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/lit/ - Literature

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19840315 No.19840315 [Reply] [Original]

Heroes' welcome edition

Previous Thread:>>19834669

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19840321
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King of /sffg/.

Simple as.

>> No.19840332

So apparently TPoN is full of gay sex and a LITERAL cuck protagonist.

Explain yourselves, Bakkerfags.

>> No.19840341

Books about technological progress stagnating or going backwards?

>> No.19840343

He's merely channeling the themes of the Iliad and the Odyssey

>> No.19840378


>> No.19840382

More like channeling the themes if the bible. Take that, atheists.

>> No.19840477
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Duke of /sffg/.

Simple as.

>> No.19840802
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Currently reading The Thirteenth Koyote. It's a very silly horror/western/fantasy full of edgy gore and sex but it's a fun read.

>> No.19840816
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Is Bakker the closest thing to Berserk in literary form?

>> No.19840826

>‘I hope not, indeed,’ said Butterbur. ‘But spooks or no spooks, they won’t get in The Pony so easy. Don’t you worry till the morning.
>Nob’ll say no word. No black man shall pass my doors

What did Tolkien mean by this

>> No.19840841

These pop up on my recommendations every now and then but I'm not sure they're worth the effort.

>> No.19840949

>No black man shall pass my doors
I mean it's pretty self explanatory.

>> No.19840962 [DELETED] 

Any books on a series that you like to imagine as a stand-alone. I always thought The Gungslinger was better as it’s own book, separate from the Dark Tower universe.
Westerns are my favorite genre anon, looks interesting.

>> No.19840968

>published by Raimi

>> No.19840973
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Any books on a series that you like to imagine as a stand-alone? I always thought The Gungslinger was better as it’s own book, separate from the Dark Tower universe.
>>19840802 #
Westerns are my favorite genre anon, looks interesting.

>> No.19840990

The whole pak protectors thing on the return was rather silly, especially with the literal vampires.
it would;ve been enough to print future editions with an editorial note regarding balancing thrusters when it had been pointed out post-printing.

>> No.19840991

Do you like pulpy horror/westerns? They know what they are and aren't trying to be anything else. They are fun reads, plus the majority are 200 ish pages. The Koyote one is an anomaly at 500 some.

>> No.19840997

Recommend me the literary equivalent of Attack on Titan

>> No.19841003

AoT's a novel, dummy

Fanfiction tier prose, but novel nonetheless

>> No.19841005

This guy clearly wrote his own wikipedia page. How insecure can he be? LOL
Tried the first book in series, boring.

>> No.19841011

It’s a graphic novel, big difference

>> No.19841022

oh wait, my bad, i confused it with another franchise, it's a (shitty) manga original.

I suppose if you want a "WHAT A TWIST" type series you can do... uuh... dunno

>> No.19841031

What a helpful lot you faggots are

>> No.19841040

i'm just a tourist, this is a slow board, give it 10 hours, someone will reply

>> No.19841082

Ok I'm halfway through my lord of the rings re-read
I'm going to read the appendices, then the Hobbit, then unfinished tales and finally the Silmarillion
Afterwards I'm going to read A Game of Thrones and may continue on with A Song of Ice and Fire if I enjoy it
What should I read afterwards? I am not reading Bakker

>> No.19841191

Then what is?

>> No.19841196

Haven’t heard of this and just looked it up Ringworld. I wonder if that’s where Halo got the idea for the ring.
I always thought this was a meme until I looked it up. I don’t think he wrote it but it really feels like it was done by a fan.
You could give Gene Wolfe a try. He has a very different style from Tolkien but I think he’s excellent.
I haven’t read them, but the Chronicles of Narnia might also be good.

>> No.19841225

I had Chronicles of Narnia read to me as a child and I never really enjoyed it that much
I'm thinking about Gene Wolfe too but wasn't sure if I should read something like the wheel of time
I read the Knight years ago but I never got around to reading the Wizard and so I may try that

>> No.19841242

I’ve only read Book of the New Sun and am currently reading The Fifth Head of Cerberus so I’m afraid I can’t say. I’m really enjoying Fifth Head so far, though, so I imagine they’re worth checking out.

>> No.19841243

try vance's dying earth

>> No.19841298

it could be referring to the nazgul. or it could be referring to men of african descent, being refracted through the dumbest of 21st century hyperfocal obsessions with race, idk

>> No.19841308

no, bakkeru definitely wrote his own wiki article. he is incredibly vain and is known to lurk around large forums (including lit) with sock puppets.

dude is an insecure closeted homo and is addicted to painkillers. kinda makes the shit that was aspect-emperor make a little more sense when you know that.

>> No.19841586

>hyperfocal obsessions with race
13/50 is a very real problem with very real costs, nothing hyperfocused about it.

>> No.19841607
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King of /sffg/.

Simple as.

>> No.19841633

Explain what?

>> No.19841785

>No one answered. The noon-bell rang. Still no one spoke. Frodo glanced at all the faces, but they were not turned to him. All the Council sat with downcast eyes, as if in deep thought. A great dread fell on him, as if he was awaiting the pronouncement of some doom that he had long foreseen and vainly hoped might after all never be
spoken. An overwhelming longing to rest and
remain at peace by Bilbo’s side in Rivendell filled all his heart. At last with an effort he spoke, and wondered to hear his own words, as if some other will was using his small voice.
>'I will take the Ring,’ he said, ‘though I do not know the way.’

Jezzus that got my hair on end

>> No.19841869

Am I just stupid or have bad taste for thinking that the Lord of the Rings is written well and is very engaging and not at all dry?
I've seen people compare it to reading a history book and while I do read a lot of history books and find them very enjoyable and engaging, I don't think the two are comparable at all. People who say that The Lord of the Rings is amazing because of the world building but that the writing and characters just aren't very good.
Is it just the descriptions of the environment the characters are in that people hate?
Personally I don't see that much of a difference between books like Pride and Prejudice that they love (and I love too) and The Lord of the Rings.

>> No.19841876

I personally thing that the Lord of the Rings is shit, but I'm not here to gatekeep you.

>> No.19841883

Lord of the Rings is kino. Silmarillion is kinoer. Simple as.

>> No.19841949

>Am I just stupid or have bad taste for thinking that the Lord of the Rings is written well and is very engaging and not at all dry?
The book has, so far, exactly one problem: Tolkien appears to be obsessed with natural terrain.
Imagine having a whole paragraph dedicated to the inclination and greenery inhabiting the hill the scene is set on, then move the page to find an entire page dedicated to the look of the surrounding terrain, in all four directions, in exquisite detail. Once it's ok. 15 times just in book I will get you confused very fast, maybe not bored if you enjoy how he seamlessly transtitions from description to description. But it is a hard read. Everything else, narration, dialoge, prose, are top notch. if you are specially nitpicky you could argue the lore storylets tangents every character interjects at least once may be excessive, but it makes sense if you envision the novel as tolkien telling bedtime stories to his kids.

The man has an uncanny ability to build up anticipation in short bursts. And I'm not kidding when I say nothing I have ever read in my life tops the handle of the english tongue this old fart has. I don't think I can read my Star Wars books with the same hype I used to have.

Of course I'm only midways through Book II, maybe things will change in Two Towers and Return

>> No.19841956
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Just put off writing more of my sci-fi book to marathon the witcher books and all of Malazan, as well as the red Mars trilogy and the Master and Commander books. And maybe a WoT reread. Maybe an ASOIAF reread to. And then after I finish the books of the new sun and my black company reread and my Tolkien reread, I will finally utterly truly be ready to sit down and write my own work. Right bros?

>> No.19841972

>start Fledgling: a novel by multiple award-winning author Octavia E. Butler
>femoid author but whatever, anons said it was good
>five pages in, there's a man engaged in full penetrative sex with an eleven year old
Before I spend time figuring out how many lists I've appeared on, I have to ask -- was "cunny" the only reason you fuckers recommended this?

>> No.19841979
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>is the story of an apparently young, amnesiac girl whose alarmingly un-human needs and abilities lead her to a startling conclusion: she is in fact a genetically modified, 53-year-old vampire.
I don't know, do you think so?

>> No.19841989

>The novel tells the story of Shori, a 53-year-old member of the Ina species, who appears to be a ten-year-old African-American girl. The Ina are nocturnal, long-lived, and derive sustenance by drinking human blood. Though they are physically superior to humans, both in strength and ability to heal from injury, the Ina depend on humans to survive.

this is literally the setting of a 90s manga. Chairudo / Child, there's like 3 volumes scanlated and the rest of the manga is only scanned, never published in English.

If the publication weren't so obscure i'd be certain they stole it from there.

>> No.19841993

oh god it's literally the anime loli "she's legal because she's a 1498314 year old dragon on the inside" defense
how embarrassing

>> No.19841999

good morning sirs i hope you keep doing needful

>> No.19842059

holy shit the more I read the critique the more degenerate it gets, feels like I just found a cheap western fetish comic on sadpanda. Now I know the truth: if you wanna get away with your magical relam, make the protag black

what's the the point of making them culturally enriched if you shag them BEFORE they grow their massive ass tho

>> No.19842255

I wouldn't say it's good, but it's fun to read. If you're going to get you panties in a wad over black cunny vampire, you can't take it in the spirit it's given.

>> No.19842299

What are the best hardback editions of asoiaf?
Are any of them sewn?
If not I may just pirate the books and read it on my e-reader

>> No.19842340

Just pirate it. You'll feel severely cucked when Martin ascends the mortal plane via atherosclerosis and you're left with five out of seven books.

>> No.19842360

If the series is so poor that it can’t hold up as an incomplete series I might as well not read it
I dont care for series whose value lies in the desire to know what comes next

>> No.19842375

It's good. But you should always pirate a book first. Your decision to financially support the creator or punish him for cranking out shite should come afterwards.

>> No.19842510

man what the fuck is cnaurs problem?

>> No.19842537

Not my problem, that's for sure.

>> No.19842555
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I know it's pulp-tier shit but; which one is better Warhammer Fantasy novels, or Warhammer 40k novels?

>> No.19842622

a better comparison is between the silmarillion with a history book.. or a wiki entry

>> No.19842672

Foundation (to some extent)

>> No.19842741

You should probably just ask /tg/. I doubt many here would care to differentiate on such a minute difference of quality (I definitely wouldn't, it's all the same level for me), since this thread has a much wider scope for quality, ranging from genuine literary classics that have stood the test of time to some random webnovel that's been poorly translated. So narrow the scope to people who dedicate too much of their free time to such a small slice of literature.
My advice is to just go for whichever aesthetic you prefer.

>> No.19842824

I've only read the Eisenhorn series (40k) and it's a fun read. Book 1 and the short stories in the omnibus in particular are great, I found books 2 and 3 gradually declined in quality with book 2 being overall good (but with a rushed end), and book 3 falling apart for the whole second half. Supposedly the author (Abnett) also wrote a series called Gaunt's Ghost which is solid. 2 anons last thread were recommending the Gotrek & Felix Warhammer novels so worth checking out what appeals to you of those.

Also don't be apologetic for reading fun "low brow" books, they totally have their place and it's a weird "muh intellectual" book culture conceit to blindly bash them - you never see people apologize for wanting to watch a James Bond movie or eating pizza.

Shut up you smelly nerdlinger

>> No.19842833

while i largely agree with >>19842741 there are a couple staples that stand out for each, 40k has the gaunts ghoists series by dan abnett that is very well done, it's not quite glen cook black company levels of gritty soldier, but it's in the same camp.
fantasy has the gotrek and felix series which is a very fun tale of two buddies smashing face and always accidentally saving the day and ruining the plans of a very stupid/smart ratman that you will absolutely fucking love as a character, yes-yes! for warhammer fantasy I also hear that the von carstein vampire series is also very good, like very good for a vampire novel, period. Not just good for a warhammer fantasy novel, but I havent read that yet.

>> No.19842842

>it can’t hold up as an incomplete series I might as well not read it
What kind of stupid logic is this? If you watched a "good" film but it cut out 3/4 of the way through, would you say it was particularly good? No, it would be retarded, because the story has no conclusion. Cinematography and acting are necessary but not sufficient factors for it to be good.

>> No.19842855

>But you should always pirate a book first. Your decision to financially support the creator or punish him for cranking out shite should come afterwards.
I buy books in the secondhand shop.

>> No.19842858

Just stop after storm of swords, then. First three books are unquestionably worth reading even without the rest, 4 and 5 are all build up at glacial pace and shouldn't be read without a 6th worthwhile book.

>> No.19842876

he let some daytime tv writer hacks finish his story for him, if I could go back in time and slap game of thrones out of my hands I would.

>> No.19842942

>“Damn you!” I shouted. “You’ll pay for this, you dirty nigger!”
What did Flashman mean by this?

>> No.19843105

I gotta disagree anon. To me, it felt more like reading a wonderful translation of a classic mythological tale.
>Warhammer Fantasy
I really enjoyed the Angelika Fleischer series.
I personally think the prose works wonderfully with the story.

>> No.19843110
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>No Bakker discussion?
>Not on my watch.

>> No.19843123
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The single most based man in fiction.

>> No.19843144

How old was she at the time?

>> No.19843148
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>the only time in my life I have found it necessary

I would interested in hearing all the times it was unnecessary.

>> No.19843204

They are fucking hilarious
>“You're a clever girl, Silk One, so you are,” says I. “Right-ho, bonny boys, heave away!” And I flung my weight on the frame, chanting “Yo-ho”, while the gleeful niggers dragged up more rockets - they were loving this as much as I was, grinning and yelling and inviting God and each other to admire the havoc we had wrought.
>My good humour didn't survive the twentieth miss; I raged and swore and kicked the nearest nigger - I was aware, too, that as we laboured the sounds of battle outside were drawing closer still, and I was in half a mind to leave these infernal rockets that wouldn't fly straight, and pitch into the fighting on the beach.

Its like distilled Britishness.

>> No.19843218
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>> No.19843257


>> No.19843292

Your mixing up The Lord of the Rings with The Silmarillion.

>> No.19843308

Just entered a goodreads contest to get the final Ken Liu Dandelion Dynasty book, hopefully I get this advanced copy because I don't want to wait. This is a pretty shitty year as far as fantasy is concerned, got a good book coming in February but that's about it.

>> No.19843323

Same shit.

Columbus was Portuguese.

>> No.19843345
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The Portuguese are pretty based too, in their own special way.
Tolkien's writing is incredibly dry outside of The Hobbit, which is marginally more playful because it was written for children. Everything after that was written to satisfy his own autism. If Tolkien was around today he'd be the number one contributor to Wookieepedia, or would have been memed into downloading a million different fantasy writing apps for cataloguing all the lore of his world and never writing any actual narrative.

>> No.19843352

so the next book is the last one...call me redit but this fag should have milked this series for 20+ books. I don't want it to end

>> No.19843358

Gonna need some info on that ledit post.

>> No.19843370

help I can't access libgen for months. none of the proxies work.

>> No.19843373
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Not my problem.

>> No.19843379

you would buy a d&d guide for 100$ to study a few illustrations, I believe you.

>> No.19843380

Do you like sci-fi or fantasy better? I've read a lot of 40k. Abnett is one of the better authors. Also, the Horus Heresy series (ancient history in 40k but very similar) are generally held to a higher standard. The short stories compilations are usually pretty good as well.

>> No.19843385

I wouldn't buy a d&d anything, period.

>> No.19843398

way to miss the point, genius.

>> No.19843417

40k and its not even close. You have fun pulpy stuff like Gotrek and Felix for fantasy but nothing on the scale as the Horus Heresy.

>> No.19843440
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Got this one in, it's going to be hot shit or somewhat salvageable?
also where do i fucking get a better edition? I was basically scammed by amazon with their direct print edition and i have no other way than it to buy another (has not been printed out in my country yet)

>> No.19843443
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What are the best nuWho books
I don't mind if they're bad books, but I'd like good Doctor Who stories

>> No.19843444

I mean, it's kinda fun.

>> No.19843471
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>Author vs Protagonist
Wtf, are chinks evolving?

>> No.19843554

Doctor who is dead, what the fuck is that rainbow alphabet bitch doing in a picture of doctors.

>> No.19843557

yes yes women bad

>> No.19843561


>> No.19843562

>women good
shit take

>> No.19843598

1 ell eye bee dot in

>> No.19843614

Make your own heroes and your own stories and stop taking from the achievements of men.

>> No.19843638

I don't do ARCs because sometimes the text different from the final copy.

>> No.19843658

Dr. Who is for faggots.

>> No.19843708

Doctor Who

>> No.19843731

Based and wisdom Gu pilled

>> No.19843734

fun, cool action, cool concepts, decent conclusion. you need to be into that kinda thing but it's a solid book, neal doesn't miss

>> No.19843804


>> No.19843919

>Phallus, greased and pendulous. Wings, scabrous and veined, folded into two horns rising high above the thing's shoulders. Window skin, revealing sheaths of raw muscle and a compound head: one skull a great oval, the second human, fused into the jaws of the former.
>The Inchoroi kicked away his blade, arched over him like a defecating dog. It wrapped fish-cold fingers about his throat. It raised him until he dangled helpless in its baleful gaze. Needles probed his breath-starved extremities.
Poor Little Norsirai Boy 4

>> No.19843920

>not perseverance gu that requires you to willpower mog everyone

>> No.19843928
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How do I actually write a complex story? Whatever I am working on right now just feels like me going trough a list of things that happens, one by one in chronological order, involving just 2-3 characters at a time.

The fantasy books I have read are all massivly complex and interconnected, are all fantasy books like this?

>> No.19843961

The Stephen King way: just make shit up as you go, preferrably loaded with coke
The GURM way: have a vague idea how it all ends, introduce 1000+ characters and pray that they'll magically arrive there somehow, when they don't just stop writing
The Tolkien way: write a conlang manual and pretend that it's a fantasy novel
The Bakker way: actually plan ahead before writing

>> No.19843976

>The Bakker way: Stick a dildo up your ass and visualize the gay sex

>> No.19843985
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Gene Wolfe apparently said this comic illustrates how he writes his novels.

>> No.19844039

Remove women, remove any kind of romance and sex then write your story

>> No.19844054

The Book of the New Sun does read like your pic, with The Urth of the New Sun as the "Part II". But I'm just a dimwit who likes being confused by weird stuff.

>> No.19844091
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Too late, the old wizard has already been spellbound by one, and will betray the protagonist for her. His autistic retard-strength neanderthal buddy will save him though, and I will get to uncover some of the conspiracy that put him in this predicament in the first place.

>> No.19844093
File: 174 KB, 1024x1455, goblin_and_one_eye___the_black_company_by_irontree_d92sy1d-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Dreams of Steel, the fifth book of the Block Company series.

I liked it so far. The first few books were great. Especially the first two, with they focus on the simple soldier’s life. The third novel started getting weirder with flying whales, teleporting stones and what not. But croakers romance with the lady was a pleasure to read.

The fourth and the fifth book are mixed. Instead of the black company defending a city from an invasion, it reads like one random bullshit happening after another. Suddenly one Taken, which should be dead, is actually alive. Then another Taken is also alive, but this time on the different side. Then how about a random evil torturer cult suddenly taking interest into the lady? How about a third Taken coming back? This time one without a head on her neck. Also, there is a random prophecy about the BC, which every native is aware of, but nobody from the BC finds out the truth. And an evil torturer goddess is also involved and manipulates the characters. She is like the or fifth or sixth power trying to manipulate our characters…

The focus on the lady is both good and bad. She is an interesting character with a lot of history. And her approach of bullying priests and the not-india culture is fun. But Glenn can’t decide what she is. Sometimes she questions herself if she can even be a simple footsoldier. Then suddenly she is back to being a 400-year-old sorcerer, former empress of the greatest empire on the world. Strongest and wisest Wizard to walk the earth. Then back to allowing the evil torturer cult to do whatever they like. And of course, the sickness she had was her being pregnant. What else could it be? But our 400-year-old Mastermind did not realize that she is pregnant.
Glenn really did her dirty and having no Goblin and one-eye in it was another mistake.

Bleak seasons switches the narrator again. I want to take a break from the series, but I am unsure if I will ever come back to finish it. Does it get better? I am a bit tired of all the prophecies and cult shit going on.

>> No.19844140

/lit/ is not a very usefull board, but it becomes easier if you describe what from it you want.
Large scale politics with supernatural monsters?
Edgy wartime stories in a Fantasy backdrop with some mystery going on?
Besieged city by supernatural forces slowly being breached?
Morally ambigious tale with protagonists and antagonists changing multiple times?

It can be surprisingly hard to find direct parallels between Western and Japanese stories in the first place, the vaguer you make it the harder it gets.

>> No.19844145

just change it so there are no women or romance?
I don't understand, are you not able to write story progression and plot without women or romance? what is wrong with you?

>> No.19844159
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>but I am unsure if I will ever come back to finish it. Does it get better? I am a bit tired of all the prophecies and cult shit going on.
Yes, by the end of water sleeps I was happy witht he story
>bleak seasons switches narrator
Threw me off, but it fits in hindsight.
Keep in mind I'm readin your review and thinking to myself "I could swear all this happened after dreams of steel" it's been so long since I read the series.

>> No.19844223

I liked Blightsight

>> No.19844241
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Women are a reality that we all must deal with, even in fantasy.

>> No.19844250

shitty excuse from a shitty (non)author

>> No.19844262

well I guess my country got on with the times and blocked it.
solved with vpn / DoH(google it)

>> No.19844356

I want to be a published SF/F author but I am too afraid to send my little stories to a magazine.
I've thought about making a WattPad or FictionPress or something, but those seem more intended to share with a consuming audience, while I'm looking for something more like, reviews and criticism so I can get better

What should I do?

>> No.19844378

If you're posting here, there's already very high chance that you will never be published. And not because of the quality of your works, which I know fuck all about. How woke are you? Unironically.

>> No.19844388

>How woke are you? Unironically
I'm not a 4chan edgelord and I own my own house.

>> No.19844403

Ok, but that wasn't the question. You don't have to be a /pol/tard or a /v/irgin degenerate to not be woke.

The reason I'm asking is because the genre is currently filled with so much woke shit, it's unreal.

Have you recently checked the Hugo awards, or the Goodreads charts? Because that's the type of shit that gets published now. Men don't read fantasy anymore, and the current trends are a big reason for it.

>> No.19844406

>the genre is currently filled with so much woke shit, it's unreal.
no it isn't?

>> No.19844410

I wasn't asking.

>> No.19844414


You mean to tell me you don't have friends you trust enough to read your stuff? Do you have no one you trust to tell you how it is, instead of how you'd like it to be? Do all your friends just say "Really great stuff" and never actually read your stuff?

>> No.19844423

oh I know you aren't asking questions, thats for sure
There is only one person I would really trust but he doesn't read

>> No.19844447

Yes it is, most if not all sf/f published in the last few years is woke garbage.

Do have women characters in your story? Does your story and plot progresses only because there is woman character?
If you answered yes then don't even bother thinking about publishing.

>> No.19844459
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>woman character = woke garbage

>> No.19844466

Not him, but you clearly must be new here.

>> No.19844473

No anon, women characters in 20__ are woke garbage. Not women characters, period.

>> No.19844477

like this anon said >>19844466 in this general we only read non-woke and non-garbage

>> No.19844479

sure they are champ

>> No.19844489

all of them

>> No.19844490

You will literally never be published.

>> No.19844494

Whoah! Calling black actresses Nigger? That's not PC!

>> No.19844529


>> No.19844536

Pirate it you fucking retard. Even if you don't like to do it, consider the book you're wanting to read. It would be most fitting.

>> No.19844540


Sounds like your friends fucking suck or that you need more friends, Anon. I charge $44 an hour to read and provide annotated critique's on writing. Editing and streamlining other authors' works is my job. If you'd like to send me $440 I'll even give you 15 hours instead of 10 as a first-time discount.

>> No.19844612

People pay you for that?

>> No.19844699

The Attack on Titan light novels, there are multiple series officially published in English.

>> No.19844710

All the time. People are always looking for professional help, and my rates are below those you'd find at a publishing house. You'd be surprised at how many aspiring authors forget to include simple things like curved phalluses or gay rape in their novels, and that makes all the difference in whether you get a publishing deal.

>> No.19844715
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>> No.19844732

You are coomer, you are a literal waste of space and oxygen.
The true story is always ruined by women and their shitty romantic feelings and lack of logic and clarity, they cannot be a part of anything significant, fictional or not, because if they are s part of it it gets ruined, they perspective their involvement in it always results in problems because they are incapable of great things and have no ability yet they demand be in the center of all things and it will always result. It has got the point where chronic coomers like yourself can't even think five minutes into the future without thoughts about women affecting your mind, you are incapable of writing anything that does not have women and shitty romantic feelings in it and this is why you will never be able to write great story because great stories are not stories women and their shitty mediocre nature.

>> No.19844737

>You are coomer
cool projection, stopped reading

>> No.19844740

Not my problem.

>> No.19844743

you're the one seething about women

>> No.19844749

No, not really.

>> No.19844754

>"ruined by women and their shitty romantic feelings and lack of logic and clarity"
yep, sounds like seething to me
combined with your fixation on "coomers" and that paints a pretty vivid pathology of you

>> No.19844756

Homofash please.

>> No.19844758

Jesus Christ, ignore the faggot shitposter, you dumbfuck.

>> No.19844761

>$44 an hour to read books
Lmfao, you're going to get scammed idiot.

>> No.19844768

That wasn't me, though.

>> No.19844880
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>"There is no one in the game like Bakker, I am obsessed with him. Every day I write and write and write, hoping to achieve a fraction of his glory, but alas I always fall short. From the intense battles, the pitch black lore, or the poignant character psychology, he puts the rest of us to shame " ~ Brandon Sanderson, Interviewed for Fantasy Magazine.

What the fuck? Is this guy for real?

>> No.19844917

he is for real, he lives in shame after he laid his eyes upon the magnificent Bakker, this is the eternal misery of the sandersoi

>> No.19844919

I didn't know that Sando was this based.

>> No.19845002

I'm in the same situation as you, I have a few short stories I've popped out over the years but recently have gotten more serious about it. Feel like I'm out of the total shit stage but still have a lot of progress to make. I'd like to join or make a writing group where we can just drop stuff for mutual criticism every 2 weeks or so - lemme know if you're interested

Like you I have a full life (job, house, kids) so not looking for a discord "community" just some fellow amature writers/enthusiasts to share feedback.

As for publishing I got no fucking clue what to do because I'm not pozzing my hobby.

>> No.19845013

>I'd like to join or make a writing group where we can just drop stuff for mutual criticism
Read: Steal your unpublished work.

>> No.19845121
File: 35 KB, 680x408, 1614779595982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only STEM fag here who is unironically shit at writing and has absolutely zero ambitions in the field?

>> No.19845157


Most STEM fags have no capability to actually express themselves in written form. I know chemists who always ask me to dress up and make presentable their lab reports. As a matter of fact, a lot of STEMfags I know are incapable of expressing themselves verbally either- they make good money, to be sure, but they're stuck in a basement or in a side-office crunching numbers or drawing up specifications alone and are never invited to any meetings because they're assumed to be autistic rainmen who only like numbers.
$44 an hour is my unionized rate. For a fellow Anon, I'd go as low as $30, but no lower. If you want professional assistance, you purchase at professional rates. Maybe if you worked at something and gained a tangible skill you'd be more confident in selling your services at fair market rates you fucking retard.

>> No.19845169

Do what you have passion for and are good at, if it is writing then drop everything else and write, spend all your energy in pursuit of it until you collapse from mental exhaustion. If it is stem then do the same with stem. what you mustn't do is jump from one subject or discipline to another.

>> No.19845180

I do well with technical writing. I used to do freelance editing work for academics. But I have no idea how to even approach fiction.

The idea of writing appeals to me, but I have nothing to say and no stories to tell.

>> No.19845234

>$44 an hour is my unionized rate. For a fellow Anon, I'd go as low as $30
How low can you go for a fellow Bakkerchad?

>> No.19845265

On my knees

>> No.19845276

>Most STEM fags have no capability to actually express themselves
Thankfully I do not fall into this rule, not the written part, but the rest for the most part. But I do know exactly what you mean. I deal with people who you would describe as autistic on a daily basis. I don't mind too much, I have an amazing working environment with virtually no opposition.

>> No.19845296

>I know chemists who always ask me to dress up

Weird, but I commend you for being upfront about it.

>> No.19845304

Can anyone recommend me a book that's similar to TV show Sense8?

I watched that and I really liked the premise of 8 people connected mentally, sharing skills an knowledge, supporting each other (maybe even sharing magic?). I think this has so much potential, and I want to see it explored more. But the show didn't handle it too well, and of course, Netflix canned it.

The only book that I found that seemed similar was More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon, but that book is weird as fuck, and really shows it's age, and I couldn't really get into it.

>> No.19845322

Dressing down would not be Ok?

>> No.19845336

>Zoomers are homosexual degenerates

How are you just now realizing this?

>> No.19845384

Just read Children of Dune and I’m surprised there isn’t more Leto/Farad’n porn.

>> No.19845395

Is this daoist Harry Potter like I think it is?

>> No.19845406

Is it really all that interesting? I read the first two chapters or so and it read like really amateurish YA.

>> No.19845407

Based image, that's my my wallpaper since ages

>> No.19845415

No, it has nothing to do with daoism, it is infact garbage, not on hp level but still garbage.

>> No.19845422

The Pariah is pretty good.

>> No.19845438

>Tolkien is... LE BAD!

Do all zoomers come out of the womb contrarian? The fuck is with all the Tolkien hate these days?

>> No.19845463

What are the best fantasy books that don't take place in a medieval analog of Europe? Hard mode - No Asia either.

I've seen a very small amount of stuff that's closer to napoleonic war or industrial revolution Europe, and then there's sword and sorcery/sandal/starship. But I can't think of much else.

>> No.19845468

Ummmm... isn't there a whole subgenere of urban fantasy?

>> No.19845477

Oh yeah, when I was thinking, I was just thinking stuff in the past, but that definitely counts the way I wrote it.

But now I'm curious, are there any good urban fantasy books that aren't detective stories?

>> No.19845487

Word and the Void novels are alright. Pretty comfy.

>> No.19845527

This quote can be found nowhere outside of /sffg/

>> No.19845538

Because its shitpost you dumbfuck, by the same faggot who spam the same shit, over and over ad-infinitum.

>> No.19845546
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>A common argument we make is to point toward works that ARE more scholarly, such as books by Ursula Le Guin or even Grandpa Tolkien, and say “Look, fantasy can be of literary value too!”

>The problem with that is that most of us aren’t Le Guin or Tolkien, nor are we trying to be. What does that say about us? If literary works like those written by Gene Wolfe are the highest form of our art, are the rest of us simply hacks?

Here's an actual brandosando quote

>> No.19845565

>it’s actually real
I wasn’t ready for this feel.

>> No.19845586

I found it.

>> No.19845608

>I've seen a very small amount of stuff that's closer to napoleonic war or industrial revolution Europe
Is it Powder Mage? If not, then that's what I recommend. Powder Mage is good, and the following trilogy even better

>> No.19845631

>ad-infinitum is big words

Only in /sffg/ jfc...

>> No.19845633

Tolkien might not be ...LE BAD! but he's certainly not ...LE BEST EVER! like all tolkienfags believe having never read any other fantasy

>> No.19845634

Greetings fellow Daoists, what are we reading today ?

>> No.19845642
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>when he bows his head 1° less than required by jnan

>> No.19845682

Is there such a thing as daoist science fiction? I guess Lathe of Heaven is the only example I can think of. Any suggestions brother?

>> No.19845726

You mean something like 40 Milleniums of Cultivation

>> No.19845758

Is it forty millenia of chapters?

>> No.19845768

40 days and 40 nights of reading

>> No.19845800
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>$44 an hour is my unionized rate
There's a union of guys who charge obscene rates for what this stupid thing does for free?

>> No.19845815
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>> No.19845820

I'd really rather not. Especially if it has to do with "cultivation" I'm into the general philosophy not the religious practice shit

>> No.19845975

You guys keep mocking the guy but presumably he has at least a masters in english/literature and has a few years of experience in editing. $44 per hour for an ad hoc job from someone with expertise is really not crazy.

>> No.19845998

>$44 per hour for an ad hoc job from someone with expertise is really not crazy.
But it IS.
That may be an industry standard, somewhere, perhaps everywhere.
But that IS fucking crazy, there is something very wrong when sitting on your ass and reading a book to manually perform a computing subroutine pays more than ... well I was going to describe something specialized but fuck it, ANY actual physical work of material contribution to human civilization.
Starting at: Burger flipping.

>> No.19846023

I make that as a welder. If I had my own business, I'd make considerably more.

>> No.19846036

That's a specialized trade that doesn't just require phsyical investment or just knowledge, but both.
And the work you do isn't strictly for academic luxury, I would wager you do much that falls into the "necessity of life" category.

>> No.19846044

Not literature

>> No.19846052

Commenting rules violations instead of silently reporting like a good boi is ALSO a rules violation.
Contemplate this.

>> No.19846183

Thanks, I didn’t even know those existed

>> No.19846429

That post was half ironic, but really I’m looking for a fantasy element that’s unique and not the typical magic/dragons/white walkers that been done as nauseam. Military themed is a bonus

>> No.19846436

I'm going to write a novel involving archaeology, linguistics and ancient literature
I need to study the history of it, starting with papyrus and currently studying linguistics

>> No.19846445

Warhammer 40k novels, specifically the top ranked Horus Heresy ones. Checkout also Commissar Cain, Eisenhorn and the Primarch books.

>> No.19846463

Kek, Bakker ''''chads''''' love to shill their author so much they produce better fictions that he does.

>> No.19846559

is hard gay, yes

>> No.19846636

No memes please.

If I want to read the Prince of Nothing series, is there a point in the series that I should drop it if I'm not enjoying it yet? Should I give it a couple of chapters? An entire book or two? At what point can I safely know if it's for me or not?


>> No.19846645

One cannot drop books that have been not forgotten

>> No.19846671
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>> No.19846675
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>author used to write Homestuck fanfic

That explains a lot.

>> No.19846696

Django Wexler’s Shadow Campaigns.

>> No.19846734
File: 1.90 MB, 415x414, disgusted monkey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Django Wexler’s Shadow Campaigns
First book was all right but the second took a nosedive into shit

>> No.19846795

>etten is an alternate form of eaten
>mere means lake
>dolven as alternate of dwarven

shit i don't remember the last time I had to use a dictorionary, tolkien's fucking me in the ass

>> No.19846849

Context doesn't clue you?

>> No.19846870

only so far, when the word is wholly invented, but he's prone to putting analoguisms in between the dry descriptions of landscape ie etten wasn't used in it's intended context

>> No.19846880

>is there a point in the series that I should drop it if I'm not enjoying it yet
Get to the part where Drusas Achamian decides to leave everyone and become a hermit. If you didn't like it by then, you probably won't like the series.

>> No.19846929

About half way through. The opening is a shit test.

>> No.19846959

Isn't horror fiction pretty niche besides a few popular authors like Stephen King?

>> No.19847160
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Does /sffg/ like David Gemmell?

>> No.19847273

I was confused because I thought mere was cognate with the french word mer which means sea

>> No.19847291

Canticle for Lebowitz

>> No.19847317

‘Here is the heart of Elvendom on earth,’ he said, ‘and here my heart dwells ever, unless there be a light beyond the dark roads that we still must tread, you and I. Come with me!’

>> No.19847656


>> No.19847661


You seem very upset that you lack the confidence or a skill-set in which you can charge normal prices for your services. Maybe when you've spent time on something, gained credentials, and learned to master a particular craft you'll be able to afford market-rate services for your shit writing.

>> No.19847673

She is not attractive.

>> No.19847683

>nose ring
I don't fuck livestock.

>> No.19847770

The Janny is going all out today.

>> No.19847866
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>What I expected
Generic coomer fantasy, maybe with LitRPG garbage shoved in, that I would drop within a few pages
>What I got
A surprisingly competent Science Fantasy Thriller with snappy dialogue, intelligent and well developed characters and some actual friction between two very different protagonists. Also incidental coomer shit.

I think this author is wasting himself on borderline furfag coomlit. This was a very well done Thriller with an interesting setting and very well executed interplay between the characters. The basic premise is that the main protagonist, an old bloodhound detective in a department that specializes in cases involving non-humans gets a non-human attache forced on him, after a civil case declares that the department explicitly excluding non-humans is discriminatory.
The setting is essentially post-post apocalypse. the Apocalypse, in the form of extra-dimensional invasion of monsters and wizards, came, was, couldn't deal with nukes, went, and things have since stabilized into a high tech dystopia, but a lot of the extra-dimensional invaders got stuck on the Earth-side after their portals back got bombed to shit. The story picks up several generations later when things have calmed down a bit.

Unfortunately the sequel isn't quite as sharp. It's still readable, but it leans heavier on the romance and coomer elements, whereas the first book could stand up if they were completely removed.

>> No.19847899

No. And it would be the other way around.

>> No.19847904

Anyone read Berserk? how was it? I watched the original anime series and enjoyed it even though I don't like anime.

>> No.19847909

It's fine. Seeing as it'll never be finished you might as well just read until Griffith yeets his friends into hell, as after that it becomes steadily more and more shounen

>> No.19847933
File: 237 KB, 1200x1599, il_fullxfull.2183495994_g8gv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like the aesthetics, big muscles and bestial rape, OH GAWD OH GAWD OH GAWD HNNG AAAAAaaahhhhhhh

>> No.19847990

How do I into Sanderson?

>> No.19847994

You start taking estrogen.

>> No.19848026

Not that anon but I've been on estrogen for 4 years and I strongly dislike Sandersons writing, it's just not at all interesting to me

>> No.19848351

You will never be a woman

>> No.19848368

I've only read Legend, but I enjoyed it enough despite the one or two asspulls at the end to let the main characters and their army survive.

>> No.19848380

rereading the judging eye and the prologues prose felt kinda weak, especially where he uses "rutting fury" twice in the same setence felt like a typo idk, first chapter was good, but far from his best

>> No.19848385

about half way through after cnauirs first battle

>> No.19848419

Books 4 and 5 are the worst ones in the series.

>> No.19848520

Really dug the hard sifi battles in the forever war, and was sad that so much of starship troopers was philosophy rather then fights. Best scifi books for procedural battles?

>> No.19848589

if the Bande Desinee is an indicator of the book's quality, FW is basicaly The Foundation of hard fi

>> No.19848600
File: 61 KB, 596x1200, Sato Aoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the process of creating a universe set in a space age milky way galaxy, I've been in the idea/design phase and wrote some drafts for like 6 years
Picrel is a commission I ordered like 2 years ago of the protagonist (there were design changes after it)
Dare ask questions about my space fiction and I WILL spurg out about it
otherwise, what's a good name for UN on a galactic scale?
my only idea is the United Systems (USys)

>> No.19848606

does the setting affirm trans rights are human rights?

>> No.19848616

Will there be a pozzed faction that is specialized in sjw woke trash? will there be an evil non-pozzed faction specialized in based and redpilled?

>> No.19848627

I swear to god, if i have to read another american review complain about an age gap in a relationship, I’m gonna flip a tit

>> No.19848628

C.L Werner's novels are entertaining and worth a read when it comes to Warhammer

>> No.19848655


>> No.19848658

Do you always brag about being poor?

>> No.19848673

The entire end of starship troopers was an action scene

>> No.19848713 [DELETED] 

>normal prices
You are not charging normal prices you are charging JEW prices.

>> No.19848722

don't worry he discounts for Bakkerchads

>> No.19848735

He was 22 and she was 18? That's child abuse, yuck!

>> No.19848745
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Yes but it's not going to be painfully obvious like in other media.
the only mention of it would be a trans character being referred to as they/them in a causal way
Although the advances in medical technology are near limitless in the 33rd century
No, there wont be a single faction with any "woke" or "based" values.
The two big factions include the galactic equivalent of the UN that I mentioned in my first post. They carry similar goals of the modern day UN. I say similar because they gravitate more to a defense force of where their influence lies in NGQ1 and NGQ2.
The other big faction is the Lyran Republic, a mercenary clan turned to an expanding nation in the late 32nd century. Their influence is centered in NGQ3 with far reaching territory branching into NGQ2. Think of them as space Mongols, cutting a swathe through the reaches of the galaxy.

>> No.19848761

ok but what is the grand statement on the future of the human race and / or human nature

you DID approach the fundamental genre for social critique with a social critique in mind, right?

>> No.19848880
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>grand statement on the future of the human race and / or human nature
Supposedly it has multiple grand statements to make. Ones about the intrusion of personal freedom, the consequences of advanced technology, or the human nature of war.
Workers living in pods, nothing belongs to them, not even their privacy. They belong to the corps holding their soul sucking contract.
Technology going to far. Humanity playing god with a multitude of things. Automated war, designer babies, that sort of thing.
Humans and their prehistoric lust for warfare has always been around and will linger. Next to nothing keeps our ape brains from wanting more by any means necessary or unnecessary. More territory, more resources, more and more.
Thanks for bringing this to light, I haven't thought about it one bit and it probably requires more thought after this. I kind of just pulled these out of the hat and may sound retarded, but it's a start.

>> No.19848919

>to far

best to stop writing

>> No.19848926

Don't be dense. He can just pay that other anon $44/hr to proofread his post next time.

>> No.19848937
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shit I wasn't paying attention to that
and it's none other than the error I spot everywhere

>> No.19848949

This is why sff fiction is superior literature.

>> No.19848963

There is no reason to believe that a future is guaranteed to have far superior medical practice than our current. There is no cure to many diseases and no reason to assume there ever will be. Currently mankind's modern healthcare is killing us rather than solving problems. Look at the vaccines and tell me it's going to get better in a future fiction setting. We are more likely to go into a fuedal period.
There will be two types in America. City states and libertarians in rural communities

>> No.19849021

Yeah and was 30 pages long, wheres the beef

>> No.19849076

But if I don't inject my newborn with aluminum & hepatitis and cut off the "extra" parts of his penis to be made into cosmetics for the elite he could end up getting less thumbs up on his FriendSpace account!

>> No.19849114

>the only mention of it would be a trans character being referred to as they/them in a causal way
Why is this significant enough to add into the story?

>> No.19849163

Malazan has some races, one of the main conflicts is between ice manipulating trolls and a race that has made all of their people into sentient skeletons in the stone age.
Military aspect is there aswell, although most of the military stuff is from the eye of the generic human faction. At least they have hand grenades and flying insects.

>> No.19849197

not him but it's obviously because including a single mentally ill pronoun gets legions of mentally ill people to hail your book as the next big thing and spread the word for you. if i was writing a book I'd do the same thing

>> No.19849206

Where do you even get this book? Sounds interesting

>> No.19849222

Bakker got that prose on point
Make a bitch wet flooding her slit
Sandersoi knows how to disappoint
Make a bitch dry with all that soft shit

>> No.19849231

Any good places to listen short stories from?
Currently listening to The Dark Somnium in youtube

Also, anyone read third parent novel? I read from the reviews that it's worse than the story it's based on (tommy taffy the third parent)

>> No.19849311



>> No.19849315

short stories being the key word, im well aware of audiobooks in general, just that I need short stories to listen while I'm working

>> No.19849328

Re-play the prologue until you memorize it, nice task to do while working

>> No.19849353

Read: Mistborn trilogy, then wax and wayne that comes after. Read warbreaker. These are the books where really big tits are described.

Skip elantris and the storm light archives, they contain almost no mentions of big tits.

Read his sci Fi stuff if you are into lolis.

>> No.19849430 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19849589

Fucking lol.

>> No.19849707

Midnight's Children

>> No.19849733

By Salman Rushdie? Is that even speculative fiction? Seems like a political book from the blurbs...

>> No.19850138

that was a serious post

>> No.19850184

What new are you faggets reading?

>> No.19850208

Lies of Locke Lamora I guess? I haven’t finished it yet but it seems to be set in a kind of renaissance Venice analogue.

>> No.19850240

Not Bakker. That's for men.

>> No.19850245 [DELETED] 

for based non-straight men

>> No.19850247 [DELETED] 

No, not really.

>> No.19850334

Gideon The Ninth is overhyped faglit.

>> No.19850363

I'm sorry it wasn't the faglit you were looking for.

>> No.19850616

Got called a faggot weeper too many times.

>> No.19850662

God knows. Fucking loved him as a character.

>> No.19850700

he copes with his masculinity problems by raping other men. it's just a never ending cycle

>> No.19850718
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Has anyone wrote characters as deeply as Bakker has?

I'm asking this unironically.
If so, which characters?

>> No.19850732

>Bakkertrannies spamming
It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.19850738 [DELETED] 

>Bakkerchads discussing the Second Apocalypse
I hope this bliss never ends.

>> No.19850742

It's on kindle unlimited.

>> No.19850782


>> No.19851009

The author seems kind of prolific.

>> No.19851057

Did you read his T.A.P series?

> maybe with LitRPG garbage shoved in, that I would drop within a few pages
What is your problem with litrpg? Who hurt you so you can't have fun?

>> No.19851176

Do you guys buy your physical books new or used? I know used ones cost practically nothing but I’m paranoid that someone wiped their ass with the pages or something which usually drives me to buy new

>> No.19851231

Just get an ereader

>> No.19851278

I’d rather not barrage my eyes with blue light for hours on end

>> No.19851285


>> No.19851296

>t. goes blind by 70
Whatever you say fag

>> No.19851314


>> No.19851317

Always new too, I like to smear minute quantities of feces and excess semen between the pages as I go and sell them cheap online under "Okay" condition. Imagining a poorer person with identical taste to mine struggling through pages stuck together like a layered cake of my filth and genetic material, searching for some shred of joy in their purchase, makes me feel like the best version of myself.

>> No.19851318

>what is color temperature adjustment

>> No.19851338

No, not really.

>> No.19851343

ereaders aren't all tablets

>> No.19851349

Kindred Peoples Alliance

>> No.19851362

Its time for you to get in of the nursing home, old man.

>> No.19851369

New thread

>> No.19851428

Thank you. Turns out it's already intrigued me after only the prologue and first two chapters. Think I'll stick with it.

>> No.19851810

Bakker bros, I just finished the warrior prophet when does this series get good? There was some good parts like the trapper with Kellhus at the beginning but the majority of it is just the consult fucking esmenet or kellhus fucking esmenet or akka fucking esmenet. Does this shit do a 180 in the last book? I don’t want to read another 600 pages about some whore. For all the talk of misogyny the first two books felt like it was mostly about esmenet and her feelings.

>> No.19851852

never would I read anything written by a /lit/ dweller

>> No.19852033

This is true. Which is why I hate him.

>> No.19852043

Personally I liked the macro war content of the later novels over the day to day drudgery of the first ones.

>> No.19852261

I'm in the same position anon. I pulled the trigger on my story and tried sending it to a magazine today. I don't think it'll get published, but it did feel good to force myself to work on something hard enough to feel confident to send to someone.
The /wg/ thread is far from perfect but I feel like I've gotten some good feedback from it.

>> No.19852356
File: 148 KB, 588x744, Samurai Jack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that drawing of Ato anon (assuming that's his name). Reminds me of some comfy, sci-fi tv show they'd have in the mid 2000s on Cartoon Network.

>> No.19852372

>There is no cure to many diseases and no reason to assume there ever will be
Yeah but it's science-fiction, anon. Even if technology doesn't improve that anon should build his world to look however he wants.