men making much more money than them.

>> No.19855457

holy sneed. i kneel

>> No.19855512
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Why did you post the photoshopped picture?

>> No.19856581
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*teleports behind you*
nothing personnel, kiddo

>> No.19857388

Holy based.

>> No.19857394

It's also disgusting

>> No.19857412

But there is no reason, so the book really can't be any good at all.

>> No.19857422

So is this just a tone deaf logical autist who wants to be a devil's advocate?
Because based on the description it does seem like that but perhaps I'm biased

>> No.19857609

Hypothetically, if in the Matrix they implanted the knowledge of sex that which the average adult possesses, then is it okay to have sex with that 5 year old if the 5 year old consented?

>> No.19857884

What an absolute madman, in on paper he defends capitalism, in another libertarian anarchism and free speech, then he has a pro-canceling blog post, then advocates for torture.

>> No.19857925

Kind of despicable, but it seems that it's not necessarily argument made in good faith.
No, all anyone needs to know about pedophilia is that it's harmful because of the impact it has on the children, whether or not they know about it does not change both the experience and their own internal ability to think and judge and consent. Humans have development cycles, and even if you're a complete autist, it's easy to see how this interupts it.

>> No.19857938


>> No.19857962

>16 year old
you are not really helping your case by not even knowing the meaning of the word

>> No.19858020

neck yourself pedo. No sane human being gives a rat's ass about that bullshit.

>> No.19858026

Well, we can both agree that 5 years old is too young, and 11 or 12 years old is probably the lowest when someone can consent to sex.

>> No.19858193
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>le pedophilia is morally wrong
my ancestors would burn down villages, rape all the women, and enslave all the men. I don't give a fuck about what you think is 'morally wrong' LMAO.
i will fuck all the children I want. you can go fuck yourself.

how old was helen of troy again?

>> No.19858206

I kneel

>> No.19858250

But what if they're not a child after all but actually a young-looking actress for the FBI?

>> No.19858264

The problem with child adult sex is that the child might be irreparably physically injured by it for starters. If the child is an adolescent the damage is of course more psychological. In addition I think society would not be made better by having elementary, middle or high school teachers consider their pupils sex objects in an open and overt way (imagine adult women having to compete sexually with female children). For reasons not only moral and medical, but also self-interested adult women would be thoroughly opposed to having the state sanction child-adult sexual relations, as many adult women would feel they would face stiff competition from underage "lolitas" (i.e. babysitter syndrome).

>> No.19858267

the FBI is on the payroll of elite pedos. I actually think they are smart for keeping all the cunny for themselves.

>> No.19858276

>imagine adult women having to compete sexually with female children
they literally used to. that's why feminists passed AoC laws. most popular girls in brothels were teens or even younger!
why not just ban underage prostitutions? why ban fucking younglings as a whole? it's mad I tell you.

>> No.19858281

What does this mea?

>> No.19858502

There's a few things wrong with your post. Adolescents aren't children. Adolescence is a cultural construct. Biologically, puberty is when humans become adults. And puberty is when the brain is at its peak and declines after puberty, so if anything adolescents are more capable of consenting than someone older like in their 30s.

>> No.19858538

>Young women who voluntarily enter into sexual relations with young men their own age are actually identical to children
Don't be retarded

>> No.19858580


And early feminists are largely to blame for harming the discourse in the way that you've described, in the sense that they were instrumental in establishing modern age of consent laws, historical aberrations. Still, there are rational sociological reasons to prevent 30 year old men from sexually accessing 12 year old girls, say, but the problem is that the current western rationale is based in the fallacy of feminism. I don't agree with your sentiment that anything at all should be forbidden as a subject of discussion, even though you seem to want the prohibition to lead to more productive or specific lines of debate.

>> No.19858826

>And puberty is when the brain is at its peak
That’s absolutely not true. Your brain is not fully developed until 25.

>> No.19858972

Being fully developed has nothing to do with when someone can have sex. Nowhere is the age of consent 25 years old. There's many instances of visual and memory abilities being better in teens than adults. IQ scores peak at 13-15, and visual acuity peaks at 12, etc. Teens can perform skills just as well as adults.

>> No.19858994

Yes except for the "long term consequences" sections of the brain. Hence, teenagers lack of care for safety or long term damage. Therefore, they cannot provide affirmative consent, and all sex with someone with an underdeveloped brain would thus be rape (especially under modern definitions of consent). You are beat out by your own logic.

>> No.19859011

So you think the age of consent should be 25, and that everyone has been raping each other for all of human history.

>> No.19859013

all sex with women and loq iq people is rape then

>> No.19859075

Yes. Though the argument becomes misogynist as women have fully formed brains at a point, even if their cost/benefit button is a little wonky or somewhat broken. All sex with low IQ people is exploitative, if you aren't low IQ yourself. Just like the fact that two teens having sex isn't seen in the same light as you having sex with a teen (if you are an adult of proper sound mind). This is the truth you've all been missing. Sex isn't mechanical, and your abuse and overuse has consequences not readily evident.

>> No.19859084

Edit: Sex isn't "completely" mechanical. As in, you are not a dog, and shouldn't be held to the low standards of one.

>> No.19859105

>be 120 IQ
>have sex with a woman 121 IQ
>i was literally raped

>> No.19859107

there is no such thing as 'fully formed brain', the brain is in constant flux always changing. sex is about power, one will always be more powerful than the other. all relationships are 'exploitative' and quite frankly many people enjoy that.

>> No.19859108

>it's okay for teens to have sex with each other but not for an adult to have sex with a teen b-because uh... it just is!

>> No.19859126

>be adult with an 110 IQ
>have sex with a teenager who has an 111 IQ
>universe explodes and reality gets wiped out of existence

>> No.19859127

For a literature board, you guys really have trouble with "informed consent". Maybe, I dunno, read a book about it.

>> No.19859139


>> No.19859141

If a teen can consent to have sex with another teen, then a teen can consent to have sex with an adult. They're the same act.

>> No.19859143

>Informed consent is a principle in medical ethics and medical law that a patient should have sufficient information before making their own free decisions about their medical care. A healthcare provider is often held to have a responsibility to ensure that the consent that a patient gives is informed, and informed consent can apply to a health care intervention on a person, conducting some form of research on a person, or for disclosing a person's information. A health care provider may ask a patient to consent to receive therapy before providing it, a clinical researcher may ask a research participant before enrolling that person into a clinical trial, and a researcher may ask a research participant before starting some form of controlled experiment. Informed consent is collected according to guidelines from the fields of medical ethics and research ethics.

>> No.19859152


This is unironically a tenable view. Humans are stupid animals with just enough intelligence to realize the horror of their situation despite the biological urge to fuck.

>> No.19859158

How does he get away with it

>> No.19859160

This is the way. A rational mind inside an irrational animal.

>> No.19859194

*a semi-rational mind

>> No.19859225

The video that sparked people looking into him, one of the things he says to defend adult-child sex is that he remembers hearing that somewhere grandmothers give their grandsons a blow job to comfort them.

>> No.19859267

You have to draw the line somewhere

>> No.19859272

And 6 year Olds can touch each other's genitals if you did it I'd cave your head in

>> No.19859289

Why do you think 6 year olds can consent to having sex? I think most people would disagree with you.

>> No.19859373

From a purely materialistic perspective, no one can freely consent to anything because there is no free will. Even if they could freely consent, you would have to jump over the hurdle of trying to justify a moral framework in a purely materialistic model.

>> No.19859376

$44.50 kindle price... how

>> No.19859562

Bait probably, but do Americans really think 16 year olds are children?

>> No.19859761

Redpill me on this

>> No.19860231

in other words, as long as a child is hot you'd fuck it. nice morality you got there.

>> No.19860275

No such thing as a hot child though, at best a hot post-pubescent girl but even then they are retarded and child-like enough to turn off most adult men.

>> No.19860294

Lmao not him but you are American. "ebephilia" is just a way homosexuals, who are all pedos, justify themselves to say they like prepubescent boys but not kids, but a 16 year old girl is fully developed lol. It's hilarious, until 17 years and 364 she's a lliteral child then the next day she can do pornos with 20 niggers LMAO
do you actually think a 18 year old who dates a 16 year old is a pedo? schizophrenia

>> No.19860299

American stay children throughout their whole life so it makes sense

>> No.19860303

point being, if the only thing stopping you from fucking children and animals is your lack of attraction, you're just as fucked in the head as any child groomer in terms of your moral framework.

>> No.19860308

>jewish name
the memes write them fucking selves

>> No.19860311

1. is this real
2. is he attempting serious polemics or is it an elaborate shitpost

>> No.19860318

It is generally critical of pedagogy and parenting, in that, whether confined to the parental household or state education, children are oppressed etc, abused more than any pedo would; children, therefore, often dream of being abducted. The child—without yearning for a lost, prelapsarian childhood—and the pederast are both outsiders of society, with strong passions and fantasies, which in another kind of society, a Fourierist one, could freely and usefully engage in strange tasks and couplings (little bands of street kids catching mice and the like). Something like that—but with a lot of references to literature, both childrens and pedoesque (Nabokov, Duvert, Tournier)…

>> No.19860339

I think he's being facetious because in the blurb for the book in the OP he says "The problem is that it's not clear whether these judgments are(...)aesthetic or moral" but if he were at all qualified to write a philosophical treatise on the subject that would have to be a willful misrepresentation of the common thought.

>> No.19860341
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>> No.19860345

He may be kind of insane with idiosyncratic views, but it looks like he's not trying to pander to anyone.
I respect that.

>> No.19861468

It's better to be not predisposed to a vice at all rather than having to go through muh morality.
>you're just as fucked in the head as any child groomer in terms of your moral framework
It's better to have someone be not a paedophile biologically than for someone to be a moral paedophile.

>> No.19862176
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what kind of person even uses the term "4channers"?

>> No.19862595
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>> No.19862750

glomo fed says who?

who cares.

>> No.19862825

Almost no humans have a consistent moral framework. We work off a combination of internal emotional impulses (of which disgust is a component) and analyzing the risk of social censure.

>> No.19862832


>> No.19863156

To be fair, acting simply based on emotional impulses can be a completely consistent framework.
As long as you recognize that that's all you're doing, I mean. But usually people still appeal to some sort of natural law.

>> No.19863229

You're right, lots of regular people would turn into rapists and sadistic murderers with little to no resistance if you placed them in the right kinds of circumstances. Which is why arguing on the level of "my human nature is different from yours, bro, good people don't have dark thoughts, haha" is just a weak attempt at deflection. It's because they don't have a morality that they have to lie to themselves about being naturally not cut out for evil.