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19845696 No.19845696 [Reply] [Original]

Why are books being banned in schools now?

>> No.19845710

Reading is now cool again

>> No.19845715

It's just a showcasing of how the vocal minority can and has been dominating our lives.

>> No.19845720

Not my problem I use libgen and already have all the banned right-wing books downloaded.

>> No.19845723

Irrelevant, those subhuman monkeys are barely capable of speaking, let alone reading.

>> No.19845736

>some schools are changing their curriculum


>> No.19845765
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>hands the guy in OP’s pic this book
Bet you he’d AKSHUALLY himself immediately and try to say it doesn’t count as a book anyways because blah blah blah

>> No.19845779

Which books are being banned?

>> No.19845791

canada's even worse

>> No.19845806

Lmao, let them burn Catcher In The Rye, Enders Game, Tangerine and The Giver for all I care. School required reading always has been and always will be shit

>> No.19845825

because we are living in literally 1984.
this is the fucking answer you wanted, isn’t it? are you happy now?

>> No.19845862

Just to actually clear this up for unacquainted foreigners and whatever Americans that still don't know better: this whole thing comes from the jewish-run American Library Association. They keep and promote a list of "Banned and Challenged Books
So basically what happens is that whenever some random local schoolboard has a problem with "diverse" content in the curriculum or being put on reading lists (compiled by the ALA in the first place...), they loudly run around trumpeting how they're being censored and banned. The whole thing is complete bullshit, the only books that are actually banned here are those being pulled from Amazon listings and bookshelves, of course the ALA has nothing to say about that. It's very much a 'progressive liberal' propaganda tool to get gay black tranny shit to your children, totally malicious.

>> No.19845883
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>> No.19845897

All those books are shit. Ban away.

>> No.19845901

All trash, consistently. Good job from the censors.

>> No.19845904

Are you people able to go a single post without spouting outright lies? Amazon is a private organization. They are free to decide what products can be sold through them. Funny how you folks claim to love business and business rights until it turns against you.

Second, schools are supposed to be places of learning. NOT places of indoctrination where fruity rural cultists can strong arm the school into restricting access to books they find offensive to their backwards religious or political orientations. So it is only right that this shitty underhanded practice be called out for what it is. Ironic too, that a certain party whines about 'cancel culture' when historically they were and still are the biggest perpetrators of 'cancelling' books and free speech because it hurt their feelings.

>> No.19845917

Kill yourself immediately

>> No.19845923

What abbout that suess book that was banned for racist imagery or whatever? Didnt make the table?

>> No.19845933

probably because seuess was cancelled recently. I'm not sure about that book specifically but he did use racist imagery and slurs im his political cartoons.

>> No.19845939

I don't think I will, but keep lashing out in impotent rage or better yet head back to your home board where you and the other Luddites can circle jerk in peace about 'owning the libs' by saying racial epithets.

>> No.19845944

They should be silencing Joe Rohan not the Kill Whitey books

>> No.19845947

Brave new world is great.
It has shit prose, but it's great.

>> No.19845948

im assuming this.

>> No.19845956

I couldn't care less about any of these books

>> No.19845983

we live in completely different realities if you think that the indoctrination favors the "rural cultists"

>> No.19846002

Oh look who's suddenly a pro-business libertarian. You don't mind if businesses discriminate against racial and sexual minorities too right?
>Funny how you folks claim to love business and business rights until it turns against you.
Nazis aren't conservatives lol, how embarrassing.

>> No.19846003

you dont understand.. the farmers union is the most powerful lobby group in the country!!

>> No.19846028

I have enough for this life and the next

>> No.19846031
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I care about my nation and it’s people much more than companies. In fact I would have the government cripple large corporations with regulations in favor of rural people for the reason that they use their capital to enforce debilitating ideas shopped up by literal CIA shell companies. I don’t believe a tech company should be allowed to monopolize integral industries or needs of modern life (communication, publication) if it’s not in the majority population’s best interest. Who cares about it being a private company? They’re using their influence to control thought of the public, meaning their “privacy” is only for them, not for us.

>> No.19846047

pedophilic cultural marxist indoctrination and drag queen story hour white guilt etc. and critical race theory, leftoids push too hard and are getting reasonable pushback

>> No.19846048

>places of indoctrination where fruity rural cultists
The school system in the west has been hijacked into Marxist indoctrination camps decades ago.

>> No.19846062

>point out hypocrisy
>N...no u!

>You don't mind if businesses discriminate against racial and sexual minorities too right?
Irrelevant Whataboutism, trying to maneuver the conversation towards a topic you are more comfortable with.

We are talking about banned books. Schools are not businesses.

>Nazis aren't conservatives lol, how embarrassing.
Like I said, are you folks able to go one response without lying?

>> No.19846071

>Like I said, are you folks able to go one response without lying?
>he thinks national socialism and classical conservatism have anything in common beside family values
I didn't even think the guy you are responding to made a good point, but you outed yourself as a retard.

>> No.19846088

I'm convinced "banned books" are a psyop to get teenagers to read books if the books were really that problematic you would see publishers and retailers beginning to refuse selling them but as soon as you hear about books being banned every year they have little cute "banned books" displays set up in stores.

>> No.19846090

This is a blatant psyop pushed by the liberal establishment to furnish condemnations against conservatives for supposedly banning books and heighten support for free speech, aka, approve of what the establishment tells you.

>> No.19846100

While a lot of hay is made about small local school boards, there are statewide bans. Not simply bans on teaching a given book, but on having it in the library as well.

>In Oklahoma, a bill was introduced in the State Senate that would prohibit public school libraries from keeping books on hand that focus on sexual activity, sexual identity or gender identity.

>Among the most frequent targets are books about race, gender and sexuality, like George M. Johnson’s “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” Jonathan Evison’s “Lawn Boy,” Maia Kobabe’s “Gender Queer” and Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye.”

>Book challenges aren’t just coming from the right: “Of Mice and Men” and “To Kill a Mockingbird,” for example, have been challenged over the years for how they address race, and both were among the library association’s 10 most-challenged books in 2020.

>In the Mukilteo School District in Washington State, the school board voted to remove “To Kill a Mockingbird” — voted the best book of the past 125 years in a survey of readers conducted by The New York Times Book Review — from the ninth-grade curriculum at the request of staff members. Their objections included arguments that the novel marginalized characters of color, celebrated “white saviorhood” and used racial slurs dozens of times without addressing their derogatory nature.

>While the book is no longer a requirement, it remains on the district’s list of approved novels, and teachers can still choose to assign it if they wish.

It's worth noting this passage:

>Perhaps no book has been targeted more vigorously than “The 1619 Project,” a best seller about slavery in America that has drawn wide support among many historians and Black leaders and which arose from the 2019 special issue of The New York Times Magazine. It has been named explicitly in proposed legislation.

It is true but leaves out considerable expert opinion that major claims are inaccurate. A primary claim, the the desire to defend slavery from British reformers was a central cause of the American Revolution has had a majority of scholars reject the evidence as cherry picking. That said, while critics focus on thesw rebuttals, they ignore that many of the other claims were considered well supported, so it's more of a mixed bag.

TLDR it's mostly conservatives afraid black kids will learn about racism from books about it, or turn gay from reading gay shit. Another big group is shit libs ironically banning classical liberal books like To Kill A Mockingbird for not being woke enough. Most are trash that get removed by banning Morison is dumb as shit.

>> No.19846121


/lit/ you're slipping, how am I the first one to post ">now" in this thread?

The books aren't being banned, they're being removed from curricula. Political propaganda also isn't entitled to be in school libraries, so anti-white and anti-american books are being pulled from library shelves where they never should have been in the first place.

At the same time, right-wing (actual right wing, not republican) books are consistently removed from libraries and booksellers (eg amazon) so that they're hard to find. I think even ebay bans them now. No idea where I'd go to buy a hard copy of culture of critique or siege.

>> No.19846141
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They aren’t “Banned”, it’s a Fed psy-op to tighten their grip on the diverse desk jockeys along with Western Leftists by creating a centralized fake conflict by rounding up strawmaned “enemies” to fight in order to legitimize the authority of the Libshit system.

You know, there were local and state customary laws and regulations back then, which is what you would expect in a federalist country that holds different levels of government through which the people could exercise their will and policy preferences, but dat shit be racist!

>> No.19846154
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To protect children from naked Jew mouse dongs

>> No.19846225
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>prohibit public school libraries from keeping books on hand that focus on sexual activity, sexual identity or gender identity.
why are Rethuglicans such homophobes?

>> No.19846242

they are packing

this shit is also great for sales >tfw you'll never be an author of a banned book

>> No.19846243

I feel like those books account for like 80% of Barnes and Noble's income.

>> No.19846246

>Still available for individual purchase at a book store

Shut the fuck up already. Who the fuck gives a shit what fiction kids get forced to read in elementary school?

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.19846247

>TLDR it's mostly conservatives afraid black kids will learn about racism from books about it
No, it's about stopping factually inaccurate propaganda being taught to children with the idea that in 20 years they'll vote for reparations. Nobody gives a shit if black kids learn about racism, they'll hear about it from their parents anyway. It's about preventing white guilt from being inculcated in future voters.

>> No.19846272

Only good answer in this garbage thread, this is objectively a good thing.

>> No.19846287

>Historical discrimination is propaganda
Rightoid moment.

>> No.19846316

Children aren't educated in the USA. They are indoctrinated.

If you want to learn what to do right, you have to learn what was done wrong, but you can't say that the system was wrong if you want to indoctrinate them into the system.

Therefore, the genocide, slavery, corruption, disloyalty, manipulation of the stupid, exploitation, extortion, deception, and irrationality that IS the system cannot be pointed out.

I take no side when one side is wrong and the other side tries to correct that wrong with the very same wrong, however, I DO blame the original wrongdoers more. It would be hilarious if both sides were punished for what they are both now doing, but in a sense they already are, and in a sense it is neither of their faults.

It is the system that fucked them over that both sides can no longer see.

And can no longer see that they can no longer see it.

>> No.19846321

You gonna tell Tyravius and Jamoane that 95% of slave-ship owners were named Goldwitz and Noseberg?
>no, of course not, that would result in disastrous black anti-semitism, this knowledge needs to be kept from them!

>> No.19846325


>> No.19846359

>was there discrimination in the past
>is there discrimination in the present
>no, it's literally illegal and if you catch someone doing it you can get a fat payout
You have to teach the second half too. You don't get to just stir people up with half-truths ON THE TAXPAYER DIME and whine about being stopped.

>> No.19846369

There is discrimination and it is against whites.

>> No.19846382

>is there discrimination in the present
When you start hushing books about discrimination prior in history, you’ll get discrimination in present.
Cope, and debunked.

>> No.19846400

>If I don't read a literal fiction book i'll be mean to niggers

Are Americans really this braindead?

>> No.19846407

It’s for black school children to teach about racial grievances and how to properly address and fix them in the present, not for me, you strawmaning hick.

>> No.19846410

my guy, they've always banned books from schools. this isn't an even remotely new thing.

>> No.19846428

What kind of room temperature IQ reddit nigger takes books like Maus at face value an accurate source of information for WW2? It’s a fictional comic book, that’s like watching a Marval movie expecting a accurate rundown on the American Civil War, it’s a dumb-downed medium for cattle like you to eat up without your brain hurting.

>> No.19846438

some schools recently banned a bunch of anti-white books and racist authors like Sherman Alexie, Zora Neal Hurston, and Toni Morrison. I read them all in high school myself. They have no literary merit and are assigned reading only because the authors have brown skin and hate white people. Good riddance.

>> No.19846457

I just hope Gen-Z breaks the sacrificial lamb cuck status that has plagued White Americans.

>> No.19846465

Why is silverstein banned? i liked that shit when i was a kid

>> No.19846467

Fair point and true.

Reread my post. Nobody's pretending discrimination didn't happen in the past. The problem is rabble-rousers pretending it's happening now and the solution is arson.

>> No.19846474
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>I just hope Gen-Z breaks the sacrificial lamb cuck status
Already ahead of (YOU), Brother!

>> No.19846476

his picture on the dust cover was too scary to handle

>> No.19846483

kek. stuff of nightmares

>> No.19846486
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forgot image

>> No.19846493
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also relevant

>> No.19846508

gen z has already completely checked out of society. Accelerationism is working. Life is becoming too miserable and too hopeless for too many people. If anything happens it wont be because gen z takes charge, it'll be because the people in charge overplay their hand.

>> No.19846516

Somebody is going to have inherit this garbage patch, whenever they like it or not because running away is a waste of time. The whole fantasy of collapse due to Elite tomfoolery, in the hopes of a great shock restoring local, spontaneous orders to replace the interior chaos of modern societal and governmental structures is a utopian thinking, if we have a constant disgust of these things, like organizing due to atomization and demoralization, nothing good will come out of it these scenarios. So instead of dropping out of society to find other methods to consume yourself to death, get back into society to make the changes you want, whenever it’s subverting a established institution or by creating one.

>> No.19846528

>Nobody's pretending discrimination didn't happen in the past
People in this thread are, which is why we need these books more than ever.
>The problem is rabble-rousers pretending it's happening now and the solution is arson.
I guess you don’t know the reason for the George Flyod protests and police violence towards marginalized people in the present is pretend I guess?

>> No.19846529

who banned The Hate You Give

>> No.19846539

>the people in charge overplay their hand
That’s what they want though, they want to buck break people, thinking it’s all over to prevent conflict and continue displacement. They want to centralize power away from you

>> No.19846550

Police violence is slightly biased towards whites. Maybe instead of reading race bait propaganda, children (and you) need to be taught to recognize propaganda and think critically about what's being shown on their screens.

>> No.19846568

Yet again, whataboutism, this doesn’t negate the death of Floyd and it’s consequences on non-whites, it was a necessary response against institutional racism.

>> No.19846586

>muh systemic discrimination is why we need to burn down the city!
Actually there is no systemic discrimination today.
>Yet again, whataboutism, this doesn’t negate the death of Floyd and it’s consequences on non-whites, it was a necessary response against institutional racism.
Floyd was counterfeiting money while high on lethal doses of fentanyl, he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, and he was restrained that way for the safety of everyone involved, including himself. Nothing about the situation was racist, let alone institutionally racist. You're an NPC regurgitating the propaganda you were fed years ago.

This is exactly why the books currently being removed from curricula need to be removed, and they should be replaced with books about critical thinking and how to recognize propaganda. And also Homer.

>> No.19846595

What did it actually do though besides get some blocks renamed and help some small businesses along to their early graves?

>> No.19846605

>I guess you don’t know the reason for the George Flyod protests and police violence towards marginalized people in the present is pretend I guess?
Your bodily comfort isn't that important. Claiming that a life "matters" is an absurd position.

>> No.19846611

Funny because the Sherman Alexie (a native american magical realist) book is banned because of his sexual assault charges

>> No.19846623

>A-Actually, there is no systemic discrimination today!
Actual lunacy, his death was regarded to be a confirmed homicide due to a overzealous reaction to a CUFTED man, tell me retard, what is a cuffed detained man going to do towards THREE COPS that warranted one of them taking his knee on his neck for such a long amount of time? where is his human rights? what warrants a retarded reaction like that?
>Mu drugs, Mu covid, Mu cope
The cop killed him. Doesn’t matter where he died. https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/live-trials-current/george-floyd-death/authorities-just-released-george-floyds-complete-autopsy-report-read-it-here/
The rest of you post is Red herring chicken scratch.

>> No.19846632

Guess I can round up Poltards like you into camps then.

>> No.19846637

I've spent some time on this site, and one thing I've come to see is that some of you are really not paying attention to the way culture is being overturned in the USA. I'm not even American, but even I can see that this current brand of neoliberalism is a slippery slope. What is to say that they won't stop at this; what prevents from outright banning all literature that does not appeal to their fucked up worldview? They already demolished several statues of notable people across your country, and they continue to do so effortlessly even now, but you guys are rather adopting a devil may care attitude about all of this. You give them an inch and they take a mile, but you don't seem to care. Why is it so?

>> No.19846647


And I'm Scandinavian so miss me with that Trump shit.

>> No.19846650

The continued existence and health of society demands that all leftists are at the very least that all leftists are lobotomized, so I think we see eye to eye.

>> No.19846653

Why did you even respond to me, did I can tell you to speak?

>> No.19846654


>> No.19846672

>did I can tell you to speak?
I was gonna poke fun at you for this, but since I deleted my post to edit it, I'll spare you. I just wanted to let you know that my feelings our feelings towards each other are rather comparable.
I'm not not going to clutch my pearls because you reaffirmed my knowledge of the fact that the political left in this country will happily resort to mass murder to achieve their goals. It's a perfectly reasonable political attitude to have.

>> No.19846673

Did I ask you to respond to me? you people are a dime a dozen anyway, I bet your under 20, and even though you make claims and value things like strength and initiative, you still feel like a mere watcher in your garbage life. Also no irl friends. Ive met so many of these people in my life its unreal; there is some kind of schizophrenic disease amongst you.

>> No.19846674

Sure, just make sure it's more than talk

>> No.19846681

Because gay books are becoming more popular, and there's debate over how much sexual content is too much. Almost all the books in question are sexual in nature, with a few others thrown in because more people are going to the meetings

>> No.19846683

It's not my job to explain physical security and restraining techniques to you. Educate yourself. And when you're done with that, learn about critical thinking, you clearly need it.
>was regarded to be
I've never seen such a weak argument posted outside of /pol/ by someone I'm fairly sure isn't a bot. Seek help.

>> No.19846695

You’re actually pathetic, you know that?

>> No.19846716

We are in a weird point in US History where both the left and the right want to ban books, but for different reasons. The left wants to ban books that have sat in the US curriculum forever and they feel is no longer relevant for today's more diverse student body. Shakespeare, Homer, and other standards. The right want to ban books that they feel fall under the banner of "critical race theory" or anything that they feel undermines the values of Leave it to Beaver. Oddly enough both sides want to ban To Kill a Mockingbird, but again for different reasons.

>> No.19846718

Seuss is in the bottom-right of that image.

>> No.19846727

On a societal level the ripples effects of institutional racism (niggers being poor, stupid, and violent) are still around today and ought to be addressed in a rational and fair liberal society.
On a personal level there's a lot of buried resentment towards niggers in the US, which does find conscious and subconscious expression frequently enough to be a presence in the mind of the average nigger.
You can sputter all you want but the answer isn't denying (somehow) that there's a lot of latent racist sentiment in America; nor is it easy to deny a link between the historical sufferings of niggers and the (relative) destitution they're often subject to today.
The key is to take out your pencil and draw a line between the people you'd like to include in your society and the people you'd like to exclude.
>Niggers are being gunned down in the street by the police!
The appropriate response: "Niggers have no place in our society, therefore I am ambivalent to the any unfair application of law enforcement to niggers. The police are here to enforce the common law of white society. If George Fentanyl didn't want to get shot he'd have caught a flight back to where he came from."

>> No.19846735

>Did I ask you to respond to me?
Yes, by posting here you're implicitly asking for potentially anyone to respond to you. You should try to think critically about the technology you use.
As for the rest of your post, you got me all wrong. I wish I could be that young again, there are so many things to do. I don't value strength and initiative as personal values at all but rather believe that the state condition all people into proper living. Rather than sit back and watch, I've actively sabotaged every opportunity I've ever had. And most surprising of all, I actually have many friends. My word probably means nothing to you, you seem to be rather bad at guessing who's behind these posts.

>> No.19846738

There's also a third group, me, who wants to ban it for its toxic effect on US domestic policy. Shutting down the asylums was a terrible mistake, now the mentally ill roam the streets or wind up in prison, suffering abuse and neglect in either location.

And you're brainwashed. But while you feel scorn for me, I feel nothing but pity for you. You cling to your chains like a drowning man grasping at straws. I pray for you, anon.

>> No.19846746

None of these reasons are normal, not is a projection of a sane, and stable future society.

The Left wants to ban it because “Ma White Savior”, pretty much insulting the helping White naivety idealism of Atticus and the Right wants to ban it because it’s creates White Guilt, i.e a potential reaction thats creates a Racial-Genesis amongst White Americans and they don’t want to be the party of racism, even though they should be at this point.

>> No.19846784

Whites as a political body are so fucked in the future.

>> No.19846794

The moment whites actually form a political body is the moment they stop getting fucked.

>> No.19846827

any books that explore this phenomenon? would like to know more

>> No.19846838
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I agree, but if they start organizing like
Blacks on the grounds of a ethnic community, The Feds would be all over it. but it is possible, It was nice for once to see the GOP receive hell by their biggest voting block because of the lack of organizing against CRT, they only did so because Whites attacked them for it. I hope we see more of that in the future because Whites have the potential to aim at the throat, they just need to break their sacrificial lamb status.

>> No.19846873

Political Parties by Robert Michels.

>> No.19846894

>both sides want to ban To Kill a Mockingbird, but again for different reasons.
TKAM should be banned for promoting classism and being a garbage novel.
>le dirty white poors are le evil and raycis
See what Michael Lind has to say.

>> No.19846945

Apologies to everyone, I confused To Kill a Mockingbird with One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest.

>> No.19846984

I was either a shitty high schooler (likely) or had shitty teachers (debatable and hard to measure in hindsight). The books always seemed like they sucked, I agree.
Rereading them in my 20s, however, has been great. After trying to make it in the real world and hitting actual struggles that come with being an adult, I decided to revisit those books and see what I was missing. Turns out it was a whole bunch, but I never would have learned their lessons or found an appreciation for them based on where I was in high school. It really wasn't the right time for a lot of those books.
I'm thankful they were put on my radar, though. There's wisdom in some of them books.

>> No.19847097
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>> No.19847103

>TLDR it's mostly conservatives afraid black kids will learn about racism from books about it,
Yah because NO ONE ever talks about racism. kys you fucking retard

>> No.19847109

this reminds me of the movie raptor preacher. I bet it is kino

>> No.19847116

>TLDR it's mostly conservatives afraid black kids will learn about racism
White kids aren't allowed to learn the truth about jews and other non-whites, so this is fair play.

>> No.19847122
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>give me a child to the age of 7 and I will show you the man - Ignatius Loyola
wtf do yo think holohoax class and tranny story hour is about? The degenerate leftists and their jew masters want nothing more than to get their demonic hands on people's children s they can warp them into degenerate retards just like them

>> No.19847149

The USA needs to quit with all the foreplay and just have its second civil war already.

>> No.19847342

I assume retards who call it a book ban are implying that no American ever reads a book again after school so them being not in a school library means they effectively stop existing.
The fact that the topic mainly resolves around garbage like a few children's books like Potter, enders game etc makes me assume that this is a campaign by man children trying to peddle their drivel again.

>> No.19847412
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>People don't understand this grift
There are organizations based around protecting "banned" books, when they consider any book taken off a school reading list for any reason as banned. They came about a few decades ago when there was pushback against books that pushed for homosexuality like 'Heather Has 2 Mommies'. Nowadays it's a matter of using the shield of protecting banned books to promote books about holocaust narrative building or black grievances, you can see this in >>19845883 where obviously innocuous books like Harry Potter or The Lorax are used as a shield to promote Anne Frank and "The Hate U Give". Also this thread is repulsively low effort, please try harder next time.

>> No.19847437

>Zora Neal Hurston
I don't remember her work being particularly raciest.
>They are indoctrinated
isn't this true of every state education system.
It's not
should be called the bad books section.
>That’s what they want though
They want fanaticism they will settle for indifference. What the globohomo doesn't want are people dropping out of the rat race and living on gibs and hustling.

>> No.19847530

à la that moustache man quote, they will either fulfill that potential or ceast to exist.

>> No.19847613

Who cares if some political spergs in a bunch of states are taking books out of the curriculum. Literal book banning doesn't happen anymore it's a historical euphemism for censorship. Books were the source of information in the 20th century, censor/ban/"burn" them and problem solved. Oh wait, now that shit is on the internet permanently. So what do you try to censor instead? The means of finding content online. Removal of COVID misinformation has made it obvious that the people who ban books aren't political at all. They're code monkeys/corporate drones who just manipulate search algorithms on Youtube or delete what their globohomo overlords tell them to so 95% of normies have no chance of seeing it.

So now I have to come to an underwater backgammon forum at 1 am to find what should be easily available and transparent in a healthy nation where free thinking is encouraged. I solely think browsing of /pol/ is worth it because it's where things that should be on the front pages are memoryholed.

SEO is the anti-christ.

>> No.19847634

don't want weird sex comics to be available in a school for small children rrrrrrreeeeee censorship

>> No.19847643

>Amazon is a private organization. They are free to decide what products can be sold through them
no amazon isn't allowed to sell poison or cp

>> No.19847654

>Why is it so?
It's easier to cope with losing if you pretend you're not interested in the game. Sour grapes.

>> No.19847757

Bro, how can you like say this dude, hey this is sort of you know like, I mean

>> No.19847777

Yes, keeping one book out of schools will definitely shield black kids from hearing about racism.

Kill yourself.

>> No.19847782

The bible was banned years ago

Now you get LGBTs pushing porn on kids as "sex education" and telling little boys can become girls.

They call it "progress"

>> No.19847818
File: 16 KB, 512x512, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already have all the banned right-wing books
Do you have Harry Potter? It offends trans people, not because of anything in the book itself but something the author said on Twitter, so they gave it a trigger warning.

>> No.19847830

>amazon isn't allowed to sell poison or cp
but anon, you can buy anime just fine

>> No.19847832

>ideas are incombustible
Except for fascism and all flavors of political thought to the right of neo-conservatism which this guy passionately combats and wants to see eradicated from history

>> No.19847869

>He thinks schools are places of learning and not places of indoctrination
This may have been true back when school was explicitly limited to the rich, Anon, but it hasn't been this way for a long time now. The upper classes aren't interested in competition.

>> No.19847871

It's because of stupid American neocons who don't want Maus by Art Spiegelman in schools, because it doesn't show "both sides" of the Holocaust and therefore is representative of CRT, according to their logic. However they're using the fact there's an undressed character (an anthropomorphic mouse) as the technical reason to have it pulled.

>> No.19847876

Marginalized folks have every reason to trust progressive bourgeoisie and managerial strata over fascist white settlers who want them dead.we have every right to deplatform fascists and reactionaries and class reductionists and science deniers and ensure safety for the most marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities. To demand trigger warnings and positive representation in media and reforming the cannon to center marginalized voices over dead white males. We have every right to demand the destigmatization and normalization of sex work, mental health, fat positivity, drug use, decolonization prison abolition police abolition family abolition the sexual enmancipation of children and an end to white supremacy and the gender binary.

>> No.19847878

They toppled statues of slavers and those who fought in favour of slavery. Imagine being black and having to see people glorified in your town who raped and enslaved your ancestors. I don’t know how you can call that a “fucked up worldview”.

>> No.19847895

suess wasn't banned, the publishers stopped selling the book

>> No.19847964

>They toppled statues of slavers and those who fought in favour of slavery.
Oh yeah they totally didn't beat white people and destroy their stores and houses. There totally isn't a general hatred against white people, only against Confederate slavers! So all the literature that is being removed and "decolonized" is pro-slavery. Explain why they are revisiting Shakespeare?

>> No.19847980
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>They toppled statues of slavers and those who fought in favour of slavery.

>> No.19848013

> culture is being overturned in the USA

>what prevents from outright banning all literature that does not appeal to their fucked up worldview
What ever prevented anyone from it? There was literature that was effectively banned in US for as long as there was federal government.

How the fuck is it "culture being overturned" when it was always the case, except maybe for a slice of people who grew up in the 90s/00s and got an impression of everything being permitted from the post-Cold War slog?

>> No.19848021

I assume you’re referring to the coroner’s report. “Homicide” in this sense does not mean homicide in the general sense. The coroner himself clarified this at the trial.
>what’s is a cuffed main going to do
George Floyd was like 6’4 and on drugs. He was totally unpredictable.
Notice as well how Floyd had 0 detectable damage done to any part of his throat. The hold Chauvin had him in was one taught to cops all over the place. There’s a reason he did it in the first place, and the idea that he wanted to kill Floyd is a conspiracy theory on par with flat earth.

>> No.19848083

>They toppled statues of slavers and those who fought in favour of slavery
>Ohno historical figures with complex legacies.
>I'm going to destroy a valuable piece of public art because it hurts my feelings.
Do Americans really?

>> No.19848084

>It's because of stupid American neocons who don't want Maus by Art Spiegelman in schools, because it doesn't show "both sides" of the Holocaust and therefore is representative of CRT, according to their logic
ok skitzo

>> No.19848126

Did you forget about all those "protesters" who trashed their own neighborhoods?
I wish more cities had their own Roof Koreans to get rid off losers and vandals.

>> No.19848158

I'm talking about statues here.
Well that particular one is inexcusable. But they usually target slavery/colonialism statues.
It's not a "complex legacy" to support chattel slavery. It's straight up evil. Good and evil don't change based upon the times.

>> No.19848240

coping with powerlessness but exercising influence over things which don't matter
its like antisemitism

>> No.19848281

So they banned YA and YA bait? It's nothing

>> No.19848446

Because americans are fucked?

>> No.19848513
File: 84 KB, 600x370, C8510267-AC4D-456E-B0C1-91B08ABA3B5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Black guy
>Get statue of a Democrat dropped on my head by other Democrats in the name of black lives.

>> No.19848537

>Well that particular one is inexcusable
They're going to become more and more inexcusable

>> No.19848556

Every statue in America should just be a giant dollar sign anyway.

>> No.19848594

>muh rational mobs

Yeah nah they vandalised based cervantes, fuck em

>> No.19848633

From what I've gathered they only want to bann 1984 and some american books so nothing of any concievable value will be lost. Especially 1984 since it has become a plague on all political discourse.
>durr hurr hurr durr everything I don't like is 1984
>libs are 1984 commies are 1984 right wingers are 1984 laws are 1984 gobmint is 1984 social media is 1984 religion is 1984 etc.

>> No.19848654

>>libs are 1984 commies are 1984 right wingers are 1984 laws are 1984 gobmint is 1984 social media is 1984 religion is 1984 etc.

>> No.19848687 [DELETED] 

>be black
>you are now allowed to destroy statues that have artistic and historical merit
It's fucking time to let black people be something else than decedents of slaves. No wonder they're in a constant victim mentality when the nation insists that they are forever the product of slavery

>> No.19848692

>be black
>you are now allowed to destroy statues that have artistic and historical merit
It's fucking time to let black people be something else than decedents of slaves. No wonder they're in a constant victim mentality when the nation insists that they are forever the product of slavery

>> No.19848715

Eastern European nations like Lithuania who wanted to distance themselves from the Soviet Union tore down all the Soviet propaganda statues that had been erected during the occupation. Ireland, when it got independence from Britain, tore down British monuments (like Nelson's Pillar) and re-named streets, towns, and cities with British names. The point is that statues are built and erected to comemmorate and glorify people.

>> No.19848732

They were wrong in all case, especially the Irish.

>> No.19848737

First off, none of the people that pulled down those statues have actually been slaves. Second off, what makes you think I agree with those other cases? Third off, the sacking of Rome was a tragedy

>> No.19848744

Youre really moronic if you honestly don't think that statues are erected to glorify people.

>> No.19848758

It's a natural development of the illiberal left and its radical social engineering agenda.

>> No.19848767

>Well well its just that one statue! It won't happen again we pinkie promise!
I have nothing but disdain for you my "fellow countryman"

>> No.19848769

I never said anything of the sort

>> No.19848780

1) Statues are erected to glorify people.
2) Slavers should not be glorified.
3) Therefore, we should tear down slaver statues.

>> No.19848793

Are you also clamoring for tearing down ancient statues?

>> No.19848797

Yes, we should also remove anything they've put on society right?

>> No.19848800

>nooooo not muh heckin staturinos!!!!
why are people so fucking obsessed with symbols

>> No.19848802


>> No.19848803

A statue is history and art

>> No.19848807

Do you even know who the statue depicts?

>> No.19848809

This is the answer. It's just a marketing scheme created by the book industry glowies to generate interest in some shit book.

>> No.19848811

Ah, very good, we shall henceforth remove the constitution and all rights guaranteed therein.

>> No.19848812

>muh history and muh art!!!!
there's plenty of these faggots in museums retard. I know that would involve leaving your house, but there's more than enough of them

>> No.19848817

based af, I hate this country and its liberal foundation

>> No.19848819

do I seem like I even care? Why do you want to look at men so badly?

>> No.19848820

viper you a fag

>> No.19848825

Same, it does honestly make it very hard to implement eugenics policies that would benefit the nation or to plan any sort of long term project

>> No.19848826

No because ancient statues are genuine historical monuments and even if the people they comemmorate were evil they are so far removed from us that nobody today feels the effects of their evil.

>> No.19848827

>do I seem like I even care?
You seem like you do care, since you want it destroyed because he's a slave owner (at least so you've been told)

>> No.19848836

>No because ancient statues are genuine historical monuments
Why are those historical but this statue is not?
>and even if the people they comemmorate were evil they are so far removed from us that nobody today feels the effects of their evil.
"evil"? What are you, twelve years old? And do tell, who among the rioters have been slaves?

>> No.19848842

They are banning 451, a book about banning books lmao.

>> No.19848844

>Why are those historical but this statue is not?
Which statue are you referring to? The majority of slaver statues erected in the US are less than 100 years old. Even if they are historical monuments, you can put them in a museum or something instead of displaying them in public like a constant reminder to blacks that they are beneath whites.
>"evil"? What are you, twelve years old? And do tell, who among the rioters have been slaves?
Blacks in America are the direct descendents of slaves. They are two or three generations removed from actual slaves.

>> No.19848847

What year does a statute become a "genuine historical monument?" And what year does an evil person's deed become far enough removed that we can keep their statute up? Is a statute of Caesar okay, he owned slaves? Or Justinian, he owned slaves? Or Ben Franklin, who advertised for slaves in his paper? Or Napoleon, who attempted put down a slave rebellion?

>> No.19848860

I don't think you know what neoliberalism means

>> No.19848861

Just replace every statue with mlk and rename every street to him. Its gonna happen anyway

>> No.19848868

>Which statue are you referring to? The majority of slaver statues erected in the US are less than 100 years old.
The fuck? WW2 ended 77 years ago, but you'd very much consider relics and statues from then to be historical, yeah? Especially in such a young nation
>Even if they are historical monuments, you can put them in a museum or something
Good, then let's do the same to ancient statues
>instead of displaying them in public like a constant reminder to blacks that they are beneath whites.
Yes, let blacks forever identify as slaves. Don't let them forget that they're slaves first, Americans second. Instill in them a constant victim mentality and the idea that they are the same people who were enslaved

>> No.19848871

I don't think MLK would approve of Blacks in America being wholly judged by the color of their skin by the people who claim to fight racism

>> No.19848882

when did I say that? I don't care whether it stands or someone takes it down

>> No.19848893

>Good, then let's do the same to ancient statues
Nobody today holds onto any anger or resentment at Iulius Caesar, even though he was arguably worse than Hitler. So having a statue of him isn't an insult to anyone. Having a statue of slavers in America is a direct insult to blacks who live there and are the direct descendants of slaves.
>Yes, let blacks forever identify as slaves. Don't let them forget that they're slaves first, Americans second. Instill in them a constant victim mentality and the idea that they are the same people who were enslaved
Yes, this is what will happen if you have statues everywhere of people who owned and raped their ancestors. They will never forget it, because every time they go to work they see Robert E. Lee in all his military glory, knowing that he fought for the right to torture their ancestors.

>> No.19848894

Because social symbols ad what they represent are inherently more valuable than human life.

>> No.19848897

this but unironically

>> No.19848906

All the slavers or just the Confederate monuments? Should the Founder's monuments be torn down?

>> No.19848911

>Brave New World
>Fahrenheit 451
How deliciously ironic.

>> No.19848916

also why the fuck ban lord of the flies

>> No.19849026

When you consider the worldview of someone like him, it's obvious his answer will be yes. At least someone like him has a consistent worldview. It's far better for people like him to talk about these things than having to deal wit the weirdos who wring their hands over "treachery" while allying themselves with anarchists. Someone like him is honest and actually making an argument. These other people are just making bad faith attempts at owning right-wingers with their own logic while not really understand that "logic" to begin with.

>> No.19849028

>Having a statue of slavers in America is a direct insult to blacks who live there and are the direct descendants of slaves.
Having a statue of Julius Caesar is a direct insult to the Germanic decedents
>Yes, this is what will happen if you have statues everywhere of people who owned and raped their ancestors
Except racial tension were on the decline up until the 2010s. Do you honestly believe this violence and vitriol is doing anything to lessen racism and feelings of persecution?
>They will never forget it, because every time they go to work they see Robert E. Lee in all his military glory, knowing that he fought for the right to torture their ancestors.
Oh, fucking please. It is the vast, vast minority of people who even know anything about who these people are. You are aboslutely delusional if you think people in general know or care enough about these historical people to actually give it a second thought. You make it sound as if black people who passed the statues were overwhelmed each time they did. As if they gave a genuine shit until America told them to be angry. But then, to you, black people should always think about how they are basically still slaves, right? In your mind, blacks are these victims that can't handle a fucking statue. You're the real racist here, m8

>> No.19849100

>Having a statue of Julius Caesar is a direct insult to the Germanic decedents
This is kind of a shoddy argument, he could (and I suspect he will if he responds) say that Caesar's actions don't directly contribute to the current oppression of Germanic peoples (who are not oppressed for their German-ness anyways) in a manner comparable to the way the institution of slavery and those who supported it contribute to the current suffering of black people. When you consider why he's making the claim and what he means by it, it's pretty easy to see why this is a false equivalence.

>> No.19849145

>You're the real racist here, m8
These people understand racism in a different (and ore meaningful) way than you do. Saying that they're the real races when all they're saying is that they want to improve the measurable material and social conditions of black people is just kind of silly. You should take a step back from the keyboard and do some more reading. I don't think you're cut out for these kind of discussions.

>> No.19849148

How is a statue directly contributing to "oppression"? And I think it's delusional to say that people are historically knowledgeable enough to even know who these statues depict, or who those men were. Blacks have been told to be angry and feel oppressed. Racial tensions were on the decline, and now they're more explosive than they have been in decades. Nothing good is coming of this, I assure you. All this is doing is making victims of black people, and creating strife among all Americans. That statue has nothing to do with current day blacks. They are not slaves, and they do not need to be told that they are. Stop having them constantly live with all that baggage. They are Americans, and have no yolk that they need to throw off. That statue is no affront to them, because they are free men and not slaves by proxy

>> No.19849151

kys kuz

>> No.19849212

>destroy monuments
>have black people live in the past and constantly reinforce their victimhood
>judge them by the color of their skin
>call it more meaningful and an improvement in material/social conditions
Pants on head retarded

>> No.19849312

I don't agree with the things I typed. I just demonstrated that the guy's response to it is inadequate and that it indicates that he doesn't understand the points being made.
>How is a statue directly contributing to "oppression"?
If you've been actually reading his posts, you'd understand that in the cases of statues, he's concerned with the effects that the glorification of people and institutions that directly contribute to their current oppression. As far as he's concerned the glorification of institutions which enforced their dehumanization and directly contributed to their current sufferings only serves to intimidate them and remind them that the dominant society sees them as subhuman. Both of these things actively prevent them from living with dignity and meaningfully being a an equal member of society. The only way to change this is to get rid of these statues. It's really not that hard.
It's not so much about living in the past as much as it is acknowledging the way in which historical events and institutions impact what they see as the unjust harms and disparities of the present.
>judge them by the color of their skin
To say this without acknowledging the critique of colorblindness these people have adopted only shows your ignorance. The goal isn't to reinforce their victimhood, but to acknowledge that they are victims and try to change social conditions in order for them to no longer be victim If anything they'd be more correct in saying that you are trying to reinforce their victimhood while they are trying to end it. These people have playbooks on how to deal with arguments like yours. You're just out of your depth here.

>> No.19849331


>> No.19849369

Books have always been getting banned. It's usually parents who would rather complain than properly raise their children. I guess it's more political now or something, but I can tell you that when I was in school, kids barely read the books anyways. If there was a summary available online they would just use that

>> No.19849372

a pig gets buggered with a spear

>> No.19849380

>The goal isn't to reinforce their victimhood

You've lost the plot with this remark. There is Sins of the Father-type thinking with using historical incidents to placate failures -- and that's not to suggest past events cannot/do not affect current conditions; but, rather, due to a culture of victimhood complex, personal responsibility is eschewed and external locus of control overtakes it, i.e. historical processes.

You cannot look at the world through the lens of disparities solely because all that will ever do is reduce any/all difference to the past. It can just simply be the case -- and is the case -- people are different: they lead different lives.

It's become mythological to still harp on slavery and its effects. When slavery has been abolished for 400 years and there are still differences, it will still be blamed in some degree because that victimhood complex cannot be overcome once its set in.

Furthermore, having the goal of equality that exists beyond the legal is already set up for idealistic failure.

>> No.19849472
File: 168 KB, 840x560, download (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can someone be this dishonest

>> No.19849554

looks like that statue is still there to me
you can't equate petty vandalism to toppling a statue. One is a concentrated and thoughtful effort, the other is some random retard passing by with a spraycan. Vandalism like that happens without reason, not statue toppling. And apparently the people toppling statues didn't have a reason to topple this one.

>> No.19850459
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that's nice black peoples feelings don't dictate our lives

>> No.19851792

>It's not a "complex legacy" to support chattel slavery. It's straight up evil. Good and evil don't change based upon the times.
I don't think the US has erected a statue of someone solely on the basis that they owned slaves. Slavery was a common practice throughout the globe but only westerners are like this when it comes to their historical figures.

>> No.19851801

God what a fucking rancid post

>> No.19851817

>Especially 1984 since it has become a plague on all political discourse.

>> No.19851848

You should be terrified at the idea that they're banning any fucking books at all. How isn't it immediately obvious that that's some dystopian shit?

>> No.19851914

Nazi's aren't conservative, read a fucking book.

>> No.19851936

>I'm not even American, but
Nobody cares outside your troll farm, Ivan/Ching Chong

>> No.19852016

delicious pasta

>> No.19852290

Bros, this is ironic, why would (((they))) ban Anne Frank's diary?

>> No.19852348

>Bet you he’d AKSHUALLY himself immediately and try to say it doesn’t count as a book anyways because blah blah blah
A lot of libertarians are actually very sincere when they quote Voltaire.

>> No.19852371


Conservatives are the original cancel culture snowflakes. Shapiro, Peterson, and Fox just did a good enough job blaming loud mouthed college lesbians that centrists forgot that.

>> No.19852468
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That's why White Hispanics are encouraged by conservatives, or rather, why conservatives aim to appease white adjacent ethnicities in general. By arming the fear of governmental reprobation of white identarian policies, the GOP creates a situation where minorities are encouraged to back policies that benefit white constituents. The only alternative then is to vote blue, and that is not going to happen.

>> No.19852532

Maus is in the house

>> No.19852748

Gingers tongue my angus

>> No.19852776


You mean to say "800 pound gorilla". We have the bombs.

>> No.19853508

He was Jewish.

>> No.19853517

Yeah. Let's have kids going through puberty read The Giver. A book where emotions don't work and you have to pretend there's a black and white filter and the author does a shit job of explaining the apple event so your eyes keep reading but your young brain keeps going (what the fuck do you mean, "It changed"? Like a glitch, is this some stupid fucking Matrix knock off?). And then he gets the power to feel warm by thinking about fire, the end.
Next year we're going to have them read Wuthering Heights. We're going to have 8th graders try to understand love, lost love, rage at said lost love, spite, and we're only going to have the English teacher focus on how the perspective of the narration changes from the guy at the start to the other characters. At least it's a good book. Not for 8th graders though.

>> No.19853529

I can just about guarantee that American censorship is way less bad than whatever the hell shithole you come from, faggot.

>> No.19853570

This country will turn into a shithole where nothing occurs.

>> No.19853578

So sick of Europeans and their shit talking. Maybe the neocons are right about yous guys. Anyways this basically shows how universal suffrage is a bad idea. This country was better when niggers and women couldn't vote

>> No.19853581

Because GRIDS is a dysgenic feature of your kind

>> No.19853898

I'm no from us so I don't give a fuck. They are doing this themselves so they deserve it. They are also the only country in the world that could fight back against this kind of bullshit yet they are always letting it happen and spreading it to other countries.

>> No.19853920

Siege shows up on eBay once and a while, usually pretty expensive though. Keep an eye out and you’ll probably get lucky.

>> No.19853925

Thank god there’s one sharp crayon in a box full of dullards.

>> No.19853965

It was liberal books that were being taken off the shelves of school libraries dummy. It’s not the liberals banning books, they’re crying about getting “banned” themselves because they were trying to brainwash children with their poisonous ideology through children’s stories. Americans took a stand against progressivism for once, and I think it’s just the beginning. There’s a lot of self-respecting White Americans that are tired of keeping quiet.

>> No.19853991

I'm gonna assume the only actual books being "banned" are
>Overt tranny groomer shit, like "Some Girls Have Penises" being read to kindergarteners
>Stuff that offends conservaboomers' pearl clutching civ-nat America worship (this is why they want to ban The 1619 Project, because they think they're "defending America" by doing so)
All the other examples are exaggerated or made up

>> No.19854007

The term whataboutism has never once in the history of the world been employed in anything other than a spirit of absolute disingenuousness

>> No.19854028

It's a way to shield oneself from criticism of their hypocrisy. They want to judge and measure others, but don't want the same judgements and measure meet to them.

>> No.19854032


>> No.19854143

>So instead of dropping out of society to find other methods to consume yourself to death, get back into society to make the changes you want, whenever it’s subverting a established institution or by creating one.

We're long past the point of that working. It's too fucking late.

>> No.19854234

they've always been, the media is just suddenly hyperfixated on this now for clicks

>> No.19854271

t. can't have kinder-eggs

>> No.19854286

Go post something that the American ruling class seriously dislikes on Twitter and see how long you keep your job

>> No.19854291

anon, at the height of the floyd chimpout season there were people who lost their job because their spouses disavowed the riots

>> No.19854301
File: 157 KB, 500x530, 20210815_221050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mutts actually believe this

>> No.19854302

t. risks whole world being destroyed for a border in a shithole irrelevant to any mutt in Ukraine but can't protect it's own border

>> No.19854452

>But at least we admit it!
Hate this argument.

>> No.19854461

If voting changed anything, America would have strong border control

>> No.19854464
File: 927 KB, 945x861, detached black guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amazon is a private organization
so then why am i able to buy amazon stock

>> No.19854473

>Imagine being black and having to see people glorified in your town who raped and enslaved your ancestors
Now imagine being Irish

>> No.19854586

While I see your point, I feel it is wrong to judge the morality of someone by the standards of today. If we threw out all genetics research performed at the beginning of the twentieth century because the scientists doing the experiments supported eugenics, we wouldn't be nearly as advanced as we are today in these fields. It's a case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater and it just comes off as silly and childish.
Maybe we should remove all things "glorifying" Lovecraft since he was such an unabashed racist? Andrew Jackson was a slave owner yet his face is on the fucking 20 dollar bill. Why does no one piss and shit about that? I'm sure that must strike a chord with you?

Can people be shitty? Yes, especially given centuries of hindsight. Does that mean we should forget about them and minimize their contributions? Of course not.

>> No.19854593

Just lost all consistency in argument. I regret responding earlier - you are a retard.

>> No.19854662 [DELETED] 
File: 892 KB, 1280x1163, 1629242347561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not the government burning books and stifling free speech so it's okay
Meanwhile, you're still suing that Christian baker going on 10 years now with lawsuits from the state itself against him

>Second, schools are supposed to be places of learning. NOT places of indoctrination
Oh yes, like indoctrinating little boys to think they can become girls or your religion of naturalism

>> No.19855120


Bro, you've clearly never lived in a town of bible thumpers

>> No.19855273

And you've clearly never been exposed to the current popular culture manufactured on the American coasts if you think some rednecks telling you to go to church is on the same level as the demonic nigger-worshipping faggotry currently dominating all media.

>> No.19855312

Statues are built to honor aspects or great deeds of certain people instead of condoning their every action, a statue of General Lee is built to honor his military achievement and camaraderie. Just like how Fentanyl Floyd gets statues built in his honor despite his past of robbing pregnant women at gunpoint. But can't we put aside this meme universalism and just admit that team black wants to build statues of blacks and team white wants to build statues of whites? The inability to admit this is why American politics seem so neurotic and contrived to the rest of the world.

>> No.19855317
File: 92 KB, 1024x691, C0FCB6ED-28C0-4A20-8723-F55CA508351E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be fooled. They're still on a leash.

>> No.19855319

>Slavers should not be glorified.
So all copies of ancient Greek literature should be burnt?

>> No.19856939

Why is it that I went from /pol/ to /lit/ and I feel like I never left

>> No.19857237

Pretty funny how whites try to cope with the police being shit by saying
>but they kill whites more than blacks.
How's that boot taste bucko.

>> No.19857240

>Claiming that a life "matters" is an absurd position

Find Christ brother.

>> No.19857245

All books that i disagree with should be banned!

>> No.19857346

why a light in the attic lol?