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/lit/ - Literature

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19846191 No.19846191 [Reply] [Original]

itt: post your top three books and I will describe your political views down to a t

>> No.19846240

Dune, Herodotus, Homage to Catalonia

>> No.19846252

Cautiously optimistic transhumanist liberal who hates the liberal establishment and thus also retains a fair bit of social conservatism only expressed on this site and never among peers

>> No.19846256

I have never read a book I like

>> No.19846268

pol tourist

>> No.19846269

Under the Volcano
Absolam Absolam
Sabbath's Theater

>> No.19846276

History and Utopia - Emil Cioran
The Little Red Book - Mao Tse Tung
7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey.

>> No.19846278

War and Peace, Demons and In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.19846284

I don't know how to read.

>> No.19846286

High-functioning alcoholic in flyover country who is in equal parts attracted by the distant comfort of antebellum South and, despite your resentment towards, the turgid blocks of concrete along both coasts. You are broadly "right wing", although you have lost track of what this means, and can only pin it down as a feeling, never nails it down to any convictions. You have become even more apolitical and apathetic in the last two years.

>> No.19846293

Siddartha/Steppenwolf- Hesse

Tropic of Cancer/The Colossus of Maroussi- Miller

The Trial/Short Stories- Kafka

It’s too hard to narrow it down to just 3, but these are the books closest to my heart at the moment

>> No.19846295

Novalis - Hymns to the night
Trakl - collected poems
Pushkin - collected short poems

>> No.19846301

You have not read any of those to the end, except for the LRB once. The beating heart of your politics is the small notebook you keep in which you write down selected apercus from David Rubin YouTube interviews to practice and recite in the shower

>> No.19846305

Based. You have ascended above tou ton politikon epiponou.

>> No.19846313

Im Original oder in Übersetzung gelesen? B тoм-тo и дeлo.

>> No.19846322

The adventures of huckleberry finn
The old man and the sea
The pilgrim's progress

>> No.19846326

The Shock Doctrine
The God of Small Things

>> No.19846331

Plato - the republic/the symposium
Homer - the illiad
Me - my diary desu

>> No.19846336
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>> No.19846339

Triton, Samuel Delany
Dying Inside, Robert Silverberg
Beyond Apollo, Barry Malzberg

>> No.19846343

Nein. I dont speak German
>but then you havent actually read them
Fair enough the English translations are my favorite books then, I have spent an obscene amount of time reading Trakl especially

I did read Pushkin in Russian though

>> No.19846344

nice dubs, tucker

>> No.19846348

Your half right. Im a cautiously optimistic transhumanist socdem (who would have gone full anarchist if I had any faith in leftists) I went through a trad phase but now im basically a libertarian socialy

>> No.19846350

nun gut, novalis und trakl sind vom tisch. what did you read by pushkin?

>> No.19846366

Victor Hugo - Les Miserables
John Steinbeck - East of Eden
Shusaku Endo - Silence

>> No.19846377
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>> No.19846381

I have read a few dozen of his short poems and a couple of the long ones, as well as a few short stories. It's his short poems that I love. I dont own a collection of Pushkin i just read the poems on online sites and sometimes write them down in a notebook or translate them to english

>> No.19846394

You, still a devout Catholic, are still ashamed of coming out to your Catholic parents and more ashamed yet of having not known earlier that Japan does not have its own version of Broadway.

>> No.19846395

Under the Volcano
The Melancholy of Resistance
Froth on the Daydream

>> No.19846408

The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton
Light Years by James Salter
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller

>> No.19846418

Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky
The War on Normal People by Andrew Yang
Woke Racism by John McWhorter

>> No.19846419

Pretty accurate.

>> No.19846441

A tad cliche, but they're damn good, sue me.

Moby Dick
Paradise Lost

>> No.19846446
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>> No.19846448

Anarachy and libertarianism Is an eternal larp, choose a real belief. You may as well say your political position is unicorns and fairy dust

>> No.19846453

The Lord of the Rings
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Name of the Rose

>> No.19846459

You’ve read nothing about it of course.

>> No.19846471

You do not read these books out of any inborn sense of interest for them, but, unable to meaningfully (or at least convincingly) sublate your inferiority complex into your personality, you skim through these and bust out a few quotes when around people you openly hold in contempt and secretly envy. Your political views are a shadow of this behavior and deserve no serious attention.

>> No.19846475

Vgh to be young again.

>> No.19846518

Divine Comedy

>> No.19846536

Let me pick some for you:
12 Rules for Life
Turner Diaries
Thugs Breed my Bratty Daughter

Psychoanalyze that, doc

>> No.19846617

Tao Te Ching
Crime and Punishment
The Book of Job

>> No.19846644
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Do me OP
>The Wandering Scholars by Helen Waddell
>OT pretty but pretty much just Judges, 1st and 2nd Samual, 1st and 2nd Kings, Psalms and Proverbs nothing else
>The Old Regime and the French Revolution by Alexis de Tocqueville

>> No.19846951
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>Alice in Wonderland
>Watership Down
>No.42 and the Mysterious Stranger

>> No.19846970

Lolita, Catch-22, Stranger in a Strange Land.

>> No.19846979

Labyrinths - borges
Invitation to a Beheading
The Trial

>> No.19846991

The Tree of Man
Of Human Bondage
A Passage to India

>> No.19847021

>Ulysses by James Joyce
>Waterland by Graham Swift
>The Tower by William Butler Yeats

>> No.19847058

The Bible
The Fate of Empires
The Death of the West

>> No.19847064

Flowers for Algernon
Les Misérables

>> No.19847198

Moscow-Petushki — Venedikt Erofeev
The Norm — Vladimir Sorokin
The Twelve Chairs — Ilf and Petrov

>> No.19847225

What do you mean by this oldfag anon?

>> No.19847245
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Jihad vs McWorld by Benjamin Barber
The Elements by Euclid
The Lovecraft mythos

>> No.19847250

Raging homosexual

>> No.19847253

I don't have any favorites.

>> No.19847274

No OP, but this is an edgy zoomer comment so you're probably at a phase of life where you're still experimenting with different ideas. You've figured out that neoliberal democracy is failing to deliver on its stated goals, but you're not sure what could replace it and you're too addicted to your phone to read a book, so you join different Discord servers in search of people more knowledgeable who can guide you. You watch Jreg and find him relatable.

>> No.19847282
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Please do me, I want to see if I can learn something about myself
>King Queen Knave
>A Liar's Autobiography
>Swann's Way

>> No.19847293

Eumeswil - Junger
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - NEETchuh
Écrits - Lacan

>> No.19847306

>War and Peace
>Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love

>> No.19847333

UH Hello, based department

>> No.19847357

The Sound of The Mountain
Spanking The Maid
Less Than Zero

>> No.19847370

Does manga count?

>> No.19847376

2 of those faggots turned out to be sell outs the whole time lololol
Dunno about the third

but lol

>> No.19847421
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>> No.19847422

Alfred Döblin - The Three Leaps of Wang Lun
Georg Trakl - Poems
Dostojevski - Brothers Karamazov

>> No.19847448

You’re only a master of evil!

>> No.19847456

> The Old Man and the Sea
> A Clockwork Orange
> Blood Meridien

>> No.19847468


>> No.19847469

The Bible
My diary

>> No.19847483

The Man Without Qualities
In Search of Lost Time
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.19847526
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>> No.19847786

>Sell outs
The works speak for themselves irrespective of the authors' later failings.

>> No.19848730

OP only did the easy ones

>> No.19849267

Yeah, looks like he abandoned the thread. The drawfag who does anons faces based on books tends to get bored and leave too.

>> No.19849279
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Gravitys Rainbow - Pynch
Of walking in ice - Herzog
Impossible vacation - Spalding Gray

>> No.19849361

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (persian)
A Scanner Darkly
Halo Ghosts of Onyx

>> No.19849488

The Canterbury Tales, Holy Sonnets, and a toss up between Invisible Cities and Sanshirō

>> No.19849517

100 years of solitude
Pale Fire
The tartare steppe

>> No.19849519

Three men in a boat (to say nothing of the dog)
Desert solitaire

>> No.19849556

Prometheus Rising,
Suttree and the Invisibles

>> No.19849575

I only really read non-fiction so

Carl Schmitt - On Dictatorship
Frederic Nietzsche - On The Genealogy Of Morals
Nicolo Machiavelli - The PrInce

>> No.19849584

Moby-Dick, V., and The Grapes of Wrath.

>> No.19849697

The Catcher in the Rye
Notes from the Underground

I want to here what you think.

>> No.19849716
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Snail on the slope, Zhuangzi, Ferdydurke

>> No.19849744

Zarathustra, chord chemistry, man and his symbols

>> No.19849754

Gayfag vacillating low t basedboy juat trying to figure things out

>> No.19849758

Gulliver's Travels
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.19849761

That's classic millenial humor or even xoomer humor

>> No.19849763

analytic vocab doesn't impress anyone who has studied analytic philosophy at any level, most of it is just a few words compacted into one

>> No.19849772

i beg you to stop using english syllabi as reading recommendations

>> No.19849780


Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.19849787
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I wanna say something about this idiot
Amia Srinivasan. She wrote an article about pronouns that was the most resentful, bitchy thing I've ever read. Here is the first paragraph

>I’ve had the wrong pronouns used for me – ‘he/him’ instead of ‘she/her’ – by two people, as far as I know. One of them was an editor at this paper, who I am told used to refer to me as ‘he’ when my pieces passed through the office. In his mind only men were philosophers. The other was Judith Butler. I had written a commentary on one of her books, and she wrote a reply to be published along with it. In the draft of her response, she referred to me by my surname and, once, as ‘he’. Just a few lines later she wrote: ‘It is surely important to refer to others in ways that they ask for. Learning the right pronoun ... [is] crucial as we seek to offer and gain recognition.’ I wrote her a meek email – this was, after all, Judith Butler – pointing out the error. She replied not twenty minutes later: ‘Sorry Amia! I always did have trouble with gender.’ Swoon.

Basically, when a man accidentally assumes she is a man it's sexist, but when a woman does it, "swoon!". Everything she writes is full of little bitchy shit like this. She must be annoying as hell in real life if she can't even contain it in writing.

>> No.19849801

Damn were you trying to make this a thread and if so are this chicks brown tits and nipples online?

>> No.19849805

No it's the girl in the OP. That's why I posted here.

>> No.19849812

Ok but does she show her tits and vagene?

>> No.19849846

-lord of the rings
-Senecas works
-the three kingdoms

>> No.19849847

Lolita, Blood Meridian, Foucault’s Pendulum

>> No.19849856

I've had a dogshit education. Plus, the above mentioned books have the best balance of style and substance in fiction

>> No.19849912
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>12 Rules for Life

>> No.19849926

crime and punishment
house of leaves
a song of ice and fire (only the Theon/Reek chapters)

>> No.19849933

Love in the time of cholera, Marquez
Red field, Jorge Amado (english translation is inexistent)
Stormy Isles, Vitorino Nemésio

Good luck
>inb4 woman
I just prefer modernist fiction overall

>> No.19850129


>> No.19850150

Post-modernist anarch

>> No.19850156

social democrat

>> No.19850169

industrial society and its future
the brothers kamarazov
the mind illuminated

>> No.19850232

The Book of Tea, Okakura Kakuzō
How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read, Pierre Bayard
The Growth of the Soil, Hamsun

>> No.19850329

Lord Jim
In a Mirror, Darkly

>> No.19850345

Runaway Horses - Yukio Mishima
Eumeswil - Ernst Jünger
Leviathan & its enemies - samual t francis

>> No.19850360

>A Confederacy of Dunces
>The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years
>A Canticle for Leibowitz

Nice, I just read The Book of Tea

>> No.19850388

Steps to an Ecology of Mind- Gregory Bateson
Capitalism and Schizophrenia- Deleuze and Guattari
Science and Sanity-Alfred Korzybski(or alternatively, naked lunch by burroughs)
cynical post-soviet awareness of the simultaneous inescapability futility and neccesity of ideology
on twitter as a right wing body builder, actually a massive homosexual
Sci Fi Boomers as test subjects for the psyops that were to bring forth the the horror that is the modern world.

> poly menage a trois involving L Ron Hubbard, fellow speculative fiction author and former Naval Intelligence Officer Robert Heinlein, and the later's wife. Hubbard: he practically begged me to sleep with his wife. Ms. Heinlein

doesnt delany talk about a similar ''arrangement'' in one of his books? Didnt cordwainer smith AKA paul linerbarger write the CIA's psychological warfare manual?

>> No.19850398

on twitter as a right wing body builder, actually a massive homosexual, but at least reads. either that or a rare paul gottfried-esque Based jew.

>> No.19850405
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>> No.19850455

L'Homme qui Rit
Divina Commedia

>> No.19850468

>lord jim
horrible book

>> No.19850510

ho so?

>> No.19850811

VGH, the Ancap Maoists of yore

>> No.19850978

Demons, The Histories (Herodotus), City of God

>> No.19851320


>Bill Phillips - Locks and Locksmithing, 7th Edition
>Francis D.K. Ching - A Visual Dictionary of Architecture, 2nd Edition
>Elaine N. Marieb - Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11th Edition

>> No.19851386

Thank you for your efforts op.

The road to serfdom
Foundations edge
On the heights of despair

>> No.19851393


>> No.19851411

There's no point in taking the test. If you don't understand politics to the extent that you can name your ideology, then your ideology is livestock.

>> No.19851444

The bible
The world as will and representation

>> No.19851448

Crime and Punishment
Moby Dick
The Red and the Black

>> No.19851475

hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
confederacy of dunces
shadow over innsmouth

>> No.19851490

if we're talking fiction, then probably 2666, invisible cities and Foucault's pendulum

>> No.19851540
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Guess mine.

1. Blindsight - Peter Watts
2. Echopraxia - Peter Watts
3. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

>> No.19851776

Paradise Lost
Tamburlaine the Great

>> No.19851973

Don Quixote, Illiad, Juan Rulfo

>> No.19852007

The Bible
The Bible
The Bible

>> No.19852047

Being and Time
Don Quixote
Naked Lunch

>> No.19852065

I'm reading HST's Hell's Angels right now, it's the only book I've read of my own will in years. I guess I liked A Christmas Carol and Of Mice and Men at school.

>> No.19852101

Get Catcher in the Rye

>> No.19852107

The Old Man and the Sea
East of Eden
Moby Dick

>> No.19852116 [DELETED] 

Starship Troopers
A clockwork orange

>> No.19852160

Starship Troopers
Team Yankee
A clockwork orange

>> No.19852238

The Gospel in Brief - Tolstoy
Republic - Plato
War and Peace - Tolstoy

>> No.19852440

Infinite Jest, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Anna Karenina

>> No.19852558

I have used the DYOPC to define my ideology. There are better reasons not to use the test than being stupid and memey. I have a degree.

>> No.19852865
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Bill Clinton/Joe Biden “Boomerism”?
It’s like you can’t read.

>> No.19852948

Iliad, portrait of the artist as a young man, ulysses

>> No.19852976

ovid - metamorphoses
buzzati - the tartar steppe
horowitz - the art of electronics

>> No.19852981

Moby Dick
Life of Pi

>> No.19852988

>Woke Racism by John McWhorter
The languages guy? Cool, I'm gonna check it out.

>> No.19852998

Sir where are vagenes?

>> No.19853015
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>Homage to Catalonia

>> No.19853016

My answer on paper:
>Don Quixote
>The Bible
My real answer:
>Atomised/The Elementary Particles -Houellebecq
>The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.19853025

The Castle - Kafka
Wuthering Heights - Bronte
The Invisible Man - H.G. Wells

>> No.19853040

is slightly racist, but mostly performative. has considered volunteering to meet women.
will probably have a gf by 2024.

>> No.19853050

Les Thibault (Marting du Gard), El Quijote (Cervantes) and Historia General de las Drogas (Escohotado)

>> No.19853051

Catalonia is in Catalonia forever. It was never Spain.

>> No.19853070

That wasn’t my political beliefs. Try again. But 1.5/3 isn’t bad for life details.
>is slightly racist, but mostly performative.
Okay, checks out.
>has considered volunteering to meet women.
Yes, in the past this was true.
>will probably have a gf by 2024.
I have had a gf since hs some how the overlook my spergy-ness. We often run out of things to talk about or I grow bored of them very quickly.
>will probably be living alone, a live in care taker for an elderly family member, or joined a religious order
is more likely

>> No.19853133

I'm waiting, sir. If you need more clues next book to add would be Goethe's "Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship"

>> No.19853150

The New Left is peak Boomerism, Butters.

>> No.19853183

not op, but you don't like jews.

>> No.19853261

Mein Kampf
The Turner Diaries
The Lightning and the Sun

>> No.19853279

Come now, aren't you some odd half a century year old by now? Your political views are a bit out-dated I'm afraid to say.

>> No.19853296
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K. Vonnegut Cat's Cradle
J. Steinbeck East of Eden
C. McCarthy All the Pretty Horses

>> No.19853310

Your ideology is enjoying great literature

>> No.19853322

Call of the Crocodile
Call of the Arcade
Call of the Kangaroo

>> No.19853409
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I’m not “new left” either.

Placing me as a GenXer. My political views aren’t a fad or fashion.

>> No.19853550

Dune, Reaper Man, The Fountainhead

>> No.19853579
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Brothers Karamazov
Baron in the Trees
The Metamorphosis


>> No.19854114
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Book of Matthew
The Dao De Jing

>> No.19854120

Ulysses, Crime and Punishment, Dubliners

>> No.19854122


>> No.19854881

War and Peace, Don Quixote, Brothers Karamazov

>> No.19854895

Call of the Crocodile
Call of the Arcade
Call of the Cherokee

>> No.19855128

The Prince
The World as Will and Idea
The Gambler

>> No.19855158

You're just an ancom

>> No.19855162

1. 1984
2. God Wants You Dead
3. Canterbury Tales

>> No.19855254

>My political views aren’t a fad or fashion.
are you actually politically active in your community, and if so, how?
my polical views are actually quite similar to yours, but I'd be lying to myself if I said they were much more that just "a fad or fashion" even though I take part as much as i can in the grassroots activism in my city (which, being in the anglosphere, might be the cause of this disillusionment of mine)

>> No.19855265

Crime and Punishment
Heart of Darkness

>> No.19855276

1. Bible (if I have to pick a specific book: Ecclesiastes)
2. Growth of the Soil
3. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

>> No.19855327

>Anna Karenina
>In Search of Lost Time, Vol 2 (Young Girls in Flower)

>> No.19855333

-The savages detectives - Bolaño
-The settling sun - Dazai
-Master and Margarita - Bulgakov

>> No.19855338

>Aquinas lecture
did Rescher get him into Christ cringe?

>> No.19855426

Why Ecclesiastes?

>> No.19855718

>grassroots activism
Protests are simply asking permission. Direct action plans are what I’m working on.
If your actions are just a fad for you, what can I say?

Closing this thread now. Good luck to you. Maybe we talk later.

>> No.19855726

It's brief, poetic, and touches on a lot of important topics/questions related to struggling in life and happiness. I've been meaning to bind a pocket-sized version of it at some point.

>> No.19856137

Diplomacy (Kissinger)
The Fall (Camus)
The Nose (Gogol)
bonus: I gave up on Don Quixote 200 pages in and i believe it was completely devoid of any artistic value.

>> No.19856498

Italian Chronicles, Maquiavelo and some UN pilot memories

>> No.19856741

>people keep replying
>op stopped doing it a day ago

>> No.19856752

I want to believe anon

>> No.19856796

The Histories
The Hobbit

>> No.19856862
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In Search of Lost Time, The Red Room and Buddenbrooks.

>> No.19856866

>implying anyone but you cared to look at other posts

>> No.19856875

"Racism" by Magnus Hirschfeld
"Vita Homosexuals" by August Fleischmann
"The Communist Manifest" by Karl Marx

>> No.19856882


>> No.19858175

>I’m not “new left” either.
You're indistinguishable from them, that's why your generation never accomplished anything of note.

>> No.19858194

Propaganda by Jacques Ellul, For My Legionaries by Codreanu, The Glass Bees by Ernst Junger

>> No.19858224

Does anyone here actually even know who Brandom is?

P.S. It's not impressive.

>> No.19858232

>spend years shoveling through turgid literature on this subject before you criticize
You've read Evola? I don't need to read libertarian-socialist literature when I can simply interact with the libsuccs, realize I absolutely despise them on a personal level and infer that whatever books they're reading must be utter dogshit that reflects their bleeding-heart, hyperaltruistic personalities without any logical arguments whatsoever. I've yet to see a logical argument against National-Bolshevism. Just a bunch of Jews and homos desperately begging for their lives.

>> No.19858586

ethics of deconstruction
substitution (levinas)
a victim of higher dimensions

>> No.19858612

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
The Secret
The Alchemist

>> No.19858619

Since when real women lurk on 4chan?

>> No.19858659

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
To The Lighthouse
Trout Fishing in America

>> No.19859100

The Sun Also Rises
Treasure of the Silver Lake
Devils of Loudun

>> No.19859112

Is the Srinivasan book written like an analytic philosophy book?