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/lit/ - Literature

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19845235 No.19845235 [Reply] [Original]

>google "fantasy isn't real literature"
>hoping to read some good arguments
>every page result is arguing against that quote

Do fantasyfags have an inferiority complex or something?

>> No.19845259

>he googled "fantasy isn't real literature to prove that fatntasy ppl have an inferiority complex

>> No.19845286
File: 511 KB, 1200x1716, Hibiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do fantasyfags have an inferiority complex or something?
>“Since the late 1990s, he has been attempting to elucidate theories of media bubbles and the intellectual alienation of the working class… He spends his time writing split between his fiction and his ongoing philosophic inquiry. “
You tell us?

>> No.19845313

I think fantasy can be real literature, like Tolkien or Wolfe. I just wanted to see why some people would say otherwise.

>> No.19845429

There is no good arguments for this point

>> No.19845447
File: 895 KB, 660x640, 1642459801878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Tolkien is real literature and he’s the exception in academic circles. Don’t know who Wolfe is but I doubt anything he wrote is anything close to literature.

>> No.19845449

Based thread

>> No.19845722

>like Tolkien

>> No.19845735

Tolkien >>>> GRRM >>>>> POWER GAP >>>>>>>>>>> Rowling > Wolfe > Stephen King

>> No.19845744


written works

Cope OP

>> No.19845751

Your list is backwards

>> No.19845764


>> No.19845867

What does it even mean when you claim that something isn't literature?

>> No.19845893

>making up stories about real people = based
>making up stories about elves = fake and gay

>> No.19845913

Market forces have conspired to make the later overwhelmingly shit

>> No.19845936

It's a clumsy expression for the distinction of literary fiction as opposed to genre fiction.

>> No.19845953

Yes, they do, because they and we both know they write infantile schlock any twelve year old could likewise churn out, of zero artistic value and zero market value. Every retard sees GoT and LotR and feels he HAS TO write his own take, and that by virtue of having an unedited pile of dogshit he deserves instant fame fortune and recognition. Same thing fueling the isekai plague in the jap sphere--every fucking shit for brains feels he has a unique gimmick and he's just the absolute WIT and has to share his scribbles to the world immediately. It's the rap culture of literature, where every worthless fuckhead holds delusions of some day 'making it' and being paid millions to sit on his ass all day.

>> No.19845965

wolfe is fedorashit that manchildren hold up as the shining example of "literary fantasy". it's cringe and shallow vulgarity. latro is barely tolerable, sort of like 'buried giants' but greek instead of arthurian. 'new sun' is just fedoracore. /sffg/ needs to say in their containment thread where a bunch of undeveloped failure to launch manchildren shit in each other's mouths all day pulling their dick to manic pixie dream elfus.

>> No.19845977

>fat retard who goes on and on about taxes but can't deliver because he doesn't comprehend even economics 101, armchair general, obese, cringe boomer 'hard boiled' despite having lived a comfortable middle class coddled lifestyle in american suburbia, can't even finish the series, can't put his money where his mouth is
>better than anything
stephen king may be a pile of dogshit better used as toilet paper but at least he finishes his books and doesn't weigh 400 lbs.

>> No.19846065

I more or less only read genre stuff, Sci fi, fantasy, romance, etc. I don't think it's high art, but life is shit and I deserve to enjoy myself. I mostly browse /lit/ to shitpost.

>> No.19846082


>> No.19846089

Then you are the only sane and intelligent person on this board.

>> No.19846119
File: 355 KB, 1200x1500, 1200px-Vasily_Perov_-_Портрет_Ф.М.Достоевского_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point of life isn't to be happy or find enjoyment. You must seek enlightenment through suffering.

>> No.19846133
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exquisitely subtle bait. I can tell you're a shitposting veteran with 10+ years on 4chan. You have my respect.

>> No.19846135

Post would have been better without redditman.

>> No.19846367

>>making up stories about real people
But in that case they're automatically not real people, since the whole situation is made up.

If that's what he's asking he doesn't have to google it at all. Fantasy is by definition genre fiction, end of the story.

>> No.19846503

one day you will be faced with the reality that he is in fact not reddit man, but 4chan man, and your entire world will break down in front of your very eyes.

>> No.19846988

>google argument
>hoping to read some good takes
>every result is arguing against my side
this happens way too much, fuck society

>> No.19847002

Hero's journey

>> No.19847067

VGH... im such a doomer... life is pain

>> No.19847084

what is vgh

>> No.19847112

More pretentio$ UGH. U=V in Latin. And /lit/ love sucking up to the old Roman Empire

>> No.19847119

actually finish Dostoyevsky's books and you will see there is always something to live for in the end.

>> No.19847184

You again? From >>19307540? You got embarrassingy owned in that thread. Still seeking validation for your dumb views I see.

>> No.19847202

no, le guin and wolfe are both highly regarded in academia. stop larping

>> No.19847345

Faust is replete with unambiguously magical beings and events, but is hardly fantasy in the sword & sorcery sense. And if you take the bible as literature (which I do) you'll take Paradise Lost or The Divine Comedy as something almost as close to fantasy, or for that matter science fiction, as Faust is. In general, the more literary anything is, the more it transcends or subverts the conventions and boundaries of genre. This is not to mention how overtly escapist or fantastical much of great poetry is.

>> No.19847352

>le guin and wolfe are both highly regarded in academia
lmao academia is full of retards

>> No.19847398

Yes, but no, because your problem is that Google is botted / censored to tailor the results inside the margin of paying interests. None of it is organic, and this has become more glaringly apparent in the last couple years with the results becoming even more blatantly constricted. One example is that I was trying to search the "sociology of weirdness" and literally all the results were about "W.E.I.R.D — Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic" instead of just giving me what I plainly asked for. At this point Google is functionally crippled using their presentation of truth as an advert, with the bulk of normie society none the wiser given that they access the vast majority of information through this channel. They virtually control in full the presentation and access of true information to society, and it's scary.

>> No.19847402

Fantasy is just an aesthetic. It can or it can't be literature. Good luck convincing the world that Alice in Wonderland is not literature.

>> No.19847404

>Don’t know who Wolfe is but I doubt anything he wrote is anything close to literature.
Oh, boy. Do give him a chance.

>> No.19847409

the real argument is if tolkien is considered as highbrow literature or no
it's a no

>> No.19847486

Just deal with the fact that you're wrong.
There are no good arguments for your point. You just liked the statement because it was edgy and you rely on the internet (sites like quora, lol) to justify it.

>> No.19848728

The problem is you OP. Imagine thinking it's acceptable to trash people for reading? Do you realize there are very few people left on Earth that read anymore? It's like you live in a nigger filled ghetto and you decide to go murder the only white person in it with a nice lawn as an example. Not only that, but you know you are wrong. You are just being a contrarian saying things you know yourself are wrong because you didn't get much attention growing up.

>> No.19848742

The issue is for fantasy people reality isn't already damnably strange enough - there's a fantastic quote from a heretical Gospel where Christ says: "Blessed are those who marvel, for those who marvel will rule."

To me, fantasy people haven't learned to marvel in awe at the spiritual grandeur of life and imbue a fantastical one with the grandeur because they're too cowardly to partake in the good - but want to look at it from a safe distance. The bad uses the good as pornography or else it has no enjoyment.

>> No.19848798

yes. look at the replies to this post

>> No.19848828

>i wasnt defaming you because i made it all up

>> No.19848839

The Bible is real literature you faggot.

>> No.19848850

Fantasy and sci Fi is the highest form of literature with unlimited creative potential that can't be captured in any other genre.

>> No.19849042

I'm glad people are starting to notice how one sided the whole "fantasy vs litfic" meme is

>> No.19849096

>>google "fantasy isn't real literature"
>>hoping to read some good arguments
You're the one with an inferiority complex

>> No.19849101
File: 60 KB, 474x689, OIP - 2022-01-20T213143.251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have given GR the Nebula

>> No.19849196

unironically filtered. i don't like wolfe very much myself and it really depends what you mean by literary but wolfe's books are very involved and i don't you understand beyond following the story.

>> No.19850321

They already have lectures on Harry Potter.

>> No.19850335

The internet is full of unsupervised children and women, this is why things have gone down the shitter
for every adult man reviewing a thing there are 1000 kids snd women rating it highly because it appeals to them and reporting the adult man who thought it was shit

>> No.19850358


>> No.19850361

1. If everything appears marvellous to you, then nothing is marvellous since nothing stands apart
2. A presupposition written into all literature is that some things are more worthy of being written about than others
3. You quote the Bible wherein things exceeding the ordinary course of nature are treated as meaningful

>> No.19850370

You've implied everything which I don't agree with.
A) That's not from the Bible. B) I think because of your assertion in 1 you've said that I'm saying all things are fantastic or w.e. but that's not the case.

>> No.19850377

I have a different question. Why was fantasy and sci fi looked down upon so much at first? Historically speaking.

>> No.19850684

That doesn't answer his question even remotely

>> No.19850689

You hit a nerve, OP