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19838841 No.19838841[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't like non-white races and don't want to live around them or ever see them unless it is in a textbook. I would like to live in an autonomous white ethno-state. Any books for accomplishing this goal?

>> No.19838851

>I would like to live in an autonomous white ethno-state.
Buy some land and establish a community with your gay bros.

>> No.19838859






>> No.19838864

This is just larping. I'm talking about establishing an actual nation state or slowly wresting control of one from the grips of globohomo multicultural degeneracy.

>> No.19838875

>I'm talking about establishing an actual nation state or slowly wresting control of one from the grips of globohomo multicultural degeneracy.
If that is larping, then what is this? You should act, not read silly books if your goal is already clear.

>> No.19838882

Thank you. I am a big fan of Alain de Benoist. I consider him a seminal influence in turning me from a deracinated tankie into far-right conservative.

>> No.19838892

Setting up a right wing neo-commune doesn't accomplish anything. I'm talking about establishing real political power.

>> No.19838907

I actually have more respect for guys like Steve Bannon who made real waves on the global stage than some Branch Davidians larping on the fringe.

>> No.19838909
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>slowly wresting control of one from the grips of globohomo multicultural degeneracy


>> No.19838919

If you're post-left you should read the rapprochement between Piccone's Marxist Telos and Benoist's movement in the Telos issue from the late 1993/early 1994 editions. And read this:

>> No.19838921
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german women are ugly

>> No.19838923

Looks good. Thank you.

>> No.19838925

You racebait here too? thought you were just /tv/

>> No.19838935
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>x is just larping
>proceeds to cringe larp into fucking oblivion

>> No.19838947

>iphone filenames
>"nazis are gay" cringe boomer memes
are you this same guy from yesterday's thread

>> No.19838949

I already have land and a white family. All of my friends are white with families and land. That's just basic life stuff. I'm talking politics.

>> No.19838962


This schizo has been at it for years.

>> No.19838972

You’re a gentile, a villein, a literal peasant. You‘re a citizen of your nation and able to vote through the charity of your betters. You will never have power. Once you realise that you’ll become happy. Everyone on this board thought the same shit you do now. At least half of them being intellectually and materially your betters. They gave up, you will give up to, there was never something to strife to, no idea. You‘re not trying to fix something, you’re looking for something to fix. To point here or there and call it bad on such a surface level is petty and affirmation of a shallow middle class spirit easily influenced by fascism and propaganda, the opium of the middle class mass.
Buy your ranch, make racist kids, shoot black people trespassing on your land. That’s the most someone posting here could ever achieve.

>> No.19838982

Then you will fail, because germans are the inferior race.

>> No.19838983
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>> No.19838994

Why is that every board I go to, you must shit in?

>> No.19838996

What do you mean white? Are you just some pale mutt from the US with blood from various ethnicities? You will never reach anything because you have no identity if that's the case. Nationalism only works when there's unity.

>> No.19839001

germans were defeated by slavs(an inferior race according to the nazis)
by own their logic that makes them beyond inferior

>> No.19839009

>I‘m talking politics
>I‘m talking real political power
What do you think does that mean. Fill the word cap here, format it so people may not go blind reading it, and explain what you actually mean. Because I can tell already you‘re only throwing words around you think sound good. If you can’t be bothered to explain to a bunch of low life retards what your ideas are then how do you think it’s going to be when you’re up in the big leagues? “Oh, I’m saving my breath.” That’s an excuse if I ever heard one. The first people you convince of your autism are always idiots and lowlives. If they can’t understand you uou better ought to ward them off with semantics and your academics. You’re either brilliant or already powerful.
Do you think Trump, as undeserving and arbitrary as he was of his power, was just a guy? No, he was lucky ans already powerful. A gentile can only prove himself in one generation as a great mins and hope for the best.

>> No.19839014

Love it when Europoors seethe

>> No.19839016

You're already outing yourself as a retard who doesn't actually know the ideology that he follows.

>> No.19839021
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>> No.19839025
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>> No.19839027

>the ethno-state leader who dislikes non-whites complains about being affected by purity
top fucking keks

>> No.19839031

This isn't the guy spamming tranny nazi pics, it's the infamous bugposter, he constantly shits up every thread about women of any race to post his abhorrent mutations.

>> No.19839035

That’s not how it works. Nazi narrative would first of course be that they were defeated by everyone who was not a Nazi, that they were poisoned, backstabbed or otherwise mislead, that the odds were against them but they had to act fast blah blah blah. And nordic aryans (the correct ideological term, they were conscious of all europeans, indians etc. being aryans, contrary to popular belief) would always be superior because they just are okay.

Now, I’m a nordic aryan and I can attest to that, of course, but the nazis were seriously bullshitting regardless.

>> No.19839036
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>Love it when Europoors seethe

>> No.19839038
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>> No.19839041


>> No.19839043

There’s no such thing as the white race. It’s a colonial invention created to provide a justification for the brutal oppression and rape of native peoples. Neither the Ancients nor the Early Mediaevals talked about it. Even the Nazis themselves didn’t care for certain white nations, specifically Slavic and Baltic people — they wanted to kill or deport up to 85% of my own nation (Lithuania) according to their own internal documents (Generalplan Ost). The nazis were not white supremacist; they were Germanic supremacists.
Europe is the continent on which the most battles have been fought. There has never, until now, been any semblance of political unity in Europe, only religious unity (short lived). We speak all sorts of different languages, have all sorts of different cultures, and are quite happy to brutally kill each other from time to time. Only in America and other colonial countries like Argentina does this concept of “whiteness” make sense.

>> No.19839049


>> No.19839051

My mistake, got my schizos mixed up.

The thread is being raided.

>> No.19839053

Cope and seethe, fascism was made by italians for italians, and never considered race.

>> No.19839059
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>The thread is being raided.
Then I'll raid back

>> No.19839067

>Only in America and other colonial countries like Argentina does this concept of “whiteness” make sense.
It barely makes sense there. Argentina is pretty much a mixed nation and in the US, this concept is popular because people don't have any real identity so they cling onto superficial things, like skin color (notice how they never call themselves European or anything that would indicate a culture).

>> No.19839068


>> No.19839087
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Cool. I'm doing with race now.

>> No.19839122

Aww, he thinks he will 'change his world' with 'politics' for the 'better' of his 'race', and he thinks he'll do it by reading 'books'. Cute. Politics are a Tower of Babel, anon, it'll only get worse for 'your kind'. Time to stop dreaming.

>> No.19839153

Not big on judaism sorry, bud.

>> No.19839157

are you serious?
/lit/ is not really the place for you, mate.

>> No.19839160

>common sense is judaism